The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, February 07, 1867, Image 2

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    Joim n. ti.u.L, EiuToiii rr.oruiKTOB.
j. 1. Mooni:, rriii.iKiirit.
Fobrnnvv 7th. 1807.
Purine llio wicction campaign, says
tlio Erie Ii?px!ih, n Repuplienn paper,
John V. Geary gave llic following toast
in Wiener's 1 1 all,-iu that city: "The
Euglish like their beef, the Irish like
their potatoes, nnJ the Germans like
their lager. This, geutleman, 's the sin.
cere sentiment of my heart I 1 !'"
Says the Lancaster Iiittlijenccr:
"It costs the trreat Geary no little time
nnd a niodiettmof money to perpetuate
the sable color of his lucks tnd the glo?sy
hue of the hirsute. appendage vbieh
hides to some extent the vacuity of his
Jdupid face." Thia surprises us. We
knew John was pretty well dycd-in.tbc-vool"
but didn't know that ho colored
his hair nnd whiskers. "We live to
learn.1'. Patri'A & Vnwi.
About midday on Friday last, as the
members of Cameron's Legislature were
coming down from the Hill, on their way
to dinner or the ears, said one vrci! kept
individual to another : "I say, Sam,
when did w adjourn to The person
answering o Sam replied : "Wo ad
journed till Monday night." "All right,"
said the other. We leave it to the peo
pie, to say however, whether it ii ''all
light lira-', for a member not to know
when ''we adjourned to;" and, secondly,
for a legi.-laturc to sit for but two and a
half and three days a week- aggregating
bnt nbout forty or City day.? for the whole
session thus taking pay at the rate of
from 020 to 82.3 per clay, "pickings"
not couuled. Is it right '( Patriot.
Hon. I'llU.Il' J'jilNSfiN-. A tele
gram from WashiogtDn announces the
Slid leu death, on last Thursday uiht,
of the II on. Philip Johnson, icprercnta
tive in t'ongr..-s from the Eleventh dis
trict of Pcnnlvauia. The deceased was
born in Wuuen county. N. J., on the
17ih of Jaunaiy, IStS, buf removed to
Northampton county, iu this State, with
his lather in 18:10. Ue received a good
tduv'j'.ion at Lafayette College, nnd alter
pra-imtitig spent two yiais in the South
t-ae!ii:.y lehcol. U; . . hi.i return to
i , t,..,.;. .- i i- ,
of the law, rr.i l .'.;.? fi-aittvu to l0 bur
in ls48. ;.f;or l.o was elected
Clerk ol '.ho Court of Senium, and of
he Oyer and TVi miner. 1'rom thist:n:e
ho entered p.tplift ii.'e, was elected
l the Sum l.egi:'V.tuM iu 1S5" and
Sol. 'J'hrco yeira i.iter (1857) he wa.s
chairman cl the i lem.oratic State Con
vention, and in ISiJO was the Revenue
Conimis.-ioner for the Third Judical dis
trict of the State. Ruring.tke same year
he received the nomination for and. was
elected to Cougrc-s from the E'everitn
dij-tiiot of Penusy 'v.mia, serving on the
Commi.tee.t on Roads and Canals cud on
Patents. In 1SG2 lie was reelected to
the. Thirty-ELhth Congress, ami served
on the Committee- ou Territories. In 1SG4
ho was ciccted adelegato to tho Chicago
Convention, and iu tho same year was
re-elected to Congress for the third time.
Prior to tho election of last year Mr.
Johnson declined a rcnomination in con.
sequence of feeblo health aud Mr. Vou
Anken, tho member elect, was nomina
ted in his place. The deceased was au
able member, belonging to tho working
class of members, and but rarely indulg.
ing iu speeches. His death is attributed
to congi st'.on of the liver. Eric Dis
patch. A c )'t'i!.iroNDi:r;T of The Land tee
Love t'.lis a story of a young Alabama
doctor, whom Dr. Yaudcll was cminr.iing
for the position of csiiolant Eurgcon in
tho Confederate army, then laying at
Tupelo. The old Doctor had got the
youiig one so nervous that ho could not
answer the plainest question, and con
Bcijus ( t the awkward figure he cut, he
was fat getting very angry. At last
the surgeon asked, "What would you
do for me if you found mo on the Cold
phot through here ?" pointing to the
knee joint. "Well, sir'" said the candi.
date, if "it wasyou that was shot through
here I would not do a thing."
