The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, February 21, 1867, Image 2
Ilje il( Coiiiiht aJbfiqSv. JOHN O. MALI, EDITOR ft r. moork, H BLisnm. FRoruiKToa. THUKSDAY: Feln-nary Slst, 1807. I? Tit Ot H IMTKO.VS. The present nuiuhcr of tho -lifrrcnfc completes its s'ntli volume, nnd ns we close tlio first volume with whieh we linve Wen connected it is not inappropri ate, that wo should take a glance back ward at what wo have Juno, as well ns a glance forward at what is jot to do. Of the trials iiiid.troubles incident to the publication of a cottntiy newspaper, we propose to t-ay nothing. They can only be appreciated by those who have mifl'erod them. Suffice it to say, that the publicatiou of even so unpretending 11 paper as ours, has proved no sincewc. Of our success financially wo can make no boast. We are out of pocket bv tho experiment but not disheartened. The practical results we have attained in other respects, affords a gratification whi:h amply repays our loss of money. Those results, are principally : 1. We have made the Elk Allocate a regular weekly paper in fact as well as in name. 2. We have won for it the confidence of our people and 'argely increased the number of subscribers and rcadeis. 3. "Wo have rocrived a large increase of advertising patronage from the business portion of the county. 4. We have by the addition of a fine press and a large assortment ol new jr.b type and material established a job office which is to say the least no discredit to the county. 5. Last but no least, tho amouut of original matter of merit which has appeared in the columns ot the Advocate, has been excelled by no paper of tho surrounding countries, while in point of literary mer it our original contributions have been creditable to the county and to the abili ty and culture of the writers. In speak, in!; thus highly of our original matter it will of course be understood that we do not include or have any reference to the writing-, of the editor or the publisher. Nor has our political mission proved a failure. While every other county in the State almost, yielded more or less to the violence of radicalism, ours stood rrcct, laithful among tho faithless, pro claiming in majorities larger than ever "before, her devotion to constitutional liber.'y. IV the future we promise our best energies towards the impiovenient of our paper in every respect, and to this end we ask assistance and substantial encouragement of our friends. We have Ijcen indulging the here that we might toon enlarge our paper. A new press is necessary to such enlargement. Our business does not justify its purchase yet, but by prompt uad careful iittctiii.m to our business, we hope to merit a sufi cicnt patronage in the year to come, to secure the object of our hopes. We do not feel our duty done in this ertiele without giving tho credit of our huccess in a great measure to Mr. Moore our publisher. It is not necessary to say to the people of this county that the other business ot the nominal editor demands all his attention and prevents him from bestouing much time upon ihe Advocate. Cpou Mr. Moore has devolved entirely the local department and almost entirely the supervision of the whole paper. The Hand of Hope. We perform one of tho most pleasant duties of our life in expressing in this article our emphatic approval ct the no. ble resolutions to which some of the boys of Ridgway have pledged their words ami honors. To abstain from profaue swearing and the use of intoxi cating drinks is to avoid two of the meanest, most degrading and most ines. curable weed that disgrace humanity. We are not surprised that our