The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, November 29, 1866, Image 3
Jon WORK. Eighth sheet hand bill, 60 copies or loss Quarter shocf hand bill, 50 copies or less S,r,( ' Half shcel hand bill, CO copies or less So.lMJ Full sheet lmnil-liill, 60 copies or less $,O0. P.LANKS. For tiny quantity under five quires, $1, GO per quire , on nil amounts over that u reasonable reduction will bo made. TERMS OF P.U'EH. Sl.fiO per year in advance $2,00 if paid within the year, and $2,00 if not paid with in that time. Car Timtat llldgiray. Trie Express Kuf-t 11:0") p. m. do do Went !i:5'la m do Mail Fast :!:10p. m. lo do West p. m. Local Freight Fast 10:00 a. m. do do West 11:0(1 p. m. N otic e . Hereafter tho Post Office will be closed every evening t 8 o'clock.' On Sunday it will be kept open from S to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at G 1'- M. L. LUTHER, P. M. B2iTo day i.s Thauksgiving Day. Tin key w ill be in good demand. f' tQ.Mr. Eddy Hyatt, one of the old pettier? of Elk county, died at his deuce in Kersey on Friday last. He Was respected by all who knew bim. New (i oops. Fred. Rudolph at St. Mary's, is bound not to bo undersold by anybody, and has declared a war of ex termination against high prices. He feels cot.tidcnt that, as he is in the right, lie will conquer. New Firm. We learn that a new linu to be known us Little, Sclioening & Co., has gone into business at Centre ville. Those comprising the firm are gentlemen of known worth and ability, and are worthy of a good share of the public patronase. C! it and. Have you been to sec l'owell's new goods yet ? If you have not we would advise you to go. He has really a splendid stock. His clerks are accommodating and obliging, and he is selling off his goods at fabulously low prices. Go and seo for yourselves, aud you'll be of our opinion. Later We have just stopped the press to announce that although his stock is going like hot cakes he has en. ough lelt to supply the demand. Say A meeting was held in the Court Honsc on the afternoon of Sunday the liOth mst, to consider the propriety of establishing a cunday school in conucc tion with " Grace Church"; and it be ing resolved that it was expedient and proper to establish a Sunday school uu uer the auspices of the church as pro posed, an organization was affected by electing Hon. Henry Souther, Superin tCDdent, and Grove G. Messenger, Li brarian. The first session will be held in the Court House next Sunday (Dec. 2d) at 2 o'clock, P. M., when a general atten d.itiv-e not otily of hc children, but of all interested in the Sunday School came is earnestly requested- It is proposed to furnish a new Libra ry of about one hundred rnd twenty five selected volumes which will be rea dy for distribution to the scholars at the first scsssion. Con. The Histoiiy of Elk County. With the present number closes this in teresting little work. Numerous inqui rics have been made to know if it would pny us to put into book form. We have gave the subject some thought and have arrived at the conclusion that it won't pay, unless we should charge a pretty high price per copy ; and unless we could dispose if at least 800 copies, it would not pay then. We, however, are willing to mako I ho effort, provided we get proper cncouruirement from some of our leading citizens. Reside what the author has written, we would add to it a map of Elk county, a list of unseated lands, with names of owner and warran. tec, a business directory ot the county, &c., with other valuable information which would be useful to everybody. Insurance. C. V. Gillis, of Ridg. way, has been appointed agent for the Home Iusurauco Company of New Ha ven, Connecticut. The Home has a capital of a million with a large surplus, and the mouthly receipts are over 8125,000. Policies are wr'tten and delivered by tho local agent, and the losses are equi- J J '- '.UU.I'. LTI ajjeuts, who also exannno and direct the work ot tho local agents. The The Home issues policies for over three or five yeais on buildiugs and uierchan. dise at as low rates ns can be done by any safe company. Also issues perpet ual policies on dwellings, churches and public buildings. Perseus desiring insurance fchould prefer tho Home, instead of insuriug in mutual companies with a premium note Wheelkk & Wilson's Sewing Ma chines, (State