The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, March 14, 1867, Image 2

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    Tlu III; -iy,.t V ,.,',:
t ' "-r
joh.n o. mil, rmroi-.t i-noriiitTou.
3. F. Mooui., im nti-um.
TI il'!SI)AY :
"NTivrcl,:::::::! 1th, 1S07.
B?XTlii' N-w IliiiKj-sliiro election
cnir.o. oft' on Tncsilay 1 s i r . Jli'nrs re
jiorls of a iK crcaseil iiutlicul uuij"Mtv
are current.
KivHT.ns.-Tin Inllnwiii;: In!! j.iis.-cil
y tlic hcjiis'.iilurc a few i ! ; i y s fit:?!! v.iil
lie intcres'titm; to saloon keepers. Tin sc
desiring to;litnin smli license shoiiM
make application nt'the c 1 1 : i ri ir Court,
otherwise tliey will liavo to wait six
month longer. The act rea ls fol
lows :
Further to ululate the -rar.iiu of !!
censes to hotel and eating ho'i.-s.
Kit. 1. 11- it n;ift, , ,t,- That
application is
to mi v
court of iUarter sessions id' this Coin
nionwcali h fur license to ii:n. trea
ting u rinks under rsi.-V. laws, it shall
ha lawful lor said court io i ear petitions
in nuUition to that of the apt li.-ant in
ia?or of an 1 reinniiotraniv--. ng tiiirt the
application lor muIi liecn- o, an 1 theie
upon lo refuse the same w In. never in
the opinion ol'saiil court i-ticii is
not necessary for the aec-itniuoilaiion ol
the public ati'l entertainment el m rang
ers ami travelers, an 1 all laws inconsis
tent with this section arc herei'V rej'eal-
Sec. 2. That applications for license
to keep an rating-house, nuliioi iini- tlie
pale of domestic wines, 1 1 ::il 1 ami hrewcil
1'npuors, shall lierealkr he ina.le in the
fiatne tnniitier ami to the. san.-c aulhority
as application lor license to keep a hotel ;
J'rnciii That the regulation in rehi'
tion to bed. moms and Lcds shall not a;.
ply to applicant.-) for an eating-house,
heer limise and restaurant licence. and the
10th section of the net of iMtti April,
1858, authorizing county treasurers to
prant an eating lirusc or retail brewery
license is hereby repealed.
Sec. IJ. No license to keep an rutin;;
house under the. provisions ef the
second section f.f this act shall be grant
ed in nn incorporated city for a less sum
than fifty dollars, nor elsewhere for a
less sum than twenty dollars.
Skc. 4. If any person, after the
passage of this act, shall pell domestic
wines, malt or brewed liiiiors, in a
house kept open to. the public, without
liaving obtained a license to keep an eat
ing house, such person shall, on c mvic
tion in the court of ijiiartcr sessions, be
fined, for the fir.-t ou'ciice, in any sum
not less than fifty nor more than t wo
hundred dollars, and for the second, or
any subsequent o.T.-iie such pel son
shall be fined not h sv than one hundred
dollars and be iinniis .ucd in the county
jail not less than thirty days nor mure
than ninety day ;.
Si-'.c. ."). That the -,rovi.-ions of this act
phall m t apply to the city uf I'hLv
7.t:i. roil L::st;i; iv. Tn the .Senate,
on last Satu.oPjy, '..Mr. ('all!cr011 intro
duced a resolution instructing tho ce.ui.
jnittecc on Foreign llelatious to impure
what steps aic rccc-miy to prevent
foreign jroveninients f'reni introtlueliig
in his continent ii.stitutiniis ef ;;overn
lucn t contrary to iho. c established by
the founders f-f this llepublic, etc. t!e
ferred to t)ie Committee on Foreign 11c
lalions." It is ci iuie.H, indeed, when a
legislative body that puts ten States of
lh.i American lni( :i under the arbitary
rule of "olii.-ers el the army not below the
ran!: of Jiiidier-!!eneral," nlVei-ls a
f rpie.nnlsti :;ppiv!n'i:.-i"ii that '!' r;n
ioci rujvi-i'-: way iutro'lucj njon this
xntin cut iti--titu;io!is and .ivcrrtmctiM
contrary to those e-lablisuod by tho
founders ol this lfepubiie." Xo lorei;;n
.'cvernuient can ni-ily pet luithcr ironi
tho institutions f.f 'Mho founders'' than
i a huv o poin ; i ui's, -Ives. We inn no
lisk of catching ili'--poti.-in from Canid.i;
the ll.nlicai.-i have inoculate 1 th i Inly
j-olit'to with that dc.i ily viru-i, an-1 it is
( ther nation-i who may take salutary
warning fsoui our fate. We can ien;;
iiic the reply to a remonstrance, on this
dint, a 1 liesse 1 to a Ibitish Minister,
liow promptly would the represcntmive
i:f a nation spnin;; from tho l nian no.
