. ..A . '-.'"-;i, t or I,. Oil, I., . I : I Mil A. lMHil'ltllTOlt. r. I'.oo'ir., l i lai-uia. , THURSDAY: '!lh. ISO.'-. TMZ LATE DECISIONS, j YV c:t'i l;.e oHrnl'n; of fii" readers, i to tho io -.is'.or.s of llie J-Minrcmc C u: i.iti-.l States which wo pt;b!i-h to.dny. '! ! cdiei.-:on : nr.; tliari.cbnz-'o l.y .)!. ti W. Forney as Bred i-eolt '. j h-ion No. I!. No li, having been lo. j Iivond a s'.ort tiiiien i in tin' r.i-i: i i ?li'iii:;Mi nril oi'.icis nml in wltit'.i i'ip;; I tiochvcil tnul cr civilians l'V Miliiavy j ('units unL.rititiiti'in;il ami vi:':o'.!t j aulhiivi.'y. Mi, lnrni'V IV.rtln'V doelrirc.-i ! l!i::t tlicra is jirccL'i'. :it, anthoiity r.n I ! l.ri'.-itv for tl:c ii'iiirni-iincnt ci vmw Ji.vii (.( tiio r.ijii-al.i. In other tii:'.r- i wc. were. timtiiiL that t'10 vi:ni;i'.r!)t I ocnyisScil of thive is'lotioinl'-nt tunl ( ui'tliivito lin.ni'lics. Ji'ut the ;:i caL. wonl.1 t,r.vo us l-ii,vo. Hint to Con- , , , ., , . rrssalono bi.'lu:is all imwrr anil auiiior. ity. If the executive an-1 juJir-::il !o not tiu.-kle to iis fiiuat'.cu! ypirif, t':oy eve to ' .... Ilo!iot tin n f.: nil I'-irlirs v:il suhimt Id t!-o (o;.-i-;,.t.s df llie liijie-t ana most antliur'.taiive espiwtinn of the law, Tl..) ui.ivIi::l,!e.K-s of tho Ilti-ilc:.! , . c!l"r-os a-:-"st f" 'I"-onto.C..;ir. aiv thejnoiv iivrarout. wncn it is kn.v.vn (hat sis ol't'.ie tiino j'.i.!,'es aro lie '.ili!i- cans, an;l iivo are aj-jminti' f Vs.lent Lincoln. JuJ.o l'avis, who ilelivorci! t li c (!rc:iuii m hie Mtl.ij'in case v.t.s the intiia.'.te (Vioiui of Mr. Lincoln. Mid is now the ailiiiiivistratur of his estate. Wl, COURT REPORT: rojutnx ri.r.As. '"'Lapln ' ::, v:; Lhincs ct al. Conlin. ucd. Hall for riaiuti.Ts, Souther i: Wil lis vnnti'ii, Millinir vs Sore ct al. Kjeetnicnf. Verdict for plaintiff, for land clc-enbcd in die writ, excepting the settlers improvement-. Souther & Willis for plaintiff. Hail. !rown and Jcnks centra. Leash vs WindfcLIer. Continued. Fuv.thor v Willis for plaiutiff. Hall k lllakely louira. ("iriiients vs Avner tt ol. Coat'iitied. Hall for jotiirifT. Souther & Willis contra. McKinyon vs Kllis. Settled as per fi!.l ctl, !,l!nn Qnnllini- .l Willis fol- jil.'.intilT, Hall t,ut,:i. Kcmineicr vs McOanlcy. Continued I5ialcly for plaintiiT, Hall emifu. May vs 'i'.liott. (.'untinued. Fomh crilc V.'illis for plaintiff, Ulakely rontm Selle vi ISenziner Sdinul district. Continued. .y'mther & Willis fur plain tiff. H ili run fro. I 'avid-mi vs Cannau. Fettled. IViukc lyfor plaintiff. Hall contra.