JOU Oi.K. Eielilh elitot hand bid, n : cui-iis ov less Quarter sheet handbill, -V) epics nr less $.Ua) Half sheet handbill, f'J curies or lc?8 Full sheet hand-bill, "iO copies or less $,0o. BLANK?. Tor any quantity under five quires. $1,. 6'. per (ivre ; on all amounts eljci' lliat u reasonable reduction will ! made. n:uMs i' wvM. SI. 50 per year in u.l vuc S'J.fin if pnid Uhin the year, and if uot paid wiih- iu that time. Yir T;'nu ! ItiJgirrt'j. Erie Impress ll:t-'5p. m. Jo do Wfi :(:o in ilo Mil EiU ":10 p. m. do do Wt 'I:'.'!? p. m. Local Freight E-i-t lOOOn. tit. do do West U: Op. m. i; o"t7oe! Hereafter t ho Post Oiliee will be dosed every evening ft S o'clock. On Sunday it will Lc Kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail u-d ul G p. m. h. i.uthkil P. M. Tc liV-if-''-"''. I his t-ubjeel which inr.y nlwavs ho made the occasion (nr a loc:.l horn, lias been ( J ceedmg.y un pleasant during tho. last wed: ; unking it almost impossible to do any Umd ul outside win!.-. Look nt It- is a.uii'ui.uiL'ijt ol the new firm nt Ccutreville appear: in our columns to day. 1 hey crtainly offer riCiit bargains, mid we would ad vise any person wishing to buy good to give thim a call. .. A". 1 Ihdl. '1 lie numerous fiirDds ot this young gentleman will be pleaned lo learn that he has located at ft Mary's, and has pone into partnership with his brother in the piacticc ol law at that place. . May sue ' cess attend his every effort. The Stiver S;n:'.i Sicirt. This ar. t!?le of ladies' wear can be hud at Hyde's t'ore. We arc nut tuflicieiitly con vet suat with the paraphernalia of a lady's cress to pass upoo the merits or demcr JU of the article ; but ihey ore new and insiiionable, and the ladles will uot he loi'g in testing their meiits. Utiut ifjil heuri t:te lrutc.J- S. Hyde lii3 ju.-t received Vm l.trjcm stock of goods that have been l" r u 1 1 1 to Alt county tins yen-!). I lie umver a1 exc'anialtoo of his o'.-'o'ucrs " How beautiful ! liow c'i-.--.. : " lie :s cci.s'autly fcJdinir to hia v.'. v ex'en. i ive stock, aud will svtl cL; aver man the .'tier. pest. The SofiuLii:. We ate ri icaied to i that the c hIA- ' w.ll mut i.' the hou,-e iif Mr. In V i'.us or. this (Thursday) einic.'. .; The object ol' the SoiiaL'.c is to rai.-e . s for tie paymeht nft!-o 'ieht in ::i:ed by 'he Episcopal Sabmitli School iha purcha'je of their i-Lury, mid to r' iVay the incidental expi re.-, tf the c :iiOcl. It is intuuded l.c a xiu-tnLle -.ihcring of yourg una old i nee a net k. at which githerlugs each and every jer t'oa is expecicd to i;ivc l.i; or her mite aid of the object. WatELKiii 'iV'ir.s.iN's .S'iWiNO M.- CUINES. &TATi:FAHjliGl'NI)S. D.Y- riis, O., Oct. 10. ! SOU. We, the nn. f'cr'-igucd Couir.iit'.ee, i.s a unit, tiward Ike First I'leiuium to t' e Whet ler & "VilsoD iS'evrin M-jchinu ('omjr.iiy, us '.1C best iSfowinc Machine fir Uinily uc ': he basis of our j"duii nt b iutr. fir.-t, iuiplitity of coiis;i ucth'ii. (VteiHid, du lability of work. Third, easiness of working. Fouti!;, stiilncss in runninjr. I'ifth, simplicity an 1 completeness of lfs attachments. In Machines for fa m .'.j use, uicrii were seven 'ir.i uoi'.i i.nt'pn rinlrliu Wheeler oi Wilson, Gt er k liaker. Howe liliptic, ."s'n.'ier. Wilcx.t Gihbs, oad tiio I'Voreoce1 The above is most respectfully tubmitted. V.'