Lie and the Saxon people; who, with like
zeal, labored to build up the pv.iu-l and
: ncieut structure of Mn,;lii!i liberty
how promptly would such a represent the i;reat principles
rf Cbarta and Hill of lights bad
Iccn brought to America by Urit'sli
'eoloiiists, ''the loiiu dels of th ) llepub
liic," as part of tlieir birthrilit , an 1 that'
the American i;o crnniont iui:;!it rest
ussured thj liritish oveinuient
would never couutenanco any attempt to
(overthrow tho civil lihcity which should
.be the po-esMon an-l pride of Ku!i-!i.
IliC'i and their r-'iilotest b '.:cen dan' ,
, c, ten. It ini'jbt r.w.:' eve': Mr.
if'c v irJ to reply ti a di-pat'j'i of that Aj'.
cl-irpvoi oi t .! I b.s c ioj,re"i.
ii..:i lli:it they seem -1 t i p-iy uni-h more
; -I. ioll tO till) (' I.V. ;T: iull ill' .'-CVCI1.
1 li r iel thai! t'i lb. ii' fellow lu. n.
'I'o.i: 1! is!o:i !':! s.-vs "oue-lblid of
: i.ominati jus lej - .'.,-d by lac Sen
r W ie ' b-ijs in I, .Hi.''
!. ,aliiii-"-'n b el i!v ) in ll.'s i-euc-ration
Im e nil i i'l h ive b u ia icat
i'l'i'i'wspoiji'i'i:' ff K)i
( 'el'l l - jielulclU'C ef the iulvec:lt e.
elit Mnriutt: Wo have been fro.
(jUei.tly inhu med by the press and nth'
wise, that this is an ape of progress;
and some also have characterized the
present as "an ape of m eat moral ideas."
I hat ibis is so, there can be now no
ipiestion ; though some old lories may
even yet be loiiud who will complain ol
lie it in ttion our progress is taking, ami
object to the Humility of sonic prevail
ing 'ideas."
Citicns who Two on tho outskirts of
the county naturally look into the Al.
mi-ale to sec what is jioini; on at the
center, and, since this is the type ol the
world to them, lo sec what direction the
affairs of the wi.r'd arc taking. Voiir
e..i respondent '-Jerry" I km ti'.vcn ns a
hint of the kind ot progress which is go
i nH on in religious aiTairs, which in sonic
a.-pects does seem to cicourae the ex
pectation that flic world will soon be
converted. If the church becomes
pretty much like the world, the world
may I c supposed less unwilling to " jo'n
the church." If th'cti'inal neaebii' is
itiven up 1 eeau.-e what used to be called
"the mind" noes not relish it; if
worldly amti'-cincnts are baptised and en
couraged as a means of supporting the
institutions of religion ; then it may be
snppo-ed i here will be less io hinder the
chariot wheels ( the pospcLV: the world
will so. in be converted, ilut before car
mn j out the programme it may tie well
to a.-k, ''convened to irlmt'."' and to
c.-n.-ider, with ail t-:eriou-mess, whcihur
if will ",-.
In the political world we have cvi
dencc ot jirfirrs. Our fathers regar
ded e.'- it.:! fart'i laws as essentially un
just, and by the constitution foibadc
them, net only to Congress but to tho
several State.-".. Xnv the majority of
the people (as represented in Congress)
think tin! same nut only just but wise
and luce.-sary,
A pain. The idea that tho content of
thr iurcni(il is essential to the just au
thority of government, seeing to be paven
place tn wholly different ideas, one of
which is this, Those who are ri'jlit
should rule, and tec nrr ri;it. It may
indeed be (piestioncd whether the "just
powers'' ol civil government arc deter,
mined by the 'consent of the governed
but we see yrnnr, . w hen a class of peo
ple who held that as an axiom, now hold
that "night makes right" at least where
k;' have the might.
Hut the hind of progress, that is tho
question. What will become ot tbis
nation it' wo "progress" much farther?
