.11 A WARPED A GOLD MEDAL 1 NEW ARR AN GEMENT! D RUG S T 0 R E . COAL, 0( KE APD rxnK CLAY? T Allofsuperioi quality, for sale by tiio Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk Cminty, Pa. tSrOrdcra by mail promptly alt.-: : 1- '-,4., ,,: ''-.iV ''.i.nJ J V.I v.J 'w J AT THE BOnmVELlvIs JIKSSENG ER., American Institute Pair! ofr-l ft t ',-, j cd to. rscptlO,'i(-i vjt.i fiiS, .i-,' TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE jJEW CASH GROCERY iSltV-E. DEALEHS IN DRUGS, MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, 1MINTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, OCTOBER 10, 18G5. NEW STOriE OF JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dottier in AT THE Groceries &e., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he has pone into the Grocery business, and will open on or about the middle of May. He keeps: constantly on hand an extensive stock of In direct competition with all the leading junkers in the country. FEEDER I CK SCJKENING, New Stose of TELOUUKT" CENTREVILLE, ELK CO., TEAS, FLOUR1, Wilis liUOTIIIMtH a RE A T E X C 1 T E M E N T kept up by the DA ILY ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store, vYkcro ht has on Lund mid for sa! MEN & ROY'S CLOTS! I SO, I'M' GOODS, LADIES & GENTS FURNISHIO GOOD?, L.U1E3 DUESS GOODS, LADIES' Si CENTS SHAWLS, SONTAGS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ALSO HATS & CAPS, LOOTS & SHOi NUF.IAS, COMFORTERS, fcCAUFS, KOOD3 ALSO-OROCEEIES, COFFEE, SL'G AH, TKA very largo and well selected STOCK of teat made, sind warranted in every respect RICK, LOUR, SALT, I'OI'.K, F1AH if ALSO CONFECTIONARY AND YANKEE NOTIONS IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND OUALITIE3 TOBACCO AND SEGAltS OF THE LEST QUALITY J2?'I say, to one and all, that my stock is full and complete, and will l e bold at Miiall profits. Give me a cult tefor purchi.-in,; cl.c- Lere. FREDERICK Kl'IOLPII St. Mury's, Nov. 2j'CC ly. at St. Mary's, Elk. County Pennsylvania Successors to George Wlis. Oli'er for pfilo, nt wholesale find ro) nil, a well selected stock of M'Jil.Va Sl'MMJCU im.J ii ti.j w.A u- ij '''I- u.w ',i.i:,;i' VuC 'i.J sizes, morixq:s, P OPL1NS, DELAINES, 3! OH A IRS, Flaiu nud figured Alpacas. A luru assortment of Prints, White goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings ar.d ,S'Lirting in great variety. LaDIK'S & ChILDREN'S Millinery Goods ; such as JiOXXETS, EATS. CAPS, EM HONS, Ac. GLOVES if- HOSIERY. G'EXTS funiihtnij ijjila of cvsry h y.rrij'ti'on, CL 0 T1IS, CA SSIMERESc, i-e. GROERIE3 AND PROVISIONS. A lirsre Eficli of FLOU, I'OiiK St'G. TZA, COFFEE, SPICES, LICE, SALT, LAUD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM ANI'LI.S. SOAP 0" ALL KINDS. Tn sl.o-.f, -,sv L'.ve c-. family u-e. t rytLir.g needed for (Y ilar i.i. 4 ii ili..-.v iv t'l Cul.fcctiutiil-", eve ry Jc,' Brush. I'i-ivitioii. ( s ol till kilid A lull assort Lieut i f Stationery, 'v'all 1' per, l'a; it t'uitaiii--, l'eaa tilul 0:1 Cloth Window Shades. A vory lareo a.sinutlit ol Seoul's and Tibaeeo. WEIiUY OUR STOCK directly from the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to toll cheaper than any other c.aljli-duuei.t ia Elk county. THE riJPLIO are respectfully iu I viled to call and examine our f tock and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have one of the most complete stocks and the tnest SJ()i(h hi Ihe county and can sell tor less proht, than any other house in the countv. BOTHERS St. M.y'p, MaichlOtb'ee. ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. FELOUEET & SON, Manufacturers. Respectfully inviU the attention of pur. chaser.", the trade and profession, to ihe FOLL 0 WING JXSTR UMENTS Of their manufacture: Pedal Base Organs, Five sizes, FiveOctavo, one to three BankB of Keys, three to cight'sctts of Eecds, Prices, !?235-to $000. School Organs, Nino styles, singlo and double Reod Rosewood and Dluok Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to 10. Alolodeonp, l'i iuo style and rortalile, Twelve Vario ties, iioia lout- to mx Octaves, sin;lc and ouhlo Keed, Rosewood and Dlack Walnut Cns'.-s. Prices, ?" to $210. Every instrument is made by competent wiirkmen, from the hest material, uncer our personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy ot the name, is lalro ducc I iu them. Aiming these we would call attention to the 1 EEMOLANTE, which has been so much admired, aud can bo found only iu instruments of our own mauufac ture. From anions the flattering testimonials ol eminent professors and organists, we give the lollowin!; extracts : " The pedals 1 conceive to be unapproach able iu their beautiful smooth quality." m. A. Kmc " It. is a grand, gooditisiriiment, and does credit to the builder." II. C Folgcr, Troy, New York. "They tire among the finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or a broad." W'm. P-crg, .1. Motenthal, Aplotaas " They have given universal satisfaction." W. E. Hawley, Von-dii lac, Wi i. "There is a peculiarly sweet and nympn. thctic tone which hai uiiiiiizes chai mlngly with the voice." W. II. Cooko. "1 am particularly pleased with (hear. rnngenient of tlic ditleieat regisicrs." Wm. II. l!r nlbury. " No other instrument so nearly ap- pronc its the organ.' 11. ct honslcr, .. Y. 1 lilt; liistriimeni has a clear superiority ovci everything yet ii;!rcduci.d auioug us.' ' Indepiu lent, N. Y. " J he tones and (lie actum arc excellent." Uev. V. S. Leavi.t, Hudson, New York. " The iK.ro we use it the better we like it." J li Hague. Hudson, New York. The two llauk Organ is really a rem. J W Kimiieuli, Huston, Mass. We have ioui;d them excellent in all poiuu iiiiiKt it ui in ' a good instrument. J C Cook, T J Cook. " It looks an 1 sounds splendidly." S B 5aston, Troy, New York. The niu.-t perieet toned Melo leon I ewer saw." Guy F Novth. 'They fallback nu suih snlistanlial mcr. itti as superiority of workuianship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of prioe. And we must say that in all their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. IL-.iyEvery instrument is fully warranted. aud bored and shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Trica Lists, Jo., sent on application to CPELOUBET&CON, BtOOMFIF.LD, N. J. Or J M Pelt on, 811, Broadway, New York j Conrad Meyer, t'il, Arcli Mtett, Philad a S Eraiuard & Son, Cleveland, Olio; J A tuckers Co, Jackson, .Michigan : Werner & Gerard, Cincinatti, Ohio; Joel II Snow, Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENTS July 21,66-ly NEW GOODS A I L Y ARRIVING T II E EE O PL E AWAKE , TO THEIR INTEREST! As manifested by the daily throng of customers exchanging ''Green Backs" for jrootls. All the Domestic Cotton Goods'.orc high. Customers cue tnd all exclaim. ROW CHEAP YOUR DRESS GOODS ARE My stock consists of DRY GOODS, ROCERIE3, HATS & CAPS, EG0T3 A SHOES, CLOTHING. CROCKEI TIN WAIIE, HARDWARE, OILS $ PAINTS, PETTY, NAILS, GLASS, WOODEN WAIlE, ror.ic, FLOUR, FISH, SALT. It is useless for me to attempt, tu givo full list of the stock, but invite one and all, to drop in and see for themselves. BUT'fER, EGGS, POTATOES, GRAIN HIDES, CALFSKIN3 and all country produce taken at market price, for goods. FREDERICK SCIKENING, Ccnlr (mllo, June Ut'(6ly. PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE.STUFFS CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON Yvr ATCII ES, J