A?co:qh.'. JOHN l. II A 1.1. W. t. MOOUK, , r.Mrmt -UlklSimi. rnoi'iiiKTon. TIIUUSI")AY: .Tmmavv lnt, 1P0Y. AsoTiiin Vi:t(i. President John Ron litis ?W.f ill till- Sl'liatO his VClD if the bill making t V!oi ado a State, reasons are u bly htatcd, aiul it is certain that lie J .ies not tiny uiui'h attention to the impcairlitnoiit propositions. The following sound ami scumiuhWu ndviec to business tncu, we c.ipy from tlic I'm'l'i! States Ketmomist and Dry C'wds i:rt r. That journal says : AVc know or no sentiment mora hand some for men of Ijiimiic.-s to cuter upon the year with, ilinti a deep conviction ihut Us fortunes are very much under their own coutn.-l. Much less of the ill fortune of the fast year is due to the dif ficulties ol' the times than to capitalisis not regulating their buiues iutelligctit ly to tin: condition of tiling. They act upon old Miles instead of remembering that chanucd Oiveumstanoes calHbr new modes ol management. Iu nothing have manufacturers, lor instance, erred so se viously duiini: the pa.-t year as in blind ly turning out all the goods they could irodii.-e, instead of first iiiittiring what an omit the country would be likely to take at such prices as they could a fiord to produce tK in at. It is this neglect (.( roL'uhitintr .lie supply to the probable demand that has caused most of the los. m.'S ol Is'.1'. And it must depend chief ly upon the digne to which this cardi nal uileof manufacturing or niTehaut ing U oL.-cvveJ, wliethcr'l07 in a prof, italic or losing year. It must be taken for granted that the year will be charac terized by a continuance of the difficul ties whirl) have beset business, during liCl'i. We are in a 'process of a return toward lower prices. The merchant has to meet the ccrtaiuty of a constaut bhrinkngc of values, and the manufac turer to calculate upen a study decline in raw niatct iul ; so that he is constant ly liable to litid that he can produce .roods at a lower price than he can afford to cl: his stock at. His is the chief difficulty with which men of business have to contend. It inevitably reduces their profits, and this fact being well understood, there is an inclination to curtail the facilities of credit, which a gain constitutes an important embarrass, inent. The prudent course, under such circumstances, is to hold the lowest pos. fihle stocks. Adopting that course, riks at the decline in prices are reduced, and there is a constaut prcssuro upon production, which, acting finally upon raw materials and labor, tends directly to cause prices to approximate the nor mal level as nearly as the case admits of. It is principally in the observance of this very plain rule that tracers and pro ducers possess an almost absolute control over the future course of the markets. Many are diverted from this very simple principle of regulation by imag ining that Congress can legislate affairs into a healthier condition. By tighten ing the tariff screw and casing the tax. crew, they imagine that the whole se ries of commercial derangements will be remedied ; and they consequently hpcud the time iu boring Congress to tiuker the tariff, which they fchould occupy in :.n intelligent effort to regulate their business by tie condition of affairs a round them. It is this foolish attempt to adjust the condition of things to the position of trade, instead of adjusting tiade to the condition of affairs, which is the bane of our capitalist. They are opening the new year with a humilia ting exhibition of their lack of business sa 'Tu-itv. by crowding the Committee of AYavsnnd Mcaus with petitions to in crease the ''protection" of domestic man ufuvtuivs; and the fact of bo much reli ance heiuu' placed upon the impotent ex: pcili.