Ik Cot.;ii jAiVvifL'. uiin c. ium., Hu ron puorniKTon. '. r. M00IU'., IMMII.ISUVK. THURSDAY: January 10th, 180G. Voiv ami Then. We tliis week lay bcloru nur reader: the last Annual lessnj:e of Governor Curtin. It will be seen that lie out Herods Herod in radicalism. A little less than a year ago Andy went to Washington. The ostensible object of bis visit, it is said, was tn procure for himself tbc appointment as Jlinistcr to ono of the foreign courts. Leastwise it may be relied upon as be ing certain that " our Andy " was en (icavoiitii: to got iuto " the ring " of Executive patronage, for upon bis re tnrn to Pennsylvania, in bis Message of the 30th of January, he says : " 5'y uuiforiii course during the late war was to avoid the discission of the .Ihile irWin her a hearty sun-crt to I National authorities in all their nieas. tires to suppiess rebellion. I shall con tinue to puisne t lie same course during the embarassnients necessarily connect ed with the entire ic-storation of the country. The principles express? I,' ilte Presidnd (Mr. Johnson) a' the commencement if tlic session of Con gress v.ill reeeire my eor'?itil snpjtnrt. ' It is well known what those princi ples were, and it is also well known that li.vemur Curtin has not given them ids " cordial support." So far from it that li e Conservative Curlin of twelve months ago. now outvies even old Thad. Stevens Mi Uadiealisni, as is instanced in the following paragraph from his late Annual message : On what principle of law or jusiiee can the rebellious States complain, if, af ter '.hey have rejected the fair and mag nanimous terms upon which they are of feied brotherhood with us, and a parti cipation in nil the blessings of our free dom, ana they nave retuseu, it tne gov ernment, in the exercise of its powers, should enter anew upon the work of re construction at the very foundation '! and then the nccersity will bo force! upon us to discard all discrimination in favor of the enemies of our nationality, to give us and them enduring freedom and im. ;urJl justice." The Patriot 0 Union, i n closing a long article ou the subject aptly says : 'Alas, that a Governor of I'cnnsylva. ilia should fall so low. It is bad enough to fee an ex-Secretary of the Govern ment plodding about our streets and eliding from hotel to hotel purchasing votes for himself; but is that any worse than the conduct of tho chief officer of Commonwealth who panders to fanati cism, bigotry and plundering instincts of party, for the same pur pose 'i We leave it'wiih our readers to judge." M parThe election for United States Senator to represent Pennsylvania iu ilit- national Legislature, takes place at IJarrisburg cm next Tuesday. It is rumored that Curtin, imitating tho ex. ample of Forney, has withdrawn, aud thrown his influence iu Stevens' favor. This narrows the conflict down- to an interesting fight between the " old Kickapoo"or Cameron, and Stevens, the widely known and far lamed hero of the Buckshot War. Of course, there- is no telling who will bo the successful competitor. Either of them have dooe enough harm to their country to be damned to eternal Iu famy ; and as it seems to be a ques tion which has done tho most, there will be a big lime. 31 ta,As will be seen by leference to our Congressional summary, tho llads have proposed the impeachment ot tho President. What will be the result is hard to determine ; we, however think, that apt as tho Radicals are in inventing exlietits, they wi'l fail ' in proving that Andrew Johnson, since ho citne iuto the Presidential chair, has acted any other than the part of a high toned, honorable and patriotic President. Put whatever may bo the result of their '-libi'i-jtions, it will not alter the high .pinion which tho American people en tertain fir our worthy Chief Magis irate. M Vktoed. The "13 1 1 1 prantina