If the church would bo the "salt of the
earth," it must be manifestly " uot of
the world." If legislators would secure
for their country tho favor of Heaven,
they must obey the constitution to which
they have sworn, and be contentto learn
wisdom from IHviuo devolution.
r.inoWAV, .March VI,
Mr. JMitor : In his last communication
In tfic A.lvu -:it'., A. K. proposes to pilot
me llirntiph the in! riciieii-s of Xo. til hy
DniiMc l'li-itinu if 1 will rull upon him per.
r.iinilly. I fully appreciate, luit must, de
cline liis kin. 1 o tier, l'or eamliieliy, I lmvc
not the incliiiiil i..ii. oven if I had I lie time,
10 iii;il;e a journey to his rc.-'ideneo, where,
ever ii may he. In lie so oiiler'iteued, as I
e in s 'o mi pi-iiei icnl ine in the rule, when
w pi .ililein may lie worked in a far simpler
nianin r l.y Algebra, a nntlio 1 imw in vogue,
while Deiilil.i i'o'ition is ohsylete.
As I ani net ove;- imxious t o lio "counted
in fur I he lieer," un 1 ' en n't get any una
i-Is a to work it ; " it liavin escaped A. It's
notice, I tend u solution herewith to my
(o feel. 4 inches) minus 5 feet equals 4
inches ; and J inches divided by two equals
I ho phice lieynnd the; on the face of
the wheel, where tiie wheel bears on the
in!!. The pei peiidiciilrr width of the faco
of l he v. heel is four inches, and in that
(li-hnice ili3 wheel diminishes in diameter
i :! i'eet ) minus ( 1 1." inches) equals .5 inches
Then ns 4 inches is to ." (one half inch) f.u
is 1! inches to .'Jo (one fourth inch) and
so liie lii.ico-tcr of the wheel ut its hearing
is :) feet minus ,T- inches equals l! I'eet, 11
.Toin'los. As the in lius of I he curve of
th ' enter i-.til is In that of the inner rail, feO
is I he .Unmet -r uf the out. i- v. he el at the
p'aee nf l.ea riii;.' to llmi ot the inner wheel;
viz : as l:ii l) feet is to (l'Jtlil feet, minus 5
feet J ine!ie equals Hill feel 8 incites, bo
is :; 1 1.70 iiici.c.-ln J f. et ll.o'.'l inches.
Thin llo- .iilfei .-iu-e of the diameters of the.
two wheels at the places of bearing is (:J."
.7o iuehi-s minus ""i..V.l tneh-'s) eoua's -1 C
inches. Then, to see how lunch on tho
perpendicular face of the wheel this dill'er
enee in il:.oneier will vary the bearing ; as
..j inches i to 4 incites is Ai. inches to
1.-7- itielnx. 1 ' ut this di fl'ei-cuce be
11 1 p'ie-1 lialf to each wheel, viz: l.'J7J (li
vnied by 'J f-q'ta .iV-',i', ineii'-s, which biviiss
I 'i? place ef b";'.i'inp .O.lii inches n ar..-r lo
ill.- liauu'e nil ;lie .oiler wheel, and i'lii iu
elie fai-ih'-r lr.e.n lh-' linage en the inner
wh.'il and the middle .o'.nt between Ihe
I uo i'.-:iri'i;.;s will be .l'..'l iuelics iVom tho
cent i-e of I he axle lo ivai-ds the i finer curve' ;
end in thai place must ihe centre of gravi
ty of the vhulc load bn ploccd, to make the
wcieht ef the lnad fijnally on each
rail viz : ,i;:!'i iiie'.n . fro m the mid lie ef
Ihe axle towards the inner rail. WILL.
to re-
:i. lonroii: ".'c wi.l aehanee
pel llso .1. It's. pl'd'luni pu'olislie I in
l.aoev ot N'd. 1. 'eh. "Sili. 1".',7. I f
er :
M'eic nol I will iry lo make them plain
i men A Is l unit l enter into pureiier.
and pain iv ei rtuiu sum of money, of
h A li and t; tiiok 12!!. that, is" tho
nut of llicir three shares was i'lJO,
il in
ig 1 i's share out, P. (,' und I) tonic .'rlNO
i As share out. (', 11 and A took .fll'i'l
i' li s th.-ueonl, 1) A and 11 look l?l 10
i ( "s sliarc out. What was lie) dis-.-hais
nf 1) A 11 and (' septiral el V.