Evi'.iiY literary wan has experienced
the hovrot 3 of defective typography. A
food sloiy is told of the editor of the
London Arcrli-'r, which otico wadj a
.';rai.d iui,,, the uil-print occurring
iii a conspicuous paragraph announcing
tho aeeour-hmenf .f th.J Queen, when
poor Grant, the cditrr, )i-hed (H to up
ologizc to tho late prices Albert's
r: tary, requesting him not to let Jl. I'
ll. t,ee tho unfortunate piper. Sad as
vt tho blow of the lnir-j.i'iut to thc.h'-.ildc.-c'l
editor, ho reecivc j a keeunl
blow that he lelt moro keenly, perhaps,
an nssuraneo to the effect that ho need
rM.t bo alarmed, as the Prince never read
tho -1 .verl'.ser.
A man has boon couvicttid of
t tcilin an umbrella in Lnno.&btcr. We
lake itthat this fully eabliihes the ex.
is'.cnee of property in tho alorcsaid tr
liclo, wU'uh is, to say tho least, very
(ujuteniunt to Lave ulona; on a rainy oc
i u-ion. M,' careful ho. you '-uppropii-n'..f'
UTobrfclias tl'nt r.isy happen f Uy
117 tc.
STATllMMNT of the Peecipts and
Kspemlitures of Klk County for
the year l?b .
Py am't paid Yv'm. A. Bly
Py am't paid J W Taylor
Py am't paid Louis Vollmcr
Py't paid John C McAl
lister, Coins, clerk.
Py am't paid J K P Hall
Py am't paid L J Blakely
In'sh iet A Itovney,
Py am't paid J A Malouc
Py nm't paid Pcuntics for
Vfo'.ves &e.
Py am't paid Prison Espcn
Py am't paid Jury fees,
Py am't puid assessing ex.
Py am't paid election espen
Py am't paid justices fees,
Py ain't paid constables fees
Py am't pa'd auditors fees,
Ly am't paid auditors clerk
Py ain't paid auditor of pro-
thonotaiys accontit,
Py am't paid road views.
Py am't paid stationary far
the several ofiiocs,
Py am't paid stamp--,
Py am't paid vepuir.s to pub
,. i..,:i it.,.,.
Ly am t paid are-riooi ouU
Py am't paid fuel,
Py am't paid John G. Hall
attorney for coin'y,
Py am', paid proth's. fees,
Py am't paid janitor,
Py am't paid P W Hays Lai
duo at settlement,
Py ain't punting contract,
Py ain't paid Inquests,
Py atu'i pail House of Pef-
Mercantile appraisers,
Py am't paid llcfunding
Py am't paid Commission
allowed Collectots,
Py ain't paid Treasurers
By excess of receipts,
1.30 50
137 50
13 7:
230 0(J
01 00
120 0C
SO 00
218 80
101!) 35
130 55
405 03
37 dS
115 07
23 50
0 00
9 00
135 50
350 GO
8 00
3750 00
5'J 50
100 00
201 30
100 00
201 03
200 00
lij S7
17 50
8 00
82 40
in oo
437 48
2230 52
S1102G IS
SS5G7 70
2300 30
625 0!)
32 0C
To am't of taxes collected
from unseated lands,
To am't reed from collectors
To a.n't ree'd horn John G.
Hall attarncy for county,
To jury fee.",
To lii.n iu commonwealth vs
V. X. Hans,
To fine in comiuouwealth va
f. Donnelly,
25 00
10 00
811020 18
A wets.
Cash in tr'y, co. funds Sf.40 fil
,!o do statu do 1,-t l'.) ItO
do do liimiily do 7,Oo8 ,.iij.$9,187 C7
Amount duo liy ooH-.-clors, nub-
jeet to exoneration.
18H5 Isnnc ILiys, Kox, SKIS 03
LSfi.-j .1 V Hunk. Itidnvay, t!7 47
l Sti.) M Vol'drf St .Mary s ?A (i
lSU.j !I M.iore, Sjig Creek loli .10
ISCC M Cliiiao Donczctt 121 t2
IHCti .1 ("iross, lienzinjri'r, lK.'j W
WW AV M,.Ciuil, v, Fox, 20
ltwW V Miller. Jones 7'.) 4:
18''-ti V Uiir!;iii30!i, H'gw'y 1!' i
lii'lii T li'tt iu, Si;'('rei k 7-107
r.oiiiity Tax Collectors.