negro suffrage in the District of Cilumbia has W en vetoed by President Johnson, f n his message on tho subject besets forth his reasons for so doing in a clear ;nd unmistakable manner. The bill, however, will be passed over his veto, f-.r Logic and the Pump, if ever they bud anv ufiiliatioti, have parted, company lojr; t-iuee. M The Eighth of January. This, the anniversary day of tho Battle ol Orleans, wa appropriately celcbrat t by tho Democrats iu the larger v ci i tOJ Mr. Editor : I send you enclosed CI. 50 wiih the name of ono now subscri ber, which is all 1 can promise iu tliut i'mo. But iny "efforts," such as thry arc, shall be freely irivcn to make the Ailvwtte a public benefit, aud thns iu iluco the public to support it. One way, it seems to .ue, in which your paper may become nt once nunc j uselul and bctt:r supported, is by giv. in;.' it less of n partisan character. Not that it should be neutral, either in poli tics or religion, but that men of difiereot views should have healing tb.'ough its columns. The Editor of course i:. :-t judge, ot the merit ot particular commu nications ; but let ho best that ca;i be said by Republicans, in favor of Hepub. lican measures, bo welcomed by readers of the opposite party ; and let Republi can readers atteud to what an Editor of such catholic spirit may offer in opposi tion to their cherished opinions. This matter assumes great importance in view of the fact that lite spirit of pur ty brought on a civil war, from which we tiro scarce restored to a condition ol peace. There are ...rave questions com. iS before the-people, let us meet the issues of tho day like men, md as to mere party measures and party interests "leave that but for boys mid fool?." So in other tuattets. let the Advocate be a paper for the people ol Elk sounty ; tho different opinions, beliefs, interests, all having a chance of being heard each being allowed to say the best it con for itself while the Editor will see that the truth loses nothing by tho contrast of error. CI VIS. Stems of General intercut. There are fourteen hundred color ed voters in Massachusetts. It is said that Thad. Stevens' chances for Senator are favorable. A Detroit Judge has decided that babies are not personal property. An ambitious horse thief has stolen one of Gen. Grant's best horses. The flirtations of tho past few days have had a tendency to bo icy cool. Surrjtt will nt arrive in the Uni ted States until the end of January. The financial crisis prevails at Ha vana, and several bauks have suspended. The post office nt Elizabeth, N. J., was robbed oo Suuday of all its letter?. A fiie in Cleveland, Ohio, destroy over 810,000 worth of pioperty. The citisteus at Washington, strong, ly deuouuee the recent action of C-m- Nearly all the burnt ditrict of Richmond has bceu rebuilt, and in liner style than of old. Maximilian has divided Mexico in to four military districts, appointing commanders for them. If a woman cannot vote thev can exercise the veto power, as many a ben. peeted husbsud knows. Gen Grant has ordered the with, drawal ol the United States troops f rom Leiiugton; Missouri. A bad speller, writing from Neva da, says : " gold it, picked up iu quart " He means quartz, of course. A Yankee female rv. Mrs. Jones, of Maine preached b.rely iu the Capitol at Raleigh, .N. C. The decision of the Supremo Court in the test ot'th cases, was delivered on the last day of ihe Year, IS'dO. A rich load mine lias been discov ered in East Tennessee. Gen. Thomas will be President of a company to work it. The WashhiL'ton Navy Yard will proposed to Congress as a belter place lor the iruu.clads than League Island. The I rince of Wales passed thro' Paris ou his return from Russia, without visiting the Emperor Napoleon. Joseph Raker, once known on both sides of the Atlantic as a leading infidel, is now u