LOCAL IKTi'LI.ir.I-XCK. Car Ttmral ZStt3,T:rr:ti. Erie Eipvoss East 1l:i"ip. m. tin lo AY i st 17 a in do Mail East !' do lo Wo-d Loral rrcie.ht Fast 10::!s. in. do ilo West n:l-" l. "I- Siilst'in! The Aeolian Minstrels. Mwhli The s!ro"tsof Pidirway. ..Vf The snow that foil last Tuesday morning. Sftrr 'J'ho youti man who Eqiicrz es a youn lady 's. hand v.hile she. has a ylovo on it. At a Viri'ii.i! Poor whiskey, in Jlidway. Landlords s:iy ihoy will have to coma down to live cents a drink since tiio J ks have j one', the (Inod Temp lars. O, don't, j.lo:v.-. Mi:hl!al Tlic l'.ian who tried to walk the Court House lonco with a loflb of Hind Tom" in each pocket. Y!,id-yi-i-iins. We learn (liat an order hy this nam.: is to lie started in lliiljiway, a an ofi'set to the !. TV, Sow 'n.'in. 'i ; Ti n man who car ries tlic morals (-C HMp.wny in his vest pocket. Late.;! .' tho 1 iic.il Ktylu of lmn nets are said to he. about as Li;.; a-- a po;; tape slan-p. Sew in; ('!i' The ladies of our village have started a sowing circle. Our Devil says I heir will I " no longer any use of puh'ishin;; the A-Ivr.-itfi. AU th-. io Tho tunes ' ilr.ppy Con traband" and '-Klla llee," since tlm Ae olian have subsided, arc m the mouths of everybody. pCTjuTJie Conrtnis.-ii'iiors f 1""; Co. will meet at their oilicj in Kid'way, on Friday, tho 22J day of March. 3r0l. .1. K. P. HALL, Clerk. Commknc r.n. Haftiiur has pon1 com menced in good earnest', the recent rains having raised the different streams to a good stage. K3ullca-f 'bo new ad vortisciiiciiU in this issue. They will repay uti atten tive poni.ul. The temperance movement is ro grossing throughout the counties of Clar. ion and Jefferson, t a great extent, soci eties being fonn;l in all the principal towns and villiuges. ArciiiMNT. At the lumliering can.p of 11. . Smith, M-i , William HiUi, lato ol Montie;::, Canada, had his l.'g severely fractured by logs rolling over him. Mi. 1 J1 (ioilwiu, ot d':npeium, was very s?rhm'y ii.'jurcd nt that place on Thui lay, by be ing slruek on the Hide by a ; i ee of se.iot'ii g t! r vn f o n a c're:;Vir sa.v, breaking three or four of bis ;il'n. lie wiil !: td'ly recover. N O T I C ! . Here:-. fin- the IVst Ofiieo will be closed every evening at S o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from S to 10 o'el iek A. M. Mail ".o.-,d at 0 r- m. l. LUTJii:i:, r. m. Lrci; to Him. Our genial and varm-hoaricd friend, 0. V. GiUis, as vill be s.ie:i by a Ivor: iseuient in this jiier, lias connected himself v.i'.Ii W. '0. llealy in the uieicantiie busicf.ss. Sad Accwett. A young man who ixad Lceu for some time employed ,-tr. the Alpine Iloiiie in ?t. Mary's, met with a had accident one day List week, which may cripple him lor life. He was at" tempting to jump On th? engine of a pacing train, an d musing his ttep was thrown under tho wheels, breaking bis leg below the knea joint, and smash ing his foot. He was formerly a resi dent of lJrookvi'lc, and his mime was 1'hilip Ilamtua. lrs. llartmau and Iuss dressed his wound, Mid at l::.-t ac counts lie was doing Well. DIKD : In .lay tp., l ob. S.l, ot pur. j ural convulsions, .Mrs. Nancy LVowu. lee, aged 111 years. In Ccntrevillo, on 2:)d uit., Jobu Mc- L'leary, aged ;: vciirs. On .Sunday March ;ld .of cuusumpiiou Dtliluh 1'onhaiii, wife of John L. JJouham of iVuUeville, aged 41 years and lU mouths. -MAnniEI). On the i'ih of March, at the residence of the bride's mother, by J. Z. Lindemutli, Es ., Mr. Ju.