ft A Car Tlriffjf ItUlpf-ntf. Vr't Express, F,n,,fc....,.-.4U01ji. m. Jj do Vcfrt .... J....."...'.. S-47-n in da Mall Tftfi . ,., S:M p. m. 1 :?4 p. m. .J0 80 iwii, (. ... do do West , Local freight Kast. do" do" West. NOTICE.' Hereafter tl8 Post Office will be closed every evening at 8 o'olook.'' On Sunday it will bo kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A'. M.--Mail Closed at 6 P- M. . L. LUTHER, P. M. BfJuJoseph Ehrig, sged 68, died on the morning of the 3d inatafkr; ;jit hit residence iu St. Mary'a. ' ' ' Mi i BJiuThe Aeolian intend giving one of thoii laughable entertainments at Centreville to morrow evening. We would advise our reader in that section, if they want to enjoy a good laugh, to go and see the Aeolians. .; BrLWithdut saying anything dispar aging of the other hotels in Centreville, Wa must ay that the Kersey Hotel, kept by Isaiah Cobb, is a model one.. Visit ors stooping in Centreville cannot do better than to patonize the. above house. We guarantee they, will be satisfied that Isaiah " knows how to keep a hotel.", 1 W9uKov Cirjltls dfc.t at St. Mary's Convent about 8 ocloek P. M. of Satur. day, March 1st aged about 20 years Rev. Cirilus received his education at Munich, Bavaria had been in this country but about six mouths, the great,. er part of which was spent in this county. In this'brief period his piety and nobili ty ot character had endeared him to his people. Removal or tbb Capital. On Saturd ly last our contributor J,' io his 'Jottings,' unknown to us and entirely without our approbation, introduced Representative Myers' resolution for ths removal ot the etate Capital to Philadel phia", with approving comments.' A1- .1. -L . , .. :i L i- i : ... i. . ces or opioions, we leel deeply mortified that our columns have bicn so used. 'J' is a Philadelphia!), and speaks from that standpoint, entirely disagree with him aud Mr. Myers. There is abso lutcly no good, reason, in our opinion, for such removal. ,..' ; , . 1 The resolution' of Mr. Myers was en tirely uncalled for, anl we are surprised that he -a Democrat should so readi ly fall in with the Radical mania for change for leaving that, which has betn tried acid 1'.$.'ood, for that which is untried and of questionable utility. Democrats should be conservative in uetinn as well as in principle. Thj StalpjCapital is very well where it is. The publio building, have re cently been enlarged and inproved atid thf (mill IK 1.1 Kura l.unn mmln.-Ail .villi n ...w . . I. . . , u V 1 , l.IIIV. ..I'll .1 costly iron fence and beautified to cuch an extent as lo be a credit to the Com. monwenllh. . The locution is central nd of easy, convenient and speedy access from the'jiorth, youth, east aud west .by means 'if fivo railroads which radiate iroui Ilarrisburg in seven main lines, with which almost eery brandh railroad in the State connects. Ten hours trav el suffice to get to the extreme western bom.dary, and from four to seven hours to the liues of New Jersey, New York and Maryland. Members therefore, can scud their Sundays at home, which ninny of them could not do if a t-hauge should bo made. True, there do not exist here the same enormous corrupt ing influences of wealth that Philadel phia possesses, nor that immense popu lation in which the moral delinquencies of pleasure seekers may be completely covered up; but, though lacking these to some legislators poteut considera tions our city possesses every other merit aud udvatit-ipe which honest, ruor al and upright law makers should desire. Putrio' a id L'n o . B&Ooe section of the army appro priation bill, just passed by the I'uinp, declares that the General of the army shall uot be removed or suspended ex cept with the consent of the Senate. 1 his virtually unites (he Rump Senate commander. in-chief of the army, instead of the Presideut which is contray to the express declaration of the Constitution. There has been a revolt io the Fejee islands of the heathen against the Christianized tribes, resulting in the triumph ol the latter. The.