Ill H( Goiiii;i Ct'OiiiK'. .IOR WORK. Kiflilh sheet handbill. 60 copies or less $2.t0 Quarter eh oel handbill, 60 copios or less fn.r,: Half sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or less $o,(0 Full sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or less $8,00. BLANKS. For any quantity under five quire?, $1, 60 ;icr quire , on ill amounts over that h reasonable reduction will be made. TERMS OF PAPER. $t,C0 per year In advance S2.00 if paid within the year, nd $2,60 if .lot paid with in that time. Car Time at Ridgway. Erie Express Fn,t 11:05 p.m. do Ho Went 3:47 a. m do Mail w 3:60 p. m. do do West 1:24 p. m. Local Freight East 10:30 a. m. do do West 6:13 p. m. BgLcvis, the Harness maker, desires 3 to inform his customers and the pub lic generally thai ho has got back to Itidgwny aud will endeavor hereafter to attend to bin hop more regularly, and is ready to do work at the lowest prices. " - ESJflou't forget that tho Sociable meets at the house of W. C Ilcaly, Esq , on Friday evening next. fcer. Yesterday was the plonsantest day we have had for some thnc. SgJuWc learu that i number of young m of fins place, have formed them, (selves into a mim-tre! troupe, and pro pose, aftor they have had sufficient time for practice, to give an entertainment for donation to religious purposes. Touw.nsip Klctionh. Tl c ainuul elections for township officers takes place ou Tuesday, the l'ih day of February next. Correspondents in the different townships should son! us a list of ofli. cers elected, so that wo could publi..h them, and thereby furnish a valuable reference. ftaS-The trial of Mrs. .Miller, for the ruurder ot her husband iu Clearfield county has resulted in her conviction of the crime of murder, iu the first degree. The trial lasted lor eight days, and cost fiieicounty a large amount ot money the fees given to the physicians alone, amounting to SSX'O. Apology. Wc deem it due to our patrous to apologize for the small amount ot reading matter in our paper this and last weeks. The annual settlement takes up a good Lit of room, but we must not omit its publication until after February. We hope, then to make a much more interesting paper. The Snow Storm. For the l3st threo or four weeks wc ha"c had an al most incessant (snow storm.- From al! parts of the country wo hear reports of the same kind. Township roads and turnpikes are ahuost impassable, aud the trains on the different railroads are de tained from one to eight hours each day. i m am Give Us a Call. Persous wanting Cards, Bill-heads, Shipping bills, Tags, Handbills, and in fact anythiug in the printing line should give us a call before going elsewhere. We have lately added a Lawyer Job Press to our establishment, tnd feel confident that wo cau do work as rapidly, neatly aud cheaply as it can be done in tho cities ' Give us your or ders. BPiWe have just received from the National Publishing Company a circular an.iouucing that they arc about to issue a new book, entitled " A History ot tho Late War between tho States Tracing its Origin, Causes and Ilesults," by Hon. A. II. Stevens, late Vice Prcsi ileutof the Southern Confederacy. It will no doubt be au interesting work. For further particulars address NATL PUBLISHING CO. 507, Minor Street, Philad'a. I'llMMrKll'Al Kl. To the Editor of ,,- Elh Adcocntr : -Last week' the Epieopal brethren raised tho wind by entertaining us with Theatricals learnedly called Tableaux Vivants, interspersed with performances hy Mr. Brown, Professor of Banjo phiyi ing and Jig c'ancing. The Method's s do. (termined not to be outstripped by the cow lights, invite us this week to parti cipate in a Masquerade and Donation Party at the Hyde House, for the. bene fit of ltev. Wni. Bowyer, at which dan cing is to be winked at, if not directly encouraged. Such serabrcligious performances are K new thing iu llidgway. The like is 6t remembered by the oldes1, inhabi tant. We have had theatricals, wax works, and negro melodists exhibited in ftho Courthouse at twenty-five cents a head, frequently ; we have had many a datfeing party at the Hyde House, but never before were any ot these, held un der the auspiees of the Church. On the contrary they were gencrully denounced a sinful. i 1 It such amusemeuls were wrong then they are wrong yet, no matter to what object the proceed