The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, February 21, 1867, Image 1

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    J In
1 I'vcrll'
f rt. tm li
it Pabllslted Vvrry Thursday
hy joiin p. MooBh
Tcr Year in advance CO
,;j-All,"suhscription9 to bo iniJ in nd;
vixncc. Orders for Job Work rcppectfi'lly
B3u0nice on Main Street, in iho second
slory of IIoii'k & Cillis Store.
km Ton &. rr.oi-ini.TOR,
-J if:
Mi I
I tv
1 Li
i -
. ie.
' I'll!
or a
-""01IN 0. HALL, Attorney nt law, llidg-
vny, l'.lk county l'n. ( !""'-- j ly.
JOHN G. IIAI.T,, liditor.
.T. I'
ma u m 3, i ;;. v. v.
TCj5 YVOUK of nlL kinds amides.
,J criptions done at this office.
iAHYKIl HOUSn, Varron.y
Unit. Vrnnvitni'S. iis
Hull &
A Ll'lXn IIOI'.SI, St. Mary's Pa., Hcv
j man Kiel., Proprietor. Migft'O'i
mi IK art of .HI DANCING l UAN.IO
1'LAYING taught by 0. W. TiliOWN,
lii.lpway. l'n. rr14'"'
.summons. ssiT.ra:.
ivc., on haiul nml for
m j nan. Wannnts
bale at this uflii'C.
II. W. .1AMKS liLAKKLY Vhysician
anil Suryoon, St. Mary's, Elk county
mav--J ')') iy.
I!. W. . .SIIAAV l'racticcs Mcliiiuc
and Suigury, t'ciitrcvillc, l'.lk county
"Tll. A. S. tlH.L KiTscy. Klkcountr Va.
I J Will rivomptly anbwer nllir-!'csinnal
call? liy niht or ilay. niui--'l'ti-ly.
B . iinnnYAY. v.
D-Y1I I'll AVl'.l'l, .l'rnj.rictnr.
Thcmiilcrsijno'l having futcil up a Inrpc
and cuinniMcliou hotel on li.o h-nuiliwost
corner of t'onti c tnul Mill street!', with pood
iind convenient S'l-ili'inji aiiaclicd. Vcsiicct
l'n'.ly Holiciti the paironnpe of his old friends
and the p'll lio geners.llv.
TBThc suhscriher hrs' leave to innoiuicc to
f lie citizens of l'.lk and adjoining conn,
tic that he has purchased the harness shop
lately occupied by .John Bnnttz, ami turn lie
is prepared to do all kinds of work hi a suit
able ft vie,
,v. t ddl es. r,n;n l ksjia rxess
kept constantly on hand at price? to suit
the limes, (live me a call shop in the hcc
ondMory of Monk's building. 0. LEVIS.
1!. V'lU'.N .1. 111'. rhysiciun and Snr
peon. Ft. Mary's Tlk county l'a.
I. a
fnu'd Oil. Good Quality, by the
el. at (jii ti'iits j er gallon. iy
cl U lf -1. I'1" LLb.
1 von "Willi I a loan oi jau. i iour.
of l i-cl. von can save money ny uujiug
f ocl 1 1 I!. J. 1 ! I-.I.L,.
, 1 l.,v.
:i i enil i o
ri!l'' .' llUKHV. Ailorucy and
r..o'i-ei!i.v at law. and l". S. C'"iiim:s.
r. i:ii!irw:iy 1. Kll; county, l'a.
T Tli: i: AN1 WILLIS Attorney.' a
y. I!!k county Ti., wil
on nl bT:s;lU's prompt-niar-.i'iiCi-ly.
1 ;
Tt.TOTlCK is hereby aiven Unit 1 have talc-
en out a license r.s nnctioneer, and
will iiitend lU'omi'tly to the calling of nil
sales entrusted to my care.
Am person callinpr srlos without a license
wil he held answerable to the strict letlcrof
the law. I'.W liAllliiiTT ,
Due241SG0lf. Auctioneer.
W IN-! MA CM INKS. Tho under
si"ncd haviu" been appointed Solo Afoul
for the s;.le of AVhe.-ler ;i Wilson s hewing
Machines lor r)!!; comity, lie keeps nu
assortment com ti.iitly on hand Machines
sold at riuladcl Ida iind New Yor prices.
nv pirties desirous of nbtniiitn! iheincan
address J. K. WIIITMOKi:.
March t't-'CO-ly. fit I'Mbuvay, l'a.
J I' VOl
b Ayr,
. I .;i i i.c oi
i Ai.T l AN. fit. Mary's, l'.lk
i. l.ate of iho Army of t lie
ticiihir iittei.tion pivi-n to all
i"; nniurc. mar--- liO-ly.