Fair-Grounds, Day ton, O., Oct. 10, 1 806. We, the un. dersigned Committee, as a unit, award the First Premium to the Wheeler k Wilson .Sewing Machine Company, ns 'he best Sewing Machine for l.unily use. The basis of our judgmeut being, first, simplicity of construction. Second, du rability of work. Third, easiness of working. Fourth, stillness in running, Fifth, simplicity and completeness of ils attachments. In Machiucs for fam ily use, there were seven entries Wheeler & Wilson, Grovcr & Raker, Howe Eliptie, .Singer, Wilcox & Gib-be, and the Florence' The above is Jjiost respectfully submitted. W. G. Alexander, Mrs. W. W. Whitney, Mrs. Jas. Patterson, Committee J. K. Whitmoro, Esq., is agent for the above machines at this place. A Card. We take pleasure in pub lishing the following letter, which speaks or itself. North East. Erie Co. Pa. ) Oct. 24 th, 1800. j To whom it may amccrn t The bearer of this, W. Shercr. of Corry, Pa., is CDgaged in the sale of Pi anos, Ur-raus, and. Melodeons. Abou one year ago I purchased of him one of Drucker & Co s. Pianos, which has been in use the greater portion of tho time since I purchased it, aud thus far it has proved to be all that Mr. Shcrcr resommended, an excellent instrument. I therefore have no hesitancy in say. ing that t believe Mr. Sherer to be a gentleman of high repute in his pro fession and calling, one upou whom the public can rely with implicit con fidoncc. CHARLES NORTON. Mr. Shcrei s card will bo found in another column. WANTED, AGENTS 75 to 200 PER MONTH for gentlemen aud 35 to 75 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, iuiprov ca aim perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only 20, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully war ranted for three years. We pay the above wasres, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made, Address with stamp, or call on G. ROWERS & CO., Salesrooms. No. 25ii South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms. May-31 60-ly. MnilE SILVER SKIRT. X MORE DURABLE, MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! Aud will keep ils shape and retain its place ueuer man any otter skirt. This new and beatiful style of Skirt (Pat ched March 7, 18U5,) was awardid by the (i rent American Institute Fair, held in New York, October, 1805, a SILVER MEDAL, being the Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs arc wound with fino plated wire in place of n cotton covering which will not wear off or become soiled, and the whole skirt may be woshed without injury or fear of rusting, and will be' as good ns new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invuntiou combines with the ordina ry Skirt the advantages or our Silver Skirt the bottom hoops are the same as those us ed in tho Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear otf, while the upper ones am covered with cotton. No lady having onoc worn one of our Skirts, will he willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds are soon iujurod and soilced. The best mnteeials are used in their con struction, and, from their durability aud neatness they are destined to become a Favorite Skirt. Manufactured solely by the Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, SO and 32, RARCLAY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. Si'tititT, Stip't. Aug Olh-ly P QTOGltAPHIO. E. &, H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Kanufacturerg of Photographic Materials, Wholesale and Retail, o0 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS wo are Headquarters for the following, viz. STEUESCOrES & STERESCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, etc STERESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam. paigns and formiug a complete Photograph' ic history of the great contest. MfcKfcsuorm views nv t.t.ass Adapted for either the Mo pin T.Antorn ni wie oierescope. uuruatatogue will be Bent to any uddrcsg on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. AVe manufacture more lnreelv than mi other houso, about, 00 variefies from CO cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photograph of General! , Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, inoludintr reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, ete. Cata- u gues sent ou receipt of stamp. i'liotographers and