are devoted. I can pot believe that our friends would for the sake of filthy lucre, "whip the devil around tbt stump" by affirming that the end justifies the means. Tho charitn. ble construction of their conduct is, that they have concluded that the crusade which has heretofore been waged against such amusements, is nnjust, and that henceforth a more leasonablc and less puritanical view and practico are to bo held. If so, these measures tmuk an epoch in our religious history; the beginnini of a new aud I hope u moro successful career. J 11 II V. Suspicious People. Depend upon it, that people who suspect everybody are unworthy of anybody's confidence. Aceurato self-knowledge is at tho bot tom ot their universal distrust. It is tho consciousness of evil designs in their own heatts ihat causes them to doubt the existence of honest intentions in the hearts of others. Of course they are very unhpppy, and we know of no rem edy for their discomfort except self improvement. Let them root out of themselves the treachery, the meanness, the greed, or whatever other vicious properly it nay be, which they sup pose to i..?vo i;s counterpart iu the breasts of all mankiud, nnd their opin ions of tneir K'lU.w men will at once change for the N'tter. But in the meantime avoid thci.'- Pcoplo who have no faith in their tind are very dangerous persons to deal w."'h- laking it for (.'ranted that everybody with whom t'jey come in business conac' ,s bent on overreaching them, their objvoc' is tospike the enemy 'sjguiis bybein the first to overreach. Caiidor is lost upon them. They consider it, refined hypoc risy. Favors they look upon as cun ningly devised lures, ln'cnded to lead them int. i a trap, and wliilo receiving them willingly, chuckle inwardly at the thought that they arc old birds, and -cannot be caught by any such devices. These creatines think they understand human nature ! Poor wretches! of all the thousand sptings of human action they know but one, and that tho worst selri-hnrss. Let them stop that spring in their own moral machinery, if they can. Let them do it for their own s.ikes, for they can never know how much of good there is iu the world un til they do. FisKi: Passes. The following is said to be an extract from the minutes of a meeting ot tho board of directors of the Pennsylvania railroad company, and should put an end to the applications of members of tho Legislature for passes. " Hti-oltvil, That this Company will decline to issue lic pas:os, except for purely charitable purposes, and fuch others as in tho opinion of the President may be absolutely required by the inte rests of the Company. Further, that no officers of this Conibany but the Presi dent shall is?ue free pa.-es except, to em ployecs when travclingon till busiriess'ot the Company, un'ess : by the President." A H.Al'I'V IlE.lolMiER. At Oxford, S'.me twenty years ago, a tutor ot one of the colleges limped in his walk. Stop ping otic day last summer at a railway .station, he was accosted by a well-known politician, who recognized him, and ask ed if he was not the chaplain of the col lege at such a time, naming the year. The doctor replied that he was. "I was there, "taid his interrogator, "and I knew you by your limp." "Well," sail the doctor, "it seems my limping made a deeper impression on 'ou than my preaching." "Ah doctor," was the re ply, with ready wit, "it is the highest compliment we can pay a minister to say that he is known by his walk rather than by his conversation." The first thing done by the last Legislature was to grant a divorce to the daughter of a Senatorial aspirant. Among the fist acts of the present ses siou, was one divorcing tho lather from the public crib. Both perfectly proper The United States grand jury .at New Orleans has failed to tin J an indictment against any person concerned in the July r'iots. P. II. Morgan, U. S. District At torney, when the jury was empanuelled, declined to apply tho test oath to the jurors. A Mr Wilkenson writes to a western paper, informing the public that he thinks the newspaper reeord-of his death is incorrect. To the best of his knowledge- ho is still alive, and would be kick ing, if ho could find the author of this report." The sentence of McGrath, the Fo. niau who was convicted at Toronto, was postponed on Monday, the Judge stating that he had received instruction not to sciitouec auy more at present. A telegram from New Orleans states that the elections ordered by Gov enor Wells to fill vacancies in tho Leg islature, have resulted iu every iustanca iu the choice of persons opposed to his policy. The Radical press pronounce tho old Winnebago a splendid financier. He !. a talent iu that line. Ho exhibited his financiering at Ilarrishirg a few days since. The Florida Indians are holding their slaves, contending that the white mau's laws do not "apply to them. Mr. Bobcrt T. Banks is Conser vative candidate lor Mayor of Baltimore. 