.Villll' l"'1-'-' or l'r.
lira1 i'd Medicines, pure, call
an: homed a ien. in liidg-11-lf
J'. l'OWELL.
of-ricsj ol' all Kiinl--
. -ijir man nui be boiiglit ul trie,
k . i . -: i or rciiiil. ty
, i 1 1 -if. . .1. l'OWELL.
T V. I - S I ' Y 7 1 T T RTj.
IK i 1 i I' I. t."f li ...inn i.. n.ii
. 11. IIJlllUllll. I I"" I.M.I""
lv In
it 'uiyntl v and pleasant-
I i'l tli tliriv'u villatro oi Contrc-
!- - i'ii( n;io:i to the coiiveu-
11. S. l'.r.l.NAl- desires to i'liform the citi
zens of llidj;way and vicinity that lie has
leased .1. S. Ilvde's l;!.u;l smitli Shop on
Jiill sivcct. and lias employed pomi worl;
nen wlio v. ill be ever ready to iake nuy
tl'.iii'i from a bin. Lie to an anchor.
l'ai ticuiar an I'titioii bIv-ii t'l the shocini
ofhorscM. All 1 ask i-i a fair tri ll.
May 17'0(i-ly.
f. oyj:hh()lt.v:k.
liid.irway, Klk Co., Pa.
Tho siilicriliiT desires respectfully to in
form ihe ciii' ns of Kidi-w iy and v:ciiniy
that he is rrena. ed io r.tal;e to nvder as welt
ns it can be done r.n whore, nnvlhinfr in ll
line of bis bu-dtu'ss All he asks io a fair
trial! (iood I'lls yii;ii aiili'cd.
IVj:, ' .otlis, Ciib.-iinievs. NustniRS ami
Triiuiiiins of the l.ili'si and m st approved
si vies kept const anllv on h'ni.l. which will
be void C'tltADKIl THAN THE Clll'Al'
ET. fiiujrtlO.y
"We nitist- li;ive a lemon or two,
Sum," she savs: ami e. though I'd just
pet down to luy pipe and drop fit boer, i-
IgiifUjiSr-fimi, mid 1 MVS, " iNo.v. 1 toll
you what it in, lass, it's just two miles
to the town, and ita enows liko fury, so
if you can think of anything cds you
want, just fctiy so, aud I'll get it game
" O, 'tisn't worth while to go if it
snows," she says; "never mind, and I'll
make shift without. Hut O !" she cried,
all at once, " lather's coming to morrow,
and you've no tobacco."
Well. I'd never tltmi'ilit about that,
for when I'd had my fitmers in the little
jar there seemed cnoup;li for me, even if
nest day was, Christmas day; tut with
comnsnv why, there would not be half
euouuh. So that settled it, and I got
mv stick and hat ; when Polly declared
I eouiuu t iro out a ni;iii nue mat wiui
cut somethiiii; round my ucck, so she
tied a comforter round twice, close up
to mv nose and cars.
" Now, don t be silly, bam, sho eays.
" Why, wot's silly," I says.
Why. your bcint? such an old goose,
and uiakiiiL' so iiiucn iuss ai er ueiiiji
niarriel all these nmt.ths. Now, let o.
do," she says. Uut I didn't, of course,
but held ficr fur just a few moments
while. I looked down in her luuhin
eyes that seethed to have grown brighter
since we'd married ; and ihuu I S'.iooth.
e.l, no, 1 didn't, lor no hair could have
en smoother, I 1iaseil my rough.
ehopficd-nbou old hand down the bright
hliinv hair that I, Iclt so proud ol, and
l ien kissed both her pink cliec Us, and
felt somehow half glad, half sorrowful.
for il seemed to me that I was too happy
fur it to last
" There, now," she says, nt last, "make
haste, tlu ie'si a dear, good bov ! and get
back ; perhaps I shall be done by tluit
time, and thou have a gnuu; uit ol
lint I couldn't get away, somehow,
but watched her busy ung'TS getting
ready the things lor the uext i'as din
Ucr, and chopping suet.'st'.'iiinjr plums
liiiiieing peal, :aml ail in sueli a nice
neat, clean way, that il was ipiile enjoy
" Now, (logo, Sam, she says, proton
ni'.lit it W is ; f.ii' the
d iu" mv teeth, whil
l!ii .sou e it into
fi.irf ui
right le
i '
in whvi
w i so'n ";hing ! r
niv' '. :' "i, M'tti'ig u;i mi 'I'!'
whistie to the win 1 a i l thiok:;ig
the wa;'tii (ires'nio at home,
snug supper table ;
w'lll l V.MS
; the w iy
yo'ir cms
t '-i'l
iind a:
Hi PHI ' '
li-iiid f'i'K
HV! 'CAT''
i. Mich i.s Cards, Dusters,
li'-il Heads &c, done al
('I'i'li'lC on short notice
s. l.ik
;i 1 1 urcr mid Dcule
nosiie the Uai'.roaJ
:i'i:nl v l'a.
jI)i)lM)V. I'.l.l. AND ME:
') ri.--s. Deal.'!', in Dm
i'a'.uts. Oils ntid Van. Mi .
ct arlicles and iSlaliu'.ia.r
count v l'a.
s and Cliemicah'.
