The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, January 17, 1867, Image 3

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    JO!! V. OilK.
ah rlucl haml bill, ."' cij 103 or I'-h
:i -'.--o
1 'carter ihe"l l-ar.d-hill, fiO copies or less
t ;:,.m I
liMif sheet hand-hill, iO epics or less
lY'l heot hand-bill, fit) copies or less
$ ".';.
I'rr r.t.y Unut hy under five quires. ?L
.' 0 1 1 v i;mrc : I'll all nninimls ever t lint a
1 l-a: ( lcdncfo II n iU 1 lu-l ." 0.
Ti-.r.iMS ov rAi'i:):.
!..'0 per tear in acivnrrp i'-'.'HI if 1 aid
nii'ni ihryear, ami S-V'l.'' it' lint paidwil h
in th; t time.
":; (fC KUirtiWj,
Iliac 11:-. I"1"-' VvA 1 1 :'" I'- 1".
,1,, io Wi st IT a. in
:.iH !VI K:".0 p. in.
,; ,1., v. , -! 1:21 p. m.
J.ecal 1 1 I ; 1 this I JOo-hl .1. 111.
(!,. 1 Wot .ri:15 p. 111.
. ( T T V. P.
llevvuH. v the Post OlTioc will Lc
clu-cd rv. ry i '. rning t.t S, o'clock. On
J-".1 s'lri 7 m i'd !;p kept ojkii from 8 to
10 A. :i. Mail Clofed at. G
:!. L. LUTIII'.K, P. M.
Trie ,r.i! Cot,)in vOiVrvrdc'. I A. If. Stkvenv. YVelmo received
from t'lc National 1 Vi.h.-iiing l.ompatiy,
miiiic; .' -m-n pa-os taken in advance
of pubiiealiou from a work s r.m lo be is
sued by thai. Company, entitled
uuihtll. V.'. ( .;,!, 7Wm ..). ViV.-A-,yc,
e .7,'. Ltffrr.i, S'-i r.V'.i, A;-., by
Henry ('ii-vcl.inu, 17 p. form cry editor
of tii.; Augusta, (Li., C..itt'i(,t'rnti.f.
Mr. Cleveland is one of the mo.-t clo:;:i:it
and abb; wtitois i;i the vli-.l.i bbiath,
mid has long enjoyed the cinndene:: and
I'ric!nK!ii;i of that yrcat Mouthcrm r, who
has lilled such mi impm t;:nt position
and : 1 1; e-in tin; hi-tnvy of our country.
Mr. St-iVoiiM is v.jjul', iiiiic J l:y all Inmost,
tliitiikiii un 11, as mm hi thu i.lib'j.' states
men and m rest jiulriols in our wl'.nlo
country. Y.w.n the bitterest pariiv.nn,
it I10 liave feiise. will lu'curd l 1:11
air! t;.'ei'l. This lil'j o!' a -real and
g'lod in 111 will be ciLiit for wit ii ca -er
Litcies'. by a!! wbo live li ulh.and ud'jibc
eiiiiine L'.i'eatnos. II.; : 1 by the
Union in its Iir.t u.irl; lui.n-, v'..':ij lana-tie.-i
atut inali;;ii.ints at cavil extreme
Weio lnii:ju-iy a.--ui!in,; it. lie denoun
ced Secession to f he last, and ronii,nul
its ialal cii'Jinir, but tvben tliero was no
liopo of I nion, be, true to his Lonor,
went with bis Siato into a boj eles cause.
As he jncdieieJ, the cause tailed, and
bo returned to bis allegiance to the old
ila which he al-.vays lvsjico.'od, atid to
tho Bujijiort :? tl:.; cci-:i:u:io:i which he
never violated while In; reni.iinod in the
Union, a::d be is now a thoii-and times
truer to tho f.'oveinnn ut than tliose who
would debar him from the rights of eit
zetisbii!. Vi'c anxiously await the ap.
peaiance of ihij vrork. It is hold only
on re.bscripliun, ami we advise book
agems to se;;.l 1:1 app!iea!;ou.-i srion, as
tho book is soon to be immensely pujiu.
lar. Jtis po'.lca- u 1 i.i t!;e veiy best
N.riio.NAL i t i;i.i.--ni.N(i Co.,
S T 0m li. & .
jaua'.; v,k;-:kia' rArii;;
will be Lr ia!o lirrcaftcr, regularly nt
1 j ee.i ncr to nav.
Wlo I..-
j: '" V.'.. Vr.rn ilia! 11 new )ai)ici' is iiliout
to in' f 'ii , ! :.l !'. ai oriinii, 1'n.
T vo new si ajieri, are about lieiiiji s!art
c 1 in t i ,1'i'i' v.
.-,- T!i. .::ul t'.ii.i t'iiiip:iny nnw
iriae .:',:it . iica lred tons ciffna'. d nil V
A 1- i i'' -; "ii l.'iil 01 ileiH'.ett 3 sent lis
a l'.i-ni iuin iliis wevli, wliitii lias liecn
' or m:. !.:;.!.
)- ).,Ve Ii. '.'. .' iuiely ticii adilia to our
h;"" ii' .In!) tiii'l Ni'v.i type, ii'iil would
-.y r1;-!" ;:v now jo-en.r.-O'l to do all
!! . i'' v, ui i: i. or 1 1 : . .
N. ii. Anv wink, citlu r Ameriean
or Kiiropon. .liidiiou:', i',:ei('tit;iie, I'liil
nophical, Jii.-loiieal. ei'c., will be n-o-cured
on application as tibove. Any
i;i:ie.'e in the IJnok r 'tatooiory lino
1. ot in Store, will be sent lor by mail
am", be received in a few (lavs alter or
tii i'.ii!. j11"' j bly.
rnti sn.ViJ:t rr.v.rv.
