LOCAL AdD DSRAt. WEPATEH rs Srtt?:lislrtl Every Th urstla y DY.JOIIN F. MOORE fer Year in advance $1 G0 rAU Subscriptions to bo rJ in nJ' vance. Orders for Job YVork respectfully solicited. .Office on rdt'.in Street, in tbo second etory of Ilouk & Gillis Storo. Address JOHN G. TIALL, riTxon & rnorr.iKTOR, fl ul!N (1. HAL!,, Attorney nt Iw, ltidg f J way, i:ik county l'a. mar-22'UO Jy. T015 AVOUK of all kinds aud ties. J c-riptioi's done at this office. C- UlYKIl l!(!i:.S'i;. VYarren, Va., Hull & Hull, Proprietors'. rugO'CG-ly A- LriNK HOUSE. Aft. Mary's l'a., Her- n KrctK. rroj victor. nug'.i on Till: nrt ctVIO DANCINH and !AM.J 1T.AY1VJ tu.i-bl by (l.-W. BltOWK, Kid-way. scpl-i'tf pX!.t:iTltLN.c. M"MMOX', SLT.l'tJ'.. :.. Vtirrr-.un-, Ate, on lia&tl and for hale at lias omce. "IR W- 1-'-,:l:s lI'AKKLY Physician Band fcc.rrieoii, eU. Mary'?, Elk county -ii . "..... .Win: 1 .. a u. niar-Uti'lili-ly. p 11. VV.' ".'. SHAW PiaeliocH Medicine nr.d :-i:iuc)v, (.'cutreville, Elk county mar-.'li'UU-ly. TTi:. A. S. illbb Kci-fcv. Elk county Pa. g Will prjmpl'iy answer nllprofe?Mnnal calls Iiy i".;Tlit or day. mar-...! OO-ty. "tp-.i;. ?V.;J:N .?. t'.V.SS. Physician andSur- i neon, pi. .uai-y si.iii. county i it. .luiU'-'-rr.'My. It 'fnicd Oil, Good Quality, by the tatrioi, at ou cents per Rouon. nv ll'if J. POWELL. oct f 'nn w.liit n load of Salt, Flour, B of lee J, von can save money Iiy.lmyiiig of oet. 11 if. J. row LLL. , UtilC .j. ELAKELY, Attorney and j .t.cuiro-llor at law. ami u. b. t . oinnns- iosher, lUd-w.iy P. O. Elk tv. Pa. I'lt'cu-ly. O'UTJIEn AND WILLIS Attorneys nt I.1, HiJrrway. I.Ik county Pa., Till attend to nil rotc-ssioiial busnics prompt ly. mnr-StfOO-ly. TV'- VY. 15. II AltTMAN. .St. Mary's, Elk j cour.ty, l'a. Laic of the Army of the i'otMina'j. Pariicular attention piveu to all cases of surgical nature. mav-JJ OG-ly. ?! VOll Avant l-"" Janet: or Dr. JL Avcr's celebrated .Medicines, pure, call uj on tiie only autuorizeu agent in l.idg way. oct. ll-tf J. PC POWELL. Gi'Of'fiic o' all Ivinlt" tl.CHj.er I'.au c.:ii be bought at Erie, (t vbob-aoj or r ctail, by Oct. ll-tf. J. POWELL. HI yei: HOUSE. Hidvay.Penua. ly, l'enua Proprietr rs i:. 0. Cllmkmb, NOV 1 TOE. pf.lMlXO. B'acb&B CardH, Poster, Hand EilK Eill Heads &c, done at tiio ADVOCAil. ttl tllE 0 aud at veasoaablc r.vSeeg. J, in La str V.eer. opno.-itc the Eitilroad U Till,- M.ni .'.K.ti, Tor nn 1 ll.l.. Ju'cj.nt. t-t. .Mary s, i.l!: couaty l'a. Mar-i:.''!:!; ly. "BOl:lWELL AXU MES.SEXtiER Drin; P.) jri-t!". .Ofulfr." in Drugs and Chemicals. I'.ii .! .. (I,!, nt'il armsli. Perfumery Toil ot :.!.!.' s i:t.d .": If.tionary, Jlidjfwav, Elk t.;:!y l'a. mav-'O'i-ly H;.X! V II. TI'OMAS, Dealer in nil '..iirl i f l'iir:.iftre, Srrlng Beds and 'ii a. i'ti.iur.? 1 rauies and Lolbus, Iliib-viy l'a. W':f. 1toc:ns on the corner tf y. nr.d IN p -t Si's. may-17'tiO-ly. .1. t. EOEDWELL Electio Phvsi f elan. Late of W arren county Pa., will jiioiiiptly r.nswoi' all .rofessionul calls by in;:. .t or cay. I.e; . Ii dcc oue door -ast. the late r.y'i.bnco i.i'llon. J. L. CUllis. Ma;-.i:'bti-ly. ITAPIUNUTOX HOrSE, St. Marv's. V Mk comity l'a., Edward Eabel Pro. prUi'jr. 'i'his bouse is new and fitted up vi' Ii especial care tor tiio cue :K Good mauling attached. " .Mar-2'J'ti'i ly. "tiLlVr.rt: i:.V( ')N, Manufacturers and V V.'holesilo A- P.etuil Dealers in I'Jr,m lfl .ind Oi'.'iin On?.- ; ::c:te.l ai.d promptly filled at n.ar l.i '.i :. aug '..'tli-iiti-ly ,..TAS. K. i'.,JIAI.I.. I J I I . iK: llliO. A HI ST." MA RY'S : "zix'ir.ii p. ii. i:lk cou.xty, pa. c vJ' U.lar'Jt.l, is;;,!. y s I. MAItY'S II'MI'I , I). E. Welieniloi l Privnietor. ll'vV I'll; coniitv Vn. 1 nun-..: i- jr. v, ui.-i nuea up Villi c:;pe i i 1 care fur ihe c-nu enieuco and cowfuit -.!