-epli Miinio- to Mi.-s Maiii Pothrock, both of Caledonia, Elk county. On Friday last a man named Pavid Warren, a resident of El.uin, 0, W., was ; killed by a lulling tree, while chopping ' in tho woodi ne.ii- 'J'iuisvitle. iiis 10. inaius have beta LdwuideJ to hU friends. With lint Tory trifling exceptions (bo Thirty Ninth Conpress is receiving the thanks of tho Populdican press, lor the thoroughness whith which it oom pletcd the business before, it thu Tariff bill and impeachment being tho almost side exception. RrpnliHritu Ex, Yes, Mid the last two things men. tinned in the above arc about all that tho cuuntry have to thank the Hump f.'f not ticeompli.'-hing. ft' rr r$ I ha. I ,lVO ITEMS. The Trineess Alexandria is reported vry ill. A subsidy to the Canailiiu Railway is to be pmposed in Parliament this week. r"i.M:mv persons are in advance of the a-e, but an old maid generally mana ges to ha about ten years behind her's. r V,.H" who pokes his nose in every where will sometimes poke it between a thiiMb and lording :r. lloston is wilhout a collee.'ior, naval olli.-cr or Cnitcd States marshal. It mh-iiis to L.i't along about the same not withst.iiidiiig. The e'.eelion for nieeibijis "I the Italian l'a: 'i.uoent have generally re sulted in uivorol the govevnment which eai ri :s a nitjority. Artenuis Ward h:;s directed in his will, thai his property, after the death of his mother sha'l g towards the erection 1. 1' uu asylum f jr pi inters. V philosopher v. ho had married a vulgar but unliable girl, used to call her brown sugar, because, he raid, she was sweot but unreined. Tl e ila iioil law lerj'iires a five cei-t stamp to be affixed tolwarriiiga certb i cates to nuke them legal. Poos the lack o! a stamp upon such a document inva dale a .marriage '( b r-.roposed to hold a piblic meet. 'r,.-Z in A'ietoria tn ei-nsidcr the propriety of p-t itii i;it:;: for the admission of that colony into the llritish North American Conl'edo ration. ft is a ftriking fact that the actual reduction ot the national debt within a single vear, from March I, l?'ili, to March l', 1 R57. am mints to $181,00, 110, At this rapid rate of reduction the entire debt could be wiped out in fifteen ycais. The n'.'trregate.i of tho commerce ol H .f ton for 11)15 areas followes : Exports, ?21,t!;i.).ri:;:, an increase of f1.77.").-03 over 18fi") ; impnr ts, S47,i)2;5,940, an increase of SI S,4S-l,'52.'l ; value of nier. chandisc tbaowu on tho market, Sol, 77-J, an inercaso of $11,01)0,039. A man came home drunk on a cold nigMi and vomited in a basket of gos lings, which his wife had placed before tho firu, seeing w hich ho exclaimed : My (l id; wife, when did I swallov? them things? The Radicals or Allegany City, r.i., are running a negro for mayor, to show '-their love," and 1'red 1'ouglas bovts that Fomo white men prefer sit., ting next til him in tho ens. Isn,t this age just ''huiiky" on tho nigger proccs ? A Democratic ma-? meeting, to re- oru'ani::.; the party in Duri, was held in M, Louis, on 1-nday night. Jieso'u tions iavoring a National Convention and declaring that every white citizen of Missuii should vote at all hazard j were adopted. Cti arm::? V. H;ifivi-'., better known as "Arteinus V.'ard," died at