2rGen. Grant endorses tho presi dent's veto of tho 'District suffrjgo bill. Bfi,There has been sleighing for six weeks. This is an unu-al long run. K Kits ky iron: i,. V. fi. WUEianu, i'Hoi-iiiKToa. 1'nin house in conveniently and pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Cciitrc villo. Every uliemioQ paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 81 18o7if A Column for lite Young Fodis. Will sends us the following answer to last week's Ostrandor, (No. 48), which is so nearly correct that we give it. The answers ns to to the time lie com menced tho werk and tho time he was employed arc correct; but he is slightly in error in regard to tho perpendicular height of tho cistern. The correct o. lulioii of which is 107.025 inches, or 8 feet, 111 inches. Will camo within a quarter of au inch of tho ttue answer. Following is Will's solution : Mr. Editor: I believe the following to he a correct answer to Ostrandor's problem No. 48. lie joinmcDced nt 3:20 P. M., was employed one hour and twenty minutes, and found the perpen dicular height of tho cistern to be 8 feet, 11 inches. WILL. A. H. writes us as follows in regard to Will's solutions of Ostraodors Nos. 80 and 81, which wo published in last week's paper. Here it is : Mr. Editor: Will'snnswers to the questions of A B nnd C is near enough for common busines. The fractional part of the dollar being in decimals, neither of them gets a plump thousand. If Will obtained tho answers without the aid of Algebra, he did (ns the Dutchmau said) " so petter as coot," ami I should like to know how it was done. If Will will cive a Demonstra tion, I will return tho compliment. A. It. Ostrandor sends us another lot of ex. arorj.'es. We irive two of them below : OstrSMdor Kscellaneotts. NO. 1. I agreed wii'.h a tinker, whoso name was Polittlu To make for my wife a flat-bottomed kettle, Twelve inches exactly the JcPth of th same, Aud twenty-five gallons of beer to contain, The number of inches across o' tuc top W as twice that of the bottom whn new at the shun. IIow nianv inches across must the bo.'-tom then be, Likewise ou tho ton, rray show unto me. NO. 2. If a solid gloho of glass, eight inches in diameter be blown into a hollow globe till the shell is but one-fifth of an inch in thickness, what will then bo its diameter and how many gallons of wine will it hold 1 OSTRANDOR. 8rWhen is a lady not a lady? When she is a little sulky. At what uge do pigs end their exis tence 'I Saus-ago. If two hogsheads make a pipe, how many will make a segar ? Why is Alliens liko a worn out shoo ? Because is once had a Solon. Why is a Highlander's dress like a prison wiudow ? Because it is barred. IIow can yon get cowslips in the winter season ? Drive your cattle on the ice. Why is it easy to break into an old man's house ? Because his gait is bro ken and his locks are few. Quilp thinks it rather remarkable tnat wniie several tnousana teet are re quired to make one rood, a single foot, properly applied, is often sufheieut to make one civil. The propritor of a forge, not remar kable for correctness ot language, but wno oy nonesc industry naa realized a comfortable independence, peing called upon at a social meeting for a toast, gave "success to forgery. A n.ur.Y newspaper man who has just got out of the traces, says ho is becoming quite well acquainted with his family Ho discovered to his suppnse that his daughter could play upon the piano. He never had time to discover tho fact be fore. tST"A young man out west was entrust, ed with tho money to bring his father homo a good family sewing machine. He earned oft a neighbor s daughter to Chi cago married her and brought her home, declaring she was the best family sewing machine lie could