boys hhould bo shocked and disgusted at the 1.1,;.. .mis laniiuu"e which so cou- ttauti,- deliios tho mouths of so many of our people, or that they should thus ear ly seek to shun the intoxicating cup v. nose terrible powers, are evidence by the living wrecks among us. but we arc more than ,' gratified, at the determina tion and unanimity displayed in the or ganizati. u of The Baud of Hope. How lipp npriaie tho name. The Hand ol Hope not lor your own interests mly, but for outs, for your friend's lor your country' tor the interests of the future. I'.ys I iive up to that pledge. J.very cotiM-U-ration miuirea it. Hand fat by maintain vour houor which m .I, r it" I n . .11 ... irf.U nm! !:ave stakeu upon j r you will deserve and receive the respect uud coniilericeof all whoso respect and coutidunee is worth having, half the bat tic of hie will have been lought and won. l-ii Fail to keep your pledges, or lightly di-re"ard them and you will stand belore the world dishonored, you will have ds pl-iyeJ ;i weakness of character that will Jhow you unworthy of confidence ith such want of firmness and two wot do -lading vices to start with it will not be strange ,f i-rmr own lives prove uui repetition ol the career of t tho most cou- tcuitjUule sot iu inu uiw". yv' ., vou will adhere to your glo frtw resolution ahd prove a baud will net dibappoint the n.ot fcanguino hone, of vour future which your ooble bfj;;nuiiig has inspired The'uruiid banquet in ih .nu:rii'un yachtsmen took place yester. d,,v Mr. Mnrtou, isocietary ot the New York Yacht Club, was present M Chas-y, Secretary of the Paris I Inb, loasted the New York Club. Mr. Hen 0.41 Vvi for Dre to-dny. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN. TA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WAR KEN, PA. 117 to. S1 TATEMENTof the Receipts and Expenditures of Elk County for the year lSUO. CIt. By ain't paid Win. A. 151 Com. By ain't paid J W Taylor "Com. By am't paid Louis Vollmcr Coin. By am't paid John C McAl lister, Coins, clerk. By am't paid .1 K P flail By ain't paid L J Blakcly Pistnot Attorney, By am't paid J A Maloue Sheriff, By am't paid Bounties for Wolves &e. By am't paid Prison Expen SOS. By am't paid Jury fees, By am't paid assessing ex. penses, By am't paid elcctiou expen ses, By am't paid justices fees, By am't paid constables fees By am't pa'd auditors fees, By am't paid auditors clerk By ain't paid auditor of pro- thonotarys account. By am't paid road views. By am't paid stationary for the several offices, By am't paid stamps, By ain't paid rcpuirs to pub lie buildings, . By ain't paid fire-proof buil ding. By am't paid fuel, By am't paid John ft. Hall attorney lor county. By am'', paid proth's. fees, By am't paid Janitor, By am't paid P W Ilaysbal due at settlement. By am't plinting contract, By am't paid Inquests, By am'i paid House of Ref uge, Mercantile appraisers, By am't paid Refunding orders, By am't paid Commission allowed Collectors, By am't paid Treasurers Commission, By excess of receipts, 110,00 150 50 137 LO 13 75 239 00 94 00 120 0C 80 00 21 S 80 1049 35 13G 55 405 03 37 4S 115 07 28 50 9 00 9 00 135 50 350 GO 8 OH 4S0 82 3750 00 59 50 100 00 201 30 100 00 201 03 200 00 1(5 87 187 50 8 00 82 40 114 00 437 '48 2230 52 eil02Q 18 85(57 70 23015 39 025 09 32 0C DR. To am't of taxes collected from unseated lands, To am't reed from collectors To a.n't ree'd lrom John 0. Jlall attorney lur county, To jury fees. To Gne in commonwealth vs V. X. IJans, To fine in com mou wealth vs l Douutlly, 10 ? 1 1020 ASSETS & LIABILITIES. Attfiti. Cash in tr'v.eo. funds JriUO ul do do statu id) 1.440 'JO do do homily do V.OfH '.i00,1S7 07 Amount due ly collectors, sub ject to exoneration. 