Jl .vdii;: ik'i'.ai'LK, '
?:'::;: i:!.A';T;c,
yjjwv. :'i;At:::;'!;r, :
.ml will keep it.-- -'1 on l n'l;-.;n i; j j.'.in-e
livlle.' tioiti atr.' (0 i l'! .:;i:o':..
J tlllol (l.HAr.f,, Allniniy at hv:, liid;;
v,ny, :H: cnunly Va. j iioir'J T,t; 1y.
U)l-, M'OIU: id' all kinds m.d lb,;.
,) criplion.s ilniii! at this olliee.
Ctuvi;i:., vama. t'a.. tiuii
Hull, Pi'iipi-ictors. nil';'.) ''1'.-ly
A briNK !)i:.!K. St. Mary's In.. Iter-
-A I."...... 1' " .... I'.'.'
' .('I'le-oo-. !.:,-,'.,; Aiioo-i,: , 11 !..-io,o,;
rain:-: m-i ..r.!'j nANn.v. u i r.ANts.f ; '"'' u: "'" l: '" (i
q n,AV!N'I tar.;;!it ly C. .. V
Iiidwny. 1'a. fsi'i.l l'i:'
y.i-:nu::i ai;t i ;;T:'.',:;.
J 'v
'i !;.i a:.ii;ut(!an a:;t::-t.'.- vs.
iO.i r.-u':i; I ! tiiit.iu,'oi! tint.
in 0.1 iii 1 .:e:,. tl;e :."le ol' liie I.. I.
! .i-'.' ''ell kfown ;i : 1 1 Ii :., b ' v 1 pn'a 1.
1 . . I :
1 1 .er '1
e:i'"'l .Marco
,.1 tic::'' To! :
, ! .... 1 v
al..O'.'.'l I,'.'
ai.!'l ia
Wiir-rant---, Xc .ii Ion. 1 lov
Mi at. Iliis (itiii-e.
1 i 1': -..;. ''!; l vi-r ; I'
i ..Ho:.' i.i iii; 'i...i;u j ai', vis i-.i-
.'1 11 1 -7 a ;;t in
!..:;.!. 0:; of (Iio Iii. 1 iin I 'a! a.
: 1!7 i' i
i.-.t-..T Mustuii!;: l.i ;:.
'1 1 ' 1 . i" 1 1 - i ! 1 1 1 . 1' -" ... 1 1 -. . ' ! - 1 v ;.',: --
i "i!l'c'l V.i.I l'.-l V, ' ; t (Oi "1- : '"i.i l'1.('1.
il.V. .!AMi:S r.l.AKn.V 'ly. i ,, ,,,. .a! ...,-. ,.,, v;,.-.!..-l v.vIo.mi.
anil Siivgc.m, .St. Jlary's. K!!: i-o.nily ; i,,;,,.y 1" ci riisiiai.:, uu-l will l,e a.- I , , fn ... 11 0 ,1 .
.t::.i.;...,;,rart.:i-l b's 1Y.. r:d.;,
::o:;or. .--ilMruny Ni-I.i,
- r:.o !; ...-.u.
Maidle: I. JViliilV, (i-o
f j - , -; 1
my, ; or!une
i:. w. V,'. siiaw
anil Sui-Scrv, l ea'ii-vlile. V.
t A
1:1 ;:
Ijs x-:
;: :; I.
Tl.i- in
01 r'.'io
v.oo :r.
A" : :
ti. 1;
o:' iii'-
v,'.-ii -'-., jr.nlnr eiiitoi- of
'.' ,e :.:! m, Iris lie.-n jrel
, t'r; Yv'A.- I..'::i;,i!ic ilatijliter
1 til. 1- .0' :'; 1! .-:,!-.
'Ac last w ci'i; iieiieiei! to tcu-i';-'.!'l.
to (lev. t'lirtiii for all inl
;iycr!i:s Mi'ssaj; Also to ('ol.
I'io' a I'cpy of'ilio Auditor (lencr-
'i'lu: ' .c:.'.r.;.i:. if? are requested to
muni.:;- tlini i'.ie !iH'!t'.ur of tlio next
Soi-i. will h h ': I a! t!u resiiltneo of
Nil-. !:. !'. !-!-v. i':: to-i-ioirow ovenin?. A
;i. :
..I i
i.i ile.i-lei!.
1. mi::- Term of our Court.
hi :: i:st, i.a 1 iintv.itli
'.'.1 i ; a i:n-;ro aaioiai. of
!-'.i: '1 '..'"i !:, i; aptjoi'.rs to
;-'e I. i -.' I'll pposu tho 15
' a iv !il :'.i w ". a Iile.ised
1 !i :: :!u 1 ; is now 11 :;ood
::i'i- m 'i !' ::l llllA'.l!)) into
: In- :: c' jreli in; at
-..-.l !.-.;. . Vint pccpoffil
I., ! ,;, iitc 1'. ,-i i:. K. iU
, 1 :-ii l.illcs i:.. l."f t'uis place.
: C 1-
1 . i'..i
I ' ' -.V 1 ' 1 : ! :
:1 . ;: - :.- -().:: tVieu.l,
i:.. : : ci' 1 !n; I! :i!c!'
. ' .- .-- iii.i (1 i-oat -ol of
. iih his liniliier,
Ja- will li.'e hot sliot
I". rl' .1 csi-.o lo nmku
( 1 .iev.'r liotli !:o
;;.; 11 r c ii. i; : liavu our
'.- '.: !.;' -riiy.
ol ':'i- L 1 : 1; ; My entered
. ' : .,.:.lill.-t 0!.
. . ., ::'. I .;. .- (lineages
: . If .'. ".. iv;r pi.s
: i 1 !, .:-.i-..-a i-, lie had
:!. - !-!! a lll'WSpa-
: o.i.-l.. I'.i n's penchant
. :-- : 1 1 1 ' 1 a ;-'.od tiii-n
iv .-,.y of " .-'.la'.ing a
d07 ..iincr Street,
Chief Justice Chase is said to bo op
posed to tho proposed plan ot getting r;d
of the I'resident by impeachment.
