I...- 1 .. 1 -Uj....l'J I -J! 11; Cohosh HObcogla. .ion wonK. EV. '1 O in hand bill, 60 copies or lets iV.prt ImtiiMiUI, CO copies or less t hntidbill, 60 copies or less ret linnd-bill, 60 copies or less i i SF.'- RLANKS. i'v mmntitv under five quires. SL ,'oie ; on nil nmnunls over th.it u 1 'c vn'pctinn will bp made. r terms of paper. f l.f'i i rv vein- in advance $2. fit) if paid 1 n i be year, njid $2,60 if not paidwith ti : I lime. K'-r Timrat ttidsrunj. J"-.', '"vrvcss Fast 11:05p.m. ",5 '.In West 3:47 a m (',. Vail Vast 3:50 p. m. i!o West 1:24 p. m. Tr-i l Freight East 10:30 a. m. .i.i no W est 0;lo p. m. noti c e . T i nftcr the Post Office will be clioi'tl pvcry evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it wiil be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at C P- M. L. LUT1IE11, T. M. Nkw fcntiici.E. As will be seen by Tt (tMH-e to the table of the P. & E. 1! 15. Company, they have again chaug- -.i ibir time. Masonic. We learn that u charter fur a Masonic Lodge al this place has be-n granted, and that the order has received quite u number ul'ueiv members ft hcuimi. The sleighing has not, ftr Hjiiny wiuters been better than the pit-M'iit. As a cocecjuenee trade is soon what brink, aud business looming . 'ahtiks having richer civil or criir.i. tun business before the Couvts should rev ib tit their witnesses are iu Ridgway on i In! opening of Court, and that they stay about the Court house, until the e iii which they ore wanted, are Cn. v .- 'I" ;ociath.e. Thi3 society meets n.i.v (Fr'uhj) evening, at the i . ' Mr. Jerome Powell. These U iiwrrinu'S arc well attended, which (act r3-e:s j;reat credit on the community mhI the projectors of them. Fat at. Accident. On Dec. 29th, Gi'li on Lcvaley. was fatally injured by a tp- fallinz on him, near the lumbering camp .f Finlon ami Woodward, on Kcr-f.-y Run. Hu lived after the injury an hour ami a half, was 30 or CS years of sgc, iind leaves a wile and four childien who live row in Syracuss. N. Y. II! wasla.tr? a resident of CanauV. His body li the Catholic "ie. burial cround in ?,r: At Brandy Camp, Jan. iv.Tj Little. Mr Pitncijoitus !. TikimpsON, to Miss 51 artiia k Moore. T'lEO: At his resid!nce, in Jay fp., T'iKiMAs Bliss, aged 7- years and 9 1: '.:lis. ?'r D'iss was one of the few living :; the war of 1812. Ho is done ."" 'he many incidents and hard'. that almost ancient war. v cere Li vita jwaie 2'rivre frui, ' !)th ult., near Boot Jack Mis. tiMtET Ward, wife of Patrick 1 I. tied about iJl years. 1 c 2Sth, at the house of her futh in Fox township, Eliza Kemer. it. aed 2$ years. . .'-tiawinut, on January 3d, 1857. Ia.MD P.YAN, aged i years. The iron Manufacturers of Pitts. I ui"; intend to suspend operations this i'."!,:b, but will resume as soou as "hey pfti such legislation as they want t i :iLiea.-e their already heavy piof- ' chasI'inatio.v. A lady who lit difficult to awake a early as she v :..! in the movninpr, purchased an al uiin watch. These watches are so contri ved us to strike with a loud whirrinjr ncie. at any hour the owner plct.sts to set them. The lady placed her watch at :', brad ot the bed, and found herself .':' e ually aiouso.l by the ion.,' rattlinc s..i.nd. J-he iniiucdia'ely obeyed the sutii :u 'OS. mid felt better all diy'f',,1" her early ',' This cou'.iuucd for several weeks. i'mii watflt faithfully performed ..!i :e and wad distinctly heard so lonjr u nas obeyed. But, after a time, the 01.l v Li'ew tired of early rising; and, when -b;. .,vus wakened by the nois monitor, sh.' lucre!' turned herself and slept again. !n a lew da s tho watch ceased to rouse l"i I rum slumber. It spoke just us loud. . 