-e lately con verted cannibals took their conquered enemies home and divided them among the Christian towns. v. hero they will be ' instructed in the Gospel, and eventually merged with the superior race A new trade has been openly started in Paris that of spy. A person adver tises an office, at which you have but to apply in order to obtain information as regards family secrets, the tracing of a Jki... ...J i. I ,.......;ii....,. c parties in whom oue may he interested A blue tulip, for which vast suras were offered during the tulip mania of a century ago, has been produced by i French gardener, and will bo on exhibi tiou at the Pari exhibition. A man has proposed io the niunici pal authorities o: I'uris to remove the trees which now lit. a tlin utret Im ofthut eity, aud supply their place with painted tiu tree. tnurteen thousand dollars have been received by the rfouthoro Relief J Cumniissiwo teu tliousiid ul which was front two aubacriptioot. , on:; G. halt, Attorney m law, Riig- wuj', Elk county Pa. mar-2'2'G6 ly. " J OH WORK of all kinds and des. criptiotis done at this office eAIlVKR nou.sr., Hull, Troprielori! Warren, Th.. Hull & or. kUKJun-iy ALPINE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa., ner man Kretf, Proprietor. rug9'G0 rTUIE art of JIG DANCING rod BANJO J PLAYINQ taught by Q. W. BROW N, luagway. . fc V sj ficPi'4.tf : 1 executions; summons, subpie. Jj oas, Warrants, &e.f on btd and for sale at this office. DR. W. JAMES BI.AKF.LV Tbysician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. mar-22'66 ly. PR. W. and W. SHAW Practices Medicine Surgery, Centreville, Elk county lmar-zz ou-iy. TR. A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk county Pa. J Will promptly answer allprofe9ional calls by night or day. mnr-zz t)0-iy DR.t EBF.N J. ft CSS. Physician W Sur geon. 8t. Mnrv'a Elk county Pa. June-21'C0-ly. T efiliecl OU, Good Quality, by the X , barrel, at ceuia per gnnon.- oy octll-tf J. POWELL. II yon want lott1 of Slllt "ur, or Feed, you can save money by buying ot oct. 11 tf. J. POWELL. T AURIE J. BLAKELY. Attorney and Wj Counsellor at law, and U. (Jommia osnr. " llidgway P. O. Elk county,- Pa. mar-22'G6-ly. SOUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys a Law, Ridgway, Elk county Pa., wil aitendto all professional business prompt ly. nrnr-22'OB-ly. "TVK. W. U. HARTMAN. St. Mary's. Elk 1 cdunty. Pa,' Late of the Army of "tJ.e Potomac. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. uiar-22 bo ly. Tf von wtint.Bf Jano'r or Dr 1 Ayer's celebraled Medicines, pure, call upon lue only autnorizeu agent, in Kidg way. oct. 11-tf J. POWELL. Groceries of all Kinds cheaper than can be bought at Eric, at wholesale or retail, by oct. 11-tf. J. POWELL. KERSEY HOTEL. A. 11. WHKELErv, Propriitob. Tins house is conveniently and pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Centre ville. Every attention paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 31 18()7tr TOB PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, J Hand Bills. Bill Hea the ADVOCATE OFFICE and at reasonable prices. ads &c, done at on short notice 1 II. .YOLK, Manufacturer and Deale ' in Lagir Beer, opposite the Railroad JJcpot. St. Mary a, ilk county Pa. Mar-22'G6-ly. . ORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals. Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil ct artioles and Stationary, Ridgway,' Elk county Pa. niar-2 ob-ly. HENRY II. THOMAS, Denier in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Hods aud Mm tresses, Picture Frames and Conins, Iliilcway Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main and Depot St's. may-17'6C-ly. DR. J. S. BOR DWELL Elcciio Physi cian. Laic of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by Higlit or day. Residence one door east o the lute residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.22'tiG-ly. : - yirASHIXGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, W Elk county Pa., Edward Iiabel Pro. prictor. mis house is new and. fitted up with especial care for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-2!t'u-ly. OLIVER Whole & BACON, Manufacturers and lesalc .j- Retail Dealers in EJonr, Feod and Orain, IJAAALi MU.IjS, IsKlb, VA. Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar ket rates, autr Oth-GG-1 y JOHN 0. HALL ....JAS. K. V. HALL. hall & imo. Attorneys - at - Law, ST. MARY'S : BENZINGER P. O. EI K COUNTY, PA. September 20, 18C6. ly. T. MARY'S HOTEL.B. E. Weilendovf, Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa is house is new and filled up with espe cial care for the convenience and comfort of guests, at moderate rates. Free Hack, to and from the Depot. Good stabling at tached. mar-22'Gtt.ly. PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk county l'a. Edward McBride, keeps constantly on hand and for sale. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware and Jewelry of all descriptions. 