D u u a s t o i; jp,. A v. .v:;i'i-;i; a gold medal: AT THE i m'm. mm . 'a 'EM , , RIDGWAi, PliNNi . i .'i:t WHOLESALE & RETAIL de aler in ; : : " i ' bit if OF $ ft ' $ it, 'i kU ',u,i '4 Americah Institute Fair! OCTOEEll 10, 1SC3. Til;: VOST MVIuARLE YSSOR.. AT THE Indirect competition with nil the lending makers in tho country. DRY GOODS, J. - J 'o -cJlYs Column. yj EW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &c, would respectfully inlorm tliu citizens tif Korsry mid vicinity, that lie Ins gillie into tliu Grocery liutincss. nnd will ujh'ii on or tibout the middle of J) ay. Ho keeps constantly on lmnc an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, sug n?, TOBACCOES, SEGAIiS, V.'HISKEY by the lavrcl or quart, and ( verytliinji eiinncctcJ with u Cist claps Grocery P-tnrc. I will sell fur CAS IT and consequent ly can ailord to sell CHEAPER ban t!.c CIliiAl'EST. I invito everybody to call and a'iefv tJtein.-ielves. .i AMES kCLOSKKY- Nay Gd, '(k. Cm. rjnrtK t'ND;::;F;G.':! frM n the pi JL !1' ! ' Sale Rooms i 1. iJl' . V, I Of. lav of ut any :wi' I 'f;:,i.iv; I.H:1 (tt 1. 1 01' -. J :. 0 '1 i; .. " :( p.: his .-'cell L,.::; HUNTS, '."l Lost general ar il c ll.:tt Call Ul! fu-L', v . r avl kkii:, price than ciiti 1 : i I') ,illM, s: U'ii.IiJ variety DC LANES, SHEETINGS, PRESS GC0!., CLOTHS, . ileady made Cl.OTHI-NG, LOOTS " and shoe.?, TINWARE, hardware, crockery, ktonewahe, (no: ;.? jjloviiux &('.. x KO.The i;,;.!,; f-..r the very ppn-rnM-" run on ;U:'- ii.r txitndi'-l to J. i establisl.rai-u by the i ii-ii-.i-r.s of l'.'.k tiu'l.i.'ljoii.hig eoon.ie;.. hopes to merit mid i.cei.' n cwir.uu i'i.:... of snato. J. POWELL, - Ai'-.-IC'tM.-lv. : ;:. T A K E S ".vii'.' t Uio eiii- I i " ;:-.i.r; towns. 1 1 1 ; L i .'ueuitiire Shop in l in sell all hinds .v-i prices. Jiis tsiock i :-."ti-'i. y, ur 'MUV .,f tv co;:1: CCMMOX CHAIRS, TABLES, ! r.:i.sTE.PS, s-PSIXCl !:u:5 & MATTRESSES ELT.i .1..:, WASH STANDS, Catic FC.it CI. .'inn (if nil kinds', 'lAircrruns, CRIBS, . SOFAS, '.f-XC'ES. TETE A TETES, r.r.minoM sens if i'1 "i"::'. V ,'iiijniiy an I li'.m-k Walnut . rvi'V.v l!.i v lo..:.":'r' found iu a li i' -1 ..in-.- .-'..uniiy V. ...c I'i.ku. 1'It.Tf EE FIIAME3 cf Ml si c -. nod nf Vlahogany, Eosowood, Elc Wa'ini. an a C lit A ':. f'i'' . ' 0,1 h ind, and mado i l.'r. ' ' . ';i t a '1 1 'crip' ion. i.c ' .... ' i inline my stock he. ' pure:. . ' ' e. fur 1 hope liy i t.'ii.: .-! t i n. t "n;-i:;: . av.d Icep'iH; nil j I !'.t mai liui ii o i i : l i my line, lu merit ' !!:? . 1 11' .! : V:' i:,e w.l'iic. Wnrei oniaii ! oe liiecjinc: o! M i ;:r;-l i-j'Oi --l: .'eiti. : . iii:::i;V ll. TiioM.'.ri. .1 Mr.v-K'ro-i'-, I. i 'i't' l.X'il'i ! "nniLADELI'HIA k Kllilv 'RAIL ,, ,,.., , . . ... , i. ROA i ). 1 ais '.rent lino travorsjs , v ., v" .i . . ,h ; Nortb. ri. ..i:a st coMies !, I t-.ti.sylvan.ti to.be city of Erie, on i.ao Lite. h ; has ,v.Mi I.M-cd by the ,.,., ...n; ,..i,,-, .soncra-j -T'y -'"' i ' ItsenM.: :,:!:MiW::oii;l...ed for F-S. ;.,.,er ii,..l l.v:r.b. October time of PAr-i::v:::R trains ;s! at kum; way. l.ne E.i ii:--J nun 11 h)ji.m LriV.