. ft. Ai.vxANDrR, Mas W. W. Whitney, Mits. Jas. 1'attkksov, Committee. J. K. Whitraorc, Esq., is ugent for the above machines at this place. Insurance. C. V. Gillis, of llid way, lias been appointed ujreut for the Home Insurance Company of New 11a Hn, Couuetticut. The Home has u capital of a million nith u large surplus, and the Dionthly receipts are over 8125,000. Policies are wr'ttcn tod delivered by the local agent, and the losses arc equi tably adjusted and promptly paid by traveling ngeota, who also examine and direct tho work oi the local agents. Tho The Home issues policies for over three or five years on buildiugs and merchan. disc at as low rates as can be done by any safe comptny. AIbo issues perpet uul poli cies on dwellings, churches and piiblic buildings. PcrftDS dib'ring insui'ir.oe should preler the ilime, nis'.eu J ol inr.ui'.tijj :n niotual coaifaaics wiib o j-reuiium note. KaTlJeD. BLckburn, barber, from Emporium, will offer his professional set vices to the citizeus of llidway on next Tuesday, lie purposes visit in;; RiJjway once a week, iflho bu.-im.'S3 warrimta it. We wculd advise any one wantinjr nnytliing done )n bin line to give him a call, us he is a capital barber. Tim Kuitoh a.i the Foktune Tkllkr. A Kentucky editor visited a lortune teller recently, lie makes the lollowiiiit report of t!ie revelations con ceriiinjr his past and future : T!iou ha-t served three years in ihc penitentiary for a hoi so that thou didst not steal. 'Mum will be Governor of the State and afterward decline a sci:t in the Senste (;f the United States. A wealthy yonnji la!y, with blue hair, au burn eyes, and vciy beau'ilul is nmv a bout to graduate from the House of Cor rection, whom tlxm wilt mar-yas soon us lh piesei.t wife dies, which will be at the fouith full of the next moon. Thou wilt become possessed of this la dy's wealth, and elope with the wi!c of a coal.biiat cn nccr. Thou wilt pro to N.-w Orleans, and start a l:eno bank, which will hi in j thee in preat riches. After an absence of nineteen yeais, thou wilt return to thy repining wile, lay thy princely fortune at her feet, be forgiven, mid after raising a family of nineteen children, die happy, at the age of ninety. "inc. E.v M.r.lUi:U i, tho 6th inst.. by L'n. 0. II. l't'i.i.v.n, Koq,. Mu. Fkhdeiuok .Iii.:.i:k, to Miss Ella 13 it , vino it t, both of this county. The happy couple will nccept the printer's iinnl;e f ir th j suhatanli ul'' which accom panied the above. JOHN Q. II A I.I MM. K. V. U.LL. I ' ALTj & liliO. Attorneys tvt - Law, ST. MANY'K: BEXZWGER P. 0. EI K COL'NTV, l'A. September 20, 100. ly. -TVfOTICC TO OltliniT- J t)US Tiie lute firm ol Itinke .It Woods of the borough of Kt. Mary's. Kik cniiiiiy. I'u., having on tho Slit day of Oc tober, A. D. 18li0, inado u jrunorul n-siu-nieiii tor the lieiit'fil uf ci'i'diiors to the nil defnicin'd, all persons indebted to suid firm will pit-arc make payment, and all having e'.iiiajs prcseul them lo CHAItLKS .McVEAX, Asuigneo. St. Maty's. )tH2iiij;cr 1'. 0. December Cth. 100. prhKSli OWSEKfl. ATTENTION -The IB iutinc-iber. vc-iiding in Uuiiezetf Ip . wnu d rexpocifully intumi owner of horses that he is prepared to i uno visuious homes nflertha mnii app.-ovjl pi. in. 1 c in tame any 4 ye ir ol I hors-j ti th it he will lie djwn nt my eniiii md iu eight ciiuutes uficr 1 hare handled him. J. JONF.3. PtcnnbfrCih.lSGOtr THE TLACE TO U'JV IS V'KEIlii YOU CAN BUY The Cheapest. o re sr. O -. 