Five neitrncs have been sentenced to
the New Ilamps'ii'-e penitentiary ntul
two to tho Massachusetts Legislature.
Wc have bad no Rccnnr.t : oP'Southoril
outrage?." on freeilinen for a long time.
Wait until ano'her election.
Some think that their is now no Con
gress known to the Constitution. Ouite
as many think that, there is no Con-titu-ion
known to Con gre?s.
Tt seems unkind in the Confederates to
make so many charges ng-iinst Ceo. li-it.
ler, when be commanded a federal army
he iii In't make any upon them.
Tt. is reported in Xow York that a nuni .
her of prominent llad'cals anions Cieni
Uoraco Creeley and Henry Var l IJeech.
er. have 8nnt a .etiiinn to l'residei.t j
Johnson tot tho release or lmmei.iat
trial of Jeff. I;:vi -.
'ivj-:s : kto'ks i : stov;:s :::
Johji ivoaenhcioor c; V.:.,
v ii:j! x r. :-;y.i i, !:. ;.!:;.
trr. jiauy's, 1-a.
Keeps conManliy oji b.aud and for sale,
a l.u lc a:;.: v-'.j'i s iected stock ot'TIX
v.'.m:;;. miiv;:; e. w: have
i-'. i i-vt'iiiii: '..i iieral!',-kept ill a Till liimp.
Our iT'tcck of f-'TOVI-lS cous:.-!s in art
of a:;i u;:'st I'.mii.ur
cciOi.'iN'i sto'j-:s,
SJIilAb' ,T(JVJ-:S.
STOVM Vll'V. can be bad at oiu
i.hop either riveted or groved.
Mdl'J'l.Vii AND K.airiNii, ilone on
sliort noliee and at reasonable rates.
June 1 1'ioi-ly.
T!:. a. s. iii:, 1, K.-r-.--.-. i'.i'; .-,.,oo- i'... ; ,;
.11 ' I " fr-:.ipl!.vanv.v.Ta::rr -i.o,.:l ; ,.,( j ;!;v, r
eul's l.y n-lit i.p ,;iy. f 111-1 L'.:,1',!-.! .;. I ,..,... v . ,,. v, !,:
-w. .... , i-'ivire't ;.!'!. r.'t
J:. r.i.r.A.j. o' 1. ivriclil. 1 1:110 :,.
r j-oiiii. Si. Clary's ll! comity !'::.
Jmic-'jrcii-1 v.
Vii one i"
lCm! Oil. .-'.
Ji . l.tlWl, Hi ll!) tl HIS Y .r !)!.
UL'tll'tf .,. i I!
C I (,'
Ii yi; vrn 1 1 i ' b--'d oi :.,
I I'' 1 enl. "0 '. -ia Ml-e 1 1 : 1 : I - - 1 (- ).r
Of Oct. I I If. .1. I d'o. i -'i.i,.
; ie s v. :: 11 1 . 0 i-vo;::,i
- in- ion' -11 '.' .' !.';. .
;." i-.o. ''l ot;: .'I v- iii -!i
1 ! It ii.;u-.- ..:i" - :o
No 1;"1 . ioiv':",- (.lie -lio
v. 111. n r i"
..v.-r I -v; - (.:' ,-.H
..''H-.-.I ll'l'l m.'I;-- !.
-. 1 Si- i l.l l'i 'Ii- i-'ili-
i'l i'.-i : .1.0 .1
.(not 1 er:ie;i 1:1 too oidca
time. 1 r, '.'i ::-'.iii.;;:uii at
e i t l.-e-ti r .l-ie-tt'ou
t!;e yia.-.-a!;ro
1 1:
" . ex
.1 i
l'-l:f to cii-T
1 1 ubio.' at one
caii'., toe loiei;
c-l.. .
At 1:1:: .!. i:r..Mn-:i.v. :
Coc.i:-' '!nr i.t w. f'M V. ::
e.-iiei-. i.i!;:w:iy I'. I. -;:k :..!
1. iv. !'
I . L l- J..- Sf J O - ill'.
.-:;: 1: 1: v, .-;
QOKTllKit AN! V.' If. ;.!.-'
i7 I. aw, II i i;-.i : .-. l.ik . .iiony i'a.. v i It
intend to all j.i ;.. ' l,i:,!.-:- n-i ;
ly. L"::il'-:-'-''i''--
T Vit. V.'. i'.. II A K'f .'.I A "'. . . :iry .-. !.'';
.P county. Tii. Lute', f :l:e .'-:.iv .0' il:e
1 .itioiiiie. i'.-n-i H'lilni-mi 1 i-i-i '.-;-. 1-1 t j ; i;
cases of surgical nalare. niai'-JJiOi-I y. i In i: . 1 ! 1 ' ! . : 1 1
t J 1
1 A
ti. ; i"
jt.;awav.'.r2s c i-'.o:-,
u ;i,,u
1 rti
Ilttxoltino i:i Co.
PA .
()i"er :!;eir ciistoi.iers at this seas.ia tha
jret aMfoi'tr.ii'iit of
Ilolliday Goods,
ever exhibited to the people of this pectinn,
t-ueli as
Uolbi, DolUIlcdies, Dull Cradles,
Toy Ilui-caus, Toy Tables,
and Toys of all Possihlo Kinds.
Pcsks, Vi'ork J'oxcs,
Pert folios, vidbums, l'ine Pooks,
Toy Eooks, Primer;!, Le.
I.yok at tbeir E-amplcs of
Don't forret to call and .eo their
I.'ir.v j nr-. t opened!
Ii" VOl I AVI- 111 V:" .!:::iv':- . f
Ayer's cel. In-ill. 1 ,M, i'.i. ine . pare,
npoa l!:e only nut 1
wi;y. uct. t-
1 v-Ci 'Ti. -,-.
