t 11)0 Eli; Co:.i'.;i ilhs::,'. J..UN i him,, i:imvi1U riteruti Tor., .1. f. Niour, 11 iii.imii it. TIIintSIAY: IVbrnavy lllli-lC.y. pVM mmm imia otmihii wwmmmm Took i-.iio v.l-.t news; :i-it w- will, we find hoc. nuls of I'li-riulo In-clic-. fV. rol l.t-i ; , inect!Vi:iii-nt!, e , e.e. 'ibis is all iititiimted to llie lato war. l-ueli limits arc sure to lolhuv mi the lu els ..I a win-. r-nd i-spot-Killy after such A cue lis ive have 1:ti1 . But let us not sit down nTl let it hI-u.c hi cause I tint r..- the o;ms. Let us try to umedy this -V-l. Even in euro" u little ouixy, v-ithin tiie las! two years. Ilicro have lien two case '!' manslaughter at least, ot which ther.? W:ts no i-o-utzane.s taken by tlie officers whose duty it was to do so. This laxity i.s in no way excusable, ii'.lhoujj. the victims were obscure and unknown, yit noun the !c-s should the i-flieers l'1' 1:1X in the peiloiinince ot their .so v oral du ties, but laiher nmrc active. The protection of the law should bo extended alike to the humble laborer as wcli as to the wealthy ami powerful. But not nlor.e in our county do wo find this state ot iifi'airs. Society is hrcniin'-' more u tno.alixcd every day this state of things is. allowed to 1 r e. 1 ct us remedy the evil. Let us atlempt it To do this we mux tit men in eCieo U will Sink ll'.emdves llv.it their cvv.mry -..My i'-e l.'-u in pr-vj crity, 1 , -nor. hut touts.' nr.d -icatiic-s. Men who are t . be entrusted vvhli the j power to ulnkc laws i'or us hhov.hl be j men of known integrity men who will respect :nd maintain laws almi'.y mud.!, j What cnu.1 laws for the 1.revci.ti.ui of j dime, U.. en wo expect iron, the ma- jmity of the I'ei.ii -yivanhi Le;.is!..turo , which elected such a man a Cuui.h.;. j lo the li;,U t.iv.1 re-rv-u-iUo i.i:wn of j U. S. Senator "! Let us ll.eu at let., t t.'tompt torcnii- j tlylhc rcwinu evil. To ua this the the Taws, which lire u'O.d elioU-li, mu.-t be strictly e-u force -1. v... . . r i.i.:wn :i n 1 hr.V ill'.'! 1 ,o . .... . order at tlie Soul'ii have demonstrate 1 j the illness ol tl.o t-ouiheni people tor a .. ., ,..,,nrt ' 1.. share nt tr.e-.r ow n ; cou.t.siV.'theSi.u-I.ern.Maesluiviiiubeeu u'nl no unl: ha- complained ol wn.io: or injustice at tlie h:u:d ol the civil an .1.. t no lime have the soldiery been reipiiie I to act, except toi,;icll re j i ro n u:a r linaiiou or ici.r i on, manl a-:iiii.-t vio!,-.iiee M.Uiiht to he pio V..kei t.y oeu-io Mitirajic dnoano..u's. w!io in levolu.-.-naiy time.-- are soi 'I h'.n.i; . but in peae- i.u.l liaii.j.liiit.V. '"''".. ,o ocoioe e aiouered in war ever o (('il 4 li ly. p.a'i..miy au-1 uiiair.mo'-Kly selin"! lioVV ii to Iheir fa'c a- H ive Hie p-jopiu ..i .