V . i.v. ,.- Tiuictif tltlgtcn;t. - v. -.-. ,,, y,n9, 11:fl!if. m. '' Wnl 3:17 ft m o.t ,?:r.op. m. ,io ,V '." 1M p- in. Lwnl rroie':t ''-.it 10:. W a. m. l.i cbi Wit C:l" p. tn. " is otic r.7" U,v,:i'.r lie Post Oflieo will l.e elo-, d tM i v "--i"'i:r vt 8 o'clock. On S"t it V,". ' ) c kept pen from 8 tn VI ..'dock A-. M. M-i' f'1'"r,; nt C P M. Ovrrn i'. T-. ujTJir.n, p. m. -Tin- " Youny Folks' Col- iiniii'' is iini-i.M-ilil? cowl oil out tliis wek. V will aopoar next, week. oi-p The weather f'nr tlio past few il:v ha hr"n PXtjeodintylv soft, so much . i -1 nt t hrea'encd to mtikc a general d.ic:.k up. . m- W A Orin l time may bo expected iMlio Thavrr 11 out. on the ni".ht. of ihe 2'2nd inst.. Vnvi.l will spare no pains t make his frm'Hii coinfoi table and wel come. A I'liKstit-.T Appearances to Jay indicate that we nre pniri! to liave a rallrrak up. Our lumberman nre nil on the rjui v;v, and ore anxiously awaitiiur the opening ot the streams. A Tix S'iii.i' Mr. W. S. Service, talks .if ."tuning a Tin Store in our town. Tli is, it appears to us is a branch of trade that our cnmuiunily stand greatly in need of. No doubt our citizens will ex tenJ him their patronage. Tnu Pa vemknts Perhaps we have no business to say so, but wo thiuk that Mtioe the streets of our village have been lii.l with silo walks, that it would bo & good plan to cleau the snow off them be iure it irets frozeu. The soft weather wc are now having would be a splendid opportunity to remove it. New Ciitiumi Stoke. l'y refer ence to cmr new advertisements it will be .-cen that G. P. llintenacli has be come snlo proprietor of the establishment form-rly eairicd on by (J. P. llintenacli & Co. We can recommend Mr. llinte nacli to the public as au honest and fair dealing gentleman, and one who takes a pride in pfe.isiu his customers. Comino Is. i.ota of job work has bi'en s. nt as from various parts of the cuiiii' v, iur which we desire to express our thanks. Keep ou. Wo aie going t'i uu- best to compete with city work, t)..'h in style and j.rii.e. To do tliis it r."'iir.'s u givat il. '.l uf lu iter'utl, !.n: ilic j ij.i i,:to; w'.'A - i''e nooxpeusu il'.xs.- fi. '.-i:i c'iii!j:ti. soiiJiu iu tiicir woik. -i Hi '.i. J.t.'.NS. Ti;.- i ntmtaiiiuicut . : I II." ! . O I 11 ) 1 I list cVlll'lUg WA-. .i. i i.l.-i .ICC.--S. I. iirr before the n. I'm- r. .11:11, .-i.uli'u ha 1 a; lived ihc ..! Ki'n i.vl'i t. -s.-ew. 'J'li! per- :n i cu n'iv veil ri ri'ived hv the au. An In r cntrrtiiliiiiiciit will be :voit :l w i v. iiinjr. The pi r-ous com- i-il.r v n:i,:.!iy tj return i.-ir 'Ii.iuk. l.ir tiie ese.'ll'iut order ob rvr.l. mi I tlie libera! patronage cxteu- .1. .' C-Min. Wo Miind ifspectfully teiid.T tn ll.o kind .-ii!t; ot Itidgway on'- i!i inks l.ir t!u- liberal itonuliun they niidj it; no l!i? ov-rii - of tlu :jjt,h of 'an i iry ; which a n mutji to the good, r.Hin I !.iim .it one bundled and fifty-sev en dollars tt'id twenty. five cunts, mostly in grcenli icks. In returu for their kind ness we hope and pray that they may be tilniirlantly rewarded by the Giver of all .go.jj and perfects gifts. W A. liOiVVKIl. LorrsA. j. no wye it. I O. of G. T. 