J cheaper i!:an
. -,,!:
iijiou the only iiiitinn-i.e i neiit in i.l-!.:-
oct. t-if .1. I'.'iVi 111. t
1 1" mi' 1 in'i ii,,,
An'.V V V. N. V.
oi::- -'iuin 1 ,1- iiii'.
.'!. '!'!'!' ! u..: v.-.-!i"
:an eaii
at v.-l;o!i'.-iil.; or retail, 1-v
oct. 11 -If.
iM I1-:!l"
hull -i,t ill II
,t. rov- r.i.i,
J r.idcway. I'enn -..
Mrs V.. 0. C:.i:mi:.nt.--. 1'roi 1 ieti-i'ss.
Nov l.o t:i
1 1 ::':-: -in :. i i '--r i -.- -i t 'i : i - u:i -1 1: t-
.-. ;y. :: - ,. '. : ;:i i: va;:,
!'i 'O.l II- ' :'. ' 1:';- ;e .1 : ,. V :r., : ; r 1 1".
"'i'.' o ii n-i i -::il:.i: .; . "in; l.-i . i .1' : ' ':: pa
ic ir.-iii'i-r .-I ti..' '-.-n' .i.oo.-. i.
j s-'i'Mi'Misi;:;!'!.' viiiws ox cr,A-'.
i Ad-M'ted f'.r eitiier the Miiiric l.iiii:o.i; or
- debav and fltv c
!": r.. " 'v:i ,vo .0 ,::ii eacn,
; a!.-: :! lb'! j.;rjr...-- :-ti'n:i!::iii:g t!io
; '... iiiii:;- ro of ('In!,', iin- i:ave ('eU'r.
i.iiio d io a p.: i loioto.- to iii,.
; il, ;i : fiubi. i--:id !:i addili a; ! ho: !,i
: i' i::-';i! tiiu-.n:.-.; too . id crd.ei.-i
j tin- i-tim .-I' .--.V.'.t't.y i:i .-:,;:, y ,:...! paint
j i ou -.:-;' o--ii a-i tl:e sole si;;: !1 i.ave reacii-
. ! i ::,! i i::avii As it is out
' iiliou t-i adve;-:!-j very e.i. ;: ivciy.
; : :'! ;:.-; tlo: eo;... av: :,'; ure well known
: 1 1:; :-:;;.:!. out tb :vbu!e coui.tiy, we li.iv;
j tio ibuibt t'l.-.t with iho I,; iv price we
j eb.i! e i, : ;iie:;;, tind i;h the (.v.-riiou
v,i.:vo v.-e put ibr'.U l.y (.vr i.iin.e rims
I !Vi. ieis, ti:e Lumber will be teacbed in
,-:,o:-t tl:,:e. A., sso-i as it is reached,
! liie s.-ubrTidbcrs, toviioeii tbeir ('bib
iA'.o.-li'.i, wid be :n, li.'ied by a cin-uiar
j k-i.'. r r.ieu u-, nt' ti.e i.n.e and
; hi... :;-I i-i' (I'.-ti-ibu'ion.
! r1;'-:: ;:atks.
to .il'V il'! iri
I ii'i
yniS l'KINTl.V.'l, such us Cards. l."Oei-. ! , "L
fl ll-ir.d I'.ills. Hill Heads c. (Wne io i ": "'
the AUVOCATB OKFICK on short inei-je j c'" ls '". '
l i io i.. I leieoaii:
inf. ... w,..--,.j,..(ic u
n If. YOLK. M-uiufaclrrci- .-o-l !'
in I.actr I'.nvr. nppr.sii e liie II lil.u'.'i
L'e;.t. St. Mary's, llll; ceiinty L'a.
i'. Hill-.
i :; ;t.
l nr.' I'O
.I '.'IIO v. il'i b,
' A I. '' i
: cut
T"i)i;i)vi-u.i. AM) :-!i::-si-:n;!'.i: i,-t
jcNl. ileaiers in Iiruifs and I "uaai-i-.i
l'aiiit-. t.iisand Vami.-h. i'e-.-.'io.:..rv '1'.
et uvticl'-s and Stationary, ilMav.- i y. '.
county l'a. laiiv-u' 'i i-i .
lari.'clv tiii'.-i ri'iv
-, alio,;; ; v.i r',i 1 1. ' ii-.-ai ':)
i..-.-M. doe A I. !ll .'.!.- inr.c .ha
o.' h-.-ill" l-'i: '.-l ii.l' 111 1 ,ra 111 N' nil' I
I I'l.ia'.lli.y l..a iv i-iaeis.
!,. ; CardI'Le.C2-"3;!'s 5; Coicr.:":, li:a::s.'.".cu, .".ct'.-rc,
etc., tic.
Cor Cat'.1..'::::-' .-eh-.-u-e o-'ei- r.Il
TiiO!' ,:.! 'li'l.-;- a; -a!j. :;:. iiiin.l".
iv; ii'-i'ii -. ia'o; oi' tli ?:i;,-! ci-lrar.-i'i-.l ihi
i .(vice-. ! :. ".l'i-.i'r .-lone-, i.e. C.i.a-
!'! -.n: ,-.vm-.:s V t,-.0 cai!.,
For -r ! " we v.-iil send '2'.i lli;
ti.e Club Auent.
-hy mail
and 2 t
',.) il ll
1 ';
:"i "
Cr "
" Si)
" 11!
Me I .oi V.:.-.i
e la, ! :e, Xo.
i : -.1 i I i i.i !ii;: jr
i a . ii -i, on. (he
io. av-'la -. The
,'i . . - :i. -,i ;. it. '!