1S-"1 Joloi Kich, I'ox,
M-Di (i K Wcis, Itidway,
1 Hit M l'errin, .Sp Cili,
18i;"i 11 liDn r, liinezelt,
JKiM J A Miller, Kox,
lKi'il Armol Tnrlev, Jav,
lo-1 Ii A Dill, Ki-Vvy,
ioo-j II Mcoi S; g Crk
M7 00
lnii 10
Nil 1J
Stl-j Mi
Hl'l '.IU
1M7 7H
G 12 .".1
04 7 J? 1,740 05
i j,nnty bonds, outst'ng t'.Mni OT
list, i' st d J.ti.n nil
Co. orders out Htiindii-.if -7.- -"2
Duo Houbo of Iti luo 101 tit
Due ComuiOtuvea'.ili ,M-t 7-11, 1C0 83
Kxcess of A-hhU.,
C-2,807 77
" ' ?00 00
Bonnes"!! Iwp.
Peuzinor township,
Highland lownsuip,
Jones towtifchip,
Jay township,
Vox. township,
Ridjiway townhhip.
09 00
5 00
C5 00
131 00
159 00
78 QO
$0 00
JAMES COYNE, Treasurer of Elk
for the year ttulintr, January 1st,
To nmotint ree'd from former
Trcnsurer $
To nmount ree'd from tax on
unsealed hinds
To ninoinit ree'd from Collec
tor; To ntn't ree'd from Jolm O
Hall, attorney for county.
H.H'Ji 12
ROAD, SCHOOL &, SCHOOL BUILDING FUNDS. lload Fund, Dr. Pcnrzctt Road Fund, Cr.
To m't ree'd from former Tr. 6 Cl By nm't orders of redeemed... $ 1,734 00
To am't of tax ree'd from un- By com. on S2.079 01 nt 2 per
Bcatcdlunds " 2,070 Cl cent., received 41 CO
By com. on 3 1.7 3-1 OO at 2 per
cent., disbursing 84 6B
By balance duo fund.... 274 88
2,lSo 13 2.0S5 15
B?nezett school ftlnd, dr. Renozelt school lund, cr.
To nmount received from un- By di.-t. tr'rs receipt S 1,220 31
sentedlnnds $ 1,124 Co By tr'rs com. on $1,124 00
To balance due Treasurer 148 OH received, nt 2 per cent 22 40
By tr'rs com. on 1,220 31
disbursed, at 2 p?r cent.... 21 C3
1,273 33 1,273 33
Benzinger road fund, dr. l'onziner road fund. cr.
To nmount of tux received By r.m't paid former treasurer 8 4 30
from unseated binds S 1,331 11 By orders redeemed 1,450 00
To amount received from un- By tr'rs com. on 1.730 31 re
sented, udditioinil 410 20 "ceivc.d, nt. 2 per cent So 00
Bp tr'rs com. on 1,4'JO CO 20 80
By balance duo fund 105 15
1,700 31 1,750 31
Denzincer school fund, dr. TJenziner eehnol fund, cr.
To amount received from for- By district tr;niirer"s receipt 00 00
mer treasurer $ 2 18 By tr'rs com. on 1.330 70 ree'd !-! 2'i 02
To amount received from tax Be tr'rs com. on 000 00 d'bsd IK 00
on unseated lands 1,330 70 By balance duo fund 388" 32
1.332 04 1,332 01
Fox rocd fund. dr. Fos road ftirt, cr.
To amount received from former By orders redeemed 1,6.11 00
treasurer... 01 55 By orders redeemed, additional 435 00
To amount of tax. received from By refunding order 1 80
unseated lands 1,075 12 By tr'rs com. on 2..1V1 47 ree'd Cl 33
To amount of tax received from By tr'r.s coin, ou 2.007 I'Sds'bd 41 75
unsealed lundu, additional... 801 35 By balance due fund 417 14
2,028 02 2.C28 02
Fox school fund, dr. Fox school fund, cr.
To nmount received from former By district treasurer's receipt 021 87
treasurer 0 20 By refunding order 1 17
To amount of tax received on By tr'rs com. on 1.005 41 reo'd 20 10
unseated lands 1,003 41 By tr'rs com. on 023 01 di'bd
By balance due fund CO 10
1,041 70 1,011 70
Fox school huildinpr, dr. ' Fox school buildinpr, cr.
