The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, November 08, 1866, Image 4
QUB STARCH GLOSS, la ihc only article used by 6rst class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pas smoothly our the cloth, Raving much I me and labor- Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon- it makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE It jJio best in the world. It it soluble in Laid as well as soft water. It is put up iu the enfesi, neatest. unJ most convenient form of any offered to the public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents named every alitte. to rlmm we otter ex traordinary imliiccn.i nts, Address, NEW YORK .VI AIK II GLOSS CO. No. 213 Fuiion St., New Yolk. TOUN 0. HALL, Attorney at Law, has opened a law and collection office in St Alary s, (liotuinger I' V) Uiiice in -nd sto ry of Mr Fisher's building, opposite Coyne 4"McVenn's store, where he can be found during the entire forenoon of ench day. This will not interfere with his office at Ridgway, which will continue as heretofore, and where he will be in person ench after noon. sep'2O'0Sly J. GUUNEY & SOX, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTiSTS, 707, BiiOAlMVAY, N. Y. TN addition to our Photographic Art Gab I k-rv, established iu 1M0, we hove for luu last Five years had advantages su- .erior to any other establishment iu oh t.iining sittings Irom life, of all the Proniiucnt Cekbiities of the day in C'ard portraits, and tire now publishing a -Catiilocue ol over 2 5 0 0 SUBJECTS, American ami Foreign, also a lare 1 of copies o( Woi Us of Art und Ktjgniv. ansa. Cix 'aii'i'iie f 1 1 r on receipt or .Stamp. An oiui'i lur ''tie dozen pie turcs li qui our Ciits'vjiue will be filled ut SI 80. titid sent i-v uiuil free. Sia-;le pictures -3 ti-iiU otn-'h, copies of en irravitms lii cuts each. N. B. Wo also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reproduc ing, or eopjinjr, old Daguerreotypes, Atubrotypes, Card pictures, &c, of dc. ceased relatives and friends, enlarging thein to any size, and finishing in Oil Water Colors, or India Iuk, with the aid of ten talented artists. Parties desiring copies, should there. lore correspond with us direct. Send for a catalogue. The trade supplied at a liberal diseouut. Gallery opeu for free inspection, und strangers visiting the city will Una our u.iiicry one of the most agreeable places where iu to while away an hour. J. UUliNEY & SON, fep-20 Gu 707, Broadway, N mmrs 53, MUSIC STORK, liroudway, N.-.Y. Thaddeus Firth, successor to liitli, Fon & Co. .Music Publisher, Munufac turerand Importer of MUSICAL JXSRUMEXTS, PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, CABINET ORGANS, And every description of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Sole New York Agency for the celebrated Cilmore & Co's Band Instru. incuts. Our Baud department is under the personal supervision of Mr. D. L. Downing. Wholesale and Retail Depot for the anrifcqlicD S'V.t eoiincic Cl-gw, which challenges comparison as the most effective Instrument yet offered to the public. New and Choice Music published aily. Catalogues and price lists of Iu. btrumeuts f'uniisl.ed on application. K-Latit Music from all the lead, ing publishers in America. Any -piece of Music, or Music Rook, seut by .mail, post-paid, on receipt of retail price. Orders bv mail fur Music or Instru ments receive prompt ar.d careful atten tion. All poods warranted to prove as represented at FIRTH'S MUSIC STORE, 5roadway, N. Y ITU IE art cfJiC. DANCING ftnd BANJO I ... ) . i-.. r ItDiU'V Ridgway, I'a. fscpll-tf H. OYEI'.HOITZER. MERCHANT TAILOR, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Tbc subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizens of Rideway and vicinity that he is prepa.ed to make to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits nuaiantced. e (Moths. Cassimers. Vesting and Triinming8 of the latest and most approved stvU-s kent constantly on hand, which will h ,ld CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. aug:i0.y NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL S T 0 R 13 . J)A1LY J WEEKLY PAPERS w ill be for eale hereafter, regularly a T Book Stork 1 N HE ST. MARY'S. N. R. Aov wort, eithf-r American or Europen, Religious, Beientiue, Phil iMo'jihuiul. IlUtorieal. &o., will be pro . cured on upplieatiou n abovtt. Any article io ''tlir Boot or Stationery line fot in Stre. will te iient luf by mail und ba ruceiftd in lew davr alir or Jering. jaa. 14 1 i AT TI1E New Stoit of WEIS BROTHERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to George Wtis. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of SPRING SUMMER silks, morjnq:s, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, riain and Cgured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, White goods of every description. Flaunels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting i great variety. Ladies & Children's Millinery G oods ; such as BONNETS, HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, dc GLOVES & HOSIERY. GLJSIS furnishing good vj every ilescrijition, CL 0 TIIS; CA SSIMERESdc, dc GKOEMES AND PROVISIONS A large stock of FLOUR, PORK, BUOAR, TEA, COFFEE, APICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM AM I.J P. SOAP OF ALL KIXDS. In sliort, we have ijvcryihiii jr woif-ioJ for I'uniilT Cedar und Willuw Ware of erery Je ecription. Confectionary, Iirusli. fbofall kinds. A lull assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment ot Scaurs and Tobacco. T17EBUY OUR STOCK directly lroin the Manufacturer and there fore we cuu afford to pell cheaper than any other establishment in county ryilV, PUBLIC are respectfully in 1 vitcd to call and examine our stock and prices ! Whether they wish tof buy or not, for we claim to have one ol the inor.t complete stocks and the linost M OKb in the county and can sell for less profit, thau any other house in the countv. Weis B ROTIIERS Ft M.-rr'a, March lOtk'CA. WARDED A GOLD MEDAL 1 AT Till American Institute Fair! OCTOBER 19, 1865. Indirect competition with all the leading makers in the country. PELOUBET ' ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. PELOUBET it 60N,Maoufacturers, RespectfuUy invite the attention of pur oliusers, the trade and profcAsioo, to the POLL 0 WING INS TR I'M EXT S Of their manufacture ; Podal Base Organs, Five sizes, FiveOctave, one totliree Bank of Keys, three to eightsotts of Reeds, Prices, 4235 to $000. School Organs. Nino styles, siogle and double Seel' Rosewood and Black Walnutascs, Prices, $130 to $210, Melodeons, Piano style and Portable, Twelve Varie ties, from four to six Octaves, singld and doublo Heed, Rosewood and Black Walnut uses. Prices, $05 to $240. Every instrument is mnde by competent workmen, from the best material, uueer our personal supervision, aud every modern improvement worthy ot ihe name, is intro duced in (hum. Among these we would call attention to the TKCMOLASTK, which has been so much admired, and can be found only iu instruments cf our own luanufac ture. From among the fluttering testimonials ol eminent professors and orgauusls, we give the following extract s .- " The pedals 1 conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful Bmooth quality." Wiu. A. King. " It is a grand, good instrument, and does credit to tho builder." II. C.Folger, Troy, New i ork. "They are among the fintet lustrumouta manufactured either in this country or a broad." Ww. Rerg, J. Mosenthal, Aptotnm They have given universal satisfaction. W. E. Hawley, Fon dti-lnc, Win. 1 here is a peculiarly sweet ami sympa. ic tone which hariiiouizes h.iuiiui'lr with the voice'' W. U. Cooke. I am particularly pleased i'h the ar. rangenient of tlia diU'urient registers." Wni. II. Rradbury. So oilier lnstiHinieut so neurit up proauheg the organ," The f'horisu r N. Y. line instrument lias a clear supeiinrii y ovet everything yet introduced aiiicr.jr in " InuepeuJeiit, A. I. "Ttietoueij and the action are exi'e!l"nt " Rev. W. 8. Lcavitt, Hudson, New York. " The "no re we use it. the belter we l k it." J B Hague, Hudson, New York. The two Jiunk Organ is really a gem. ' J W Kiunicutt, Roston, Mass. ' We have found them excellent In all points constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." SB Saxton, Troy, New Y'ork. " the most perfect toned Melodcon I erer saw. Uuy t ro"th. " They tall back on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship,, beauty of lone and reasonableness ot price. And we niuHt say that in all llir respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer.. Iciy-EverT instrument is fullv warranted. and boxed and shipped