1- ever, but she did nob hear it, be. r she had acquired the habit of diso. ' it. Finding that she might just tie without an n'anii watch, she i the wise resolution, that if she i.Hird the sound again, she would ..no up instantly, ami that she never v 11 id allow herself to disobey the friend, i". naming. Ju.it so it is with conscience. 1. HHi.Ley its dictates, even to the most 11 Hg patticulars, we always hear its i. :--e. clear und strong; but if we allow u irvive to do what we have some fears iit, md bo quite light, we shall grow in: re and more sleepy, until tho voice of C'lijscitucG Jias no lunger nuy power to a wake a Ui.L'x. NEWS AND ri:ilIOI)ICAI. S I 0 R E J DAILY WEEKLY PAPERS will bo for sale hereafter, regularly at The ST. ook Stoke 1 N MARY'S. iV. B. Anv work, cither American or Etiropcn. Reiiuious, Scientific, Phil osophicsil, Historical, &c., will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Rook or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent lor by mail atiu be received in a few days alter or- jun. 14-ly. stoves! stoves':: stoves'::: John Sosenheimes. & Co., V HOLES!. LB .V UETAIL UEALEStS. bT. MARY'S, I'A. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, n lurco and well solected stock of TIN WAKE. STOVES See. V,o have evcrythnu; penerally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOV ES consists in part of ANTIDUST PAUL011& COOKING STOVES, ALSO I HON GATE & WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be had at our shop cither riveted or proved. Spouting ami roofing, done on short notice and at reasonable rates. June 1 1'60-ly. T. Hazel tine & Co. Variety Hall, WARREN, PA. Offer tb cir customers at this season (lie lar gest assortment of Holliday Goods, ever exhibited to the people of this section, snvli as Dolls, Poll-Bodies, Dol! Cradles, Toy Bureaux, Toy Tables, and Toys of all Fossiblo Kinds, Teks, Work Boxes, Portfolios, -Albums, Fiuc Books, Toy Books, Primers, &c. 00 Look at their Samples of DIARIES FOit 1867. -00- Don't forget to cull and see their FINE STOCK Now just opened! -00- You will find their Low dec203nj 3Visincss IDiredorij. LICENSED AUCTIONEEK. TVTOT1CE is hereby given tluit I have tnk- en out a license An nnct;oncor, mid will n.tend promptly to the calling of all sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling srles without allcensa wil be held answerable to the slriet leitcrof the law. r. W BAUUETT. Dec21186Ctf. Auctioneer. W HEEIiEB it WILSON'S SEW. ING MACHINES. The under signed having lieen appointed Sole Apcnt ior me Huio 01 neeier n uson s sewing Machines lor i."lk county. He keen an assortment eonstt.iitly on hand Machines siml nt I'liilndelphiaund New Vor prices. Any pirtics desirous of obtaining tlieni can address ,J. K. WIIIT.MOliE. March Ot-'CG ly. at lUdway, Pa. 11 OVER1IOI.TZER. MERCHANT TAILOlt, Ilidgwaj', Klk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the ciliztns of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepa.ed lo make lo order as well iu if can be dune anywhere, anything in the line of his business. All he asks is n fair trial. Good Fits gimnlileod. E.CIot!is. Casiniers. Vcstings nnd Trimmings of the latest and most approved slyles kept constantlv on band, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. aug.'lO.y T shj:iu:k. T f I b aler in Mi'SW ROOMS; Ao. 45, Fcrst Aienur, Corny, Pcr.na, Refers to J. Powell, It. F. Ely, Ridgwnv. Ignatius tinnier, Chns. Haigen, St. Mary's, nov 22,'liO, Ginpd. A. H. flu ay. A. I. Wn.t'ox, R. II. Emebson, E. F. AlAM8. QJX AY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposite Alpine House. Elk County Pa. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, 15uttcr, Cheese, Feed, Corn, Salt, Fish, ' 1'ot-k, Ham, Powder, Canned Fruits, Ueef, Ueans, Nails, Olass, AND STAPLE GROCERIES. December 20, 1866 ly. del inc. NEWjpop. JOHN 0. HAM,. Attorney nl Inw. Ri.lg. way, Elk county Ta. mnr.22T0 ly. 015 WORK of all kinds and des. cripfions done at this office. CARVER HOUSE, Warren. Pn.. Hull & Hull, Proprietors. nugtCUO-ly ALPINE HOUSE, .ft. Mary's Pa.. Her lnnn Krctz. rroprictnr. pugO'nTi milK "art olviO DANCING n-l BAN0.1 I 1'l.AYTNO taught by G. Vi. DROWN, Ridgway, I'a. fscpHdf XECUTION.S', SUMMONS. SUEPiE, j iias, Warrants, &c, on hand and ior lie nt this: office. R. W. JAMES 15I.A KF.LY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mnrv's, Elk onunlv i!iar-22';fi.1y. 1'.. AV. W. SHAW l'raeiice- Mnlirine and Surgery, Cenlreville. 11 U I'lnmty inar-22'r'li ly. I'll. I'll. BP.. A. S. Hit. I. Kersey K'.k cinitu v IV Will promptly answer nllpmf"-l"iinl calls bv niirbl or dav. nmv-22"! i v. it. l".l!l". .T. llbSS. riiysieiim and ' peon. ft. Mary's Klk e mmy I'u .imie-2rVMv. rjofmO'l Oil, flood Qualiiy. I.y lj tin it el, lit UU ienti per gallon liv octll t!' .1. rti'iM l.l the 1 vonAvniit Wlof Siiii..Fb.t'r. or l'eed. yon can save inniiey by lni inj; ol net 11 It. .1 IOW 1,1,1, i;i:n; .1. iu,aki i,y. AtloiT.ey mid S. t'ononis. j 1 ouns'ouor ni taw. ami i iosnor. lthlgwny 1'. O. E'k count v. IV mar 22"tir,.ly. SOUTIiKIl AN'I) WILLIS Atlovneys tit Law. I!i lewav. Ell; countv Ta.. will nil end to nil p;ol"sioiial business prompt- lv. Itnar--J. lit' ly. Dlt. W. lb ilAHTM AN. St. Mary s. Klk county. Vn. Lae of tho Army of the l'otomao. rarhcular attention given to nil cases ol surcricnl nature. iiuir-22'ilil-ly. If VOU AVailt L'r .Inner or Dr. Ayer's eelebrnled iMeibehies. pure-, call upon the onlv nutliorued ngeni in lliilg wav. oct. 11-if .1 i'OWELL. l'OCOl'ICS Ol fill lvin'lsa. VJT el, lien per limn can be bought at E. ic. nt wholesale or retail, by oct 11-tf. J. I'U o 1,1, i,. HYDE IIOLVSE. Ridgwny, Penna. Mrs E. 0. Ci-r.MEXTS, Proprietress. Nov 1.8m TOR PRINTING, such as Cards. IVs:-v Hand Hills. Bill Heads ,l.e.. d the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short i nud nt reasonable prices. IT. VOLK. Manufacturer nn l l o , . in Lncir Beer. opposite tbeF.ai'i.i Depot, St. Mnry'g, Elk couniy Pn. Mar-22'0lily. Ol! DWELL AND MESSENG I'll ln-.-i gists. Dealers in Drugs and Chemirn's. aints. Oils and Varnish. Pcrfnmci v T ib cl ai iicles nud Stationary. Ridgwav. Eb coimly Pa. mar 22'illi ly HENRY II. THOMAS, Healer in a.: kinds of Furniture. Spring Rods nud Mattresses. Picture Frames and Coflios Ridgwny Pn. Wnrc Rooms on th eo-n r of Main nnd Depot St's. m.iy-17'lt!