To amount received from former By district treasurer's receiy t 700 00
treasurer 4 07 ' ' " " 200 (.0
To amount received from Jax on By tr'rs com. on 037 47 ree'ed 18 70
unseated lauds 037 47 By tr'rs com. on 0UO 00 di.s'bd 18 00
l'y balance due fund 6 08
042 44 012 41
Highland road fund, df. Highland road fund, cr.
T,o amount received from former By orders redeemed 010 00
treasurer 08 40 By refunding order? 7 80
To amount of tax received from By eom rs orders for balance
unseated lauds 1,004 40 at last settlement 00 .12
By tr'rs coin, ou 1,004 40 ree'd 21 20
By tr'rs com. on 1.014 32 ds'bd 20 23
By balance duo fund 107 00
1,102 03 iilc,2 05
II ijchland school fund, dr. Highland school fund, cr. '
To nmount received from tax ou By district treasurer's receipt 330 00
unseated lands C03 S4 By refunding order 2 31
To auoiit received from former By tr'rs com? on 01 15 81 ree'd" 12 12
treasurer 25 40 i'v tr'rs com. on 352 .1 dis'b'd 0 ()!
By buluuco due fund 250 80
C30 30 C30 30
Jay road fund, dr. Jny road fund, cr.
To amount received from tax r.y am't pai.l former treasurer 3 01
on unseated hinds 1,203 21 l!y orders redeemed 802 00
By tr'rs com. on 1.205 21 ree'd 21 10
' Ity tr'rs com. ou 805 01 disbsd 17 01
By bu'.anee due fund 217 02
1,205 23 ),205 21
Jay sehool fund, dr. J;,y school fund, cr.
To amount received from former By district treasurer's receipt C23 CO
treasurer . 15 00 liy tr'rs com. on 002 07 ree'd... 13 23
To amount received fsom tax on By tr'rs com. on C28 00 dis'bd 10 60
unseated luuds C02 67 By balance duo fund 123 86
C77 67 C77 C7
Jones road fund, dr. Jones road fund, cr.
To amount received from for- ' By orders redeemed 1,022 25
mer treasurer 180 12 By tr'rs com. on 1.080 OO ree'd SO CO
To amount received from tax By tr'rs com. on 1 .022 25 ds'bd 32 41
ou unseated lauds , 1,080 00 By bulance due fund 405 83
2,100 12 2,100 12
Jones sehool fund, dr. Jonc school fnnd, cr.
To am't ree'd from former tr'r.. 1 C9 By district treasurer's, receipts 1.2S5 18
To amount received from tax on '.y tr'rs com. on 1.30:1 00 ree'd 25 70
unseated binds 1,303 00 ly tr'rs com. on 1,285 18 dtbd 24 70
To buluuce due treusurer 31 00
1.333 03 ,C3d 05
Rid.Kway road fund, dr, Rid;way road fund, cr.
By nmount received from for- By orders redeemed 1,807 00
mer treasurer -
To am't ree'd on unseated lands 1.7(1'.'
To am't on same, additional 070
Ridgway f.ehool fund, dr. '
To amount received from tax on
unsealed lands Col
Rprinz Creek road fund, dr.
To uni t ree'd from former Ireiis 5
To um't ree'd on unseated lauds 1,010
To amount on piinie, additional 022
To balance due tr'cr 20
Spring Creek school fund, dr.
To amount received from former
To nmount received from tax on
unseated lands 1,102
Spring Creek school building fund,
To amount of tax received from
unseated lauds 311
St. Mary's road and corporation fund,
To amount received from lax ou
unseated lands 71
" 71
St. Mnry's school fund, dr.
To amount received from for-
mer treasurer 2
To amount received from tax on
unseated lands.....'. 181
County, in aocouut with ita several funds
T!y orders redeemed
01 I!y refundifl( orders
Ty exempt iou ordnrs
70 l!y Tro's com. on $11,&,VJ
$ 10,232 P5
82 40
3 01)
231 13
200 30
1S3 72
Cl'J Cl
received, at 2 percent
CO Dy Ti c'b coin, on $10,516 41
disbursed, at 2 per emit....
00 By costs on deeds of lund sold
to county
By balance duo county
11, COt 12
ou By tr rs com. on 2.3SO 14 ree d 4i 01
OS By tr'rs com. on l,tiI7 OO dsb'd 37 34
70 By balance due fund 451 09
01 2,400 04
Ridcway school fund, cr.
By district treasurer's receipt 3 G73 88
u By treasurer's commission 20 Cl
By balunce duo fund 143 20
75 - 851 75
Spring Cre.k road fund, cr.