-nts, is one of the worst auguries for a ju iieious avoidance of tho difficulties which must beset business generally. I'pon tho whole wo see little reason for Loping that tho community have learnt much lor late experience j and the em. barrassineuts being the aniens last year, it may be presumed that the blunders and tho misfortunes will be about the same also. 'J'lie conservatory attached to the Executive mansion at Washington was damned by lire to the extent of 82,000 Vru.,v of hist week. About one- third of the valuable plants, many of them of the rarest character ana iorcign oiiiriu, were destroyed. The women of Gieenficld, Ohio, who mobbed the liquor dealeis some months & no have been mulcted into fcOa aau ,.,.f.a .Verves the uusexed creatures light, N'ew York poet says the 'Atlantio Telegraph Cable makes a bed of the Ocean and pillows of the two Continents 'I hut poet evidently sleeps with a pillow jit both ends. It w Kuid Cameron is layin" a rod jn pickle for Forney, and ha succeeded in a plau to oust the Clerk of the Senate f.oui his snug sinecure. Tho pork Mason f.t Indiunupolin, f .wlinnn. bus about closed. Nearly 50 000 ho-rs have beeo pucked, aguintit 30,. (100 Let year. IT- H. Weir & Co's. Cultivator Alanufactory, Monmouth, 111., was des in ved bv fire on the 22d int. The loss is $ 50100 ; iobured for $1 5,000. lk to; ti'itoifi i RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, VA, RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN," PA. 117 to. QTATEMENTof the Receipts and O Expenditures of Elk County for the year 1SGG. CR. By atu't paid Win, A. Bly Com. By ain't paid J W Taylor Com. By am'tpaid Louis Vollmer Com. By ain't paid John C McAl lister, Coni.. clerk. By am't paid J K P Hall By am't paid L J Blakely .District Attorney, By am't paid J A Malone Sheriff, By am't paid Bounties for Wolves &c. By am't paid Prison Expen ses. By am'tpaid Jury fees, By am't paid assessing ex. penscs, By am't paid election expen ses, By ain't paid justices fees, By am't paid constables fees By am't paid auditors fees, By am't paid auditors clerk By am't paid auditor of pro- thonotarys account, By am't paid road views. By am't paid stationary for the several offices, By am't paid stamps, By am't paid repairs to pub lie buildings, By am't paid fire-proof buil ding, By am't paid fuel, By am't paid John G. Hall attorney for cpunty, By am't paid, proth's. fees, By am't paid Janitor, By am't paid P W Hays bal due at settlement, By am't printing contract, By am't paid Inquests, By am'i paid House of Ref uel Morcautilo appraisers, By am't paid Refunding orders, By am't paid Commission allowed Collcctois, By am't paid Treasurers Commission, By excess of receipts, 119,00 150 50 137 50 13 239 94 00 00 120 80 00 218 1049 86 136 55 405 37 115 28 50 9 00 9 135 350 8 00 50 CO 00 480 82 3750 00 59 50 100 00 201 30 100 00 201 03 200 00 16 87 187 8 82 114 437 48 2230 52 $11620 18 DK. To am't of taxes collected from unseated lauds, To am't reed from collectors To a. n't ree'd from Johu G. Hall attorney for county, S85G7 230(i G25 To jury fees. To fine in commonwealth vs F. X. Hans. 25 00 To fine in commonwealth vs P. Donuelly, 10 00 811626 18 ASSETS & LIABILITIES. Assets. Cash in tr'y, co. funds $049 61 do do stale do 1,44'J L'U do do bounty do 7,088 6$9,187 67 Amount due by collectors, sub ject to exoneration. 