The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, November 15, 1866, Image 1

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    l -. t '-ii. ' ' , : ." - . ' - ' 'J- Auv
" ti it i ' . -" '' ': HatCH ot Atlv n Piii'g.
TZ! IM 1; ' ' ' -Wtllv ilM ' r'-'Ni-v w ' f7'Vr- ' Auditor- nou.-m. web : v sw
. , '' ' J ' ' a''I.v Adverlieing, 1 wo Kfjuurnf t' 0O
. . . " ' ' " ' ' j Vc.n'y Advcr'in three rutitirei" UO M
' ' ' i ' ' " " " ' : , i-. ' .1 . . ... i V-nriy A .1 voi t iinK. j column...' '!, rtt
riu: elk advocate,
s tftf.s7rf M'rt ry Thursday
15Y JOHN 1'. MOOIlh
1'iT Year in advnuce ?1 10
All subscriptions lo be raid in aJ
tuiiee. Orders for Job Work respectfully
yO.-OMoc on Main Fired, in ihe rccond
liory of lluiik t GiUis .Store.
A1 IrctiH
editor it rnopEiETOit.
Pprak (lintly, tJlother.
(I'Mitir. nmt !i ir. gently,
hide I liy little one,
'Ti? a loilsomi journey
It In" just begun ;
Mirny a vulc of sorrow.
Many a ruprrod steep.
I.ietli in its pathway,
Aud full ul't tl will weep
Ou ! then, gently gsully .
Kindly, mother, kindly.
.Speak iu tender tone',
Tlmt denr child, remember,
Uc'iocs back tliitic own ;
Tench in gentle nee'ents.
Tench in words of love ;
Let t!ic softest breezes.
Its vow's heart string move;
Kindly mother kindlj.
Vonhl.Vt thou have the setting
( f ii gem most fair
In a crown of b.'iuty.
It were thine to wear f
Mother, train with caution
That di"ir little one :
fju-'de. reprove, and ever
Let the work be done
lleiiti.v mother gently.
(Jai'ils and Suicide.
On the -1;1 iluy of July, 1SI0, at
i.n iiditm, itiV'r a rallicr tcclious voyage
i.f C.vetity ?cVfti dav?, tlio scliooncr nn
which I ha
1 Liken pas-ase ut Hiilo
.Iru' pel its tmclior iu the
' :-n I'raiii'isfii, between t'ni)
Mid '.I.I
'..l nii . : i v.hich tho city s.anls
he ni.Tt 1 i-!:ind of Yerlw 1'cuna.
lliu vc:-?cl Mvtinct to t ho tide, two
pins, placed cii ti c stitiiniil oi'Ti'lpraph
11:11, npi iioJ tin if iron tliroat.s and belch
i J f.nth tit'.- i:a:io:i:iI s:i!ntt'. Kuch ru-
n t. i' o.iini! i!on the cntrauce of
lutV w
cc!i. ic. i an. re nt
I Of
d bo
en " tl..! r.u
u, and tlic-o
ky w i!'s nt the Golden
died .nit in fa i ut rcvor
i cr.irii.t'.s vk : 1 ; ? wind eanied it tnw;tr:I
the sea. llatd'y liad the salute on t lie
hill riifJtd, when from lliu l'rcaidio
tluM'o came in more ropilar succession
:". ridccs of pii cc-i of ttrtillory stationed
i.i it hy order i f the on rni.ient.
1 . kin,' t ;v:;uii tlie city, tlu cui s.'.'.v
! :! a f .v v.-. i.ii-ti rurii:r.irt:L'tiiri
: i: i ;.! ( .!.' ; !!. .'J I'll tl.? murjjiti i.f
) ;. ;-id the sVjrht that led
i .i ii i i'iaai. u canvass, ow;i, tctits ev
ct v.v; i. us if an army had been sadJcn
iy"..'.iu.'ht to a liak, and its r.'iiiionts
a:i ! uri!i.'..'s '.v.-ro restitiLr for the liip"ir
Iron a lon and fal:g.iein marc1).
I thu.'S haiti'.v wanned the shore,
iov mioo, ipitici'i t lie roiijrbrie.-'', not
t.i thf ti.r..-i.i.'dit,;o.--j' o! the silo of the
n. .v. :.-r.':ii fin J .! tori to be imperial ciiy
. . .. 11 i . . i 1
n! tiio l a .'ilic voi ;'t, n L;.ea'.uie. yiictu.
f: '. ! i:-.!i vrvi'ili vs. .-wept past the stf-rn j p
..! iio ich. otii.r, vit.i its bow pniute'il
i ...i-a:.l what is called Angel Isl.i:..!,
vhi.'ii. i(cii'.l'-eu ciirs sl'o, was more
' .lai.iai :y V ii
i'.. ( I:1 'it.,!ii::s
in to ti i! 1 i'.'Uer.tuier-i by
;'.;.i'i!. ti'le, Lie .!e I.os
1 v..