3 - .-5 - ru Z2 2. 5 1 8 - -t a i5 n 4 2 W tr a 5"C H h pi W :0 5 - OT 5 3 3 li s 5 2 2 !2j 2 v. -r 3 n Q u fi -- 6 S P3 1 5 so h 3. 88? o'oi. a 3 a 3 c a a C3 H to S a. s - o a B n : p a. t r er ..? 0 CO 2. o is o c WE 8ELL .iOUDS A3 LOW j,S THEY CAN BE BOUUUT IN Erie City . GIVE I'd A CALL. AXD !fE V,'II.L -ajt 2 O D & 4 2 fc.C Jo?- c GO up; . T 1ST OP CAUSESffi iwn JiJ lur mill lur Jauunry lerm, Itio". -J I'owell, adm'r vs llliim s' ndm'ia -Uilliugcr, Iicash Davidson Clements McKiiiiron Ktiiitnercr .May Sello Vs Sorbet, nl. vs Wiinilelder vs (,'aimaii vs Arm r ft. al. vs Alexander i t al vs .le(.'auU'y et al vs Elliott vs lien, noli dist. G. A. KATIIKl'N. I'rotl.otiolaiy. LIST OP US 111V" lor Jaui.aiy Term, l,s(i7. l.lUMi JUIUIIIS. Ih-nrzttt it. Kllis Lewis,. II D ! Ji.hiisuii, .lames Overt in f. j lifiiiimjir lirp Jui-nli Nisr. I F.r t,,,. V J l.eaby. Daniel I'li.-t-i Ion, J 8 liyde. Denuis Klli-nton, Jacob I M'l'auley, Amliew lluiv. Jm Iv-ji. Charles Webb, Nilson Iiobinson. j JowH hrp. Win K Gallagher, Chris. ; toplier Dill. j R 'J'ji-iii tii-p. -Isaac Horton, jr.. '1 ; IJ Cobb, I at i'iiey, jr , lLudali Jlulou. 1 G D Mcssenacr. ! Sprat j Crick li'p. Wm, G j W DaviiJsoii. I St- Mar i 8 Lo-oujli. fl Fociitman. Lawience Itietz. Geoiiji! Smith. XitAVKUSK J, IlOttS. ( BvH'zi U lu-j). -15 J w ones, L) Johnson i John li.ii i'. I JJiiixhiirr iirp, Jaerb Ytillmi'r, Mi ; ehai 1 Steibijr, .John (juetz (windfall;. Jacub Schubert, (jeoij;i liirnur. I Fuxtttp. Aibeti i'.Kini'i', Suloiii'iii lmehalt. Juiiies 1. Taylor, Adelphiii Ksler, W W 8liaw, L "Mohan, ceniur. Williatu M'Cuuley, Johu Taylor, E if Gresh. UiijMmal tirp. Levi Ellithorpo. J,i,rp. E Golf, Wm j Luce, Joseph L hi. Junta ttt-p. EJw.n'd Souther. liiiiiC'ii ttcp JVter IJianiir, Ann e Wheeler, d F Dill, John Vanorsdall Sprimj Civile tup Jeicmiitli Elli t. S'. Jlmy's linrmi'jh. Joseph Wind (elder, Jo.-epli W'iihelm, Anton lieu linger, Albert Weis, Charles Weis, Denial J Eekel. y A-NTE4.', A i EX'J'S 75 to S-'OO T( I'EU .OM'll lor euticimu and S3o to jJ7,j ior lai-lics, everywheie. to inlroduee tho Celebrated Common Sense Family Sowing Machine, improve eJ ami pevl'eeted. It will hem, fell, ft tch, ijmlt, bind, braid and embioiiiei beauuiiuly. J'riee only 8JU, tnakinj; the fhiatio lock stiteli, uiul lully war. ranted for three yearn. Wo puy the above wages, or a commission, (rem which tw.eo that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or cull on C UOWEIIS & CO., .Salesrooms, No, 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. I 'a All letters unsiveiid pnnnpi ly, ivith circulars aud ttrms. May Ul'liO-ly. miJfJSILVEIl SKI JIT. JL JIOUEDUnAEI.E, MOKE ELA TIC, MOItE (illACEI-'L'L! And wiil leep itsuhape and iciain its place belter than any oil eriSkiit This new and bcitiful stylo of Pkirt (Put ci:"id March 7, l&ii'j.) was nwnnlid by Hie tireat American Institute Fair, hold iu New York, October, 16Go, a SILVER MEDAL, being Urn Highest rrcniiuin ever given fur it llnop Skill. The Slcl Pprings are wound wilh flno pint i'il wire in phico t f a C'litini cdvei'injt which will not wear olf or heennio smlod. and iho whole skirl may bo wohed wiilioni injury or I ear of rusliiig, and will bo a? good us new. Tho Combination Silver Skiit This invciitinii