! 1 I a. gg iv it; '-.i j lu; v Jhj ty County flJtWirtc. job work. Eighth sheet band bill, 60 copies or lets 2.6u Quarter sheet hand-bill. f'0 copies or low Half she?! hand-bill. 60 eurde. dp ! full sheet Land-hiVi. 60 code ondess BLANKS. For any quantity under five quire. Si.. tO per quire ; on all amount over that a reasonable reduction will be mode. TERMS OF PATER.. $1.60 jwryear in advance $2.00 if paid Within tbe year, and 2,00 if not paid with in tbot lime. Car Time tit Hitigu-ay. Erie Express Eaat 10:0p. tn. do do West 3:C6a m. do Mail Eatf 8:1 Op. tu. do do West 1:28 p. S. Lccal freight East i:40a. to. do do Weir 6:10 p. in. N Oil C K. Hereafter the Post Office will be closed every eveuing ut 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at 6 P- M. L. LUTHER, P. M. Bal tic Cotniniasiouers ot Elk county will meet at their office ia Ridgway cm W-.i i v.. oi.. leitn By order, J. K. P. HALL, Clerk. A Gooi Idka. We nee that the Supervisors hare commenced the good work of laying a plunk walk along Mniu Street. Mjllim.KY. Our lady readers will no doubt be pleaded to learn that Mri. 'Kunil.i I lu M,.,!! ....... ... -!... II...... i mc iciiiiua uiuiii-n usuu lu lite wear icg upptrcl ol tno lu ir sex. latest styles and patterns always on litind. Give licr a call. P.ATiint I'KKMAii'KK. Our conclu sion about the New Yol k election lmv ing gene Democratic, in our last weck'n puj.t r,as rather tr (nature Howev r, it is vver Dow, and the Democracy have sustained a glorious defeat, not ouly in New York but in every State, except Maryland and Delaware in which elec tions were held nu the 0th i.istaul. But ' every dog ha his day.'' New Ci.cn ftt'Fii'. A new and dungcrou counterfeit of the fifty dollar legul teuder notes, haa appeared. It may bo detected by ilnj vignette of Geu. ila:iilon, which, on inspection. w;t found to have bceu xplit from a two do', liir Treasury note aud neatly pasted oti h counterfeit fifty. The engraving of I the other portions of the note ia cleverly jmiiateu, ana can oniy oe uisiiniruisnea fi'iMii tn f-rnniiA he th ehi;i.;t Iiwfee r .j .... .... . ion. I.Nhl ltA.NCK. C. V. Gillis, of Rid;,' way, h"i been uppuiuted agent fur the Home insurr.u'.'u t. ou-patiy ci ew ii.i vtti, Comicetiout. The Ilooio has a capital of a million with a large sr.r.ilm. and the ti!t:s;!i!y receipt are over cM'Jft.OOO. Po'ijieB are wr tie:' a.i.l delivered by the 1'ieiil i'gent, and the los.-us are etjiit tub'y tijuattd and promptly paid by traveling aent, who :ils. exatuinn and it ditcet the oik m the local n'ents. Tht Tho Flomo issues policies for over tiireo j or five veat.v on buildings and ruerelian. dise at a? low rates a can be done by ony i':ite eotii.a.ij. ALo i-:-:nes pevpet ual polieie.s on dwellings, churches and public buildings. Persons desiring insurance should prefer the Home, instead of insuring in mutual companies with a premium note. Hrcii'K for Cvbi.no Mkat. To one gallon of water, take 1 lbs ot salt, I lb of sugar, I oz. sriltpett-r, j ns. of potash. In this ratio the pickle to be increased 'o nny cpuantity dered. Let these be foiled together until all 'he dirt from o sugnr rises to the top and is skiru- ued off. Then throw it into a tub to conl. and when cold, pour it over your beef or pork, to remain the usual time, say fo'ir or Ovo weeks. The meat must be well coveted with pickle, and should not be put down for at least two days after- idling, during which time it should be slightly spriukled with pow dered saltpeter, which removes all the surface blood, etc., leaving the meat fresh and clean. Some omit boiling the picklo aud find it to answer well, though Vhe operation of boiling purifies the pioklc by throwing on the dirt always to he found in talt and sugar. If this re aipe is properlf tried, it will never be abandoned. There is none that surpass it, if any so good. The Oleam Rank Rubbery. Our own was startled on rruiay morning OnJ tin lin didA.ivoi0 