A 1O0AL ND OENKFMi NEWSPAPER, it Vuhllshtd Vrery Thursday BY JOJLD" F. MOOUli ' Tet Year in mivniicc ; $1 CO it. . fS"l!liiu!cui;tion3 to be "pfiid in nit TBiicc. Orders' for Job Work respectfully " Mioliciiod. s " 8i,0:!lec"on Jlikin Pti-fct, in tho sacond tory of Ilouk'.t Gillif Store. ' Aduacss . joirxo. hall, ... EDiTo'n & rr.orniKTOn..- jti i: s $ ,t a 2: . . .OF TH ERESIDEXT. ' . A WORD "Of CAPTION. ' Tlic report of tho Secret rry of the Treraei'.ty ntfordi much information ro pec!in . ;he reventie and commerce nt the rch",'v. ili-i views u (0!i UiG cur. 4ret:c . ari n'lh i-elercneo to'tlw proper :adj !. !' "'ir revenue system, in'-" -tel.- .' a. !! iiiip.ut. nre commended to th,' 1 ...rbil coiw.d.'ration of Congress. Jn my h.Mt Htiniial . message I expressed " nn' ;;i'lirro1 v . vs upon tllPJO subjects I nci 0 n.i .irl en! I titioiifio'n to Ibe in.1-" C''Efi' ! c;j 1 1 v i 1 11 intu every denarM Trent I t!v Govcinii cat 11 tivstciil of "ig:djo-i . :.:j-i'.-'.y, through retrench' r- t- i y ins 1 Xtl S -vW Vti'" I It Hi feJl J I- .-V ( Vwry -J V r. ' ' ' . ' l! L!1 I s r i ,7- e " is war ra$ 1 1 it 1 r , 1 1 .v" j w .. 1 r r JOHN Gr. IIAIil Kditor. iiiwiwi; i3.va-3, erx-:c. iziu, iscc- J. IV MO OI IK; PuMtelier. Tm2!1.1S:-1H oO J'tr IVar hi .ifivuut c. Ci'i" ': !..i.ui!nu'i! cxpcinlin'.ris, t'ne 10 1 f 'iiuvili-ns i t' t xaUi;i can lie 'Js'Ki V ' v't1'' :' luoitiErmtm t i'nur revi'ii'M . .-; ys' will be consist out with the ::iid"i;c Iii'iuiuti ar.d . 8cccs::;".' vniits of tlic Government. THE NATIONAL DKr.T. The-rojinrt .presents a mueh nioro sat. istiictorv i ')tulit.iu:i of our Suanccs than :i the most iHiuniG could bi'liaiod, During tho. C.-cal y;v l.c :Jdl!i June, lGo, the last-' tii''"' war. t!n! public debt ct..V:r, l'uo, it amounted " 1.750. On tbo IJlst day . itJ, ii' V:d bi'oii reduced ! fie I'iiuiinitioH,' dur- otic v, i lll'.VC- it : was i:u ! fii Vl of Oci.ii inpr a p. : . .J ol 1ortrt"ei! ui'intus, . torn-lul-iK.'.i.w' '. mlicr 1st. IS;;"), and end inj; Ort.ib'T Six: 1 S i , bavin been 5'2o0,:!7. .") '";. Tu tb3 lit annual re. port ' t!m st.it'i n( the 1i:i'i:ii:cs, itva.!i' , est".:n:itod that, during the three i'.artcr.-i ot the.. t:ul' yvar cudin'r the 5J0th (if June list,, the debt would be inerei'cd eil2.1M.0i7. .liumi!; that irt'od. liovrovf-r, il wan reduced Bdl.l!)ii,iJS7, . the reeei.ti ot the year Imvinir been " SSO.CKI.) 0,1.) niori!. and tlieespt'tiditnrcs "620(,5:!'i,C-"5.) !s than the 'esnuiatcs. . Noth'.ia. . ' n ! 1 more clearly indicate that: il -vr.'i'iits the. extent and avail'. hu national resources, rnd ' .-'id safety wlili v.hieh, 'v... ( (lovcrnineiit, groat i.iiiitar. . cstublit'liiuenU can be flisL.iii.j. expenses reduced lrotu a war tt a v t.ijtinjr. . ar.t-. i-.-a -r-Ki tiik fiscal 'tear. ' Ti fi,i"tl v(:iiw1i:!iinT tho iiOih i l.e receipts were 8553,. :ii.; expcii'iitures S5-" an available surplus .. ' It is estimated that ; the nca year ending , "!''')7, yill be S 17 1.Otil .'. ".-it the expenditures will M.iii .f.$jl(i.42.'i,078. leav-i'i.':i.--ury a surplus of 615S,- ') :' i-'.ir ilu iii-eal year ending -! i.in ".th. l.-ti.'i. it u estimated that will, amount .to S43(i,0'HI, 1 -d tliui the expenditures will be ;oV ;;ir!, showing an excess of ' '. . i0 111 i'.ivor of the Govern uicnt Tli -e i';tiioiit!