I' I."
.1 ran to t
V'lCi'.l. 1 S'l t.Jc!l!
c pott si'le of th
, . r , , ,
0 at
1 lo
I. si . ve li.oie closely iho-e who
:.:o;:'.'' I sh. lolo.; in t'.ie j-iyoilsne-s o) j
their heart.-., gliding J at me. Seated j
r.t the rti-ru, with the rudder held firm- I
, - , i i i i i i... i
in Ins natiu, sal one vti on i uau Known
f.Tjcavs; v ho. v. ben I saw him la.-t,
Hoo.J on one of the d'.ekj of the East
liver. New i'oik. and with a fiiendly
; raip o( t'ie band bade ini (iodspeel
. : t he voyai:e 1 was i.lnut to undertake.
Viii was jc-ai's previous to the lime
!' wlocii I ..Hi now wiiiihg lie caught
in v cie. M.d sl'iiliii i'i: to his feet, stood
for .. uioiii''f.t sc. tiiii.izl
irresolute, eie. I
h itni!.' in Ins iniii'i v !i 'loer tie
l ui alout aid w
c une me, or proceed
mo. The. i he raised
1 a i he did so :
oil ills tl 10 ot liu a
his 1 1 -i t , and shoil
' 'aptain. wcloMiie .
I will see you
ti tnht. tio t
I ho'.ve-d an a
1 'in ker's on the l'laz i."
nt, an I before 1 had
linie to respond by voice to tho faiuilisir
peeling ol my friend, the graceful ve.s
i -1 in which be look tl.e wind fully
Mid shot like an ai row towar 1 the stiaits.
1'rise-iiily a., it mn through the (jate, its
si;:e lo my eyes was reduced to a soeck,
and in less time thuu I cuu ex(iresii it,
it was entirely lo.-t to ino as it turned
the iicadlaiid.
" So Walter is here ! " I exclaimed,
' v. hat can pjssibly have Sniuecl that'
noble le'low to venture so far ? Surely
not the dc.-ire lor gold '! Of that he
U 1 1 (iioiitih in New York; and (ha
lu iu'iliil Etnilv, when I last saw tho
sweet gi; I, id she aeiuiesee ? Well,
vvli. 1 will perhaps have my questions
mis Cicd this iveuing. It is better not
to raise conjeciuicF, when pretseutl.v my
lardonable curiosity may le gmified."
Walter Edgeworth (I frust tho fatuity
nanic will not be, ss I liave
chaugod the lust syllable) was a goutle.
man of medium st;itur but of iiipresf
ive C'luntcnauce ' 11U hair, brows au3
eyes were dark ui thu vviujj-i of th ra
ven, and the lattwr were, an unusual
thing in black eye; exoecdinglj soft,
almost feminine in their expression, ei-cept-
ythca he became excited, m tl e
humur Oiuvud him with anger, or merri
uicnt ; it was . rare, iHdeed, when the
leriuer twk j osscjsion of Lie eoul." lTs.
JIIN a. 1IALU Editor.
. "' ' '' 1 '' . . i - : . ' hc rate ipu-evlimiti'.tof '......VU 0O
u ... ,..CT,.i,. i . I..,, . , i i- , i iiM , - 11
unlly bo was of et iable tonipi'ianient.
His voice was low and musical, . Ind bi
ready eotntnnnd ol word ) and power of
imitatiun tiiadii it a pleasure to his
friviidi to-listen to linn, when ef r
ceniii they uathcrod around the social
board and conversed of men and events.
Walter was a entleiuan of leisure
His position gave liim access to the iclincd society, and anion;; his ma.
ny female friends was Ivnily H mj, a
!'irl who was lair and beautiful as nature
could make a daughter of our geat Mo.
ther Kve. Con-taut ass"cians witU ISin.
ily assured Walter that in all woman
hood ho could not select ono who would,
like Emily, make him so unliable and
loving a friend iu bis journey through
tVie world.
Like all heroes, be of eouiv-e fell des.
perately iu love, with the, pretty " girl. -lie
wooed, and 1 had satisfi'."! myself
by oner;'.l reasoning, however, that he
had won her, and lonr before I ' bad re.
cognized him in the bay of .Sun Francis
ci, '.vcn when wandering along the
skirts of tho t'eleslihl Kingdom, deter
mined in my mind thy were long si act),
ncet.rdin; tu the pluaseologv of the
church, "bone of one bone, and flesh of
two flesh."