'J his oid. r has star. iu d a l odge in this j.luce. TJiero are not uiuny places uhere there is a betrer tii Id for woik than in Kidgway. We sire s .rry to confess tho fact, but it id tun title. The Julluwiiig is the list of . T. Jerome TWMl : I. W. ('. 'f. Ileu y Soii'lu-r; W. '. T. Mm. .;. R. 'nu lull: W. S. i. I.. Mol.'rackpn ; V. i' Mrs. 1'. W. l!.uicM ; W. I C.J.V. M .ir.. ; U'. . (i. Thornton Pivimjf ; V. V liowvvr; W. A. S. Mim tiniloe '-y : W. f. S. II. II. Tlinmas; W. M ii i. M,..l..,.r ; IV. A. M.Mi I'. M. j'"'- ii : W. It. II. S Mm. J. C. Lullicr ; 'A I- U. S. Mm. 0. grlotte XUones. Thk Townhiii' Kf.KcrioNS. Yes I' lil.'V kk tho day on which the Town sl i olfio'r.s in this county were choseu. ' 1 j 'Ige by ihe l.idgway returug, there wns t fiiiuparativc ly lijht vote polled. 'J lie ti.ll.nviiiij is lijt of officers choseu in ilii ti tvns'iip j .'(Ihmh liiiecioi-s Tt. V. Kimo. 2 years ; 11 F K.y ami J. K. n'liiimure, 8 years. JuJio of KUmiiuu. E.lara Dwliv. Id "ri'smn I,. It..m, K. E. rrmiJatl ' .u-Uliio. 1 y. lUricil. u.lilor. J. II ill. Tuw.i Clfik.-J. C. Luiher. Trtwaw, J. K. Ilintinore. Anieor. dunlin MiiuJ. Ansibimil Assessors 0. T . lnckiasuo, aad lw Uorton, junior.. t ,t V't l.u iin -ix 'il a "py 1 I' '" Km riVm h tlir ,?,(, n paper liifi-K start, d in tie- in "j linii'i: c uiitv i I Cam rnn.il vi li li . S llackctt. is Propri etor. It contain tin unusual amount n( reading matter Ibr n ciuiniy paper, and oti tin; w fiivesi evidence if ability ami tasic, loth sis lcnids its nutter unit ilf) tnecliauical rxreutioll. Ki.n-rv ll'ii-r.t.. This exejllent st jii 1 has bi en taken possession of by a new 1 iii ll irl. lsii i'i ('obti, whom m .-t of o'ir citizens aro aeiuai:iied with, and who, by the way is ipiite a gentleman, dousthe honors of the cstabiUhincut in a veiy agivable ininuei'. I'crsons going to Ciiitr.'ville h .nl 1 not fail to give him a call. W. warrant tint lliey will not grumble at the n-ige they receive. ANorin.il AcciOkm". This mor;i. ing, as the li'ieal Freight train was go ing cast, the passenger ear was thrown from the track, near the depot at this place. , Fultniialely no one wa injured. A Pritish bark has i.rr'vc 1 at Vnlp: raiso with sixteen large Cannon for Chili. 'I he coffee flop of Co-la Kiel is very large, being ralciil ilo.l at lo J," fjuin. tals. " Mr.' Mi Quillan, fonner'y connected with the t 'ineinii.iti Pi ess, died vester day. .... General G. V.'. T.awreuep ba bfen well received as United States Miuistct te Costa 11 tea. The Coffee crop of Gautema'.i is about the sauie as last yeav, au 1 that of Cochi neal will lie g l eater. The Executive mansion has been thoroughly ivnovati'd at a cost i f Sf.l. U'JO. 'Die new carpels and curlains were esjirtially imported from Kuglaiid The President has eiipninled G"nrt:o Janerolt the histor.au. Collector of l!o ton. vice. General Conch, not confirmed. The appointment has occasioned .some .surprise. The appendix of the State 1 'enai tiiont report lor 1 8 ' ;" . makes a printed vol ume of ab uit I'l'i 1'iiL'es, ao'l eonsi.-ts :n tireiy of n a ters rch.tinfj to the :n-ais ua tiou of M r. Liucolu. 