8Repairing neatly executed, and done on short notice and reasonablo terms' Mar 29'Cti ly. SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, SIGN So ORNAMENTAL PAISTING. riMIB SUBSCRIBER WOULD R E X epect fully inform the citizens of Elk county that he hns just started in the above business iu Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMINING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE v.oil fashionable aud improved manner and style. Orders left at this Otlice or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-lTGO-ly. 11 1 IAYERHOUS. RIDGWAY. TA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the pairoaage of bia old friends and the p-iHio tv?d'y deel3(llj - DAVID THAYER. The subscriber bega leave lo announce to the citiiens of Elk and adjoining coun. tit:4 that ho has purchased the harness shop lately eoeapied by John Einuu, and that he is poefajred w do all kinds of work in a suit abUtylev ' ' SADDLE 8,BRiDLES,IIA RSESS kept constantly on hand at price to suit the times. Give me a call shop in the seo ond story of Houk's building. oll J;3t.' k 0. LEVIS - , LICENSED AUCTIONEER, MOTICE Is liwb-y given that I have tak en oQt a' license as anetioncet, -ind Sitend promptly to the calling of all i entrusted to my care. ( ; ' Any person calling anlcs without a license wil be held answerabltrtn the alriot ledor of llielaw. : i I', W BARRETT. , ' Dco2418GGtf. Auctioneer. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEW. INO MACIIINES.-Tlie under signed having been appointed fiole 'Agent for the sale of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines for lk county. He keeps an assortment constuntly on hand Machines aoidat Philadelphia and New Tor prices. Any i3itic9 uvffiiuus ui uuim u i ii iiiein uaa address J. K. WlllTMORR, ' March 9t-'6S-ly. at Rideway, Pa. 13LACKSMITHINGI : II. S. BELNAP desires to inform the citi tena of Ridgway and vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde s Blacksmith Shoo on Mill street, and has employed sood work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention fclven to the shoeine or Dorsei. All l ask is a fair trial. May 17'CG-ly. H.' F. OVERHOLTZER. MERCHANT TAILOR, Itidgway, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity Hint he is prepared to make to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the line of his business. All he asks is a. fair trial. Good Fits iruntantecd. BfaCloths, Cassimers, Yestings and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be told CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. aug30,y WSHEltER. . Dealer in 1?iqlos, JcIaJcoos, Organs V$ Stjcci ?iu.sb. MUS1V ROOMS: ' No. 45, Pent Avenue, Corry, Perna, Refers to J. Powell, B. F. Ely, Ridgway. Ignatius Garner, Chas. Ilaigeu, St. Mary's, nov 22,'G8, 3mpd. , Tjjelvplile. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VAB1ITY HALL WARREN, PA. l17t0, QUR ..STARCH GLOSS, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much lime and labor- Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon; It makes old linen look like new. ". OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best 'n the world. It is soluble in hnrd as well as soft water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any ottered to the public.' It is warranted not to streuk the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, KEW YORK .STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 21 8 Fulton St., New York NEWSHOP. TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES I STOVES ! ! STOVES 1! ! John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. ST. MARY'S, TA. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a largo and well selected stock of UN wahk. SJUVliS &c. He nave everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our istock of SfOVha consists in part of ANTIUUST PAIILUU . COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT. SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can bo had aU our shop either riveted or groved. fcrouTiNO and roofino, done on short notice add at reasonable rates. Juue 14'06-ly. H. Ghat, I. Wilcox, R. n. Euirsos, E. F. Aoams. QUAY, WILCOX & Co WHOLESALE GROCERS, '". 1 ST. MARY'S, t Opposite Alpine House. Elk County Pa J I DEALERS IN . I ' Flour, Feed, Butler, Cheese, Feed, Corn,. i t Salt, Fish." Pork, Ham, : Powder, Canoed Fruits, Beef, Beans, Nails, OlassJ AND STAPLE GROCEBUS. ectmber 20, 1863 ly. . ' THE' PLACE TOeUY 48 AT 1HEHII ) GWAY;i ' ;tobe KEPT BT Ti6ltVWRl.t. 4. JMES?EN0ER,r; Dealers in Drues, Medicines, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumcries of nil Kinds, ""'The puresfVarnish1' ' -" : Hriishes of every Style and i; 5izo I r Dye Stuffs, Pure Confectionaries Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Vincs, Watshcs, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccocs k Segars Pure Liquors for 'pj VJIcdjcinal jiy 4 f poses oril A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drur Business Geo- . . . - - . . . Pure Drugi rugs at Low Prices I Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety ! American and English Watches 1 American and English Watches ! Latest Styles"of"Jewe1ry7'rktngs, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry. Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery. Rird-Cagcs ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar. Strings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings I ' " mar20186G W CASli GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &o., would respcctf-illy inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that ho h is gone into the Grocery business, and will open on or about the niiddU of W ay. He keeps, constantly on hanc an extensive stock ot TEAS, FLOUR, " SUGAllfS, ' 1 TOBACCOES, SEGARS, " i WHISKEY. ', ' '. : by the barrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will selj for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER han the CIIhAPLbl. I invito everybody to call and satisfy themselves. ' - JAMES McCLOSKEY May 3d, '60. Cm. JER0SENE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS. GLUE. POTS, OIL CANS, &c, &c. BSy All the cooking fur a "Va BSf family may he done with "ifcja ; JSy Kerosene Oil,r or Gas, -ju t& with loss trouble, and at -ua "Sfflr less expense, thau by any -)fca t&" other fuel. -a . Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. Jt-Send for Circular. -&a'": '.' LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 200 Pearl 8th eet, N. Y. -July-lO'CG.-ly; ' ' ." . V tVLTIABLE LOTS FOR SALE.- he Undersigned has laid out a vil. lage upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be called ELK. The lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. ' Terms For the first lot sold, $100. F01 the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. First purchasers get the chelae lot at the cheapest rates. ' Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Ten per-oont of the purchase money must be paid at the tjnieof the application. ' BfiU Applications will be made to John G. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway. mar,2!)'66-tf. : ITCH! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch t Scratch t. Scratch I WHE AXON'S OINTMENT - Will Cubb thb Itch is 48 Hocas Also cures' SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CHILBLAINS, and aU ERUPTIONS OP THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 00 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington streot, Boston, will bo fur warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United states. ( jiine.-7'GG-ly. ROVESTEEN & CO., ' IANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, Neu York. THESE PIANOS' received the Highest Award of Merit ! at the Horlit t ' fair, evor the best makers from London. Paris. Ger many, the cities of New York, I'll ilmlel pli in . Baltimore and Boston ; also the Gold Medal at the American Inititutt, for FIVE succes sive years!! Onrr fiaiio contain the French Grand Act ton,- Harp Pedal, Over strung Bass, Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. ern Improvements. Every instrument war ranltd Fl VK yrart. Made under the fU pervision of ICR. J. E. GE0VXSTBEN. who has a praciical experienoa of over lli-riy-fiva.years, and is ihe maker of over cttven thoumnd pinna forlet. ' Oar facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell these in struments from $100 to $200 cheaper than ant hrt class piano lorte. - J ' 1 - IT..'. ., 1 .1 THE PLACE TO BL V IS WHERK YOU CAN "buS " The Cheapest. ' bs o CO 1 3 sS"e:-. fl ! " ? J Pe E.-2 5 g ry 3.?o tJ s y 2 w o m IT o o w H O 0 CO a o H 2 s 15. en 2 a OS j -MO ? -1 ST CL. s " ra. 1 . ; 2 Z9-$1 3 n -Z. 2 3 OB V- ' 3 ! 3 rt ( 0 01 .fu. O SI 2 S 5. t4 9 Si S.3 O ' S 5 K a S3 P 5 5 3' to Cu .8 issO S.QO 3 a to s s 1 CL. g 2. ' ? 2- c c 3 .3 s: ft 2 O 3 3 5- 2 O e'- e a? 0 0 0 s - 2 CO I 2. e O e r"3 Ul - WE SELL GOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT 1JC ' Er i'e City. GIVE US A CALL, AND TYE WILL P r, o v e i t . GREAT EXC1 TEX EN T S3 O o o O o w o , H o tw ' tr 8 G H X P H O ts M n o ri y era ft H U3 o a. w o o CO O CO O t3 00 5S la C9 ft w Til O ft 7? in W X H w CD m O o 3 - tr 2' o ft. o. o INSURANCE AGAINST lot-s or DAM AG E by FIRE. r"HUE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur- ance Co'npaay at Muncey. Pa., con l'n lies lo Insure against Loss or D;imoge by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public anil private- uildings, either in (own or county. A (so on Mills, Tanneries, Barns. Blocks of Grain, &c, at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer and Insured. . The Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company invites an inrmi, gat ion as to its ' stability. Its capital amounts to . 