.!. V.'. l.r. ('. i:, ; ,,-;
. !,- .-i i-,: 1,
. ,l ' i - a ;.
ia :-. I., II.
l'a . 1,
iv. .i S:; .-::-. -Ti, . (-...l.)tvtn3
oi of i'.n ih- 1, liid.,-..- y.vv t-,k-.
1. ii: ,- !": i i-ii ),y ihe iaai.uC.ii.-i ii-
ii t.' i.. i f V.'a: run,
Yio.i will find their
ThrXew York Kvrnir.r; Post CI!'"
publieaiO isalirmed at the course rf its
par'y leaders, and s-i-s '-thr',' will un'::;
of the I'ederal Covernmer.t, if they have
their way, r.s fiver-shadi wimr and all
(bivouiiii a monster as the ( Invernmetit
of Napoleon of Fiance !" This is the re
luctant c.iiifes'.ion of a paper which Lave
it powerful tiid in .bi:-in these men in
the positions they occupy.
The war was waged against (he f-'ou'.h
to preserve the Union and fore., tbi ir r p
rcscutativfi into ( nnures. .had. St-;- I
vens, at tho head of the Pepublican j ? 1 LA A WILSON'S S!iV.
party, is now v,-a ;it.'r nno'ber and t.ire ! -M 1 -M ACH I Mb The under
(lai...erous war against t!,e South, to keen ll'V'1 ba-.uii-1,een iippoint.-.f Solo APent
. - . l..r I oe sa e i, 1, iil..r
b!Sl,CS 'ijlW.'H'1!';!.
I.lC.lX.-'Ml) AL'CTioXL'li;
"V'iTH'i: is lierehy piven lhat I have lak-
en eat ii license us
will iilleinl promptly Io the, calling of all
sai. s e'Oi nsied io lay c ire.
Any sun i-illiii;.' m:'..s withniit tilieensa
v. il he held aiiswerahlu t'. the strict loiiertil'
liu-law. 1'. V,' KAKIiilTT.
( .1 7 ii i .
" aSilvcrVratcli.
" a SiK-er Lever,
a 1 1 until.' Lover.
The (d-iil tfkf.gcs V.'tli bo vei-V se-
cur.-ly pat l:'ii aii.i ioi watd.-d l.v !-bi.ros5-I;V
; ( :m 1: ll i : 1 J I lis
il '.v. aid tho i toouot .'i:iier by Lxpre-.-,
Sl.:liC !;::;:!. I est 01';.-,' Ovio r . ; i.i a
r. yK. ri 1 letter, and in alica-.,s tiio
i ..:;i-t" ui::- v. id l-e luieaeilia!,' ay s et',
and .'.:: each i i.;:r.;vi!iu a iium'.it '"'-' c.'.--.','Vo'-'
:;:i i i i.i v. ill be ci:e!u.-ed in
a pa. !;:-...
V. O. D. Oiiilbl'S. Fcn-o-.s v.ish
!:it to se::d for biro-aviiigs and ay the
I b'ij iTs Co. v. !i.-u tin y i:i-e reciived,
will ! e i-1 j i i to send ,! ii ilo ir ordoi-
- J to . i, :.t.e..rii:i-.: I i i s aui-e:-;!, and
tills Will i.-i '-;--:i:::e 1 on !!:,,ir loll.
.' . " ia ' i s .--s . r ' - -t
j his. rivo cais had vantages s ! j To ho I I.-,; tt t
pevioi- to any other e-'i-:b!:..hmmt in ob-; ,73:!(::;; ;:i money, fLbCb
j t. lining siliiiejs Jr. r.i liie, i .' .-'.i the I (' I A (ho)
"SrArMMXGTOX I!0r.-:il, St. Mary's, j Prominent Cebbibies of tb.- (b.y iii ! i-io r f " A.iii.l'l
1.1k county l'a., I'Mvai i C p.... C.ivii poi-.,;-,i,'-, mid are now publishing a j 'i'en e-' r,:il) .";.'(.
i'itivid' ll-) " o.h'll!)
,-a'.i...'i-..:.'.e, 4 :,! ! .ol:.-i-. .i,-!:".-:-i:.- -.-Vt
I'. O. ., will r! ase.eailt -r ju-:- c-.'i: ol I he
.tin. inn: v. ah tii.-lv i.i-.h--.-.
I ." I he .'.-ii es en .;-;ri oty of o-.a tr-.'".s
yilXItY II. T1K.M.V . l-e:,h'r in j c;ui)i;ir (.,11 -,0 i .Vy. ' (o,e.
f hinds ot ! iii'iiiture. Sia m- l."d mi I
.Vaiirossci. l'ii. uve Frames and Ciii'.ins. (il'u.NIiV :'-.)
l!iil'".v.iy l'a. Warn l'.ooms on ihe coi-iui- .y
of Main and Dipit St's. mav-li'ii'j-lv. iLlJ.LUU.-.'4.t.: il-iUii-'i
, l:;oa i:vay, :;.
irr,. .t. s. r.oiinv, ku, nieeiie phv-i
J cian. I.ate of Wiirreii enniov V:.. vll! j "J -' s.oaito.n I 1 ear 1
pi.-t:iptly answer nil profe.-o I. mil calls l.y 1 J h :-", i -i.i'o'l-l e 1 i
miret or da.y. l.esi.Jpnee (me .heo' ea::t (,'
tlia lute resideaco of Hon. J. 1.. tilllls.
Io Ar
e 1;::.
the T'liimi divide l aud to force Soutbern
l'cprcsentatives out of Congress.
OST. Sh aved away on 'i'liufsd-iv, UT 1 ! 1
j alt., a small lilac'.: lini'.e, hot Ii Mi.ii.1-
Wilson's Sew
Maehinc-i !i,r ill!; county. Ho keeps an
asu.riM! at ctinsii.iitly on Imnd. Jlaeliiues
said at I'hiladclpl.hi iiad New Yor n iies.
Any . 0 ties ik'snous of (ihtainiti! iheinciin
address J. K. V. II l i'MOlti:.