00 By orders redeemed 1,030 00
80 By ex. order 5 ()
80 By tr'rs com. on 1,000 75 ree'd 83 40
18 By tr'rs com. ou 1,030 00 dL-bd 2 12
02 1,701 02
fprinjr Creek school fund, cr.
By district treasurer's receipt 03100
24 By ex. order ". 4 78
By treasurer's commission 42 53
57 By buluuce duo fund 211 60
81 i,!92 81
dr. Srinr Creek school building luud, cr.
By district treasurer's receipt 67 10
01 By exoneration order 4 00
By treasurers commission 7 37
By balance due fund 243 11
01 ' 811 61
dr. St. Mary's road nnd corporrllon fund cr.
By am't paid former treasurer 4U
42 By boro treasurer's receipt 60 00
liy treasurer's commission 2 43
By balance duo fund 18 C3
43 71 42
St. Mary's school fund, cr.
By treasurer's . comiuindon on
Cl 183 00 at two per cent 3 67
By balance due lund 182 61
21 180 21
Cottnty county f ind. dr. County bounty fund, cr.
Toi um't ree'd from former tr'r 187 f9 By bonds redeemed 22,475 00
To am't from tax on unn. lands 27,009 80 By exoneration order 74 r5
To nm't from collectors of 1 SCO 1,554 07 By tr'rs coin, on SiO, 501 85 reo 147 00
To um't from collectors of 1804 007 42 do dp 22,470 00 dbsd 112 87
To 0 mo3 interest ou $4,000 (10 120 00 By bnlanc due fund 7,088 90-
20,808 94 20,808 94
Jay bounty fund, dr. Jay bounty fund, cr.
To amount received from for- By district treasurer's receipt 1,100 CO
mer treasurer 80 Cl By tr. com. on 1,829 37 recng i) 15
To amount received from tax on By tr. com. on 1,100 00 dbsng COS
uuscutcd lands 1,820 37 By bulanco due fund.... 008 85
1,009 03 2,009 08
Ft. Mary's bounty fund, dr. St. Mary's bounty fund, cr.
To amount from for. treasurer 2 38 By tr. com. of J per ct on 03 30 37
To amount from uns. knds... 03 80 By balance duo fund 65 31
" Oo 08 '0508
Renezett bounty fund, dr. Renczctt bounty fund, cr.
Tc nmount of tax received By district, treasurer's receipt 3,724 00
from unseated lands 3,8G5 94 By treasurers commission 37 05
By balance due fund 103 00
3,805 04 j;T04
Renzin2cr bounty fund, dr. Dcnzinger bounty fund, cr.
To amount received from tax By district treasurers receipts 1,150 09
on uuscutcd lands 1,075 72 By treasurers commission 15 04
Bo balance duo fund 611 CO
1,075 72 1,075 72
Ridcrvray bounty fund dr. Ridgway bounty fund, cr.
To amount of tax received from By district treasurer's receipts 1,455 55
unseated lauds 1,552 2G By treasurer's commission 14 13
By balance due fund 81 07
"l755T20 1.552 20
M'Kcnn, Elk, Forest k Clarion State Bond M'Kcnn, Elk, Forest & Clarion State lioad
Fund, Dr. Fund, Cr.
To nmount ro'd from former tr. 10 00 By orders redeemed 1,100 05
To nirt from tax on uns lands 1.037 28 By treasurer's -commission .. M 87
To umt from same 1,050 05 By balance due fund 1.831 42
"3,013 2"0 XoT3"2'J
Jones bridge fund, dr. Jones bridge fund, cr.
To nmt ree'd from former tr. 1 72 By orders redeemed 1,000 00
To umount received from tax By treasurer's commission ... 44 09
on unseated lands 1,214 27 By Balunco duo fund 100 00
"1,215 00 I'ZiSllO
JAMES COYNE, Treasurer of Elk County, in account with the Common wealth
of Pennsylvania.
To balance clue at former I3y state treasurer's receipt 3,000 00
settlement 8 31 53 Ry exoneration order 1 50
To am't of tax ree'd from Ry tr's com. on 1.000-5 ct. 50 00
unseated lands 3,0 19 09 do do do 1 ct. 10 00
To amount of tax received do do do ct. 5 00
collectors SGI 10 Ry balance due state 1,410 20
S4,515 "0 4,515 70
To am't of tav lic'scs grn'td $ 2G5 00 Ry stale treasurer's receipt $ 89 88
do lii do 100 00 Ry county treasurers com-
do bre'rs do 00 00 mission 30 25
do rating house do 140 00 Ry ba'ance due State G55 HI
do retailers' do . 190 00
JAMES A. M ALONE, High Sheriff
Elk fur the year 1S0G.
