Tip li( Couqty JiDcccali. JOHN O. HALL raoFRIKTOa. J. r. moose, ruoLieiirn. jhUHoIJAl, DEC, 13i7i, li!(3(3. 77 l' resident's Jtiessafre. We this wees give the remainder of thin tuoat important documeut. What, ever cite may be said of 1 'resident John son, his greatest monies must admit thtit he always locks up Lis assertions with i-ouud constitutional arguments. The present Message is one of the tut Me state papers that has been tii, wsiuce the days of Buchanan's U(.ni'i)ittraliou. Mr. Jolmsou reiterates hi i'oitncr declarations as regards the reoonetruction question, in a clear and forcible manner. He appeals to the good reuse of Cougress in a candid and statesmanlike wanner- Let everyone lead it. M. The New York Xent truthfully and forsibly observes that "it is time that come more efficient agency than lucre argument and expostulation should bo used to enforce tho will of the ma jority. The President has defined his position now what will he do to main tain it?" With a clear majority of about eight hundred thousand votes in fi.vcr ot the Union policy of the Prcsi. tler.t it is high time that something he tioec to vitalize that policy. The law. leM cubel now domineering over the people, abusing the President and tbrea tening our fiuancial and political des, truction, must be throttled and burled lrora tbe high places they have usurped. The lawless threats and efforts now ma king in the II u nip Congress must be stopped , and, as tbe Radical insist that the times ate still warlike and revolution ary, let them be dealt with in that spirit. In martial law tbe Commander.in-chief the President, je usurpers! has a panacea for all the ills of disunion. Has be the net va to use it, it need be ? We will see- The UcrW ears : ' The heart sick-O'j- at the recital of what was Baid aud done by .he Representatives of the peo. pit tvithi'i forty-eight hours after they had Hbsembled at the National Capital. There was a time when respect was paid to tbe President of the United fc tutes by virtue of office, no matter how unpopular ho might be ; but that day is parsed To'day he seems to be the most popular man who can sny the hardest iliiugs of the Executive." All of w hich goes to prove that " graud moral ideas " have not elevated the etaudard of political excellence. A most atrocious robbery occurred at Hai'tline, Union County, Illinois, last week. The isolated residence of an old man was entered by two robust villains, and not only robbed of S3,000 or 84,000 but the old man, and a woman confined to her bed by sickness, and a relative of the family were tied hand and foot, aud then, as with the hope of wiping out every trace of their guilt, tho fiends set lire to tho bulding- One of tbe parties released herself aud saved tbe others. Two huspcotcd men have been arrested ou the charge of the robbery. The Evausvillc (Ind.) Journal chronicles tho death of Mr. David Aik en, at the age of eighty years, who walked from New Orleans on a race with the first steamboat tbat ever came up the river to his place, in Warrick Coun ty, beating the boat two days. The Columbus (Ohio) Stateman pays tbat oue II. M. Taylor, hailing from Vermout, lately sold to some citizens of Alton, Franklin County, what purport, ed to be spleudid black Spanish bucks. Tbe first rain that came, however, wash ed off their hue, aud they proved to bo ordinary white "scruts." A case of prolonged lethargy has oeeured near Yvelot, iu France. A young man aged twenty has now beeu sleeping for about three weeks. Gruel uud a small quantity ot wiuo are passed dowu his throat every day. His respi ratiou aud pulse are regular, lie is said to have luiu in a similar state for a fort night, three years ago. A letter from Newbury, Vt ,on the Connecticut, dated December 5, says Moobhillock Mountain in covered with a glittering white mantle of snow a tbous. and feet below its summit. At Cedar