in New York City witnout etiarge. Circulars, Cuts, and Trico Lists, fo. sent ou application to C PELOUBET & SON, Bloumfielo, N. J. Or J M Pelt on, 841. Broadway. New Tork Conrad Meyer, 722, Arch Street, pbilad'a S Rrainard & Boa, Cleveland, .Ohio 3 A Tuukei A Co, Jackson, Michigan : Werner k Gerard, Cinciuatti, Ohio; Joel H Snow Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENT! JW2,6iMy NEW ARRANGEMENT! D TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE NEW STORE OP FREDERICK SCIKENING, CENTREVILLE, ELE CO., NEW GOODS ILYARRl VI NG THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO THEIR INTEREST I As manifested by the customers exchanging for goods. daily throng of "Grei Back All the Domestic Cotton Coode ore high. Customers one and all exclaim. HOW OIEAPYOCB DRESS GOODS Af.E My stoti conaiati of DRT GOODS, R0CER1ES, HATS & CAPS, EOOT3 i. SUOES, CLOTHING, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, HARDWARE, OILS ,j PAINTS, PUTTY, NAILS, GLASS, WOODEN WARE, roith, FLOUR, FISH. SALT. It is useless for me to attempt, t eiv full list of the stock, but invite one and all, to drop in and see for themselves. BUTTER, EGGS, POTATOES, GRAIN, HIDES. CALFSKINS and all country produce taken at market price, for goods. FREDERICK SCIKENING. Ceatcern! June ltCI5 ly. RUG STORK BORDWELL'Jfc MESSENGER, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, POINTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES TOBACCO & 3EGARS, PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURFOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. E0RDWELL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. FOUTZ ft CILKBRATBD Horse ail Cattle Powlers. Thi preparation, lou(f and favorabl f 'ii$tff'iff known, will thor ,ryV liltlrTvrl VP cuRt'ly relnvigorata low-ipirited horses, by strengthening nd cleansing stomach and intes tines. It is ft sure prc rentive of all dis eases incident to this animal, such ai LI NO FE fcB, GLA 1)B3, YELLOW WA TER, HKAVKS, COUGHS, PI3 TKUPKR, YE VERS, FOVXDKK LOSS OF APPK TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, 4c. lis use improves tha wind, increases the appetite-gives smooth and H lossy skiu and transform the miserable tkvlutun Into a fine-looking and spirited horse. To keepers of Cows this preparation Is invaluable. It incrtaaes the quantity and improves the quality oi the mtiic. it naa been proven by ac tual experiment to increase trie quan tity of milk and Cream twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and aweet. In fattening gives them an appetite, loosen . ineir n i o e , ana makes them thrive) uch fester. In all diicaees of Bwiue, such a Coughs, Ulcer in the Lun. Liver. f5W Ac, tlii article ftcts as a specific. By putting from one-Uulf a paper to a paper in ft barrel of swill the above diseasea will be eradicftfed ar entirely prevented. If given in time, a certftla preventive ana cure lor me nog cnoiera, Prioe SA Cents pr Paper, or 6 Paperi for $L raxPA&XD ST S. A.. FOUTZ &, BRO. AT THUB W7T0LF.S 4 LB DRffl AND MFDICIKE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by PruKKists ana ewrcitoepers tbrouca out the United Sutct. Sold ut Muuufucturcs prices, by Hordwtill& Messenger Ridgwoy, Ageuts for hlk couuty. A GENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS f rot the best telling book now publish ed. Thrilling E'.onci of the Great Rebellion. ComrirUiug lieroio ndventures and hair bieiulib escapes cf Soldiers, Scouts, Spies and lletugees ; ani ing cxpioiie or bamg piers, l.nerillua, Ut-npeiaaoes ana others Talei of Loyal and Disloyal women: StO' riosofilie Negro, &c., with incidents of Fun and Merriment in Camp and Field By Lieutenant Colonel S. Greene, late of the United Slates Army. Handsomely il lusti-ated with cugraviuits on steel and iu oil colors. Send for circulars and eco the liberal terms offered. CI1AS. S. GREENE & CO., Publishers No. 134 S. Third St.. Philadelphia. WflEELKB & WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES. The under Mgoed having been appointed Sole Agent for tha tale of Wheeler k WiUon'a Sewing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines aoid at Philadelphiaand New Tor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining tliemcan address J. & "iwi.uuttr,, March Ot '66-ly. at Ridgway, Pa, TOB WOKK of at) kiodi