A. "it.
I i lie
Suppose t o wheels nuo five and tho
iith o- (.un- feel in diai.ieier are placid on
mi a.leh ee lu'i nly feel apart, iui-1 S"t i-id-liti;;
on a Biioiuih, level plain until they des
ci ile- a circle ; what would the diaineiei-of
each eiiv! IW.iie.l l.y tho wheels 11. W
Anna Dickenson's new lecture on
'Something to Do" is a plea, the Indepen
dent say s, lor the enlargement of Woman's
sphere of hibor.
Can tho Independent iiiLriu us about
ho.v long a period is rcijuired lor the cu-
laij uncut ol the sphou'.
l'K.MAN l'lsiMi i Iitr.r.AM). The
news from Ireland to the 7th, shows
that tinned bands of Fenians have np.
peared in various parts of the island and
attacked tho police and cons'; guard.
Conflicts have taken place "car ithlin.
and also in tlu counties of Louth and
Coik. A severe engagement took place
between the Fenians and the miliary
and police in lrogheda, in which many
were killed and wounded on both sides.
There Ins been also a fbrht t Castle
Martyr, in the County Cork. The po
lice at Killmr.llock were attacked, and
the police barracks at. Promnre. County
Down, fired and totally destroyed. Two
perso'ns have been killed by tho Fenians
near lironiore. In counties Clare.
Wieklow and Tippcrary, tho Fenians
are well supplied with armi and under
irood discipline. Hie enmmunicntion
by railroad hefween Cork and Dublin
was completely interrupted on Wednes
day last, nnd the tolcgnrh wires nil over
Ireland are said to have been cut down.
The insurirt'iit army in the, neighbor
hood of Dublin is reported by the Chief
Secretary of Ireland, Lord Nans, to
number from ono thousnnd to four thou
sand men. All tho dispatches concur
in tho statement that the Fenians have
risen in largo number, and it is highly
probablo that they aim at obtaining pos
session of the important cities of Dublin,
Cork and Dellhst.
Lkxt. The season of Lent, which is
strictly observed as a time of fasting in
(ho Cnthoiic and l'rntcstant Episcopal
churches, began on Wednesday last and
will continue sis weeks, ending on
Faster Fun day.
The rules ol fasting or abstinence in
the Catholic Church uro especially
rigid, nil over 21 years of ago being ro
(uired to obey them. The Daltimoro
Sim says, they tire announced as follow cs
by the Most llev. Archbishop Spal
ding ; Adults make only one meal a day,
except Sundays. The meal allowed on
fast days is not to bo taken till about,
noon. At that nicitl, if on and day per
mission should bo graucod f ir eating
flesh, both flesh and fish &re not to be
used at the same time, even by way of
seasoning. A small refreshment com
monly called collation, is allowed iu the
evening; no general rule as to tho
quantity of food permitted at this time
is or can bo made. ut the practice of
the most regular Christian is, never to
let it exceed tho fourth part of au or
dinary meal.
Tho following persons arc exempted
ftom the obligations of fasting : Young
persons under twenty one years of age,
the sick.'nursing women, thoso who
are obliged to do hard labor, all who
throufh weakness, cannot fast without
great prejudice to their health. Dy
dispensation, the use of flesh meat will
be allowed at any time on Sunday once
a day on' Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays, with tho excep
tion of Holy Thursdays and tho second
and last Saturdays of Lent.
t'v.Thc Monouguhelu Jirjnddtran,
of Alleghany county, gives au'account
of an elopement which recently took
place near that town. A gen
tleman, living near tho "Yough," had a
fair daughter, Hester Mary, who loved
a youth of twenty, nnd who was loved
iu return. The lather forbade the
young man the privileges of his lnansiiin,
and informed him that ho conld, by no
means, have tho hand of his daughter.
A few days after this. Ilester'Mary and
Thomas agreed to ''run away," or rather
ride eif, as Thomas had a carriage for
tlie occasion, and the old gentleman
Icing absent they naturally c included
that, tho '"way was clear," as they
were abou to start, however, the "cruel" appeared on the highway, rode
ha--!i'.y up. seize'! his daughter by tho
arm, ordered her back to the house, and
give Thomas "leave to go." Thomas
went, sail and dejected, but ns he was
driving; oil his heait was cheered by
hearing his devoted Hester exclaim,
'Never mind, Tom, 1 love you still."
On tho following Tues lay she bundled
up her duds, went down lo Douglas'
mill:;, and m;t Ti in there, when both
took the cars of the Couuellsvillj road
at Sutter's station for this city. ()u
arriving h etc they sought the nearest
alderm tu's rffice, and were married
' for better cr for worse."