procure. Q5 Writing about tho District negro suffrage bill, Greeley says : "After this we trust it will be uowhero denied that the Republicans are for impartial suff rage .North, south, and everywhere. j'eople of Pennsylvania, are you ready ior inc question l A wide awake minister, who found Ins congregation going to sleep onoSun day before he commenced, suddenly stopped and exclaimed, Brethren, this isn t fair: it isut' civing a man half a chance. Wait till 1 get aloug i piece, aud tnet, I ham t worth listening to, go to sleep ; but dou t before I get commeno ed ; give a man a chance. "La mo !" sighed Mrs. Partington, "here I've been sufferin' the bigamies of death three moral weeks. Fust I was seized with a bleeding phreno'ogy in the left hemisphere ot the brain, which was exceeded by the stoppage of the left ventilator of the heart. This gave mo an inflamation of the borax, and now I'm with tho cloroform morbus. There's no blessin' like health, particularly when your e sick. A lady was told, tho other day by a traveling gentleman, that every lady who had a small mouth was provided with a husband by the Government, "Ith it pothiblo V said the lady, mak her mouth as little as she could. The gentleman added : "That if she had a large mouth she was provided witn two husbands." " My gracious 1" excluimed the lady at the same time throwing her mouth open to the full extent. The gentleman became alarmed, made his escape and has not been sceu or beard of siooe. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT T H 11 111 I )GVA KF.lT 11Y BOltDWELL .V MESSENGER, Dealers in Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fu merles of nil Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Stylo and Size ' Dye Stuffs, Pure Coufectionaries Citron, llaisins, Pateut "Medicines, "Vines, Walshes, Jewelrj', Rings, Tobaccoes & Segars . Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gen f crally. Pure Itugs nt Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Trices ! Notions in Endless Variety 1 Notions in Endless Variety I American and English Watches ! American and English Watches ! Latest Styles of Jewelry, Kings, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Kings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ' Fancy Articles, 'loys, Latest Novels ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings ! Violin, Banjo aud Guitar Strings ! mar2018GG ?jJisiclla'iotS. SETTLE UP! ALL persons kuowiug themselves in debted to Joseph Wilbelui of St. Gary's, aro requested to call nnd settle their accounts before the 1st of Februa ry, or tfiy will be put in tho hands of proper persons ior collection. lie stii! carries on business at the old stand, where he will be happy to see all his old customers, and as many new ones as may favor hiu. JOS. WiLIIJ-M. St. Mary's Jan. 10th 180(). ORPHAN'S COURT SALE By virtue of an onier of the Orphan's ' Court of Klk county, Pn. I will sell ill the Court House in Ridguay, l'u., nn Thursday, the ith tlay of tebrunry, A. V. J 8 1 1 , at two and otic-milt clock, r. .M., that certain tract of land in Jny township, iu saul 1.1k county, containing bl) acres. in.ji c or luss, being the ono-ualt pin t ot tract o. o, us ilesicntcd in Adam Diller s Full-division plitu of land in said County terms casli, ou confirmation of wile. MARY McKKRNKV, Adnix. ot estate of 1. McKerney, dee'd. L. J. lilnkely, Atty. 1st ui. 17th d-ot. TARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnlh j aud unequalled speed, simplicity and completeness of operation, uro qualities pc culiar to the Nonpareil Washing Ma chine. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex pcrienee derived from five years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public insiilut'ons proves it to ls of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by roiary motion acting on a crank shaft 'with balance wheel,) Which moves the plungers alternately, is tfie simplest, least lanorioup ami most powerlul tnat can be (In vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed with which this machine pet furms work will be understood from tho statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes a lninltte Safety to the fabrio washed is insured by the entire absence of running. A girl or boy of fifteen can work the ma chine, and do a