Falls, Iowa, last Monday i young man named MeLain stole two hundred dollars, mi when detected, ut his throat with a penknife. He nr:i likely to survive at last accouut. The Dotroit Advetiter says thut " ijulte a large portion of the lady 'ton' of that city niake their own boots." It ij&hiou, not economy. Tbe Rgdicals Bay tbe South can't t-Mi into the Union, but that is Radical wit- ! r-iVi Ikmocrat. UIiLiIHJlL.1 ..! iwjm""mi SHEHMANS MISSION. Preparation to Receive Gen. Sherman in 7lexicot ICtc. Correspondence N. Y, HeiaM. Vera Cuuz, Nov. 23. Twenty. four liouih at Vera Cruz have solved all doubts as to the reception Lieutenant- Gcueral Sherman, Minister Campbell and their suite, will meet with in this city. They will bo welcomed with open arms. Yesterday I happened to meet the French Consul, M. Courthial. He was courteous and even communicative, He informed me that the French au thorities would with pleasure place an escort at tbe disposal of General Sher man, to conduct him to the city of Mexico, where he would be compelled to go, for tbe purpose of seeing Marshal Bazaiue and General Castlenau, who were the only persous that he could con sult. This is not all that might be said of the disposition of the French authori. tics. On learning from the newspapers that an expedition to Mexico hnd been fitted out iu1 the United States and was expected to arrive at Vera Cruz, Admi ral Clouc, commanding the French flett here, telegraphed to Marshal liazaioo to know what ho was to do. Tbe reply was that the Susquehanna was to bo received with all the honors usually ac corded to the ships.of.war of a friendly power. The French, indeed, are heart ily tired of their bclcblanc their white elephant and not an ofliccr I have spoken to but exults in the rpospect of soon transferring the Mexicans to other guardianship. One of them eveu ex pressed a hope tbat Shcrruau would shoot eveiy rascal in Mexiso. The Susquehanna was to have sailed from Havana on Saturday last for Tam pico. which port she will probably reach to.morrow. It is possible that envoys from President Juarez may be in wait, ing for them there. Up to Friday last it would seem no definite information of the friendly disposition of the French authorities at Vera Cruz had reached General Sherman or Minister Campbell, aud it was therefore, deemed prudent to try Tampico first ; that port, though on ly seven or eight hours' sail from Vera Cruz, being in tho hands of the Liber, als. Mr. Saulnier, who, in the absence of Mr. Laue, the excellent United Sta tes Consul here (now back at his post;, has looked after Ame.riean interest in this port, started yesterday for Tampico in the British mail steamer Elder to await the arrival of the Susquehanna, and it is presumed to communicate to the Mexican mission that a favorable reception awaits them in Vera Cruz. For a nation so inert and apathetic in all that regards their iutcrests as tbe Mexicans notoriously arc, quite a re spectable amount of enthusiasm seems to have been aroused by this interposi. tion of the United States ou their be half. Nor docs tho presence of the French troops here entirely restrain the outward tuanifestions of their feelings. Sherman's name is mixed up with the harmless little decoctions they imbibe at the street corners. They get off quaint little jokes about the brave man who was going to stand by his guns, never so long, but who has run away at the first shake of Sherman's sword. Diplomacy, however, will have more to do with the settlement of this ques tion than the sword. Tbe brunt of the business will probably have to be born by Minister Campbell aud his cxperi enced Secretary of Legation, Mr. Plumb. Liberal emissaries abound even in V$ra Cruz, aud any one whose dress or appearance savors of tbe American is sure to encounter them. Truth to say they are a hard. looking crowd, and any one who would entrust himself auioug