-l . R. J. S. ROTtriYVELL Eleetie Vby-i-cian. I.nte of Warren county In., will pi omptly answer nil professional calls by night or day. Residence one door ,asi of the late rcsidenco of Hon. J. L. 0 ill is. Mar.22'015 ly. ASHINGTON HOUSE. St. Mary's. Elk roiinlvPa., Kdwnrd Babel Pro. prietor. ' liis house is new and tilted up with especial care for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. M!ir-2f'G-ly. O' Wholesale & Retail Dealers in L lour, l'ol mid Or run, CANAL MILLS. ER1IL l'A. Orders solicited and promptly filled nt mar ket rates. Bug Oth-lili-ly JOll.SG. ll.M.I -...IAS. K.I'. IMI.I.. HALL & UHO. Attornovs - at - Law, ST.' M ATJY'S : BENZINGEll P.O. El ! COUNTY. PA. September 20, lSflO. lv. ST. M Pro MARY'S HOTEL. II. V.. Wei'eo.lo fj b"lk countv Pa prietor, St. Mnry's. l ins house is new and until up wuh espe cial cave for the ronreniol'.c" and c-u.l'. rt ol guests, nt moderate ratio. Fee M-.cl. in and from the Depot. Inched. Good tnb')ip nl I" C,",. 1y. P3-CTICAI CROCK AND U'A''CH. MAKI R .--ST. M iRY'S F.!k .onnty I n Edw-ntl ?ilcBr:ile. keeps eoii.ooi-lv on h ind nnd for sale. Wa'ebes. Clocks. Silver Plair-d Ware and Jewelry ol nO ib- vo lions. C!-!, Repairing ne.-i'ly exceuled. nnd ri'-ne on i-linrt noti 'ennd reasonablo tcco-; Mar 2!i'ii)-ly. "HI AY Ell HOUSrl. I11TJGWAV p D Vli) THAYER. Piopi The uuilersigned having titled up i large hud commodious hotel on il,c s io'hwesi co ner of Centre and 'illstie'ts. wii!i good and eonvtiiieni stabling annulled re-pert fully solicits the patronage of los old friend. nnd the put do gencrjlv. dccl3 0ii lj DAVID Til YER. rtjhe subscriber begs leave lo 'nnoin cp tn the citizens of Elk nnd aooiii.iig louu. tics thai he has purchased Ihe lup ni-ss shop lately occupied bv John Bwuiz, tin is prepared to do all kinds of work oi a nolo st le, SADDLES.BRiDLES.IIA !. kepi constantly on hand at price- i" Ihc times, (live me a call shop in il.e ondstorr of Houk's luibbng ocll-ly. C. LEVI SOMLT11INO N 11 W no -MO sl-ll- HOUSE, SIGN So OENAIIENTAL Vf " 1 1 MIK SL'llSCKltl E It W O C . I' I spectfully inforui 1 lie ciii.eo county that he" bus just sinned nbovo business in Ridgwny. and feel dent that he can please all who ua.y him with llinir custom. OiiUSl' PAPER HANGING AND CALi'IMi Done on shout notice and i most fashionable nud impi ovcd m i : style. Orders left nt this Ollice Ranking House of Souther. Uillis will be promptly attended to. W. P. ttlLLI.iil; (J&y-nca-ly. -a. i i he ooti 1 tl ' 3JUi?llil)C0lS. At'.iiE CAl'AI ITY, CHEAT iregntli i ntnl uneiiiialled ppecd, simplicity and co. npleicness of operation, nrc qualities pe. collar In the Nonpareil Washing Ma chine. Tt is a sqnecziiis machine constructed on ft -icily mechanical principles, and t lie ex perience ileiiTcd from five years extensive use in fcinilies. hotels and public institutions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser The mitnner of operating the Nonpareil, by romvy motion nhtin oh a crank slmft with balance wheel.) which moves III? plungers nltertnitely, i the simplest, least Inbiirioiip and most powerful that can be ilc vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapioity and the least pnssil'le laimr. The great speed with which this machine perforins work will bo Understood from he statement that, it is geared to give six strokes of Ihc plungers for one turn of lhc handle, or, when worked leisurely, about lour hun dred stri kes a minute Safety to the fabric valmd is insured by the etiiire iib.