Toward the clofC of the' day, just as
the golden rays of the sun were kis
sing the purple crowned hills of the
coast, I placed myself in tho boat of the
schooner, by the hide of its captain, and
w.l landed on tho beach near the line
i of what is now called Mont'jromery
stieet, tho Wall street of the metropolis
of the western tide of our continent,. :'.
A few minutts walk, ailed by the di
reetion of persons I inquired of in tho
street, brought no to the Pl.izi, an open
space, bounded on ills westerly sj.leby'a
long abode build,ing, which . had , Leeri
devoted, previous to my arrival, to a va.
viety of irovei niiient purposes, but
which bad been turned into an in differ,
ent sort of stalde at one end. and a
house of entertainment for children of
Asm who had, about the same time
with those of Europe, been attacked
with the ori terer; and must needs come
to Californin to participate iu the fabu
loin wealth which it. v,-a3 supposed to
yii Id with no grudging baud to alt who
worshipped ;.t the shrine of M uiimoti.
on the easterly side were the El Dorado,
the V'nited States. Denuisnn's Exchange
and the I'aikir House.. Into the last
name I I unhesitatingly entered
I ! il'.iui
1 myself, on useendinc a Cis;ht
of stairs,
iu a .-tiacio'js sulomi,. around
the walls of which, mid tjiiottiili the
centre worn placed ' ni 'tite," faro."
and ''rotitiV t-:!ih"S; ' On each of
! these were plac-'d, in regular order,
es i.l Mcxica'i silver dolhiri, golden
I eiu .s. .Miii-rifan eacles and hags ol va.
j nous s'z 's and nhntie, made of. every
j eone.'ivable iinteiiil. fiiied with ami.
feroii- metal whi.ih those who ) a I' star.
ved and STcat 'd, and "toiled under the
j I oilinj -nn, had biMUiiht (hither- that
ti.ey eiij v a few miuutub' esoite.
j un-ut ill th.; naming table. - .
Tloxe who were attracted to these tii;
Iocs were ure-.-ed in every poss'tlilo styhj
of costiitne, titid w.e.ra of every country
under the sun. All wero onsnct-d, win
ningniid lo-in their hundred, ttud in.
stances, thousands of dollars with a non
chalance that to one so accustomed tu
such scene u as I was, was really a.don.
islooir. .
At one t ib'o, if the other end of the
stilo. ;ii, I no'iccd a number of ;:en'!e
men elegantly attired, eoiur.ared witn
those in the other
parts i the room
in tins tatiie 1 i: -t iy innae uj wy,
and lielore it, gaiiihltii.; desoeratel v. 1
found Walter E'Leworlli
" A thousand on "ten." I heard hitfi
exclaim, i.n 1 then, as I d.ew to li'us side,
he wisptrod, ns the dealer turned a iiard,
in alow, hearse, tictiiulous voice : ' ' '
' Lo.,t :-'
Again tho gjino was resumed, and
while it was progressing, Walter wrote
in an acgeptance, which Le ball
iled to tiio keeper
ot the table, who
nodded asLeiiiitigly, as he gjauoed over
it. . . ...... 1
" on the Queen !" iid Wal..
tcr, as he faw that hig credit was good
with the bank. '.
. The dealer did as ho wits bidden, and
rcs'i'iie 1 the ilistiibuiioiv of the curdn.
I could not at tho moiiicht ascertain
how much my friend had wtAked, but I
aw that his eyes, yet unconscious, of my
.res.Mieo, glared like a wild beast's iu
the dark, on the particular card on
which he had wagered, as if ho had
been affected with uiauiacy.
" Da innatlon";' : be ' growled, ' as be
spaang tft hiji JV't :, " I've ' hist-Aost a
gaiu 1 Toil, tliousaad dollars ono ;
And now 1 nm a br-irtrari"
Thoso ttl.'o'.hrky-usef bad been
witclitj'lli.C. ljiuijltjC-ibeV
hiilat;flgi--' ccoiU;d tin, at. vacatcu
by Wal tell dul tot eiu toibe affected
by hi 1'jases. ThPj dimply regarded
bis ill.foftuuf , aaa, matter pf coarse, a
one of those' "runs of ill fuck" which
al who courvhe' Uellc j.'gddessre ex
peeted to eXpurietice , v i, v- :(. ,
Walter i hurried from the labia' and
Bccmed anxious to get tutol the suffo.