-r li'rstiroi-if. I'rio Mtdl Tr;.::i 1 - ) y.'.n. Erie Exprcsh Yia'n ' o(J a. in. 1 asseu'er cars run tliroit'.ib wiilomt btille both iias beiw en l;bi!:idi.!plia t.,l ,:, . NEW YORK CONNECTION etive v .lk ;,t li.lO li. in., Atr.VO Eric !M a. l.i. I cue Kriif u: J ..." i. n.,,t,rrivc fit .N.nV i,i. ij j, Ml 1 '. ,, Kl.K.iKNI M.. i.llNii Alison r.xt,resp . -ti'ii no;N v. ... ' ".-ii V i!.'.ilnspi'rf ! IMiir. . .fi-..t..i.l U iiliiililsp.ji't nd !': iiilorm .. : . t f-t i tiit PuB.souirer viii-hS ajd'l.V ii t-liis S. U. corner HHtb 1 .M nket Sis. nJ bir Fr?L;bt liaaioess of tbo Com v' Aire i it:1: -. R. Kiii'.-tin, Jr. (V.r. 10;h and il.tf'S'- 'I'i.ixde'piii.i. I. IV. ii. .. .. i Erie. V.JJr.nui. A: nt N. C. R. R. Dal- .no. I. JT. lli-..T(.Nt a.-,.;. r,vi:t -1.7V. Phil'. W. G '.vt;. . t:u, (,..1. TUL. t Ajl. PluTu. : .i'.eu. L 'H i i.nt, OKn.W Si-i lirfu'. f liU ('!,' EN E AND CAS MOVES. TEA AMI CIlFl'in: MIT.ERS. GLEE, I'UT.S, OIL t'ANS, Siv., &.c. CO" All the cooking for a "Q3 Ztif family jimv bo done wiH t'.'ij" KctuMiie Oil, or Gas, fry with Ie."3 tiouble, a:.d at It'Sf K's-? expense, than by any "ferU t'-;7 otlnT t:id.. ! i!ucli Avihlo r.iiiMiilhjIunl hy this Com- :;iiiy is pu.ii ni.tocii lu peH'onri till thai, it c'.uiuicil i.ir it. JiiJ'SiMil for Oircuhir."'i;a LIBERAL IJISCOVXT TO THE TRADE. KEEOS'EXE LAMP HE ATE:! CO., 200 Piiatm. Sinew, N. Y. July-l;J'li!).-ly. TrALTTAULE LOTS EOH PALI'. The nn.k'rsiu'iiod lias l.tid out a vil. h-.iru upon his irroirrl ail joining the EiJg way lipp.it. to lii t;.!U- I liL!v. The loin are 50 i'ect IVont liy 100 fujt ilocp tVout intt towanl the I'liilroinl. , Terms Fur 'he iirxt 1 it sold, $100. Foi Ihe soi'ond lot siihl. 110. For the third lot sold. Sl'JD r.n l b-j on increasing in price as lots are Bfihl. CTfi Firt purchasers gei the choice lot at the cheapest raicii. Purchasers will be vegibterod in ho or der of their application Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at the time of the application. EApplicntions will he mado to John (1. Hall, E.-i., Ilidway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. llidjrwav. mar,20"CC-tf. ITCIT ! I TCI I ! 1TCI I ! Scro:ch I Scratch I SeraCch ! WHEAT ON'S OINTMENT Will Ci kk iiii: Ireu is i8 Ilovr.s Also ciim SALT RHEUM. ULCEUS. ClilMII. AINS. and nil EUU'Pl'lOXS F THE SKIN. Price 5t cents. .. '''or sale ly nil ilroi.'isis. l!v sending till cents to WEEKS' A POTTER. Sole Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston, it will he for v,ii i!"d i,v mai!, free of po t:isc. t .".:y pari of the I'll i.e. 1 .latci. ( jnnc-V'li'J-ly. iJT.ACKSriTIIIXG ! II. S. r.ElAAP desiics lo inform the citi- zens nf llidjrway nnd vicinity that ho has leaded J. S. Hyde's Elacks.nith Shop on .'.mi sivei. nn i lias employed goo'i v.ori; nien who will lie ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. l'arlicu'.ar attention given to the shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'CO-ly. . tix: fix:: Tlx::: STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES Jolm go5cnlieimer!& Co., YVIiOI.!:.