.Ma:e!i th-'ilthly. nt llhl.irway, l'a.
firietor. 1 1119 liouso is new 11 11 -1 ni'el li;i t!a;.il:;.-ui' .!'o
w;l Ii care i..r tae -..nvci!..-uce f .. .- (, )( ..; ( " V J"fi' v;
quests, (iood stahli-.i'i auaehe I. ! , ." ' ' ', A .' ' ' ',' ' ' ,.
!nr-2!i"ti0-ly. j Ano-t.ean atc.i lO.ijn. a.-o a l:-;:e list
. I oi' copies ol 'n'urks 1.:' .'.1;. and i ll, ';. v
IdVllIt & liAC. IX al,:.,.,:l.,:v's and ; j,,..,. C,t;l! ,,-.,-, (m y,
y Vhnlesnle . -lielnil Dealers in 1 1 , 1 .. ,- , , :
-iii 1 ' 1 , , , ; Stain 1, .111 1'i'ihT lor otic i!i-:'.'.:i toe.
I' Leo:!. :un iv 1 1 , 1 ,,. ' ,,,, , .,, , , . ,
C j y .1 v)i ) s j-''f )'i ' i tuns liom on:-t a'.ahue v, :.l be hi ed
neiinneei, and Orders solicited and prompt1;.- tilled 111 mar- , . ' ' !lJ'" '-'llt ''J ',''1'- -: '":,;
;et rates. mi H: h-.. i-1 -,- I piciiires cm.s cai :i, Cop;.s cd u.-,.
. ::ia : tvj A cuts caeli.
.11.1!-. (i. ji.m.i -is. 1,. .-. n: 1 - , , , , , ,
II TT A'. i N- l'- ,v :i'S' oesiVO to ca,
Attorneys -at. - l.t; v.-, ; ,-v:!1't::-c 1:1 7 11 r n
ST. JIAKY'S: : '"' '-'";d ''""!.,'i,''-ii
DKXJCIXfiKU 1'. O. 1-1 K ('((L'XI'V, I'.',. -ois i-.!;';'i -, I .:::. i':':ht:i , oc, i,i h-.
September 20, 18GU. ly. c-a-c.i iclattiv, and -.n-iid.--, 1 ,ilavi,...-
. .. ' tic t.t to i'tiv m.. a:i.I iinb-bisi-r in Oil,
O'1'- MAHY-S JIOTKL, It. II. 1', t- , v-;iU,, (.),,, or J,!i:, Ink, with the
PI Proprietor, St. Mary's ll.k c .a;,.,- i'a. . U,, (:- U,M la:(.t0(l
1 a;s house is now and tilled iii Wi.n i-;ie. ' . ,
cial care for the coiive'iienee and ciinf .rt ot , oesin:.:: foj.its. sooii'd t.iero.
quests, nt moderate rates. Free Had , to ; fore eone-pond villi us diret-:.
and from the Depot. Cool mo Mlnar all Scud fir a ea!a!ie,'!e. The L-at'e
lat-lieil. lniu.-l! C,';. ly. U.,n, j.licd at a liber;:! di-a-ouut. (iallerv
One hutulre l 1 !"g:::,' Oil Paint,
iug-', ri-.-lily l.tanied, Lai.Js-i:-.;ies,
at si.','!) each, 1:1,00-1
Two liillhb-e.l K-r;:i!i t. Oil i'ain',.
in.'.:-, nch'ty Irained, Interior
Yiew.--. at i:";J each, 10,00:)
Tki? ACTIO T. ri-!(; AMI Vf A 1 1 ' I ! "ln'ti toy I roc in.-peelb n, au,l s! rally.".-.
.............. . I . . . , . .!.. .... I ' -----
I. MAKI.ll.-ST. MAIL 'S. Ink ciinty i .Mi:ng me c.ty will and our I.aln.-ry arc at all active. Ladies have ofiea
!': ION w mid add that these T.rcsniutiH
ar.: to be considered only in the light
id' a frc; giit to t'ieir j.atrons, tis tho
'in-iaviiiys ar;; fit! tiis'ie'l ti:em .'- ,',.,'
tbeir u:::r!:e'. v. ;!".e, tind as the cos'. (Jf
ot'graviatis. afr.-r the j.lates are pro'u r
e i, is very triiliii'.:, they can easily aflbr 1
to make tee. distribution t;s large as it is.
Y.'e trust that our numerous friends
thi.'iodiout the country and C.madas
viil 11.-! their utmo-t exertions, so that
il possible, the distribution may be
made s 1, audit cm In; none, it thev
i: 1.' 1 . 1 ' 1 : . . 1 '..- 1 - .,
. . . ... 1 .1 . . .1 1 . ... ....:..., 1 .i.i.
uunciiuieiii, ,,i.,.,n. I" i. "i u r :,ii:i;C!iAXT TAir.un. I 1'a. lldward Meliride. kecis eon..noi en .,!u. o! liie U'.o: t. :iuica!.!e lilaces where. ! 1 10 !h.,i I'll.!. .,e,,., ( ,
naiiu nii't ior saie, iiateiies. , r." K-. .- :m-i- j al j,, y,,,;c. uway an hour,
l'laled Ware . -nid Jewelry id nil (lesei ii ti'iiis. ; , , ,, -,-
1 V tieialii'iL' neatlv exei oiled, nii-l done . . i'"-".. "-u-'
0n.-i11.11 noti.-e and roasonahl.) lerins 1 . it!i, l.roa .way, ... 1 more t tiergetie Jiersous in every town or
Mar !i'i;'i-!.v. I ,. " .".77..- '.. " viila-o in'tlie c-untrv cemmcucc as soon
as they see this
'eturnina' him to the Abiiue lioit.-e. or
leaving iufor lion.Avlvre the mu'e cm ! i tvd.'rwtiy, 121 lc CJo., I'a.