them with more than twenty reals in his possession aud without a pistol would carry valor to tbe vergo ot rashness. Outside the city walls, lying in the glar. ing suu, his head bound round and sev eral putrescent sores exposed obtrusively to view, I saw yesterday a most misera. ble looking object. Instead of the ex pected " For the love of God, a peso. Siguor," he drew from under bis gabcr dino two dirty photographs one was certainly Maximilian : the other was possibly Juarez. Rapidly shuffling them so as to briug Juarez uppermost he grinned and thrust them back again without a word. A regiment of Turcos qassed dircctlyalterwards at the double, quick. Perspiratiou streamed down their sooty countenances and each had a bundle slung ou bis bayonet. Appar ently they wero about to re.embark for Algeria. A troop of Mexicau city A rabs followed them at a safe dictauce booting and pointing at them. Thus are the mighty fallen. Maximilian remains at Orizaba, but the information comes from the Aus trian ooojoUie, that a largo tbip la been engaged for the conveyance of bin effects Irom Very Cruz back to Mirnmar. Certainly judging from tho number of cumbroui packages one sees on the wharves hero addressed " A. S. M. Maximiliano I., Itnpcratorc, Messico," a very large vessel will bo required fur the purpose. For some timo past a letter has been lying at the Post Office here, directed " General W. T. Sherman, till called for Post Office, Very Cruz." Ou its first reception it must have caused the postal authorities a little perturbation. How ever they courageously advertised it with the other letters lor strangers not called for, aud the Yankee sailors in port seem to make a point of coming daily to look nt the notice, and to expectorate a semi ciielo of notes of admiral ion round the board containing i. Sher man's calling for it is not so improbable now as it seemed a week ago. PnoaiiEss of " Voodooism." A Memphis paper states that last week in the practice of " Voodooism" " five ne groes " in the garb which Father Abam is supposed to have worn before his fall, " (lashed across South street into an op. en Culd, yelling and shoutiug like mad men, to tho terror of the women and the amusement of the men." 'This " Voo dooism," is a disgustingspecies of native African paganism with ceremonies and rites as varied and lothsome as those of the witches in Macbeth The Rev. C. K. Marshall reports the negroes in Mississippi as fast relapsing into paganism, and the Galveston Bul letin mentions instances of frecdmen practicing, in many portions of Txas, sorcery, witchcraft and the most absurd religious mummeries. " Medicine men" in that State have taken place of negro physicians in the confidence of negro patients, and ' rely upon the curative powers of chicken feathers, old bones, snake skins, &c. At a recent meeting of the Methodist coderence for Texas, the bishop stated that- in traveling lately through Howard county, in that State, he fouud a relig ious organization among the negroes, calling themselves " The -4ngel Ban J," a very paganist consert. Married by Mistake. Tho De. troit I'liian of Thursday says : " Last evcuing Edward Thayer and Miss Hel en F. Jelliman, attended by Mr. Aus tin Humphrey and Annie K- Crause, went to St- Paul's Church, tho former to get married, and the latter to net as groomsman and bridesmaid. They all stood up before the altar, and the offici ating clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Dunn, supposing that both couples were to 'bo married, requested the gentlemen to join hands with their respective ladies which wus done, and in a very a short space of time tho four wero made two. Tbe sit. uation being fully realized by the latter couple, they concluded to ucccpt what they could not very well help, and all adjourned to their boarding bnuse quite well pleased with the result ol the preach er s mistake. The