candidate for holy ciders in England. Representatives in the woollen in terest iu Washington, atestr.mgly uriiiiiu the adoption of a high tariff ou imported wool. The temperance movement is making great headway in St. Louis. A new hull, to cost 20,000, is about lo be com menced. The Republicans of the Second 'Jongre-sionul District of New Hamp shire have nominated Ge'j. Aurou P. Stevens for Congress. Judge MeCunn. at New York, has decided substantially that a person losing money iu gaming is not -intiiled lo recov er by law. New Y'ork city polled almost its uiaiiy votes ut the 'ate State election as the entire Stato ot Massachusetts ouly four thousand less. The number of persons killed on the New Y'ork Ccutral Railroad, from October 1, l8Go, to October 1. 1ISC, was b'i, aud the n amber injured SO. The boasted intelligence of the Rump Congre.-s is not very conspicious ly exhibited io the tariff bill, nice 'liuseed" is taxed aud "flaxseed" is tx. Co ngrtsslonul Summary, SKNATK. The Senate reassembled at noon ye.i. terday. Mr. Fcssenden, of Maine, calhjd up the bill enacting "thai tho report ol ttie commissioners appointed" to make award of compensation to loyal owuo's ot slaves, etc., "shall report to Congress instead of to the President, and no mo ney shall bo paid from tho Treasury un der said award until such rep-.rt shall bu confirmed by Congress. ' Mr, Johnson, ot - .Marylarxi. tpjscl thn bill. It war finally passed, and goes to the Mouse. At U:2o a message was receive I fioin the President returning the Disti i :t -uf IVage bill, with his objection! thereto Mr. Cresswell, of Maryland, julro l-iee-1 a bill to amend the several "copyright" acts, which was referred. Mr. Wade offered a resolution, providing lor deep cuing the various harbor iiti;nMveim:iiis now in course ot constructnm on the Lukes. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, sub niittod a resolution, c.iilin.r u;mii the President for any ofileial cm rusp uidcuco on the subject ot an alleg' il -migi ation of citizens of tho United Stales lo the dominions tit" the Sublime I'm i,.-. peud ing the consideration ot whb.Ii tint ui in mg honr expired, and tho v : mo-sage of the President was read. ''!. An;h ny in the chair, stated that ipn'slinii be fore the Senate was. Shall iff too piss, tho objections ot the Piesid i t not.vuli- stiiuditiL' . Mr. SaulsbuiA unveil to print the tncssa'-c. and i"-st o io until to dav. Tho motion was !-! Mr. Morrill took the floor mi l r lo .. tew points in the message, aro.n : 'iii.il the question of stifir.igo did n tn Ion.: to the people of the District iu'ir -1 Mi. Sherman followed lu tho .- rue s rani Mr, Cowan, in reply to Mr. Morrill, asked if the people of the iiisrnet had nothing to do with the qur-ii who had ? The people of Maine, in- ol Ohio ? lie contended that the p. o;.i, ot ihe District had rights, and in ! o.y them the right ot self-government was io ap ply the nxe to the root ot the tree of civ il liberty. Mr. Johnson, f .Maryland, discussed the right ol Congress lo pass such a measure. Mr. Doolillie denied, as was stated in tho debate, that univer sal negro .suffruiie was tho issue in the lata canvass, or that the people, had de cided iu favor of this bill. Tho ques tion was then taken on the passage of the bill over the veto, and resulted ; 2'J yeas ; PJ nays. So the bill, receiving a two-thirJs vote, was passed and goes to the House. The bill to admit Nebras ka was called up, the pending question being upon the amendment making the condition that there shall ho no distinc tion in the civil and political rights among the inhabitants ou account ot col or, which wa" disagreed to. and tho Sen ate at 5:2J adjourned. Housi:. Tn tho House, immediately af'er tho hiuma! was n-.id. the Soeaker M'occeded 1 lo call tht States for bills and resolutions, under which numerous private bills wire offered and referred. During the call, Mr. Loan, of Missouri, threw a b oub shell into the Radical camp iu the shape of a resolution direeily calling tor the impeachment of the President, which upset '.heir late caucus arrangements anil considerably di.