-l receipts may bo diiii-.i.'iv'i 'd bv u r.educt.itju of zaie and i,.i;..,t. d,tili.v; but aj'tViK all r.ece.s paiy rc.l 'tt:; u shall hayjo been tna5e, forty-one national cenictries, containing the lviimir.s ol 104,52(5 I'nioii soldiers, have already been established. The to tal estimates of military appropriations is S2-V-l.''tGt)J.' ' Si:c:tLT.MtV WELLES ON TUS' NAW. It is stated ill the report of the Secre tary of the Navy that the naval force lit i.h?.i time consists pf two -hnndre 1 on-t fevctity eight vessel, Urtned -vitli-two thousmd three hundred., mid fii'ty cij.l.t guos. Oi these, one hundred and lit. U-en vc.sc.'i.. carrying:' one thousand and twenty nine L'Ui;s, ere in cj.niuis. aii.il, distributed chiefly atiiong seven Sipiadi'ons. The number of men in the service is thirlceu thousand six bun- '4.Jro.l. Great activity and vigilance have geta displayed by. tlie h.juadroi.s, and their i.i'ivcilK-bts have beetijuili piously and cflieiei:tly anua cd in s'tf'i niautier c.s Would-biv-l rroni ote Ai::. r. lean commerce, aiil tinted th" iv:u'-; j and interests or. otir count'.-ymen abroad. I The vessels cr.iploycd are. undergoing j repair.', or arc laid up uutu their, teivi. cts may Le required TtiH LEACUK ISLAM) I It OX CLaD NAVY l'AUD. denco in closed mt.ils ; and an allowance tocajch Post O.lico Department of the right to uro tho mail comniuniciitions established under the authority id the oflicr fnrlhcdisputeh of corrcspnndi'tice, cither in opeu 0.- closed maii.i, on the same tcriDK us those i,pplieab!e to the inhabitants of 1 lift country providing tho nieaiiji ul iian-siiiitsi'"' SfiCiVAlil HROWf.-INti'S KStllBIT FOR TlH ISTFHtOtt. ' The fi '.oi I of the Secretary of the In teriur exhibits the condition i.f . t it fi: branches .,-(' th-j public set vice which are committed to his supervision. Dining the last ti-eal year lyur tniiiio. 's six bin;. died i.i.d twenty-iiiuo t:iousa.:.d ilirre buii'.lic'l ajid twelve jiercs of' public land who d!.-posed of, one niillinn eiidit iiuiii'.rod and iiinrty-tv,"!) thousand live Lundiv.I and .sixteen r.cres of which were on tore I tttuler tha houirtiead act, The policy originally adopted relative to the pi;' lie lands l.ns'itnucruoao csenti-il tuca'.uealii .is Itniiieuiute rnvetitte. and by tha Governinetit, catu was taken to 111 ike liiiown its dissent to the Kuiperor ol I't'iiiice. 1 eannot forego tha hopo that France will reconsider the subject, nnd adopt Mime l'''-Vuii(iii in icgai'd to t!m cvacuu. lion of .Mexico which will cinlerni us ncaiiy as praetieablu with tho existing eii-ijji'nu ni, and thus meet the ju.-tex-pice .ni.'iis ol tlii! Fnit. l t?ta'e. The pa puis rria.ii: titho' subjee! will be laid la-fi.i'i! yu. It is believed that with the cviieti.it:oii of Mexico by the expeditiou. arv tocos 0:1 the su!iect f ir s aioiis di.fer Tticei between Fraeee tin i the I'nifed ! v'ith crimes Sia'es wo:ili remain. of the Emperor and tlio people of l-'r Tiie cxprese-ions nee warrant u hope that tho traditionary ineuo.-liip between ;ne two eounines i.nli'it. in that case be renewed aud per m inently restored. t112 l-xitc!) states an" i) great d.1it-ai:;.' not their nal featm 'UM ' e'.t'.i toent, was rl:e e.irdi iiir'.aua evstein, i.oii'' cxp!i'ie::ee an 1 ir.-nest dieu..'i:m have resulted in the conviction that tha early development of oitr aj'Vietiliurai r'sour cos, ktid tl 0 diiiu-lou of an energetic population over our' vast territory, arc Most of the iron. clad fbie: is at League Island, iu tlic vicinity ot:", Vhiladalphia, a p.aco wliicti, until irCcisivc action 1 1,!,:.-.i i (r ..r.v,t..r im'i..i . it,., should beti.ken by Congress, was select. :i:ionaI growth and prosperity than the ed by the Secretary of :hz navy, as tho vn,.ccd of the sale of the laud to tho most eligible location, lor that cla?s of j hier hinder in oj.cn market. The vseis. It is important th it a suitable k,.;m;,. , t;.e p0. ; It, is a mstter of regret that 11D co:i i siii .M'.ibh' 1: ivance has been made towards an adjustment of thp dill'erences be tween ihe '.'nited Slates and Great 13,'i'. aiii, arishi'j: etit ef the depredations ou our i!iiti..ii.:l eommcrco arid other tie.