Forney's C'troi, . .'' is still harping,
r.bout the erection at ashtngtou City
by each tta?, of residence? for its icmt.
tirsaul Ji'presentativcs. "Jhcsc, it
says, "shnull be spackiui and iu kec.
in:; with the dignity .and taste of the
States." Let us see how this would
work. Scnatois receive about Sl(.(,0iJU a
year in salary and mileage-not counting
'pickings." The dignity of ours could
not therefore be maintained in mansions
costing, with grounj and furnislijiigs,
1 !.-s than SHbJildiJ each. Our twenty-
f j ir llepresentat'n'es draw somo fivo or
six thousand dollars nn cnuld not sus
tain their dignity iu mansions cost in
with gi'onuds nud furitisings, los than
?"iO,iMIO each, At this rate it would
co 't tho State, at a very low estimate,
fcd , 100,0'JO for the twcnty-8:S resided!
ccs. j lieu would couio too taxes on
that much real estate ; tho insurance
tho repairs ; and tho entire refitting cd
refurnishing every two years, if not
ol'tener. Wouldn't that he a nico little
bill nnd running account ol costs for
tho taxpayers of Pennsylvania to pay to
keep up a lot ot disunion politicians,'
whoso votes nre always iu tho market
for sale 1
A letter from Georgia, stales that
Sinco tho passage of tho despotism bill
Northern men are winding up their busi
ness und withdrawing their capital pre
paratory to leaving tho Slate. .Business
is consequently bucoming completely
(iiitiii M utAbsi. On nothing do th;
comforts and prospctity ol a lauiily n
well as of a cummunity depend so much
as on tho morals of the members com
prising the same ; henco it is crnphati
ciiTy tlio duty of tho better class ol peo
pic, who aro the salt of tho household
and community, to use all their influ
ence iigaiiiht the spread of any kind ol
immorality; for whom vice once takes
hold ot a person, it speedily drags him
down the "path of ruin ;" often before
In-hoc he knows whom he has chosen
for his master.
The most abject nnd hopeless enndi
tion of his life is the life of a drunkard
If you see a young man ranged and lil
thy, without character or principle, you
say to yourself, "nothing; out lujuoi
could have brought him so low That
young man had no idea ol ever becom
ing a conhrnieo. drunkard when be com
menced to take an occasional drink ;
md so there are many young men now,
some no Uount in our ninist,
hopes for a glorious future of at least,
this life arc very bright, but they do
not shrink from that subtle tempter, an
occasional dram, which is necessarily rc-
uired at places where games of chance,
iVc, arc played at Into evenings, l lie
man who will not take an occ.isio.ial
Irink is not wanted ut those public re
sorts, and ho will toon uuu that what is
there invariably associated with these
otherwise harmless 'pass-times" is uot
for him. Hut the youths, whose
:icters are being formed should never be
thrown in the way of these temptations.
How an AL'Ttion Livks. Victor
Hugo rises, winter and summer, with
the sun. He lights his fire and makes
his coffee ; then he writes, reads, or com
poses till eleven, and during that time
no one troubles him in his meditations.
At eleven, whatever tho temperature
may be, he noes out in the terrace of the
house, which is on the same level as his
room, and makes long ablutions with
cold water. Then comes the break list
hour, devoted to family chat and reading
of new papers and letters. This meal
generally lusts; for au hour and a half
I hen the poet takes long strides across
the island. Ho works while walking,
und often stops before tho prints he ad-
nines. He is not given to eating. Ills
table issuuoly set, and ho is always sat
isfied with the dishes set before him.
Although ho has a good appetite he is
moderate, and no one can say that he
has scon him commit tho least excess.
Victor Hugo goes to bed early, general
ly before ten o'clock. Often in hisbrok.
cn sleep he jots down tho thoughts that
cross Ins niina. sometimes no writes
in the daik and make s hieroglyphics
that iu the morning ho alone can deci
Cuffke's lJitibbiANr Idea. A week
or ten days ago a stalwart darkey ap
plied to tho comity clerk for a license
to marry, which was promptly issued in
due form by our affable clerk, and Nig.
bowed himself out, hut in baud, the hap.
picst darkey alive
1 ho circumstance had been forgotten
by thei'clerk, when yesterday walked in
the samo darkey with bis hat under his
nrni, when tho following conversation
occurred :
Nitt "Mr. Clerk, you 'member 'bout
dom licenses '!"
Clerk "What license !"
Nig. " Why dom what you gib tr.c
lor to marry."
Clerk "No, I remember nothing
about it. Did 1 issuo you license to
marry '"
Nig. Dat's it, boss. Dat's it."
