I H ...: V l.l"i V 4 r The ,DI; CoiioIm s)?Iv;ik .ion work. 1'iplitli sheet lsn 111 bill, fin copies or less $-.'.!l Quarter sheet handbill, 50 copies or le'ss $:i.-rin Half sheet linnd-bill, 10 copies or lo?s f'l.lMI Full sheet hand-bill, 0 copies or loss $8,(i). BLANKS. For nny quantity under five quires, $1. fi() per quire ; nil nil amounts over that reasonable reduction will lip made. i hums of papf.i:. Sl.i'tl per venr in advance ?-,0f) if paid within the year, and $2,60 if not paidwi.u in t lint time. Car Time at Itldgicatf. J' rie Express Unst llrC'ip. m. ilo do West :l:47 a m do M'lil East ;:o'l p. m. .In do Went 1:?t p. m. Local Freight East 10::'.0. in. do do AVest f;l 5 p. m, X O T l" C E! Hereafter the Post Otfice will be closed every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from S to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed nt G ! M. L. LUTHER, I'. M. Is." We have received tlic initial num. berofa new paper called flic Furstt Count; iVM, published at Tiencsta, lie new county seat of that county. Wc believe it is neutral in politics. '''be Sociable. The next meeting Sociable will be held at the house "1 dsre Hickiiison. Wc have no hesi- :i in suvintr that a corJtai welcome be given to all who attend. Jl'ho.mext Noils. Wc have on lumd a supeiior lot of Judgment Notes both '-tiht" and 'promissory." Per sols wanting them would do well to scud in their orders immediately. Washington's JJiuth-Dav Ball. Our esteemed friend, David, of the 'Thayer House, has ticket out for a hop lit his new hotel on th'e 22nd inst. We predict a pleasant time for those attending- Oi.it Jon Panss. We have now got cur job press in good working order. Everything about it works as neat as can be expected, and we flatter ourselves that we can now do job-work :is well as it can be dune elsewhere. Motive U3 a call. Fi'N Ahead. The Aeolian Minstrels, as will bo seen by their bills, promise to fjive our citizens a rare tri al o;i the 13th inst., in the shape of an entertainment consisting of vocal and instrumentrl mu fie, dance, dialogues, &C, &e. As the proceeds are to he devoted to reiiiriou, vj have no doubt but that they will have a crowded house. Tickets caii be procured at the d.'.l'eretit stores and ho. tcis in Ilidway . The Eittr. I'sspvtch. Although we are not in the h'.hit of sayinj; anything (Iik.J ol RepuVii'-i'i newspapers, as a eu oral thiiiL.', yet wo most say that the above journal is one i f the best papers fur news mi o:ir cuehane list. The j.r.i.ni .iim have 1 i i:i iefati;'ttble in their fif-irts to :s:j'uil.-h a daily paper iu Frio, hii 1 tl.ey have succeeded beyond their mot ardent expectation?. Finr. at 0v:a.'. We arc porry to learn that a fi? occurred one day last week at O'. jan. .. Y., in which M. V. Moore, t lie firmer host oi tho Hyde House in this pi ice, was burnt out. Mr. Moon- had lately boul't the hotel in which I e was keeping, wc believe the Fe troler.in House was the name of it. There was an i:.- uiance of 83,000 on it. His friends iu this section will bo sorry lo learu of this, us the Colonel was well lik ed by everybody who knew him. The citizens of Ridgway will be grat ified to learn ihat John J. Ridgkvay. Krp lias dona'cFlot No. 103 towards the erection of the Episcopal Church. The vc.-iry sonic time oiia selected this and the adjoining lot No. 10 t as together forming the nio-t cdijiblo Hto for the Church-building, and no sooner was the decision made known to Mr. Ridgway than he with hi? characteristic liberali ty as to everything pertaining to tho in terests of our town, offered to make a f,'ift oi the 1 it for that purpose. This last generous act of his adds another to the mauy obligations by which our citi zens are bound to Mr. Ridgway. Railroad Accident. Last Friday morning an accident occurred at the sta tion iu this plee, on tho line of the P. &, E. R. It., which might have had rath, cr serious confluences. Two freight lrains were dun hero near ubo'lt thu time of the accident. '1 he fint one came in, and wc ntdievn was held for or ders, the engine being at the water tank, taking iu water, when the other train came up, some say at tho ra col twenty-ty-fii'e miles an hour, and the advancing train ran into the 'cabnosu" ol train No. 2, and "wont through it," then stiuek the tender attached to the locomotive, throwing it on top of