I'erfuniery 'J'oi'..
,, Itidjiwiiy. Elk
W . I'.'al-rin
'i;i;ii'?, vJ.k'ciiM:-, Pi'tt;iis ijdJ ?i):o1
to pout, Hor 1 do want you back
.-'o 1 made a s:
boil tin.
li.or, when
ir( n K :
win 1 ca.
unlatched the
;i" roaring in
DO O l.V;
r fluff VmUij, 7';
"KNl'.Y II. H10MAS, Dialer in all
kinds of Furniture, Spring De-Is and
Maitressi'i. l'ictiire Frames and l ooms,
Didiway l a. Ware Dooms on the corner
of Main mid Depot St's. iimy-17'KtJ- ly.
kD. .1. P. Dri'M'WTI.L Electie 1'hysi- Late of Vi'ai'ren county l'a., will
jiioinptly nt.swt'i' nil professional calls by
nie'ni oi- iriv. Dcsidenee one door east of
the laic residence o! Hon. J. L. Cillis.
Mar-J oii ly.
7'ASi;tX(iTi)N'.ll(it"Si:, Si. Mary's,
) Elk county l'a., Edward I'.ahel I'ro.
new Hint lilted up
the convenience of
iii-sts. li I stat'ling uttacitcu.
Mar 2,.' i;i; ly.
OI.1VEH is HAC'lN, Maiiiifacturcrs and
Wholesale ,- il.'tail Dealers in.
I'lotir, Icm1 iiinl Oi'tihi,
r.lXAf, MLLS. J- DID. I'A.
Oi devs so'.i.'iied and ironiilly filled nt mur
Ltt vat.-s. a us IMh-W-ly
I ''ALL 10 LIU).
A It oi-ii s - at Law,
St pt tuber 2H, l -.'0. 1 y.
;r. 1 l.oiie
espeeial c:i.e. fo
Defers to .1. Dowill. 15. I-'
lenaliiis flarner, (.'has. llai
nov i SO, .'liiijid.
A. II. fiinv. 1
A. I. V.'in'i.x, 1
. Ely. Di'lsway.
en, .t. Mary's.
II. 1'Mi.nsoN,
F. AliAMS.
' n - v, wi i .cox & Co.
Opposiie Alpine Him,':, Elk Counly l'a.
Feed, Lultcr,
FLhJ J'ork, Ham,
. Canued Fiuil.s,
eaus, .Vai's,
December 20, lM'.O ly.
I '?j.ii.'i,):it?.
- (J lass;
I I S.
I I. nigh.
p;i is.f.oll
with th"
and thou I thought
ot what a blessing it was, in a hard win
ter to be close to the pit's mouth, and get
plenty of coal for nest to nothing. We
could affjii n fcool fire there, such as
woulJ'eliccr thd heart of some of t'.ie
London poor, while wages were not so
Kvcry now and then I had to stop
and kick the snow off my hoot soles, for
it collected in hard balls, so as to make
walking harder ; then, not having the
town lights to ruble me, I found I'd
wandered a bit out of the track, so that
the ground grew rougher and rougher,
and more than once I stuinliled. The
wind heat worse than ever; the mow
blinded so, that I could not look out lor
the lights of the village ; and at hist I
begau to think that 1 had done a loonsii
thing in trv'mg to make a short cut. hut
then one is always slow about owning to
being iu the wrong; so I blundered aud
stuinb"ed on ; but at last, alter walking
for some lime, I was oohged to owu to
myself that 1 was lost in the snow.
"Stuff and nonsense!" I says hie
next niHiiite, and then 1 has a look
round to Iry and make out where 1 was,
tor I knew every foot oi it almost ; but
nothing could I see but hiiow tailing al
most liko in a sh(;et all round me, s.) that
I could see a few leet each way, wluio
the snow where I stood was ncany up
to my knc'S. I listened, but there v. as
unthing to be heard 'out the whistling
tho wind ; I shouted, but the cry sound
ed liiullled and close just as if I had
been in a cm. board ; then I walked a lit.
tie one way, and then tur:icd and went
another; and at hist, to my horror, t
found that I was regularly e itiised, and
could not make nut in which direetien
liy town or village, while the s.iw mv
ercd in every foot inaik iu a very f'v
N'nv. 1 did not fed Ji'.rtu'l. ii:il'.
bothered, ivii.'u-i d ; loi 1 d h s'nr that,
if 1 kept on wa king. I inns; .me tu
some place or uimher which I km w
unless 1 walkt d right mil on to :l.e
gieat waste, where I niigh
mid miVs without lio lio.;
el .old then siippli:'.