combines with the ord'nm ry hkirt ihe advnnnnri's or our S.lvi'v t?k tit ilio I'litt'iin h'opoarii llio suae as tlmse us ud iu ilio Silver Skirt, the oovering of which I'liiiinii wear off, while llin nipor ones avi. cuveicit with coMiui. No holy bavins once worn mo of our Skirls, will bo willing to wear any nl her. as ilio lower hoops of all oilier kinds lire soon injured and snileed. The bent ninteeials are use ! in their eon. struetioti, mid. (loin llndr ibiiabilily and ileal iicsa they are destined lo hecomo a Favorite iSkii-t. Muniifacitired solely by too Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, ao aud 3i li.WU LAY ST. NEW YOIIK. r. S. Si'tnav, Sup't. Aug Jih-y . PHOTOORAPIIIC. E. &. H. T. ANTHONY &, CO.. Eoaulacturtrg of tiiotograpliio Uateriale, Vii,lesiilo anil i.oiuil, f.Oi llKOADtt AY. N. Y. In aO'liuoii to our main business of PlllJiUU II A I'lUG MATKK1A I.S we are 1 1 end i j unit era to tint billowing. '.. STEIIESCOl'ES & STEl'.l'SCtJl'lC VIEWS Of Ainericaii and Foreign Cities and Land scupcs. fii'onps, Siatua' v. elu. S I I.'IIESCOI'IO VIEW'S OK THE WAV!, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photograph ic hUterv of llio pa eat oniiii-xt. BH'liltri:o!MC VIEWS ON fil.ASS, Adajiled for eilher ihe Mngio Laincin or the Slerescope. OurCaialoguo will be Bent to any address on receipt of Stamp. i' H OT 00 K A 111 10 A LI! U M.S. We manufacture more largely than any other house, aliout 100 variefies from CO cents lo Sou each. Our A LilUMS have tho reputation of being superior ia bcauly aud durability to any others. Card rhoiographg of General, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Culiilofriio tnibraoes over FIVE TilOl'SANl) ditferent nubjeolB, including reproductions of the most celohraied En gravings, faint injrii, Sui'ues, etc. Cain lorues eeut on receipt of stamp. 1 liotoor-tplicvs nod others m daring poods C. O. 1)., will ii'tii.-e reirnt per ceutoftho uiar.unt nob liioir order. j ti-Syl l:e prices and quality of our goods J cunaat fui) t ijft-.ii ij. (juas l I'titJ-Jy. $ M Ell 1 CAN AllTISTS' UNION ! 'ly. . M Hill CAN AUTISTS CN- l( IN e-ii,bli..,i d S5i aiitioiitii'i.- li.iit III oi.:. - In extend tl.i; sale of the (ul. 'owing well known and highly popular STJjf.i; I LAW LXCL'AVl.XG.s Depaitiive l the Pilgrim Faihets for Ann lira, 7 x tJG ill Lamliiig i.t the Pilgrim Fath. f's, li" x 80' Mustcling his 'e- in t-, 25 x .". ) Sb, kesoi ;ii an-1 h's Friends, X ol Ctittir't Siiiuid.iy Night, Z'' x 'ili.-L' lli.ieksiiii'.h. 7 X ol .' sf I Vsiiiiv, Fortune l'il;oe.) ' 21x2S Tin- inui'rc at Yyoiiiing "i i77H. 28 x CG Mmm! i-rnoii in the olden t line, i i, i'iisbiiigtuu ut 'lj ; .!' nge, 20 X 31 I be i-rapi- ut A la.-tfr Mac- I oiia'.d liuiii iIk.- Massacre i t I i ieneiie, 20 x " L The 'Madiiiina, 20 'i i iir have, deemed expedient to oH'- r to their ti-.i nds and the pubm- at env I'll ar mid liity cents incti, the ptiee liireel.ou liaMiig been I woilolla s eneli. ami lor ihe porpo-imiC sliinu'atiiii; the i tl'.IIL.' up of ('lulls, ibej b.ivu ili'tel mil. i-il lo award pi'i-miiims t.i llu-gt tt,. n;i . I iln- I 'mbs. ;,iir in li;i,,ii ibcreti, to libiili- uiiio:iet t Ilo soiiseiilieis he sum id Sod.U k) in .none ,n ii p.iint nigs, as s as t'-i; .;i!e .b;, vi- leiii-h- ed Kl'U'W t-iiariiviii-i. As it i,s nur intitiiii ii to aih t-ii iso v, ry i-xt'-nsiveK . and us the envtiaviogs uiv well l,u-.w:i ilitotvliotit the whole, i-nimtry. we have no ibiiib' rliat. with the low pii-jo we cIiihuc 'or llu-la and with the x. Itimi which we put lonb by our numerous trumds. the nuoiiier will be reached in .