it. The employees on board the truia had jumped off before tho collision took place, and uo one was jnjurea. Wc have received one of the circulars of Tho World Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York- Whilo this Company insures in all the usual modes wc notice that it has a .special feature in its inducements which is called Nou partieipatin:; Policies Life Insurance as conducted in the United States is mutu al as to tho profit?, that is the accuiuulu ted profits of tho Company is at stated times divided between the insured. This company however embraces two classes of insured the one participating in these profits the other not participa. tin:. It is claimed, and wc believe with truth, that these iion pai ticipatin poli cies are issued upon mujh lower premi. urns than others, and theref-iro that in this company one can bo insured any certain sum at a loss rale (linn be can in niiV other. J. 1. FracaflLT vf Ilol'iidaytf bir.L', Flair county is the general asout for the fc'lato. MA11H1E!). On the dth iii.it.. by J . K. Whifnnre. Esr(.,Mr. Kli.is ot itN.-: to Miss Jan:: E. Kline, both oi'L'icar field coin IV. The American Cknt. T! first c.-.r.iipj r-rst was produced iu 1782 by llooei t Moriis. the great financier of the Revolution, and was named by Jeffer son, two years later. It becan to make i:s .ippearar.ee from the mint in 1 7t . It then Lore the head e!' Wa-hiiutou on one si. Is and a chain of lokieen links on the other. The French Revolution soon alter created u rage for French ideas in America, which put on the cent, instead tsf (he head of Washington, the head of the Goddess of Libcr'y, with n-'ek thrust forward and liowinjr locks. The. chain on the reverse was replaced, by the .olive wreath of peace. J5ut the French lib er: was short lived, and n was our por trait in our cent, tu i:s dead a staid, claTsie dame, with finely chiselled Gre cian featuies, mid a fillet round the hair, came into fashion lorty or iii'ty years a; ), and continued uu'il about ten years since, when the much smaller and more con veninit nickleccnt appeared, with a lly i Treacle iu the place of Liberty's head, in order that it mi 'hi not be ii.iis'akcn (,,,. ,10 cvc uV.'mr po!d piece. In tho present new cent the Liberty head has icon ve.-tiived. A Swirr EunnliT. A Mexican eor respondent v.iites: " We, have bad some i ehjbrntod ru:ir,e: s i-i the Uultel Slater, but roa'.-ceiy e.;'i:d to a you;ig Mexican thirty-throe ye ns of a-e, nam ed Oehoa. v.holive.'-at'liidalg.-iji.; South, crn Chihuahua, lie L:n been known to beat a man on horsclT.c': for a dis tance of thirty mile.-:. 1 l.c !:as oiten made a hundred and lit ty miles in fvenly.lour hours. A friend of mine lately gave him liive d dlars to curvy a biter fifty miles, .ad bring Jriia '.: answer. -He did it iu twenty. two horns, taking, as he thought, plenty d time, there buiug no great hurry. The lat fifty "miles he iu:id slowly in s:ven hours. From this may be gained some idja of the trained cnirier systems of Montezuma and the Peruvian f'.icas. In a crowd, where it was almost im possible to keep the toes of our boots oil tho shortest trails Haunted Irom hoop. skirU ahead, wc were passing our wiy towards our ferry boat. At one side marched a "high private," whoso 'ace and gait were slightly influenced by something Mrowrcr than water. The poor fellow did hi." best; 10 avoid aboui a quarter of a yard of silk hailing irom a fatrv storia inst ahead. ll.s'Lest was not L'ood enou-'h. and down cimo the heavy military boot upon the s-ilk. 1 he face that turneil did not smile, and the voice was not extremely mil 1 lh.it old ded him with, ''Take care, Sir '." '-Close (clothes) up in the rear there 1" werj our order, inarm, always them's milita ry orders." The fair face more than smiled, and tha worrying crew J joined her laugh with a hearty loau. Economy. When a Spaniard cats a peach or ear by tho Roadside, wherev er he is, he digs a hole hi tho ground with his foot, and covers the seed. Con sequently, all over Spain, by the road' sides and el.:ewhcie, IVuit in great abuu. dance tempts the taV.e, ami is ever b ee. Let ibis practice bo imiruted in our coun tiy, and the weary wanderer will be blessed, aud bless tlio hand that minis, tered to his comlort acd joy. We are bound to leave the world as good, or better, than we found it, au 1 he is a sel