-oillh. As a whole, sin"'' I ' e eh-e tl (,l ,, ilie war. then- o'.ct has been liter- ill y ivillioJt lepioiii h. Advice- from Ih-oiaMn'e. that Awer- t;,,i.t. i-l'.iirion had niailo no set. Ttcme'ut ot his U'.lEeulty with the Hxee- lean t!cii: uliv and was atioilt lo leave Tin: capi tal for the ee:it to await instruetions l'roiii h;. t;overiiiiieiit. He eomphiius o! a lack ol 'Curtesy to hiu.-cU' and oilier .'.....;..,. M;.,i.t!M-s to Mii.-ouei'o, aiidcvi- .Ie . t : v appear.- to l.aveiee oe.-oi u.c ,uie. The agents of the Columbian crniiieiit are nt l'aiia'.na and Aspin- 1!HVC Wall, aud uic ordi re t to taKO exa. i u aj is billows : Total weight oi man tn.luv polled ovc r ihe Isthmus. I u nher of p::s sen;'.eis, (ju intity of money aud treasure, and total weight ol car.o. llesoluiious were introduced in the Missouri Senate yesterday dedaiine: rail joud con-olidations, vvhieli have not boi n upproved by the (lencial Assembly, null and void, and cailint: for a law to i emu late freight and pas-eu.'.'er l ales, and for the orotci-tioii of the I i;;Uts of the p. o jile. A hill was also introduced in the House to prohibit the drlvin.r of'Tcxis cuttle through the State, on the ground that tiiey biiu' eonta-ioii with them. Tr. a.t.oit .lolin-ou called uikmi Cvwsc 1'eab, . 1 ...M....1rt ,.!t:V..l ..:u, ra'.uioay , i s u 'i. and in Ilia e invcr.at ion be pan tlie lat- ter a !."!! e .imi. him nt b.r li is itiuiiiuuicnt dotiutio'n to the cduea ioaal mtere.-ts ol t'', South. In alhili",' to llniilund. Mr. I' 1., v .id I ! i a L tliere was now a i,ie:oey b een:; toward the Cl.U. d no l ti'.iilS l.v llie l.eoi leaiid t!.. olt itcuU'.tiy than ever ui-lore. nern! Kradshavv, late candidate, for Collei :tor of Laeimuaii eoun'y, Mo., l.as !.t suit n.'iuust Vi'. M. irllolliiall, 1 .oil ..? rici-ic. ibr a vioiuiioii of the !a i -,i lb rowing out le.al votes ci. ei-h in 10 late cleetioii to elect Ins vn parly s indihite. Cencral Uradsbaw claun.i .'.'.'JUO damages. 1-our fifths of the ed't..n crop of San .s..Hi.d. vtdoi- has In en o.-.-i r..;ycii j wi in- d ruin". The yield will n-.t l.-J J.-''U bale. I'r.sll.l.l Hli(:IIO UK.-Jie ICP. ..ia (1... t!alr-of affairs -iw I.careful I'.-- an. ,1 , ro-fro;is. Hahiuee'in cash on I and In, i I'll, ami a lair pr..sptel ol me j it. lie debt being paid off. A bonk i to h? (--ul:li-h( in (iuate. Pia'la.e.ipitul, SO'O'V'" nUSTIC . WINDOW GHADEG A T M'Wafj-1 HALL WAHItliX, r.. WINDOW GHADES A T VARIETY HALi W.UtlillX, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T JETY HALL w.utr.nx, pa. OTATIIMMNT of the Keeeipts arid O I'lxpi'ii'l.itures of Elk Cuuuty tor the war ltiG. CK: l!v n mt paid Win. A. 131 Coin. By ain't paid J W Taylor Com. I5y ain't paid Louis) Vollmer Com. By ain't paid John C McAl lister, Com-, ehnk. By ain't paid J K IJ Hall By ain't paid L J Blakely iSistnet Attorney, By ain't paid J A Malone 'Shcrilf, By ain't p-iid Bounties for 'Wolves ie. By ain't paid f'rtson Ilxpen ses. By ain't p'.i l Jury fees, By um't paid assessing ex. peti.