rit ft (tremt bur 1V J ' ....... j - Ary iu tbe banking office of Messrs. towel!, Chamberlain & Co. Tbe safe V-as a double oao, made by Lewis Lillie, If Tmy, of the largest tiie, weighing itiny thousand pounds. The IfUrglars jtaitwd o cutrance into tho office by ry:ng open one of tbe windows with a jimmy. In'tho lower left.haud corner of the right band outer door of the safe, which was two inches thick, a hole was drilled, through which powder was in troduced. It wes blown open, separat. ing the outside from the bolts and in side casing, rendering it a complete wreck. The lower hinges of both doors were broken off ILey next attacked the inside enfe, which was two feet high, extending the width and depth of the inside of the main safe. This safe was one and a half inches thisk, made with foiling doors. They drilled another hole through tho hand door in nearly the same point they had oo the outside safe, blowing opsa bolk ear Xfeis gave them access to the money and bond?, amounting to twenty-five thous and dollars which they carried off. The larger portion of this belt ngf d to spee ial depositors. They also took valuable papers belouging to the firm, leaving in their flight a bag of gold and silver, al so a huudred dollar bill. This safe was made to order hy Mr. Lillie, of chilled iron, and was supposed to be burglar proof, ns it was a double safe, ono inside of the other, with Lillie's combination locks on tbe outside and inside doors. Ny trace of the burglars haa been dis covered. They came well prepared with jimmies, drills, gunpowder, Ac. The cierk of the bank did not leave there until 12 o'elock at night. The explosion was heard about four in the morning, showing that were expeditious in theit work. Olan Advertiser. HUSINKSSAKDS. IUli.N t. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. mar.iiU'OO ly. 1AU J -' AURIK J. ULAKrXr, Attorney and oimxullor fit law, ami V. P. lonimis lotiiicr. Midgway l'. U. Llk county, l'n. mar 22'uO.ly. Clf'L'TltF.R AND WILLIS Attorneys a Law, Ridgway, Klk county Pa., wilt an end to all professional business prompt, ly. inar-22'tl6-ly. TR- 3- S. BORDWELL Eleelie Phvsl I cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by night or duv. Residence one door east of I he In lo residence of Hon. J. L. Gillie. Mar-'JU'utMv. TV- W. II. 1I.IUT.MAN, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pi. Late of the Artny of the 1'utnnia'!. rnrlicular attention given to all canes ot surgieul nature. aiar-22 tjo-jy DR. W. JAMES l'.LAKELY Phyeician und Surgeon, St, Mary's. Elk county l'tt. mar-22't56 ly. D It. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Cctitreville. Elk county tniar-ZZ'tiU-ly. TVU. A. S. HIM. Kerv. Elk connty Pa, 1 .Will prnmpily r.nswor nllprfffuslonal calm by night or Uny. mnr-2. uo-iy DR. E1IKN.1. RUSS. Phyidti gnon. t-t. Marv Elk count inn and Sur- unty Pa. Juue-i (o-ly. jr KR5F.Y HOTKL. ( piurevi ty. Pa., C. II. Hyatt, Pr. lie, Elk v-oun angil'Cti C1ARVKI! HOUSE. Wa Hall, Proprietors. rren, I it.. Hull aug'.COti-ly a : man Kreti, Proprietor. fiigy'CO CtT. MARY'S noTI'L, R. Proprii-tor, St. Mary's. Elk county Pa. Tfiif lioii"e is new iir.d fitted up with eupe cin' cave for the convenience and comfort of Si: .-!(. .it .: Milci-nte rates. Free Hack, to und from ihrf Depot. Good stubling at. laclied. iuar-22'Oti.ly. f V Elk eountf IV, Edward I'ro , l"'",or Th," ,,nu' ' Tew B1 "P guests, tiood stabling attacucu. Mar-20'llti 1v. BOItbWtLL AND MESSENGER lrug gints. lieilers in Drugs and CheaiicalS' l'aiiiis. Oils and YarnihU. Perfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary, Ilidgway, Elk county Pa. mar 22'Hti-ly, Ci II. VOLK, Maiiufavturcr and mtr in Lngir Rccr. opposite tho Railroad llepot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'titi-ly. fj) tJ wa nied for tit rtirrly nete arltclti, Mi't out. Address 0. T. GAUEY, City building, Riddcford, Me. may 17'GA-lr. HENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Reds