-hurt time. A.-soon as it is Hai-hed. iho sob-ei il'i-rs, llnviigh their Club Ay-UN. mil iiiitidi-j by a ciicular letter iron, us. iniiiiiig t ho litno and methoj el' ili-.i ibutioii. CI.UI3 RATES. Single Ens-ravings 1, -0 oath, by mail dee. For SI 5 wo will send 23 Eng. aud 2 to the Club Agent. i n 4 'i ii o i ;j ii ti i (j u u ii y it o " a Silvi r Watch. ' a .v i icr Lever. U I J ii 1 1 i Lever. The Club packages will be very se curely packed atiiJloi warded by Exprc.-s Any person may gel up Clubs and I'm ward tho amount either by Express, .vight Hin t. I'ost Oflice Onli r or inn reg sti'tid letter, mid in nil eases the Kiigruviiigs wiil bo iuiiiicdiati'ly sent, ami lor em Ii engraving u ui-m!ii--vi! rir tljtfiti: and leceipf will bo enclosed in u a k;it e. ' ().!) OIIOKUS. P, rsons wish, my t.. .-;ol t',r Eegravings and pay t!ie I' Co. when ihev are received. wiil be tequired to send with ilu-tr older S.i t.i .;.i ;,i -eoldiii toils amoiii.t, aluM il.l- Wi: i t eiei.liteo on tin ir bill jLitsl of I'rtuiliiing To be distributed. One of 510, (HI i in money, S10.C00 5.000 5,000 5,i0(. 5,000 5. 00 Five .f LHUO " 'lei, ,.( 5 i0 " I'ilt.i of 100 " One l,iiie!ii-d i l.'..-niit Oil Paint. ilu -. i n blv (.oiuii'd, Lauds- c.i; ii-. at Sloll each, "Ivi'-i hiiii. lied elegant Oil Paint. ii x-. in hiy frameil, Iutclior itivs. ut ifoj each, 10,000 10,000 850,000 MISTS' IJ.. "Ihe AMERICAN ION w aihl a Id that lilt' to be eiiiisidcieil these pr.-miutns only to the Pyht of a flee tilt to their pations, as iho 'immiii-js mo (ntnished tiiein l,dmc heir mat ki t value, mid us the cost ol e.igiai iuys, iil'er the plates nre proeur ed, is m ry tr flii-o, they can easily all ad to make lite ilisti ibutioii as large as it is Vieniist fbnt our iiiimeioiis Iriends; throiialo'itt tho country nod Cumulus will iiMt ilnir utmost exerlions. i-o ibat i( possililu. the distribution may bo made soon, and it cui bo (lone i tl.ey are ut all neiivo. Ladies have ofum imi-'i'' ext'ellent Club Agents, (or n. and we k. licit their kind ifloiis. which will not go uiiivw jideir Let one or iiuiri! i neigclie p. rsons iu every town or village in the enlintrv eonimeUee us soon us they see tbiij, i.nd get lip as large a Club us 1 1 ss ble. Jly mi d iing ib,. will be the means ul intr.idnciiiu elu jaiit i n-j r.-i villus into families, and thus a'd in ciihivn'iug a taste b-r the beauti (ill and riflned. A (lo'i ess Onl-rs tec. A-Vl.l.H AN A.TISTV L'NIO.V. Nov. S, i Mili-om. 25 Pine St. X. Y. SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, SIGN &, OKNAMENTAL PAJ1CTINC. I Mil.-SjLi.Si.'Ultl E 11 u a U L U 11 (;- speci fully inforin ihe ciiizens of Elk couitiy lliat ho has ,i,i-t stalled iu t lie above business in llidgwuy, and leel -jotiti-denl lliat he can please all who may favor him wiih their custom. GiAl.(N(J. l'Al'IR IIANOINO AND OA LCI MIX 1NG UO.E ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner and stylo. Orders left at this Office or at the (iunking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be prouiplly attended lo. W. I WILLIAMS, May-17 CU-ly. H7H VV ING MACHINE'. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Whseler & Wilson's Feeing Machines for elk county. He keen an a.-sorimciil constantly on hum. Macl ines siid ai I'hiladelj liia i;ud New Yor prices. Aii.v parties ilcsoous of ct'ti.'ioi.g tl.eineaa tlKi , ,, , :lijlOt:L. Marco Ct- Cu ly. t i'-iu v.ay , I'e. " 20 " 15 " 25 " ' 20 " I'D " " 25 U5 " " :i: ' oj ' " 5;i " 75 " so " l -o " " no HDSIXKSS CAItDS. t'-I.N O. llAI.I., An, ,ii,i v at In iv. Itui, Hiiy. l;i; eniiiny l'n. n-ai 'U'dt! ly. LI!IK .1. l;j.AK. iv. aT.i.ww..- ,.,i t'ouiiK-llor i-i Pui'. ,,ii. I l'. s. Ci.' le.-i,er. V. (. J-.U enmity. P.i. ;' lifotl-ly. QOl'TIIl'i: AND WILMS AilnniPva nl Law. Ill Igniiy. LII; eoiiiny l'.."wi- iiiieud to all piolcssional business pvoii'pt -I iiiiir-2J'Gf. Iv. DM. W. 11. IIAI.T.MAN. St. Maiy's, IvYk ci.iuily. l a. lauu of Iho Army of il.t I "nl 'iln.K-. ,a;i:eiil..iv ailei.iioji iii-n to all ca-.f ol t-ii'-gii-al tinthi-e. I mar L':'(iu' 1 v I):,',; I'll. JAM I.S UI.AKELY I by lelaa argeuii. M. .Mary s, i;!li fun li I V Di-ii- J liO ly. D'!. W. W. Si!.H' and Surgery. Cci I'raeiiees Mtdicine ntrcvillc. Ivll; enui,tv I'.i. Dr.iriiT Will ,- culls by iiiirbi or tn.-ir-'.'i' ' I. K-'i -ey. Ell; r-onuiy I'a. pt'y answer ailpr-'feikinnal d.iv. I ii i n l- L':i v. I' llEN.I Ui";-S. I'l.y-ieiiin iinU Sui-. mi ,e. Miirv's Elk county l'a. . iiiii--!ri;ii , TiT l!'VKV l:oTl L. Ceiiin villo. Elk .--mi: I!V t.v- l'a.. C. II. Ily.itt. 'r. au-iroJ C' tllVEl; liOFMMV liail, l'roprietors. nriLU. l'a., L'i;ll , .uig' t i.i'iNK. nor.','::, . a,y3 pa . n.-i- XX. '".in Kreiz, l'roprieior. rug')'!;3 QT. MAI'.Y 3 !;OTo L. 1!. r. VV; f i ) I'n-pi ii-inr. St. Marv's. Mil; cuiimi l'a. Tnis l.oii-i- is in-w titled up wiih ..e. cinl eare for the convenience nini comf.-rt ot plus's, at ii nileraie rales. Eree Hack, lo and troiii iho Depot. (Joml stablii-; at inched. niar l!2'ijt.'iy. T7-ASni.NGTON' KiiCSE. St. Mary', Y 1 Ml enii'iii l'a . Edward lhibi-l I'i- pi o-tiir I lo- linue wilh especial ca c for new uno titled convenience guests. Cnod stabling mtached Mar 'j:)li(i l v. Vi:i.iW..l,L AMI MI-.sSE.NOhll lruc J pi-K Ueaiers in I'ri,-- and Cliennoal". 1 units. 0,1s and arnisli . IV-rluiiicry T-.i, etnvticles ami Stationary. J' j(-w,i v, EU coniny l'a. ' ma,- &; v CII. VOl.K. Maiiulaet in er ami I'ealer . in I.agir Beer, uppiiie the Kuilruad IH-piii. St. Marys, Elk county l'a, !,,,..-'i-e.c..i QO A A MONTH !--ag ents D I Hilled for eix ei.lirei itetc urlirl, . brt out. Address O. T. OA HEY. Citi Viilding, Eiddeford, Me. may 17'fXi-lv'. HENEY M, THOMAS, 1-euler in all hinds of Furniture. Spring Jtnds an, I Mi'ilresfcs. l'lcturu l-'ramcs r.n-1 foliins, liidpwny Pa. Wave Uooiiih on iho corner of Main and Depot St s. I mny-17'Cii-l v. II ATTIC I. CLOCK AVI) W C!l. MAKER. ST. MEY'S. Elk count v I'll Edwiii d McBride. keens i-nneiniolv lenid and for sale. Winches. Chicks. Silver l'laled Ware and Jewelry of all lies .-riptioiiH. Kl'.epainnc neatly executed, mid done on sl'.oi I n-iii -o and reason.-'.blo tcrais. Mar T on iT.n r, INTINO. Fuel, as Ci ai'os. rosters. I'-i'l Heads sr.. il.iiio m it." AIHOCATE OFFICE oa bhort notice and nl reasonable prices. TT O. MtCWNEI.L. II JtJ. o f-'noinental Paint;. ousc. Sign mm I. A!i inders prniiipily attendc-d lo wiih nrniru-s 1 despan-h. ' Infjiiire nt this oMice. or ol the subscriber at Kane .Station, c u.