-lurhed their equa nimity. A .Imlv tiino ensued in their endeavors, by pal Innin utaiy devices, to get rid ot the liuuldcsnnm customer, and bv straining a i.oini, it was referred to the Rceoiisliuclioii iVinuitKec. This trouble was haV-llv v. r v.'oen Mr. i'.oU ho renewed the n-.-oiiiiioo, with some of the objectionable leaiim removed, and another t-xci'iiii scene i.reurred. l lie morning hour cxpirfd. Iio'.vover, in the midst ot it, and relieving the anxious parties by sending the res.ilutidn over. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, then rcse, aud seut to tho S-'peaker's desk charges and spce iticatiotis imjicachinir Andrew Johnson, l'lesidetit o' lilt! United Stales, of hio ctiine and niisiieti.eaiiois, with a resolu tion referring the sinue to (be -iudieiary Conuniltc'e for invesit-atioii. lie moved the Dievious (iiie-t'-on. Mr ; nl ',1 i i) l (Kadical.) of Ohio, move I lo lay the resolution on the tablr. Nej;ntiv ed yeas 37, nays 105 Tho previous (piestiou Was tlii-n -ei-ou l.'-l. a:;d the main (ues!ion, Shall loe irso'iihou pa-s ? ordered, when Mr. Ilo'duill, of tliiio, moved to reconsider I i-r vote by wh'ch the main (juestiun w s mdered. Mr. 3:cveiis moved to lay t'uo latter motion on the table. Cariicd ye.t, llt. nays. IT. The (jueslioii t' r, tiui ring on the adopiiou id the ie.-o nt oii. il w car. lied by yeas, 107; iJ. So iho charjrei of iiiipeaelioo ii' . t i tho Com mittee on the ,1 udic! v . : lepoit wheth er Andivw Johnson t. i- It i - uilry ol acts deiuned to ovi t , ;o .w .'v;e , the ;ov eriitnent of the I'ii'p d Mati-s. The House then proee. -: '. i . - i.tw.iiess ou tllU Speaker's tab'.' i '. -levelis :in uounced his depa tn i i t lie seat of war at. ll'arrisbui. an i ir.oveil lo post, pone his reconsti tic: on loll until the loth of January. So ordered. Mr. Katidall, of Pennsylvania, introduced a bill autl o: -zinj; the i.-sue id' Treasury noles for the cieation of a siukino; fund for the extinguishment of a n.it'onal debt, which was relerred to the Committee cn liaiikuiL', and the House soon alter ad. jourued I'lil'n Arr the 8th. Theodore llHou (not tilteti,') says Iowa will bo tho first State to allow fo males to vote. If it does it will be for the rcasou that alter tho daikey, auy thiojj. An Idaho letter i-ays the business of counterfeiting jioll dust is carried ou to a serious extent, nnd the authorities of the Territory have been called oa to suppress it. A French newspaper L France I'ubii U' lien. Pooler's New York "apple speech" wi.li tin- unnouncement ihat such ' v i i- :i- ulil i.fTend the French ear" huc iu:n otmlted. That's ho roubott jet, oa Uea. . J Petition of HViile -TXm IVf urnlccl to Congress. Senator Saulsbory. of Delawaro, pres ented to Congress a day or two since the following petition, which was numctous'y signed by white men in Washington, ot course it was buried in a committee. Whereas, during the month of Decern, her, lS'id, nn net passed both Houses of Congress, granting to the African race the right ol u lira go in the District of Columbia, nt tho satin timo excluding from that privilege nil emigrants who have not resided five years in this coun try and become naturalized, and thus depriving them of tiic inalienable and intuitu rirhtof manhood snliiage, so highly prized by our loyal Congress: aud Whereas, Vie venture to believe the Caucasian emigrant, whoso intellect, in dns try and wealth hae contributed so much to the unparalleled progrc-sof this country, is just as good, enlightened, and deserving of political privileges as tho African just im.