-es,- By ain't pai l election expen By iiin't pai 1 jnstiers fees, By ain't paid eon-lables iicS 1V ain't pii'd auditors 1-es, li ain't paid .iii.lilor- clerk By ain't paid ui'dilov of pro- llionotaiys aecuitul. By ain't paid load views. By ain't paid stal.ionaiy for ti e Si'V. ral offices, By si : i t paid Mamps, By ain't pnid repairs to pub lie l.uil. lins, I'.y ain't pai I lire-proof buil o ; ii, !Iy ain't paid J..''n C. II.iM attorney I it county, iiy i'tu'1. paid proili's. tees, l!y ain't paid Janitor, By ain't paid 1 W Days bal due at selt'cmeiit. i'.y ain't piintiu contract, Bv I'lii't paid lii'Ues s By ain't .aid House ot llef uje. Mei Can tiie appraisers. By ain't paid llefuiiding oi dels, By ain't pai I Commission allowed Cnoeetol.s, By ain't p ii I Treasurers Couimissioii, By excess ot receipts, -4 1 17 tc. 110,00 IjO 50 137 50 13 7o 4 00 120 CC eo co 1049 b" loo E5 405 87 4 11. iu js no y ou o oo lo") i)J 350 0 8 in 480 S2 S7-':) Oil loo oo Uill H-i 100 00 201 C:j iiii (in H b7 1ST oil 8 00 82 40 114 00 4:57 4S 22U0 52 S1102ij 18 I)K. To ain't of taxes collected from unseated lands, To ain't ried trom collectors To a. n't ree'd Ironi John (i. Hail att army lor county, To jury fees, To line in commonwealth vs V. X. Hans To tine in coiiimoiiweahh vs l I o iuelly, 885(57 7 1 2:J(iU oil C2 . 00 82 01. 25 00 10 00 811(520 18 ASSETS it LIABILITIES. Ax-wts. t.'.i' li in n'v, eo. fun is $d40 fit il'i no " Kiaie lu 1,1-t'l 20 ii.) .lu lmioily ilo ".WM ! $J,187 C7 Anpiiiiii ilue ly eolleelors, sub ject lo exoneration. lf" o Isaac Hays, I'm, $1,'8 03 IHI'..) J V ll.ii.li. Kiilicwnv, (17 -17 l ii.i Wi'lMi-tSl Mary's 3d 02 ISIt l II Moore, .Nti; (.'leek l.j'i OH iMtii M l'lei-e Iteiiezelt 11 ?, Istf! ,1 Clio--, lioiiziugi-r, lS:t till 1 s.Jti w MeCuul. v. Fox, W'( fi l:-il V Miller, ones, 711 -ttl I s 'a; I' ll.ek'.ll.-wii, U'mv'y I'.'H C.'J ltl.iil T lrvviu, ('reek -7-i 57 I'.iimt v 'fax Celieeiurs. 1 i; t . I. .liii K.ieli. r,.x, r.17 00 ItiiKI liV.eiS, Ili.L'iinv, ld'i 10 :ti'.4 M ren in, I'rti, 1 S.;", II J) lierr, lion -zell. l-il '.it. Ji'.o hii Ml.iil'.l i;-".; i s iilj :! hi 7:1? 1.7 10 Oo :.") .1 A Miller, i-'ax, I-- '. .'.rinel I ii. Ky, .lay, 1 '-''."I 1! A dill, Ri.'bMvay, ld-jo 11 Muorc, Sj- e'vk Luihillt'l. I'oiiiify band-, oulsfu r..iM Ofl I'll. cm'. I ..a h:i:ii .1 1,0'M O.I Co. ov.l. r- uiiMuiiiling t!7S Li line lb. use of Kel'upj 11 (tl D.ie (J.niui.mwealtu 11,01 1 7J 11.120 83 lUctsss of Assets .$2,807 7' BOA!) Ol'.DIIit.S OUTSTANDIXO Beiii.i;'.ett twji. Bei.jiuer ti.wn-hip, 1 1 iblund ton nsliip, Jnitcs tovviii-hip, Jay tow ii.-hip, 1'oit township, Kidjiwiiy towuidiip, pringcrwk towcebip, SO ) 00 !)'.) 