-; vLli i KET.VIL DUALEKS, ' KT. MAltv's. T'A. . ,, , , , . iveetis constantly on band and fir sale, I . 1 , ,, J . , , 2 a liifjf tutu well selected stock ol I l. ,v ,.;s &? Wfi ;l!iy : Ti Sll0p I Our Stuck of ST ) V ES cunsisN in part j , , NTi .if-yp ,.Aj.:L01l &l ('OOE ! N'G STOVES, LAL-:0 IIIOX GATE .v- WHEAT-' SHEAF STOVE'. j ST(V'E PM'E c-in bo bad at our up litocr rivt ted or trroved. Sro'i "n:.c ami it.iuiiM;, dono ou s-ii-"i t nuiioe :i t:l at reasonable rates. Juno H (iii-1 v. PI A N'l FORTE MAX V FA CTU REUS, ibD 7yV :.'(:, X if Yu.Z: V!!f.SE PIANOS rcc.-ivod the liipViV A-irJ cf .Mi-rit I in the Anita's Fair, over '1'ehe.st linker., iV.,in j.ondi.u. Paris, tier '"a -y, i:.e c.k-s oi eiv J erk, I'tiiliiiielplnn. eln I I. a M.ui iv a,. .1 1 oion j nis i the Cold Kedal I at the .'Ii..t.m Jmliftit.: tor i". ait ! fivo veai:! tun- Pianos rotttniii ilit, Pi-neh lirm.il Action, J turn Pehtl. (lvtr- j Jiass. Full Iron Fraaio, nml isll Mod. ci i J in j.v. v.-mciit . Every instriinient war- : raiii fl 11 I J! war. .Made under tin) Kit. YyyUhn of MB. J. IE GDOYSfTEEH. who h.is a i. radical cx i.tr.oncu of over ihivtv. tive jears ail.l'oliio inak.r of ur,r tievtu t't .. j-ii,io .r.-w. Oar facilities fir in I'lufac: nria,'!; coalite us to ecll ih 'so iij sti iiini'i:t: from 100 lo f'JUO clieaner tluu any first class pianu Jorio. . . jiily-l'J'oU.-ly. J OR PRINTING NEATLY CilEAPLY& EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed r.t tbo Ad'ocatk OiHca rwAi, cits ati rrcz clayh' y All of snperioi quality, lor tale Ly the Tanncrdale Ca?.l Company, St. Mary's, Eik County, 1 . , . rirOiders by mail promptlj lllt-nd-fd to. -ot-fttf J-ll dordwell;& m esseng eh, PEAI.F.IIS IN DRUGS, MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, POINTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNERS' OIL, rERl'U'lERlEs' VARNISH, DRUSIIE3, DYE.STUFFS CONFECTIONERIES, RAtSINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, I v ivpv TlTTrT.r.S. ! ALE U MS, STATIONERY, ?fEyS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGAIIS," PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG: BUSINESS GENERALLY. EOItliWEEL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. FOUTZ'S s CE LCD RATED Hcrso ai Cattle Psvftn. by .ftfeiitlicnintf nnd cluitiisiiif; tlio ptomjicli unU in Us- W.Wtt& It H a suro pre. vontive of nil i)!s- ihii nniinat, fiich m Lt XO FEVLK, vfii.i.uw WA- TKIt, it i:av ks, ?J i- it ' " 11 f H'" v ill is' I i it' X 1 1! !it loss or Ai'i-i:- TITK AMI VITL E.VCIiiiV.kc. In Uf! ilupi'uV I'.-t tllO V.' 1 the aiKtitt- ttivos tl , . u f month ,-vw fi nn- mu1'1j hlivlcion into n fine-looking find spirited liui . ., T k'.".'i-r3 vt Cows t Ti i .-f panitlon ii iuvalunMc. It iucrasji llie quamity anil iuip:''ivt-i ti-u qunlity L f ttie milU. It rna Aj?i-3 ,Pn 1'iuvraliy ao- r " t r """ -J " t,lal xP('rimt to V'-' "ji''i1 xv iiiceaMJ tho ouan- .$3c0$$?-!$ tily uf. "ri 'kZG':'9- VSi'ii i ClIlt 'ma iimke Uio V.tjv J timer liira and J V-"iSX'jt W weU In futu-ntnit RJ JF7 HI' ' Pl vwthrm . -r-. v,ft "a iet!i. luwtm ,ii"Mjf i3--3 tl.