others ordering goods O. D., will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their order. tedrlhe prices and duality of our poods cannot fuil to satisfy, (junc li'CC-)y, MEIUCAN ARTISTS' UNION! Tho AMERICAN ARTISTS' TIM- ION established 1854 announce that in order to extend the sale of the fol. lowing well known and highly popular STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers for America, 27 x 80 iu Landing of the Pilgrim Fath. crs, 27 x 80 Fnlstaff Mustering his Re cruits, 25 x SO Shakcspearnnd his Friends, 27 x 31 Cotter's Saturday Night, 23 x 2H Village Rlacksmith, 27 x 31 Manifest Destiny, (Fortune lolling,) 21 x23 28xSG The Massacre at Wvouiincr in 1776, Mount Vernon in the olden tune, or, Washington at SO years of 020. 20 x !M ( The escape of Alaster Mac- Jotia:d from the Massacre of Ulencoc, 26 x 34 The Madouna, 20 x 34 They have deemed expedient to offer to mcir menus ami the public,at one dollar and fifty cents each, the' juice lieretolorc having been two dollais each, aud lor the purpose of stimulating the getting up of Clubs, they have deter arnica to award premiums to the cette up of the Clubs, and in addition thereto to distribute amongst the subscriber the sura of 50.000 in money and paint mgs, as soon as tiic sale shall have reach cd lOO.Ov'O engravings. ' As it is intention to advertise very oxtcnsively. aud as the engravings arc well known throughout the whole country, we have no doubt that with the low price we charge (or them, aud with the exertion which we put forth by our nuitcrous mends, the number will be reached short time. As soon ns it is reached tho subscribers, through their Club Agents, will be notified by a circul letter from us, naming tho time and method of distribution. CLU33 HATES Single Engravings $1,50 each, by mail iree. For 15 we will send 23 Eng. and 2 to the Club Agcut. 20 15 4 5 G 7 1 25 ! 30 35 60 ti 1 20 25 30 50 80 110 " a Silv.r Watch 75 " 100 " Tho Club " a Silver Lever, a Hun i g licver, packages will be verv se curely packed and forwarded by Express- Any person may get up Clubs and iorwara the amount cither by Express, nignt I'ratt, rost Umce Order or iu registered letter, and in all cases the Engravings will bo immediately sent and for each cnirraviuK a numbered cir- tijicato. and receipt will be enclosed iu a package. O. O. D. ORDERS. Persons wish ing to send for Engravings and pay the Express Co. when thrv are received. will be required to send with their order fc-J to j, according to its amount, nnd this will be credited ou their bill JAst of Premiums To be distributed. One of $10,000 in money, " 5,i00 " Five of 1,000 10,000 6,000 5,000 Ten of 500 " 5,000 Fif ty of 100 5,000 One hundred elegant Oil Paint. ings, richly framed, Lands capes, at $100 cacb. 10,000 Two hundred elegant Oil Paint. ings, richly framed, Interior V lews, at 550 each, 10,000 50,000 The AMERICAN ATISTS' TIN Tl1T 1111 1 njxx wouiu aau mat ttiose premiums are to do considered only in the light of a free irift to their natrons, as the Kngravincs are furnished them he.lnw their market value, and as tho cost of engravings, after the plates are rrocur- ed, is very trifling, they can easily afford iu uiiine aistrioutiou aslar-re as it is We trust that our numerous frieuds throughout tho country and Canadas will use their utmost cxertious, so that if possible, tho distribution may bo made soon, aud it can be done it thev uiu ut un active, ladies Have often made excellent Club Agents, for us. and we solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unrewarded Let one or more energetic persons iu every town or village in the country commence as soon as they see this, and get up as largo a Club as possible. Ry so doinir thev will bo the means ' of introducing elo. gant engravings into families, and thus am in cultivating a taste for the beauti ful and refined. Address Orders Sec. AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION, Nov. 8, 1800-3m. 25 Pino St. N. Y. SOMETHING NEW ! HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD R K X epectfully inform tho citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIM1NING DONE ON 6IIORT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at thn Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. p. WILLIAMS, May-17'0B-ly. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEW. ING MACHINES. The under signed havinz been annnintvil H..ln .,i tor the sale of Wheeler & Wih-on'a Sowing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Muhin.. soid at Philadelphia and New Yr prices. Any parties debirous of obtaining them can address J. k. WHITMOXK. March Ot '66-ly. at Ridgway, Pa.. lUTSINKSS CAItns. J OHN G. II ALL. Attorney nl law. Ridir. way, Elk county Pa. inar-2i;'G0 ly. IAUU1E .1. PJ.AKELY. Attorney and j Counsellor at law, and U. S. Cuminis losncr. Ridgway P. O. Elk county, Pa. mar-UrtiG-ly. OOUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys at kj ,J". wugwny. tM Connty i'a., wil itucnu to all professional business prompt ly. rmn. .m 1.. ' L --- "'"'J. DR. W. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk county, Ta. Late of tho Army of tho luimnac. Particular attention given to all eases 01 surgical nature. mar-Jl'Mili-ly d: it. JAMES BLAKELV 1'hv.i.ln,, uu sturgeon, 01. diary's, J-;ik county i'a. mar-.. 0'j-ly, DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surccrv. Ccntrorilln. l-'.llr .m.fv I nin i. ' ' fir.. I v TV?- A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk cotmlv Pit I Will promntlv flllRWPI' nlll-trnfnuttirtiin 1 v.' ...y Jiijrn, 0r Uy, til T -il G( I-I JT Y KHUN .1. KUSS. Physician and Sur- .1 J gcon. .M. Mary sElk county Pa. June-lM'fiO-ly. Y'EHSEY HOTEL ... .... IX y, Pn tciid'ovine. tlR joun , C. II. Hyatt, Pr. ougit'OH 1Al;VEU HOU.VE, Warren, Pn., Hull S yj iian, jToprtctors. niigU'C6-y ALPINE HOUSE, St.. Mary's Pa.. Her man Krclz, Proprietor. mg'.fuij ST. MARY'S HOTEL, B. E. WclkndoTf Proprietor, St. Mary's. Elk county Pa. This house is new and fitted un with rsno. cial care for (he convenience lind comfort of guests, at. nioiteralo rates. Free Hack, to and from the Depot. Good stabling at lachcch mar-2JT,ti.y. WA S 1 1INGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa., Edward Babel Pro. prietor This house is new nnd filled up with especial care for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-2!i'(i(My. B OR DWELL AND JlSsENGIcirT)ru7 gtsks, Dealers in Drugs mid Chemicals. Paints. Oils and Varnish. Pcrfumm-v et articles and Stationary. Ridgway Elk county Pa. - rmar-'cii.l v . k j Ci II. VOLK, Manufacturer and Deaicr Jm in Lnexr Beer. otinonit iho lintlo.i Depot, St, Mary's, Elk county Pa. M:ir."-T.(!.1 Si Ci A A MONT I T !-A gents tiJO Vwon'ud 'or tix entirely new articUt. ml. out. Address O. T fiAPPV r-;. building, Biddcford, Me. rany-lT'CG-ly. YTKNHY H. THOMAS. Dealer in nit JJ kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and iuiiuirasra, 1 lCl.uro hrnmoo ami rnn no Ridgway Pa. Ware Rooirw. on il,n ,n.'. of Main and Depot St's. nMy-17'(i6-ly. PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MAllY'R. l-.llr ...,, a. Edward McBrido, keeps constantly on hand and for salo, WatchcB, Clocks, Silver Dated Ware and Jewelry of all descriptions. B?ftUepairine ncatlv executed, nml rlm.n on short notice and reasonablo terms . .liar L' TO" PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Bill Heads &c, done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and at reasonable prices. H.' O. McCONNELL. Hn Ornamental Painter. All orders promptly attended (o with tiPt dcsintch. Inquire at this office, or of the Buuseriocr ai ivano otation nuaOdUl v w. UAlLl-.l, burgeon Dentist, Saint Mary s. J-,Ik count v. Ponnsvlvmin r. fershis professional services tn iIip eitin. of Elk county Office opposite Coyne & Mo Venn's Store: ' t.Inl "i: v;i:.i v v J w ' J OLIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and Wholesale .j- Retail Dealers in Firm ?!, . l'Vol an 1 Ovn i n . CANAL MILLS. ERIE. I'A ' Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar ket rates, niirr 9lh.Cfi.1u T EXECUTIONS, JJj nas, Warrants, &c, on hnr,d and for Bale at this office. OR WORK of all kinds and des. eriptions dona at this office. REMINGTON & SONS, MANUFACTURERS OP Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Carbines. for tho United Stales Service Also POCKET AND I1ELT REVOLVERS. Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolving ltics, Riflo and bliot (run barrels, and crun materials sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these days of housebreaking and rob. bdry, every house, store, bank, aud office, should supplied with ono of re:ecs'uton's revolvers. artiesiesirine to avail themselves of th late improvements in Pistols, nnd supcrio- workmanship and form, will find allconibind the New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. SINGLE BARREL SHOT-GUN. Now Pattern. Light, Umvcuieut and Cbcan. Manufactured by the undersigned, and sold, wholesale and retail. A liberal discouut to dealers. E. REMINGTON & SONS. Ilion. N. 1 . pril 5th 18G0.-ly M ILLINERY & MANTUA-MAKING ! ! Mrs. M A Crandall taKes pleasure in an. nounciug to the ladies that she is now pre pared to do all wor in the above line in a neat and satisfactory manner. All work entrusted with her will be guar anteed to give satisfaction. novl5'ti(j.l v. TIDELIUS VOGT. Practical Clock and 1 Matchmaker. St. Marv' K1U .nni. Pa., takes this method to inform tha tinbliA that he is prepared to do all the work they may favor him with in a neat and substan tial manner. He is prepared to convarsn with his customers in German, French or English. His shop i in Hiuteuacb'a build, ing oo Centre stfeyt,, uov. 8'5G,tf. UR STARCH GLOSS, Is the only nrlicle used by lirsf cla! hotels iaunciiies, ami llioiisamls of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making tho iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much time and labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will nut wear out so soon. It makes old linen look iikc new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUK is the best In the World. It Is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to the public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. Ul 8 I'uhon ?t., New York. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney nt Law, has opened a law and collection ofliee in St Mary's. (Jlf-nzinrtei-P O) Otlk-o in L'nd sto ry of Mrs Fisher's building, opposite Coyne ., .-.u.., n oiwiu, wiieru nc cau lie innnn (luring tlie entire lnrenoon of eacll day. mis will not interfere with Iim nffim i KMigWny, wslch will tfonliftuc as hirirn'fr,n mm wiicic no wi:i be liTSersou each after on- scpO'Oflly J. GURN'EY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTiSTS, 7U7, JJROADWAY, N. Y. IN addition to otir Photographic Art Gab levy, established in IMO. we have for the last Five years had advantages m fcrior to any other establishment in ob- tiuuing sittings from life, of all the Prominent Celtbtitics of the dav in Card portraits, and arc now publishing a Catalogue of over 2 50 0 SUBJECTS. American and Foreign, also a hirire list of copies of Works of Art aud En era v. ings. Catalogues sent- on receipt of Stamp. An order for one dozen pic. tures from our Catalogue will be filled at ?1 0, and sent by mail free. Single pictures 25 cents each, copies of en. gravings 15 cents each. N. R. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reproduc ing, or copying, o,u Dagucrrcotypos, Aiiioiotypcs, taiu rieturts, &c of dc. utuctu luiuuvcs uuu menus, enlarging them to any size, and finishing in "oil, Water Colors, or India Ink. with the aid of ten talented artists. Parties desiring copies, should there fore correspond with us direct. bend for a catalogue. The trade supplied at a liberal discount. Callcrv open for free inspection, ami strangers visaing uio city win una our (.ialleiy one of tho most agreeable places whole, in to while away an hour. J. gurxi;y & son, Bcp-20-Gm. 707, Broadway, N. Y I7IRT1P3 ; MUSIC STORE, 5G3, Broadway, N. Thaddcus Firth, successor irth, Ron it Co. Music Publisher, I jufae turcr and Importer of MUSI CAL INSRUMENTS, PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, CABINET ORGANS, And every desjription of M USICAL M EKUII ANDISE. bole New lork Agency for the celebrated Gilmore& Co's Band Instru. incuts. Our Baud department is under the personal supervision of Mr. D. L. I Downing Wholesale and Retail Depot for the ililWOqileO SqiMt CoiUyi which challenges comparison as tho most effective Instrument yet offered to the public. . New and Choice Music published daily. Catalogues and price lists of In. strumcnts furnished on application. 83JLattst Music from all the lead, ing publishers in America. Any piece of Music, or Music Book, sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of retail price. Orders by mail for Music or Instru ments receive prompt ur.d careful atten tion. All goods warranted to prove as reprcscnteu at FIRTH'S MUSIC STORE, scp20.1y Sroadway, N. Y milE art of IG DANCING nd EAN.IO I PLAilNU taught by G. W. BROWS', luugway, in. HF. OVERIIOLTZI-R. MERCHANT TAILOR, Zllidgway, Elk Co., P;,. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form tho citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that ho is to make lo nrderns u-Ml us h can oe Uonc anywhere, anything iu the uusmess. aii no asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. pJi-LlothH, Utusimers, Xest'iigs and Trimmings of tho latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand', whirl! trill ne sow CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. nu:'0y NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL. S T 0 R E . DAILY iD WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at The Book Stoke I N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Anv work, cither American or Europcn. Religious, Scientific, Phil osophieal, Historical, &o., will be pro cured on application us above, Any article in the Book or Stationery line not in Store, will be seut for by 'mail and be received in a few davs after or bing, jun. lMy. !o1' .T. PowpllV Co! i THE LARGEST STOCK OK Tllia JIOST DE3TRARLE ASSORT 3JKNT. TI V. rxirERFlON'-.I) off,.!-, i tl, lie at his coi'i:itiivI'mi k.,i..b u. ........ i-. imj-Knj, i ne largest and best general as-sorti-.etu of Merchandise that can be touuJ at any Store between WILLIAMSl'ORT AND EI?!::, ' nml at more favorable prices than ca b bought at ciilier of tlie.ic jioints. His stock comprises a, splendid variety of f I .- . 1.VOUI9 III PRINTS, DELANES, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS ANl SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GROCERIES PRO VISIONS Bu.Tlic proprietor, thankful for the very generous pstronago thus far cxteude4 to his establishment by lle n'tizens of Elk nml adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a eoutinuance of the siiine. J- l'OWELL, Aug.-lS GO.-Jv. I?1 TJ 11 NIT URM 1 rjHIK UNDEHSIGNEl) T A K E S JL pleasure in aiinouiieiiig to the citi zens of Ridgway and adjoining towns, that he hits just opened a Furniture Xhop in Ridgway, and is prepared to sell all rindj of furniture at the lowest prices. His steck consists iu part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, erRING BEDS & MATTRESSES. BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cauo scat Chairs of all kinds, BABT CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOI' AS, LOUNGES, TETI3 A TETES, BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut, Mahogany and Hlaelt Wet,,,,- and every thing usually found in u lirst class country Ware Room. PICTURE FRAMES of nil sizes, nnd of Mahogany, Rosewood Llack Walnut mid Gilt MADE TOORDEP.. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, and imw to order, of every kind and description. Please CALL and examine my stock 1 fore purchasing elsewhere, for 1 hope I strict ntieniion to business, nnd keeping a Iho market demands in mv line, to racr the pauouage of the public. Warerocj. on the corner of Main and Dep.rt slreet9 ,.. HENRV II. THOMAS. May-1 1 00-ly, JIIILADIOLPIIIA & ERIE 11A . 110 A B. This rreat line trvi the Northern and Northwest countie Peuusvlvauia to the city of Erie, Lake Eric. ' It has been leased by the Pennsy: tnu Rati Road comjwtiy, and is or -cd by them. Its entire length was opened for senger and freight business, Oct." 17th, 18(11. TIME OF PASSENGER TRA" . AT RIDG WAY. Leave Eautward. Erie Mail Train ,? Ofl . Erie Express Train J 1 05 Leave Wcttward. Erie Mail Train 1 23 Eric Express Train .'i 50 .. I assengcr cars run through wit :hiin?o both ways between i'hilad. aud Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION Lcavo New York ut U.OO a. m., A : , at Eric 9.15 a. in. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. m., arrive al York 3,10 p. m. Er.EtiF..NT Slkepino C'AHS on Trains both ways between William- . and lialtituorc, and Williamsport ' Philadelphia. Por information rcsnectinfT Pasl-. - . business apply ut the S.'E. corner : and Market Sts. And for FrDi.'ht busiuess of tht, ' . pauy's Agents: a. li. KuiL'ston. Jr. Cor. lSt1- r Market Sts. Philadelphia. V. lteyuohfs Erie. W. Rrown, Agent N. O. R. P. timoro. II. II. IIouktos, Cc7. PrciJit At r H. W. GwtNREH. ' . Gen' I. Tirer-t Ant T ALFHED. L. J