The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, January 03, 1867, Image 4
..X ! T. Powers Column. N EW CASH GROCERY STORK D RUG STORE. A WARDED A GOLD MEDAL ! IE LARGEST STOCK OF THE MOST DESIRABLE ASSORT MENT. rpiIE UNDEHSIGNED offc I lie at liia commodious Sn Ktugway, the lerjrest and ben offers to the pub i bales Kooma il bent general at orlinent of Merchandise that cad bo fouLC at any Storo between WILLIAMSPORT AND ERIE, and at more favorable prices than can ti bought at cither of these points. 1 1 is stock comprises a splendid variety PRINTS, DELANES, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, HEADY MADE CLOTIIINII, LOOTS AND SIIOEA, TINWARE, n ARDWS RE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GR 0 CER1ES d- PR O VISIONS VSJThe proprietor, thankful for the very generous pnlronnge thus far extended to hiBjCstablishmcnt by the citizens of K!k and adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. J. POWELL, Aug.-16GG.-ly. F U 11 X I T IJ It E ! THE UNDERSIGNED T A K E S pleasure in aiiiiimcinr to the citi zens of Riilgway and ndjoining towns, that lie has just opened a Furniture Shop in Kidgway, and is prepmid to sell nil kinds of furniture at the lowest prices. His stock Consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SrRINQ BEDS & MATTRESSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, fOFAS, jUNGES, TETE A TETES, BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut, Mahogany and Black Walnut and every thin?; usually found in a first class country Ware Room. HCTURE FRAMES of all sizes, ami of Mahogany, Rosewood, Black Walnut and Ciii MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFIN'S kept on hand, and made to order, of every kind iiud description. Please CALL and examine my triouk be. fore purchasing elsewhere, for 1 hope by Mrict attention to business, and keeping all the market demands in my line, to merit the patronage of the public. Wareroonis on the corner of Main and Depot streets. 11E.NRV II. THOMAS. May-17'GG-ly, 1806 18CC PHILADELPHIA & RRIE RAIL ROAD. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Luke Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylva nia Rail Road company, and is opera ed by them. Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freight business, October 17th, 1804. TIME OP PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eaitward. Erie Mail Train 3 09 p. . Erie Express Train 11 05 p. n Leave Wettwani. Erie Mail Train 1 23 p.m. Erie Express Train 3 50 a.m. Passenger ears run through without change both ways between i'hiladclpha and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 'J.OO a. m., Arrive at Erie 9.15 a. tn. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. in., arrive at New York 3.40 D. m. Elecient Sleei'IN'o C'AR8tn Express Trains both ways between Williatusport and Baltimore, an I illtumsport ana Philadelphia. For intormation ret''ting Passenger tusiuesa apply at the K. E. corner 30th and Market bis. And for Frsight btuiuess of the Com raiiv's Agents: S. B. Kiugeton, Jr. Cor. 13tli and Jlarket fits. Philadelphia. J. ttr. Ilevooldi Erie. W. Brown, Ageut N. O. R. R. Bal timore. II. II. Houston, Cen'L Freight Ag't. Phtfa, 11. W. Gwiwnee, 2W. Ticket Agt. PhiTa. Alfred. L.1TLEB, G mitral Supt Wau't AAA. MONTH I--AGENTS t ) ) uwl f or iz 1 1 tartly new articltt, t mt. Aaftress O. T. GARRY, City ..ildir-g, Hiddcford, Mr. uisy-li 00-lT JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &o., would respectfully inlorru the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, thnt ho h;is gone into the Grocery business, and will opeu on or about the middle of May. He keeps constantly on banc au exteosivo stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SUG ARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Groocrj Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER hau the CHEAPEST. I invito everybody to call and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY- May 3d, '66. Cm. T7"ER0SENE AND GAS STOVES. IV TEA AND COFFEE RoTLERS, GLUE, I'OTS, OIL CANS, &c, &o. S& All the cooking for a "a ftg1 family ruy bo done with 155- Kerosene Oil, or Gas, -a Weff' with less trouble, and at -fcif t& less expense, than by any -i other fuel. Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. JtaTSend for Circular. -gj LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 206 Pearl Street, N. Y. July-19'66.-ly. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned has laid out a vil. lage upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be called ELK. The lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. First purchasers get the choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of the purchase money must bo paid at the time of the application. Bu Applications will he made to John Q. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, l'a. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, mar,29'66-tf. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch! Scratch t Scratch WHE&TON'S OINTMENT Will Ccnu thr Itch is 48 Hours Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending CO cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will bo for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United Mates. (june-7'ti6-ly. HLACKSMITHING ! II. S. BELNAP desires to inform the citi zens of Ridgway aad vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, and has employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'CO-ly. I71RTHS 7 MUSIC STORE, oud, Broadway, N. Thaddeus Firth, successor irth, Son & Co. Music Publisher, juf'ac- turer and Importer of MUSICAL INSRUMENTS, PIANO FOKTES, MELODEONS, CABINET ORGANS, And every description of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Sole New York Agency for the celebrated Giltuore& Cos Band Instru. ments. Our Baud department is under the personal supervision of Mr. D. L. Jlowniug. Wholesale and Retail Depot for the iJoHbijilcD 3nl-iVJt Cottle Ch'cjw, which challenges comparison as the most effective Instrument yet offered to the public. New and Choice Musio published daily. Catalogues and price lists of Id. strumcnts furnished ou application. BfLutist Musio from all the lead, ing publishers in America. Any piece of Music, or Musio Book, sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of retail price. Orders by mail Cor Musk) or Instru ments receive prompt aad careful atten tion. All goods warranted to prove as represented at FIRTH'S MUSIC STORE, sep20.1y 5roadway, N. Y H, F. OVERHOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizens of Ridgwny and vicinity that he is prepa.ed to make to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the liae at his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. Bf,Cloths, Cassimers, Vesting and Trimmings of the latest and most approved style kept constantly on band, which will he sold CHEAPER THAN TnK CHEAP EST. aug30.y GOOD JVEirSt rrMie subscriber begs leave to announce to 1 the citizens of hlk and adjoining coun Iim that ho hat purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Srauti, and that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit hie style. .SV1 DDLES, BRiDL ES,IIA RNES S kept constantly on hand at price to suit toe times. Give mo a call siiop in Hie sec ond story of Houk's building, ecll-lf. C. LEVIS. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, r.4INTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNERS' OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE.STUFFS CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, . CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. FOUTZ'S CELEDRATKD Horse mi Cattle Piute Thlt preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigornte broken-down und. low-ipirltod horses, by strengthening and cleansing the, stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre- n.a nt all ill.- . --rr"" rates Incid-nt to this snunnl, such u LINO FEVtlt, GLASDKRS, YKLLOW WA TER, HEAVES, CotliUS, 1)18 T K M P K K , FE VEKS.FOVKDER LOSS OK APPE TITE A D VITAL E.VEKOV, &c. Its uite improves the wind, increases the ftppetite-'gives a smooth and fflo.iv akin iinil transforms t h e miserable skeleton into a sne-lookinz and spirited horse. . To keepers of Cows this nrennmtlon Is Invalunble. It Increases the quantity and improves the quality 01 me mine, it tins been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers In the Lungs, Liver, tie., this article acts as a speclAe. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper In a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the llog Cholera. Friet 24 Cents per Paper, or S Papers tor IL raEPaaiD st S. A.. FOIJTZ Ac BRO., AT THEIR WHOIFSUE DM8 AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through out the United States. Sold at Manufactures prices, by Uordwell& Messenger Kidgway, Agents for Elk county. G ROVESTEEN 4; CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York. THESE TIANOS received the Ilighes1 Award of Merit! at the orlti 'air, evor the best makers from London. Paris, (ler many, the cities of New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Boston ; also the Gold Ifedal at the American Intlilute, fur FIVE succes sive yenrs! ! Our Piuno contain the French tirand Action, Ilurp Pedal, Over strung Bass, Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. ern Improvements. Every instrument ar ranted FIVE yrar: Made under the su pervision of KB. J. H. CR0 VESTEEN, who has a practical experience of over thirty, five years, and is the maker of over t!even thoutand piano fortet. Our facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell these in struments from $100 to $200 cheaper than any first class piano forte. July-19'C( COAX, CfXE Alb- I CSX CLAY11 All of auperioi quality, tor sale by th Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary'i, Elk County, Va. IfirOrders by mail prompt! Utend cd to. evptlS 5-tf AT THE American Institute Fair! OCTOBER 19, 1805. Indirect competition with all the leading makers in the country. 'PELOUBET ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. PELOUBET 4 SON, Manufacturers. Respectfully invite the attention of pur. chasers, the trade and profession, to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture: Pedal Base Organs, Five sizes, Five Octave, one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Reeds, Prio es, $235 to $000. School Organs. Nine styles, single and double Reed, Rosewood and Bluck Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $240. Melodeons, Piano style and Portable, Twelve Varie ties, from lour to six Octaves, single and double Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut discs. Prices, $05 to $2-10. Every instrument is made by competent workmen, from the best material, uneer our personal supervision, nnd every modern improvement worthy ot I lie name, is intro duced in them. Among these we would call I attention to the 1 bh.MOLA.Vl b, which has been so much admired, and can be found only in instruments of our own manufac ture. From among the fluttering testimonials of eminent prolcs-ors nnd organists, we give the toMowiug extracts .