-:-1 , .. .. - -i . . .. es eomiiiiiteij uuiitir. 'our civil war J.'y dear ,V,V .- I;i n-y a?t letter I fj'ioted from your first letter, where you give us a rea-on for addressing prayers to the Virgin Mary rather than to God Ilimsolf, thar '' Mery is peculiarly the (jon of Mercy," Yea say " to her (U'.i; not belong thu attribute ed'jus flee," a;;d so tho shiner, laden doTn and transgrossio:!," will of ' 7311 Of v ) ibe i' ihe '), -ach in 111 foil etc ut . on t! ntial f nv .' . evi -1. u ... of tint -present and of the rt'.n.r ' ears will doubtless ba sulh- il!.le'iiinata ohurgis'up- 1 1 r : iec' t.. mi'l l.::ive a be applied to .go an fii t::.v. try : 111) 1 V ! ... ile. 1 the ner --fi ; Ft 1 ':v T 1 .: n 1.! !.l'll,-l.;W Vii''l.i' i.itui or. ivvi'i.i. .lf-p:r 1 t t r .J..i Yi.la- . .,,., .'' 1 i ' 1 In.-. -I,. I, ly a., ii . v tr.v.s 'in- i. pani i-ire!;.:lv ti'i iiMocni. i. i. i.lld IS t.l bl) III! U il. : lti'l:i . ti:- t 1 th.) siiion : the piy. f the debt. There 1 . .a 1 if. 11 1 'jro ia reason way he-reduced . as -the eon-:. 1 p.ip ilaiiiei ait l wenith, 1 be exriu.'juinh'.'d within i.l it century. : r.vx ton'.s it : :t 1 the' r-'.'eie'ary of Wa ;.. '.'ii' iti i");-- t ) the o'; :iali..-!S o'" i.i. .0 lhri'p:t year. I''eV icuia',11 in l!ie S'.'i'. 'iee, i i,: dise'.i ar,'i.-d as rapid, be lepl.iced by regular. .c'r'i prom;.: Jy with medical and subi-.te 1, pac.c sta'tou sno'ilil be prov. le.l tor the iiM:i elad i!.:et. It is intetided that these vessels .-hall be in proper condition liir any leie r ncy, and it is desirable that tli.' bii! iM.eeptiier' Lcag.it o I'la'jd for, n:i val purposes, hieh passed the Ho'nsc of llepresei'.taUves at its list sc. don, sbenld receive iual action nt fin early period, in order that there may baittui. table p station lor 'this o!'!s of sols, a- .ei. as a navy yard of urea suLieL cut for the want' of the service, on the Deleware river. The naval jjeutiou fund amounts to SI 1.700.000 having been iu creusci .i,7'JJ,0i.'t during tbo year. Tin: t-::penditnre4 of the lep".'v.ieiit ."or tile iise-il year ending - 0.1th .Tnno'.last were $i-,y'-iJy''!i an 1 the estimates for the coining year auiount to v-",3');.!,iU(j. AtletiUoa Is iuTited to tho coiclitiou . cf our seamen, aud the importance of legis. laiive measures for their relief and im provouicnt. The sugestions in behalf of this deserving class of our felluw citi zens are cvtrr.estiy roc auimended to the favorable attcnJoa of Congress. I POvTMASTtR OUXr?.AL JtAXDALL S KI3- 1 oivr. . ' Tlie rt-pcrt of the Post Master Geno kJ prcsenM a mcst satisfaetery cotiJition of the postal : f'-'co.'and .submits reeoin. tneridiit ion's which deserve the c-ou.-ider-y t ion of C'ougi'eiS, Thu revenues of the Department lor tho year ending Ju'W 'ii), lS'id, .were 8U.:5sr.fWG, an It lie cxptnditures Sl.r),L'5"J,t 7:1, .ho-.vlng an e::eess of the hitler of 8D03.il'J3. ' In anticipation vf 'this delieieiicy. however, a special appropriation was nvvb1 by (.n Jiess in the act approved Juiy I'S.lStJO. liieluiiiiTtho standing appropriation of t'7Ci.l,tK)iJ for free mail matter, as a leg. itimate j.irliou. of the levenues yet re maining unexpended, the actual defici ency fbr tho past year is only S05,U'.i;i, n sum within 551,141 'of the umoutit es timated in the aiinual report ul' ltil. The decrease, of revenue compared with the previous year was oae and one-fifth per cent.. ouU tlie tuereasj ol e:;ioiiui- 1 lures, owing principally to tho coinage- I taciitottbe l.:.,ll servicr, f tlic !rou,h, I was tw.