Clerk "Well, what do you want?"
Nig. "Why, l'so tried dub 'ouiiin
and don't liku her. I jist want you to
rub out her name in do licenses, nnd
puts in a nudder one."
Clerk "Why, you rascal, didn't you
marry the woman whoso name I put on
the license '("
Nig. "Of courso I did, but you see
I keeps do liccusos in my pocket till do
time bo's I could change deni it dat one
didn't suit wort a cent."
When the ''man and brother" was ns.
sure.! that noting could be done for him
he retired very mucn disgusted with
"do Yankee way ob marry ia' folks."
Cu iro Don ecru I.
Nli'iUOKS IN Til 13 JlillV .HoX.-lV'llll.
sylvania is progressing along tho road of
fanaticism. A lew more strides and she
will stand alongside ol' Massuchuio tts,
its equal, in every respect, so tar as (luf
foe 's concerned. Hut a lew weeks sinen,
the Legislature made it a criminal of.
fence lor rai'roa.l companies, or their
employees, to uttenint to keep negroes
out of the cars set apart for ladies, or to
rcijuest the "cuiiing man to take a scat
even at one end of tlio car. Now the
jury bill is before the House a bill to
provide lor the election of two jury ooui
uiissiouers, one from each party, wh ),
with the sherill ot each county, are t i
select tho jurors. A proviso to tho bill
requiring th-'so commissioners to take
the jurors from tho white i!im of our
population, was voted down by a strict
paity vote ; every Abolitionist voting
tigaiust it, and iafucitr of uuikinj m jri)
Jurors. Carlisle . 'otitnlccr.
Sauford Couovcr. Holt's accoinplieo in
tho luocL trial of Mrs. b'urrat and others,
has been found guilty of perjury. I'o
King, who prevented the agouized
daughter from gaining admittance to tho
l'rctidcnt to beg a day's respite for her
mother, committed suioido through tcrti
bio rciuorso of conscience. Uut these
thiugs do uot restore tho de-id or pajliate
tho crime. Deteottve IJaker und
Hump Congress may lose tho service of
such men in tho Impeachment matter
but the loss makes them uo better.
Thirty Arab omigrauts arrived iu New
Orlcaus last Friday and will settle iu
that city.
lu-ln Vjriicriis.'tyoni.
IO U S A Ij K- The rutin
' block und fixtures of tho Ccntre.ville
Tannery formerly owned by John Mcl'lenry
& t.'o., nro offered far sale. Apply to
JOSlil'H WINFKI-Dlilt.
or W. A. 15b Y,
or V. fiKJltOKNIXO,
March 14, 18l'i7-tf. Ccntrevillo.
The copartnership heretofore existing be
tween William (!. Ilcaly nnd 11. A. Dill, un.
der Ihe linn of Ilcaly & 11:11. is this day de.
solved. Tho business of tho firm will be
set lied by William 0. Henly.
March 14, 13ti"-fit ' 1!. A. HILL.
The undersiirr.pil liavo this day entered
into copartnership undtr the tirin name of
lll'.ALY & OILLI8, in the sale of l'rovisi
ions. Flour, Feed, drains, &c, nt tliosland
heretofore occupied by the bite firm of Ilea,
ly Dill. W. ( IlKALY,
March 14, lSoT-fil. (.'. V. UlLLl.S,
TTIKDI-iLIl'S YDOT, l'raetical flock &
j V.atehniaker, St. Mary's, l-'.lk eouiity,
i'a. Koouis next, door to Ilintenach's
f lothing Store. All kims of work done
done iu a satisfactory manner, and war
ranted. Consultations in regard to work
ill the (.leriuan, reneh or Kngiish lan
I'lingcs. March 1-1, 1 bl'.Tt f.
is hereby given "'a' Letters nf Ad
ministration, with will ainfexed, on the es
tate of TIllCW JOHNSON, late of llenczett
township, Elk county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersiirned. All persons
indebted to said estate nre requested lo
call nnd settle, nnd those having claims
against the samo will present, Ilium duly
authenticated for sclt'ement.
marl int. Administrator.
bv her next friend
Ia the Court
of Com. Pirns
of Elk county.
No. 14. Nov.
j Term, ISM.
Take notice thai, you ni-c required to np-
ncar at the term ol said ( ourt to lie held
on the last Monday of April next, to an
swer the Libellant in this case.
Sheriff's Office. ) J. A. MALOXK,
March 14th, 18G'i. SherilT.