fish churl who basks under the shadow and eats the fruit of trees which other hands have planted, if ha will not a!o plant trees which shall yield fruit to cum' ing teueratious, Maltese Puoviasus. A man who will v ib a hen roost of its eggs, will als'j steal the hen. It is out of a thicFs power to rob a naked man. A prrsou who is never in love is euro to le fat . To drink pure water you must seek the fountain head. You kiio'.v not your man before you talk with him. No one pi-.i'oruii a servico without a 1 .ops of rei' rl in some way or oilier.. Au ox is hound by his hjius, a ma:i by his words. A lucehaiiio having taken u new apprentice, awuko him the first morn ing tit a very early hour by calling; out that the family were K'ttiug down to tho table. "Thank you," said the boy, as he turned over iu bail to adjust himself for a now nap; Thank yen. but I never cat anything during tha night." ' - A Column for (he Youn FoIIsb. Mf Editor: In your notice ot my answer to Ostrandor'a problem last week, (Number 48.) you say, "Will came within a quarter of an inch of tho true answer." 1 think you must liavo piven my unswer but a passing notice, for, by referring to it you will observe that I gave the answer as 8 feet, llii.chcs, adding plus sign, denoting remainder, which remainder is about tho fortieth pait of an inch, or .025001201901-" with additional (raitions to tho extent of the worker's patience to produce them. With regard to the examples given by A. R. they were done by Al uchra, as I failed to obtain a correct an. swer by " lkmble Fosition," and will ho have the kindness to give nic a solution by position, and oblige. WILL. " Locals," does not pride himself on being much of an " Arithmatiekcr," yet we cauuot see that our corrcspen. dent is entirely right iu his solution. Wc give the solution of A. It., solved by Itonblo Position. Our correspondent wdl Kee that we were right : SOI.I TION TO 03TRAXDOR NO rORT Y-MIOHT. Add the numerator and the denomi nator of the given fraction (515) to gether, then as that number is t.i 12 hours, so is the numerator of the fraction as to tho time of day tho job commenc ed (3:20 P. M.) Ry the same process find when tho job was finished (4:10 P. M.) Then 8:20 from -1:40 leaves 1 hour and 20 minutes, which is tho time employed. Then suppose the bottom diameter to bo two inches and tho top four, and the length of the stares six inches. Thou as tho top diameter (four iaches) io to tho time employed (eighty minutes), io is the length of tho staves (six inches), to tho length of the dingo nal lino of the required cistern, 120 in. Then find the square of the perpondicu. lar oi the supposed cistern by subtract iag the square of its shortest base, one inch, from the square of the stave, 30, ami also the square of its diagonal, by adding tho square of its longest base (three inches), to the square of its per pendlcular, 35. Then as the square of the supposed cistern (-14), is to the square of the diagonal, 120, so is tho square of its perpendicular, 35, to the square of the perpendicular required ; the sqiiaie root of which will be the perpendicular, 107.025 inches. A. R. II. W., another correspondent sends us the following solutions to last week's Oriraudors. As will be seen, they are correct : ' ANSWER TC XCMBER OXE. Suiinoso a kettle three inches on the bottom, sis on the ton, and twelve iuch cs deep. Find the contents of this sunposcd kctilo in inches, aud reduce 25 gallons to inenes. Iheu as the con tents of this supposed kettle (137.3208) is to the 25 gallons, (7050 inches), so is tho wjuare of its bottom (3) to the square ot the bottom required ; tho square of which will be 17.3048 iaches acroi.s on the bottom, and twice that amount 35 8030 across on the top. AN'SWEtt TO NUMBER TWO. Tho diameter of the globo would be 29.055 inches, and the number of gal lons it would hold would bo 18.S3. Oslratuior .miscellaneous NUMIIRR TllaKE. - Th or 2 arc two numbers in proportion to each other as -I't to 0!), and tho pro duct of those tiro numbers when multi plied together is 384. What are the numbers '! NUMBER FOUR. The sum of tiro number.) is ISO, and the product of those two numbers is 13io. hat are I hose two uutnbers ( NI MBr.R riVB. Divide 130 into two such parts that when the greater part is divided by the lets the quotient will bo 24. A. R. Our Devil has lately become " niat tluwmaiicul," and gives tho following. lie wauls to know what would bo the Llautiiui'.eular perpendicularity of a pas senger ju.