- Ql'.ltTl:H SFSSKlNS. t'oininotr.VL'alth vs Ausiner ct al. XiJr j'Mi, on payment of costs. Sanio vs Ansiiijror ct al. ?disdcmea. nor. Trial hid. Each party to pay his own costs. Same vi Jlorey. Soiling Lifpior. Plea of jr-ii'.ty, fined 810 and costs. Jvimii vs S'nons ct al. Sidling lirjuor. l'lea of L'uiiiy ; fined 610 and co-ts. Sanio vs MeCloslicy Scllin;: Lienor Trial had. verdict, guilty. Sentenced t) p'iy a fi'.ie of ?10 and eo.-ts. lilakely for Ciiiuni ni'.vealili. Hall runlra. Same vs Lliz i V'in-low. Selling; Li. ip'tor. .Vi'''' yi'os, on payment of co.-ts. Same vs Kin.:. Felony. Trial had, and verdict truilty sentenced tj pay iTne rf $Ki.iatid imprisoned for 0'.) days. Ulakely for Commonwealth, Hall contra. Same vs KMnisou cl al. Xol'r j.rut d'. pa in cut of costs. T!.e last hit ot oosip circulated about .Tames (j oi don Bennett, jr., is that he is'iip'a.'ed to a daughter id' (jem.lal I'ix. Tii" i'lMi eralic incii.lii is of the New tlcy Loi.-liituio have t:oiii:nated John V- St" :l.tou for I'. S. Seuito. Six hoii-es in l'ort.-iiio'itli. Va., wi re ileHivved hy fire on Wednesday morn, in-. The loss is SLj.OUU. (I incral Mor hy is at die Ator House. Ho is a heavy niouMed, broad .shouhler. f !, black h. aided, dark-laced man, f,-i.iu ix lv.-3t in height. i',.;ieetious for Mrs. Jeff. Pavis avo !:;.!' tin lo in Missi.-.-ippi. Claiiiomc . iiiiiivsuh-crihc ; Marshal', $liU0 : lokiiu, Sl'JJ'; and ilinds, $-G7. '. I if: V::!U'ii papers anoit'iee the lira lu . t Lord l.yron'ft 1-iU-iuaker, at lie ape t.f . Jity-hix. The lasts on which lui made !.:, hoots sirs pictcived iu tho museum ji Nottitihani. The. Ice iu the river above t'irtcinnatti 'oo loose on Wednesday iiipht, and ept away a number of barges, besides na 'in? FC-vrral btcafit-rs. 'i he loss is .j..a-.Vi W,V'3. mil r"7" r WINSOW GHADZS A T W ,H .2 a .U J ,ft i i fa l? w.vi;n::.. r.. o 1 1 cti rx Ik JO i O WINDOW OK! a rivo A T J HtM 9 a .1 ? m VAK!:i.. r.v. riUSTiC WINDOW G HADES ihmtii Mil av.m;::':., r.v. I CTATi-rJKNT ..f tlio llowij-ts r.vi oii";iuri.'s lit h;k (outiiy , , ,.,.. an J fur j ?n"' i I ai l n nl. A. ji 1 19,00 L.O .10 1:37 uO i:: 7.' cay og in oo 120 OC 80 00 ins so iy-io Co i'S an't ra''J J V Tavior C'.on. j Jly n;n'tpail Ijoitis Vo'Itncr j (Ami. , ;".i.i"tr;iiuJu!:a C McAl. j lister, ( . .im. cli'ik. J)y .(ni.t j R ,,,a,, j j;., a,-t ,.,a;,i j, j jJlakcly Jti.-trivt - ttnrnoy, f rail JA .1 alone ICI'lii, 'y. i,. '. ; l.; O.T iVi . j ij paid I'lison Expca fi.-.-, ! lly a;::'t patd Jury f-os, j !