4 11 pnrsons knowing themselves indebted
to the firm of John McClcary X Co. nro
requested to cull mid ssttlc their accounts
immediately, nnd those having claims
against, tho same nro requested lo present
them duly authenticated lor scttlc:uu:it, to
W. A. Itl.Y, nnd
F. SII0UN1NU, of
surviving partner of
mar. 14, '07 St John McC'ltary, fit Co.
JOS. T. IIANONLD, 1 In tho Court, of
vs ! Coin. Pi's of Klk
NANCY M. IIANONLD. j co.No 15, Nov.T.
Take notico t hat you lire required to np
pear nt the next term ot sanl Court to bo
held on the last Monday of April next to
answer the complaint of the Libellant iu
Nirff'H Office, inarll.
u liaiumousiv invai"l"'l UK! rirst I'ri.e,
A (i'lir.I) MEDAL,
Am. Inst., New York, Oct. ltVlo.
P.e.inif pronounced sunerior in Oualitv.
Power und Variety of Tone, and iu number
of combinations.
As tho best instruments of America
were there contending, whichever won tho
b itt!" would have nothing left to conquer."
Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-known
musical critic.
They have nl.'o taken tho first premium
wherever exhibited this season.
PEDAL ORGANS, one, two mid throe
banks of keys six sizes SlJoO to If 1, 500.
Without pe tals, single and double bank in
jii-eat variety, s-h5 to ly .(1. 1 heso Orjraus
Willi their smooth, pipedike quality of tone,
iiitiliil polo stops, strength ot chorus.
unequalled pedals, und general organ-like
effects, nro superior for Churches, Hulls,
arlors and .Schools. They uro put up in
cases of Solid Walnut, fancy veneered Wal
nut, (new and utnqiio styles) uuu elegant
Kosewooil, ot splendid designs iiml finish,
nnd of the best workmanship ! it bein''
intended thut ouch instrument shall bo u
model of its kind. All instruments down
to a tinu octave portable Melodeon, liavo
tho beautiful Tremoluuto slop, without
extra charge.
A lar;?e assortment constantly on hand
at our Genet al Wholei nlo und Ketail Wnro
rooini. Hll, liroadwav.
Our Illustrated Circular nnd Price Lists,
with our new styles, uro now ready. Send
for n circular.
l'EI.Oljnr.T, PELTON & CO
Jliiuulaclurers, No. Ml,
marl lo'm liroadwav, N. Y. City.
1 neso l ianos uro universally neknowl-
edged by competent judges equal to Ihe
best Piano made. ror reterences, they
have many thousand city nnd country resi-
lenls, including larg-j numhers ot the High
Schools, Seminaries, ito.
These Pianos liavo not only stood tho
continued uo nud heavy practice of on
year, but have been used the last Kftern
years to tlio utmost eutistaetioii ot those
using I hem.
They have taken premiums nnd medals
wherever exhibited. Such has been tho
demand for thoso Pianos, thut Mes-i-.s.
Haines Itro's have been compelled to en
large tlieir works to tho extent of .l to oTJ
Pianos a week.
Having now one of tho most extensive
and conipleto Factories iu tho United
States, Factories alone covering over three-
i.mrui u un nei e 01 groiimi, comprising a
ii-omatru 1.1 -l i leet on ecoml Avenue.
They nre undoubtedly Iho cheapest first
class Pianos in market. Fully guitrautoed
tor tivo years. Send tor Illustrated Circu
lur. HAINES liHO'S.
o.'G, 308, 3;0, 302, 304, 3ii'i, 31.8,370,372,
Second Avenue,
inar"180f)3mos New York Citv
XECt'TOR'S NOTICE. Notice is here
by given that Letters Teslauientarv
on Iho esiata ot JOSEPH EIIKIU, lato of
lteniuger township, deceased, liavo been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, nnd thoso hav
ing claims against Jjio samo will present
them Uuly authenticated lor seitleiuenl.
ui;ir7tit .Executor.
VIAtTIII.VtS lor the 73HHon t
A Well DrcHtvctl Man
'.Ill''1 ' lU 1 JI....(U 'un Hill .,,1.11 '....ill t4 m
GP. 1I1NTENACII lowing .taken cn
tiro control of tho establishment
formerly occupied by 0. P. Hintcnach &
Co., would respectfully inform the citizens
of Elk comity that lie is prepared to Iiirnisli
(hem with tho
EestKind of Clothing
nt rales which defy competition.