'I he Senate Confirmed Panic1. I. Col lier, of Philadelphia, ami Isaac A. Yer plank of liulfalo, to examine into the claims of Massachusetts for money ex. ponded during the war for coast defeueo. Gen. Croi.k is chastising the Idaho Indians with effect. ( In the 2 1 of Feb. ruary. in a runiiiiig flylit with tliem. he kilied 4 j and captured 27. The en pi nro. ol Indians is ve.y uop .ipular on the plains. . . The IToiiso Committee en Commerce lit: rood to report against allowint; a peti tion for the i cJsu alion ..f Mime sixty foreign built vessels, ;md n'so against in creasing the pay ot Inspeciurs of Cus tuUis. The 0. .s t.i l!io3!i government has concluded a cot riot ith .lohn C. pre iiioiit, .lam.s V. Nyft and others, for tho e instruction il a railroa 1 from Li. uion il.iv.on the Atlantic, to Caledra, mi the Pa Ifie. A communication from the Secretary of ar ; i v i s details ot iio ciinrmons i xpense .if 1 lie supplies delivered ill the i-fockf uioiin'iiii legion. Ilav costs from ,8ii ' t i Sl 'O per ton, corn 8 to 111 cents per tmuud. !:. Tho revolufii.il in N iearaua 1ms been Hiippi essod.. 'i he opi leinie on the tran sit route i- diSre.e triii'. t!i)uli it is tepoited lhatlii:j I r.itol Stale troops died ol the itisen-e which made its ap pearance in 1 i ran a !.t. A Lody of priests of the order of San Frauei-co. who omiratcJ to Costa tfica in Noveniher, lu.ve been expelled from the country by the unanimous voice of tl.o people, who riised Sj,IJJ'J to pay their expenses out of ihe cou.itry. " Uud " Wind sides, who murdered the Cincintiatian Smith. on .Jeiler-ouvi li ferry boat last J eceiuler. has I u cm. victcd, at Louisville, of in oislaiuhter. aud sentenced to tho I enit.-nliary lor e;ght years. Smith was formerly a clei k iu Pittaburg. The large pork house of P. Pln ir if' Co., ill St. Joseph, Mo., with all ils cm lelits, w.i'i ileslri.yed by lire S.itiiiilay luornin.'. The mo it des'ruve I was val lied at is'Pi.ttUO- T'io airu'iegate of thj iusuruiice auioiiuts to b' 1.000. The fire is believed tube the nork of an ioeciiili ry. Commodore Charles Stewart has been seventy years in the Amiriean navy. haviiiL' eiitoied in 1 71'7, mid l.e is Mill in the lull possession of his menfa.1 I ae u'tios, T.ii.s fact is menlione i nsauox ccptinu t.o tho rule, I liat. ago is not nl ways a disqualification for jmblio servi ces. Charles F. Jenkins Esq , a well known and much respected citizen of Montgomery county, die 1 o i 'I ucsday, at Lis residence at Gwyno ld.at the ripe age of seventy-tour, Mr. .1 . was on gaged iu business in Phdadt I tibia, uur ing the period from lSl j to IS W, and was well known among the Second street mcrchauts of that tiay. A Chicago paper says: " As regards Mollie Truss, l's conduct kiucu her par dou, we are assured lla it h is been most proer. alio determined before her release to forsake all tier former as Kieiates, abandon entirely her former mode of lite, uud retire to the secln-ion of a convent, uud the udhcrcs to her de. termination." L'il ee the Irst li.i.ntb's ft iten.ent the Federal il. l t. ha increased IH"ie than four million ('...Kirs. This is due the reckless expenditure of the ltmnp Concics. and the revolutiotiflry course nfllio lfaeieal lefdets, by whom the country is nuitated and kept constantly upon the ver'c of a panic. The people of Ihe South led no