-.'.rc i'.c-r cct;i. On' Ihe 0iU oj'. dene la-f t'o'eie wore in. opt i-a'.ion 'tox : tiiou.-aiiJ i;i.ie tiuiiiii'i;.J is ft eJ t:nr!y 1 jUtcs, w:in a 1 ajmc iv en to u a Wict jr ucvcion of tm. tb ::e l.'tigt'i ot oi. e.i.-ji,d ni.:e hu.i r...... .: tine, any from il ready '!) 1 large aro.,es rouh'ii'id. ti vmy lu:s l.rovi.!,. .he.,.,-1;. a V.M.i brece 1 load. The. u.i'lit-0-y sii'e.igili, ias been un'mjiaired by t voliiiit-i n-, iho di.-.pg. iee'-ib'e or Tierisiiaule sto- 1 died r.r.d chjnv th .1 fie 1 t 1. ty-oue iiilh'S. a:, ug .) rta,:i:u ol soven'v or c um euidreu i.o.l iourt"j:i mile's ' aniiU'd cost, ieelu lit: ifi.s of hi 10, 1. Th ii.vaj lo'Hi.s is thirty t'.vo 1 '' ninety. iv.'o loiL -1, and the neer who coiapiies With tlie terms they imp. 'So, t l:e privih"re of. p'irc'i.i-iiig 11 limited portion of " unoffercd land" at the , iniifiiuum price Tito homestead enactment relieve the settlor from the paymo'it of fiiirchaso tnoitey, and s.ccure him :t pernraneiit inome upou the eotidi ti'yVot residence for ft term of years. This liberty policy invites emigration iri.m this old, an 1 from the inure crowd, ed portions ot tho new world. Its pio. piii'.us lesuks are undoubted, and wi'l be tiioro .-.igually tnariilested wheu time ,:tci.l li'iei ri,',.i, f,i il n W;t1 incut. Gomrress has made liberal grants public lauds to corporations, in aid of the construction of railroads und other internal improvcincnt. Should this jKi'itey'hereafter prcveil, more stringent provisions will bo recjuired to secure a laitblnl application of the hind. The title to the lands, tdiould not pass, by pa. tent or ether. vise, but remain in the Government oii.d subject to its control until conic portion of i-bn road has been actually built. Portions of tnem might, then, ironi tiiuo to lime, bo convoyed to the eorpjrali.:!!, but never in greater ratio to the whole rniantity embraced by tho grant than the completed parts bear to tho entire length' of the projected ir.i. proyemeiit. The restriction would not operate to the prejudice of aud under taking conceived .in e.-ood faith and exe cuted wiih reasonable energy, iw I: is ihe settled practice t withdraw from mar ket thu land.' lulling within the opera tiou of such grants, and thus to exi'iido tho inception of a Kiibseiiueiit adverse lie-lit. A breach of tho conditions which Jyongreidt may deem proper in impos,. should work a forfeiture ot claim to the lands so withdrawn but iineonveve-l. and id' title to Hie lauds conveyed, which re main unsold. ' ' . ' 1 "'UK lWCIl'te U. IMUIAt). . Operation-, on th.i sever d lines of the Pari lie Railroad hae ben-i j.ru'.-eu'cd Willi iinex-tmpled vig .r and suec.-s . .Should no un :"':. s,- .11 euu-es of delay oeeui', it is ;-'.i:ii lenl'y anticipated that liis great thoriiuuhlare w II b-t ecmpleV;! bei'oro the expiration of tlie period dis. lignatcu t,y t. oiigr s. 1'. '. :.;::nt of I'K.msioxs. J'urhi;.' the last li-e.d year th e amount I ! by Ui lli.-h subject', ia violation ofinter- national hiw"i(J treaty obligations- The delay, howeved, aiay oc believed to have resu.reu in no small degree j do:in-tie situation ol' (i"at ln'iiain. i An eo. ire change of ministry occurred ! iu that country during tlie last session cf j i'ar'iit.e'iit. TVe at ten tiou of tlisJ. new ! uiiiii-iry was called to the se.dijost at au j early d .', and there is some lC-ason to expect M: at it tviil now bo con?ietered in a becoming and friendly spirit, a'bc importance ol an early disposition of the ijiii. s:ti' u