( llo has on hand a largo assortment of
Consisting of PANTS, VISITS .j' COAT.S,
which ho has lately purchased in the East,
nnd which ho will dispose of at a slight ad
vance on cost.
His Cleiilleuien', Furnising Apartment
is specially adapted to tho wants of his
customer. IJohas also a largo nnd extensive
ING S nf the latest, stylo and pattern,
which ho will nm.o to order in n neat nnd
durable manner, nnd ns CHEAP ns it enn
bo done nny place ia the conntry.
GIVE HIM A CALL. .Satisfaction guar
anteed, nnd goods warranted. All ho
asks is n rAlll TIM AL to prove it.
Si. Mary's Pa., Feb. M. 1 Si 17.
rruu; skip.t.
And will keep its shape nnd retain itsplaco
better than nny otl er Skirt.
This new nnd bcntiful style of Skirt (Pat
ented March 7, 18H5.) was nwnrdid by the
Creat American Institute Fair, held iu New
York, October, lHU-j, a
being tho Highest Premium ever given
n Hoop hkirt.
The Ktcrl Springs arc wound with lino
plated who in placo of it cotton covering
which will not wear oil' or become soiled,
and Iho whole skirt may bo woshed without
injury or tear cf rusting, nnd will bo as
good as now.
The Combination Silver Skirt
This invention combines with tho ordiua
ry Skirt tho advantages or our Silver Skirt
the bottom hoops nro tho same ns those us
ed in tho Silver Skirt . the covering of which'
cannot wear otF, while the upper ones nr&
covered with cotton. No lady having once
worn ono of our Skirts, will bo willing lo
wear nny other, ns the lower hoops of nil
other kinds arc soon injured and soilee !.
The best mnlceials are used in their con
struction, nnd, from their durability and
neatness they arc destined to becomo a
l-'avoi-ifo .Skirt.
Manufactured solely by tlio
Silver Skirt and Wire Manu
facturing Company,
oO und
15.lIU Ji.lY ST,
T. S. Sl'ERRT, Slip't.
Aug 'Jth-ly
I I-. .N -N ri l I.VA.M.I Mill 1CULTU-
The Hoard of Commissioneis now ofTcr for
sale o20,(!(lt) lien's of Agricultural College
Land Scrip, being the be.hinee of the Scrip
granted to the Counnonweulth of Pennsyl
vania tor the endowment of Agricultural
Colleges in this Slato.
Proposals tor the purchase of this Land
Scrip, addressed to " The Hoard of Com
missioners of Agricultural Land Scrip,"
w ill bo received ut tho Surveyor General's
otHen, ut Hai risburg, until 12 o'clock, M.,
This land may bo located in any State or
Territory, by Ihe holders of Iho scrip, up
on nny of the unappropriated lands (except
mineral lands) ol Ihe L'niled States, w hich
may bo subject to salo al private fciilry.
i-iach piece of scrip represents a quarter
section of one hundred and sixty acres, is
issued iu blank, and will bo transferable,
without eu.lorsement or final assignment.
The blank need not be tilled lint il the scrip is
presented for l.ieatii.u and entry, when tho
party boi ling it can hi! Ihe blank and enter
the laud iu h:s own mmte. luds must bo
mane as per aero, an 1 no bids will be re
ceived fur less than one nuarter section.
The Serin will be issued iiione.liatelv on
Ihe payment of tho money to the Survevor
noral. tin all bids lor a less ounntilv
than 10,000 acres, one-third of the purchaso
money must be l aid within ten davs. and
the remaining two-thirds within thiwv
lays nfter notification of the nccentanee of
iho bid or bids by the Hold of Commis
sioners. JAlUU M. OAMP1JKLL.
Surveyor General.
(For tho Hoard of Commissioners.
llAniiisni Ho, Feb. 27, lSf,7.
The tUrard Ufc 1 nturit nre
Annuity & Trust Co.
of philad'a,
cii.jsitm:ui:b j.v isijo
CASH CAPITAL S aoo.otlti.on.
ASSET. ?2,1 .-, I, S.-.5, an.
Mutual Insurance combined with (lit) to.
curily of capital.
For insurance apply to
fobl2u7tf ll-.dgway, P.
Tho partnership heretofore existing
beiweeu George P. HiutmiAch and George
Initio", under tho title of IltNTENA0ir,t
CO., is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. Tito neeounts of tho late firm will
seitlcl by G. P. HINTENACII, who will
coutiuue business at tho same plaoo.
Feb. 12, 3t GEORGE IMHOK.
.A. Tulcn in cx-
change for floods ut