00 6 00 (55 00 141 00 159 00 78 00 50 00 ) AMM .COYNK; -Tmihirrcr id Elk tor theyear iiulmo, January 1st, DU. To amount rrc'il from fornior Treasurer 3 Tu iiiii'iun! ree'il Ironi lux on uiiseiile.l binds To amount ree'd from Collec tor.." To um't ree'd from Jolin G Hall, attorney for coaaly... 81 8,0(17 2,0!)!i C2D 11,501 ROAD, SCHOOL. So SCHOOL BUILDING FUNDS. Bene?ett li.md FiltiJ, IV. To ain't ree'd from former Tr. $ G To um't of Ini ree'd from un seated binds ,07y 01 l,18o Bnezelt school fund, ur. In ninnuiit received from un seal cl lands , $ To balance due Treasurer 1,121 118 1,27'-1 Benz;n.:.'er road fund, dr. To amount of tux received from unseated lands $ l.OOl To niii. unit i-eeoived from un seated, additional 410 20 1.730 01 Bcnzin'.'cr sehnol fund, dr. To linn. nut received fiem for mer treasurer. S 2 IS To amount received from tax on unseated lauds l,80O 70 1,332 CI 1,C75 801 Fox road fund. dr. To amount received from former treasurer. To amount of tux reeeiv -d from unseated lands To amount ol lux reeeiv .! from unseated bin Is, additional... 2.028 C 1,013 Fos school find. (Ir, To amount i ecci veil from oriiier treasurer To iimoimt of tax received on un-ealed lauds 1,041 Fox sch- ol buil linir, dr. To amount receive. 1 from former treasurer To amount reee.v. d fruiii lax on unseated lands ... 4 037 012 03 Ili-bland r.eid land, dr Toamouiil ree-iv-'d from former t i ea ur 'i- To nun. nut of (ax received from unsealed lunis... i.ooi 1.102 IIi;;hhii'd scb....l fund. dr. T ..,.,,,.,..7 .. .i ..l i-.-.a... - unseated bul ls 003 To ainoiiiii recvlv I ironi tornier treasurer , 23 000 1.203 1.205 15 002 Jay road fund. dr. To amount received 1'iom tax on unsealed iuu.ls Jay school f'ind, dr. To amount r -ee'ved 1'iom former tr.-a-urer To amount r;,e .tv.'d fsoiii tax ou unseated land- C77 180 1.08O Jones road fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer To amount received from tax on unseated lauds 2,100 Joivw -cbo.d fund. dr. To .ain't re'd from l'onii"r tr'r.. 1 To amount ree ; veil from tax on unsealed lands 1,003 To balance due treasurer... . ... 01 1,300 B.id.'WMv road fund. dr. y amount received from for- 'mei- treasurer 25 To iiin'l ie'd onuiis-aled lauds 1.7:e To ain't on same, additional 070 2,400 Bid jwav sehoal fund. dr. To amount r-celved from lax uii unseated lands 851 851 Ppriiiir Creek road fund, dr. To (im't ree'd from former t reus 5 To ain't ree'd on unsealed lands 1,040 To amount on same, additional 022 To bubiuee due Ir'er 20 1,701 cpri'i:r lrek sehon! fund, d'. To amount received from former ' tren-ur-r ; To aiHouul receive, 1 from tux on Illls.'aUd lauds 1,102 1.10 1 I'uiid. 811 Sorill'i fp'i'k SeblV.l Illlildiljo To aaioun o'.'tax rce-'iTed from unseated lands 311 CI . 