eaiiuotbe exaggerated. VJiat j evi r might be the wishes of tho two I 1 1 ovcrimeeis, it is manifest that' good will and friendship between the two countries cannot be established until a reciprocity, in tho practice of good faith and neutrality, shall be restored between the respective nations. Till: l'tlMAS AFFAIR OF LAST JL'.NK. On tho Gth of .Tune last, iu violation of our neutrality laws, a military expe dition and enterprise against the British North American Colonics was projected and attempted to be curried on within the territery and jurisdiction of the Uni ted States. In obedience to tho obliga tion imposed upon the Executive by tho (.'ensiitittioii to see that the laws are faithl'elly executed,' all citizens were warned, by jirociaiualiou, against taking part i:t or aiding such unlawful proceed ings, and tho proper civil, military and. naval ollicers were directed to lake all necessary measures for the ctifotceiuent ol the laws. The expedition failed, but it has not been without its painful cou seijuences. Some of our citiaeus who, it was alleged, were engaged i:i the exiic liiion, w-re captured and have been biought to trial, as lor a capital 1. House, iu the Province of Canada Jul in. -nt and sentene.! of death have been pronoune'd against some, while whets have been uei;tiitted. Fully be I . vi'ig in the maxim id government, t'1.11 severity of civil punishment for iiii.-gui'led persons who have engaged iu 1 revolutionary attempts winch oisasier- niisiy failed, is unsound and unwise, such leji.e-entalioi.s have been made to tho staiiJ a better chance of obtaining for giveness. Hut this, i.i ,tead of being an argument in favor 'cf your U'Cttiue, tiecim to me a very strcitg r.rguincnt ?gai;::.t it. For, First. It dishonors the character cf Mary. 'h; is presented to us in the Ferlrituro as a very exce llent persijn ; ft tolo ad.!rcs-;ed as ' l.ivhly favored" anJ ' blessed among women." Put you take from her one of the most c.isential elements ol a righteous char acter, a.nl make her very unlike God ; so tuuoh so that sits could not rejoice in the cjcrcisc of d'vino justice could net join in t!ioe Alleluias tliat we read 1. 1 ., ....... ... '1. 1 .' . , Tfl, in i'.o sma.'l uegrce irom tne ; " ' -i.piic.iivpsvj i.e-n;;; 3. ej n:n; r.ii Thou art rigblcoit .-, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shall b, because thou hast ju Igeu thus. For they have shed the blood of saiuls and prophets, flttd thou hast given their blood to drink ; for they are worthy." " Alleluiit ; Sal vaiioa, aud glory, and honor, and potter, unto the Lord our God : for true t.nd righteous arc bis judgments fir Ife ha'.h judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her foriiieat'mus, and Lath avenged the blood of his set-' vanfs. And again they said Alleluia. And her smoke rose up forever und cv. er." If Mary i3 ail mercy ami no justice, we may be very sure that a just God will never resign tho judgment seat to her. And with yonr notion of the saints' iuterccesreti, wa might, (without irreverence) imagine some such colloq-e.y in this : J.'.n-. Father Aj mighty, I beseech thee have mercy upou this poor sinner, who, burdened with bis sins, has cried to me for help. The Fullifi: And why did he come to thee ? Have I not said, Look unto Mo, and be ye saved, all thectids 01 the earth : fori am God, and there is none else. Why then does be look to a crea ture, instead 0: God ? ... Ala's bo fe..r.s thy justice ! ahd not daring to appear before Thee, lest, the thunderbolts of Thy just wrath should be hurled upon him, he has ca.-t himself at my feet, beggiug mj to inter cede for him. 