1805 Isaac lUys, Fox, $138 98 1805 J V Houl , Uidgwny, 37 47 1C5 M WeVd. f St Mary's 30 02 180.1 11 Moore. Ppa Creek 150 51) 1X00 M f'lnise Benezett 121 32 1X00 J dross, lienzinger, 183 90 1800 W McCuulcv, Fox, 820 20 1800 V Millar, Junes, 79 43 18-10 F Dickinson, H'gw'v 198 03 1800 T Irwin, Upg Creek 275 57 Bounty Tax Collectors. 1804 John Koch, Fox, 647 09 1804 (i E Weis, llidgway, 106 10 1304 M l'errin, Spg Crk, 461 93 1805 11 V Derr, Benezett, 205 80 1805 J A Miller, Fox. 840 99 1805 Armel Turlev, Jay, 257 78 1805 B A Bill. ItiuVway. 642 35 1805 H Moore, Sng Crk 64 72$4,740 $13,928 Liuhilitte. Bounty bonds, outst'ng 6,800 00 Int. esl'd onsame 1,020 00 Co. orders outstanding 278 52 Due House of Refuge 101 61 Due Commonwealth 2,014 7211,120 F.xcess of Assets ,.,.$2,807 ROAD ORDERS OUTSTANDING Henuezctt twp. Ueuzinger township, Highland township, Jones township, Jay township, Fox township, RSdzwsy township, f!)0 09 5 65 131 159 78 60 I Springcreek township, JAMES COYNE, Treasurer of Elk Couoty, in account with its several funds for the vear ending, January 1st. 1867. DK 84 8,607 2,300 625 To amount reo'd from former Treasurer $ To amount reo'd from tax on unseated lands To niuouut ree'd from Collec tors....,..., To ain't ree'd from John Q Hall, attorney fur county.,. 11.691 13 ROAD, SCHOOL & SCHOOL BUILDING FUNDS. Benczctt Road Fund, Dr. To am't ree'd from former Tr. $ 5 10 am t of tax roc d from un seated lands , '2,09 01 2,185 15 I3nezett school fund, dr. To amount received from un- setitedlamls $ 1,124 05 To balance due Treasurer , 148 08 1.272, Benzingcr road fund, dr. To amount of tax received from unseated hinds $ 1.301 To amount received from un seated, additional 419 20 1,750 Benzinger bchool fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer $ 2 To amount received from tax 1,330 on unseated lands 1,332 61 1,675 891 Fox road fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer To amount of tax received from unseated lands To amount of tax received from unseated lands, additional... 2,028 02 Fox school fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer 6 29 To amount of tax received on unseated lands 1,005 41 1,041 70 Fox school building, dr. To amount received from former treasurer 4 97 To amount received from tax on 937 unseated lands 942 14 Highland road fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer 98 To amount of tax received from unseated lands 1,064 40 1,162 95 Highland school fund, dr. To amount received from tax on unseated lands 605 81 To amount received from former treasurer. 25 630 Jay road fund, dr. To amount received from tax on unseated lands...... 1,205 1,205 Jay school fund, dr. To amount received from former. treasurer 15 To amount received fsom tax on unseated lands 602 677 Jones road fund, dr. To amount received from for- ninr treasurer 180 To amount received from tax on unseated lauds 1,980 2,100 Jones school fund, dr. To am't ree'd from former tr'r.. 1 1 o amount received from tax on unseated lauds 1,30! To balance due treasurer 1 1,830 Ridgway rood fund, dr. By amount received from for- mer treasurer 2a To am't reo'd onuuseated lands 1,709 To am't on same, Additional 670 2,406 Ridgway school fund, dr. To amount received from tax on unseated lands..... 851 851 Spring Creek road fund, dr. To am't ree'd from former treas 6 To am't ree'd on unseated lands To amount on same, additional To balance due tr'er 1,040 622 26 1,701 Spring Creek school fun J. dr. To amount received from former treasurer To amount received from tax on unsealed laads 1,192 1,192 95 Spring Creek school building fund, To amount of tax received from unseated lands 311 811 62 St. Mary road and corporation fund, 85 77 To amount received from tax on unseated lands 00 00 St. Mary 'a school furid,'3r! To amount received from for mer treasurer To amount received from tax on unseated lands.... 