1V,-, Isaac Hays, Fox, 138 OS Mr, J V llouk, Kidxwuv, 37 47 ISij.j I Wel'drfSl Marv's KH 02 lfiilo II Moore, Kyg Creek iHt'.f, M Chase SeiH-z.;U 150 5i) 121 32 18:) 00 8'20 20 70 44 108 01! 1 8(10 J Gross, Bi-nzinger, 1 r0tl W McOiulcy, Fox, 18ii(j V Miller. Junes, 18-iit F Dickinson, R'tfw'y 1SU0 T Irwin, Sps C reek 275 57 547 00 100 10 401 02 205 8-1 310 00 257 78 012 35 Bounty Tux Collectors. 1 8ti4 John Koch, l-'ox, I81U (i i:Vfis, llidjrvtny, 13iVl M l'errin, Spg Crk, lSii-3 II D Derr, lii:nezett, IS1I0 J A Miller. Fox, IRlio Arniel Turh-v, Jay, lSi'.o 15 A Dill, Itidgwuy, I8O0 II Moore, Spg Crk U4 72ft.74005 $13T023li2 JJaLMtics. Bounty honds, outst'ng ti.KtO !0 Int. t-st'd on same 1.020 00 Co. order out standing 278 52 Pue House of Refuge 101 01 Pue Coumouwcultu' 2.0U 7211,120 a that Excess of Assets $2 807 77 ROAD ORDERS OUTSTANDING. .twp. Henr.inger township, Highland township, June township, Jay township, Fox township, Ridgway township, Sringcrk towothip, $00 00 : fi5 131 150 78 to J AMES COYNE. Treasurer of Elk tor tho year ending, January Jut, PR. To nmmint ree'd from former Treasurer $ 81 To amount roc il lrom lux oil unseated lands 8,fC7 To amount ree'd from Collec tors To ain't ree'd from Jqlin O Hnll, attorney for county... 2,300 Gilt 11.694. 12 ROAD, SCHOOL &, SCHOOL BUILDING FUNDS. Rcnerett Road Find. Dr. To nm't ree'd from former Tr. $ ... To nm't of tax ree'd from un seated lauds 2,079 CI 2,165 16 n-'nezett sehool film, dr. To amount received from un seated lands $ To balance due Treasurer 1.12-1 148 1,273 88 Renzinser road fund, dr. To amount of lax received from unseated lands $ To amount received from un seated, additional '. 1,331 410 1,750 131 TJcnzinjrer school fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer 4 2 18 To amount received from tax on unsealed lauds 1,3:30 1,332 91 Fox road fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer. To amount of tax received from CI unseated lands l.Giu To amount of tax received from unsealed lands, additional... 801 2,028 Fox school fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer t To amount ol tax received on unseated lands 1,005 41 1,041 70 Fox chool building, dr. To amount received from former treasurer To amount received from tax on unseated lauds 4 037 012 41 Highland road fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer 08 40 1,004 40 To amount of tax received from unsealed lauds 1.102 05 dr. Highland school fund, To amount received from tax on unseated lands To amount received from former treasurer C05 84 25 030 30 Jay road fund. dr. To amount received from tax on unseated luml 1,205 1,205 Jay school find. dr. To amount received from former treasurer To amount received fsom tax on unseated lands 15 CO: C77 Jones road fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer T11 moonlit received from tax 180 on unseated tanas 2,100 .Tones school fund, dr. To am't ree'd from former tr'r.. 1 To amount received lrom tax on unhealed land' 1.3'J3 To balance duo treasurer :J1 00 00 1,300 II id 'Cray road fund, dr. By amount received from for mer treasurer -. To nm't ree'd on uin-i-ated lands 18 1.7i'.i 070 To am't on same, additional 2,100 Ridgway school fund, dr. To amount received lrom lax on 851 unseated lands 851 dr. Pprina Creek road fund, To am't ree'd from former treas Tu nm't ree'd on unsealed lands To amount oil same, additional To balance due tr'er 1,040 022 20 1.701 Spring Creek school fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer To amount received from tax on unseated lands 1,102 1.102 Spring Creek school buildin-i fund, To amount of tax received from unsealed lauds 811 f 85 311 St. Mary's road and corporation fuud, To amount received from tux on UH&ealed lauds 71 00 00 St. Mary's school fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer 00 01 00 CO 00 00 To amount received from tax oil unea!ed lauds County, in account with ils. several funds 180. OR. Hy orders redeemed $ fiy refunding orders 10,232 01 82 40 3 (JU 231 IS 200 30 IRS 72 040 61 By exemption orders. 