'Ihr F'dhcr. If he so richly deserves wrath, why Lot let justieo lake its course ? -l'.7-y. Oh, speak not of justice, but liatos ol A I voitiftinw AJra'rs and Eeto,''s Notices, each ti tiinug , ; f, Auditor' Ji'o'lkos, eUc'i. .......... 2 601 Trantient ftdverlisinj?, por srjunrn ef 10 linen or loss, 8 times or I 2 00 Far each sulisetpicnt irifMtfon fi(J l'lofevsionnl cards, 1 yeur , 6 00 Spculiil notices, per line. j Iu Oijitnary .'ind M-iu iatrn Nciict-?, encli 1 00 Ycnrl y AJvcrlisiiig, one sium-Ci 10 00 Vunrly Advertising, two miiiret 1100 Ve il 'y Adver'ing three friunres 20 00 Ve'iily Advertising, 1 column 2r) 00 Yearly Advertising, culuniii So 00 Yearly Advertising, 1 column..;...... 70 00 Advertisetncnts displnyed moro ten erdinnrdy will be clnuged for nt tlie rate .'jurcoUtmn; of 9'J OH word ! Thero is but ona law for such. He that beiioveth shnil bo saved, but he that bclievcth not shall be damned. M'li-ij. Oh, deal tiot too harshly with him ! he is ro terrified at tho thought of Thy Justice and his oivu guilt that ho Ciiiiiot veiuuri-. into Tho prescti:o. Put indeed he'deslrcs to come to Thee, and invokes my iu'erCsdoii that he may find acceptance. The m.)n. Docs ho think all my iuvi tatious, all my proinises,are but mockery! Doss he think me a hypocrite and a liar! But my blood was the 1 lor stloh aa ho Lid him come to me and I will receive him oven n w, J'f.;. Holy Spirit, it is thyofiire to convince of sin : I beseech Thee show this poor sinner lii uii.sUke, and lea l him to look to Jesus. Tlf Sjii'ri'i. I have called, but he has refu-'ed, I have said, Behold the Lamb of God, aud urged him to flee to CuRisr for refuge from tho wrath to conic. But ho resisted my entreaty ; bo set ut naught tny counsel, t'li l despised my reproof. And now I will laugh at his calamity, aud mock when bis fear com. eth. lie shall cat the fruit of his own way, and bo lilled with bis own devices. J'i.-y Oh, let him not yet be given over to destruction ! Let me go aud try to pcirsude him to repentance. Tltc Spiit. It would be iu vain. If he hear not Moses and tha prophets, neither will he bo persuaded though oae rose from the dead. I have drawn this out further than I intended, and must tax your patience (and the j;rintcrV) with another letter. . Tiuly yours, "evangkltst. annual It"., lion cult and au agLrcg all expeivl.i'af length of r.ii. thousand uui aunuul trens:. if 1 mo... I th id' 1 1.. ;; :' e. ers. inelu.liug t:n) ox ; ,s e:' .ha'j'.r.'.seiiietit, was thirteen : 1 (:;t y.uirie 1.1: 1 .... -i 1 r u . rtati ei unrry mi.i. iu six i 1 f p.'Ull.lU Ui. 10. 1 an 1 ;f..:.' Tho nun. leatth 1 ' 'loiichmetit of cxpet.ui ll" war material to liu. t le1:; been returned, and .'led volunteers standing. I d to1 tho uafioaa.1 call, (-.an l.j rapidly organized, I C'lin-ei. (rated. Foiaa'Ic.a- not on t'i.- co-i.-t and lrcnti'.r imve re cei; c ' or itv- being prepared for more power: 11! :i'.'ne;ii.f nls ; lake surveys and haib.-r aiol liver improvements am in. cour.'eer' (iieig.'tic pro-eeutiiin. 1'iep nrioioiic I. aw been uiado for the paytuetit of tho i,-1, .litiiJiv'l buuiiiivaj a,iuliorized du .-!.:"' '.he ic -:!t. t sessiiu of Gongie-s, uiidt r siii.'ljt regulations fis will protect the 'tlovci iipi.-iil. jVuin fraud, aud secure to the !,..u. yi-.-ibly di.-oharged ioldler the we!I-e ireed f(ward j)f his faithfulness and 1. 11 i'li' y. .''oip, than six thousand mail.' : i y'-',''e.s liuvu received artificial l.'xl or'oi.n.1' surgical apparatus; und I l.'l'ldl'i bundrea dred and xty rievcu 1 ef s-teaitiloat nutos U fouvtcou- tliousan-i three buadred -and for ty-.six miles, and ' 1,1 .t. 1 ..,?.. ai,mn .:!;.. 