be found, will be sui'a'.'v rewarded. 'i ke su'o. criln-r i.e-ires i-e-pectfully to in
St. Marys, Jan. "!, l-iiT. ' l' ' '-'r ,,s 1,1 Hid-way and 'vicinity
""ii ... .- 1 1 i-..:.. c.i 1 1. iiiai,.' (1) (iraei-as well
ai'd we solicit their kind efforts, which
will not tro ie 7 Let
oiio or
7- AIKilo'tlAl'AtTTY. CIMIAT Siieith j ;'.s ii 1 .e .l.tiv an v wii.;l c. n ny I Ii i., - in il.o r!f Yis,t ,lor ' J '
lj and uncipiallc: s, eed. she, io-i.y and 7 "Z'' , M " I V.IDtiWAY. I'A. i Is ii.o only article uso-1 l.y i'.rst ok
eo-i,p!eieii.-ssoi'i.pei-.-.t.:-n, 1.1-; .e. ( '!, l,,' Oa-:-iiiie.'- ' Ye tin- and K-'YIU, l' 1 haai. dries, and 1 l,ii,i,n,ls ,.f I'm
C"J"ir' . Ti-iiiiaiiiiofiheiate.t and ,,,,,s, nvproved The u.,.lc,-,i..,.cd having fiitd ..p ,. n.Te ; Wau.i.e.l Jadb., l akll.-
Noaiptti'i'ii , . ::s:;i:i:;- Ala- ,, v.,,, ..,;, (,.s,:lllv ,..,, ..,S,!,, wiU and Im l.otol ...1 the K..ntl.wcst , ! uv.-r the ,-!..i.i. f..i
.1 o. --. ll
I. ..:.... a.-i. -;;v.
r.-il-l'.d io,1.
1. oil a c' 1 - ,; : . !
.-i- a i i:.!-' -. :
.-I,-.-:.-, and :,i-c..'-..-,"l
11a I :
. : M : a .1 : i 1
ii'.- I'..,- i In' j ...
..i'l'.-. J.-I-e
( -.:!:. i-. .
laa h- f, s.-il.
As w;o l,e
i. ..Iin. 1:1. M ,.1
A ieiv d - . - a
1 .. :- - 1 a. -..- ;. a re cii.pui -
i-iaie-i a. e! d.-ii'di'-lo .oied ;
( !.a..i-.--..v, and i-jvi red
'i aev v, uii'i 1 1 .., ravel,
; . i ;.' : - v..! -. e 1 11 11 1 : uare
1 .oi'." I 'a 1 h ..:a-j::ice,
-cr. i.'.il I h I v. il !i all-v.ajol
I : o l l.-ii-.:!..-. : iriti!-
a a ! " I 1 t..r the
la. :: i:d vai'a'! eiaain ;
I hi en' .in-) : ; .a : of
.- ad - v -d u 1th a lol'i I pijt'd
1 . 1 11! 1 1' ; i - : : h--y wero
- . a:- . a I i ,.r. lilic iae nil
I' .In-. OI'II.D.
' 1 -;- r- f'-i-ciiee t,i'ier
J-: i 1 ; (inlld an order.
1 hiie in Win Ia n, -,. u hud
I'1" ' 11 1 :' iui'i Va i-'o-. v
Aai-ei r a -a 1:' ;a ,1 y laic-r il.le-s we were
doe 1 la - jo: 1. .l:.a,iv ::!ai''.e., Ull'l
v-.i! i io .' tbeir Use would he their
t.. .- .-.joeiui'.n'h.lioii.
It ia a Sfjiiccrin r utaddiie coie-trnete-l on
strictly incdianiea! i-rinei.!e-, and the ex
jierienee derived liom livi' eMeioie
use in fcmilies, li.ilils an.', pul lie io- tit mains
I . roves il 10 he of h..-tiii;c valae 10 the pi."-
The manner of opci-aiin- the Xi.npareil,
hy ro.iiry inoiina 1 . 1 -! i : : ir on: crank shaft
'with l.ahmee vheeh) v.iilch moves liie
Jdniivfl-s al'ei-iiatdy, i- liie hii;.ie-l. least
la!i.-.-imi. and in,,.t ovi i fnl that caiihede
vh ed far the, and ac-ioniili-lies t'ne
work with the (.'icati.-t rap-iaiiy and the
least iios.:l)lu In ti.ii-.
The (.'lea; s.eed wit'a which this machine
performs wal k will he uinh-.-sioad from hc
stalenietil that il is ireared to eive six strokes
of the plunders for one t tit-n dfihc linndle,
or, when winked leisurely, iil.ent i',,ur lnm
dred Mi-i.kes n lniniile Safety In iin- lalnac
washed is insured hy Iho entire, iihsiut-u of
A girl or hoy of fifteen can work tho mu.
chine, and do a week s ivn-hin fur 11 fiinily
of six or eijrht persons in two to three hours'
time; and ii may tic reliidou to cleanse the
clothing thoroughly, vitliuut ussistauee
from Inunl ruhhin
Send lor free Descriptive Circular and
terms lo dealers, to whom cxclu.Mvo rifchl
uf huIo is Heeured.
PSl, Water irt., N. V.
July 2(i,'Cj-y
In- K.ld IhiilAI'Il.l THAN TilH CIII'.Al'
ilT. . iiu::(i.y
Yr I id III II
V o t'ca'.erm
t'':u;0f, v):ii"0ii?, tVjhpM i)J
Vl'i!fi.'. '
:irs'jo Ji-ooms:
A7. d."), r.:f Al'r.l.l-, Cony, l'fiitlll.
lief, rs to .1. Towell, 15. I-', toy, l!ii!;;v,ny.
Ij'tialiiK (lai-nei-, ('has. Haiyeu, St. .Mary's.
11..V ,'fili, I'.mpd.