security. They can have no hope from the dominant party except in the surrender of all the ri'.'hts which make life e ndin able. They bare no assurance that tlmy will be allowed to epjov what they raise from the soil or P'o.luce. by there labor or skill. They cannot contribute revenue to the Gov. ernment when thov are f.u loved, mill l.ishe 1 and outlawed. In t' o North the l.adical threats of nnd movements to wards impeachment, coupled with open assault upon the Constitution, the ex er-utive nnd Supreme Court, have put a check to industrial ptmuiis, whilst the commercial poop'e stand listlessly await ing the setlomcnt of conflicting interests on the tariff question. In a word, the ihe uVoat business of the country stands idle, whi'st tho fanatics and pnitienns the uhoiils of the body politic bitten upon the vitals of the natiou. The young and accomplished datiglu tor ol l.oru St. incont, leeently met with a fatal accident on a pond in God iiicrsbam Park, England, She slipped and loll, her hea l coining violently in contact with the ie:, iVaeiuiing Iit skull an 1 I'lodiie'ng death in a lew In ur- '1 he young lady Was aged thir teen years. The many accidents this whip r i. n the iee. in I'..!. it: 1. iu ikes tho jear a uiemor able m e. The appall' iiiL' calamity of llegeut's Pa'k wid Pot soon be lorgotten. 'f he sports on the ice me exciting mi l pleasant, but not ti co from danger. 'Ihe Newbcrn (North) Carolina JmiriKi! of '( 'nmmrrrc says: "A large poitinti of ibis section ot the State is at tin; inerey of o.g iiiize.l gangs of armed negroes, who will not work, and are de le mined to live o'l the toil ot otheis." and also, that do freed negroes ol eas tern North Carolina impear to have ho come brigands bandiit! as- they did in San Poaiing i, ah I have d nio in olh- crs ol the We-t India Islands " That paper in! 1 th at some repressive on a ures i!iu-.t be adopted by liiherthe Siaie or the Goveriimeiit. as there is no security for life or property. Fractional currency reeei ,ed by the Treasury Depurfno'iit during the past week. r78.PJi : shipuimi's. S-'-o " ' .d' which S 10.0 Ml was sent to ihe As siste.iit Triosuror of New York, an't the balutice to National Pr.nks, and others. I 'isbursiiiouts lor li e we-'k : S-i.O'UJ.S) 53 J'or War Department. :-tHi. 7 4-i iT the Navy I lep-.n tnn nf ; ."110, Ii72 for the Interior Pepstrtuiciit. .Mrs. Lvdi.i Pemoret. an oh! lady in her ninety-lourth year, the widow of Nicholas Domi'iet, ni of the firt set tiers nf Cineiunati, died iu Huter eon.i fy. no Sunday l ist. She had always en joyed good health until a !"w days be fore her deal h. A c'lrrosp'indetit of tins C mmi ri-inl says Unit her husband cleared and owned some land near where the Court House stands iu Cincinnati, about the year 1S00. Poor T.'iniariiue is again in trouble. I'pon bis recent return to Paris from b's country seat, the stoves were ligh(ed in his mansion, mid they set. fire to u porsin his study. These papers were letters cor.taiuing postoffieo money order--, which wor lying; in baskets until his return, us he wished to open theiu himself! I hey had been aecuuiulalitig lor throe weeks, and it is reckoned they contained. Some eight thou-and