f-'oulh-hainptoii, Knghiud,' on tho fitb. Ho was a man of keen observation, and, under the. cover of a quaint style, oftou ; icsented truths in a most forcihlo man. ner. The letters of '-Artemus Ward" have been rear! in ail portions of Kuropo and Atactica, and his lectures attracted crowds on all occasions, fu privata life Mr. Ilrowne was a kind, gctii.il gentle man, and his death vill b? sincjrelv tiiouriieu by his immerou:i friend. and admireis in this country. It will be interesting to many' Id know that the prospect is excellent for a-i abundant wheat crop- the nest har vest. Although the weather has been extremely cold, the young shoots have been protected from the lVosts by tho heavy lall of enow which has covered them. The propect of a lull crop in this section ot tho .Stale never was bettor than it is at present, and our farmers, alter a partial i.iiluie of tho past two years, will hail a largo wheat crop with much satisfaction. On Thursday la ;t Mr. .Stevens intro duced a bill into tlic llouv? of llftpro sentaiives and had ir passed, the object of which was lo lake Alexandria from the State of Virginia and incorporate it in the Di.-tiiet - of Columbia. This is t'lo late; t invention of the l'adieals to make negro votes, mid was prompted by tho riceur municipal election in that city in which thu Radicals were defeated by the C,,iic uieu. CABLING ! CABLING TONo liofU Ulialilv tlll n;:.i :,.. I nnd f) tor f-;-n 1 in sj: i a.:, ine LOW li.ST market 1 your i.i-4rs. . J. row EI LL r H I : A M E It I C A N C O W - M ILiU N if i CHINE! Tho URE.VTEST und Siirc .'--l'ul invention of (lie Apo ! ! Every prudent farmer tdmuM have MA. most one. pceui-e your own territory. A ply car tho of'lco. ly at EXCHANGE liEIDEINu, Tcli. 1 1, ot Hairishurg, I i.THl SALE. Tho .Stoic. house and Lot occupied by Eui ke und Wood is offered I'd- sale. 1 desirable location in the thriving borou-h of St.' Mary's. Apnly to CHAS. McVHAX, J icuzincr P. O. Jan. tl, J7.tf. Elk Co. Pa. "1 OHN 0. II ALL, Attorney nt law, Ridg tl way, Elk county l'a. mar'Ha'tiii ly. J 01! WOHK of nil kinds and dcs. eriptions done at this office. (i arvei: iiou.se. warren, rn., Hull & J Hall, Proprietors. nug'.I'liG-ly A Ll'INE ItOU.S'E, St. Mary's i'a., Hor j man Kiel., rioi.iiel.oi-. rujr'.l'titi MHIE art of .Id H ANCIV! -ml 1IAN.lt) PLAYING taught by U. W. I'.I'.OWN, Jiidgway, l'a. sipl 1-tf S .ixr.crTio.N.s". svmwss, pem'd-;, j j nas, Warrants, &e., mi Inuol nml for s:ile nt tliis olliee. H. W. JAMi:S ItLAKI'.I.Y Tliysieinn and sliM-ireol), St. Mary's, I'll; rmiuty l'a. Lmar-"'t;ii-1y. It. W. W. HI! AW l'i art iocs .Mo'liciuc nml Siir-;pry, ('ontvcvillB. T.ll; county Vn. niar-'JJ'tiii-ly. "gt:. A. P. HILL K'-vsey. I'.Ui county Vn. Will pro'iiplly nnswi'i nllprnfi "simial calls by niiilil or day. f m ar-lll!' -l y - !. J'.I'.F.N J. Kl'SS. l'liysiio.ui and Sim-. j'rnii. .'!!. Mary's Klk enmity l'a. J imp- 21 "(5(1-1 v. I) oil!) 1 Oil, !'"! Malit.V. I.y the ft, i-.-oie!, at (50 cents per galhni. liv ueill-if J. PdWICLL. 1 you want 11 ''""l of Salt, I'iwu-. ( or i cod. vou can snvo lnutiev hv Iniyini; ol net 'it tf. J. POWELL. AC HIE .T. P.LAKELY. Aitorney mid j Cotiiisellm- nt taw. and V. 8. ('ononis- usncr. Iliogway 1 . O. J.il; county. I .i.. niar-iJ'tio-ly. QOVTIir.U AND WILLIS Aitorneys a Law, l!i l;;wny. Elk county l'a., wil intend to all pi ofessiounl Lusiness prompt, ly. lnar-e'tll'.