-O'jlll v. W. DAIM'Y. SoriTHoii iK-iuist Maim tt n Mary s, Eik county. 1'eiiiisvlvania. ol tors His prufei-sioual si-rvijes lo the cil izer.s of county Oiiico opposite Ci.ynn.v Mo Venn's Si ore; (July J'Viiti-1 y OLIVE II ti EACON. Mnruraeturcrsan"d V-hoiesale Retail Dialers iu F1.1i,V-i Ff','JVar an-S1 ,9'"-int CAAAL MilL.s. t-:h'l;J. l'A. Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar- kel raid uug bili-iiii ly I'lXECUTlON.S. .sCIMON.S'. SflU'U: j mis. Wnrants, &c, on band audio a do a! this iittice. J Oil WOISK of all kinds and des eriptinns done at thi.s office. A, 3 ' MANCFACTt'CEna OF Revolvers. Cities, Muskets and ('i.ibine.', for iho Lniied Snue Scrv'eo. Also I'lii'lvKT AMI l!H,r IIKVOI.VIim. Itrtie.uiiig I'e.iols, IliHe Cntios, evo!vin llitb'i. Ititlo anil Sunt '.'un b irrels. ami gau inaleiinls sold by gua dealers and ihe trade generaily. In ilu-so days of houselireaking and rob., hdry. every house, sioro. bank, auj ofiice, shoipii lie supplied wilh one of 1 1 E M 1 N i J T( IN S liE VO f, V E 1LS. ?aiiies desiring to ai ail O e.nyelvps of th.. hue iniproveinents in Pistol,-, and snpei-io wiirktimnsiiip anil I'm in, will find ail coiubind in ihe New lieniiiigton lievolvers.. Circulars coiiliiiniii!' cuts and description of our arms will be furnished upon ut plica, lion. SINGLE I5AHRKL SHOT-GUN. Now Pattern. Light, i 'onvoiii.'iit and Cheap. Msnuf-ciiired by the umlersiii.e-l. and fold, wholesale and retail. A liberal discount tn dealers. E. li EMINOTON & SONS, Uion. N. . pril oth ISCU.-ly 1LI.INEUY & M NTUA-MAK1NG ! ilra. M .-I Crundall laices nleiuro in nn noiiiieiug lo tho ladies that she is now pre pared to do all wort in ilio above line iu a neat and satisfactory manr er. All work entrusted wfih I -er will be truiir mitced to give satisfaction. iwvlS' P Hatohniaker. St. Mai-v's Elk countv. Pa., tnkes this method to inform the publio that !i is prepare! to do all th work th?v nv.v tiiv.r h u will; in a and nuhnfin ! till manlier, lie is prrrai ad to converse 1 w :a liia cnifo-inri til 'lerniAn. French or English. Ilisshr.p is ialiiater.acli'H build iag oa CdiiUe iiU't, uot. 8'63,tf. 1 JlEMINGTOX & SOX3, i J i'TAECJI CLO 1- ihi I III'!. eives only artie e iis.- J by fi,-t c'.-i-t- i ies. i-n.l iiuaoiini's i.l :ii : I ;:.. U I hc.Mll 1 1 ill t loi.-l,. ma'-lin- I'.io iron i:iks f.noi'ii.l',- iiii r tiio nlnili, :.v!i ;t touch tunc and l,.b,,r- Coo-ls done i.p wit h ii ket clean nuiih h.iiper. consi'ipieei'v will uot i-ear mil toaooii- It lnal.ta old '1;lcu look iii.c new. OUlt IMP I A L PL UK is the l;e.t 'n ths werhl. hiud as well a no ft. water, ill-.' fates'. l.catiM. .:nd It is soluble in It is ; ut up in most ciinvi'iiiem t.-il.i ot any (.tiered to i,o jv.-blic. It is wtirranied not In sircak llio oloities Agent wanted everywhere, lo ""iinui wo otlcr cn tr uul linarv iniiiieeiiirtiiy Addrt-' NEW YOllK STAUCH GLOSS CO. No. Ut3 Fallon St., New York. TOI1S' O. II hb. Ailorn.-y ut la (iiicni d n law and e .-Iloeiinn olhi aw, hn? loin otliee Oi Si lury's. (ib-ruin-n-i-1' O) (Itn,..- in ,1 ryot Mrs F.i-litr'sl.uihlii-p. opp,.,iic Co v ne V McVetr H-.-.e. vl.ete l,e inn u- foil ml durir-i l!ie e.'itir.! forenoon of each day. This wi.l not interfire with Ids olliecat It.d rivay. which will continue as heretofore, md where he will Lo in person each after- noon. rp-.'O'ti'ily J. G U K-N FY & SOX. JTHOTOGr-APIIIO ARTiSTS, 7o7, J'i-OA iiU'AY. N. Y. IN addition lo oi.r 1'hoioprajdiio A 1 1 Gab leiy. eMnb'islieil in ISM.'wo brie fer lue l.i.