(y Mat r.aid assessing ex. j iv ara t piiid c.ecticn espen i 'r'os, dOo 03 :J7 -is 115 07 'JS 50 0 00 9 00 135 50 350 GO S 0J ISO 82 3750 00 50 50 100 00 L'01 30 100 00 201 C3 1;U0 00 10 87 187 50 8 00 S2 dG 114 00 r.y siii't paM javtlccs fees, Ly ain't ,:iid coiistabics fees liy ai.i't p.a'd auditors foes, liy am't paid auditors cisrk By am't p aid auditor of pro- tlionotaiys i ecuiif, Iy ain't paid road views. iiy am't paid stationary fur the several ofiiees, Iy ain't paid ataiujv, Ijv uiii't jiaid icpuirs to pul li'j Luiidinjrs, liy atn't paid fire-proof buil uitifr, ! ,, am-t ,,a f,,0l I l'V am't i.iid John O. Hall j ',;t';'-'y p0"1;'. . V .' I"". ' ,l"" Hy am't paid Janitor, liy am't paid 1' W Hays Lai due at tett'ement, Hy ain't piintin- contract, !!y am't pai 1 liiipjosts, ii'y am'e paid House of Jlef- 11 -!0, Me rem til.; appraisers, liy am't paid HofuudiD ordei.-, Ly am't paid Coinmis.iion ;:ilowe 1 Coiieetois, jjy am't j ;:id Treasurct.i Coir.uii.- .5100, l!y excess ol receipts, Ml -irt 2230 52 811023 IS SS507 70 230d 30 G15 0!t 32 Ul 25 00 10 00 1102ti 18 !.. To am't i f taxes collected from unseated lands, To am't reed from collectors To a. n't roje'd from John (J. Hail attorney lor county, To jury lees. To line in commonwealth vs F. N. Hans, To line iu commonwealth vs l roundly, ASSETS !; LIABILITIES. A-r.'i. I'asli in tr'v. ro. 1'iimU ?iiin ."1 ilo .!., Male do J.H'.I 0 d.i do lioiuity do '.ii;s'.),187 c" Am unit i!na liy cillcflor-, sat- ,j- ol to i simi i-i,i ; hi. I SO.'i sum- II ivs. Ton, t?!Sst ',iH 1 Nl.". .1 V llou:';. Itiili.iviiy, !!7 47 1 -i;.-, M Vud'di l'Si Mary' s .'W Ul lsi:'i H Moor:-, l'i-i-i-k l.jii d I i-'ili M I'llrlSO ill lll'.r!! I'JI-MJ 1 Soil. I (lr,,ss, i;cu".ii;rcr, Is:!'.1;! iMiii V Mi-Caul.'v, Fox, SO 2'i is a; v Miller. Jonin, 7:i A ', ls-'ni I-' Uiidiinsoii, lt''.v'y los r:i T 1 1 . in, .s;"j, ( i I'i'iv jp'j o7 I'oinuv 'i':ix Coili'etoi. IS.;) .li,.. l:.,,.!,, Knx, o!7 CO 11 l'i M l:-o 'i i: Wris Kill- v:;y, i:a; t M r.n in, sir Cik, -lei nj Isiio II i) lnrr, lSi'iivzi'it, iltl-l !ii l.si;.'. J A Millrr. l'oi. tii'i '..'.I is ;." Armcl 'i'uvl'M-, .lav, 'S 7' I M.-". II A Hill. Jti.'lu'wuv, 012 ::') lWio JI Mooro, fj.g Vrk til 7-1.710 0o S:fi','.i2;rd2 j.itihiHt!''?. Bounty lo.n 'is, outst'ng f..t...if f..) lot. o-Vd on same l.l'2'i " t'o. ordi-vs ootimoiiii :.'7S ."2 Hue l!on-c of liel'oe" lol l.l Hue Coiiiiaoiiweiillii 2. til l 72 11,121 ' I'.xeess nf Assets...., S2.SU7 77 ROAD ORBEUS OUTSTANDING. Bcnnezett twp. Benziner township, Highland township Junes township, Jay township, Fox township, Bidoway township, Springcretk township. $00 00 lif) 00 5 00 05 00 131 00 150 00 78 00 SO 00 JAMES COYNE, Treasurer cf Elk County, in account with its several for the year ilidini:, January 1st, lS'j7. K. -To amount ree'd from former .Treasurer sj 'I'd ii ! ii i i ii I ree'd from lax mi unseated lands To amount recti from C'ollee- tori , To nm'l ree'd IVom .loon tl. Hull, attorney lor county... 