I s!io!i!("l. and to'
up the s' with u
t.uio that- ui.i'le me
h .tin and a j i;li till
ku-'iv all the white
for there was nut a
V' i
I si..' i.V
A lv i.
er i:
iJ -l'...
'; .''.over
fv A.Hvf
V .lv(.'
a.m.1:'- ..."
,ol irff. ( act .'i 1' i.d
Aiivriif-ilip. 1 if S(;lit.U' of
.. 2 t'O
.. r i
h 1 0
. 10 'M
r.'i " m
.. ::o (ci
.. :.'"i on
., IJ-'i do
.. T'J t )
s or li.. c liini h or li
". neb si.b. i -rv.i lit ir.xcrtiCi:
"l . . ; - : . . : l : i i I -!;il 1 yiiT
j.ccial in :'. i -' ' ' r line
i'i in. in y m.'T .:7.iiiiiui- ..:
i i.c
-i '.
!i:i' Shi re
' Mihl.IT X.
-.. li.i ll'S '..:
ill':'y will '
1 Ml J I V I
A fir nt
rrs t o
ii.T and i!i'ov,niiig.
el id w. tit echoit,.:
Ii.o.r'.h'e m. ear hi.V
f emh'.'. I cried
1 was I but
that i' was i:seh-s.
,11-tge !.:! ut U -t a
tnilii, ainl then terr-u- soeniei! to gel the
better id me. as I flit, that tin-re. in the
i.,;,ki ,il that fearful darkness. T iniit
drown, and then sink to the boMni.i nl
this old, oid, worn. cut ma! pit; while no
one, not even my poor wife, would know
of my fa'e.
With the thoughts of my wife, came
(honihts of the pleasant scene I had so
lately gazed upon semethiiig almost like
a S'jb seemed to v from my h '.'i t,
and the:i came weak, despairing tears;
bu I roused up, and chouted again and
again, throwing !uy leal back to try
and sec the mouth of Ihe pit, but,
though imagination peopled tho dark
ness with horrors,, there was nothiti.'
around but the intense blackness; while,
to add to my despair and terror, 1 could
feel that my bauds were rlowiy dipping
from their bed
Could any man have henvd mo down
there, two hundred feet below the mou'h,
it must have been very fearful, for dol
ing tho nex: minute I was shriek ii:;' lor
aid, giving vent, io the most u:i. ariiiK ,
yells, praying aloud, and crying for mer
cy ; and lIicu, hoar.-e and worn cut, 1
telt that I must sink back, and 1 did,
shrieking and struggling savagely tor
life, till ihe coll water gurgled over my
my mouth and chokod back ti'.y cry.
Then, for a few li.inutes, I was belting
the water fianticly. as a dog beats it
when it cannot swim ; bul wy nerve
soenifld to come once more, an J even
then, in tho mid-t of that hoviur aud
despair, I eould n help" of my.
self as Icing lik-j a rat in :i we'.!, a.. I
swam rutindby t!ie side tryliig t) 1 n
place to loll on by.
I swam slowly along, striking mv right
har.d sigainst the tide tit every stinke
but, alter a le" s'rokes it did not torch
'lung ; an t tlien. sft " our. more
gati lo i tin :
ing ii.;, .-i li '
now u p! I'i
Ivl lalliu i
I j l.;: '.iil.g v
i d n:e t'i go
lei litig aim;
lie. panting
i'l. ;c; s j
i.ih'tilb, n
g i vi r l':,
am the. li
e'er b. in
!;!:. v.
"I ( ti five
li.el. 1I('V (111:!..
li t the .-id. ;-.
. fVf''.iiici.'s thi.t
of. till at last tie
:ih my l ei t Warn
er:, with mv Ir ad
1 crawled back lo
turd slate.
and put n
at the c-oal tied s!
.t once I i cci.'llicli d ihe lilaceo.
wet piece in my lm.uth, i'lid
aiter a !:::;( it uriiieu lo cn.m me, ro
that 1 eott'd sit and think, tin, ugh ut I would litve'. given worids lo
l.nvo iuu away from my (houohts.
How time went I eould uot tell ; but it
seemed niter I.-while that Ii must have
slept, for I leapt up all at ni ce with lie
laticy slroiig upon luc tlatl heard lYlly
( aliiti,
to lis!