Fexia.ns London, Dec. 8. The F euian troubles in Ireland aro evi dently opening in still more alarming proportions, as it is reported here to day that iu addition to the troops already dis. patched to that island, two calvulry reg intents have been ordered to leave im mediately for the scene of distuibanje. MaXIMILUN-Paims, DKC. 8. L'l. Frn r newspaper of this morning as. sertsth.it Maximilian has telegraphed to some of the phyeicians attending the Empress Carlotta, to meet him at Gib raltar by the middle of December. -The Newport (R. I ) Mureury has a listot 356 inhabitants of that city who have attaiucd the age of seventy yeais buing one iu every thirty. five ot the pop ulation. The Loudon lelcgrnph baa the largest circulation in Englaud 155, 000. THE MARKETS. Ripoway, Deo. 13. 18Gfi. FLOUR, per bbl $U 00i 1.1 OO PORK do.... ....27 ( 0 WHEAT, per bushel... :! OO RYE i M CORN i -5 OATS J)r BUCKWHEAT 1 DRIED APPLES i 00 MEANS ;;O0 I5UTTER per pound 10 LARD o CHEESE .""";, MACKEREL , WHITE FISH jo EGGS per duien 40 GREtN APPl ES, per barrel 5" 00 Erie. Pa., Deo. 12, 18CG. FLOUR per bbl $1150 to 15 no 1J,)KK 210010 25.10 Kl'fc' " 18 00 to 21 00 WHITE FISH i bbl 9 25 to 6 60 MACKEREL lOOOtoUGO WHEAT per bushel 2 C4) to 2 75 BEANS 1 75 to 2 00 EGGS perduieu 03 ra or. LARD per pound lSto 20 CHEESE , 10 ia 17 BUTTER. "3 in 2i flcto iflii)i)eiii3:bji)l3. UK SALE I A GOOD SPAN OP nOU6E3, inquire ut or address X. B. OOBB, dccl3tsof Uidgway, Pa. XTOTIC;E WHEREAS. MY WIFE TEll. ISSA WILDFIKEhas left mv bed and hoard without just cause or provocation, all persons are hereby cautioned against har boring or trusting heron my account as 1 will pay no crebls or ner contraiiing. ANTHONY WILDFIRE. Dec. 13th 18GG. St. THAYER HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undoraigned having 6ttcd up a large and commodious hotel on tle southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good ana convenient stabling attacked, respect fully solicits the patronage of hie old friends and I lie p-itlio generally. decl3'60 It DAVID THAYER. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVKN TRiT A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD- ers of the Le Mont Gis Coal Company will be held at the otuce ot the Compa ny No. 71, Broadway. New York City on THURSDAY, the 20th inst., at 1 o'clock. 11. A. K. MORN, declo 2t. Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LETTERS Ot ADMINISTRATION on tho Estate of Eddy Hyatt, late of fox township, JMk county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. therciore all persons having claims agniust, or aro in any way indebted to said estate are requested to call aud settle their account!!. J. N. HYATT, Adm'r. ORPHA HYATT, Ad'x dec!3 6tpd. GREAT BARGAINS!! AUCTION I AUCTION! rnHE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO I ...11 .1..:- v . : a. -i. r Bin meir jiyiru qiuuk vi Beady Made Clothing! Consisting of Overcoats, Bustnesi it Dress Coats, Pants, Wests, ifc. Auction to commence on Monday evening The 17th day of December, And to continue every evening until the whole is sold, vg-Tlic business of the firm to continue at the same place as heretofore. 0. P. HISTENACH k Co. ST. MARY'S, PA. decI31t NEWSHOP. TLX! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVES 1 ! STOVES !!.! John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. ST. MARY'b, PA. Kceris constantly on hand anil Pur snlo a lar;e and well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES ke. U e have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in cart of ANTIHUST PARLOR .t COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT SIIEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be had ut r.nr shop cither riveted or proved. SPOUTI.VOAND ROOFING, dona on tihort notice and ut reasonable rates. June 11'flG-ly, CM nnpim YEAR! we J rJVV. wuut Agent everywhere to sell oiirtMrnnvED $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under mil unnr food Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary or large comiiiixsioiin paid. The only mncmncs iou in me united Mates for less than which are fvll'i lietnuni ly Jlowt, WhttUr Jt Wihnn. Grovtr A Hatrr . Sir.nr It Co.. and liaclithler. All nther plu-nn i.. chine are infriwjimtHl and the ttller or uer nro reliable ;o arrmi, me ana impritanmcnt. Illustrated C'rculnrs ;u iil free. AHiinnu nr cull upon Sinw & Clark, at liidoufnrd, MHinn. ori;incogo. 