311 St. Man's vo4 ati l corporation fiiud,dr ft. Inry's road mid corporutiou fund To amount r -e iv-d from tax on . Hy ain't pai 1 former treasurer unseai'- l 'u:i Is 71 12 Hv bi.ro t r 'usurer's receipt 50 I'.y Irensur r's commission 2 Hv balance duo fund 18 71 dr. 2 184 St Mniy's kchool fund, To aniouiil r 'e ive l from for mer I r. -usurer To amount received from lux ou unseulcd lauds W County', iu aeiu'tiut with ita several linn's lSiii. CIL T.y orders IVib-om-d. PI Hy reluu rnit orders I'.y exaiii.! ion ttrilT 70 Py Ti p's com. on Jll.iio'.) 18 r"c iived. at 2 percent 30 I!y Tre's coin, on S10,1'J 41 disbursed, lit 2 per cent.... 09 By costs on deeds of laud sold lo county., 10,212 0o 82 lo 8 0.) 201 18 200 CO ' IPS 72 010 Al 11.0'J-l 12 By balance due vounly. 12 Bcnozett Itoud Fund. Cr. 15y sin i orders nf redeemed... S 1, 31 00 .v com. oii.-silO CI at 2 per cent., rooeivwl 41 Vy com. on SI, 7. "51 IK) at 2 per cent , dis'iursiiifr 81 I'y balance due fund 271 13 2,083 Benezett school lund. cr. P.V "list . tr'rs reccipl '.. S 1.223 Co I'.y tr'rs coin, on .41.12t 03 M reo'MTcd. at 2 per cent 2l 10 Iiy tr'rs com. .on SI. 220 ol -di-bursed, at 2 per cent.... 2150 Otl 11 111- O ,2(.j Uinzinixer rnil fund, or. P.y nm'l pa-id formor treasurer $ 4 lie orders redeemed 1.133 i'.y Ir'rs com. m 1,730 iil re ceived, al 2 per cent 03 Hp tr'rs com. cm l,J0O 00 L"l Hy l.alunce iluc fund I'.' j 1,730 Benzinjrcr sehiol fund, cr. Hy district tr?niuei'' receipt 1'y ir'rs com. on 1,0:1(1 70 me'd $ lie tr'rs com. on 0OU 00 d'bsd l!y balance due fund 910 20 IS 88S 1,302 i.ot 403 1 31 41 417 2,028 021 1 20 CO 01 Fox mad fund, cr. By orders redeemed 53 Hy orders redeemed, additional lly refunding order ; 12 1'y tr'i-s com. on 2,53ii 47 roe'd liy tr'rs com. on 2,0'.i7 08 ds'bd 05 15 v balance due fund .02 Fox school fund, cr. By district treasurer's receipt 20 liy refunding; order Hy tr'rs com. on 1,(UI3 41 ree'd 41 liy tr'rs com. on 023 01 ds'bd To- l.aianee due fund 70 1,011 Fox school Imildin?. cr. Hy district treasurer's receipt 700 07 " " " " .00 Hy tr'rs com. on 007 47 ree'ed IS 47 V.y Ir'rs com. on OOO 00 dis'bd 18 1'y bal.u.ce due fund 5 11 .012 Highland road fund, cr. Hy orders redeemed.... ; . 010 40 Ity refutidinct orders 7 Hy enie.'rs orders for balanco i'i si nisi settlement I'D Hy tr'rs com. on 1,004 40 ree'd 21 I'.y tr'rs com. on 1.014 02 ds'bd 20 Hy balance duo fund 107 03 Highland school fund,' cr 7'-- -i:..r- .nno..n'.. 81 Hy refunding order Hy tr'rs com. ort (105 SI ree'd.. 11 Hy Ir'rs com. on 332 31 Uis'b'd Hy balor.ee due fluid 1,102 -o 2 12 0 250 COO 0 S02 21 17 217 l',2'J3 623 ' 10 10 125 00 . Jay road fund, cr, Hy nm'l paid former treasurer 21 Hy orders v-dermed Hy tr'rs coin, on 1.20."i 21 ree'd Hy Ir'rs com.-on 805 CI dUbsJ Hy balance duo fund 25 Jay school fund, cr. Hy district treasurer'.