; nirt tiiergii i stia, i, id my civs
i ; thine was iiothino but the
,i,.;.," ,.( ,t,n '. .i.:i . r
!', in ill ii Lm; n.i.ii , V. lij. L
learnd to call out, for tie sout.d went
echoing along, so that it seemed to be
repealed again and rgaiu, till I "felt to
cy.rep with dread.
Many hours must have passed, fot a
heavy, dull, sl.'rpy fueling oppressed
me as I lay there, numbed bodily and
in mind ; but at length I started up
I borough ly awake", fce'in.; certain that
I had heard a cry which seemed to hare
v. l:i.:pe:'od like in r.iy c ir. I sat up
ireiuhhug. uhen t'gaiii there cime the
shout faiully heard i.s it c.i:::e along the
top el the water, and then I give a loud
de p ::'ii:g t-lri-A for help three limes
an i then fainted.
When 1 e.imo 1 1 ag tin, it. seemed like
wai.i;ig f.')m a dream ; an 1 1 felt so
ifas'.-l t!r..t I c 't! 1 hur ilv believe
it I rot in i::v 'iwu ro.eii at
home : L'U as I .-at no, i!i -.tight of wliero
; iof
r g
J) r-o,ii,'lor. Si. M .,;'.
'fitis lioti-e is iii'iv ai.'l ' 1. i
cia! cin e for the i onvcu:cii .-e
cuesis. al ii''"h'i;.ie r-t'es.
i'i. ViVllcnuorf.
l.IU county l'a .
cp v.iih i-pc.
mi l coiiit'orl ol
Tree Hack, to
ripiIE S1LVF.1! SKIi'.T.
And will heep its shape and retain its place
better l'n an nnv oil er h-kirt.
mil tiiin lie J'lpot. lioml S'tiililoi); ut
laelicd. j iniir-2g'i;ii.y.
"f )" M'Tll'.AI. I'l.lil'!;. AMI WATCH.
Ji 1 K I It. ST. MiiiV S, Elk mutiny
I'.i IMti .nl ." ft lii-ii'.e. keif-cnnstuiilly ou
1 d mi 1 f.'n s-V oi-hi's. tloeks. Silver
1": I " in. iind ,1. --. .-li o! ali ileseriplions.
ti-'; . il' paO ni ' io ii y ( vccoii-d. and ilouc
on liO' I not i e .in I i c ts iii ihl i teruis '
Mar "J iiii. I.v. . .. . ..
n-. o.i ii i: i, v. o i: 1. 1 it e-
ol ii in I he c:i icns of F.Ik
(oiiiiiy inni I.c 1,.. tonrud 111 the i,. Ii.-ims.. in Diitgwdy, tnul fool conti
ih in tlnti -In- run nli'iisc-itll v.homiiy lnvur
v. uli il'iir ni-ioni. (iii.MNlN'I,
rI'lll llM;IN; AD' I VM.CI M! N INCi
I i n 1. (IS io HIT MM K E AM) IN THE
-i I i oi"ii'ili'c end iinprcvcil manner and
.-I;,:.-. I 'idi-r, rti ut lion (illice or til the il'ii.-o ot Souther, Willis Suutliir
v .11 I 't- j r. m pl 'y nib iid. d In.
W . 1'. V. 11.1.1 AM3,
My-17 (i'j-Iy.
This new and heaiiful Myle of Shirt (I'at
in'ed March V. lc '.o.) was nwardtd hy the
Cire-.t American lnsiiiuie Fair, hell in .New
York, October, ISO "i, a
being the ILiheii I'lcniiuei ever eiven for
a Hoop Shut.
The Steel Springs arc wound v.iih
I'hi'ed win in place i t a cotton covering
which will not wi'ar offer hecoino soiled,
and ihe whole skirl may he woshed without
injury or leal- of lusting, and will be us
gooJ us new.
The Combination Silver Skirt
This invention combines wiih the on I i na
ry Skirt the advnntages in otir Silver KUirt
the boliotn honjis ni'0 the tfituc us tlioso us
ed iu tho Silver Skirl, the covering of which
cannot wear oft, while Cue nppei" ones nits
covered with cotton. No I a lv bavin;; once
worn one of our Skins, will l,u willing lo
wear any other, nllic lower ImopK of ull
other kinds are soon injurcil and soili
The best luiitci lis nro i;n I in Iheir con
htruclloii, mid, Iroui I !u ir din ulj.lity mnl
ueutuess I hey mo detained lo Imjoinc a
!Favoi'ito !-kiil.
Mauu fid lire J solely by liic
Silver Skirt and Wire Manu
facturing Company,
JJU ami ii, 15.-1IUJi.1V ST.