01 ..1C7 !,C50 0-3 11, 501 ROAD, SCHOOL, a CCHOOL BUILDiiYG FUNDS Leneett Loa.l l'uod. lr. T" '"'' ree'd from Cormor Tr. S o I'o am't of lax ree'd !rom 1:11- tented lands 2,1,17;! ' li inczctt seiiooi tnml, i;r. To nmo'int reeeivi'd troia 1111- pouted Ian Is $ 1.12! TolialaneediieTreiisuror 118 1.27 Ber,7.m?er mi 1 fond, dr To' amount of tax v. eo'.ved from unseated lands $ 1,001 To iimoiiut rei-eivrd tn. ii un ;10 seated, additional.... i,t:-o Cl EcnzinL'pr seho,,l fund, dr. To r.moiint r.'eeived (Vem Vo mer treasurer 2 IS To amount veeeived friiiu tax l.oHO on unseated lands i.:;:;2 Cl 1,C73 801 Fox rood fund. dr. Toamoua! received from for.ii:'-,1 treasurer. To amount of lax received li om unseated lauds ; To amount of lax received fioia unseated land-.', ad-Kiioacil... 2,023 Fox school fund, dr. To amount receive 1 from former treasurer C To amount of tax received on unseated lands 1,005 1,011 Fox chool buihlinr, dr. To amount received from former treasurer To amount received from tax on unseated lands 4 07 0G7 012 Highland rond fund. dr. To amount received from former treasurer , 03 To nmoiiut of tax received from unseated lands 1,00-1 l.H-;2 Highland sch iol fund, dr. To amount received from tax on unseated lands f,05 To amount received from former treasurer 25 CJ0 1,205 Jay road fun 1. dr. To amount rec-ived fro.n tax on unseated lands 1.2o5 15 CC2 Jay school find, dr T 1 amount received from former 1 reasiirer To ainoani received fsoui tax oil unseated lauds 077 lo) 1,03') Jones road fund, dr. To amount received from met- treasurer To amount received froai tax on unseated laud:; 2,1 du Jones schonl fund, dr. To nm'l ree d Iro n form-r tr'c. 1 To amoanl received from tax 011 unseated lands I,"::-' To lialtuee due treasurer 01 I.Odd 05 Bid'K-ay rond fund, d. Hy amniiu: 1 .dv.-l li-nai for- m:r ireasin-ir 25 To am'! ree'd on uin aled lands 1,7(10 Vo nm't on same, i-.dd::ional 07 ) 2,-lOd Bidivay schuiil find. dr. To ninomit r -e :edliom lax oil unsealed l.oi !.- $51 P51 Spriiv.' ('rei-k road fund, dr. To ma t ree d irom t-irmer ireiu 5 To am't r: e'd 0:1 uns 'ated lauds l.Otil To amoiuit on ame. nd-i'.iionul ( 22 To balance due ir'er 20 1.701 Spring Creek school fund, d". To amount received !'i 01a former ireasur. r To amount received from tax oa iiiiseitiid lands 1,102 1.102 Spring Crock school building fund, To amount of tax received from uuscated lauds SH 011 St. Mary's road and corporation fuud, To amount received from lax 011 " uu.-ealed laiiJ 71 il 42 Ft. Mary's school fund, dr. To amount received fiom for- iner treasurer 2 To amount received fiom tax on unseated lands 181 cn. Hy order? redeemed $ 10.212 10.2 02 f'i". 