00 2 181 00 00 00 00 00 186 Cll. By orders redeemed $ 10,232 05 94 By refunding orders 82 40 By exempt iou orders 8 00 70 By Tre's com. on $11,050 18 received, at 2 percent 231 18 39 By Tre's com. on $10,315 41 disbursed, at 2 percent.... 200 30 09 By costs on deeds of land sold to county 188 72 By balance due county 049 51 11,691 12 Benezett Road Fund, Cr. 54 By am't orders of redeemed... $ 1, :i oo liy corn, on fc'J.t'i'J 01 ot 2 per cent., received 41 By com. on $1,734 00 ut2 per cent., disbursing 84 OS By IjuIuucb duo fund 274 8 2,085 15 Uenczett school lund, cr. By dist. tr'rs receipt S 1,226 31 liy tr rs com. on $1,124 oj received, at 2 per cent By tr'rs com. on 81,220 31 disbursed, lit 2 per eelil.... 22 49 21 53 1,273 33 Bonztnprer road fund, cr. By am't paid former tret'surer i? 4 30 Ity orders redeemed... 1,480 W By tr'rs coin, on I , T -" 31 re ceived, at 2 pel nt 35 OO- Bp tr'rs coin, mi 1,4'.'0 30 2'.' 80 By balance duo fund 195 15 11 1,750 31 Benzinscr school fund, cr. By district treasurer's riveij t 18 By Ir'rs com. on 1.330 "0 ree'd 9' io on 20 02 IK llO 1,332 01 1,651 00 135 00 1 80 51 33 11 75 417 11 2,028 02 921 87 1 17 20 10 50 10 Be tr'rs cum. on 90O00 d'bv.l 76 By balance duo l'uud 94 Fox road fuiiJ, cr. By orders redeemed .... 53 By orders redeemed, a.l.lhiuiiiil By refunding order 12 By ir'rs com. on 2.550 17 ree'd By tr'rs com. on 2,0'.' 7 '.'5 l-j'0d 35 liy balunce dui: i'uud Fox school fund, er. By Jislviet treasurer's receipt By refunding order By tr'rs com. on 1,005 41 ree'd By ir'rs com. on '.'23 01 dj'bd By balance due fund 1.011 Fox school building, cr. By district treasurer's receipt 700 00 20!) U0 J 3 70 1 00 5 08 By ir'rs com. on 937 17 47 By tr'rs cum. on 'juo OO By balance due fund...... roe'ed Uia'bd 912 41 Highland Toad By orders redeemed...., fund, cr. OH 49 By rcfnndiiif; order? 7 21 JO 107 liy cmn rs orders tur balance at last setil 'inent By tr'rs com. on J.OOI 40 ree'd By tr'rs com. on l.ol t 'YJL ds'bd By balance due fund 1,102 Highland school fund, cr. By dilrict tretc-uror's receipt 350 By refunding order 2 By Ir'rs rnin. on 005 81 ree'd.. 3 2 Bv tr'rs com. on 352 31 dWb l 0 By balance due fund 250 40 30 630 Jay road fund, cr. By am't paid former trea-urer By orders redeemed By ir'rs com. on 1.205 21 reo'd By tr'rs com. on 895 01 disbsd By balance due fund 3 S!'2 24 17 217 21 25 1,205 Jay school lutnJ, cr. By district tre.i'iir"r' receipt liy tr rs noil. og. 0'2 07 reo't'... By tr'r com. ou 62 OO dis'bd Bv huluuco due fund 528 13 10 125 00 C7 07 Jones road fund, cr. 077 1.CC2 30 32 405 2,100 1,285 Bv orders redeemed 12 Bv tr'rs coin, on l.i'Ni no ree'd By ir'is coin, on 1 .OJ2 25 ds'bl 00 By balance due I'uud 12 Jone? school fund, cr receipts 69 By district treasurer's Bv Ir'rs com. on 1.303 00 ree'd 60 IIv tr'rs com. on 1,285 18 Ubd 24 00 05 Ridgway road fund, c 1.330 ' By orders redeemed 1,80 OO jy ir rs com. on 2,3M) 4 I roe d 47 OH By tr'rs com. on 1,807 00 dsb'd 70 By balauce due fund 04 2.100 Ridgway school fund, cr. By Jt.lci ueusurer's reeeipls 078 75 By treasurer's commission 2'.i By balance due fund 143 75 851 Spring Creek road fund, cr. 09 By orders redeemed l,03u 89 By ex. order " 80 By tr'rs com. on l.ooii 75 ree A 3 ! 