70 I5y Tic's corn, on $11. 13 r cnivea. nt i perconi 89 Py Trc's com. on S10.8K) 41 disbursed, nt '1 por cont.... 00 Jly costs on deeds of land sold to county Py balance due county 11,604 12 TJcnrzctt Road Fund, Cr. 64 By am't orders of redeemed... $ 1,731 00 By com. on 2.070 CI at 2 per oent., received.... 41 60 By com. on $1,731 O0 ai2 per cnt., disbursing... ... TA C8 By balanco duo fund 274 E8 2,085 15 Penorft (school fund. cr. By di-.t. tr'ra receipt $ 1,226 SI !') By tr'rs com. on $1,124 C5 C8 received, at 2 per cent 22 40 By tr'rs com. on $1,226 31 disbursed, at 2 per cent.... 24 53 1,278 33 TJerudngcr mad fund, cr. By nm t paid former treasurer j 4 20 11 liv orders redeemed 1.4S0 00 35 00 20 80 105 15 By tr'rs com. on 1,750 81 re- 20 ceived. at 2 per cent Bp tr'rs com. on 1.400 80 By balance due fund 1,750 31 Tlenzinger school fund, cr. By district treasurer's receipt. 000 00 Bv tr'rs com. on 1.330 70 ree'd $ 20 02 Be tr'rs com. on 000 00 d'bsd 18 00 0 By balance due fund 383 32 1,332 04 Fox road fund, cr. Bv orders redeemed 1,051 00 55 By orders redeemed, additional By refunding order 435 00 1 80 61 S3 41 75 447 14 12 By tr is com. on 2.5o0 4i reed By tr'rs com. on 2.007 08ds'bd 35 By balance due fund 02 Fox school fund, cr. By district treasurer's receipt 2,028 02 021 87 . 1 17 20 10 60 10 - ' Hy refunding order. By tr'rs com. on 1,005 41 ree'd By tr'rs com. on 023 01 ds'bd By balance due fund 1,011 70 Fox school building, cr. By district treasurer's receipt 07 ' " 11 " By tr'rs coin, on 037 47 ree'ed 47 By tr'rs com. on 000 00 dis'bd By balance due fuud 700 00 200 (10 18 70 18 00 6 08 042 41 Highland road fuud, cr. By orders redeemed 010 00 By refunding orders 7 SO. By com'rs orders for balanco at last settlement 00 52 By tr'rs com. 011 1.O04 40 ree'd 21 20 By tr'rs com. on 1.014 32 ds'bd 20 28 By balanco duo fund 107 00 1,102 05 Highland school fund, cr. By district trenurer's receipt Bv refunding order 350 00 2 31 12 12 0 01 By tr'rs com. on 005 81 ree'd.. 40 Bv tr'rs com. on 352 31 dis'b'd By balance due fund 250 80 C30 30 .Tay road fund. cr. By am't paid former treasurer 21 By orders redeemed By tr'r com. on 1.205 24 roe'd By tr'rs com. on 805 CI disbsd By balance due fund 3 01 802 00 24 10 17 01 217 02 1,205 24 Jay school fund. rr. By district treasurer's receipt Bv tr'rs com. on 002 07 ree'd... 528 13 10 00 Bv tr'rs com. on 628 00 dis'bd 07 Uy balance due fund 125 80 C7 077 C7 Joues road fund, cr. By orders redeemed 1,022 12 HV tr'rs com. on 1.0R0 00 ree'd 30 Bv tr'rs com. on 1.022 2o df bd 82 41 uy ouiunec uuo juim 12 2,100 1,285 25 24 Jone school fnnd. cr. 00 00 00 By district treasurer's receipts By tr'rs com. on 1 .80:1 fir ree'd Bv tr'r cou. on 1,285 18 dsbd 05 1,330 Ridgway road fund, cr. Bv orders redeemed. 