-;, receipt 00 Hy tr'rs com. on 002 07 ree'd... Hv tr'rs coin, on 528 00 dis'lid C7 Hy balance due fund 07 Jones road fund, tr. Hy orders redeemed 12 Hy tr'rs com. on 1,080 00 ree'd Hy tr'r coin, on 1,022 25 ds'lid UO Hy balunce due fund 1.C22 30 02 405 12 2,100 Jonts school fund, cr. 00 Hy district treasurer's receipts 1,285 Hv tr'rs com. on 1,3110 00 ree'd 25 00 Hy tr'rs com. on 1,285 13 J.-bJ 21 00 03 1,000 05 Ttidgway road fund, cr Hy orders redeemed 1,807.0' 00 Hy tr'rs coati on 2,3SIJ 44 ree'd 17 01. 08 Hv tr'rs com. on 1.K07 00 dsb'.l 37 70 Hy balance duo fund 451 01 " 2,400 . llidway school fund, cr. Hy district treasurer's receipts C78 75 Hy treasurer's commission ''n lly balance due fund 113 75 851 Spnna; Orec-k roaJ luud, cr. 00 Hy orders redeemed 1, GOO 80 Hv ex. order 3 80 Hy tr'rs com. ou 1 ,000 75 vo'd 83 18 Hy tr'rs com. on 1,000 00 dL-bd 32 02 1,701 !:;. ring Creek school fund, cr. Hy "li 'riet trisistirci-'s receipt 001 Hy e. order A Hv .treasurer' commission...... 42 21 57 liy balance due fund 211 81 1,102 dr. ?iniii'.' Cieek school building fund. Hy district tr-nsnrer's receipt 57 CI Hy uxonerstion order 4 I'.y treasurers commission 7 liy balaiiei due fund 213 42 i". Mary's school fund, Hv 'reii-.urcr's comniission ou CI 'l3 00 at two per cent Iiy balunce due fund 50 cr. 3 182 21 1M BOUNTY,' CPIIDGZ lilt County 1 onntv f ind, i To ain't ree'd from former tr'r To um't from tax on tins Inn 's To ain't from en 'lectors of I'C.'i To nm'l from roll-rlo" or IM',1 To 0 uios interest on $ 1,000 00 Ir. 187 no 27 oon 07 0t7 42 120 00 0,E03 01 fl CI 1,820 07 Jay br iin'y fund. dr. 'To amount received from for mer treasurer To auiouiit recived irom tux on unseated lauds 1,000 Ft. Mary's bounty run. 1. dr. To amount from for. treasurer 2 To amount from uns. lands... CO '60 fift 88 05 03 Benczett bounty fund. dr. Bonooif bounty Tc amount of tax received Hy "list riet tr"ssurer's I from unseated lunds 3,805 01 Hy treasurers commission Hy balance due fund..., S.'8ii3Jl 13 01 TJonz'iiL'cr bounty fund. dr. To amount received from tax on unhealed lands 1,07' 1.075 Tti.li.'wav bounty fund dr. To amount of tax received from unsealed lands 1.012 o tj'j 00 ('tl 1.552 20 1.552 20 M'Koan, Klk, Forest & Clarion Slate l'.oad M'Koan, Ellc, Forest & Clarion Stale lloil Fund. Hr. Fund. Cr. To amount re'd from former tr. 10 00 I5y orders' redeemed 1,100 0"i To un t from tax on uns lands .1.037 28 Hy treasurer's coniiiiiss.ou .. 81 S7 To amt from tame, l.'.'5.i 05 Hy balance due fuud l.KH 12 Ofl SO 13 10 00 . 