82 -10 3 Oil 201 13 200 .".'.I 13S 72 ;;o r,i U.OM 12 VI ly rrlundin;.' oril"V3 Hy i'Tinji! ',(m orders 73 J',.- Ti e's COiil. Oil ,vl 1,," -V.I J3 -.Pivi'l, lit 2 percent S3 r.y Tii 's of.i.i. on :.:jfi,::;, a iNt.msfl, nl 2 j. 'f cut. ... 00 Hy Co-! a on deeJs of laud sold to county Hy balance d'.tv count v 1.2 Benczstt Boad Fund. Cr. :,1 I'.y am't ord v? f redccmoil... $ 1 754 00 V.'y com. on .V2.i7: (11 at 2 lvr 01 cent.. vcetdvH .51 r.,'.) Hy coin, on .'s 1.7-': I 01 al 2 per cn!., disliorsin' "irS Vy l.'n!a:ice dae fund 27 1 SS. 15 o , - Bennett school lund. cr. I'y d' -t. tr'i- roiMMjit sj "03 S Co V'y tr'rs cm. on 81. li t (j Ci recidvod. at 2 iien-eiii 22 -i'J Hy tv'rs com. n !-.-l,22(i iJl d:sr..-.-'.".t. at 2 ier cent.... 21.:'! 1 . 2 1 u 4 Bcni'.inpjrr mad fund, er Hy nai't pi id l-irmei- treat-ui er $ 11 Hv orders rede; inn I 1,-!!:'j .I' on 2.1 Ml 10.1 15 1,750 Cl . cr. 0.10 on 5 2d r.2 is 00 SS:8 2 1,032 Oi l.r.'i no HJ5 on 1 so 61 R:l 41 75 417 11 2,023 02 021 F7 1 17 20 10 CO 10 1,011 70 liy tr l-s eor.i. on !,7od :il rr- 2;) reived, at 2 per cent Hp tr'rn emu. on 1. !'." .'Hi Hy balance due fund Benzincr Fclnol fund, cr ''y district tr:iv.rer's roet-ipt He I r'rs com. 0:1 t'i.MI (lij d'bs:d 7d Hy baiaucD dae fund PI Fox road fund, cr, Hy orders vdeemed lij Hy orders l-ndr-ine I, additional Hy refunding order 12 Hy tr'rs com. on 2.oo(i 47 rue'd Hv tr'rs com. on 2.0'.i" 08 ds'ljd 85 Hy balance due lund 02 Fox sehnol fjnd, cr. Hy district treasurer's receipt. 20 Hy rel'midins order l'.'y tr'rs cnni. on l.(ili) .11 ree'd 41 Hy tr'rs com. on !'2t Ol do'lid Hy balance duo fund 70 Vox fchool huildint:, cr. Hy district ti .rnrev's receipt 700 2i; IS 13 0 Hy tr'i'3 com. on 0-17 47 ree'ed 47 Hy tr'rs coin, on 0.'i CO dis'bd I'.y balance due fund 41 012 Highland road fund, cr. Hy orders redeemed 010 40 Hy rcfimdins orders 7 Hy com'rs orders for balatico 40 at la-t fcttioment fe', Hy tr'rs com. on l.Ool 4'i lec'd 21 Hy tr'rs com. on 1.011 .12 ds'bl 20 Hy balance duo fund 107 05 1,102 Iliohland school fund, cr. Hy district treasurer's receipt S50 S4 Hy refunding orderi 2 Hy tr'rs com. on 0;i5 81 roc'il.. 12 40 Hy tr'rs etna, on ,"52 Bl dis'b'd 0 Hy balance due fund 250 00 COO Jay road fund, cr. Hy am't pai 1 former treasurer 3 21 I'.y orders redeemed ' F02 Hy tr'rs com. on 1,2: 15 21 ree d 21 Hy tr'rs com. on ."'.15 01 disbsd 17 Hy balance due fund 217 25 1,205 Jay school fund, cr. Hy district tre.-i.ir.rer's receipt 023 00 Hy tr'rs com. on 002 07 ree'd... : I'.y tr'rs com. on 528 00 dis'bd 10 07 Hy balance duo fund 125 07 (j;; Jonc? road food, cr. Hy orders redeemed 1,022 12 Hy tr'rs com. 011 ),!'SO (ill r.v'd C'. Hy tr'rs com. on 1.022 25 dsT.d t!2 CD Hy balance due fund 4 So 12 2,100 .Tones Fthool fund, cr. C3 Hy district treasurer's rei eii M 1.2S5 Hy tr'rs com. on l,,",0d Oil rec'.l 25 fit) Hy Ir'rs com. ou 1.2SJ5 13 d.