-ly. TY;- V'"' ,;' IIAltT.MAN. S-'t. Mary's. Elk J cioinly, r. Late of ll.c Ariay of tl.o i iii'Oii ie. l'ai iicular aner.tiioi (riven to nil cases of surgical nature. inn'-'J'J'titi-ly. 1' vou wtint l"" Ta"'1" or Vr- A,'..,.'u c li.lii-'Oeil Miilii.iniy Tiui-e. cult upon ihe only iniihorized n-rent in llidg wav. cut. 11-lf J. l'OWELL. rtiwiM'icsi of all Ivinrlis, ( J cheaper than can he liougiit at Erie, nt wholesale or retail, liy oct. 11-tf. J. POWELL. TllsT'"TfoTTTTZ J . 1!. WIlLELEr., rmooiiKTon, This houso is conveniently mid pleasant ly local ed in the tlu-iviiij; village of Cent ra ville. Every utteiition paid lo the onvc n ience of nuesls. CI 18li7tf Oil l'IMNTINO, suelias Cards, rosters, tf Hand liills. Jiill HcniH Sc., Hone nt tlm ADVOCATE Ol'FICE on short notice and at reasonable prices. . ('1 II. VOLIC, Manufacturer and Ucato y. in Lnp;er lleer. opposite tho Kailronil Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county l'a. ' Mar-ii'tiU-ly. '' ' 3011 DWELL AND MESSENCER DnijJ- a uisis. Dealers in DruirsaniH licnucals. l uinls. Oils and Yaruisb. l'ci-fniiiery Toil, ctniticles and Stationary. Kidfcwny, Elk county l'a. mar-22'UU-ly. EN It V II. THOMAS, Dealer in nil kinds of I'urnitiirc, Spring Hods and Mattresses, . Picture I'rauies mid Coflinti, Uidpwny Ta. Ware I'oonis on the corner of Main nnd Depot St's. in.iy-1 7'U'j-Iy. DT?..T. S. r.OE DWELL" EleVlic I'liyir cian. Lntc of Warren county Pn., will promptly nnswer nil professional cnlls by nic;ht or day. Residence one door east of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.'fiii-ly. 7"ASHIN0TON HOUSE, St. Mary's, county l'a., i-.Uwnrd t'.aliel I'ro. prietor. This house is new and fitted np with especial care for tho convenience of guests. (I011I Ptnhling attached. . ' Mar-lWon-ly. LIVER & liACOX. Mnniifiiiiltm.i'H nnd Wiiolcsiilo A- lietail Dealers 111 Floup Feed and Grain, Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar ket rates. n'ujr, ttli-(jii-ly Jons o. iiai.i :.. HALL At torncvi .IAS. K. V, & mio. UALU - j 1 1 - L ci "v . ST.'MAUY BENZIXfJKlt 1. O. EI K COUNTY, I'A .September 20, lHtiti. y. QT. MAltY S IIOTLL.Jt. E. Wcileudorf y rropi-ieior, Mary's. Ell: county T.i 'l his lie. we iiiiu- iii'.l i:i'i...l n,. will. ....a clal cu e for th" couvenieiice nnd comfort of puests, nt moderate rates. Free Mack, to nnd from tho Depot. Uood niiWinp nt laciicu. Lmnr-L'J Ctj.Jy. tJRACTICAL CLOCK AND VATttU M AEEIt. ST. MARY'S, Elk county Ta. Edward Mel'.ride, keops constantly on linn d and tor tale, Vtatclii-s, Clocks. Silver Ti lled Wave und Jewelry ot all descriptions. SruRcpaii-ing neatly executed, jimi done 011 short not ice and lcasonablo terms ' Mar tt'tlil.ly. HOMETlIiyq NEW ! IIOCSE, SIGN & CHNAKEICtAL PArSTTTO, ' pilE .M T..-CK I II E R W tll'LP It E- X sTccifully inform the citizens of Elk county Hint ho lins just started in the nnove liusnicSH 111 Unlgway, and feel couti dont lhat ho can please nil who may favor hil l M-0I1 their custom. (I RAINING, TATER HANGING AND CA LCI MINING DONE ON fdlORT NOTICE AND IN THE r-.cst fnsliionaMo and improved niaiuiei- nnd style, ur.lers let 6 nt (his Olhce or at tho Eiinliine; HoDseof Soutliur, Willisi Soulhoi will be promptly attended to. W.. P. WILLIAMS, M.