- ence Of rubbing. A girl or hoy of fifteen can work the ma chine, nnd do n week's washing lor a f initly of jix or eight persons in two to three hours' time: nnd ii may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly without assistance 1 from hand rubbing :end for free Descriptive Circular nnd i terms to dealers, lo whom exclusive riylit ! ' i.f 'o is socorptl OAKI.EY & KEATI.VC, 1S4, Water St., N. V. July 2b'(;0-ly N o run: to o i i i: i rr- OHS Ine l.i i u linn ol lonke K U nulls of the borough of St. Mary's. Lb; couniy. I'a., having on the Mist day of Oc tober, A. D. 1 SiKi, made a general assign ment lor the benefit of creditors to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said firm will pleae make payment, ami nil having claims present tl.em lo CHAULKS Mt'YEAX, Assignee. St. Mary's. Benzingcr i'. O. Pecemher It li , 18(if5. OST. Strayed away on Thursday, 27th j ult.. a siiiall black mule, both shoul ders sore from Collar rails Any person rettiinitio; him to the Alpine liouse, or leaving iuforuiation, where the mule can ho found, will ho suitably rewarded. St. Marys. Jan, !!, 1807. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Til ?T A MEETING OF THE STOCEIlObU ci of the Daouseahutida Improvement Company, will beheld on the first Tues day of February, Jhh day, at the (dace of tiio company at No. fill, Trinity huil ilio'.s, ih'cadivay, New York, at 10 o'clock. A. M. lor the purpose of choos. in;: ollici-rs fur the ensuing year, and the Ira: sactiiol of such other husiness as may come he'ore the ireetintr. JOHN S. Onil'l'ITll, Seerctarv. Al-Fit.n OF THE OIL CnEElv AND ) RIDGWAY RAILROAD COMPANY. : I'biladelphin, Dec. .list, lSGtj. Notice i in S.sockliolders. The 'lnnual mectinir ' i" r h e Slot khnlders of thu Oil Creek t ml 1','dgway Uailroad Company rtill he . In-id mi Monday the fourteenth (lay of .Inottarv. ISCiT. at 1 o'clock I'. M. atNo. ' ioS. Smith oil street I'hiludelphitl. Annual election for l rcsident and lh. lectins will he held same day and place. JOS LESLIE. Seiotary. NOTICE. IN THE of Elk THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS County. -No. 15, January Tirin, 18117. In the matter of " Petition of B. F. Ely for n ooinn'ission of dc lunalien inqiiiraulo, in behalf of Lucrelia Warner, of Riilgwny, Elk county, Pn., widow of Zebulon Warner, deceased." To tlief; iends or relative: of t.e said Lu. cretin Warner : Notice is hereby given ia pursuance of an order of said Court, that n Jury will be empanelled from I lie Jurors attending the next Court of Common Pleas the 2d Mon day of January, 1 80". at tho Court House in Ri. gway, nl 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, nnd thai the infjiiisitinn will be held by one of I lie Judges if said Court to impure as lo the lunacy of the said Liicrelia Warner. SOUTHER & WILLIS. dcc2be Att'ys for Pcl'r Q I rVM tjl'HW YEAR!, O-?''' -' waut A8u,s eveiywhere loscll our iMiuiovBi) S20 Sewing Machines. 'I'hreo new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary or large coimni isious paid. The only machines sold in the United States for less than $ 40. which nro f jll i Ua tuirH In Joue, i U'lierltr $ Wilton. O.over ,y li ikei, Stayer .V Co.. and liaclitlihr. All other cUrap nia chines nrc infringemthl and the seller or user ar'i reliable to arret, line and imyr'nenvnent. Illustrated c'rculars .sent Vec Addi'ess, or call upon Kaaw & Clark, at liidileford, Maine, or Chicogo, 111. may-17'tiO-ly -VTOTICE IS IlEREA'Y GIVEN THAT LETTERS Of AD.MINISI'RATION mi the Irflate of Ivldv Ilvatt. late of j Fox township. Elk county, deceased, ' have hfcn oiantcd to the undersigned. thcreiore all persons havino- claims nuainst, or arc in any way indebted to said estate arc requested to call and settle their accounts. J. X. HYATT, Adtn'r. OlU'lIA HYATT, Ad's. 'Ieel3 6tpd. NTED. A'iEN'TS S7S to 8200 PER MONTH for entlcmcn and S3 5 to S7S for ladies, everywhere, tii introduce the Celebrated Common Sen.