-rgod from a stato of slavery; and, whereas the Caucasian cm. igraut. though white, is a man po-sessed of manhood, and, consequently, cnitled to manlio )d suffrage. Therefore wc, tho undersigned, nat uralized citrus and emigrants, who have declared their intention to become ctzetis of the Caucasian race, and resi dents ot tho District of Clounibia, very rest aatl'ullv, and most devotedly petition your honorable bodies tc amend the !ibiiv act. in such a manner as to put nil whites, of the Caucasian race, who are ei.hcf citizens, or have declared their intention to equal footing with the ne. grocs, and extend to them the same rights and privileges enjoyed by the latter. Ex. -It is said that some of tho Rads are quietly plotting to make Colfax , Presi dent and Howard, of Michigan, Vice President. They needn't bother them selves, as uo Radical will ever occupy the White House. The nation has not been uiggerized enough for that yet. The owner of the Dutch Gap Canal has dammed up one end of it so as to get a roadway from one part of his farm to the other. It is not more than prop er for the thing to be damned now, be cause didu'l it damu Ruttled Puller '! " An eye for au eye," saith the law of 2l oses. Tho British Government it still in creasing its forces in Ireland and ar resting suspected Fenians. The Lou don Times thinks all chailco for tho Fe nians is at au end. Catdinal Cullcn has issued a pastoral condemning the Feni ans, and declaring that they had nothing to make them hope lor s-uceess. Dr. Alexander Forsyth, of Louis ville, recently introduced a silver bridge iuto a lady's nose to supply the place of the naal bones removed by scofula, an operation never before performed or written about, either in this country or Europe, lie was' assisted by Drs. Per tic, Crowe and Edeletu. The operation was atteuded with perfect success, the syuietry of tho organ being perfectly restored. jb) 2ifhjHiSv,li)i;oi?. 4 EL persons kiiowiii"; themselves in- debted to Joseph WiihciM of St Mary's, urn refucstcd to call and settle their accounts beloro I ho 1st ot l-ebrua ry, or they will be put in the hands of proper persons lor t-oilecuou. He still carries on business at 'he old stand, where ha will bo happy to see all his old customers, aud as niauy new ones as may favor hit l. JOS. 1VIMIELM. St. Mary's Jan. 10th lblitJ. 18137 PHILADELPHIA & EIUH RAIL I KOAI). This pront line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, ou Lake Erie. It has been leased by the I'rnnsyfua niit Hail Road Company, and is opera ed by them. Its entil e length was opened for pas senger and freight business, October 17t'h, 18(11. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT KIDGWAY. Lenve Eastward. Frio' Mail Train 8 -17 p. m iM'ic Express Train 11 05 p. m' Leave Westward. Frio Mail Train ' 1 21 p.m. Eric Express Train !! 50 a. in. Passenger cars run throusih without chiuiijo both ways between Philadclpha aud Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Erie 9.15 a. m'. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. in., arrive at New York 3.-0 p. m. Elegf.st Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, aud Williamsport aud Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. coruer oUth aud Market Sts. And for Frsight busiuessof the Com pany's Agents: S. R. Kint;.-ton, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. , J. IV. Reynolds Erie. W. Rrowu, Agent N. 0. 11. R. Bal timore. II II. IToi'ston, Gen'l. Freijht Aft. rhWu. II. AV. Gwinnf.r, GVn7. Ticket Ajt. Phira. Alfred. L. Tyler. 18(57 J ' Qeverat Svpt Wmi'k ' Coto.;i'V jifci1!:!!.'?. jOSTAIt'S EXTfiRMINATGU. Costar's Extermit titor, Extei i.'.iu itor, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Ext ei initiator, Exterminator, Cost ar's E x t or in i nator. Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Extei monitor, Exteiuiin.itor, Costar's Extei initiator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Fo. lints, Mice, Ttoaclios, Ants. Bed ling?, Flea". Moths nml Furs in Woolens, Insects on l'lanls. Fowls, Animals, clc. 18 years cstnhlislied in N. V. fily,' ' Only infallible remedies known.' ' Free from 1'oisous.' ' Mot dangerous to t lie Human Family.' Il'Bcwarc!!! of nil worthless imitation ! Sec that ' COSTAll'S " iinmo is ..n en- t Box, Bottle, nml Flask, before you buy. Address II EN BY B. roSTAK. 4 54 Broadway, N. Y. JOSTAlfS CELEBBATED Buckthorn Salve ! For Cuts. Burns, Bruises, Wound, Bnils, Cnncers, fnoken Breasts, Soro Nipples. Bleeding, Blind mid Painful Piles .- Sernfu- lous, Putrid nnd ill conditioned Poles; El. ccrs. Glandular Sw-llings. Eruption. Cutt neons Altectinns. Kingwurm, Iteli, Bites of plUel'9, Insects. Animals, no. JJoxcs, 2o cents. 60 cunts, nnd 1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists, everywhere nnd by llfc.MtY K. HOSTAU, Depot 485, Broadway, N. Y. JOSTAR'S UNIVERSAL Corn Solvent ! For Corns, Bunions, Warls, &o. Boa-es. 2o cents, 50 cents, nnd $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists every w'-ere, nnd by I EN BY B. COSI'AB. Depot 4S1 Broalwny, N. Y. C OSTAR'S PREPARATION OF Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms, for B autiying the Cumpl xion. Used to soften nnd beautify tiie skin remove Freckles. Pimples, l'.inptior.s, .tc. Ladies are now using it in preference lo all others. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by nil l)rugjrits everywhere, nnd by HBNRY B. COUTAK, Depot 481 Broadway, N. Y. "iOSTAR'S 1'ECIORAL J CO UGII HE M ED Y, For Coughs, Cold", Hoarseness. PoreThrnnt, Croup tVhooping Coughs, IiiHtienza, Agilona, Consumption, Broneliinl Afl'ecli.ins, nnd all diseases of I ho Throat nnd Luugv Bottles, L'o cents. 5Ueents, nnd $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, nnd by 11ENBY l. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. V. J0STAR'9 CELEBRATED Bishop Pills! -1 Universal Dinner Pill ! ! For Nervousness nnd Pick Headache. Cos liveness. Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Bit liousness, C'onstipaiiou, Diarrhoea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, nnd general -jernngenient of the Digestive OUGANS. Boxes, So cents, 50 ctuts, nnd $1 eizos, nnd sold by nil Diuggists everywhere, and by HENRY R. COSTAR. 10 I M , Depot 481 Brielwy N. Y. i'lcl'CJilfiilc. THE V IMKlo ELY is VEEEE YOU CAN BUY The Cheapest. 3 lfr5& Q 2. O S t2 CO o e n fc w m rr JV U 'I -n 5 - . . f- -n 2' k rrt m - S B -l - ' r.. a ; - " c. W . ; s M 'o S 5- b v. - T i e -j o - 5. 13 3 P " r1 o CD E-d If) 2 S ' 5 SH t M ro - --ts' t. n c r. T. "S cu si ft i Si. 'SI Ul r -i d 5 '' rSro r- r- s I ' . o f-t 13 2 3 -o .. as - rn r. tr" " -3 H js -w a t! ft 53 " ' a r n 71 ''3 fL, a 3 H ;0 m I.- 2" tr - j y-t rmms n a 5 s-r 9 8- O S OS i 2. o WE SEL1 .lOODS AS LOW AS CAN BK BOUGHT IN 2 r ie Ci i ?s GIVE US A CALL. AND WE IVI!.;, rove it G R EAT EX CI TEM UN V.,:' l;r two ft w V o c u c mi Lv. ' ft If W K H r-i c r, e r4 . INSUltANCE AGAINST loss or DAMAG E by 11 1 v riIIE Lycoming County Mufi.ri! N r,a ' nnec Company nt Munci-y, ;-, -il ues 10 Insure against Loss C i- Bi.it--. ,. , I' re on Jill kinds cf MerchauJ's; 1,.:; ;.o i privitic imuuings, euner 1.1 t ,. t ,: v u mi.v. Also on Mills, Tanne. i. s. I .,r.i so .-ks of Grain, &e., nt the lowo-i . ; . rales, consistent with tafety to i!.et:i- ,r mid lu-tiiied. Tho Lycoming iV... iuil insurance Company invites a a Itmion a 10 its stability. l.-z , anioui'.ts lo 8 2 800,000: Thus assuring to evsry one of i;s p-t-.v. mat their losae will be promptly I faciovilj paid. Its manngemeiit 1 . been prudent, as its existeu:o 01 lv.::: six years fully deoionslrates JAMES CLAKELY. AgfiH for C'.V count, at Si. MsrjV 3 EJ 3