uollari. Charles Sumner, according to rumor, is to ret i i u from p.olitic il lile at tho close, of bis present Sen ito rial term, in WO. and will spend a nun. her of years in Eu rope. Governors Andrew and Uullnck are named as eaudi lates for the su icessor and John l. Alley, the present Congress man, it is said, will probably be the next nominee of tho liepitblicatis for Gov ernor of Massachusetts. The telegraph his announced the death oI'L iuis A. Mi'tioist, of St. l.o-iis lie was the descendant of one of the' old Fiei.ch laniilies that fust settled St. I.oiii-. ini'l has lott an estate valued at mi! i us. Most ofhis proporty was made hy siieces lul binking. lie d'ed at i J a Vi.nn on January lo;li, at the ago of sixty lour M ais. Isaac KoH'nthal, who was recently t.iod lor iit'onij ling to blow up his store iu St. Joseph with gunpowder, has commenced suit against John Di-mond. the owner of the bull. Iin;;. lor tJJ'J.OHU damages, al'eging that Peiuond iirr.ang ed the whole plan to compel hi in ('osenthalj to vacate tho promises. A Communication states on tho au 'liorily of General Grant, that n i such order as is reported to have boon issued by General Sherman I'm tha protection ol over land trains, has been received lit headquarters. A copy of the Sfiiate resolution relative thereto, has boeu re (c i red to Gen. Snermaii lor a report. A report lo the Free linan's IJurcan from the Assi-tatit Siiperinteiiileni, of Fairfax Vn.,dat d Vienna, Va.. 2d insl., slates that fair contracts fur tho ensuing year have been pretty generally effected There is no very little surplus labor in the country. A gtowin Wis n.witi ) i t i cultivate land up iii shales is manifested. Na' o a' Dank currency to the niuoiint of S i07.7") 1 was issued during the week, making tho totul sum u date, loss amount red-iced, S2!H.77t3.2ol. The disbursements accounts to the several named denar'iuuuts durinr the week w. rn as tulluwrs : War Department, 82.rt:l.9i)3 j Navy Department, 1 10, ; Interior Dopartui'eut, tpJlO,C72, D.icb U:r 'V r-e.'. 1. P. si-.iT. ( iu. i I'n in ton. liom rsir rurvw.-ii. . . o ir : Nov. 1. struck oil ehouls near Jsarnegut on the night of the S'h. uud cau.c off soon "after leakinir buflly. ' subseqnentlp towed to the sotl'h went Spit, where, Ihe -leak i iiiein r raputiy. tl.o sunk at 7 o'cloek yest-rday inovninjr in five Miliums T he" "ineer au i Crew have Arrived iu New York. Advircs from M.nbi i f .',' throe eil'to'-s couleuied to i n; ;, ooi ot al hard labor. It is positively nnnotricod that all l'reueh troops will leave .Mexico by the 'lb l of Fcbiuary. llaron Picasnli !r ah. ut to introduce in the It.iiinn I'lirliaiiieiit a bill ill regnd lo the'jiropi l'y of ihe thuieh. Tr is confidently expected in Ant'vern that the lit Igian legion now serviiii under Maximilian will soon return home. 'cly j)Jt'crlisi.,h)t'i!l!. iSSOLUTION '.IF r.utTN'oKsnri. The pnrtiirrsliin lieroi ofmv txistinu buiwcioi Ocorpe I'. Il-nliiieli nu I Oi"U)t Imhop, nailer Ihe title of II I NTI'.N AC fl .t Ol., is 'his ilay tlissolvcl l noiliial C 'n fcnt. The aceounts of tin lal" lo in till se'Ulct ly 0. I'. IIINTKNAH!. who will continue business at tin- same jilm e. 0. V. 1111.' : l-,NCir, Ken. 12. st ii'.in;t;i-: imiioi'. rpiIK AM KUO'V N I'O'V-Ml i.KI-ii M ' I flllNK! The ".itr. A I'l'.