aud Maitresses. Picture Frames and Coffins, Rh'gwsy Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main and Depot Si's, nwy-17'lifi-ly. IytACTK'AL CLOCK AND WATCH. MAKER. ST. MIRY'S, Elk county Pa. Edward Meltride, keeps constantly on hand and for sole. Watches. Clocks, Silver Plated Wsre and Jewelry of all descriptions. Bl)u Repairing neatly executed, and done on short notice and reasonablo terms. Mar WtiG lj. I OB PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, Hand Bills. Rill Heads So., done at the ADVOCATE OFKICE on short notice and at reasonable prices. II.' O. MeCONNELL. House. Sisrn and Ornamental painter. All orders .lumpily attended (o with neatness aud despatch. Inquire at this office, or of the subscriber at Kane Station, aug90bly. TW. BAILEY, Surreon Deotist, Saiat Mary's, Elk county, Pennsylvaoia, of furs his profetsiiinal services to the citiiens of Elk county Office opposite Coyne & Mo. Vean's Store; (July 116,'881 j OLIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and Wholesale j- Retail Dealers in Flour. Feecl antlUmm, CASUAL MILLS. ERIE. J'4 Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar ket rates, augytn-oo-iy "EXECUTIONS. SUMMONS. 6UBPOI, Xjj nas. Warrants, ic, on hand and for at tni othoe. t'R 5TAP.CI1 GLOSS, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It elves a beautiful polish, mailing the iron past smoothly over the cloth, saving much t'nie and labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUR is the best 'n the world. It Is miliible in hard as well as soft water. It is pin up in the safest, neatest, and mot convenient form of nny offered to the public. Ii is wai-ranled not to sirer.k the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to rhom we otler ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., New York. JOHN O. II ALL, Attorney at Law, has epened a law and eslleetina office in Pt Mary s, (HcniinrerP O) Office in 2nd sto ry of Mrs Fisher's building, opposite Coyne fr McVfsn's store, where he can be found during the entire forenoon of ench day. this will not interfere with Ins omcc at Ridgwav, which will continue ns heretofore. and where he will be in person each after noon. fsep'JO'Olily J. GURN'KY k SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTiSTS, 707, BROADWAY, N. Y. TN addition to our Photographic Art Gub lery, estab'islied in 1840. we Kve for tbe List Five ears had advantages su perior to any other esUblisbment in oh. taioing sittings !nni life, of all the Prominent Cekbtities of the day iu Card portraits, and are now publUhing a Catalogue of over 2 500 SUBJECTS, American and Foreign, also a larire list of copies of Works of Art und Engrav. ings. Catalogue sent on receipt ot Stamp. An order for one dozen pic. ti:r 'H from our Catalogue will be filled nt SI 80, and sent by mail free. Single pictures 2o cents each, copies ot en. gravings 15 cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reproduc ing, or copying, old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, &c., of de. ceased relatives and friends, enlarging them to any site, and finishing in Oil, Water Colors, or India Ink, with tU aid of ten talented artists. Parties desiring copies, should there, fore eorrespoud with us direct. Send for a catalogue. The trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for free inspection, iiud strangers visitiug tho city will find our Gallery one of the most agreeable places where, in to while itway un hour. J. GURNKY & SON, sep-20 6ir. 707, Btoadwi.y, N. Y I BIRTH'S ' MUSIC STORE. 