-, at n.olc:aie rates, l-'rec Hack, 1 t r oi.i the Dciut. Uoo.l Htnl,l'r. 1;;. hod. mar-J oii.ly. E!:At"flrAL CLOCK AXI WATCH. MAKE I!. ST. MARY'S, Elk county l a. Edwar-l MeEri-lc, keeps constantly cn I, .ud and for tale, atches, Clocks, Sliver J'! it. I V, ..i e a:. 1 .H-welry of all descriptions. 5 !'..; i.iiie..' in. ally executed, and done on siioi-t n ai.-i-aiil reiSiOtiablo terms' :-i u- :;;. i v. SO?Ji:Tl IINGr NEW! :rjE, SICK&. ORXAMENTAL PAINTIN3. flVll. ,-!:;.Sr;IU E K WOULD H E . sj.cctl'.iHy inf Jim the chuens of Elk cour.ty ll;ai he has just, Marled in .the above l.u..;m- in J'Mgway, und feel couti dei.i il.at he can pi jase all who mav fa or bii.i with their cinlom. GPiAIXINO, PAI'l K IIIMIIMI AND CALCIMINIXfJ 1'UNE ON sitopiT NOTICE AND IX THE :(:( fa--liin-ilde.ii.d improved maimer and style. Oi lers lett nt litis Office or ui the Euiikinirllous.eot' Bout lux, WilIU 4: Souther v iil be proniplly intended to. V. P, WILLIAMS, !-17'tttS-ly. JOHN a. IIATT,, Editor. .. rgilAYEll IIOESfi, E I HO WAY, PA. lii.Mi.ii, rropricior. Thenudersi''iied bavins fitted up a lar;o ami comuuidiiMi? bottd on the soitihwet corner of I'entre and Mill streets, with jjaod 1 piiiiveiiient ttiiblinc nttaebed, respeet- i'l.Uv solicits tliei-atronapeuf his old friends ami the p-illic generally. deelM tit; ly I'A id j ii.ii J. it. rgMie subscriber beps leave to anuoiinee to J ihe fili.cns ol lllk and nil.ioinliig coun. lies thai he has purchased I lie harness shoi lalt-lv occupied bv.Iubn Enitilz, and that be is piepui ed to do all Linds ofwoikin a suit. ablo rule. kept cuiistautly on hand at price' tosuil tlie limes. Cive ine a call :-bop in the sec ond slorv of lunik's building. oell-lj.J V. EKVIS. ri; S1LYEU Sl'KIII'J'. M'.H'E DIT. AliLE, MOivE ELASTIC, mci'.e okaoeful: And will keep its shape and retain its place littler man any otter M.iri. This new and boat i fill stvle of Fkirl (Pat ented March 7, liii.) was awardid by the Great American lii:itulo l'air, held in New York, October, lM'-'i, a SILVER KEDAL, bci!!tT the Highest Proiiiiuin ever riven for a Hoop Skirt. The Sled Springs arc wound will: ('no plated wire in place cf a cotton covcrinp; which w ill n ai wear (,1V or become .S"i!cl, and the whole skirl may 13 wosbed w ilhoui injury or tear of rusting, aud will be as gool as new. The Combination Silvcs Skirt This iBventiou combines with the oidina ry Skirt the ml aiiiac.es creur Silver Skirt the bottom hoops are I lie same ks those us ed in the Silver Skirt, tiie covering of which cauuot wear while the upper ones nrft covered with cotton. No lady having onc worn one ot our Skirls, will be willing to wear any other, as I lie lower hoops of all other kinJs are soon injured and soileed. The best mr.tci'iu's are used in their con struction, and, from their durability and neatness they arc destined to become a Favorite Skirt. Manufactured solely by tiic Silver Skirt and Wire manu facturing Company, oO'aud 3 , IJ.'lllC'Ej.lY ST, NEW Y011K. T. T. Pn:nuY,"Sup't. Aub' Oth-ly PIIOTOGPiAPIIS. E. H. T. A.TKClfi- &. CO., EauuficvJisrs tf Ihotcgraphit .Hate:ia!j, Whole,-. tie and Petal!. ' ".'), jlltuAUWAY, V. In addiiion to our main business of PHtiTOOllAPJIlO MATEIUAI.S we are Headipiarleis fo the follow incr, vi:. S'J'Elir.Si'DPES & STiaiESCOVIC VIEWS Of Atnericau and I'orei;;:! Cities aud Landscape-, Groups Statuary, eie. si i;i:i'..-.:ii'io yi i:vs or Tin: v.'Ai:, l'roiu negatives made in the various cam pai;:us are! t'liriniii;; a complete Piiotorapli io hi- w.i-v oi' ti e rreat ecntest. S'i Ei.r.Sl'Ul'lC Y1EWS OX GLASS, Ad'ipicd for eitlier the Mais Lantern or tbc ore-tops. tMirt'a(alc;.-'.ie will be Bv-ul to nny ad lre-s nil receipt nf Si amp. l'liOTilCliAl'ilH' AI.M.MS. We Manufacture more largely ll.an any other hou-e, aivont '.'') variclKS from oil centa to S-'jOciich. Our A EE CMS h-ive the reputation of beinjj .superior in beauty and durability to any others. CordFtot'oiTauliB of Ctneiale, Etatesmea, Actors, etc., etc. Our ralalo.