18 By tr'rs com. on 1,030 00 di-Vl 32 02 1,701 Spring Creek school fund, cr. By district treasurer's receipt 031 By ex. order I By treasurer's commission 42 By balance due fund 21 1 21 67 81 1,192 dr. Spring Creek school building fund, By district treasurer's receipt 57 61 By exoneration order 4 By treasurers eommiesion 7 By balance duo fund 243 61 . 311 dr. St. Mary's road and corporaticn fuud By am't paid former treasurer 71 42 By boro treasurer's receipt By treasurer's commission By balance due fund ' trMary's school fimd, cr. By treasurer's commission on 61 183 OOal two per cent 3 By balance due fuud 182 60 tl 186 DOUNTY, BRIDGE & DK. County bounty f ind. dr. To am't ree'd from former tr'r 187 To am't from tax on uns. lands 27,009 To am't from collectors of 1805 1,554 To am't from collectors of 1804 007 To 6 nios interest on $4,000 00 120 29,898 Jay bounty fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer 80 To amount received from tax on unseated lauds 1,829 1,000 03 St. Mary's bounty fund, dr. To Amount from for. treasurer 2 38 To amount from uns. lands... 63 30 6508 Benezett bounty fund, dr. Tc amount of tux received from unseated lands..,....,, 3,805 84 69 3,805 Benzioger bounty fund, dr. To amount received from tax on unseated lands 1,675 1,675 . Ilidi.'way bounty fund dr io amount ot tax received from unsealed lands ,. ... 1,652 liy balance due tuna til 1.652 20 1,552 20 M'Kcan, Elk, Forest & Clarion State Koad M'Kean, Elk, Forest & Clarion Btate Koad Fund, Dr. To amount re'd from former tr. To nirt from tax on uns lands To anit from f ame, 19 96 1,037 28 1,950 05 "0i329 Jone.s bridge fund, dr. To flint ree'd from former tr. To amount received from tax on unsealed lands 1.244 1,245 JAMES COYNE, Treasurer of Elk of Pennsylvania. DR. To balauce due at former settlement $ To ain't of tax ree'd from unseated lands To amount of tax received collectors 34 3,G19 8G1 S4,515 I C DR. To nm't of tav lic'scs grn'td d) lii do do bro'rs do do eating house do do retailer' do 265 100 90 140 190 70 8785 JAMES A. MALONE, High Sheriff Klk for the year lSUu. OO 80 52 2'.) 2i 00 DR. To Jury foe iu Messenger vs Wasson ct. al. To jury fee ia Hill and May. hord vs Elliott. To jury fee in Moyer vs M oy er. To j ury fee iu Ely vs Horton's To jury fee in Bryant and Eu. wer vs Taylor. To jury fee in Bcn.inger ct nl vs Gleisner. To jury fee in Hyde and Cum. $4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 25 10 120 26 95 00 31 12 Ot 80 SO I tiling vs liiyant A: uwer. To jury fen iu Lco;h vs Rauli. To Fine iu Couith. vs F. X. Hans. To Fine iu Couith. vs P. Don. nelly. To Couoty orders, To balance due Sheriff, CI 00 10 01 02 24 no 25 50 80 07 25 CO H 53 12 18 6213 COMMISSIONERS .of with tho said load. DR. To orders drawn from Elk county by T L Kane, To orders drawn from Mo. Keau co. by T L Kane, To orders drawn from For est county by J D Ilnnt, To cash received from Cla. rion co. by S B Rynard 95 00 01 7 31 1 09 04 88 01 20 ?3735 We the undersigned Auditors and Commissioners of Elk county, having met at the Coinmisioners office in Ridgway on Monday tho seventh day of January, , . , , ... , i . . . r . ll.. : l .1- . . ' 75 A. 1. IStui, do certily that we nave 00 and find them to be correct as stated no M C2 Attest, J. K. P Hall, Aud'rs Attest, 02 On 7 53 50 J. K. P. Hall, Cow'rs. 107 ' .1867 Passenger cars run through without i . . change both ways between Philadelphia 1)11ILADELPIIIA&KRIE RAIL and rie. ' F L KOAD. This great line traverses Philadelphia. 