NEW YOllK. '
X. 6. Emr.'Euyf." ' " Aug '.nh-ly
laden with flakes nf Muiw, the spark
rttshi'd up the ebituuev, the candle flick
etcii. while lull v gave me just, one
bright luuk mid no I. mid then I sliul
tho door. Hut, there I couldn't get
away even then, but nt aud stmd bv
the window for a minute, where the III -tic
brauclics ol holly w: re stuck, li'iisr
ening green, tiin! with scarlet berries
amongst the piiekly 1 avc; and there i
stood looking iu at the snug bright,
warm kitchen, with f 'idly nuking :t lok
ten times more v.avm and bright lr
wasn't that, it id- a h i i lsorue place or
well furnishe I. f n-t!i i-e sort of things
don't always make a happy home but
plain, humble, ami poor us it wa, it
seemed to mo like a prtIaco ; and ulu-r
watching my lass for ever, now frown
nig, now makinga little tacr at Her Work,
now with a bright light i.i her eye. as
something seemed to please her, I nil at
once thought to mvself, aud what's more.
I says to myself, " iHam Darrcll," I.says,
"why, what a donkey you are uot to get
what you want, aud n.uke haste back '!''
which, when you consider that it was
snowing hard, blowing harder, aud that
where. I stood tho snowdrilt was over my
knees, while inside there was everything
a reusonabl'j working .man could wish
for, you'll say was just about the truth.
So I gives myseif a pull togclher
hitches up my shoulders, set my head
down to face the wind and the blinding
snow, and '.hen, with my hands right ut
(he bottom of my pockets, off I goes.
Now, we'd been togcthei into the town
thai nignt to bring home a good basket,
ful of Christmas cheer; for even if you
do li vo iu the black country amongst
rhc coalmines and furnaces, and Work
as pit carpenter M making brattices and
the different wood work waiiteo, that's
no reason why you shouldn't spend n
ineriy Christmas and a happy one, hut
now there was litis tobacco and tLe lem
ons to get ; aud from where wo lived,
right across tho heath to the town, being
two miles, and me being alone, I make
up my mind to cut off a corner, so us to
get back sooner. S-o 1 tmued out ot Ihe
road us soon as I was out of iho.colliery
village, makes sure of the town lights,
and I hen. taking mystick under luy arm,
sit off at a trot at the left of the old pits.
Tho wind was behind me now, and
though iho suow luaoo it hind Work
walking, 1 wasn't long Ichiro I was
ti iidoing like a white statty right through
tho tow n street, then thronged wi'h j qo
pie, when I goes iuto a shop, and, uftcr
a goo! d'ial of waiting, gets my lemon
and t Aucco, pays fir 'em, uud starts off
As oon us I was out nf the low n again,
I gets nut nt iho roud to lako .hat short
cut aud now 1 beiu to Uud out what
: ' 1
I was h irdlv Ekeli- til (: there
thing I ino.t isrei f r wi- mv
at home go' ting upset h..ti nc ;
thinking ill ,t I'd -toppc I in th.
drinking wil h some ina'es b. io.: 1 'h
mas evo. when 1! on'c l Iht
and over again most lau'ilo' v 'hi
always have my drop of b er v h m
'There'- no danger, that's i
f.rt." 1 seid ''tlliie-s I I HO bo.
canal ; un I even then 1 sli n! k i o- w'
1 ani,'1 I say. so that woo'i b" mi
vcrv serious uvttter ;" an 1 then I t
again In in ike .'U: w here I was. h i
so ,v ( inn' b iv i in 'Vi' ili.ui ever;
al hi1!, fi l ling won ie I and er .. I s'-ir
ted nit afresli as h-ird as 1 hi' I go
whei, till at imci! I let go of mv stick for
1 felt one foot sliiitiing, tin 1. as fe't it
go. a feai ful thought cam.' ncro-s mv
miii i With tin ag ni z'ng cry, I tiied
to recover myscll ; but. tr.uu le ining for
ward to face ihe wind, this was impos
sible, aud then shrieking out,
My God, it's the old pit '." I was
falling and rolling dowu down iuto tho
black darkness.
It was like being iu pome horrible
dream, aud for a moment I fancied it
might be ; but uo, there jT" was falling
faster and faster and 1'aster for a length
of time that seemed without end, as I
waited for tho coming crash when I
reached tho bottom to bo found after
wards a mutila'ed corpse.
I thought all this, nnd much more, as
I fell down the sloping shaft of the old
pit ; and then came a tremendous splash
as I was plunged down beneath the icy
water which roared aud thundered in
my cars.
I had been down pit nfter pit in my
time, working in tho shafts at the wool
ca.-ing, making new or repairing the old,
perhaps half way down, hanging in u
cage ; or I had been working at the traps
and doors in tho most dangerous parts,
where you might hear the gas hissing
through between tho seems of black tda
ty shale ; but I never before know so
hideous a sense of fear as came over me,
when, lising to the surface of the water,
I struck out, us if Ly instinct, for the
side, uud then, clinging to the roughen,
cd wall with one baud, and with the oili
er thrust into a sort of liolo. I remain
cd for a few seconds panting timl hall
mad, up to my neck in cold wa'er, while
tho darkness is terrible.