' ' .!. , -, ' Vc:f.'ly Advcriising. I eoliinm 70 uO
-' ' nmaitvti, vot 1.1m , rso. ,T" 1 z,1 -f liili!snoi'- -i a-kc tc.nuix-iriflJoj more than
" ' . '' ' ' ' ' " TMCii.yiS-t fifi ,rK- T .r,T,-, ""'""-ib' will bo charged for at
eating heat and poisoned atmosphere of
the rnnni which had by this time beou
brilliantly lighted up. ' ' t
. As I lollowed clrsely on his gteps I
eniiir-rttulnled nivself that I had not
been recogn'zvl -by him while hn
at the table,- ns it liiiht have phicdd
him n (id myseli in ralh.'M- awkwaid po.
Hitions, which might call for munlal
explanations. While thus reasoning
with myself, Walter hastened onward
Kiid passed through a throng that wat
making toward tho oentreof the Mlonn.
My proirrcss was momentarily inter."
rupted, and I lost sight of my friend.
However.. I hastened through tho crowd
as best. I could, end finally reached the
doorway. '
The night was rxMeiiiuiil dark, and
I paused, at, tho tbought tiiat
Walter had escaped me. v.i
While I .stood heairntincfj naoertttin
which j.ath to pursue in the-- hope of
overtaking him, a pistol was tired on the
Piaz i ; and next I heard, hut ciuld but
dimly discern, a number of persons has
tening in tho direction from whence tho
report had come, vlmnellcd by curiosi
ty, I also followod. and toju 1 cumo up
to a group of men who were oppurei.tiv
looking at something lying prono upon
the ground. I was about to make in-
: r .1. . . . .
ijuiry, wnen one oi mose stanain near
exclaimed , I
' I'oori'ellow ! he has blown his brains
out !" '
"'Who la he?" cried another, " T,et
us take hitu into the house, whoever he '
Very carefully the body of the man !
was raised and carried 1o the hallway of
tho Deunisoti House, "where there, was
a. strong, light, and where it. was suSges
a iihtatciaircould be found.
T1ien they ha'l placed him on the
floor, I had an opportunity, for the litjt
time of noticing the features.
- Great God ! "if wits' tlie body of my
friend; Walter E Igew'orth.' ' I knelt by
his side and voluntarily placed a baud
on his breast. ' ' His heart had cjascd (a
pulsate. He was' dead. Ffteen inin.
utes' previously he was in the 'vigor ot
life in the flush of minly beamy !
- - -
It was not, until I had returned to
New York, some three years subseci!ent
ly to the sad event here related, that I
was enabled to gather the full particu
lars of the motive's which indued Wal
tor Edjc worth to' adventure to Cu'if r.
uia. '
The old story of -.huraquitod -Affection
was told me. , . Wyliei fell, as I had long
been nitisfied, desperately, madly ia
love with the sweet., amiable, pretty Em
ily Uoi.d ; and when in a moment of
sweet communion he had vowed his pas
sion and asked for her hand, tho fair
creator" sighed, and in melting toue-r1cc'::-"d
bo honor of au alliance she
w.;g already ein agcd.
Then Welter fer.nd tint ho had b.-t-n
throwing nis iove-away uooii u hoiirtlcss,
undeuioustiativi coquette a wouiau of
fair exterior, of winning manners, of in
tellectual endowments, who, vrithom.
making any off irt to uiaku captive the j
hearts of her f ill iwers never failed to
hi tng them to her feet. ' '
I'oor fellow'.' when he'had fully us
certiiined his fate, he plunged at once
into desperate courses. He threw b:
ff.ituno to tlie Winds; mil when Lis
friend.'-drew nwhv' from him, when lie
lrrc-nnio an outcast, refused efilrar.c.! in.
to the circles of society in winch he
had from childhood moved, ho gath.-ie 1
up tho fiagmni' of his fortune, res'dv.
ed to ' forget the past oud emigrate t ;
the laud ot goM. ' ''
- lie had hardly arrived in RanFrancis.
cO, when he surrounded hiiusell witli
"good fellows," auV plunired wild'y in
to every excitement. Hrinling and
giimbltng were his daily find nighr'y no
cupations; and I lilppened to see him.
for the first titnp in (alifoinij, on the
memorial -1th of Jufy, 1 lo. when, hav
ing thrown away his last dollar at faro,
he deliberate!y-"left tho table and
ceeded to the Piaz-i and there ent into
the silver cord of life a' life that
might ' under happier , auspices,' bare
Iniadc ouo of honor' and of u&etjliis
fellow nieu. '
A San Fianeisco rlitor nays that
when bo thinks of "Irehti J'B woes his
heart goes pity Pat.
If a man is not tall at twenty,
hundsome at thirty, wise at forty und
rich at fifty, ho never will bo tall, hand,
some, wise uor rich.