-bd 21 0 1 1.000 Bidrwav rond fund, cr. Hy orders redeemed l,Si'.7 00 Oil Hy tr'rs com. on ) 44 ree'd 47 01 03 I'.y t r'rs com. o:i1,S07 00 d.,ii'd 07 01 70 Hy balance due fund 45100 01 2, !U0 Itiiljrway school fund, cr. I'.y district treaoirer's receipts 073 75 Hy treasurer's comiiii -moii 20 Hy balance duj fund 1 I'J 75 851 Fprlnjr Crevk road fund, cr. 00 Hy orders rcdoeueir l.COO 80 Hy ex. prior r 8ii Hy tr'rs com. on 1.000 75 ree'd 00 IS Hy tr'rs com. on 1,000 00 di.-b 1 02 02 1.701 Pprincr Crook school fund, cr. I'.y district treasurer's receipt 001 21 Hy ex. order 4 Hy treasurer's commission 42 57 Hy balance due fund 211 81 , 1,102 dr. Spring Creek school building fuud, Hy district treasurer's receipt C7 01 Hy exoneration order 4 Hy treasui i commission 7 Hy balance d ie fund 213 01 Sll dr. St. Mary's road and corporation fuud Hy ain't paid former treasurer -li'Hy boro treasurer's receipt 60 2 IS 71 Hy lrcn.iiror's commission By balance due fund Mary's school fund, cr. Hy treasurer's commission on Cl 183 00 at two per cent Hy balauco due fund 50 3 1S2 21 m 21 funds BOUNTY, BRIDGE mi. f i.. 1 ... r. 'i v. Oi" vi.i.in.V uuuniy imu. ur. To nm'i ree'd from Conner Ir'p ' To ain't from tax on mis. lands 27.0i','J 8C r.y exoneration oH. V" '. r To am't from collectors of 1M',5 1.5.M 07 Hv tr'rs com on : "1 'tli "''-' 71 (.5 To nm't from collectors of-IHI',4 !H',7 42 , ', , .'"'Pl'" M7 5nl To Ouioj inlcfcst 011 S1.0H0 OU 12(1 00 Hy balance due fund.'.!'... ' - o'm l'i'' 2V;:i8 01 Jay bi.unty fund, Jr. .Tnv l,i c,...i To amount received from for- inert reusurer To amount received from tax on unseated liinda 1 St. ; lary ,s honr.ty fund, dt. T c,..,,:, c. ' ,1, " io amcmil lroiu mis. lands... m y?" I,nn,,,.r ,."n'!' dr' VZ ... li i .- ..u.u U..J..1IVU iao.13 o,cw 7; .so?, 1 - T.,:.,, i. r 1 .1.. a., i;.iiii:i 1. 1, tin inil'l, U r. rr . uiiiiiiiiii reee;vc i 110.11 1:1.x " "us-uicu laiii, i.ou Ridwny bnunfy fund dr. Bi.I-w.i; bounty fund cr Ta amount of tax received from Hy district treasurer's receipts 455 unsealed lauds 1,552 20 Hy treasurer's commit s;,,,, ... ... n Hy balance dire fund M 07 M'Kean, Elk, Forest Clarion Stut'c'ltoad M'Kcan, Elk, Forest & Ciariou .S.uto'itoad . .,u'"1' 1Jl'- Fund. tr. . 0 amount rc d from lornier tr. Tl an r.y orders redeemed 1 100 01 ono MVom tax ou uns lands 1.0::7 2S liy t insurer's commissimi"; ' M f.T loamt from same, 1.150 05 Hy balance duo fund l..'::;l 42 "o,oio"2o ' '" 7r;)-'..