82.80O.OO0! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons thai their loanes wilt be promptly and satis faetarily paid. Its Btanagement has always beea prudent, aa its' eiistearr ef t acuity six years fuUy-jltuiioostraies ! - - 1 . . JAMES BLKELT; ' '- c - iawoi tf fc ictwa- 8a. Uaaa'e IHE LARGEST BTOCKOF & tnif JCST DESIRABLE ASSORT MEMV rpiIE UNDERSIGNED offers to the pnt I lio at his commodious Sales Rooms la RiSway, the largest and best general as s-ii u.ietit nf Mifrchandlse that can be foutd at. any Store between . WILLIAMSPORT AND ERIE. and at more favorable prices than ean tr bought al either of these points. iiu siaea eumpriscs a splendid variety ( f l'RINT3,.. DELANES, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CL0TH3, READY MADE CLOTHINU, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWAR1, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, - RTONKWARK, GR 0 CERIES &PRO VI SI ONS llTh proprietor, thankful for the very generous patronage thus far extended to his establishment by the citizens of Elk aad adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. J. POWELL, 4ug..l6'C6.-ly. 1 fifiPEI YEAR! we tpJ )U J V want Agents everywhere to sell our iMrsovtn $'i0 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. TbeoNLr machines sold In the United States for less than $40, which are full' licensed by Have, Wheeler ft Wilton, Otover ft Baker, Singer ft Co., and BachtlAer. AU other cheap ma chines are infrinytmcntt and the teller or tun are reliable lo arrttl, fine and impritonmtnt. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, or pall upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford, Maine,' or Chicogo, 111. may-lT'66-ly ANTED, AO ENTS S75 to 9200 PER MONTH for gentlemen and 635 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv ed and perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Prico ouly $20, making the elastio luck stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can bo made. Address with stamp, or call 00 C. ROWERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters answered promptly, with airculars aud terms. - May-31'GG-ly. Vocon SUMPTIVES. rllHE Advertiser, (having been restorod JL to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consuniptiou is anx ious to make known tohis fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with ilio direct ious for preparing the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Bronvhits, He. The on ly object of the advertiser in sending tho Prescription,' is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invuluable ; and he hopes every sufferers will try his remedy, as it will cost theiu nothing, and may prove a blearing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address ' Rev. EDWARD A- WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. - OoL 25th iao(i-ly. 1807 1 1867 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD.- This great Hue traverse the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, oa Lake Eric. It has been leased by the Pennsulvct' nut Rail Road company, and is opera ed by them. Its entire length was opened for pas scngcr and freight business, October 17th, I8G4. .. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY, Leave EatttcarJ. Erie Mail Train 3 47 p. m. Erie Express Train 11 05 p.m. ," Leave Wettward. Erie Mail Train Erie Express Train 1 24 S 50 Passenger cars run through without chunge both ways between Philadelpha and Erie." NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Erie 0.00 a. tu. Leave Erie at 5.40 p. m., arrive at New York 4.40 p. m. , Eleoent Sleeping Cars on Express Traius both ways between Willlamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For iutormatioti respecting Passenger busiuess apply at the S. E. corner 3Qtb. and Market Sts, Philadelphia. Aud for Frsight busiuess of the Com pany's Agents: S. 1$. Kingston, Jr. Cor- 14th and Market St. Philadelphia. J. IV. Reyo'ilds Erie. W. Mrowu, AKeut N. C. R. R. Bal timore. II. H. Houston, Gcn'l. Fniyht Art. Phifa. II. W. Owisner, Gm'l Ticket Agt. Phira. A t rim.. L. Ttlfr, VJ"I Sltpi Frit. m. m. "I it .-.I,. V-l! -' . t I : -1 : tei- I.t