1.037 28 l.!5.i 05 "jj'.ciio-Uy 1 72 JL24 t 27 T245-00 01 Jones Inidiin fund, dr To amt ree'd from former tr. To amount received from tux ou unseated lan is fiO 02 OO 02 01 no 00 8') 30 73 14 02 7 17 10 10 JAMES COYNE, Treasurer of E'.k ol 1 euiisylvauia. DM. To balance due at former settlement $ To ain't of tax ree'd front unseated land ' To amount ot tax received collectors 31 3,019 801 61,515 70 4,515 ".) LICENSES. I) n. cit. To ain't of t.iv Hc'sesgm'tJ $ 205 00 By statn treasurer's receipt 6 SO SS do lii) . do " 100 00 By county treasurer,! com- do b re" is do , ftJ 00 luissiuii St) 2 i do eating bouse do 110 00 By ba'ancc due Stato (555 S7 do rctaiieiV do 100 00 ?T85 00 87si5 0; 70 00 ml 70 00 OS 44 00 0 JAMES A. MALONE, High Eik for the year 1S00. I3t. " To Jury tec in Messenger vs' Wa-son t. al. To jury tee in Hill and May. hord s Elliott. To jury fee in Moyer vs Moy- er. To jury fee in Ely vs Ilorton's 'I'o Jury lee iii Bryant and Eu. vver vs Taylor. To jury foe in Betizinger ct al v.- Gle'xner. To jury lee in Hyde and l-iim. minus vs Bryant it Euuer. To jury I'eo in ,oo-b vs 15 mh. To Kine in Com'li. vs F. X. Hries. To Fine iu Comth. vs P. Dou nelly To County orders, To Ldi.t.nre due iiher'JT, o- 2t) 00 05 oo 01 12 Ot 81 30 01 (10 10 01 C2 24 00 25 50 80 4 4 25 If) 1 21 20 25 00 4 I 80 12 S-'Bl 13 7 J COMMT.SIONETS ol tha MeKean, Elk and Forest State Rnl in ase unt with the said to d. 70 1B. To old os driwn fr un Eik eouiity bv T B Kane, i'o orders drawn IVo-u JIc Keaii co. by T li Kane, To orders drawn Ironi F..r- e-t eounty bv J I) lli-nt, To ea-h received Irom ('I i. rion co. hy S B Byn.ti J $1100 700 3' 1S:)5 O'.i 10") 01 F8 ?:5735 01 20 We the nu lersiue 1 Auditors an ut the Couiin'sion. rs olTiee iu Bid v 75 A.M. I-DU ill certlty 1'iat we nivn and find them to be correct as slated. 00 ( 0 'O f2 Attest, J. K. P. IlAl.L. Aud'rs Clerk. Attest, J. K. P. IlAl.L, Coia'rs. Clerk. 02 00 7 o'i 50 O fit STA.HCIl GI.O-'S, Is I lie only ailie'e used by first class liotels 1 aundries. and tlioii-ands of families. It .fives a bemtilul polislo ini!:iio i lie iron hi 'lily over I lie olotli, saviior iiiue'i ii.ieini t labor, tioods done up with it keep clean niii.di longer. coiieo1uenll.v will not vear out bii booio It Hollies old linen look like new. 81 cr. 10 O" 07 It 01 er 40 00 43 3 ! OU It IMPE1H L is Ho- best n llie world. It is soluble in I. a id us ell its suft water. It is put up in 'lie safest, nes'esi. an 1 ino-t c .nvenient form of any oilered lo ibis p iblic. Il is wtirranled not I.) ren'l Hie clothes Ajjents wiinted esiery wlioie. to diom wo o'fer el X' iiordin-irv induoeuienls, Ad.livs-. Nliv vock sr Alien r.uiss co. No. 2;8 Fuliou St., New York. i IS It'll AOS., , Tavten in cx i biinge for Good t J. lOWELL'. 71 42 07 61 21 a STATE UCAtf FUNDS'. I'll Ci or -y ) j f,,,,,) f V.y bolide r "do -Hi d Hy cmu'irutioa d. i I'.y tr':' coi oi !' 2'.?JI :Ti re'e 2,47 do do 1-2 175 0.1 ,11.,1 1 ''. Jay bounty f.ind. er. Hy district treasurer's recvpt Iiy tr. com. en l.H :!l ;:7 r.