-ne embraces over EIYE THOUSAND different sn'.j'.eis. including reiroduciioin of the most celeln.ited En frra in:.'-', l'aintiiiirs, Statues, eie. Cata logues sen; on receipt of tl-.uup. Ptiol'ijrrapbers aiiuoiiiii- oi b-rin poo.U C. O. P., w ill pb.ne l. mi!, - j per ce::t uftlie ai.iour.t v.ii li tjieir order. .;" The prices and i.uaUry f our poods cannot fail to sal i. IV. ' ( junc-H'oii-ly. 'I'O C( )NSITAIFT1 VMS. rtHE A'heii iser, having been leslorod j to lieattli m a lew week?, ova very tiiopie remedy, after bavin? suil'esed sever ai years with a severe l'.U'g aib-ciiou, an 1 that dread disease, Coii-umpiioii i.' iiiin iou io maki known 1 o'hi J'.-Uow ttilierers the iiuai.s of cure. To all who di-sire i:, la will send a copy of the .rese.'i;.i ii,u use.!, (fieeol -!ii.,I!e i, Willi the lEicciii.i,'-" l-.-r j.teparilijr the saii.e, whicli l!:oy will bud a Su'. e 1'iire f ir t i.u suuijiijn, A si '.una, Druiichii J. 'li.e on ly object cf the adverti-ir in s.-ioi n the Prescription, is to benefit ihe adiicted. aud spread iui'i.riua'.i jn wi.icii bo eeineives to bo itnaloable ; and be hopes every nifti-ierj will try hi- leici-dy, as it. will cest. Ilieni Uotbhitr, and may t.-rme i: i'''.': itig. Parties wi-hin tho prescription, v. Ill plea..e address l;i v. EI-WAIU) A- W Il.ROX, Williiiiiis!.,,.,., Kings Cotiuty.Ktw Yoik. Oct. iio:h c;oi;-i. iH.isii i n t:iio7ni . Extensive Miiui.f.tclurers and importers of COLD, PLATED it, CHEIDE IJIVILHY, S01.il) AM) MCKHI. SIIA'j'.Jl WA11K, AMEUICAX, J-.MiMsil AM) SUS3 W ATI' I IKS, Ca&trt by tttrf Ires, And every description of r.xrv Coons am Yaxkbb Noiioxs, E-.(cia!ly adapted am dejigne l for Soiiih ei ii aud WciiiTii 'J ra le. Ciienbiis and lull dc-ciipth,) Price Lists .ent free, Al-rnts wanted evei vwhere. Ad. lirt.-s fciALlsDL'l! Y, Ulitt, s I'u, bl Dorrance street, oct.M.'etJ ly. Proudeace, B. I. TEST OATHS. ISctfzion nf I fir Ruprfr,)? Cont'l of lite t'nilcd HlitUs. "Washington, January 14. In tiio Sujircinc Ccttt t o the Uuitcl States In day Associate JuJj;o 1'iolils s.'ii-l ho If.'.'! been insJnicteil to deliver the opinion in tlie ease ol' .lolm A. ('utmnins, jiliiintili' iu error, citniust tiic State of ?-li?ouri, involving tlie const itutiotiality ot the icsi-omii t'i tuitu iciai-j. The ilainti.T was a lioinan C.Uliolie l'ties; and convicted by the courts lor advising atid jireaeliinir will-.out ltavitv; lir.-t taken the re. jtiirroil oat h, und i-.:i-toneed to ay a line of S5'j!. and t-o;ti. niitted to jail until paid. On np, ftil ironi the Circuit Court, the Stt mm: Court of the State aliinncd tlie jud.j, n. ent. The fuilovrim; i.-t a mere outline of the opinion : The cutii by tho Con stitution ol that State inipo.-cs more than ii!1 distinct affirmations and tests. Some of them constitute of.'eitsos. of the hiprh-. est grade, to which the heaviest penal tics pro t.Uaehcd. Seine ot tl.em aic not i'jco;aiized Ly .'-lattite, while others aio rot blameworthy. They lcijuire him i:of otily to swear ttitit lie was not only not in hostility to the United State?, but tht.t he never manifested adherence to the causii of tho enemy, of desired a triumph over tho amis of the United Stales, or that he ever experienced sym. pe.t!iy for '.he rebels, or ever sought to pioaiotc the ends of those envied in war ajrains! (he United Slates mitiiyri. ties, or ever li lt the Slate to escape eu rt iht'Ciit or the jieifoi uiar.ee of military Ja:c, or ever cipresjed t'lij di-sutis-factioti vviih tiio i:ove. tr.ucut. Ery T'crson unable to take this oath was de clared ineapabio of holding ofiiee ot trust, hou'or, or emo'.nmeiK, or of acting as a trustee or luanagcr ot any corporation, now or hereafter to be established, or from to-itch:;:,; ia an educational institu. tieu, or