week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance iroiu hand rubbing Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to Whom exclusive right oi saie s secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 181, Water St., N. Y, July 26,'CO-ly J. GURXEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTiSTS, 707, BKOAUWAY, N. 1. T.' addition to our Photographic Art Gal I lory, established in 1840, we have for the last F ive years had advantages su perior to any other establishment in ob taming sittings from life, of all the Promiuent Cehbiities of the day in Card portraits, aud are now publishing a Catalogue ot over "2 500 SUBJECTS, American and Foreign, also a large list ot copies ot V orks of Art and Lugrav. ings. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order f.;r one dozen pio tures fiom our Catalogue will be filled at 81 80, and sent by mail free. Single ... ,i rr pictures cents each, copies ot en. cravings 15 cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reproduc ing, or copying, old Daguerreotypes, AUiorotypes, uant 1'ictures, &o., of de. ceased relatives aud friends, enlarjrinsr them to any size, and finishing . in Oil Water Colors, or India Ink, with the aid of teu talented artists. Parties desiring copies, should there lore correspond with us direct. Send fur a catalogue. Tho trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for free inspection, and strangers visiting tho city will find our Gallery one oi tne most agreeable places where, id to wuue away an hour. J. GUKNEY & SON. sep 20 6tr.. 707, Broadway, N. Y iiOSTAR'S KXTERM1NATGR. Costar's Costar's Exterminator, Lxtei ii-.iiutor, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Costar's Costar's Costar's Costar's Costar's Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Exterminator, Fo. Rals. Mice, Roaches, Ants, Red liitgs, rlcas. .Mollis ami l iirsin Wooluus, Insects on Plains. Fowls, Animal, etc. ' IS years established in N'. Y. City.' Only infallible remedies known.' Free from Poisons.' Kot dangerous to tho Human Family.' !!!Beware!'! of all worthless imitations See that ' COSTAR'S " mime is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Address HENRY R. COSTAR. 4(54 Broadway, N. Y. rOSTAR'S CELEBRATED TO.. For Cuts. lSurna. rtriiiMP Wf.nn.l rinlla Cancers, Breasts, Sore Niliple, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles ; Scrofu lous, Putrid and ill conditioned Poles; L"i. cers. Glandular Swellings, Eruption, Cul neous Affections, Ringworm, Itch, Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals. &c. Jfoxes, cetus, OU cents, nnd Sri sizes. Sold by all Bruggists, everywhere and by HENRY R.YOSTAR. Depot 480, Broadway, X. Y. QOSTAR'S UNIVERSAL Corn Solvent ! For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. Bores, Co cent", 50 cents, nnd $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by HENRY R. COSTAR. Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. JOSTAR'S PREPARATION OF Bitter Su-a t and Orange Blossoms, for llcautifyiiig the Comphxinn. Used to soften and beautify the skin, remove Freckles, Pimples, Empiinns, Sc. Ladies are now using It in preference to all others. Price .1 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, nnd hy HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. V. lOSTAR'S PECTORAL J CO UGH 11 E 31 E D Y, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. HoreThroat, Croup, IVhoopiug Coughs, Inlliiena, Agihnia, Consumption, Bronchial, and all diseases of the Throat nnd Lungs. Bottles, i!5 cents, 50 cents, nnd fl sizes. Sold by all Drugeists everywhere, and by HENRY It. COSTAR. Depot 484 Broadway, X. Y. c OSTAR'S CELEBRATED Bishop Fills! -1 1'iu'rcrsal Dinner Pill ! For Nervousnesi and Sick Headache, Cos tiveness, Iudigesiiou, Dyspepsia, Bit liousness, C'unstipation, Diarrhoea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and general derangement of the Digestive ORGANS. Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes, nnd old by all Druggists everywhere, aud by HENRY R. COSTAR. 