-t gelling oil' of a train of cars goino at the rato of G miles an hour, aud having taken 10 drinks of the poor, e.-t whiskey the hotels of Ridgway can allord, aUo haviug a keg of la::er under each arm? DEVILJOE. When ii a greyhouud not a grey houud '! When it turns a hare. , Why is a heard like common sense ? Recause no woman posscsse3 it. To what raeo of giants do tipplers belong '! T the Titans tight'uiis. Why is the lettet U the gayest letter iu the alphabet' Because it is always iu 'if, i. What is the best way to keep a gen tlemau's alfectious? Not to return the in. Why docs tho eye resemblo a school master in the act of flogging ? It has a pupil under tho lash. What sort of a drum is that which is best when it cannot bo bcatcu 1 Why a conua-(7;'Hm, of course. What is tho difTerenco between a sp( udthriit ami a feather-bed 'I Ouo is hard up, and tho other solt down. Why are young Indies like arrows ? Recause they never go off without a bow beau, and they aro always in a cniivcr til. toey t;et oua. A young man who has recently taken a wile, says ho did not find it half so bard to get married as ho did to get the furniture. - The population ol Houston, Texas, is now 30,000, In 1860 it Lad but 6,000 inhabitants, . . . . Wkhin the last 200 years 7 ,21)5 trea ties of peace have been Bigned. IJetwccn New York and Liverpool (he wheels of a largo ocean steamer liiuko 200,000 levolutions. Tho parade of the trado societies in London cost the participants . 100,000 in the loss of each man s uay s wages. A colony of cmirar.ts is being located at New Smyrna, Florida, for tho pur. poso of cutting lumber. "Tom," an old negro living iu Iliun- ilton, is said to bo tho only pcrscn uow alive who. witnessed the surrender of Curnwailis. Our "darling Lillie," of three years, whilo Irving to get on her stockings one day, discovered a few hairs on her legs, when she exclaimed, "Mother, I thilik I shall be an angel soon, the feathers are betrining to grow 1 " ifcto' v) i e id I?,.' ii iris APKll HAGS Tn!;cn in ox- eiiunpre for Goods at J. rOWELL'S. CABLING ! -CABLING ! TONS test Quality just received, and f 1 for sale at the LOWEST market price. Send in jour orders. J. VOWELE. jiK'r.';i)l!L'. TJX! TJX!! T1X!.'! STOVES ! STOVES 1 ! STOVES III John Sosenlieimer & Co., WUOEESaEE & HL TAIL UEALEltS. 1ST. MAKY'S, l'A. Keeps, constantly on hand and for sale, a large aud well selected stock of TIN WARE. STOVES &c. We have cvcrvtbins generally kept in a Tin Shop Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of A N'T I DUST l'A R LOU & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT SIIFAF STOVES. STOVE PI PR cau bo had at our shop cither riveted or proved. SrouTiNU and hoofinc;, clone on short notice and at reasonable rates. Juuo 14'0(j-ly. rOAL, CKE A?lJ iXBE CLAY11 j All of superioi quality, lur sale by the Tannerdalo Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. SyOrdors by mail promptlj ittend. cd to. septlrj j-tf NEWS DEPOT AND PF.mODlCAL S T 0 R E DAILY t- WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at llIF. JJOOK OTORE 1 N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Anv work, cither American or Luropcu, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &c, will bo pro cured on application as above. Any artielo in the Rook or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent for by mail and. Lo received in a few days alter or dering, jun- 14-ly. PHOTOGRAPH S . E. &, H. T. ANTHONY & CO., EanulacrnTers of Photographic Materials, Wliolesiilo ami Ket nil, COi liUOAUWAY, X. Y. In addition to pur main LusiuoM of rilOTOGKAnilC MATERIALS we are Headquarters fj the following, vz. 8TE11ESCOPE3 & STEEESCOriC IEWS Of American and Foreign Cnies and Laud. somes, Groups. Stniuury, etc. STEHESCOPIO VIEWS Ol'TIIE AVAR, l'roiu negatives made in I lie various cam paijrus and forming a .complete Photograph ic history of tho great contest. STEKESCOPIO VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Laniern or the Sterescope. Our Catalogue, will be sent to any tutoress on reoetpt et Mninp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALUL'MS. We mftiiut'ncluro more largely than any other house, about iOO vniiofies from 