holding real estate for suth re. Haloes society or eojgreution, etc., and every j-tr.sou boiditi any such office at the time the Constitution went into ef fect was rccjuired within sisty days to take the oath, ia default cf which his of fice becomes vacant. No attorney at the bar, priest or preacher of any doctrine or order, u permitted to teach or solemnize maniago without tiding tho oath. False swearing is made punishable by imprisonment in the peuit-:ntiary. Tli is oath is without any precedent in this, CLiiiniry which the Court could dis cover. Ii is first reti'jselive, and if ta ken yeais hc-nec would cover the inter vening period. In other countries test oaths were limited to tho present, and were not id:uini.dcrcd in particular in" stances ol pr.st Ln.-jmiJuct. Secondly. The otuh is not only direc ted r-'.aiust individuals who opposed the acts ot the iroverumeiir, "but dceouiicxs (heir'sjiiipathi.'s and desires. It makes eo diaiectiou between acts urLim: IV.nn mttimiiiiy ana acts spin:"iii i.-om a! feetiou If any one ever expressed sympathy for t;io rebjliiou, even if he v.cre eonueefe-J by the eldest tie.s of Llool, he ii declared unable to subscribe to the oath, and is debarred from the emrdoymeats spceif.ed. The Court ail milted the proposition tf the leurued counsel oi iaiisouri, that tlie State l ss.-seil ali the'at'.ribuloscf tjvereijrtjity, mid air.om- the ri;;ht;-i reserved to the StiAo, was the povrer ro delermitie (he (pua'.ilieatious ol'oiliee, and tho conditions on which ci.ir.-Mis may exercise their calliiie ' and j:uf-uits within its juri-.alie. tion ; but it by no means lollows, lh.-.t the t-'tate can inflict put.i-hmcr.t for acts: which were i.ot puui.-haLle wlieu cotu mitted. It war; evident f:om the nature of the pui. uits and professious of the parties placed under disability by the Constitution of Missouri, that their acts; hud no possible relation to their fitness for the pursuits and professions; there was no connection between the alhya tion thai Cummiiis left the JState to avoid tliecrut'i and the tJiuiiij-tiatieii of the saei j.u.-nts c! his church ; nor can a fact of that kind, or words of sympathy for those in rebellion, show the uiifiti:e.:i cf laWjcr.s and prolcs-ur.:, or teacher.-, or their want of ability in acting as mana gers of corporations. It was manifest in their t.imple statement c! the;r acts that there was no such relation ; the oath could not bo applied as to whether the parties were qualilied or not. The oath was intended to rcaeh per sons, not their eallimr ; not because their acts uutitted them of their calling, but because it was thought their acts were deserving of pnuishmcut, aud in no way by depriving them cf citizenship. The court did not Lgree that less than the deputation ot life, liberty and property, was no putiishiueut at all ; a disqualifica tion from holding oilice in an impeach, mcnt may ba a putii.dimtnt ; also, tho preventing attorneys from practicing iu the Federal courts. liythe article 9 and 10 of Wi'.iiatu III, nny person speaking or writing agaim-t the Diviuu Spirit was liablo lor the iiist offense to bo rendered ineapa. ble cd' holding odice of trust or prolit, and for the Rocoud to be seat to p iibod. mi irnmw : - --jx i .. i tr . ; I ."ll'.-i ! Jr'tatnte 2, !' (ie;o-.;(; HI. f:r eo-itetnj.t nti-ai'ist tho li'm'r- autherity teolt av:iy ihe ri;;'it to recive any l"-.": y t,'-;.- !, er ;;ii"t, or Vuio tit i-'ect'ij- '.r i'.iv'i i'i:;mt, with a pctiahv f .C":. 151i-k-tot:.-, sav.s llui lo---; ;-rty c. 11! I! Ins-; of latt.l-i a:tl pn ii .s id iai.-.ls for life, rill dbabilitic lvot!i hp!',:'. - t. ol honor or numimneut. Aai -;t:;' tin; ilo. mails tiio I r-S'if lib ; !-, y,-s u di. r.bility 1 all tee ) nvil-ret id men:-:. .-; el' l.-m- lly or (iti:;.'i!sh:p. Iu Fram e (l.-priva. turn oi civil ) i;dits and 1 ' v.