81 cr. 10 00 37 11 01 the Northern and Northwest counties Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the l'ennsiIva m'tt Nail lioad company, and is opera ed by them . Its entire length was opened for pas tenser and freight business, October 17th, 1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train 3 47 p. m Erie Express Train 11 05 p.m. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train 1 24 p. m. Erie Express Train 9 60 a. ra. . cr. 40 50 OO 2 43 18 63 (I 4J 67 54 21 STATE ROAD FUNDS. 59 80 07 42 CR. County bounty fund, cr. By bonds redeemed ., 22,46 CD liy exoneration orders 74 05 By tr'rs com. on $29,591 86 rco 147 00 do do 22,475 OOdbsd 112 37 0(1 By balance due fund..., 7,088 t)6 W .ii ! 94 29,898 94 Jay bounty find, cr. By distrUt treasurer's receipt 61 By tr. com. on 1,829 87 recng 1,190 00 0 15 6 98 G99 85 87 By tr. COM. en 1,196 00 dbsng By balaooo tfue fund ... 2,0W 08 St. Mary's bounty fund, cr. By tr. com. of . per ct on 63 80 87 By balance due fund 66 8 1 65 68 Benezett bounty fund, cr. By district treasurer's receipt 3,724 00 By treasurers commission 87 95 By balance due fund 103 99 37805 94 Benzinger bounty fund, cr. By district treasurers receipts 1,150 OO By treasurers commission 15 04 Bo balaueo due fund 611 69 1.675 72 94 72 7i Ridswa7 bounty fund.cr. By district treasurer's receipts 1,455 65 26 By treasurer's commission... 14 13 Fund, Cr. By y By orders redeemed 1,100 05 treasurer s commission , balance duo fund 1,831 42 3,013 29 Jones bridge fund, cr. By orders' redeemed By treasurer's commission ... By Balance due fund 1 72 1,000 OO 44 99 190 00 1,215 99 27 99 County, in account with the Commonwealth CR. "By state treasurer's receipt 3,000 00 55 By exoneration order 1 50 By tr's com. on 1,000-5 ct. 50 00 09 do do do 1 ct. 10 00 do do do J ct. 5 00 16 By balance due state 1,449 20 70 E 4,515 70 N 8 E 8 . CR. By state treasurer's receipt By county treasurer com mission By balance duo State 00 00 00 00 00 S 89 83 39 25 C55 87 00 5785 00 of Elk Co., in account with the County of r CP. By conveying II. Fisher to 00 Western Penitentiary. 8120 00 75 2 00 30 00 By General Election Procla. 00 ination, By filling jury wheel, 00 By serving jury notices Nov. 00 T. lbiili, and Jan. T. 1807, By Comth. costivs JlcGivcu 00 ct al, Bv com. vs II D. Derr, 00 By com. vs. II. R. Wilson, By com. vs John M osier, 00 By com. vs C. A. Wilcox, 00 By com. vsR. P. altmao, By com vs Charles McVean, 00 By com va Pat McCrcady, By com vs E. Moray, 00 By com vsE Morey, subp. 00 By com vs Elizabeth Wiuslow 25 By com vs J. McCloskey, By com vs Geo. Ansinger et al Nov. term. By com vs Geo. Ansinger et al Jan. term, By coin 7s Shons and Largy. By com vs F. X. Hans By com vs T. Kennedy, By com vs Tcrissa Wildfire, ct al. By com vs John Rauh, By fee in 52 ease?, 25 the McKean, Elk and Forest State Road ia acoouqt CR. By account rendered by T $1100 00 LKaue for work and ma terials, 2431 82 700 00 By account rendered by J D Hunt's services See. 56 00 1835 41 By cash paid S by B Rynard 1000 By Balance duo Road, 1237 59 100 00 41 ?3735 41 carciuuy c&uuuuuu uio loregoing accounts JACOB McOAULEV, U. A. WILCOX, li. J. JONES. W. A. BLY. J. W. TAVLOR. LOUIS VOLMER. Clerk. Clerk. of For information respecting Passenger busiuess apply at the S. K. corner 30th and Market Std. And for Frsight busiuess of the Com pany's Agents: S.B.Kingston., Jr. Cor. 13th and. Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. t Reynolds Erie. W. Brown, Agent N. O. B,. R. Bal. tin) ore, II. II. Houston, Gen'l Freight Aft. Phira. H. W. GWINNKR, Gm'l. Ticket A$t. Pktfa Alfred. L. Tiler, 81 87 80 30 50 80 20 97 43 37 .43 37 43 18 2 37 50 38 38 38 50 85 630 $213 25