-t Fle yeuis bad advaiilaes t-u-;..iinr to ;:t-y other est .biishmeiit in oh. '-lining sitings ironi b!e, of all t!,o i'loiniiient Ct-ltbiities of (he day in Can! piutiai;., u d arc now publi.-hing a Catalog ue of over 2 5 0 0 SUBJECTS, Ameticai! ctm' Foreign, ult-i'ii !a:Ve list of copies ot Woiks of Ait and Engrav. iugs. Catalogues fent on receipt of Stamp. An older for one dozen pic. lures I loin our Catalogue will Le filled at ?1 SO. utid sent by mall free. Singlo pictures edits each, copies of gravingat 1 5 cents each. ' N. II. We also ijcsirc to call attentioa to llio ad Viintiige we have lor n-pr,AlUc. iog. or copying, old L'aguerreolypefi, Ao.'oiotepes, Caid Pifilutrs, &8., -of do. ceased lelafives and frieinis, ciiliir-inw ilmm to any size, aud liuishiug in rOu Water Colors;, -or India Ink,' with the aid ol (en talented artists. Parties desiring copies, t-hnuld there fore eone-'poml with us direct. Send for a catalogue. The frndo supplied at a liberal discount. Caller- open for lice inspection, and strauei-rs visiting tho city will find our Gallery .me ol t he most agreeable places where, ill to w bile awav an hour. J. GL'PiXKY & SOX, fep-20 dr. 7u7, Pioadway, N. Y I7IKTIFS ' " : MUSIC STOI1E, 5C3, Ijioadivay, N. Jhadileiis I-nth, .suei'es.-or Sou .& Co Music Publiaher, I i-:h, jUiaC- turcr and importer i-t MUSICAL INS'ill'MEXTS, PiANO FOKTES, M El O 'EOXS, CA HI NET OK0A.VS, And r-'vw des ription of MUSIC 1 MI'.KniAXniSE Sole New Yoik As-et.c-y lor ti-.c eele'jia-eil C limit e& Co's Hand lusiiu. inetiis. Our IJand dep tmenr is under the personal suptivisi oi ot Mr. ILL. Dowiiing Wholesale aud Retail Depot for the ilill'i'i-'iilloO ?n'Z:V, ecitiy: eVgw, which eb-.ilieiioes compaiison us ilm most i ffeeiive lnstrumuit yet offered to the public. New end Choice Music puMis'ied dady. Catalogues mid prii:e- lists of In s;ruiiicii!s furnished on application. KrtjJ.aWst Music -from all ll,o lea 1. !!; publshern in America. An piece of Mus-e, or Mu-io ',jUk, cr.t by mail, post faii'), on receipt of i etnil nrica. Orders by mail fur Music or Justru m -nts receive inompt at.d catcful utteti tin. All cods warranted to prvc aj rci-iesciiti d at I'I KT H'S MUSIC STORE, erp-0 ly 5nadway. N. Y THE art nf DANCINii -nd 11AVJO CLAYING taught bv G. W. I'.lliiWN, hidgway, l'a. ' fsepl-btf HF. OVEKiJol.TZER. MEECIIANT TAILOR, 1 liidKNvny, Elk Co., Pa. The 'iib-criher;r! respectfully to n foi oi ilio ciliz- ns of Ilidgway and vicinif ihai he is prepa.c l lo make to order as B'I us ii can he dune any where, anything in tii line of hi bnsme-s. All lie liskd is r. fai. irial. Good ('its giinimiteed. CPX.Clotbs. t assiinei-s. Veitingi an 1 Trimmings of tho boost and most np'provot styles kept cuisiaiulv on hnjid. w,ii he joddCllEAl'EU THAN THE CHEAP- fiug:;i),y AND PERIODICAL S T 0 K 15 . PAILY if- WEEKLY PAPERS will bo for sale hereafter, regulaily at he Book Stort 1 N ST. MARY'S. N. Any work, either American or Europon, Helisiious. Soiuntifia. Pnii. osophicul, Historical, &a., will be pro. rnreo on pn'iei".on as aoivu A a ni'telc in the H-ok or St-.tu-ue-y Ln-'-e.u iu Store. w:II be jent j ub, and to nceivei ia & few davs sicr