5G3, Broadway, N. . Thaddeus Firth, successor! irth, Son it Co Mnsio Publisher, I jufuu turer and Importer of MUSICAL INSRl'MENTS, PIANO FORTES, MKLOPKOKS, CABINET ORGANS, And every description of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Sole New York Agency lor the celebrated Giliunre& Co's Bund Instru. meuts. Our Bond department is under the personal buperviaion of Mr. D. L. Downing Wholesale aud Retail Depot for the JJiiribqliiO Coiiqpc Pniflri, which chnlleiiotis comparison as the most effective Instrument yet ofiered to the public. New and Choice Music published daily. Catalogues and price lists of In. struments furnished on application. Mb.Lattst Music from all the lead ing publishers in America. Auy piece of Music, or Music Book, sent by sail, fxMt-Mifd, m receipt of retail price. Orders by mail lor flJ usie or lmfru- nicntfi receive prompt at.d carelul atten tion. All poods warrauted to prove us represented at HUTU S MLPIU &MJKK, sep20.1y oroodway, N. Y riMIE art of JQ DANC1SU -nd BANJO J PLAYING taught by G. W. RUOWN, Ridgwav, Pa. fsepH-tf H." OVERHOLTEH. MERCHANT TAILOR, ItidgAvay, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form tbe eitin ns of Ridgwav and vicinity that he is preps. edlo make to order ss well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the line of his business. AH be asks is a lair trial. Good Fits guatanteed. saCloths, Casniiners, Vestings and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kent constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. augW.y NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL S TOR E . DAILY & WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly a The Book Q 1 N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Any work, either Ameriean or Europen, Religious, Scientific, Phil, osophical, Historical. 4o., will be pro cured on application as above. Auy article in the Book or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent for by mail ant! be received in few days altar or derinj. jun. 14-1 v. 0 J. Powell' Column. THE LARGEST STOCK OF & & & THE MOST DESIRABLE ASSORT MENT. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED offers to tbe pub. JL lie at his commodious Sales Rooms in Ridgway, the largest and best general as sortment of Merchandise thai ca be found at any Store between WILLIAMSPORI AND ERIS, m4 a asore fatotejfcle prim tWm as e bought at either of these points-. His stock comprises a splendid variety of PRINTS, DKLAXES, SIIEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTUS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GR OGERIES d- PR 0 VI XI OX S &C, &0 lieTlie proprietor, thankful for the very generous patronage thus far extended to his establishment by thetitiiens ef Elk and adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. J. POWELL, Aug.-lG'68.-ly. FURNITURE ! f PHE UNDERSIGNED TAKES 1 pleasure in announcing to the citi tens of Ridgway and adjoining towns, that he baa just opened a uraiture Shop ia I Ridgway, and is prepared to sell all kinds o: lurnuure at tne lowest prices, ms at oca consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLX3, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS t MATTRESSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, 80FAI, TETE A TETES, LOUNGES, BrnnonM puits of Chestnut, Mabogauy aad lilaok nainut and every thing usually fouod In a first class country Ware Room. PICTURE FRAMES of all sizes, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, Uluck Walnut and Gilt MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, and made to order, of every kind and description. Please CALL and examine my stock be. fore purchasing elsewhere, for I hope by strict attention to business, and keeping all the market demands in my line, to merit the patronage of the public. Warerooms on the corner of Main aud Depot streets. HENRY II. THOMAS. May-17'OC-ly, ISCti 1866 1 ) HILADELPHIA k ERIE RAIL I ROAD. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It hns been leased by the Venntyha ::!i .had Road Company, and is open ed by them. Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freight business, October 17th, 1804. TIME OP PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leavt Eait ward. Erie Mail Train S 39 p. m- Erie Ei press Train 10 30 p.m. Leave Weittcard. Erie Mail Train 1 30 p. m. Erie Express Train 3 24 a. m. Passenger cars mo through without change both ways between Philadelpha and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Erie 9.10 a. m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. m., arrive at New 1 ork S.40 p. m. Eleoent Sliehnq Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williaiusport and Baltimore, and Williatusport and I'mlnilfclnhia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the a. b. corner SUth and Market ots. And for Fr sight bueioeesof the Com phot's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. vV. Reynolds Erie. W. Brown, Agent N. C. R. K. Bal timore. U II. Houston, Gen'l Freight Ag't. fhiTa. II. W. GwtNKBB, G'l. Ticket Agt. PUta. Alhiip. L. Tiim, 0W tf SVi'l, aaQKP3 RIDGWAY, TENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAI 1 DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTIIING, F10U1 OROCEWES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find TORE AMONG THE s Most Complete AXD BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY AND THE PLACES TO GET Good Bargains ! CALL& SEE! March 2Pth,lMf-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Mary's, Elk County. JUST RECEIVED 600 BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY BOOKS. AX ASSORTMEXT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Blaok books, Time books, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Psper, Envelopes 4c. direc froaa the Maotrfsoturers for cub, we are enabled to sell at the same rates that they can be purchased in ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed oo all purchsses of ten dollars and upwards. W. J. BLAKELY. June-14'fiO-ly. Q E N 1 S WANTED J. T. IIEADLEY'S HISTORY OF HIE WAR, NOW READY- Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also iu ONE. It ia admitted to bo tho most mterttting, popul ir, and valuable His tory of the Rebellion, which is f ully at tested by the e dot nitre sale ot 200 000 volumes, and a large portion ot tbe country still uneanvassed. We are obliged to run our presses night and day to enable ns to supply our Agents. Men of character and ability, who do sire a Inct stive emplojtnent, will find this a rare opportunity. The price of the work in ow volume u to low, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all classes. For full particulars send lot circular. Address tmtrieaH FubHthlng fom'if. 14$ Asylum Mtreat, IlABTfOKD, CONX. TT1MPIRS SEEING MACHINE CO. "I'Timnpal Office, 616 Broadway, X. Y. GREAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing Ma chines. Empire Hhuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It ia thus rendered noise less ia action. Its notion being aUpositite, it is not liable o get ovt ef Older. It ia tbe best Family Machine I Notice is called to eor .tew and Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, for u era sad Boot and 8 SO Fitters. Agents wanted, t whom a liberal d'soouut wiu oe givea. jo t oosigamenti maof . r EMPIRE 8EWIVG MACHINE CO. JeJy ir.-ly. GREA T EXC1 T EM EXT rs kspt np ty the DAILY AERIYAL 0 NEW CCCD At FREDERICK BUDOLPLTS Cheap Cash Store, Where he has on Land and for sale MEN & BOY'S CLOTHING-,. CRYOOODf, iADIES at GENTS rCRM8indf GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, IADIES' k OENT8 SffAWLS, 80XTAGS, iREAEFAPT SHAWLS ALSO-HATS & CATS, J00TS L SII03J, NUBIAS, COMFORTERS, SCARFS, HOODS It, AL8t GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA A very large and well selected 8TOCS of be test made, and warrauted in every respect RICE, LOUR, SALT, PORK, FTJff &. ALSO CONFECTIONARY AND YANKEE NOTIONS IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND QUALITIES TOBACCO AND 8EGAR1 Or THE BEST QUALITT lay. to see. and all, that my stock; is full and complete, end will be sold at smaU profits. Give me a call before purchaaiag else where. FREDERICK VCDOLPaT, Bt Mesy'a, Kev. tS'M-ly.