111. rmay-17'uii-ly T?OIl S A Li ill I I 1 Twi Ktoiim r.mu inch bore and 11-iuch stroke, with u sin siiuitx ana line nliun. so. Also. FOCIl rvlindnr hniW ikii. f.. l.mg and of eiitficient power to drive Ih iwu engine. Any one desirous or purcnai in Steam Mnchinei-v will find it imi,.;. .,1 tmiuiite 10 uau upon me suoscrioerat rorti land Mills. HIRAM CARMAN, RiJgway, Pa. oct. 4th 3m. Refined Oil, Good Quality, by tbe barrel, at (31) cents per gallon, by oclll-lf J.POWELL. If VOU Want D" Jana'e or Dr. Ayer'e celebrated Medicines, pure, call upon 1 lie only authorized agent, in Ridg way. oct. 11-tf J. POWELL. If VOU Want 'oa1 of Salt. Flour, of Feed, you can save money byihuying of oct 11 if. J. POWELL. G.roccries of all Kinds, cheaper than can be bought at Erie, at wholesale or retail, by oct. 11-tf. J. POWELL. DR. J. S. BORDWELL Electio FhyiL cian. Late of Warren eewnly Pa., will promptly answer all prnfesnwnal calls by night or day. Residence one door east of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Oillia, Mar-22'6-ly. H VDE HOUSE. Ridgwa v. Penna. Mrs E. 0. Cltm.Nii. VxPfnetfttl. Nev l,t THE PLACE TO BUY 13 WHERE TOD CAN BUT The Cheapest. S- bi 3 O et 4 f S3 S 0 Fs.s & S. e 0 n- s c E- e S go S 3 o o W H O o d 2. a- cj. j- 2i 2 CP hH m CO a H ,,h a. 2 s a a - B 5 s o S 3 EC o a a . B o o n er . 0 5. f - n er 3 a to a o S 2 g ft. 3 s 8 M 8.8 5 2 H 2 HH ; ssK ! w. : er "83.1 1 a 5 o -a B o p ex. Me a in p s? Sr S -1 o S v en r--B " n w 4. p- Sj8 o c S3 S-S O C5C5 s lJ 0 er sr o 0 03 2 GO I o s 2.0 B" n WE SELL viOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUOriT I.V Erie City. QIVEUSA CALL, AND WE WILL Prove it TARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnth 1 and uneaualled f Deed, simnl ioitv and completeness of oneration. ara nimlilino n culiar to the Nonpareil . Washing Ma- etrictly mechanical principles, and tbe ex- . J . U J.LUC(,C use in fcmilieq. holnlfl nnH tiuKliM proves it to be of lasting value to the pur- vunacr The manner nf otMiin vn....:i - -r e .-uiiai en, by roiary motion aeting on a crankshaft ' 1 t U k.l.H.. 1. I v , . I uiino wneei, i wnicn mores the plunuers allernntptr m tK .imtilAai l . - j j ...v v.u.f-.vai, icnov laborious and tnniit nnwrful tl,ai AAnKHA . r-"-.-....wv..UWMW- vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the "' greatest rapiaity ana tne least possible labor. ine great speed with which this machine performs work will h nnrfarainnii f-m k. statement that it in vaiH ia eiw ....i... of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes a minute Safety to the fabric washed is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. A ffirl or bnv nf fiflAAn n tk. . chine, and do a week's washing for a family . o, m ciBii jicrsuus in iwo io inree hours time; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothinff thoroughly, witl.nnt from hand rubbing bend for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers. In whnm .:u. of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 20,'B6-ly W SHERER. IT Dealer in two, tJdofleow, m9 5i)ei MUS1U ROOMS' No. 45, Fertt Avenue, Corry, Penna, Refers to J. Powell. B. P. T.U hm - IgnotiusGarner, Chas. Haigen. St. Mary's! uuiiltl, lXECUTOR'S NOTICE.-Whereas, let- m j .v.iraiiiurj on me estate or Jos. Hpi lAt nf l(a . ; . i , iuhiiniiip, ueceased, huve been granted to the undersigned, Ihey j b---" iu ii persons indented to Maul HMtata In maV. .' J . - " imiiicu.