-T ami amit siieees-fnl invention of llir Ag-1 ! I lAi-rv tiruileiit l.niiH'i slum 1 Imvn nn i. P.'cino your own UTiiiorv. Apply early at the olllee. rxniANGK r.t.'lODTNTr, PV 14, 3t. ' llnrrisburjr. I'a. INTENSE EXCITE C LOTH ! N G ! C LCThi ! N G ! for the SlUHon ! A Well Dpcs.kvI Man BUYS I US CI.O I'llING at Tin-: srou:: of GEO. P. illNTENAEH, IN ST. M i:y s. 3 V ALWAYS Til E i P. H ! NT liS AC II li iv'mj 'a'ioti cn- 7f, lire eoitrnl of the ostulih-li'iu'iit I'.niiii'rly oecupH'.l b.V 0. 1. tlinieiiaeh & Co.. wmilil ri'specifally inf irm tin.' cili7.cn of lllk county that lie is prepared to tarnish tlituii with I lie , lest Kind of Clothing itt rates which ilofy eouipoiilion. Ilo has on liiiiol ii litre., n'soi-tninnt of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cuiisintiiig of I'A NTs. 'tT4 .j (MVIM. which he has lately puruhnseil in the Mast, ami which he will iJispuse of at n i.liglit a l vance on cesU His Geutlemcu', Furnisiii'T .apartment is speciiilly aOapteil la the win's i f his customer. IIuIirs als.j abvg'invl extensive stnck'of CI.'ITIIS, CASSIMEIUCS VK.VT IXtJS of t lie latest stylo ami pitlern. which ho will m i .Vo to oriler in a ileal ami 1 1 it i nl .1 o niiiiiner, nml ns Cilll P us it can bo iliiiie any p'a-e ia the conniry. GIVE Ul.M A CALL. .Vatisfaction Kuar uuteeJ, and Roods warranted. All ho asks is a FA 1 11 Tltl AL to prove it. S'. M-iiVs I'a.. Feb. 14. 1 S.V. 1SG7 3 -SfJT j)IHLA DELPHI A A: EIUE UAfl. IfO.VI'. This frreut line traverses tho Northern and N.iilhwcst countie.) of Pennsylvania to the city ol Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the rniiit"i iii'ti Ixutl HunI CuutjiuHy, aud is operu ed by them . Its entire length was opened for pas sender and freight business, October 17th. lKiil. TIME UF I'ASSENUEl! TIIA1NS AT UIDG AV. ,Cf Kasltrunl. Erie Mail Train 8 47 p. in. Erio Express Train 11 O.j p. in. J.iiick West ten nt. Erie MailTrain 1 21 p. m Erin Express Train C .')() . m. I'a-seti'.'cr cars run throuoh without ehioie both ways betweeu I'uila leljiha and I'lrie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at D.OO a. m., Arrive ut Erie 0 tn a. in. Leave Erie at 5.40 p. in., arrive at New York 4.4J p. m. Ei.i:m: r Si.i;kpix(1 Cahs on Express Trains buih ways between W illiam-pori and Ealtiniore, and Williamspoit uud Philadelphia. l'or iiilormation resneetini; Passenger business apply at the !. E. corner Ibith uud Market' Sts, Pl il.idelpl.ia. And for l'rnijrht business of the Com pany's Ao-ents: is. I!. IviiiLT-ton, Jr. Cor. El h nnd Market Sts. Philadelphia. .1. W. Reynolds Erie. W. Urowu, Ajjent N. ('. 1!. R. liai tiuioie. II. II. II...'ST0. n,l. Fr.rht Aft. I'JuTu. II. AV. (JWINXKII. a-,, 7. Ta-f.-rt Ajl. ru-Ta. Al.FlM.Il. L. TVI.KR, (Sfiirrnt Si)tl Erie. CABLrNG!