-caj; Hy Ir. eot.i. o:i l.lOil l) dln n Hy balunce da.1 fund 03 33 3d Si. M.i'v'h bounty fun l. 11 Hy tr. com. of . per ct on 03 0 ) Hy balance Uut) fund ' fund. er. iceipt 3.7 Hy balance ilua fan ! 7 ( (Jt 11 0 h0.7 ci 1.15-1 15 fiil "I.075" er. 1.455 1 1 81 Bei.ziiiei r bounty fiitul, Hy district trensurers receipts Hy tie usurers commission Ho balance due fund Bidvvay bounty fund. Hy district treasurer's receipts Hy treasurer's comin'fsiou 1'y balance due luud 72 20 3,013 2'J Jones bridge fund, cr. Hy orders redeemed 1,000 O l Hy treasurer's commission ... 41 00 Hy IJalance due fund 10i('j 1, 215" 0'J County, in account with the Cjiumonwealth. . CR. T5y state treasurer's receipt By exoneration o'dir 15y tr's com. on 1.000-5 ct. do do do 1 ct. do do do ct. By balance duo state 55 90 10 Sheriff of Elk Co., iu account with the County of CI'. . , , Bv cmvevins: II. Fisher to SI 00 "Western IVnitentiat v. 120 00 By General Election Prods. 4 00 nution, 75 By tillinir jury wheel, 2 00 4 00 Bv service jury notices X-u. 4 00 'T. 180 i, mi l Jan. T. 1807, 3) 0) By (.'ninth, custi vs McGiveu (t al, 4 -SO 4 00 By cm vs II- D. Derr, ' 3 ? 4 00 Bv com vs. II It W By coin, vs John Mosier, 0 Bv cm vs C. A. Wile is, OJ By e oil. vs It. P. Faltsm m, Bv Coin v-(iliarl.-s McVean, 00 By com vs Pt Moi.Veady, By com vs E. Mony, 00 By com vs E- Morev.Vnhp. 0') By j .-ii vs Eliz ibeth Winsl iw 25 Be com vs J. Me"l...ke.y, By com vs Geo. Ansinc;or""ct id Nov. term. By com vs Geo. Anshigcr et al Jan. term, By coin ri Slions find f.urjry. By C'ln v 1". X. Hans By cm vs T Kenned-.'. By j .iii i Tui-.-a Wil.lj.-e, 'it al, 1'y c in v. John Itauh, By fee iu 52 cases, 25 S213 Ct. Bv aeeount reo.l. red bv T '00 EKanu I'or work an 1 ni t- teria's, 2 Sol 82 00 By 'leeoiint rendere I by J D Hunt's services &(. fl'l OiV 41 P.y ea-b paid -1 by B llynari 10 00 By Bilaueu due Jload, 1237 59 00 11 I C itnui'ssiouers of Elk county, having met iyon Monday the seventh day of J.inu irv, careiuny exaiiniiel llio iirrr.ui.; acenin's J ACOB MetM'LEY, t'. A. w I.CUX, 15. J. JONES. V A. BBY. J. W. TAVI.OIt, LOUIS VOI.MEIl. VI X! T I XI ! T IX! ' STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES !!: Johii Sosenheimer & Co., WlIULiiS iLli .-c ill-; I'.VIL. UEALHU-i. ST. MAUV's, l'A. Keeps constantly on hand und fir Ptb, a lar.'e an 1 well selected stock of TINT W UlE. STOVES ito. o hav evt rythino";oneialiy kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES cous'sts in part of ANTinUST P VUE01t& COOKING STOVES, ALSO IKON' GATE & YIIET. SI1EU' STOVES. STOVE IMPE can b had ut our shop either riveted or proved. Sroti'ixo av'D ROdiiso. dono ou short, notice and at reasonable rates, . Juno iroo-iy. 1 17 li'i 0.1 1,110 01 0 15 5 V i CM , -.'Ji.i'J 'a 1.5 til 'C5 03 I 111 ro 111 OO 13 3,000 00 1 50 50 00 10 On 5 00 1,4 W 20 1 !I7 3735 41