Au infamous old bachelor, being
auked if be ever witnes-ed a public exe
cution, replied, " No, but I ouoo euw it
marriage." ' . -
... - 1" ' v
A young lady, while on her way to
be married was ran e-rer end Willed. A
confirmed old maid savagely onuiiiients :
1 She avoided a more lingaiiug uud hor.
rible destiny!' t ' 7 v
. .r-Au excited father called iu great
haste on Dr. Aberuethy. and exclaimed
i3an esfitli (lianrier;4 IVictor, Hoetor !
my boy baff Valid wed a mouse ! ' '' Then
go hf)mefcr' quietly' repliod the doctor,
' aud tell hm to swallow a eat ! '
A ShorilTs Attaohmonl. I
t W'is in, session, and ami 1 t'io
lietiy of bu.-inrss Wukni ero.vded
npo.i a ix-rifi" ;it t.-rui time, he was led
to the door of a b 'aufii'iil wi io.v ra thn
Sunny fide of thirty,. who. by the wiy,.'!
.estowed melting g.aucos on
the :
ifurcsiid She-rill'.
e was admitted.
and tin; wid r-v appeared
siou and fright which the
tisitor oeensioned, se oif
Tim eonl'a.
arrival of her
It greater id -
vantage the cantivatm
widow M. .:r cll-.-k l
chat ins of tile
o I U'i bcA'ttiul
blended tin's of thi up ii-,: bl is- mi ; I
li3 resemble 1 the nihuls, u.i.iu which
tile mot -niii g dew yet lingered, and tun
ryes were like quivers of 4 -1 - I ; tinH
gh-.iiec'H of love and icud-'i'iiu-w with
which th-y w ere fi'ia 1, l eseiunled arrows
which only invited a " beau" ;pnrdon to
the pun) to d-.) full el-.-eiiiio;!. Altera
few ' c.imntr.r.plaee ' ttti'arks. " Madam"
said the' mitter-of fact 8he.rifl.- " I h iv.s
im tittueb'nent lor. you." A dc-p sr
blush than u-ual mainled thj checks-o)
life fair widow, while the glance of her
downc ist eyes wore e. utct el tipon tier
behutiful foot, which, half con ;:ealed by
flowing draperv, thj floor. She
with eipial c.indar replie.l : ".Sir, tho at
tachment is reciprocal." For some tiui ;
the SlietiH imiiutaiiie.l u a-toni-shod si-le;-ce,
and at leriph said: "Madam, wili
you pr.'coed to court ' ' " Proceed to
court," then .shaking her h-'ad, she said :
"No, sir, though this is leap year, I
will not take advantage of the license
therein granted to my se., and there
fore I greatly prefer that you nhou!d
proceed to court.'' " lut, ma-lam, the
justice, is waiting." " Let him wait ; 1
ani not disposed th hurry matter, and
nesi ies, sir, wtieu rtic ccreivioiiv
formed, T "wish yoii trT
gp-atly prefer a minister to it jn'sriee
tlie pe!t3." A liirht dawned on tlnf
i'heriff's brain, " Madam," said he, ris
ing from the chair with solemn dignity,
"there is a great mistake here ; my lan
guage has been misundsrstood ; the at
tachment of which I speak was issued
from the office of Squiro 0 , and
commands rue. to biiug you instantly lu
fire him to answer a contempt of court,
disobeying subpoena in the case of Smith
vs .ones.
Pltt'MK AS To TIIK liKtn Ilobe-rt
Wilson was before Jnslieo Millikn 'of
of Chicago, lust week, charge with in
toxication. He plead " ball guilty," stat
ing that lie could drink a great deal und
be perfect!" sensible. His head always,
remained e. car. but bis knees went off to
freely, and he beea-iio thank bolo.v his
bins. The o:'h t fo'ind him 0:1 a door
step. af tin early hour in llio morning.
Leaning back a iiitl. be was striking at
h's legi, ,i,j was abusing- tln-tn in the
fi !:'f,:.-l niaut'or fio- their ba-e and eoi
tetiiptible conduct. " I Lave lived with
you for nearly thirty yeais; L have fed
and eio'l.eiyou; I have g;:t you good
and nice j, mt il ions h-v! comfln'tablo
drawers. And uow, at ibt-i hour in the
night, whin it is wet and want to go
home, you g-i back on tney and leave me
in (his phve Now aren't ynn adiamed
of yoiiiseK'Os n pretty ''J. air that you"
are? From this time on T'm going f.i
treat you iiiJl.Tciitiy. I believe I'll bo
gin now, confound you you shall have
a w.'t'ing." With that he oegin to
C o!!
pant a to en, to' nn 'rvi lal-arre-.t.'d
him. He. v.-.i- line l
. ... . , .
iie-1 e!
t'tivee dollars and departed, t.i irni li'iug
i'cngeancs against his extn-'niti'-.s.