- " The pedals I couceiveto be unapproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. King. " It is n grand, good insirument, and does credit to the builder." H. C. Folgcr, Troy, New York. "They ore among the finest Instruments mnmifiiciui'cd cither in this country or 11 broad." Win. Berg. J. Moscnthul, Aplomiu ' They have given universal satisfaction." V. E. llawley, Fon-du lac, Wis. "There is a peculiarly sweet and sympa. thetic tune which harmonizes charmingly with thovoico.'' V. II. Cooke. I 11111 parti : .larly ploased with the nr-' rangement of the dittorcut registers." Wm. II. lirndbiiry. " No oilier instrument so nearly ap proaches the organ." The Chorister, N. V. This instrument has a clear superiority over everything yet introduced among us." Independent, X. Y. " The tones nnd the action nre excellent." Rev. W. S. Loavitt, Hudson, New Y'ork. " The more we use it the better wo liko it." J B Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Bank Organ is really a gein.V J W Kinnicutt, Boston, Muss. " We have found them excellent in all points constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." SB &axton, Troy, New Y'ork. " The most erfect toned Melodeon I eier saw." Ouy F No'lb. " They fall back on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of price. And we must say that in all their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio ucer. Jfciy Every instrument is fully warranted, and bored and shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Price Lists, 0., sent or. application to C- PELOUBET &IS0N, IkOOMFlELD, N. J. Or J M Pelton, 841, Broadway, New York ; rnrA 7-" ArMi Hi root Philo1'. . S Brainard & Son, Cleveland, Ohio ; J A Tucker & Co, Jackson, Miohigan ; Werner s uerara, uiociuaui, unio : Joel 11 enow. Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENTS. July 2,CJ ly www mum AT THE New Stoio of WEIS DROT1IERI te at St. Mary's, Elk County Pcnn sylvania Successors to George Weis. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of SrRIXG S L'MMEIi )f4 'ypl Vjtfl1 tfcyr flJi SILKS, hi or in a: s, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, riain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, White goods ol every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. LADIE'S & C IIILDREN'S Millinery Goods ; such as BONNETS, II ATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, dec. GL O VES dk HO SIER Y. GENTS furnishing goodt of every description, CL O THS, CA SSIMERES dc, d,c GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of FLOUR, PORK, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for laiuilv use. Cedur and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, es of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall IV per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. yEI5UY OUR STOCK directly ' from the Manufacturer and there- fore we can afford to pell cheaper than any other establishment in Elk county. THE PUBLIC are respectfully in vited to call and examine our stook and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in the county. ROTIIERS St. M.ry'; Marf 10th'fJ6. RIDGWAl, PIHNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED OARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STORES AMONG TUB Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN MB COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains I CALL& SEE i March 29th, 1860-ly. BOSTORK St. Mary's, Elk County. JUST RECEIVED 60C BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 2CC GERMAN STORYBOOKS. AN ASSORTMENT OF ALL nd i Stationary, Blank books, Timo books, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Piper, Envelopes &e. dircc from the Manufacturers for cash, we are enabled to cell at the same rates that they can be purchased inANYOF TflE LARGE CITIES, 10 per c.nt allowed on all purchases of ten dollars asd unwardd. W.J.BLAKELY. June-U'66-ly. II GENTS WANTED J. T. HE AD LEY'S HISTORY OF HIE WAR, NOW READY- Complete in TWO VOLUMES3, also in ONE. It is admitted to be th :iot interesting, popular, and valuai'r. His tory of the Rebellion, which is iu.l v at tested by the enormous sale ot 2Q0 000 volumes, and a large portion ol the country still uncanvassed. We are obliged to run our presses night and day to enable us to sup v! our Agents. Men of character and ability, who de sire a luciative employment, will fiud this a rare opportunity. The price of the work in one volumu u to low, (compared with our Historic) as to bring it within the retch of all classes. For lull particulars send tor circular. Address awwriean Pubtightnr Cmmy. 148 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. TTJMPIRB BEffINO MACHINE CO. 'rincipal Offiet, 616 Broaduay, X. T. 6REAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing Ma chines. Empire Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Maohint. It is thus rendered noise less, in action. Its motion being all positive, it ia nqt liable to get on of order. It is the bent Family Machine ! Notioe is enl'iii to ur jew and Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, for tai' rs and Bool and Sbo Filters. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will bt given. No Consignments made. r EMPIRE BEWING MACUINE CO-