-nie payment, add those having claims against the same will nresent them HnW ik.nt:..i.j . .'ivwi cu ior settlement. O. F, SHAFFER. Eiecutnr CAROLINE SEEL, Ex'x, nov226tpd. ' CTRAY IIEIFFER.--5.ray-KJ ed away from the premises of the sun. senber about the first of last June, a BRIX DLE HEIFFER, has two large white spots on outside of each hind W. mll knrn. one crooked, a few white spots on bellv and a white star on forehead, and is two years old. Any person giving Information of said heiffer, will be liberally rewarded. MAKTIJV- FRITZ, Nov. 8, 1866. 8t. Beniinger, P. 0. 4011X0. HALL ,A. M. HALL & rmn Attorneys - at - Law. ST. MARY'S: tw' BENZINGER P. 0. ELK COUNTY, PA. oepternDer ZO, I860, ly. Wia?i TIP T-"" TTi noiiTm OOaS Of the hmiuiA .st mi u. . vii. county, Pa., having on the 81st day of Oe tober. A. D. J866, made a geaerat assign, meat for the keaefit of creditors to the un dersigned, aH careens indebted to nid firm will please make payment, and all having claims preeent tr.em to vilARLto MoVEAK, Assignee. St. Mary'a, Beoaiuger P. 0. Peeeober 6th, 1868. CO r 2 5 B W 8 ttf If g g I s GREAT EXC1TEX EN T S r -3 g I i o Y$Om h g " fwZri g V S M ' S ' 8 3 m ? mil w O rTi.min ft w fCr o Court Proelam WHEREAS, HON. R. G. WHITE, President, ant) (Imitn. M-.- dn ."una 1-11AV. E. C. Schumze, Associete Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Court rtf Oi,r,. e. sions and Orphans' Court, and Court of vyrrauo jermner, and General Jail Delivery of Elk connrv r.B t,:. ceptsto rue directed, have ordered u-ouit oi Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, and uc'"' "a JJeuverv, to be holden at Ilidgway, in and for the county of Elk on the SECOND MONDAY IN JAN. 1867. being the 14th day ofthemoDth and to continue the week. NOTICE is here, by given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county of Elk. , that they are by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions and other remembrances to do those things which their offices' appertain to be done, and that all Jus. tices of said county make returns of all the recognizances entered into before them to the Clerk of the court as per Act of Assombly, passed May 8th 1864. And those who are bound by their re cognizans to prosecute the prisoners that are or chall be in the Jail of said county of Elk, and to be then and there to prosecute against them as shnll just. J. A. M ALONE. Rh.riff QENTS WANTED For the Most Popular and Beit Sub., tcription Bookt PullUhed. Te f,re the mostextensiro publishers in the United States, (having six hous es,) and therefore can afford to sell books cheaper and pay agents a more liberal commission than any other com pany. Our books do not pass through the handsof General Agents, (as nearly all other subscription works do,) therefore we are enahlnrl in t, . uauvBfserB the extra per cent, which is usually al lowed to General Agents. Experienced canvassers will Bee the advanta2ea of ueauug uirectiy with the publishers. Our Bern's aiiikruna. 1 . i u.auva mo ujmsi popular works on ,11 subjects of importance,, ana is sell South "f'j uuiu iiorm aucc Old ncents nnA n tv v , r, wnu wans tne 5est lmn ;n l send tor circulars and see out terms, and vu...pare mem and tbe character of our works with those of other publishers. -a-uus ens, NATTONAL PUBLISHING CO. PhllB(1llnhii TP T . t n- . uuoiuu, waHan Cin cinnati, Ohio, Chicago, I1U., St. Lwiis. vi xucumona, v a. nor. at), t REE TO EYZRTBODYI A Largo 5 pp. Catalogue, leaohioij how to remove Tan, Freckles, Piwplea, Blotches, Math Patahes, Sallowness, Eruptions and all impurities of the akin How to fore YYM.k mra Main.. . and beautify the hair r renew the agefc core Drutvkwneas, Nervou Debility; -- u Taioanie informa tion. Everybody send for it. Address Chemists, 285 River Strtet, Nr.S9tfc,l8W.li, Twy,y!y.