n T ,- - '
(litK er '!;ot.l
pated ymith ..iocs ti-tr iv,
if!! tl diss
ca !s gather
01 him 10
. '.o'ts and
1 in to will
it I peace,
avouii l ti 1 111 , 1:1 or,. a- t.j .v
thu pinh of vii'iu.-. O101
kindn iss are lavished noon
him back again to iiinoceio- '
No one woiii.l -'inpe.'t th.-i' le
sinned. Hut when a p i i,'
tl'.-l has been betrayed, sin' r.
bad ever
e in.ldlilg
-. ires the
brii'id of society, and is lu-o!. ti-c'!i driv
en from the ways of virtn1!. 1 no be.
traycr is honored, respected and eoieeni.
el; but bis ruined, beai fr, k-n victim
knows there is no rest for her thiftdde
at" ilw irrave. Society ba-i no helping
baud for hcj'-p-uo si!'t,!e,uf peace ns'
voice of forgiveuess.' ' 1 iie- e are 1 ai rily
moralities ti.ey are unknown of He.iv'
en. There is deep w roug in them, and
fearful are the couse(iieiiecs. The iu
justice of society is vividly-., brought to
rniud in the ense delineated-.
'.Vbat to d 1 with the lutioniil debt
leave it a loan.
Unpop ular Soldiers Private Pique
and (JorporJ Punishment. ,!
Why U nibbled cheese lika a con
cluded treaty '! Iiocauso it bun been rat
ified. : -' ,'
It is stigg.-cted that the graduates
of female :oliiHs ba .rwbbef AU.M.-v
Artful Maidens. -
r-The kt'M to tho inntoerV jieart is
tho baby. Keep that well oiled with
praise, uud you au unlouk all the ', pan
tries iu the buuio, .; ,
It is the belief of old eotton mcriirs
at Nashville that, not more than forty
thou-cjrid bales will roach that city
this sasou,
CXs't Ch'ii It is.i a.i-J defo! when
ymtng ladies ;ire incapable of direotiiig
their own servants sloes wiiloutmdcii.
or wristbands withont a shirt' are in!,
tuore uioh-ss thin .one of these. One
JuyVhi'.'rtly after his fli Hii igr , a yo i"ig
nier,'!Miilit went lioiiio, and Seeing u"o din
tier teady, and bis wife ap;)iring aus,
ions and confused, asked :
, " W'iiai li tin; in itfer ':.'.'
'' .'aiicy e-.o,i ft' '.. t i- - 1 oVh.o'v thM
moi'iiing. replied his wile, an 1 th '
r M.'h.nnbenu.ti.l ku v.y.s no
ill r
"i 1 1 :
uooi.i.ig a Wiiiie.'- ii,i.i u
m til-'
ui.un. ... .1
' "t- -i' Jn't ;
yo'ir -li'.'. ciioa
e !i i v
):l !
very coolly.
' Uu-W my d'uejtio;i,?, I ihould lik
to see, ;i Jjiiuer ckul u,i Lt 111 ; dirco
tior.." ' ' ' 1
- Wiiy so""
.. :
i,kil t!ii li-
ia 11 1
1 uiceiiaini y
..,!,, ..t 1 1,;,.',
ink I cniil-.l '!"
Inu'.d L know
rt piied the vviie ; ' I;
itn'',!hi:i'';i!. )-jf c-i.'ktli
' hew sh
, f"
't'i'.e !iu-ba!id va silent, but hh 1 )V
of us; inishmetit p.irplexed au i worried
his wife.
" Yuu look very ni'ijii s-.n-oris.-.l "
she s.i;
1 alter a uoau'at or t'.vj h 1 1 el.i::i
ct. .
" Aud so T titu," answ.
e l he " ns
1 1 e to fin J
mue 1 S'iri,vi-e I 10 I s'
if my
tile Ciip.aiu ed one e
snip-) tniae-
.pi iinie i Willi n.iv.g il 1 11. 1
know how t-j e.i.ik. an i the nils
family ! Jul1, if there ii a anywhere in the cite,
ud d-m t
! iv.s 1 of x
u j
1 lo it
uu.i e-oiiniieie your eOiU'aiioii, lor it is
d'iiieitnt in a,very.i;up.irt.iul parjijular.'
O.irt-titc CnusiiKti vs. U.t'.a'M). Tim
i'olluwiiig;is f'taw Uiel't". 0 S.-i-jn-
tij':'- l)t vv,.ij :
It is hot' kiJOA-ii generally thr.t coff-.-tli-it
has been beaten is better than that
which has baen ground. Sucii, howev
er ,is the tact, and iu '.his brief article uu
the s j'ojee.t, . Savariuu gives what he
considers thn reason for the difference.