A. II. (lilAV,
A. 1. Win: ax,
It. II. K.iliUlsnx,
K. F. Adams.
J.11AY, WILCOX & Co.
ST. MAllY'.,
Opposite Alpine House, 111k County l'a.
' Di:Ai.i:i::i is
Piour, Feed, Putter, Cheese,
Peed, Corn, Salt,
Pish, . l'ori;, llaui, Powder,
Canued Pruits, Pccf,
Peaus, Xaild, Glass,
AXD STAn.K llKOCi:iUt.S.
December 20, JSCd ly.
rla'i- hotels
Iae il-ull
' lailell
.11. t '-'.'t up r.s iaraa :i
('bib as iio.-s'lde. JJy so doin tliey
will be the liiians ol introducing cle.
gi'iit ciigravitiL-s into lamiiies, ami thus
;., ,.,,!.;,-..,- ..... 1 ... .1,., 1 :
. ,111. liiiiiii-. il.ilie I'll Willi i- !-.',. 11 ' . .
i 1 1 4 . . 1 .... 1 ,.,0 I
mid eonvi ui, nt slahliii; alliielied. v.'siieet- : ch an much hie.-er. coisi 101, nil v -vs ill n, a ' "' ' '
1 ner of Cent re and MM sli eis. vviih (r..i,.I ha'- and b.l'.n .
lull V solicits Iho iiatrnna''c of his u'd friends 1 we ir out .-0 soon.
and the ieil lic ;'ener.illv. I like neiv.
deel-'ho ly DAVID Til.WMI'..
Address Orders
il makes old iint-u hiek t("'- -olail1 .1.1 . , 1 I I S t.MU.N.
Nov. S, lMhi-Ibn. 'J.') Pine S't. N. V.
nt-!: 1a:i!.mmt. l'Tfi; rPO CO XS I T N IP'r I V MS
1 ryiilll Adveni-er, ,h:iviiia heeii reMiool
is toe 1
111 tic wie ld. It is n.hil.h' o; I g t laailiii in a few Weks, hy a v-ay
I as -at: '.va'er. Ii :s 1 1:1 .111 in ! siiaole remedy, aftir havin.' sull'eie 1 sever-
T lhe suhscriliiiv tiecs leave to aiiiniunce lo
G (lie ('ith-flis ..I I'll.- .....I ,.,).. -inine- .-. iin
lii-s that he lias t.h..,.is..,1 I..,,.,,,', s .!- ,., 1 '' '''''
lately (.ci upieil hy .tohn Eiinit:-., nnd thai he 11 ' '- " 1' ' ""' in years wu n a severe inn-iiiiejiion. an I
is prepared lo do all kinds of work ill a soil- j l"' ,:' "' ","-V Ihe l"ih..c. It is : ,h-,.a-l ,li(.,i-e, CoiiMim,lion is mix-
uhle stvle I wiiiaaiit'd i.-.t la siiem I lie cl-o lies. Ac-cuts . Pais t o make knuwn to his fellow suftVrcr.4
kept constantly on hand nt prices tosuit
the times. Itivo mo a call .-hop in the sec
ond siory of Monk's buildin-.
oell-ly.. C. LI-.YIS.
sonii:tiiin(i nj:v!
riAiit-i st r.sctiiii e it v. ti i; i. d i; n-
X specifiilly inform t!ie citizens of lllli
county that ho litis just btarted in the
uhovo business in liidgway. ami feel confi
dent that he can please all who may favor
him with their custom. (iliAIMNll.
l'APIllt UANtilMl AM) CA I.Cl V lNlXl!
doni: ox snoirr ndtici: and in iiiii
u r liom we olh-r ex- ',e iae-. lis of cure.
i::..n-.lui-iry ui u.c-:neiil. ...!i-.-.i, . 1 To all who desire il, he will send a cony
''" "j'Ai;Cir(il.O.'S CO. I nf ,!. pres -ripiiun used, free of ehary.7,
l-- t'n'ion Si., Xew ..! k. n;(, ,),,. diiectioi.s far yirpiniritis ihe saaie.
i'whicli ihev will tind a Sure Cure fur Con-
suni)i:iou. Asthma, Dronehits, &e. Tho on.
I--.0.-I fiishioiiiihle and improved iniinner end cm and We I'-rn T
llMel.lve Maoul'a.-'.ei ", i and hat nrters of
si. iao a:;i Me!:i:i,
sit.vp:ji WAPti:,
Am: .iti'.'AN, !7i:i.i.-n ami tswie's
'::sr:l bj (iar&elrcs,
.tnd every de.-.-ripi ion of
I'.lXCV (h.ul.s AM) Y.tKKKU XoTlOX",
ripccially adaieed ano de.l-a'.al for South-
style. Orders left nt this OMico or lit the
lt-.iiikin;; llniise of Souther, Willis vV Suc.i,her
will be proinpt'y lUtendcd to. '
W. I'. 1I.blAM.?,
i irc-ulai-s ntcl lull d.'iei-ii.-.ive I rtce Lists
sent tree, AyrnN v.-au'ed evervwhei-e. Ad.
ihe-s SAL) e.L'i'.Y. l'd'.l.'.'.v Co.
el Dona. nee street,
iK-t.S'ill'i ly,'ice, H. 1.
ly ol ject of the advertiser in sending tho
r. escilpiiiiii, is to benefit the tifilicteil, and
' 1 read iut'io-iniition which ho c.meeives to
he iiivahiahle ; tind he hopes every suH.'.i-era
will try his remedy, as it will eo.-i theiu
lieihiio.', and imy prove a ble';iuj.
i'liiiies wishing tho jircseriptinu, will
p'.c.ii-e ml.l-.-esa
VriV.ianisimvf. Kiii's County, Kt .v York.
Oct. S-ilU iuiitl-ly.
n on piFTNTiNa "
Ci! MAPIiYoc