01 tiie sac: iuj. uuuu.il li an j mji laiiuu in,i.u u,.iit...i. four hundred and eleven tbourund. niue hundred aud sixty-two milc3. , Tho.toail service ws rapvily'intrejsing throughout tjiowliolo country, And its steady extcn. si'iii in the Sniitlieni States indicatee Incir c"oristapt!y; iiuproving condition" l'he grownig importance of the lbv$igt serwee also merits atttytin. The Post fhl'ee Department of Qrcat'Biitain and Cur 0W11 Iirvo agreed upon a prelimin;!iy basis for a new Postal Convention, which k is belicj'cd viH proyo eminently teji ficitiT to the commercial interests of tho i United, Stato4 inasmuch as it content plateu a reduction of the international letter pivriii 'o to one-half the c.istiijg rutes ; oridectiou of j.otage tiith .H other couuics to aml.fi'oiii wliioh eorre iipondenee is transmitted in tbo British mail, or iu elosed luuils throughout the UiiitedCKisgdon the establishment. of un'jorm and reasonable charges lor the eca aud teiritorial transit of correspoir luiiiirett i.uudr.'.l and ninety-six ', llijiisaud on" ImudreU . .-.even immes were added to roils. Tli . entire, number of lur.e Jin, Pf s i, was one bun. t fiity-:'ix , tI:oi'..-:.iid lcvuu i tVi nly t ,v). This fact fur in. -holly unl ftiikiitg proi.f .ices iiiiidc to vindieat-j 'tiie cot.stitution.d .authority of tho Pedetal Government, and to maintain inviolate the integrity id the Uuiou. ..They im po-e upon, us corresponding obligations. It is estimated that thirty-three million dollars wili be rcnuired to meet" thu cxi. gent-ies of this biairj'u of the service dat ing "tha next fiscal year. NAfor.rox "oofi isXcii' on his. woap. Sucli Vias the C3ndition of atl'airs in regard to Mexico, when, on the 22d of (November last, official information was received lioiu Pans that the bmperor of Plane lias some timo he-tore decide J Uot to ttithilraw a 'detachment of bis forces in the. .iiibjith 'ot ,;oy'ember jast, acoordi.ag' to engagement, but t'.iut this' tk-uiiuuiAViU aaiado with the purjiiis.ij.f withdrawing the whob) lo:c3 iu the en suing r-priiig. Of' tb-is , 'determiimtioo', however, the United States bad juetls ceived any tmtico or intimutiou : and, at soau as the iufortiiatlouwas received !ii-irT!i 1 1 fn'fin iiioi-. t. io beieiif of llw , , , t I l:t lino,? Ilnvn Tit ian 1? i.liwn-.. lin , f il e.nivie'e.l persons ucing stistatiicil hy . J ... .. an i.'oiihteu.'d and l.nni.itie ju lgment, ' vary shall lhat blood be shed in vain ? : Tim Father. Ah, Calvary I we'll remember ! Make vour reouest to lli.-i who was thcie lifted upon the tree for I have committed all judgment to tho ton. ; Uicni'il Son of God, who tlal.it condescend to become the Sou ( f Man, and to call mo Mother ! wilt thou not have mercy upon such a or.c- be is a great sinner indeed, but thy blood can cleanse l.iiu from all in. I'erneiiibe.' Calvary, nnd let not that divine sacriliee be in vain ! ' . ' The &h. -A tinner :eeLitig forgive. iicjs ! ii him como to me, and a thot:-,-und times welcome! But where is he? Idarj. Oh, be has fallen at my feet, uot Laving courage to approach Thee ho i.t laden down with crime:! and trans gressions, and fears he shall sink into the bottomless pit. 