-CABLINGf .TON'S Uest Quality iust rooeive I. an i t ) for tsulo at the LOWilST marknt price. Seud in your en-dor. J, POWELL. '1 hesl.q. NEWS DEP01 AND ptMiiomcAr, s 'JMLJjL"''' DAILY -.0 WEEKLY- PAPEILS will be for sale liercnftcr, regularly at ' u ' 1 III: OOK OTOU12 1 N ST. MABY'S. ,N. 1. Auv work; cither American or Europon. l.eliious, Scieiitilie, I'hil osophical, Histotical. .'ii'., will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Hnok or Stationery line not iu Store, will be. sent for by mail mu be received in a few days niter or dering. f j tin . Ill v. imio roruiAPirs. U. & II. T AiiTHOTC ii TO., llaa-iictureis o' Pjatographic IJatorials, h..le- i .1" illi'i i.i'hol, u. i;i-.t.U)WAi '. N. v. In n-Mi: inn I r. f.:ir to tin lnisini'B i.f ll!OTt)'!i!Alv::r MATiMIALS wo are llca.I.jilarlel-s to lie I' ilo. WiYi rr. v'. fiTKitKSt'opr.S .V STKUKSOt'IC A IKH'S OT A ner .cm ao I r.nviTii (pics f.m.1 J.a:el SCIlpi'S. '!imis. Si iiiiM'-v. fio. si i i;i:s it'.-p.: i:;.is iii'Tiii-: Kroiii iii'tfii ivis ina-lt' in I lie varum.- e'luo pa: jus nml t u-niing a r:uinp!eto i'iiot'iraph. ie liistorv nl'ilio e'icii nt..f. STr.'ir.-rni'lf IIAVs- dX r,!,. A'lapicil lor eilaer Ilic ! :i ;io I.un'Oiii or the MorcM'tiiii'. ( iin-(' oal'.'.-iie. v i 1 tie scnl lo any :nl l''i' on ! ipl n" Si-onn. I'ltill'iC'! WMIC I.IIP.M. ' V.'o inai.ul'neiui-.' nim-e largely linn nay '. o'lier lii'i"'. n'liiiit V'"'0 v;r:.r ". !:-":a ;VI I cei's 0. oi l oi"!. (iin A l.liCMst mvo ti.e ri'pioatinn of being iipirior in he taly ninl i ' i . VI 1 1 ' I ' t v luaov iillll'!--. Cai-a r'lOtcgrr.V.B of CcnovMr?, Gtatscn, Actorrj, . etc., c.c. On!' t 'nl iilocrno Milti-io'cs ii-rv I'H'Il TlUM'SAM) ililVeri'til soPjeet:'. i i , .-1 ; .1 i t. vcpi-oihict iiiim or il,,. iioisi eeli'liraU'il Kn trraviiigs. I'a uiii:;:s. Maine-, eie. L'ui.'i lopiK'S sent oti -i'-:'eiit of st.imp. P'-iO'eo-ip'o'r. a:iil o'lier oril'M'ine fTeo-ls C. O !.. witl !i"i. t-f-iiit. per cult: ;'lU niii'iiint wiili il.eii- oi-ili'i-. f :,s-''Tlii' prices ti ii . I ijualjiy i.Toar trni 1: eaiuiot fail lo saii: fv. (.;iine 1 I'liU-ly. Am;!-: . t'A' i rr. f.i!!;.i' i-nioih and iine.jiiji!le '.).feil. sif-ielici: iid eo ti i .To i nio-s ol opei al ion, are iptal.; ,es po. eiili.ir to the Nonpareil Wnsliiiiy; Ma chine, It is a sqiee7.iar: iifi'-Iiiiie eiinstriie!od on rt-ietly iiichntiicfil riii''iilt's. nnd II:; ox perii'iiee derived fi oin fivtjyeau exieiisive use in funiilies. lintels nnd pulilie insiinn'orn proves it to bo of lasting value lo (lie ;i:u cioiser ' Tli? milliner of operatins the Nonpareil, by roinrv ir.eiinit Miiinc: una craaU s'ni II with balaie'ii whoel.) wJiieh moves . thtt plinufers n!i, 'tin I. i ! " ,-o.i.!.'-t. le-i bibor'now mi I lie,.. i none: lul il.ai canlKMlo viscd for tin' piirpo-e. and aeeioiiposiies the work with ihe pcuiust rapiOiiy tind the least poihic laboi'. Tht'iit'oal si(.0'l .vi!lt whieh ihi-. iiiaeliine performs wot-!; will bo ceder-tnu.! Iri.tn l.e slateineiit that il is rreiired :o ive .-ix i"o!;ea of ihe )ihiiieers for one turn ol tin.' hamile, or, when worked leiiirely. lei.iiit f.nir loin died ol ri lies a nnniile Sufo' vio ihe 1'iln ii' washed is iusurcJ I y tho cn:oe ab-eiico of rubbing. A jriri or boy of ftftoon can work the laa chili.', ami ilo a week's v. ashing for n I'nni'y of six or eij.'hl per-ons in I wo in throe hoi.i-s' lime: and ii may bo relied on Po clean - i h. oli.t liiinr tlen-iiiieliiy. wiiliout ns.-i.