-e Family Sewing Machine, iiuprov- I and perlected. It will hem, fell. st'tch. quilt, hind, braid and cmbioiiier beiiutilully. l'lico only 520, liiakio the. elastic lock Btitch, and fully war, ranted for three years. o pay the above wanes, or a commission, from which twice tnai amount, can do maae. Address with stamp, or call on C. liwu .V i;u., alesrll0n .o. South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Fa. sell letters answered promptly, with uiicuhirs and terms. May-81'GG-ly. 1-1 FOR SALE. 'l'lie Store-liouse and Let ' occupied by I'm ke nnd Wood is otfrred o r sale. -1 desirable locntiou in the thliviii; bornuoli of'St. Marv's. Apply to CllAS. McYEAV, Uenziooer P. O. Jau. 3,67.tf. Elk Co. Pa. TiT'jeillitncfiis. fT'IlE SILVER SK1KT. x mohe durable, more elastic, more graceful: And will kepp Its shnpc and retain Its place better than any otl cr Skirt. Tlii new nnd beatiful style of Skirt (Pnt er!".d March 7, 18'j",) was nwnidtd by ihc Great American Institute Fair, held in New York, October, 180-5, a SILVK MEDAL, being the Highest Premium ever given for n Hoop Skirt. TIib Steel Springs are wound with fine plated wire in place rf n cotton covering which will not wear oil' or become soiled, and the whole skirt may be woshed without injury or fear of rusting, and will be ns good as new. The Combination Silver Sldrt This invention combines with the on'dna ry Sain the tuivnntnges or out" Silver Skirt t lie bottoni hoops nrc the same ns those us ed in tho Cilver Skirt; the covering of which cannot wear off. while the upper ones nri covered wi;h cotton. No lady having once worn one of our Skirt?, will bj willing to wear any other, ns the lower hoops of ill! other kinds are soon in.jureil nnd soilee I. The best milteeials are tisul in ihe'r cn slrnctioti. and, from their ilnnibditv and neuiuess they are destined to becotno a Favorite' Slcii-t. Manufactured solely by tne Silver Skirt find Wire Kanu fr.eturir.rj Company, ol) and o, V.AIK LAY ST. NEW YOUK. T. S. Bit.rky, Sup't. Aug Ot'n-ly PIIOTOGKAPII B. E. E. T. AKTHOITY CO., Hin'ofacturevs of Paotctrraphi: Material, Wholesale and lli'tail, off. BROADWAY, N. V. In addition to our main busineo.i of PHOTOGRAl'lliC MATERIALS we are Heaibiiarters to the i'olluiVing. vi. PTERESCOPE3 & STERE SCOPIC IEWS Ol' American and Foreign Cities iltid l.and senpes. (ri'oups. Stntnavv. ele. STI'llKSCOl'li! VIEW.". OP TUB WAR, From negatives mti'le iii tile vanntis cani paigns and forming a complete Photograph, ic bistorv of the gieat contest. STEUESCOPIC VIEWS ON OLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stcrescopc. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PH0TO6 1! A P 11 IC A LRU M?l. We manufacture more largely thah any other house, about i'110 variefios from oO cents to $50 each. Our A LRU MS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any ruber. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc, etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of tho most celebrated En. gravings. Paintings, Stn'ues. etc. Catn logues sent on receipt of stamp. Pliotop rnphcrs nnd others ordering goods C. O. D.. will please" remit 25 per cent of the amount with their order. IftfTlic prices nnd quality of our goods cannot fail to satbfy. (June 14'011-ly. J. CUUNEV A: SON, rilOTOGRAPHIC ARTisTS, 7U7, BROAliWAY, N. Y. IN addition to our Photographic Art Gab lery, estab'ished in lb-10, wo hove for l be last Five years had advantages su perior to any other