-ir hide, nnd S'JijfiA make tlm thrive much fuster.- Iu all disi'ar-L'3 of Swiue, uuch as Coutilia, Ulcers in' the I.uii'-'f. I'vor. t' V r. SC., tllU urtii-lJ KAf vS a a;ilie. Xejr-Vi??? "i'YiH' ly putting Iron .:XJl&t'i?J'J, liy i.nu-hulf a paiu-r lo a paper in a b tner in a itf " earra ir nwiii tin, rr.a,,,t,,n , -..- ovc illm-ascli .-J?i' T."i-fv'? Will or entirely prevented. If Klren tn time, a cirtaia jtrevt-utive and cure for llie Hog i neiura. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or S Papers for $L PREPARED BT . -V. FOUTZ lillO., AT THEIR TVIMUKStlE IIItl(I AM ilKDIflNE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Hd. tor Kale by llrnjjitifrta and tituri-UctjiiTS thtouh out thu United Suites. Sold nt Manufactures priejs. by Bor.hvell it Messenger Ridgway, A i. cuts lor Elk county. A (iEXT.S WANl'EU TO TAK K Ol'.Dl'.R.S foi Ihe Lest selling hook uoty puMisliT ed, , Thrilling Btcrira cf the Oreat P-tocilimi. , fonipri 'ing heroin ndveuliircs nml .l.air lo ea.lili escapes cf S..ld:eis, Seoul , Spies and Pn "fu;rer ; daring exploits tit' Suing. piers, tluerillas, I'o-v.ciitdots and oli.eis ; Talcs of J.ovapi.nd liislnyal .voinvut ftn licsoflho Nc;;ro, c, with incidcnls nf Fun imd Mci'.'iinent in (.'amp oud Field. liy l.ieutennnt Colonel S. (Irecne, lulo of; llie tmled Slates Army. Handsomely it-' Insti lled wi'.U engravingj on steel and iu oil colors. , i . Send for circulars and bee the libera, terms offered. C'Ll.V,S. S. CP.EEXE & CO., Puhlishera , No, Hit S. Tliird St., Philadelphia; ';XTUA P.OIINTY.- iMIOP.TANT TO oEDlElt'i' 1 Hy a recetit net of ( engross, tut tolu.eis rho served llji'co years, or tlioso who were discharged hy reason of wounds nieejveJiu service, and ihe VViaOW, K3N0E CHELDBEN 03 P2NI? of any such unhliers who died in (ho service ol' the I'u i led .Stales, or of disease or wounds contracted while in ihe service, aieeutitled (o nn additional homily uf SJO0. . V.y giving this mailer your lumic lUto r.t ten. .on, and cal'iug ou or wriliug to the mil dersigned, IheaC claims will peeum--prompt Tfrrx! ' Ku In: Imi1 lAvorably tnCT.;j''4VVTy,' ttif known, fill tl.ur. k&&,-&i ty-BWy--liert? in ..nt ir,.,. jonx (i. hall. aug:l('if. J-;i lu-way. Pa. TELOUBET ORG AN S AND MELODEONS . C. PF.LOE15E1' Si SON, Mamifacturers. P.espeetfnlly invite the attention of pur. chasers, the tra'iu und profession, ' to ilia FOLL O WIXG IXJSTR UMEXTS Of their nianufaoture: Pedal Base Organs, t Five sizes, Five Octavo, one tolhree Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Hoods, v J'riccu, 5-U5 toSoOi). , '. Scliool Organs, Nine slyh.'S. s'nule nnd dgehlo Reed, RosewooVI an 1 Elack Walnut case s, Prices, $100 to !?U). ZMclocTcons, riano slyle and Portable, Twelve Vario tits, from four to six Octavo t, siiiflj nnd thmlile P.ecd, Rosewood r.nd Uiaeh Walnut Caes. Prices, f lil to -.10.. ; t- Every instrument is made hy eoir.pelent wi rkmcii, li oin the best inn'ei i-d, ur.cer cor jic.-.