-,; -iuea freni hand rii'ibiis;; fend for tii"j locripiivo f'ii-rii'ir aed terms lo dealers, to whom exclusive riht of sale is secured. OAKLEY .1- KE TId. 1 S 1, Water St., N. Y. July 2il,'oii ly J. CrilN'EY .V- .SON, FHOTOGRAPIIIO APvTiSTS. 707. lillOADWAY. N. Y. IN addition to our riiotnc;i aphio Art Gali leiy, pttHb'ishi'd in 1810. wo love' for the last Five years bad advaiitaoes su perinr lo any other establishment iu oh taininn fi'tiiiL's from bio, ot ;, the Prouiincnt Cclebiities of the day in Card portiail-, end are now t oblishing a Catuloirue of over '- iiOi) ST EJECTS, Ameriesu and Fnrei'jii, also a lare !i-t of copies of Woiks of Art uiid Eii'jrp.v. inirs. Cata!oou, mnt on receipt ot Slump. An older lor one dozen pie tores liom our ( uf'il0:."jo will be lilfrd i i.t SI 8..), and sent by mad tree. iSi pictures t.i cents each, cieiits ef 0.1: eravin.-s I.'t cents each. N. 1J. Wo aUo desire, to eail atrenrion to the ad-.. intake we have f,.r i.-)iodiie-in.-', or co;, ;.:.. J.l ).i;I!orrctyjW.s Auilil ot ypes. ( V.V-I I 'io! Hi f s, ,,f ,10 eea-ed le.laliv.s atel f.-ieinls, en! ir.-ov.' th m to anv si.e, aod finishing i i Oil. Wai. r Col us. (,.- Ink, with the an) nl ten lal. ipod artists. Part: 1. s ibviiriiiLr copies, fth.uild there fore eorie'sp ind with us direct. Send l'.:r a e ilaloeuc. 'i lie trade siipjilietl nt a liberal disc. Hint. (iallerv open for (roe inspection, and s raiuers visitiitL' the city will Ibid mir 'iall. rv ne of the most n-;r.e.'ib!e places where, iu to while away a t hum. .1 lil'RV i.Y .t SON. sen 'Id (iu . 707, liroadway, N. Y C10AL, e K-! A?li . RT CLiTJ 1 All oi M.pei'ioi nuulily, lur sulc by (lie Taunerdalo Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. B-iyOrders by mail prompt!. iiter.J. cd to. sept 10 j-tt J 01J 1'EINTING CHEAPLY & NEATLY E3:pEI)ITIf)USLi' Kxutd ti the Ad.ocate Otfies 4: a at Tin: New Sto: of 57 e: i s e: i o t n e: n at St. Mary's, Elk Couuty I'ciiusyh juia Succassoas to Grotto:: Wti.3. Oir.T f.r s-.V. ,i! u'lo'f.Vr.,,.! rot nit, a v.-vH seieoiva slock uf S'jiJXo"-SL:H.iJiJi .v," r,. '-.'..ii .''- '...ir jj ..l Oil . Ll j , rorLixx, n;:L.ixi:, A J 1 A .1 J J I J, iro-1 AVvic;is. A I;ir jrs Plain ::nd li: issuitme-iit of Prints, V.'iii!; .'Ot.d.J of every ilcseription. Flaunt m of ;;ll kiul.i, (;itj;iijin,; Tickings .attl i'lilaing in leat variety. ! ; 1 i.ADIE'S OG LniLTJUEN' Millinery Goods; such as no'xxi-TZ, hats, caps, Kinnoxi:,. a l o i i:s .f-; o si 1:1; y. ( 'J'X''S j'uniiJu'iij yjds of tiyj frititfn CLOTH CASSIMAWES is., JL-c. f.iUO.TEIUES AND PliO VISIONS. A large stock of PETROLEfM CANDLES KOAP OF ALL KINDi. In short, we have everything needed for famil , us,. Cedar and WiiW Ware of every do. script ion. Con feet ioi:arv, Ei ii -h. esol all kinds. A lull as-o.-t- " lii'. nt ..I.St-tl-.Miery. Wall Pu I'sr, Pape; Cnrmiiis, tii'ul Od Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ol iM-oars anj Tobacco. lpm;Y (irii STOCK directly from ti,:, .'i tuulaeiiirerati 1 there fore we canafl.r! to soil cheaper thai, any other cstabii J!meiit iu Eik county. lE Pnr.LIO nre resp.etf,,! ;n. Vlle l 1. 1 ,. ,! n. ,.. .... StOiikaitil ,!,.;,.:- Who-I,,,,. t!.V Wis', ; '"-'i' o.'t.firw, claim to h,v 0-.o sell loi less vr!K than any other housj in the cuuntv. heiu St. M t) , Msrth lOth'CS