To Jury fee in Messenger vs
Wasson ot. al. $4
To jury lee in Hill and May.
hord vs Elliott. 4
To jury fee in Moyer vs M oy
er. 4
To jury fee in Ely vs Iloiton's 4
To jury fee in Eryant and Eu. vs Taylor. 4
To jury feo in Renzingcr ct
til vs Gleixner. 4
To jury fee iu Hyde and Cum.
Ming's vs Rryant & Eiuvcr. 4
To jury fen in Reiish vs Ratih. 4
To Fine iu Cotnth. vs F. X.
To Fine in Cotnth. vs 1'. Don.
nelly. 10
To County orders, 120
To Valance due Hherijf', 20
COMMISSIONERS of tho McKeau, Ellc and Forest State Road in account
fiith the said 10 id.
To orders drawn from Elk
county by T L Kane,
To orders drawn from Mc.
Kean co. by T R Kane,
To orders diawu front For
est county by J D IltMit,
To cash received from Cla.
rion co. by !$ R Rynard
' ! 53735 41 3735 41
We the undersigned Auditors and Commissioners of Elk county, having met
ct tho Conimisioners office in Ridgway on Monday the seventh day of January,
A. D. 11)0, do certify that wo have carefully examined the foregoiut? accounts
and find them to be correct as stated.
J. K. P. Hall,
Aud'rs Clerk.
J. K. P. Hall,
Com'rs. Clerk.
ROAD. This great lino traverses
the Northern and Northwest counties of
Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, on
Luke Eric.
It has been leased by the I ennxyha
via Kail J'tjail comnutiu, and is opera-
cd by them.
Its entire length wns opened lor pes
seuger nud freight business, October
17th, 1804.
Leave Eastward.
Erie Mail Train 3 47 p. ni
Erio Express Train 11 05 p.m.
X-.ui.ti Westward.
Erie Mail Train 1 24 p. m.
Erie Express Trait 8 50 . ra.
8785 00
of Elk Co., in account with the (
OUDty of
Ry conveying II. Fisher to
00 Western Penitentiary.
Ry General Election Proela.
00 niation,
Ry tilling jury wheel.
00 Rv serving jury notices Nov.
00 "T. ISliti, and Jan. T. 1807,
Ry Cotnth. cost; vs McGriveu
00 rt al,
Ry cam. vs If- D. Dorr,
00 Ry com. v. II. R. Wilson,
120 00
2 00
30 00
Ry com.ivs Jolm Mosier,
00 Rv com. vs O. A. Wilcox,
00 Ry com. vs R. P. faltsman,
15y com vs Charles McVean,
00 Ry com vs Pat McUready,
liy com vs E. Mot a v.
00 Ry com vs E- Morey, subp.
00 Ry com vs Elizabeth Wiuslow
25 Ry com vs J. McCloskey,
Ry coin vs Geo. Ansiuger et
al Nov. term.
Ry com vs Geo. Ansingcr et
al Jan. term,
Ry com 7s Shons nnd Largy.
Ry com vs F. X. Hans
Ry com vs T. Kennedy,
By coin vs Tcrissa Wildfire,
et al.
Ry com vs John Rauh,
Ry fee in 52 cases,
3 50
3 85
C213 25
25 - .
By account rendered by T
1100 00 LKane for work and ma
terials, 700 00 By account rendered by J D
Hunt's services See.
1835 41 By cash paid S by R Rynard
By Balance due Road,
100 00
2131 82
5G 00
1237 50
W. A. BLY,
Passenger cars run through without
cbaiiL'o both ways between Philadolpha
and Erie.
For inlormation respecting Passenger
business apply at the S. E. corner 3Uth
and Market Sts.
And for Frsight business of tho Com
pany's Agents:
S. R. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and
Market Sts. Philadelphia.
J. V. Reynolds Erie.
W. Rrowu, Agont N. C. R. It. Bal.
II. II. Houston,
Gen'l. Freight Aft. PhTa.
C7. Ticket Ajl. Phita.
ALracp. L. Tvleb,
General Supt TFmi'
2 2d
1 '.17
2 4.J
2 87
.", 4 'i
8 37
a 4tJ
2 IS
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