-.j Jot-cs brid-c fund, dr. Jones Lri i :e fund cr. Toamtrecd from former tr. 1 72 Hy orders redeemed ... 1 000 OO io amount received from tin Hy treasurer's commission ' 4 1 r ou unseated lands H2I1 27 Hy Halanee due fund ..? ... Vi UO JAMES COYNE, Treasurer of Elk County, in account wldi the Couiinonwea'th of 1 ennsylvauia. 00 oaiancc tiue at lornier ifett.eii.ent $ 3 1 To am t of tax rcc'J from unseated binds 3,010 To amount of tax received rr 111. collectors SGI 81,515 I C DR. To am't of tav lic'scs rn't.l $ do liq do do re'is do do eating house do do retailer' do 00 :0 7d 00 03 S7S5 41 00 fco ",-2 2't -3 do J-V,V:)r A,' MAL9X"' U'lSh Sheriff of Elk Co., in ocaount with the County of Llk lor the year 1SGG. J BR. To Jury 'ce in Messenger vs Was-ou ct. al. To jury fee in Hill and May. hord vs FJiiott. To jury fee iu Moycr vs Moy- ir. To jury fee in Ely vs Horton's To jury fee in Bryant and Eu. v.er vs Taylor. To jury feo iu Benzincr et al vs Gleixner. To jury fee in Hyde and Cuta. tiling vs Bryant & Euner. To jury feo in Leosh vs Raul). To Fine ia Comth. vs F. X. Haas. To Fine in Comth. vs P. Bon. nelly. To County orders, To valance tlvc hher'Jf, tl 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 25 00 10 00 120 00 20 25 05 00 81 12 01 HO CO Cl OO 111 01 02 21 00 25 ,'iij 80 C7 25 00 4 I ;! 12 13 7) 70 $213 COMMISSIONERS cf the McKcan, K'k and Forest State Road in account i ll the said lo.d. BR. To orders drawn from F.ik county by T L Kane, To orders drawn from Mc. Kciii co. by T L Kane, To orders drawn Irom For est county by J 1) limit, To cash received lrnr Clu. 11011 co. by S B Ryuard 05 01 r-S 01 20 S5 41 Co735 41 Wc the undersigned Auditors ami Commissioners of Elk county, h iviii"m?t at the Commisioucrs ol'.ice in Ridgway on Monday the seventh day of January A.l). lsOli, do certify that we have carefully examine! tho loreuoii.T accmu'u 75 00 00 40 C2 mm iiu'i iiieni 10 De correct as stated. Attest, J. K. B. Halt,, Aud'rs Clerk. Attest, J. K. T. Hall, Com'rs. Clerk. 02 CO 78 5d 50 1SG7 Passenger curs run through without 1)I1ILABELPIIIA k ERIE R IL ';!K'"r;,!.b "ll W;0's between 1'liiladelpha I. ROAD. This great lino traverses ?!! , , 'l''. - the Northern and Northest counties of ' 1'1.K.',I',,'' . . , Pennsylvania to the city ol Erie, mi , ,l"", l',:lt",n respecting Passenger Lake Erie. ' business apply at the S. E. comer 3oth It has been leased by the l cn.Vh. U" . t , . - . . .'al lloud Compaq, and is opera- A'."1 !'"',!' buS"leS3 f 1,10 Cm- ed by them . r!l"' " 'ciits: Itspiitirn li.nt.il. m.o 1 r S. B. K iti!'.-ton, Jr. Cor. 13th and its entne length w.