ioJ del. ; O eriptiooa dow at ton otsct. IB M US .... . KW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceriea &o., would respectfully inform the citizens ot lverscy and vioinity, that he has gone into the Grocery business, and will open on or about the middle of May. He keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock ot TEAS, FLOUB SUQAR3, TOBACCOES, . SEGAR WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, and cverythl connected with a first class Groo Store. I will sell for CASH and consequ ly can afford to sell CHEAPER t the CHEAPEST. I invite evervb to call and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKE May 3d, '06. Cm. K EROSENE AND GAS STOVE TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE, TOTS, OIL CANS, &c, &c. 5y All the cooking for a t5 I family may be done with IpS . t8T Kerosene Oil, or Gas, "ten ftg with less trouble, and at "Sa JJ- less expense, than by any "VjS ar other fuel. l Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perforin all that it claimed for it. isg"Scnd for Circular.ia LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 208 Pearl Street, N. Y. July-19'OG.-ly. D' ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between the onilorsigned is this day dio- olved by mutual content. v. r. w iu,iasis, II. O. McC'ONNELL. August 1st, 'li( St. XJ ALHABLE LOTS I-OR SALE. V TLe utiflorsined lias laid out a vil. lape upon hi9 ground udjoitiing the Ridg way I'epot. to be culled J he lot nre 60 feet front by 11)0 feet deep -front ing toward the niilroid. Terms l or the lirst lot sold, MW. r ot the seennd lot cold, 110. For the third lot sold, $li!0 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. Hrt pnrainfers got tne ciioice lot at the chenj est rates. Vurchnsers ill be registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at th time of the application. Cn,il-pncHiiiis win he maae to Jouu G. llali, Esq., Kidgwny, I'a. J. S. iniE. Ridgwny, mar,2fVG(Stf. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch! Scratch! Herat eh! WHE&TON'S OINTMEIfT Wii.i. .'lbf. thk Ikh in 43 Ilorr.s Also cures SALT RIIl'l'M. ULCERS, :IIII.RLA1NS. and nil ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Trice 50 cents, t-'or i-:i!e by ill druggists, liv sending (iO cents to WLEKS &. I'OTTER, Sole Agents. 170 Washington street, Host on, it will be for- A'ordcd t'V mail, free ot iio-'tn'i inv part of the United Mutes. (june-7 ;-!v. 13 L A C K S M I T 1 1 1 X a 1 II. S. ISKLNAl' desires to iufottii the eui. .ens of Ridgnay aud vicinity that lie has Ipased J. S. Hvde's Itlaclisiiiitli Shoo on Mill street, nnd has employed good work- nen who will be ever ready to nialio any- thing from a bmkle to an anchor. rn i ticular attciiiMii given to the showng f l.,rs,.t Ml J Hili is a fair trial. May 17'60-ly. TIN! TIN! T I . i t STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !!! John Sosenheinicr & Co., A II0LESALE &. RETAIL 1'EALEES. ST. MARV'lS, PA. cops constantly on liand nl f.-r sale, a larL'P nnd well selected st ck id'TIN WARE, STOVES &c. As e hive even tlnm; ".'fiierallv kept in a Tin Simp. Our Stock of STOVES ronsisN in part of ANTUHJST PAULO it & COOK IX O STOVl'S, ALSO 1 HON GATE ft WHEAT. SIIEA1- STOVES. hliM 1", 1'11'p; can be hn.i ut shop cither riveted or proved. Sl'OVTISC! AND ROnFl S!, d.Mi short notice titi-1 nt reasouubie uti' June li'C.G-lv. cur OVESTEEN & CO., 1'IANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 490 Brou Jwni, New York. THESE V1ANOS received the Highest Award of Merit ! at the HorLi't fair, over the best makers from London. Paris, Ger many, the cities of Near York, Phi'elc-lphia, lialtimore and I'oston ; also the C;c!d M?d&l at the Amtrir in Institute, for LIVE succes sivo years! ! Our Pianos contain tin French Grand Action. Harp Pedal, Over strung Unas, Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. ern Improvements. Every instrument uuf runted Fl VI'. vt". Made under the U. pcrviiou of MB. J. F. GS0VESTEEN, who lias a practical experience of over thirty, five yeari, and is iho maker of omr eltvtn thousand pitno fnrtet. Our facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell these in struments from $100 to $203 cUeapor thus any first class piano forte. july-19'6(i.-ly. JOB PRINTING NEATLY CHEAPLY & EXPEDITorsLT Extent it the Ib, ooatx Oi N