As he remarks, a nuro decoction of
green coffee is a most insipid drink, but
curb -miz-ttioti develops the arrotna, aud
an oil .whieh i the peculiarity of ihe
coilee we drink. He agrees wlto oilier
writers that ths Turks cxejl in this.
"ihy employ n-i mills, b:;t beat iho her.
ry with wooden pestles in mortars
When long used, tliej p.silo-i beooiue
pi-eei-jus br'uig great uriejs. Ho
1. by a ; Mod e.r
xnert 111 .-ut, which
or trie two motho'Is is tlie best,
buftied 'Carefully a p eiii l of e-1 id
cha, and separated it into two equal por
tions. Tho one was p is.sod th rough the
mill, tho other was beaten ui'ei- the
Turkish fashion iu a in 01 tar. He
entice of each. Taking equal weights
ed' eaoli, und p ;uriig on au equal weight
of boiling water, ho treated them both
precisely alike He tinted tho coffee
himself aud caused other competent
judges to do si. Tho unanimous opin
ion was. that coffee beaten in mortar
was far butter than tint .ground iu a mill.
To Makk Haui Siiap. Pour foa
g.illons of bailing water over sis pound,
of washrt.g iiodu (fa! soda) and three
pounde ui unskickcd lini ... .Scir tin
inixt-.ire well, and let it settle until it is
perloeily clear. It is loiter 1,1 )( jt
stand all night, as it takes sonu ''me
1 ir tho Nod'nient to settle.. When cle ir,
t-trui'i the waler, iiut tix pounds o; lat
wish it, and Jb-i'l it for tv o hours, stir
ring it most of the time. II it does not
seem thin enough, put another gallon of
water on'che grntiu I.i, stir and drain oil',
uud udd as is wanted to the boiling mix.
tuie. its thickness oan be tried by oe
ca-ioilally putting a little on 11 pla'e to
cool. Stir in a handful ol salt, just b i
lore taking it off the fire. Have a tub
ready suikel, (o prevent, the soap from
Sticking, pour it in, uud b;t it settle un
til syfid, when you will have fiui t'ne
u'love qn uitity of ingredients abjve f ar
ty pounds of nio white s;..;i.
. 1 mm pi.
PfiLiijyis. A liitlo labor up ei
them now will tell. A board here and
a nail there, and a few shingles newly
set, will rave many dollar: worth of loss
expen-i - laier in die season, when j
Diu.itn uiiu wiica no iuei 1 W01&. au'J rum
,r- . , . . 1
and snow penetrate. arm el.xe s'a-
.1.,.,,.. 1 .:.. 11.1. : ...1. 1
bled, with pmd ventilation, fthou'd bo
looked to. Make sl'ieus to shelter ma
nure if it is tir o a out of burn wiu I j .vs
ati 1 doors. No matter how good your
bu! n yard, the manure is a great deal
bettor kept under cover. Even tho b,og
yard ought ta bo thus covered, though
there should ba spue 0 for thesuu to
shme pi., and make. ,-i gooa pia. 0
good Part of tho day. Painting may
be'iMiwr Inr ( M iiber" to eictillent advai.-
t?W Ta'ke tiuw aMer'a ruin-whon ur
faees ar clean arid1 when there will bo
no-dust flvin'g. 1 '-- - , '
'.-J'a-'-' ..... 1 ' .
rVt 50,14 ,. Take, the ptiMngs anJ
cores of upplos, , pour 911 builiiig water,
with u littl.v juoLisses and y.vst( put ul
into iu large istune jar aul keep ii nhere
it la moderately warm. In three week
you will have gool sharp vinegar.
ert.iiu Judge in Xew Mexico
into cunt ono morning, he
j tho't t examine whether it was time fur
j business, and feeling for his ' watch,
found it was not in bis pocket.
" As usual," said ha" t'j u friend who.
j a- coiiipanied him as he passed through
(the doni', " I have again left my watch
lat home under my pillow."
I He went ou the bench and thought
; no m iru 01 u. j ne court adjourned,
fun 1 ho returned home.
As sojn as he was quietly seated in
ins pailoi' he bethought him of his tim
! piece, and turning to his wife, requested
: iur ',0 send f ir it to their chamber.
'' " illlt HIV dear ind-r,. " hn T
!. Mi'.l thr;
' ao'.i.'s ago.
my dear. Cert'iiul
yj:il it to ir.e,
" rnqutinrl'ibiy,"' replied the lady,
' and by the person you for it."
' The person I sent, lor it ! ' echoed
I the judge.