-iy-17'CU-ly. rv MHAYEU HOUSE, J. IUDGWAY, PA. D.YIH THAYER, l'riprietor. Tlic undersigned having titled tip a laro nml couimodious liotil on tl.o boutliwe. t comer of Centra and Mill streets, with pool nnd convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the puHio generally. duoia Oij ly 1UYID THAYER. TBhc mihsci-iber Lprs lonvo to nnnoiuicc to J tho citjens of Elk and adjoiiiiug ooun. ties that he hus purcliused tho harness shop lately occupied by John Smuli, and that ho is prepared to do ull kinds of work in a suit, nble st lo, SAl)'lLnS,BR;i)Li:s,IARXESS kept constantly on hand at pricey, to luit tiio times, (iivo mo a call shop iu thg ec Olld story of Ui-u;; Ktoi-e buil lin. ucll-Jjr. C. LEVIS. L1CKNSK D AUCTION E K I!-. "VTOTICK is licrcliy given that 1 liavc tak J( en out ft licence ns niiclionccr, and will n.lcnd promptly Jo the culling of nil sales cntrmMrd to my care. Any person r.illitij; si-U-s without n liecns" il lie held niinwcrublc to flip strict letter ol the law. 1 W HA It It KIT. J.)ec2 UStltilf. Auelioticer. WtIKKl.Kll.V-. WILSON'S FVAV. I NU M ACI 1 INKS The under pinned linvinpr lieca npi ointrd S'nle Ai-nl I n- (lit sale of Wheeler Wilson's Fewing Machines for i-'Ak county, lie keeps nil nssrirtinrtit eoiisli.ntly on hand Mnclii'ivy sold nt I'liiladclpliiiiiiinl Now Vor prices. Anv parlies desirous of ol.l.-iinine tiiemcaii nddrcss J. K. W It IT.Vli Hi V March fH-'CP. ly. nt Ui-l-rwuy, l'a. Jr."A(JKSMI T I r 1 X CI ! II. S. UKLXAT desires to inform the citi zens nf llidjiway nod viciiiiiy that he has leased J. ,S. Hyde's I'.lacksrf.ith Shop on .Mill sli-eei. n.nl tins employe. I jTOod Work-iii-n who will l.e over ready to limku an y -thin? from n Imikle to mi aiu-lior. i ailieiiliir attentooi (riven to Ilia slioemi uf huv-es. All I ask h it fair trial. May 17'0(i-1y. !'. OYEUIIOLTEK, , MERCHANT TAILOR, Kkl.-wa.y, l-:ik Co., 1Y. The sul'serilier desires re spool fully to in fill 111 the citizt lis of Rid'way and vicinity that lie is pi-epn. ed to make to ordei' as Weil it can lie dune anywhere, niiythinsr in the line of his loi-oucss. AU he tisks is a fair trial. (loud no: t-unranteed. C-?,, Clotlis. Cassioier", Ypstlnps and Ti iioiniiifrs of the late.-l and most npprtivcd slvlcs keiit cuiislantlv (in hand, r.hicli will In- sold CHEATER THAN THE CIIEAT E.ST. augtlO.y r si 1 1:111:1;! V? s Dealer ill ;i?i;p)0?, JloCit;!, C'ij;pS vifiisic'. MI'S JO ROOMS N(. 43, Ft rut Arrinw, Curry, Pci.nn, T.efers to. I. Powell. 15. F. Ely. Ridpway. Ignatius (larner, ('has. Haigcu, St. Mary's, nov l!J,'(iii, :!iapd. Iliji'CIIilliii.'. RUSTIC window SHADES A T ymimmu WARREN, TA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HAUL WAR REX, I'A. RUSTIC WINDOW 5HADES A T WARREN, I'A. l.17tc. I'll STARCH GLOSS, Is tho only articlo used by first class hotels Laundries, nnd thousands 0; families. pives a beautiful polish, nm!:in,T the iron pass smoothly over the clot li, Having much time nnd labor. Gooils done up with it kc.-p clean imieli lonpci-, consciiiei:t1y will not wear out so soon- It makes old linen lock like new. OUIl IMPERIAL BLUE is tho best m the world, hard ns well a soft water. It. is soluble iu It is nut 1111 ine satc-st, neatest, and most convenicut . . .. . . . lerm of hut r.ll'ered to thn r.iil.li.. Ir wurranlcd not to sneak the clothes. Agents w anted everywhere, to whom we offer cx traordinary iiiduceinents, Address, NEW YORK .ST A RUli GLOSS CO. No. lilts Tulton t., New York. NEWSIIOR TIS! TJX!! TTX!!! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !! John So3enkeimer & Co., WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS. S'f. MAUV'S, I'A. Keeps cnnstaiitlv on band and fir .sab a lai'e aud well Fel. cied took of TIN WA1UJ, STOVES Ae, Wo have evervtliina eeneiallv kent in 11 Tin Mlnm Our Stock of STOVES consists In part of A NT I DUST PAKLOIi & COOKlXtl KTOVPS. ALSO I UOX. OATH & WHEAT- SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE Can bo hnd fit our shop cither riveted or proved. KPOUTl.VU AND nOlillM). dovo 11.. t-liort notice and ut reasouablo rates. Jun 14 Gti-ly. A. II. Gkav, R. II. E.MKIISOX, E. F. A hams. A. I. Wilcox, QJl AY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GEOCEHS, ST. MAliY'S, Oppokitc Alpino House, Elk County Ta." DEALERS IN l-'lour, Feed, Putter. Cheese. Peed, Corn, Salt, Fish, Pork, Hani, l'bwdcr. Canued Fruits, Peef, 1 Jeans, Xails, Glass' AND STAPLE GROCERIES. Pcceinber W, 18GG ly. THE PLACETO BUY IS AT TIIK HI I )1 WAY DRUG STORE, Ki:rr r.Y HOHDWEI.L k M US SENG Kit, IValors in 1'rupTi, Medicines, I'ainls. Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, lr. fuuieries of all Kinds, The purest Yarnh h, r'ushes of every .tyle and i:hc 1'yc Stuffs, Pure Conf'cctionarics (itrou. liaising, Patent Medicines, '.Vines, Wat'jhes, Jewelry, Kings, Tobnecoes & ?egars PYlre; Lienors for Medicinal pur poses only. A " LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything I'seful Pertaiuiiii; to the Unit; )iisiness Gen erally. Pure Drtius at Low Prices ! Pure Drns at Low Prices ' Notions in Endless Yatwly! Aoltous in J-.ndless nriety . American and English Watches ! American and English Watches 1 Latest Stylos of Jewelry, Kimjs. &e. Latest Styles of Jewelry. Pint's, Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels I-ancy Articles, 'i oys, Latest Novels ! Albums, News, Stationery, Pird Oairos ! Albums, .News, Mattoncry, Ibid ( itiics ! Violin, Panjo and Guitar Ftriui;s ! Violin, Uanjo and Guitar firings ! niai-'iOlO'd N EW CASH GPOCEUY STUPE T I lll.'y (r iTnci.iu. t-. , ..u iiO .'ieiAjM j-i 1 , j:ea:er in uroeeries iv.c., wouni resrieetTillv inlorin the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that lift tins pine into the drocery business, nnd will open-on or about the middle of May. J lo keeps constantly on banc an extensive stock ol TEAS, FLOUR SUGARS, TOPACCOES, SUGARS WHISKEY by thcbarrcl orquart, and every thin;; eonnceieu witn n lirst class (jroccrv o. more. I will Pell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER 'than inc. cui'jAr.bJsl . 1 invite everybody 10 conic ana satisty tneinselvcs. .TAJIES MeCLOKEY May 3d, 'GO. Cm. K ERCSENE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE l.OILERS, GLUE 1U1S, Oil. CANS, &c. &o. telf All the cooking for a a li-f family may bo done with -"a t'Sf Kerosene Oil, or Gas, 'Xu fi-ri? with hss trouble, and at tr tSf less expense, than by any 'XDa other fuel. 'Xx-i Each Articlo Inaniifaeliired lv il.wi',., puny is guaranteed lo perform all that is .".iukii ior 11, C3" Scnd for Circular. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADU. KEROSENE LAMP II EAT Kit CO 20G Pkaiil Stkeet, N. Y. July-10:0tj.-ly. Tf ALUA15LE LOTS FOR SALE.- V The undersigned has laid out a vil lngo upon liis ground ndjoininj the Kida way Depot, to l.o called ELK. 