It is impossible to describe the horri
ble Iho'tthat came hurrying through my
mind as if to unnerve mo thoughts of
foul choking gases, of feirl'ul things
swimming about in the Mick w ier. or
of horrid in ousters lurking hi its terri
ble depths ready to dr.ij; me un l. r and
drown me; btD, worse g'ill, as I begin
to recover myself u little were the f ilm
cr thoughts nf the length oftim 1 eo'tl I
a ti '.
b ,1-Uv, 1 sw i'ii nr.. tm-ii-t ) th'-i'
th n r:.v ot I'.otio i i mv L "i"i. '.
j k'fiv th..t 1 was mi the U.v: ii' no
I th" ni l veins, til! , tho'i:-1-, .,rf
j further in'o Ihe bo-re', ol ihe r .
I had not Ihe horrible d"i'th of r
j llliilel' HI.'. vli:l. f k n, m- I hat
: I .ii--. I -ho-iM (i , l bo'i-i-.m f 'i- er,
! 1 fit i.-ieo nu hand t.oi"l'e.i t'.i
i i,,,., r j i-i,-. un, I ' ct! I
I'w;:s came, upm,)
a faint hii;:;:i:ig,
co.i'd hear Voice;,
o :ve a tremen -,
work ol a mo:ii:''C.
Or it was. 1
and I koe.v th.ut I
for. ;:'; 1 s it l-b nihg.
Lut soon I grew imp;;
j w i i:ug in the wa'er, s i
niti, 'v.'ii'
noise, 1
To r-m.-'j up mil
he,. it win bar the'! my It ii'.t ros.
tie ugh I u' faintly,
w.;j li.ii.'g sought
I in
r iiiiater
led no a.)
tit.' (0
i' -i'la't
I,-1' ,"f
,'. h":i
to liV
1 in :
a-: 1 I
u:. 1 :.;
tu:it cu t began
:: to lg i;tiee
real u'.vs : nu i I
i' w e.ler v tt:
i I
t:,, p
1 'b-' v.v-f: and t'.o u i f i-r a
j str dies 1. t nr.- tot r'
I limn I 'ho b i; toot but t be w
i !l 'i- ; -.1'' bv s'.VOil'lli'l..' HI'
i .. .vi -.1 i'1'l where it W is n'
I Ml' 1 He : !! I Ii V. li lO-lliL' '
nu' t . 1 'e in-'J Uo iig lin-t the
: in t ' e iv ie ' hi ' ii if r I'll" "'i a :
V. a':
d like the do.-nairin.
til I'lV
est lie
de. a,. 1
1. Cl i' i
ig in
i w
i v
, shi
I no !
r.'l i
:- 1 V
1 1.1
r. v
I cull
hi f :-!l
o c:u
A a l:.:it
I li.
:t a: i .'.gain
I ; ' hi t.l.'.J
'; iVmi e.
. V, 1' I! v,'
ei'ii', l.r.
:,. wil.'t. 1
Ill '
I .
1 I
: 1
hi !
hen! 'v
wi - li the
e i ; but
111 Its I s
.V r i". i in:
:.' while.
v les na'
(terri .ti, di l not f '' 1
s i hi an i- V chill cr, ot
eld '''tero lisicuing to t!:e
'holng IT
I tar aw IV to mv
drill ol
, i-i ck in
the v.-.u-.-r '
; thoughts
ospnrltig. I
o 1 v
1 liulern ; v.h'.I
i i in. t:
1 ui.'-u-
t.i- .V :'.
''.;:f t
I had an
.i.c ;
! mic
as I
- ... ,
- 4
- til.:
; r:i
-V oi I-
Iclt thai tlie'i' wi. no c.i i'l'.'e d mv !'
ing disc ivere 1, since, to keep alive. 1 I
must prnctra'e f irther int i the mine.
though even Irom whete I wis then it j
was doubtful whether my voi)oe; iM
be herd. I
1 knew very w 11 wIumj I wi an 1
that very little trulli l.y by the old
pit, s mouth ; while the next d iy being
Cristmas, made the chances hss. Lit?
would not my wile give the alarm, t.nd
would not. there be a search ' Surely, I
thought there must la hope yet ; nod
then in a disconnected, half wild way,
tried to oii'ei up a prayer for success.
Xot standing, le.t with my b ind re-ding
upon the wall, but kneeling, with
the water rising to my neck ; and I r in:
again stronger, and better alio to t'link.