EWELRY, TANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY", NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES TOBACCO k SEGARS, PURE LIQUOR?, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS k IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. PORDWELL k MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. . - FOUTS'S N. CILCBBiTED Hoisb an! Gil Powflers. Tlila rrtTaT.itlin, Ionic and favorably known, will tlior oupiay rcinvigorata hroki-ii il'.wn and Inw-Pliiritnl l.orep, liy ptrcnptlicniiiK and cleansing tlie stomach aDd lutes lk-iiit'.-yJ.'y u,. . ..... "7.Jjir: .ZrS vcntivo or an uis- 4. ea.-c8 inciilont to t'.ls animal, such as LUN'G FEVER, 0LANDER3, YELLOW WA TEIi, II E. VESi, Clll'fiHS, 1IISJ- IKSPBB, KB- Jl-faJflX Vt'liSl VOl'VllFlt f ;(? LOSS OP APPE TITK AND VITAL EN'EItlJY.&c. Its transforms t h a Sa'tay5jPa niineruble fckulL-toa into a finc-lookint; and spirited .h.. v-... yio niTii Lorsc. To kpeprri of Cows this liroiiration is invaluable. It increase the quantity aud improves the quality ol tlie uiilK. ll uaa WtfJJ Depn Iroven ny ac- Lf-ig "' ii . : much tauter. In all disease of Swine, such as CourIis, Ulcers In the Lunp, Liver, &c., this artic!o acts as a specific. Uy putting from one-huif a piicr to a paper in a barrel of swill tho aliove diseases will be eradicated --e or entirely prevenUd. If riven in time, a certain preventive aud cure for the Hog Cholera. Prioe 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for It PHEPAKEU ll S. .(V. FOUTZ At URO. AT THEIR WHOLES IK DRK1 AMI MFMCIXE DEPOT, No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Ormrirists and storekeepers through out the United States. Full at Manufactures prices, by Rorwcll& Messenger RiJgway, A'cnt.s i it Elk county. GENTS WANTED TOTAKEOitDEUS foi the best selling hook now pulilish- cd. Thrilling Stories of tho Great Rebellion. Comprising heroic adventures and hair bieadih escapes of Soldiers, Scouts, Spies and Refugees j daring exploits of Smug glers, Guerillas, Desperadoes and others j Tales of Loyal and Disloyal women : Sto ries of tho Negro, &c., with incidents of Fun aud Merriment m l amp nnd F'uld. liy Lieutenant Colonel H. Greene, late of tbo Lniteu Mates Army. Handsomely il luslrated with engravings on Heel and in oil colors. Send for circulars and seo tho liberal terms otl'ercd. CHAS. S. GREENE & CO., Publishers No. 1S-1 S. Third St., Philadelphia. I?KTUA 13 O I TNT Y. i IMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS'. liy a recent act of Congress, nil soldiers who served three years, or those who were discharged by reason of wounds received in service, and the WECOW, MINOR CHILDREN OH PARENTS of any such soldiers who died in the service of the United Stales, or of disease or wounds contracted while in the service, are eutitled to an additional bounty of silOO. 15y giving this matter your immediate at. tention, and cul'ing on or writing to the um dersigncd, these claims will Bccura prompt attention. JUii.s ti. ll.Ll , aug:10if. l'idgwny. Pa, 4 usu imiirov.-s tlio e-f-i. w I ll ii , iiiun-nsea n V, Vi'T'I ' tlie appctifs-Kives W M . T-SX a smooth am )tjy. XW. sT" 1 t rivW'.n'''.'VV.i 1 "icreaso tue quan- "f r9 M.O;-if . ,7f cream iweniy ier V 'frtX. j-vk-m v-Cn 1 cent, and make tlio W butter firm and M iJssr' vi avvect. In futunioK 1 1 JK2? JC Ii r cat"e-' " R'ves them -vrlf JVf Ji nn appetite, loosens S Z W tSiV i thi'ir hide, and 524--- mates them thrivo sroR3, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, r.nd everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and conr'cqucnt Iv can n fiord to Fell CHEAPER ban the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody io cr.ll and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY- May 3d, '(Hi. Cm. EROSENE AND ti.S STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE ElHLERS. i LEE, PO'i'S, OIL CANS, is., &c. All the cooking for a 't Cf family may be done with -"C5ia Kerosene Oil, or Gas, "tJ33 tsZt with less trouble, and at "Xsil t'3 less expense, than by any "Sil Sf-'if other fuel. -a Encli Article munufuctured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. tCJ' Send for Circular. Lir.ERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TEA DE. KEROSENE LAM P HEATER CO., 200 Pearl Street, N. Y. July-Pim-ly. "ALUABLE LOTS FOR SAL-). J lie tinicrsi';ned iii.s laia out a vil. lagu upon his ground adjoining the Ridg. way Depot, to be called l-.LK. 1 ho Ids are 50 feel front by 1 Oil feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Term? For the first lot sold, 101.. Fot the second lot sold, $11 10. For the third lot sold, 1'20 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. Bf3U First purchasers get tho choice Io t at the cheapest TatC3. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application 'n percent of the purchase money must : paid t.l the time of the application. PfVwAppheat ions, will 1 e. n..uu' Io John 0. Hall, Esq., Fiidjrway, IV. .1. S. HYDE. i;Mv.ay, mar,20't;.i-lf. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCI I ! S.-mCf fc .' Scra;c.h I Scralrht VHEATON'S GXTCTKENT Vi'ii l Cent; Tin; Ircu is 43 Horns Also euros SAI.T P.Iir.i.-.f. ULOSR,. CIlli.'.lEMNS. and all r.IU'l'TION ' OF THE SKIN. Price W cn;s. 'i r t: by all druggists. Hy sen lia,: l.i) tei to WEEKS ft POTT Kit, S..'.- A?..nt 170 Washinglon street. Host 'in, it will b ror wir.led by mail, free uf postage, t an; . art ol' the United states. ( june-i 'iO-l BLACKSM IT II I NG ! H. S. UEI.XAP desires to inform tho citis zor.s of Kidgway and vicinity that ho ln leased .1. S. Hyde's lilacksmith Shop on Mill street, and lias employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shooing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17T.G-1y. NEW SHOP. TIN! T IN! ! TIN! ! ! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! s'lMVEfi !!I John Sosenhcii ; . Co., WHOLESALE & PET.', v l.EES. .sr. makv's, r. Keeps constantly on band nnd fur sah, a laitTf and well select e 1 . -k of TIN WARM, STOVES Ac. Vo have eve n thin generally k. ' t 'u !,i Shop. Our i'tock iif STOY l': :. . , in riart f ANTlIHYST:A:M.-.)lt&c COOKlNtr STOVES. ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT- SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be ha.l at our shop ciiher riveted or "roved. Sl-OUTINd AND HOOFINC!, dono 0U short notice tin 1 at rcasonabla ratc.t. June lFtitj-ly. G" OYESTEEN ti CO., PIANO FOliTE MANUFACTURERS, -190 Hroaihctn, Ntio York. THESE PIANOS received tho Highest Award of Merit ! at thu Uori" i'air, over Ihe best makers from I.ondon. Paris, Gen many, the cities of New York. Philadelphia, P.ulliniore nnd lloslon ; also the Gold Meda at tho American liutiiuie, for FIVE succes sive years!! Our Pianos contain tho French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Over strung Pass, Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. orn Improvements. Every inurnment war rantnl 11 VK vrar. Made undo? tho su. pcrvision of Mfl. J. H. GROVESTEEN, who has a practical experience of over thirty, five years, and is tho maker of over tieven thcusin l j,i,ino fortn. Our facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell theso in struments from SiOOio2O0 cheaper than any first class piano forte. July-l'J'Cii.-y. JJOB PRINTING CHEAPLY & NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at tho Autocatb Office