-!;'ti.;i l'.ir uliici-'. or of bein;. ;4 it:i r.l:-.i h it trustee, or bein.r employed in schools nr semina ries o le.ifniii.f. Tim ih -iroti which our It iitn'.ioiis rest is th it m i have certain itiaiieuai rights, utirnist which tiro life, Kheriy, and ih" lmr-uit of hajipiim.-s. 'i'liu.s all places oi honor and position are open to every one, and 11 are. protected eouailv under the law. Any deprivation ol rights lor past eou dt'.et is puni.-hment, aud cannot other wise be dciiiied. Tho Court then proceeded to the con sideration of the constitutional (pi.-ition. ine Constitut'ou contains what may be deemed abiil el'ild'I.s for eas'i rdate. Itsavs: "Xo Siato sh-.Il pa-s a bill of attainder or : iint j''c'o la'.v." A puts. lahmcnt witnottt trial. J. less iliau uetith, i- is a bill el pains and pemdlics. A bill of attainder includes p.tius mil enalties'. They a sumo the ;.!': of the decree tf p;it'.is!;u:"ni, iu aees'idatiee with its own i.ic.-A of tie oiiV nse. Jus tice Story says bills of this kind were mostly pr.s:;oi in Ktmlr.id d-.ii'i;; the rebellion in Knlaud ; or, the .r-.i.-s .sub stance of thetti, i'lrettinr; justice and trampling on iiie vie.his of others. Such bills are cneraliy ilir.cfetl tiiraiti.t indi viduals by m-.me. I5y JJeury VJtl, it was declared that Karl Kiidaro and his abettors, confeder ates, or adhtreut.;, thoul-1 Eta : 1 and be attainted and convicted of hi:.-'.i treas.ui, as though every oue of them v. civ prop, erly named as c:i:.-a;cd iu the Irct. Jr'o the declaration in Charles II., that iJarl Carolr.n thould gufTei c:;il;. If the saeon 1 article iu the Constitu tion of Missouri had stated in terms that Cummins was guilty el b.-;;i i-i armed hostility to the -IV-icd f;... to-, or had said he left the .State to avoid beiti;,' drafted, and that he was therefore de prived of his li-ht to teach or preach in the institutions of the laud, there i; no question that this would bo a bill of at tainder, in Y'm'.y of the C oiisiiimicu. if tho cl'tUi-e, in (eri of i.:c!itli:l!i his name, l td declared ail persons subject to like depiivatious, the clause would be equally oi. ea to objection, and it it !u;d declared that all such persons would be held ouil.-y, provided that by a day spec, itkd they did not do certain acis, that wctild be whhiatho coii.-.tlcuiioual iuhi bitimi. In all these eases it would bo ihe !e; i.-lative jtnlynent, wit'tiout the form ol security tt citizens established by our tribunals. Tim .que -tion presented is one of form, and not of sue-tanee. The esi.-tln clause presumes '.he pari'-. .; uil. ty f.mn which ii ey eaijin-; release the,;'., selves without an e;;j 'lr.-.tory oath. It is c-crtr.in tie le.:rd ri.-u'.tis that what cannot he done direct!", cat.r.ol be dune indirectly. The Constitution deals with substance and not with shadow. Itr.ims atth'iri, not names;, Chh.1 Ju.-ti." Marsh:;!! says an (j- jii..-! '( ' law i'l'.i'te-rs punish ment for ;m act not le at the time it was cammittc.'.. or imposes pen alties additional to to tim e ihe". picceii b;d cn diilcreni ti-.-iim !iy. 'i hacler against IVek male.-; it an as-'.-of putii.-h mcnt tor what was not mm; sh -.Lie at the time the act was ti-mm';r.al. The act to which . .i ! ;o Marshall makes reference was .r-s-d by tho J.e. i.-laturo of ( icoria. rep . . J i . i - a previous act, by which luni had boeti granted. It was decided that the v.-p alng act had the effect oi ;ui i Jlt, , '. !.n7. The clause of the Mis- m.! t l.o.sliiu.'iou did not in terms u-.Tme m y e; i:u : or declue punisiiment it.ilictcd. b it jnc-uiucd the same result as i! the crime had boer. de lined aud ihe puoi-huictir i-.ri-reriLeil. It aimed at some p.s-i..-.ru . ho dirtci'v or indirectly ha-l aide-! ihe r.-hel'lun, ,r escaped proper ies...'..