establishment in on. taming sittings from hli', of all the Prominent Cekbiities of the day in Card portraits end are now publishinj; a Catalogue of over 2 S 0 0 S L1 1' J E C T S , American and Foreign, also a l.ii i;e list of copies of Works of Art nnd En jrav. ings. Catalogue sent on receipt ol Stamp. An order for one dozen pie. tures fiom our t ata!oi;ue wt!f be filled at 81 0, nnd sent by mail lree. Single pictures 12.) cents each, copies yl oj. ravini;s IS cents etjch. N. 15. Wo also desire to call attention to the advantage we have lor repniduc t n sr. or co:iving, old Ibjuerieofvpes, Amhrotvpes, Card Pictutcs, .lie., of de. ceased relatives atid friends, enlarging theiii to anv size, and finishine; in Oil, Water Colors, or India Iuk, with the aid of teu talented artists. Parties desiring copies, should there fore correspond with us direct. Send for a catalogue. The trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for free inspection, nnd strangers visiting tho city will find our Gallery one of ihe most agrecible places where, in to while away an hour. J. GURNEY & SON. Eep-20 Cir.. 707, Rrn.idwtiy, X. Y UR STARCH GLOSS, Is ihc only nrticle used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pass smoothly over tho c'otli, saving much lime nnd labor- Goodn done op w ith it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear nut so socio It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL IJLUR is the best 'n the world. It is soluble in hard ns well ns soft water. It is put up iu the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of nny offered to the public. Ii is warranted not lo sneak the chillies Agents wanted everywhere. In Humi we oiler ex traordinnry inducements. Address. NEW YORK .STARCH GI.W- Co. No. 2;8 FiiIioii Si., New York. 7tLISHViti HSU. IS sToT Extensive Manufacturers mid im porters of COLD, PLATED 6 0EEIDE JSWILBY, SOI.lt) AMI Ml'Kr.l. SILVKll WARE, Ajikrioan, Knoi.isii anu Swiss Watches, Cased by Ourtsetvca .iud every description of Fancy Goons anb Yankee Noro-is, Especially adapted axo designed for Soutli ernnud Western Trade. Circulars nnd lull descriptive Prioie Lists sent free, Agrnls wanted everywhere. Ad. dros SALISBURY, BKO.'it Co. 51 Dorrance street, cct.25,'66 ly. rroTidono,,!'.. I. A MK.;!'N AHTiT?l:2'10N. ii.e AM;;i;i('AN autIoTS t;x- ION c si: l .. -i.mI INj4 nnnouorc that in oioi i ! ' i' nd I ho f nic of the fill, l.iwii'a W" i i. i"wn ttiol hitrhlv ropular. XT Li. I. I 'LA ; i: liXURAVJXUS lpaitm-"' the I'ilj-.vliu Fallier.'! for AniiM-ica. tl x 80 in Landing of the Pilgrim rath. its, 27 s r.f.J Fulstoff JltWi vtit' his He- emits, Co s SO Shiikesncar tiioi hii Friend?, 27 x ."I i'otH't's Saliininy Night, 'SA x 2S Village l!lai-kstui:li, '2 x 2 Manifest. Ib'stinv, (Fotlune 'J elling.) 21 x The Massacre at Wyoming; in 1770. 13 s 20 Mount A'ernnn in the olden time. or. Washington nt 80 rears of age, 2G s 21 The escape of A bister ?I:-.c- Jlnnald from the Massacre of (Ilencc-R, 20 x 3-1 The Mad itiTia, 2(5 s 84 They have ih ei'.ieil expedient to offer to their friends. n;ul t'or- public at one dollar and fifty e-:nt-t each, the pvico hcrclolorc having beet) twocloliats each, and lor ihe pu'ijioeof slimulntinjr the cclitno; up of Clubs, they have deter mined lo award premiums tn the peuers up ol the Clubs, and in addition thereto to liistrihiiie amongst the subscriber the sum ol ' f."0, OoO in nioney and paint inj;s. as snon as tbe stile shtill have, reach ed 10il,(HJO etiyravinj;s. As ifis our intention tn advertise very extensively, and as the cnpiavinoS ;,!C kC kittiwtf tlirouohout the whole country, wo havo no doulit tiiiit with tli3 low price we chaise tor thoni. and with the exertioti which we put bu lb hy our nuu-crous frteiids, the imtbbi'r will he roaehed in slioi t tiii'U Asskiii as it is lettched, the Mti.