'J fit: iS'o.t. A'ad why docs ho fall at thy feet Have I uo; said, Come unto Me, nil ye that labor, and aic heavy lad en, and I will give 'you rest ? J.fv. Ti ui h, lord, you have given him that gracious invitation : but be :s so wtu ur'Jiy be lenii you will uot receive hjin. ' ' Tiie Sun; But have I' not said, I came not to call the righteous, but tny'; 'and him that coitieth o me 1 will in uo wiiso east out? ' -VoVj. True he kndwVall this, and yet T!x Son. And ret Le doubts mv i wiii. it is hoped, io-luco in tln-ir cas,s ! au exercise oi clemency, and a judicious ! .'iiniie-iy to a!! wh.) were engaged in the. ' ,i:ovoii:i nr. Counsel has been employed j by the Government to defend citizjus of I tl o United States on trial fr capital olf'eiises in Canada ; and a .dlseontin u. inc.: ol the proseou-dons which were iustitured iu the course of tho Unit:d S:ate.-i ngain-t. those who took part in the expedition, has been directed. A T'.tYt.N'a OilDKAL In flirt jir-rfirin.'ince of a duly impos ed up ui ;ne by the Coustitutioii, I hae tints Mibiiihtc.l to the PeptCiiltatives ol the Slavs and of the people, such iujor ii.a'iii.i of our domestic and foreign ut i'aii'f :. ; ti e p'lb'.ie interests seem to re fiilre. Our Government is now under going its most trying ordeal, ami my earnc't prayer is th.it the peril may be '.tii-cos.iuiiy and lina'ly passed, wit lie at impair! ii: its otigiual strength and sym metry. The interests of the nation arc best to bo promoted by tho revival of Iratei-na1 ivlalious. the complete oblitera tion oii.'ir pant differences, and the re-iiuiii'j-i' iti iii of all the pursuits of peace. Dn ecMie.r our efforts to the early accom-p'i-h:i. of these great cuds, let us endeavor to preserve harmony between the co-or.iiuaie Departments of the Government, lhat each iu its proper spheic may cordially co-opcrato with the i-ther in securing tho maintenance the Co astitntion, the preservation of the liiion, and 'tlic perpetuity o' our free institutions., ., . . - jj Asi'lttUV JOHNSON. " Virashiiigton, Dee. i, 1SO0. - The colored people iu Lynchburg are civing tbeatieal represeiitittion.s. COUNT I NC -1 1 OUTSE A L M A N A C F O I t 1 rt t; 7 . is. "-i ! tJi JANUARY i-EnacmY. MARCH A1T.IL. ... ....... i 2. :j 4 " ! it- r: si !i;in iiji-' li t l I'l Vin'i; in in 2ti -1 22 2:!;24:25i2il 127 2 2'.l :JO,3lL.... ..I...L.LJ.J.J 1 2 4l .1, ! 10 11'213JH!15 jli'.;l'.MS Hi 20-l2i 8 MAY.. JUNE. JULY.. AIM VST. sr.PTC'ci'n. outoi:::?...... NOYEMHEU. DF.CEMEER. J4 .-, '.i!.l ...I...I...I...I. 2i tli a; ,; '.' 10 11 12 !3;14!15 10,17,1s. I'.lOll'J'J '-:l 21 :'j 'Jii'27'2t; 2'J : Si'... I. .J. ..!... I... i II 2! :'. -I' ." I 0! 7' f;: f 10 11 1-j i:l 1 1 lA.h'.'K'lH ,2'1 21 22;2::,24 2o,2'i 27 2li'::u!...!...!... l' 2: :l i 4 ti 7! 8' 'J in ii!i2 is i t i.j iii;i7 1 s I : .' 2.j,'2ii:: 1! 2: :0 21,22i2H!2t 17 ,2S121)i30 SI 3; ii ,j; ii' 7 8 II lu'1112 l'l 1 I lollG 17:11!) 20 21 '22 2 ;.24(2o:2,127 2-l ...... 1 2 sj 4. r, oj 7! ts, '.1,10 l!;!2 i:t n'l.j'M 17 !; r. 120 21,22,2124 25 2i 0131!...'... -H 4 .11 (1 7' Si lel'l, 11)12,13 14' l.j If. 17 i'S.r.i 2i.,:;l 22 24 21 2 j;2iii27;2'.il.'to .... i 2; : a! -v - ol 7l s 'alio n ig bi.i : lo'ii; 17. is r.i 20 21 22 2:; '24 2.j;20 27. 2. 2!i :i:l'l .!... ... I... I.. l; 2 ."I 4 1 .'. IV 7: h'. u in 11;12l: 11 l.j It! I7,l.s l'.igo 21 2 2H 21 2V'20 27 '2s, 20 :U 1! 21 ' A ol C, 7 '.' 10 11 12 bVl t 1 j le, 17 lS'iii oi-'i :2;2H 2t 2o 2( 27 I 7 1 21 :! 4 8 ll'lO 11 li- 2S 1 1 :;j 1 i , 1 1 tj; 17i 1 Sf 1 1 2o'21j22 2.;:2l:2o,2i; '27,t;M 2'.' :iu Bli. ..I... Tha1. Ttevens' caueut resolve 1 that the lluiiip Senate should not con firm any of the appoin'ments male by tho President daring the recess of the immaculate Hump. First crack of tho whip. Large iimntities c f flour and othor produce are uow finding their way from tho west down the Misni.s-ippi, .regard less of the fact that tbo llump has not deeljred the war ended and l.annoii restored- Pork is silling i:i Winchester at t-'Q per hundred, and. tho Tone savs ; W;ll Lj lower.