-:hii'.ty -of ciiiteii.i in lime of war, and vr. t liVmle.l to do privo eerlaiu pcr'is u' o'lices ot tr-i't and emolument. Suj): deprivation is a punishment, nor is it a w.,y which i; cpnicd by an cxp:ir::;:t,iy oath. Now, sumo of these wcto not officers when the acts were coimniite-l. lev.'.; not theu an ol!"en-e to avo' 1 the enroll ment or the draft, lmw much soever it might be a matter of ecu sore. Some oi' he acts at whic h 'the Cm.-tituiion wa diroetcd were ofletiscs at the time, but thg elausa which prescribe - tut-il.er pen allies is within the uaturo of ;;n cs p,,,! faclu law. Tho clati e iu tpn stion f-uo-verts the prcsunip.iion ol iiiiioecnce, anJ perverts the rules of cvidenee, which by the common law are fun.lniicntul. It presumes the parties to be guilty, aud declares their innocence can be fchown only ia one way, and that by ex purtratiou. l'ut the cliueo ia s form of a lek. -T. F. MOOlli:, l',ub3i--hcr. I've act, mid it wet.ll read, "l'e it en acic '., etc., '.'.'hat t.'.l p. r - ns inarmed "hostility to tlu Ihritcd f-iates, shall, on tvii-ictioii. i.i.'jt ouiy In rnni-.hc'l as the law provide ! at tin; time of tiio i'.i!e:i-, but a!-o rendered iiicup'tblo of hulling oiliee.; of trust, lioisor, or cniolraucnt, cr exorcise tho tlliee of a teacher, or a prie -t, cla." No one could doubt that this third ar ticle, if thus reiokrc'l, wut'll be r.r .oat .ii-'.'o beCitii-e it we'ill bo addin" a new P'ji.i-.'.mee.t frr .".ii old t-ii'tnse; for an "die: so net punishable nl tiio time of the emctmciit, it would imps.-') pemi'iies without (he form id' judicial proe. '.-"lings. The Ceusiittttiun of Mis-'oari iiupesc; an t.ct wiiieh it was impo.-illo for all to take. Jt was an impo.- e.ble comii'ioii. Tho Constitution oi'the I'liiled State:) cauiK.-tbo evaded in the form by which (he power ol tho State is excited. If this can bo accomplished by indirect mean-, the constitutional hihabiiion mav be evaded at pleasure. Toko the case of a mu'i tried lor treason, and it , coa tcted, pardoned, iievcrthelc.-i, the; Logi.-hiture might piereribe tlmr. umIcss he took an oath that he no or did the act charged, he should never hold r.u of iiee of honor or nioiit. Suppose the mi- iioriiy should get the control of the Slate g jVLrnmcut, noinlng could prevent them Iroui requiriu that every person, as a eouditicn ol boiling oliieu of honor or relit, i-hi.ll tal.o r.u oath that ho VtfV cr advocated, advised or supported (he imp-.)sitio;i of the-re-eut expurgation oath. Under this, provi. ion the lim.-t li 'grant viol.ttions of justice might be Committed m-d individuals deprived uf their civil rights. A questiou rose in Ac-' York in ITS.", upou a statute of the State which involved an expurga'o. ry oath as a means id' punishment. The object was regarded as; co important as to engage tho altcutitm ot eminent law yer.; and disiiugul-hed (statesmen of the time. Ak-xauder Hamilton denionstra' ied that ii was i:i viola! ion of tho Cou sti! alien, which secured the right.! aud liberties of tho people, as the result of revolution. It was a wi.-.e axiom' thai, every man is believed to be inuouetit un til he h piv.cu guilty. The reversing of this was to hull out a bribes -to perju ry. It deprived tho ci:iz:u oi the ad. vantage ol h aving the burden of proof on his pr is.mutor. Eet us not forget that tiiel by jury sshould remain iuvielate for ever, etc. The .-ame view was embraced by the jitd'ieie.ry, ot: aaida-j'ias quesiions. The Court t-aid, ia conclusion, that the judgment of she Supremo Court of the Sm'o of Mi.euri mo -t be reversed, with imtructi.ms to cntor judgment to reverse the j ml; -men; of tlie Circuit Court of Pike County, ami, also, with 'direction..-, to said Circuit Conn io i uter au order dijcl.argl.'.g the -Icfmde.nt from imprisonment, and permitting him to go without delay. Ti'.z .'.r;'o;'.::::i''j oath. Associate J e.