-i-t.i.r i.,, 1 1;:. .uali their ('Inb Agoiils. will hf noticed hy a circular letter Iroiii ns, immioo; the lime and lut lhod of distribution. , CLUB RATES. Si ale i.oiiraviu,..s bl,o0 each, by mail free. For $ Iii we will send 23 Eupr. and 2 to the Club .orf. ' 20 1 25 ' as ' ;,0 ' 7S ' l"J The C IS 20 2S oil SI) lid l.l-kll " n Silver V,'atch. " a Silver Lever, a Hunting Lever, s will be very se- Ub en re I y pacsi" il. o Oil'l i warded by Exprcs.v ; " 1 1- C :i 1 s M d i.y ' 1 i 1 ' fin w ard t !oi Sight i;.. t ivg'.sti-n d ii for each I i fir. iii- no '.I a p-jekv. ! I . ' either by Express, Ollice Order or in n utid iu all cases tho be iuimtdiatL'W sent, . . vif o u unnbf .'fd cir- will be enclosed i.i :''?. Persons wish ; . ii:g3 and pay tlio '. iii v are rcocivei1, nil with their order nt"- to i;s amoutit, and ' 1 oil (hoiv bill. - i-mulums ; ributed. C. O ilo,: to So:; 10 x pivs 1 Will hi- i Si lo : tliis v;ii One of f I' Five . f 1 Ten oi Fill of One boo ; iugs. rii -i cape.-, ;.; Two huu-i: 1:1 ?10,COO s.oco f,000 5.000 5,000 0 -.rarit 1'aint. It imi'd. Lands- each, 10,000 '!ci..int Oil Paint. 1 rained, Interior in;:s, ri Views. 0' t eSO each, 10,000 sso.ooa The AMERICAN ATISTS' VS. ION would add that these jirctiiiums are lo be considered only iu the light of a free gilt to their patrons, as tho Etigta.'ins are furnished them Idaw their market value, and as tho Cost of coataviiios. utter the plates ure procur ed, is very tr:fling, they eau easily Hff jrd to make toe distribution cs large ns it ii. Wc trust that otir numerous fricudt tlirouohout tho country nnd Canada.t will use their utmost exertions, to tha'. if po.-sibie, the distribution may bo made soon, nnd it can be dono if they are at all active). Ladies havo ofteu maoe excellent Club Agents, for us. nnd wc solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unrewarded' Let ono or nunc energetic persons iu every town or village in the country commeuea as soon as they see litis, and get up as largo Club as possible. Ly so doinir they will be (be means of introduciiiEj ele. gant r iiLiavings into families, and thus tt'd in cultivating a taste for the beauti ful and r. fined. Address Orders Sec. AMERICAN AATISTS' UNION. Nov. s, IM'.o.Gui. 2S Pino St. X. Y. T ( ) C O X S UM PTI VES. rinHK .'.''" i tiser, haviiij been rubtoruil to l.ea. li in n lew weeks, bv a Terr simple i-euir.lv, after uavuip sr-.ffen.-l sever al years i bui i'u '".! lous to ii (lie no ao- T-. no 'V of tin' . Willi lb wl.it i su.n;.: ly "Oji ... Piescc f pri a I be iuvaV: will ny i: nothing a Panics please ad . Willi.-i'- Oct i a ftYKO lung nileeiion, and d Consuniptiou isanx- kuja iodii fellow siiliercis ' C'llT. 1 - ro it. lie will send n copy ji;:. M. used, (free of charse,, "ns for prcptrinj tl.e sa:iK, iind a Sure Cure for (.'on . i. Brouch'ts, Ha. The no- -nlverttser in sendinj flu i.i Vnclit the alHicted, an s ' -ii which ho conceives t : id lie hopes every butRjrer . on ,ly, it will cost thoi. d i iy prove a ble:uf. ' n'J ihe prescription, wi' rVi'AP.D A. Ti"ILRON'. in'sCuuniy, Kow York. NEAT! vteditiousl; Cilf..',: 1 Ekuu.c-J u. t Lo f.OVAXC OtSl