1,807 47 37 00 py tr'rs com. on 2.380 44 ree'd Jj8 By tr'rs com. on 1.807 00 dsb'd 70 iy balance due fund 454 01 2,400 Ridgway school fund, cr. By district treasurer's reecipts 75 Hy treasurer's commission By balanco due fund 078 0 01 143 75 651 Spring Creek road fund, cr. 5 00 By orders redeemed 1,030 Bv ex. order 5 8!l 80 Hy tr'rs com. on 1,600 75 ree'd 18 Hy tr'rs com. on 1,030 00 disbd 83 S2 c: 02 1,701 Fprinsr Creek school fund, cr. Bv dint riot treasurer's receipt 034 21 By ex. order 4 By treasurer's commission 42 57 By balance due fund 211 81 1.192 dr. Spring Creek school building fund, By district treasurer's receipt 67 CI Hy exoneration order 4 By treasurers commission 1 By balance due fund 213 CI dr. 42 311 St. Mary's rod and corporation fund By am t paid former treasurer By boro treasurer's receipt By treasurer's commission By balance due fund n 42 Ft. Mary's school fund, By treasurer's commission on 183 00 at two per cent. By balance due fund cr. 2 CI 181 60 ISO 21 BOUNTY, BRIDGE & l)K. County bounty f'ind, dr. To am't ree'd from former tr'r 187 To am't from lax on tins, lands 27,000 To nm't from collectors of 1805 1,554 To nm't from collectors of 1801 007 To C iiios interest on $1,000 00 120 29,808 Jay br nnty fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer To amount received from tax on 80 unseated lands , 1,820 2 900 St. Mary's bounty fund, dr. To amount from for. treasurer 2 To amount from uus. lands...- C3 C& Uenczett bounty land, dr. Te amount of tax reecircd from unseated lands......... S.8G5 3,806 Benzinger bounty fund, dr. To amount received from tax on unseated lands - 1,075 1,675 Rideway bounty fund dr. To amount of tax received from unseated lands 1,652 1, M'Kean, Elk, Forest & Clarion State Boad Fund, Dr. To amount re'd from former tr. 10 00 To airt from tax on uus lands 1.037 28 To nmt from same v 1.050 05 '3,013 20 Jones bridge fund, dr. To amt ree'd from former tr. 1 72 To amount received from tax on unseated lands 1,244 1,245 JAMES COYNE, Treasurer of Elk of Pennsylvania. DR. To balance duo at former settlement $ To am't of tax ree'd from unseated lands To amount of tax received collectors 31 3,G10 801 $4,515 I c $ 2G5 100 0(1 110 mo DR. To am't of tav Jic'aes grn'td do liq do do bre'rs do do eating house do do rctailcri' do $785 JAMES A. MALOXn, High Sheriff Elk for the year 18GG. DR. To Jury ee in Messenger vs Wasson ct. al. $4 To jurv fee in Hill auu May. hord vs Elliott. 4 To jury fee in Moyer vs Moy- cr. 4 To jury feo in Ely vs Horton's 4 To jury fee in Bryant and Eu. wer vs Taylor. 4 To jury fee in Benzinger ct al vs Gleixner. 4 To jury fee in Hyde and Cum. tilings vs Bryaut & Euwer. 4 To jury fee in Leosh vs Rauh. 4 To Fine in Cotuth. vs F. X. Hans. 25 To Fine in Comth. vs P. Don. nelly. 10 To County orders, 120 lo balance due sheriff, lio 00 25 50 25 00 c j 12 18 70 70 6213 COMMISSIONERS Vtith the said 10 id. DR. To orders drawn from Elk 05 county by T L Kane, To orders drawn from Mc. Kean co. by T L Kane, To orders drawn from For est county by J D Hunt, To cash received from Clu. rion co. by S B Rynard $1100 700 1S35 100 00 01 31 00 01 88 53735 20 We tho underiigned Auditors and Commissioners of Elk county, having met at the'Conitnisioners office in Ridgway on Monday the seventh day of January, A. P. 18GG, do certify that we have and find them to be correct as stated. 00 Ot) Attest, J. K. P. IlAlt, Aud'rs 40 Attest, 02 J. K. P.'Haix, Com'rs. 00 78 53 60 O UR STARCH GLOSS, U the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, mailing the iron pusj smoothly over the cloth, saving much 81 cr. 10 OO 87 14 time and loor uooasaone up wuu n clean much longer, consequently will wear out so soon It makes old linen 100 like new. . OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best 'n the world. It is soluble la hard as well ss soft water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to the publio. It is wnrrnnted not to streak the clothes Agents wanted everywhere, to rhom we offer x faordinsrv inducements. Address, NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., New York. 01 cr 4 60 00 2 43 18 53 71 4! 