-iice Field then s.v.d he w is also iul.sruet-.'d to deliver the opit.ieti of tie court iu tho matter of the petltioi-. t.c n.-'r oi' A. 11. Curiam!. O.i the 2,'ih ol July, 1S0J, Cor.grc-.-s passed an act prc-eiiling the iorm of an oath to le takinrr ly elti.-ers elected un der the Ccnsiiim'ou of the United States, with the exception of ihe Pre-.ideyt. On tho '2 1 l'a ef July, Cong-tcj-j parsed a supplementary act, embracing attor neys and couii.-L-lor.s. It provides that no pe: snii shall beadmitedt.) the Far of the Supreme C mr: of the United Smle--, or the Citirt ;-f Ci-.iu's, a;.m attoriiey or corn's- l',ir, or be a.'.ui-.ve.l lo rppcv.r ly virtue of any pre iotts adi-m.-ieti, ofany sp.eiai nritveM ofattortu-y, u:ilc.-s he Cr.-.t takes and seb.c; iber the oath pre.-ciibed in the act to prescribe, an oath ef tlliee, approved July '2, l'il', which said oath, so taken and s,nl;seribed, shall be pre served among ihe files ofsueii court ; und tht.t any person who shall take .:aid ei.'.h shall uj guihy of perjury, and on emivie tm.i sii til be liable to the pains and pen alties of pet jury, aud ihe adliiieua! pains and peuahn-s pr: .sei'.bc 1 iu said oath. At the Dieei.il.i-r term, iu ltijj, the petitioner w.,s a imide I a.- au at'orney oi t'uls court, and siil-scril el the tath re quired. Jiy the rul-. tec ailorac-y, as a condition of being' admitted to the bai, must have prr.elie-d in tho highest court cl iheStat-e in ..l.il-h he live.;, mid his public an 1 private character must be fair. In lS-.jl, the State of Arkansas, ci 'which Mr. Ca.i.ml was a t'uiren, alt tchod itself to the sj.-i:d!ed Cenfcd er.ii ; Slate . Tho iicSiioncr followed the b.'.'uin-s; of that Sl..ie, a:.' 1 w.u -o:.o ot th repi-e. imlaiiv. in She 1 ,ir Imu.--; an i w..s in tea Senate of tlm cnlclermy at, the lime uf ilto sitrre.ider ef lie Con ic .crate lore s. Iu .imy 1";":, be reccivei! a full ; r.r don ol' all oil.-t.eri cjtumtled by him. He now pto luci this p.ird.m and a.-ks perr.ii.-d m to cmiiine practice as an at torney without biking the ca'.h, which he is unable t . la!.,; by rcaron of the oiliee he coco held iu the Confederate, government. lie says ihe act of July u uu- consiittuioLial and voi-1, but if legal, that he is releivei by tho paidou of the frtsi-deat. I?nto3 oi Advcrtisf Jg. A''m'rs nndExcctie'ri Notice?, each Ii I hi ts 2 fit) A udiiov's No'ies, etch 2 00 Trati lieul. Advrti ,i:i-r, p; r ri-.uire of "iti liti-s er le.-, il tiia.-i or ls.; 2 C! Eel- ( ach sub-i iC.M iiis;i;i;ir M l't-.-.r.-.-: it.i...J t btr.'. 1 year C 0') .up; ei.-.I U"lii'C per lii.e 15 Oiiltuary it ml '.iar.-iaco N'oi-.ee-, e'.cii 1 't Yearly A.ivciti i';., c-!i !';;t.iif 1''. f Ye-rly AoMo-'i.'i:.-, t v. o ;rp'arc 1'j (',') Yc.i'.;y Advt r'ii ? lh;vo ('.:'. .vet t O'J Ye iriy Advertising, column tir () Ycaiiy Adver. i ;iii-, i eolaam ii't 00 Yearly A.dACiisin.', 1 eolmea "0 03 Advct'ijrracr.'j dinphiytd n'ors tlta cr.'in-.'.'.ily will be chrred for ot r.t ihe 7 r.e (per colunm) of 00 oo The Court proceeded io cjamiao tie character oi the oaih in (Uf. t'.ou, saying, as it cvmot be taken by all attorneys, it opcrat-s as a perpetual cieclr.iatioii of cselusion from cue oi tho profcst-iocS and ..vocations cf life, and therefore must be regarded as a pur-irhment. In this cnchisjon is impesed apan i dimr-rit for an cffonr.o which nwy not have been jrjai ihabla at the time tho o'ieiiie was cemmltcd, arid is thus br.-iu.-ht into the character of an export. fi':t law, as in the Missouri cr.re, just 'decided. The ofiiee of an attorney or counsellor is net like an office create J by Congress, and which rm y be burdened by condi fimr.. Atteiney r.rs net ollieers of the United States. They are officers of the court, mid arc admitted r.s such by tho court, on the ground of their legal learning and good private character. The admission to the bar is a sufiicieut endorsement. From tho time of entering upon practice, they become officers of the c.'mtt, ami bold elilee durinir good behavior, and can be deprived cf it only by the court. Their aJmi.'siou and ex clusion is not a mere ministerial power. 