And now I began to look within, uud
to think of tho da tigers I had to en
counter,' As t) titer.: being things
swimming about, cr anything terrible
to nlta k m , t:.y common sen-e tol l
me thai there was n c.iusi! f.r fear in
that direcfl:':i ; but the ties.- thought
was a terrible oil", and my breath cam-:
thicker uud shorter as I seemed to fee!
the effect cf it. already. '' U'as there
any foul g is ':'' Hut 1 loun 1 that 1
e iuld still breath freely, an i by do
grees this fear went elf.; while, sum
moning up tiiy C'U;ag', I wide I en
'splash'.i" io tho eeh ling dar k,
ncss, farther and farther iulo tho min :.
alvnvs with the Water growing sh tl
lower ns I tiiedo! f i' mi the shaft ; mi l j
t last. I st.iol u ; il tho h''oai, bu' I
with the water s reaming n.t me.
The place did not feel ( o'.d. whil) a
I sat down I o-iu'n! nit b it wi-h that my
el .'lies were dry, for they ciini to tie'
'i'l I ctrippela jnul of them off :.';d
wrung out the wat- r, when I felt on
put-ling them nn ug.iin C'imieiralivi''v
wanii Hut what a insiti ei ! Tremh
ling thete in the m'l-tof that di'k.
ness ; with a wild im i rin i'i n pn'i!in g
i' w'fh i v 'i v im tg"i irv h irr r. I lay
de.o iring till wi'li the t't'i'l ;ht s'rmg
t o m.
. i i.
'X i!" I sr.-;
'T'neu 1 i,i ti
hg i;::c-i .. "
cell .nog .- .I.i -li e en
-ll.v.vlar is it ! ' Iu
'Aliou' :'rcy yard
then he .v.op-i.'d ari l
keen u; iu -, he u
I f:i I
io s 1
-ii:-'i e:u
: aioog to 111,
i:rl l!
" :::: I
i ::i
a i
: lo
JC L'.l.a
he w.i
..' T g'.o, 1 : :
c rle 1 out lo ;o
..ii. . . ,,' i .
, I. it . , ., . I il II III) I
; when .-h mtio t.) thoigaoive
dra.v.i tri o::ce iiiorc, and it
-'.ore I Iic.i - 1 toe soii'i i
r iii' l
:, pa-l
OI blS VOtCJ il
I CJoll e th'
me, u.i 1 the:i
iug Sj,u ' one
about in the V,
thing tied un i
me up till I w;
m utu e- the p :-, g.,
collect cliilgili;: to iht
rouu i me. ; an 1 th -n
ab uit. tin 1 L.'ieel.i'ig t.
Seles of the n!:;i:,. i
my ear kept .-ayiu -i
Tireu in a .- -ul if
peonle talking, V
'Tlcre, ci'-. ': hel l ,,
an 1 il nci'.ne 1 Ike I
who e.i lie il iivn to
thing I ree ii e : i i
ljl,w!:h s iu :.:
a-i 1, directly alter
:.'-n c 1'iiiitg lo.v.rrds
i rej i',l e! i.i.i n! sej
.i a light s;iVt -liiiig
a.: I i ! I; iviug s'.-m .
i.i - w i
a .
her.: 1 ei:i
roue mil:
I w i.-: swiii ;;!'ig the rough
!,ilc a v, ice ar,
i -.-r l'.; liiatev !''
s'ci'l h'-'.'l
1 . ,
i' the
ie ,.'
si: tin
t: IIU
i.i in y
t '
in -xt
a i
hold ou tl.crg without Lecouiitij uuuib- ueu mo tliat I was l uiL'l alive, I be
liir.u (
0 h r
.0 the
1 Ml,:i:
s'l-i.V, :
I'l th-. ,
t:i . u .
S' I .' t ! 1 1
I le:!
lug 1" J f
l lo a
i ; a-i
l .
c er! 1 f.
,t ( i
on i,ie V. '
to l' ll i ii
V, n
' '' -i
! t ' i
1 a
lo'o IP.
t.Vj 1 .:
Hi :
I mi
g die
:g'i he !
i.v by.!',
I lave '
:..:!' w
i I '
0 It !
.V : tl i
..!' th.)
,: ' il'eh.
. o with
! f.inl
ol 1 pit':)
ir. when
I oi l
1 liivernor jti.i.n. :e
has tvee'.vj 1
Sta'c, tow n-K'-aiucky
Lltelligeii .
eff-el ill it six Inn Led
,' I.
v i litui.kny
j.i) . I if en lh t l'iiit. 1
1 thl liu'li l.ilhj;, of ill.!
) I'i o n C .ma 1 1
til n e o
Vohtiit.'ot'i havo
C'S of tic Pji-U.
n: i'.'
I'rtl b.
to th i
i greek
io t-v