-oiial siii-t-i vision, and every luoi.I.crn iinprovcii.oai .worthy of the im'rn. is i-it.'o-iiiiced in t hum. Aii:or. tlie-o wo would call alien. inn lo Ihe 1 KL.MOl.ANTI-:, which has hci ii so much ndtrircJ, nnd can Vo found only nt instruments of our ou in:inuf.ie ture. From ruioiig the fiailcr.n;-; It li:.!.:-r:i..': el cniineiiJ Jiroles tirs ami .oraniavsj wogivc l ii'v follotviiig extmels : " The ri dais 1 ennc-uiTetti be ur.npproacli able in their beau:i!ul smoolil Vjuain'y." Win. A. hi inf. " il is a grund, oo.H.isin::i-ent, and dra cre.lii l i iiie buiitler." II. C I olgcr, 'Troy, New York. "They are among tho finest rnsivru-cnls nian ii'.iciur.jil eiilior in this rounlry or a broad." Win. Iter;;. . I. Mosem hal. tjiininas ' They have given imivei s.-i! sal isf:u-!:on." W. E. Ilawley, 1-t.ii tin lae, V, :s. ' There is a peculiarly sweet and sympa. iheli.! .oiie .vliic'u liaraioiiii'.-s vh-ln;!iig'y wiiii I he voice."' V.'. II. Cooke. I mil pariic'ilr.rly ). based with the ar. riinjrcinci t.ol iheuiliervet rejjiMcrv." Wm. 11. 1 ir uibnry. " "No other instrument. o 9j-ly nt-proi.e'i-.s ihe oi-gau." The Chorister, X. V. This i::sli i:inen. h a clear superiority owl every 'hinu y.-t iiilrod-.iL-ed a'lieng u.'' i :u!.-. iii l' i.l. X. V. . V!.o ttiui i.n.l llie actioti nre eneeVenl." Rev. ',V. S. I.eu ht, liuilsoii. Near York. " 'I lie uore we use it ih better we like it." .1 15 Hague, IludsOn, Xcw York. " fhe two I'ar.k Orga'4 is really a tein.', J W r.iii-ii-oir, llostnn, Msj-I. . . Wo 1ivi: found them ejicclleul iu all pnini., coii'iiietiiig. a good iustruuieui." J C Cook, T J T oo!;. " It looks and Founds spleudldly." B f.irctou, 1 rnv, i-w York. " 1 Uc nit -t r!ect loncJ Mcloucon I cter saw," tjuy No-lh. : Ihev , tall buck tut such mbst tnlinl mer its as siipeiieriiy of workmanship, beauty of tone and rov ouablenti of price. And we imisl eny that in, nil tiieir res-eels (bey are well worthy of praise." -Musical Pio neer. i E-yEvcr instrument is fully rrantetl, ami bo.Eod.und tJ.i.ped ia New York City wilhout uliarvo. . . Circulars, Cuts; and Price Lists, J-e., sent ou application to i 1 ' ' C- PEL0U3ET & SON, I A ' ' 'Bl.OOMFIEl.O, N. J. Or 3 M IVlt'on, PU. r.roaaway. New York Conrad Meyer, 7'J2, Arch Street, l'Lilud a. 8 rtrainnrd & Sou, ClcvelauJ, , Ohio : i A Yuelscrit'Co, Jaiksoii, Mu-higan : Werner cC UcrarU. t incmalli. Ohio: Joel II Know, Iohile, Alabania. WHOLESALE AUENT3. 1..I..-0T it- ', .. Now; Stoi o qf XT H I S BROTHERS , St. Mary's, Elk County Ponnajlvania ' SCfCf-SSiORS to GeokCe Weis. . Offer for sale, nt wholesnlo and rolnil, a well selected iUool: of Sl'IUXG SUMMM SILKS, , XORIXCES, POI'LINS, EELA1XLS, .. MOHAIRS, Plain r.nd Ggurd Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, White goods of every dpsciifitiou. lTatituild of all kinds, Gingliam, 'T;ck;iip,3 and S'hh'ting in ' - "M: creat variety. CaDIE'S & (JllILDREN Millinery Goods ; such us JiOXXETS, HATS: CAPS', RlBEOXS,dc GL O VES A HOSIER IV GEXTS f uriiisMiij grids of ccory description, CLOTnS,CASSn.!ERES&c.,dc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ' : ."ii';.!. v .. ' A larc stock of FEOl'U, ,P01?IC, SUGAR, TEA COFFEE, ; sncEs, , KICE, SALT, LAKDK OIL, . WHALE OIL,' ' PETROLEUM CANDLES. , i pv ; ''i '' ;'t SOAP . OF ALL El-PS.' () , : ; , .' 