10 Mm Depot 484 Broadwsy N. Y. MEK1CAN AIlTISl'S' UNION. The AMERICAN' ARTISTS' EN ION' eslablUbed ISoij unmmm-e tliut in order to extend the saio t.l the fo, low ing and known tun! fiifbly ) tij.n!;ir KTi:i:L l LMi: AA'67M VLXGS Departure of tho Pilgrim Embers fur America, 27 x oC in Landiugof the Pilgrim Path. us, x ;;r PalstaU Muster!:ig his lie- fruits, 25 x ?, ) ShakespearnnJ bis Friends, 27 x .11 Cotter'. Snturday Night, 'S.i x 2S Village Blacksmith, 2" a !JJ Manifest Bestitiv, (Fortune Telling,) 21 x 23 The Marsacre at Wyoming in 1770, 80 Mount Vonori in Ibopldeo time, or, Washington ut 80;eat of oge, 2G x 84 Thu escape of A latter Kac- Donuid from the Masfacro of Glencoe, 20 x 34 The Madonna, 20 x 31 They have deemed expedient to offer to their friends atid tho public at otuj dollar and fifty cents each, the price heretofore ha ing been twodullai; each, and lor the purpose of stimulating the getting up of Clubs, they have tVcr mined to award premiums to the getters up ol the Clubs, und in addition thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the sum' of 8511,000 iu money and paint ings. as soon as the sale tball bave reach ed 100,000 engravings. As it is 'our intention to advertise very extensively, and as the engravings are well known throughout the whole country, we have no doubt that with the low price we charge for them, and with the exertion which wc put forth by our numerous friends, the number will bo reached in short time. As soon as it is reached, tho subscribers, through their Club Agents, will be notified by a circular letter from us, naming the time and method of distribution. CLUH HATES. Single Engravings 1,50 each, by mat free. For f?15 we will send 23 Eng. and 2 to the Club Ageut. 20 15 " " 4 ' 25 30 35 50 75 100 20 ' " y 25 " " (i o0 " " 7 " " 50 " a Silver Watch. HO " a SHver Lever. 110 fuH'uiitii.!' 1 .rver. k if The Club packages" will be 'very se curely packed and forwarded by Express Any person may get up ilubs aud forward the amount cither by Express Sight Draft. 1W Oflieo Order or in a registered letter, and in all cases the Etmrnvinjis will be immediately Knut and for each engraving u numUnd f ir- thiroti' and leceipt will be enclosed in a package. C Oi J). ORDERS. Persons will ing to send for Engravings and pay tho Express Co. when they uro received, will bo required to sendwith their order 62 to t-5, according to its amount, aul this will bo credited ou their bill. L.isl of Premiums To be distributed. Ouc of 810,000 iu money, 5,f 00 " Five of ,ti(i0 " Ten of ffJO " Fifty of TOO One hundred elegant Oil Paint 10.C00 5,000 5,(100 5,000 5,000 ings, richly f.inmed, Lands capes, at $100 each, 10,000 Two hundred elegant Oil Paint, ings, richly framed, Interior Views, t;50 each, 10,000 850,(10') The AMERICAN ATISTS" UN. ION would add that these picmii-.n.s are to be considered only iu the light of a free gift to their patrons, as Tho Engravings are furnished them 1,-hno tboir market value, and as the cost o' engravings, after the plates are procur. cd, is very trifling, they cau easily nfT.rd to make the distribution as largo as it is. We trust that our numerous friends throughout the country aud Canndas will use their utmost exertions, so that if possible, tho distribution may ba made soon, and it can bo douo if thev arc at all active. Ladies havo ofteii made excellent Club Agents, for us. and we solicit their kind ciibrts, which will not go unrewarded- Let ono or moro energetic parsons in every town or village in the country commence a soon as they see this, and get up ns large a Club as liossible. Ky so uoin-r they will be the means of introducing tie. gant engravings into lamilies, amf thus aul iu cultivating a ta.-tc for tho beauti ful and refined. Address ( )rders See. AMERICAN AA'TISTS' UNION? Nov. 8, lbiiO-u'ni. 25 Pine St. X. V. b UK STARCH CILOSj Is the only article used by fir.-t class hotels Laundries, nnd thou-ands ol' families. It gives a beautiful po!ih, mnking tho iron pasj Hinoollily over the cloth, saving much lime and label'- iond done up with it keep clean much longer, censem-nily will nut wear nut tosouii. It makes old linen look like new. CH'R IMl'KIUAL HUT is llie best "n the world. It is fduhle in hard as well as stilt water. It is put up in the safest tieaiesi. .nil most cmvciiient form of nny uit'eicd to the public. It is warranted not t suenk the chillies A genu wanted everywhere, to hum we ullcr ex traordiimry inducement Address. new York .starch closs co. No. JI8 Fuhon St , New York. 01$ PIUXTINT, CIIEAPLV& NEATLY EYPElllTTMTTCT r Executed at tin Ad ccate Office A