60 cauls to $t)cnch. Our ALlil'MS have the reputation of being superior iu beauty and Uuraouity to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catoloeno embraces over FIVI THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of tho most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Phoioruplieri and others ordering poods C. O. !., will please remit 2o per cent of the amount won I heir order. ETTlie prices and quality of our goods cannot iuii 10 gansiy. June n ou-iy rUU i'TAHCH GLOSS, Is tlio only article used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. U gives a beautiful polihh, inaUing tho iron vnsi smoothly over the cloth, saving much lime and labor- Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon- It makes old linen look like new. - OUR IMPERIAL RLt'F. is the best 'n the world. If U snhiblc in hard as well at soft water. It is pr.i up in the safest, ueaiest. and niu.t .nivmetil furiii of any ottered to the public, li i vritrrunied not to streak the cloilie Areola wanted everywhere, to rrhoui vre oiler ex traordinary iiidiiceiiieuts. Address, NEW YOllIC STAltCII GLtKS:" f'O. No. 218 Fulton St., New York. JOB PRINTING NEATLY CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Ezcur st tb Ab ate Offic jOSTAR'S EXTERMINATOR. Lostars jjxteriinmitor, ExterMin.itor, Costar's Fxierminator, Extei tninator, Ccstar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, . Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exler.niuator, Costar's F.xlenniii.-Uor, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Fo. Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bees, i leas. Moths und Furs in Woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. ' 18 years established in N. Y. City.' 4 Only infallible remedies known. ' 1 Free frnin Poisons.' 4 Not dangerous tu the Iluunin Family.' lI'.Reware!!! of all worthless imitation?! See that ' COSTAR'S " n.nmo is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Address HENRY R. COSTAR. 4tfl Broadway, N. Y. C08 OSTAR'S CELEBRATED Euckthora Salye ! For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, btoUea Breasts. Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles : Scrofu lous Putrid and ill conditioned Sore.;; Ul. cers. lilnndiilar Swellings, Eruption. Cuta neous Ati'ectinus, ltingnurm, ltcli, Biles Of Sdders, lnsecls, Animals, i'c. Itnxes. V rents, ,"() cents, and :;'l e7.c. Sold by all Bmpgiils, everywlievi and by 1 1 EN It Y It. ( OKT.U'., Depot -ISo, Broadway, N. Y. "lOSTAR'S UNIVERSAL Corn Solvent i For Corns, Buniouj, Yi'arta, &e. Bores, 2"i cents, cents, oiul ol slze. Sold b all Druggists eve-y vvbci e, ind by HENRY it. COt.T.'.tt, Bepot iSi Eroadwey, r.'. Y. JOSTAR'S PREPARATION Ol- Hitter S.ctt and Grange B!osc-n,r.s, for Jlemtti:!i the Co.ujd-.cion. Used to fotieii r.nd beautify tho skin, reniove Freckles. Pita pics. Eruptions, &. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by all Drugirisis everywhere, and by 11EXHY K. COSTAR, Depot 4H 1 Broadway, N. Y. OSTARS PECTORAL J COUGH 11 E MED Y, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, SoreThroat, Cioup, IVhonping Coughs, Iulluenza. Aglhma, Cnnsiimptinii, IV. om-hi:il Afl'eeli.ins, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, 2-j cents, CO cents, and SI sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by HEN It Y II. COSTAR, Depot 481 Broadway, N. Y. -jOSTAIt'S CELEBRATED Bishop Pill3 ! ,t ficcve.' Dinner I'M ! For Nervousness and SicV Headache, Cos tiveuess, lndipcslion. Dyspepsia, Bil liousness, Contipaiion, Diarrhoea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and general derangement ofllm Di'iestiva OI'.GANS. Boies, 25 cents. 50 rents, and $1 sio. nd sold by all Diugj'nt vrrwhere, and by HENRY R. COSTAR. 10 Mm Dfpot 44 Rrtdwy K. Y. TH 2 PL. AC E TO B U yTs AT TIIEUIDGWAY mm stork, KM T BY KOllIAVKLL d M F.GSE2sGEP, Pe-lcrs in Friig.t, Medicine?, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lnbiioatinii Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. ' l'umeiies of nil Kindt, The purest Vnrnicii, .liru -bci of every i-ty'e and si.-s Dye SttilTs, Pure Confectioinrius Citron, Raisins, Patcut Medicines, Wines, Wat;hes, Jcsrrdry, Fitt's, Tobaeeoes Scaurs Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LAR.GE ASSCiTTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to tho Ihu Ru iintss Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Trices .' Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety 1 American and English Watches ! American and Euglich Watches; I Latest Styles cf Jewelry, llinus. &e. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rins, :c. Fancy Articles-, Toys, Latest Novel.) ! .fancy Articles, Joys, Latest Novels : Albums, News, Stationery, Eird -Ca'.-s 1 Albums, News, Stationery, liird-Cueb 1 Violin, Ear.jo aud Guitar Strings! Violin, Ran jo aud Guitar Strings! mar'JOlSGG A LL persons knowing ilo-nis.clves iu-L- debted to Joseph Wilhoiin of St. Mary's, tire requested to call and settle their accounts beiorc the 1st of Februa ry, or they will be put in tho Lands of proper persons for collection. lie stiil carries on buihici.-s at,he old stand, where ho will bo happy to sea all his old customers, and many new cues as may favor bin. J OS. WILUELM. St. Mary's Jan. l'Jth lsth!. ORPHAN'S COUflT GALE. "iry v'trtii" ot rn orlcr tf i!:e Orphuii'. jiy Court of I"h count;.-. Vn. 1 v. I'.l sell m ihe Cum t House iu llld.fway. Pa., on Thursday, the Till d.:y of i'ebruar'-. A. D. liS'iT. tit two iitid one-Iialf o-'i-loc-:.,' P. M., that i-.-roii:i u-e.ct of lm, 1 io ,1-v township, in said Elk county, culitaiuii: ot' acres, t.iore or les. beiior the olie-iia'f p:yt of tract No. '), as ilosi.-'ntcl in .'. "i..t.i t'iUor's sub-division pl.-m ol' Pmrl in said County. Temis, cash, on couf;rrtatinti of sale. MAUY .Me.KERXEY, Admx. of eslale ( !' P. McKernev, tlec'd. E. J. Blake!;-, Any. ! 1:1. 'l 7th d-Cit. A ROE CAPACITY, t; It EAT Slresnth i and unequalled s:;ced, sin. plieity and co. uplelene-s oi operation, are t;ualiiies po. culiar to t lie Nonpai'oil Wo shin la chiiK.?. It is a Frjuce-in;: machine consirueted on slvietly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived IVot.i live years extensive use in feniilics, hotels and public inst iuu ions proves it lobe of lusting value to the pur chaser 't he manner of opevatin jr tho Nonpareil, by rom-.-y motion neth:; on a crank i shaft villi b:i!r.:eo wheel,) which moves tho plunders aiternntcly, is tha simplest, least laljorinu? mid riost powerful that canbnUe-vi.-ed for the purpose, and accomplishes thu work wnh i ho. greatest rapidity tiud tho. lea"! jti::si"o!e labor. The prcat speed with which this niacliino performs work will be understood frov. tho statement that it is peered lo give six strokes of the plunders f r one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, nboui four bun. ihyd siri.lies a minute Safely to tho fabrio washed 'm insurel by tho entire absence of reo'iiinc. A girl or boy of fiflpen can worli tho ma. chine, and do a week's washing for a fimily of six or e I ir 1 1 1 persona in two to three hours' lime; andii may bo relied on to cleanse the clotliinz thoroughly, without us-iistaiiuo from hand rubbing Send for free Inscriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 181, Water St., N. July 20,'CO-ly J. fiUllNEY&SON, PKOTpGRAPIIIO ..RTiSTS, 707, DflOADW A S. y. IN addition to our Plie-,nir.phic Art Call lery, eslab'i-hcd i", Isl l.'e.e l,ilVo for the last Five year, h;.,l adr.intaoes su perior to any ot'er establishment' in ob taining eitti.-.iers ,ljm lifv r,f tho i : k , , ... .. . i lunniaiu LC!elJIltlCS ot ti.o tiay Card portrait-, and ars now piblisliiu Ca'.alou'uo of over in I a n n (i r t t v p t a American and Forei;:n, also a la-pa list of copies cf Works of Art and Fntrrav. ingi. Catabj-ues sent on receipt of Stamp. A'.i order for ono dozen pic. tuiTs ft oni our Catnloguo will be filled att! I 80, and sent by -niiil free. Sinlo pictures cents each, copies of ca. graviuiM l-'i cen!3 each. N. E. fa also (le.,',ro to call I'tentioa to tho advantage -,ve navo for reprodue inpr, or copy;,lf,( ,i Daguerreotypas, Anibrotyp':Ji ul-,i Pictures, iic, of do. ceased 'out!ves aud friends, cular.jinjf them tj any size, and finishing in Oil, Water Colors, or India Ink,, with tho aid of ten talented artists. Parties desirinsr copios. should thero. foro corresiioud with us direct. Send for a catalogue. Tho trada supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for freo inspection, aud stratien visiting tho city will find our Galler ono of tho iim&t agreeable places wherj. in tu while awav an hour. J. GUKMUY .t SON, op 20 !J.c. 707, Uroalway, N. Y