3 07 182 64 PAPEU RAGS, , Taken in c chng for Goods kt J. I'OWCLL'S STATE ROAD FUNDS. 59 86 07 42 00 CK. . County bounty fund, cr. By bonds redeemed., 22,475 (XT' By exoneration orders By tr'rs com. on $20,501 35 rco do do 22,475 OOdbsd By balance due fund ...... 74 65 147 00 112 87 7,0fc8 00 20,808 01 1,100 00 0 15 5 08 C03 85 t'4 Jay bounty fund, cr. By district trcusurers recoipt CI By tr. com. on 1,820 37 recng By tr. com. on 1,100 00 dbsng By bulunce due fund 87 08 38 30 C8 Gi 2,000 08 St. Mary's bounty fund, cr. By tr. com. of per ct on C3 80 87 By balanco du fund C5 81 C5 an Bcnczctt bounty lund, cr. By district, treasurer's receipt 3,724 00 By treasurers commission 87 90 By balanco due fund 103 ,K0a 04 04 72 jsenwater bounty fund, cr. By district treasurers receipts 1,150 00 By treasurers commission 15 04 Bo balance duo fund 611 60 T07572 . Ridgway bounty fund. cr. By district treasurer's receipts 1,455 65 By treasurer's commission 14 13- By balanco due fund 81 07 1.552 20 M'Kean, Elk, Forest & Clarion State Uoad Fund, Cr. 20 20 By orders redeemed By treasurer's commission By balance due fund ... . 1,100 05 81 87 l.SiU 42 3,013 20 Jones bridge fund, cr. By orders redeemed By treasurer's commission ... By Bulunce due fund 1,000 00 44 00 100 00 14500 27 9"9 County, in account with tho Commonwealth CR. By state treasurer's receipt Ry exoneration order By tr's com. on 1,000-5 ct. do do do 1 ct. do do do I ct. By balance due state 3,000 1 50 10 5 1,410 55 90 1G 70 E 00 00 00 00 00 4,515 70 S E 8 . CR. By state treasurer's receipt By county treasurers coui mission By ba'ance due State $ 80 83 30 25 055 87 00 $785 00 of Elk Co., in account with the County of 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CP.. By conveying II. Fisher to Western Penitentiary. By General Election Procla. mation, By tillini; jury wheel. By serving jury notices Nov. "T. 186(1, ond Jan. T. 18(57, By Comth. cosu vs McGiven "et al, By com. vs IP D. Derr, By coin. vs. II. R. Wilson, By com. vs John Mosier, By com. vs C. A. Wilcox, By com. vsR. P. Saltsninn, Ry com vs Charles McVean, By com'vs Pat McCready, By com vs E. Moray, By com vs E- Morey, subp. By com vs Elizabeth Wioslow By com vs J. McCloskey, By com vs Geo. Aosinger et al Nov. term. By com vs Geo. Ansinger ct al Jan. term, Bv coin vs Shons and Largy. By com vs F. X. Hans By com vsT. Kennedy, By soiu vs Terissa Wildfire, ct al. By com vs John Rauh, By fee in 52 cases, 8120 00 75 2 00 3) 00 00 00 00 Zo 25 8213 25 of the McKfn, Elk and Forest State Road in account CR. By account rendered by T LKane for work and ma terials, By account rendered hy J D Hunt's service &e. By cash paid S by IJ Rynard By Balance due Road, 00 00 41 00 2131 82 0'i 10 1237 41 $3735 41 careiuiiy examined the loregoine accounts JACOB McOAlJIiEy, C. A. WILCOX, B. J. JONES. W. A. BLY, J. V. TAYLOR, LOUIS VOLMER. Clerk. Clerk. NEWSHOP. TIX! TIXH TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !! '. John Soseaheimer & Co., WUOLES.lLti ,4 UKTAiL DEALERS. BT. MAUV'ri, PA. Keeps constantly on hand and for sile, s large and well selected stock of TIX WARE, STOVES &o. We havo everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOV ES consists in part of ANTIIiCST PARLOR & COOKIXU STOVES ALSO-IROV 0 ATE & WHEAT. SHEAF STOVES. STOVE I'lPE can be had at our hop either riveted or proved. SpoLTiNO and roovixo, done oa bort initio and at MMOQable rates. ;r1 not 00 50 00 00 00 20 SO 30 50 80 20 97 43 37 43 37 4M 18 37 50 38 38 88 50 85 C30 00 00 59