' ' Precisely
my dear; tho vry porsm
yo i sent I n' n hut h id not lolt more
tha ) :.n hour w!ieu a well-dressed man
asked to see iu.'. He had oneof tho
j li;i:t turkeys 1 tl et tiaw, b.ought it in,
j sai l liiat on your retutu liom court youi
j met au Indian w'uh a nunibcr of fowls,,
j and having I. nigh!; this one at quito a
! bargain, you bud given him two reals to'
; b.'ing it honi'i. with a leanest that Ii
I -houid have it killed, picked and put tJ
; eooijjs you nneu'ici to invite your bro.
' ther j'tiges to a meal of ui.dle with you
1 .
to ni vn'o-.v.
And, oh ! by the way seuor-
i I'Ua,' said he, ' t'io judge requested
t ask vou 1 1 give yourself the trouble
I to go tn your chamber and take bia
.1 watch from uulcr tlie pillow, where bo
I savs he. !:'!!. it :iv nnal thi mornin.f.
Ii. 1 ... . 1
an 1 ssru it. to Him ; ana ot course, mi.
q -ori do, I did so ' ' : .:
' Y'jii did '.' said the j ldgo. '
' Certainly,' huid the lady.
' Weil,' replied he, ' all L can say to
yoa, my dear; is th it you are as great a
goose!' th-; bird is a turkey. Yuu have
been ro'ohol, nn l iui; the man was a 1
thief ; 1 didn't send fur my watch ; you
have boon imposed upon ; ani as a nc
e -ss.ary consequent!., the cufouuded
watch is lo t forever. '
The trick was a eunnbig one, and af
ter a laugh, it was resolved uetuilly to
hive the turkey for to-iuoi row's dinner,
ma his brothers of the bench to. enjoy
so dear a meal. Acer lingly, after the
1 Ijourument of the ourt next day, the
ill repairel to his dwellin with ap;w
.ites i-Uarpened by tho c jiectatioa ol a
rare feast. -.- -.
Scarcely had he en tore J the house,
when tho lady broke forth with cou
gi'atuluti ru upon the recovery of tho '
lolen w.iteli "
II j-.v h ipp la.ii," exclaimed she,
' thai the villaiu was apprehended.'
' Appivheiide.! 1 ' siid thejudgo with
'Yes, an. I d-jubiluM couvietej, too,
by this time,' said his wife.
' Y'otl are ahv..ys talking liddics,' ro
plied he. Evqilaiu yourself, my dear, I
k li.v nothing ol' the thief, wateli or
it c.iii't be possible that I havo
agi 11 been deceived,' qu-.ith the lady.
il'it this is tiie story ; About 1 o'clock
toiliy a pile an I rather ii.t .'resting
1 ij ling young gen'.l iiuuu, die.-sed iu a
sue Jo suit of black, cviie to the house
in great baste, ulinofit out of bi'eulh.. He
said thai lie had just come fi'oui court ;
that he wu- one of the clerks ; that tho
great villain who ha 1 the audacity to
tl v.
ir wateli ha I l.i t Iioeu appre-
heu lei; that (he e-videuee was nearly
pci iioH 10 convi -t him, an 1 all that was
require I to complete it wxs the turkey,
wlneii mu-t be brought iutj court; for
tl.t ne it-.i l bee 1 font with a portor by
y jur cxprv-jru. i-s.'
' A id g iV! it to him ? '
' Of e.iurc 1 did. Who could havt)
double 1 him, or resL-tc J the orders of a ;
j ' ' .
SWch an I : at key both gne. Pray,"
u:a lam, what in tlie w-arld are wu to have
for dinner ?'
Waun isa eat like a tea p it ''. When
your teaseu't.
-Tiio personal exposes of the Popj
: , . . 1 -o- 1
do not amount to live smlhugs 4 day.
A writer in th 1 Knv York Ecmx. "
j ii. r e iils charity ' the regulation over- '
1 t-jut of the Chris'.i 11; sJdier."
I Governor C'ouy of Maine has ap.
jointi.l 'J'hursliiy the 2Dlh",ai a
I day of tliauksgiving.
lleubin T. Hvyatit, a ptittl in a busi.
nASj coUceto iii Chicago, took by misukt.
1 . , u. ..-;, r ;,,.;., - i,,. . . u
two swallows ol nitno acid lroni a bottle-
marked blackberry cordial, ani died in'
a few hours. , . - . .
Jerrold bad ; a favorite dop that
followed hiui everywhero. One day, in
tho coiwiUyalady who .wis .fussing
turned around and buid audibly,) "Vh-.t
an ugly little brute, wiimvupnii Jwr..
rold, addressing the lady, re .bed,. " 0.
Madam ! I wonder whit he t .iuks a'tout
ii at this motueut." ' 5
.s a