'The court ii net the legator of the, edicts of any other power. A counsellor, however, does not hold his oiirce as a matter of grace and favor. To appear for suitors ia something more than is revoka'dc by a court or legislature. Ho can enly be deprived of bis office for miseumlnct or p.ufc.-sioiial delinquency. The question is, whether Congress can fix qualifications as a measure of punish ment. It cannot be indirectly dons by a state, and tho reason by which that conclusion is reached appllej similarly to Congress These views lire further strengthened by the pardon cf the l'reiiideut. The Con stitution provides that ho shall have power to grant reprieves and pardon for ofienses against the United States, except in cares of impeachment. This extends to every other ollensa known to the laws. This power of ihe President is not subject to the negative control of Congre.-.s, which cannot limit its effect. Tho benign prerogative of luercy connot bo r.verlel by legi.-lative restrictions. A pardon reaches both the punishment proscribed arid the offeudcl. It blots out the etmreqner.ses oi the offense, and iu tho eye of the law the offender tiands us guiltless as if he had not committed the offense. If a pardon is granted be fore conviction, it docs away with a trial. Ii granted after conviction, the subject of it is made a man. The pardon pro duced by the petitioner is a full pardon and subject to certain conditions, which have been complied with. The effect ct the pardon is to relieve him of all d'.sa bili.y and from the ccnseir.eiiecs of bis oii-.n.-e during the r ebelii on. lie is placed beyond the reach of punishment. To exclude him from bis profession is not embraced iu the pardon. It follows from thosa views that tho prayer of It. II. Marr is aho granted, and tho amendment id' the .second rule, adopted umidviredlv, January -J,lS;5f, which requires the oaih to be taken ly attorney-; and ceunst-llirs, must be rescinded, and it is .so ordered. The mr.joriiyiof the Court are As cl.:e Wayne, Mcfcon, Crier, Gilford and Field. Fxtoht. '. r.Y Hackmev. A ftiem! who lately v Idled New York wriirs u-, thr.the real iu oi:o of the city pnpeis t.iat tlie extortion practiced iii'.ck.mcn there wa , ;,ueh that '-no call:; a c.urir.Q-j v,ithor.t bavin br-t una solved upon iL'himg or being robbed. i.r., iiavtug a may wv.r. lum, bo took a carriage at the depot, and the following was his i-m nonce : Upon reachim.- the h.-tr-l lie r.li -htei and a-ked the price for the service. i ive dollars, t i'.ti ,,'ciiu. Handing him a live dollar greenback ihe gentleman inquired fpiie-ilv, -'h.:t is yciir Number!'" 'Tour dollus s, " ha answered f, nifty. 'Here are four doilum. What is vour number':" "i hiee dull.rs," -...id the fchV.v.sulkily "iicre are turce. Jvow, your cutu- bcr, sn : 'Two dellarr htila 'nuff, too, joine i ttie eriver. "Two, th.-n ; here they are. Wliat n your m:ml.,r. 'One dellcr. Cap'n euo deilur'll do,' replied wliip. "Here ir your dollar "said our friend cm.) ; a,i y,o.". tite cni i.ej I). It i s t) ( oiis-.-'tnenee a-; to vour uuiuher now. . ... ...... . .i.l. nig j jii.is sc i- cia.ci wiiho.i: cither fight or robbery 1 Tic hoolsviiie C'.iu i r, speaking of f.:t:.-t v's ii",recmLi;t touiehis intli.-ne for S i n v hks, says : "It reminds u.s of the devil taking the Savior up into tho high mountain r.nd offering him all the nations oi' tic canh, when the fact wa that Ihe scoundrel did cot o.rn afoot of earth under the wile canopy of heavcu." (Its. lliTLKii's iinpeaehmjiit plari is like his i'.iia.JU3 " powdol-boat. iUo Vvants to l how bud lUOMut OCX