11 ' ' Tu bbort, we have cvcrytLinp; needed for family U80. ' ' A ' v ' ' Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. ConfecWinary,. Brush, csot nll kinds. A lull assort-'.' incut of Stationery, Wall IV. . per, Paptr Curtains, Ih.-mi. iiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very lartie assortment ot Seg:us and Tobacco. TiTTEBUY OUR STOCK direct! ' from the jlaniilaeturoruiid thore- frre we can allord to cll eliear.er tbatl any other establishment, in Elk county. '1MIE PUBLIC arq respectfully. in 1 ' vitc.il to call and examine our Rtock and prices ! Whothcr they 'wish to buy or not,-for we claim to have one of the most complete, stocks and ' the tines t STORK in ' tho couuty nnd can sell for less profit', than uuy other house in the couutyy, t ';.t'-i', s ... r ... . . . .." . ' --''.' t . A " AVei?' ' B RQJliETtS t. M-rfB, March 10 th'Cf) CLOTHING, PLOL'R, GROCERIES, - QUEENS WARE, FEED HARDWARE, i . '. ' LUMBER : AND SHINGLES, , ISuyerS'W-ill find TORES AMONG THE Most Coin-pletc AXL BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTIIY, AN1 THE PLACES TO GET C ALL& SEE i March 29th, 18GG-ly. . , 00K STORE. St. Lary's, Elk County. o JUST RECEIVED COC DEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 IIARPER3NOVELS. 2C GERMAN STORY HOOKS. AX ASSORTMEXT OF ALL ndo ,1 Stationary, Jilank books, Time books, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Rooks, Paper, Envelopes &c direo from tho Manufacturers for cash, we arc enabled to sell at ' tho same rates hat they can bo purchased in ANY OE THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per ceu allowed on all purchases of ten dollars and ucwards. W. J. RLAKELY. Juue-14'GO-ly. G E N T S WA N T E D i Jl I STORY OF 'I HE WAR, NOW READY- " Complete in TWO VOLUMES, nbso in ONE. It i3 admitted to be the nost .tiiri.iliii'j, jiojik ir, and lulunUn llis toiy of the Rebellion, which is -fully at tested by the enormous sale ot 200i C00 volumes, and a largo portion, of the country still uncaflvassed. 'Wo are obliged to run our presses tiiht and day to enable us to supply our A -'cuts. Men of character and abijily, who de sire a lueiativc employ incut, will liud this a rare opportunity. Tho price ot the work in ow volumo is no hni (compared witli our Histories as to brini; it within tho reach of all classes. . ' i For lull particulars geud tor ciicular. Address " ' timer icon Publish hi r Com'y. 14S Asylum Street,-i -. .. . ilAtiTroRu, Conn. . - t . IMPIKE SE.VIXG MACIIIXE CO. J rmctpal U'Uee, bib JJroadwa;, A. J . CHEAT IMPEOVEMEXTin ScwiugM chines. Einpiro Shuttle. Crank Motion Sowing Mnohiue. luis thus rendered noise Jess in action. Its motion bfing all posilivo, U is not liable to get evl'of onler. It is the best Fauiily Machine! ' Notice is eullrd to wir jewanj Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, fortai'ors and Boot and Shoe Filters. Agents wanted, to whem a liberal discount will be given. No Consignment! made, u r EMl'JKE BEW1NO MACIIIXE CO. juiT-m.-iy-