'Jho lots arc -t) feet front by Ion feet deep front hit towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, ij'100. F01 the second lot sold. fcillO. I'or Ihe third lot foM, tfl'-O and to on increasing price as lots tire sold. t''i. First piirohnfiers get the choice lot at 1 lie c Ilea rest rates. Vm-chascrs will be registered in Iho 1 r- der of their npplicatiou Ten percent of 1 tie piirc'in-.e money must bo paid al tlic 1 tine 01 1 lie. n ppticat ion. M..''Ocauoii:( win no inado 10 .lolin U. Hull, Esip, Ridway, l'a. J. S. HYDE. Eidgway, miir,'.)'(J(i-tf. ITCIT! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch : Scratch ! Scrnich ! WHEA.TON'8 OINTMENT Wu.i. Ci ni: tiii: hen in -H Horiia Also cures SALT RIIEI'M. i rcfDS CHILi'.LAlNS. and all ERUPTIONS OF THE ISK1N. l'rico i) cents. For sale l.v all druir-'ists. liv sondinrr (ill miu 1.1 WEEKS' & l'OTTEii. Kla Aconis. 170 asliincton street, Eoston, it will be for warded t. V mail, free of Host aire, tonnv vend of the United Mates. 1 jiiiie-7'tiii-l V. ROYESTEEX & CO., i l.VNO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 1U3 JiriHuhri.i, Xac York. THESE 1'IANOS received tho Highest Award of Merit ! nt the Wart-Fa i-'.tir. p.oi- the best makers li 0111 London. Paris, tier many, the cities of New York, Philadelphia. Rail imore nnd iiox'nn : nNo iho finld Merlil al the .!.., r.'.- :n Institute, for FIN E siicces sivo venrs; ! Our l'innos contain lie Flench (irand Action, ltarn l'eib.l Over. strunir Lass. Full Iron Fraam and nit l,i ern liiiprovemetits. Every iiislriiuicnt wtr runted F1YJ! tmr. M.-ido under the m pervision of KB. J. H. CBOVESTEEN. who lias a practical csuerienco uf over Mm-iv. five Years, ail I is ihe maker nf ie.-r .-'.;',, thousand jii.mo orfn. Our facilities fir manufacturing enable us to sell tKwe in struments from sj tOO to tfiiiM) cheaper ll.au any first class piano forio. Jiity-lV UU.-Iy. THE PLACE TO ItUV IS WIIERll YOU CAN litiY The Cheapmi. -. s, r-. - r. - ; S 2 C 2 n : 5 r P S . ? 1 1 o) s 1- I. isfpff; i- Fl r. o A Z. ' a i V. u- Z 7 z '" i l. r-! " J :.. r ' Ml , H 1.., tej o r l ;hS H ' 'Jt ? . ' 2 3. M 5 :-i .-i 'KO - a i - CO i, en c- -I 1 'A -, 03 v - 5. S &5 -.-r. '" i3 5 Q ' 'i p d 2 " 5 p 0 GO - oj . a o WE SELL O'KJDr! AS LOW AS THEY CAN IJE liOUlillT IN E r 1 e 1 1 n . 01VK US A CALL, AND !VE WILL .F r o v e i t . G R EA T E.X CI TEM EX p P3 O O c o CO O O o m S3 ft H C 1 . .. M o o 1 1 'is.,? o 2 h-H 2 W 3 t3 n 0 H O 'tJ (si ci IS C c H Ui t! CD o 1 PCI 2 r-T-i tj'l O O VI O -i ft o o J& "0, rj AdAIXisr litosur ii.VMAUE LyFIItE. rS',!!l' I-.v.e"'";ilJ C'-nty Muli'al Insiir- H ....re . o-.iiiai.y at .Mnmay, l'a., con t in in-. lo Insure a -.iin-1 I n;. ..,'. 11 1... Fire im all !,,i,,i., ,.f .; r.-haiidi-e. I'liblio and piivatu lo.d eiiiier iu towa or ciiiinlv. Also ,.u I-1: i "'"'" "'' ;''on, , n t.c. h.we-t posslbla rates, oi.ii-isii hi with s:i!',.:i- 1.1 (i... mid Insured. Tie' l.ycoin'iii;' County. Mil 1 nil in-lo-iitn-e Coiapmiy inv.ies n.i investii iraiion ns to iu lability. im capital amounts to O.hoo.oooj Tims asuriii3 lo every one uf in patrons t hai their losses will lie promptly and satis .'a.onily paid. Its liiaiiaycmeui hasulwayj l.i -n pimlcid, lis its exisictuo of twenty, .s'x y.-lies fully dciinnslnitej JAMES l'LAKELY, Ag -iit f, r E'U county, t Si. Muy'a