-s opcneil for pas- -., ... ,. L,tJ 1.1 ;i, 1 ,1, seernl freight buline.s, October lE TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS W' 15,ow"' Ageut N. C. R. R. Bal- AT Rll'GWAY. t,n!"10;. IT Leave Kattwu,:!. 1L "''8TOM, Erie Mail Train 3 47 p. ra Gl'"''- Fctyit Ay't. VhWa, Erie Express Train 11 05 p.m. II. W. G yr.XKtt, Leaca M'csticarJ. Geu'l. Ticket Ajl. V.iTa. Erie Mail Train 1 24 p. m. ALF3ED. L, TvLEti, Erie Expr.- Train 8 60 a. m. M St V,'H. 81 cr. 10 (X) 07 11 Cl cr. 4(i 00 43 50 42 C7 54 & STATE ROAD FUNDS." ,,,, I nnnlv V,,, Cniihtv V.,..... 197 TO r.v bonds i-iik-emcd. 17 f,o P i" 'J IUI1U, or, Hy district tro,,-in-Vs ,-eeeipt' 1 lfir, m F3 01 Hy tr. com. on 1.N2'.i::7 vee 1 o ,? lie tr. com. on 1 I'm: 1,11 .,1. ... . - . ' --0 !? It.. t . .. . ",!"o " .'1 .. uaiaiu.j one lull 1 1.0LI3 'J3 Pt. Manr il !,nl.. 1 ... o .,0 . .) "'"", or. - '- i-y ir. com. of .', p. :- ct on i;;).:jf) 0d !J0 Hy balaaca due lund (i5 03 , . l'"""c!t bonnty ,,!, cr. y"'WI treasurer's re, CCijlt 'Ji l.y treasiu-oi-seommi.sMon.... Hy balance due fund... oi t. . . . "-.Mi t'4 Lf r.zimvr l.i. int.. - v nam liyilistrict treas Mirers receipts l,l.-f) 00 l.y treasurers coinmission.. ...... Co balance due fan 1 Bv srate treasiin-r's receipt 55 By oson. vation order By r's com. on ,000-5 ct 00 do do do let' .,, ,p 1 ei 10 By balance duo state 70 E N G E G CR. 235 00 By stats treasurer's receipt 100 00 Jy enmity lreasurer,s com 00 00 misiiiti 140 00 By ba'ance duo Stato 100 00 00 CP, By conveying II. Fisher to Western l'i niientiai v. By General Blectiou i'roclu. 111.1t ion. By tilling-jury wheel. By serving jury notices Nov. T. 1 .":. and Jan. T. 1807, By (Amiih. costivs McGivcn et nl, Be com vs If 1). Bcrr 4 00 By coin vs. If. R. Wilson, By rum. vs John Mosicr, By com. vs C. A. Wilcox, By com. vs II. I'. '-iiltsman, By cm vs Charles McYean, By com vs Bat Met 'ready, By coin vs E. Moray'. i,v cum vs .). .Mci.loskey, By crm vs Geo. Acsiner ct al Nov. term. By com vs Geo. Ansiner ct al Jan. term, By com vs Shuns and Lary. By cum vs F. X.'IIans By com vs T. Kennedy, By Mm vs Terissa Wildfire, et al. By com vs John Bauh, By fee in 52 cases, 25 CR. By account rendered by T $1100 00' LKar.o for work and ma terials, 700 00 By account rendered by JD Hunt's services &e. 1S35 41 By cash-paid S ly B Rynard By Balance duo Road, 100 00 JACOB McOAULEV, y;. a. 1 ia u., B. J. JONES. WT. A. BLY, J. W. TAVI.OR. LOTIS VOLMER. IC H,V.1 04 f!7 05S1 05 lib .721 0!) 07 !! lod 0:1 15 01 mi no 3,000 00 1 50 50 00 10 00 5 00 1,410 20 4,515 70 3 80 S3 30 25 055 87 $7S5 00 $120 00 2 10 30 00 1 SO 1 0 3 50 1 S) 2 20 1 07 2 -:) 2 37 3 13 3 37 3 d.'l 2 IS 0 OT - ul 3 50 2 38 1 SS 1 33 3 50 3 85 030 113 25 2131 S2 50 00 io;oo 1237 50