The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, November 01, 1866, Image 2

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    J !
t li '. " net .incptcs. hasti-nintr to
t - fiulo of tlic vessel, where nil
v-iica lor ill ciiu-i ii i.iu.
iiciin lii,..l.t lor moment,
-.lit u--t id I'.'io'.v this buy to
,v in in tire wiiy,"
1 have -been wroiij.
i-i it..'.' I !
ill ho rt lei
mes' i- 'hii r."
' Vi". V'n" si.lvl Mime i'i tlio snilovs
. . . . , . ...I ... ..n
i-.l '.ll, " It IK UlMil lK'l'l ill in Hi un
" ' ttlc e ibin hoy sh-ml'l set its an
... , f ooiirivo ; tind it wottM bo ti
, i( the. child should dio 'or old
I.. iis wlio have lived our time.
u 1 T i ?
y r.ihed hi the side d ihevoSM-I
tiki Into. They IViuna I here
-.iilor vholnil aided " i.f'jii' "
.-; :ir iiii. v: who wis rnr .!!
' -(.v I ll;:it wis l':'tou, J to toe
i iiii hi-nii; b.v. They a'.l l":;u
r- v.. i
hut V
t ! '.
li.tttl )'
br.t r
'. tliv 1 :
(in iil. The whole (if the pn Idle hoses
bail bi'oii curried away, noiliing but tin.
talis brin; K it. The pilot butlso was
pono nti'l tin' pu.irds also. Thescti was
nniiii!!'' inn n l: ! .i I n hiyh, tlic ppiviy
tl.- iii iihout Hl.e rain, mi l the wind
no-him; through tin? riirtiiiu; nii.l nbutit
the (ii.oiiiintled ship. The hunic.-ino
was now lit. iifl hij;ht. I forgot to Men
tion that I lie engine stopped working lit
2 in the innriiiiir. in consi'ipicnce
nf tin; breaking of tho sieainpipo, mid
tin', furs briiij put out. The donkey
engine v.a.i therefore also useless. At
daylight tho captain told tho women 1 1 1 t i i 1 1 ;jt more could be done, and
i.hat if nny of them wanted to j'tt into
the boats they could do so.
.Mr. Allen, the. purser,, then e.itne
with (he holies out of the ciliu. All
.-' i.v '
viuii w
'lei ?i
!e of tin'
el to .
f h-inv-.on. n i l :i I
iuii l!v v i .od away ti ar v.iie..i
not V" rrJ: laliieu.
At tr ,r nolMtiL' wis
Fteiiud to rifo as hi'-l. " tho r.Mt, mi 1 !;.: lon v.itba iluiiolei-lii.-y.-ir.
Kontt ':!.' ITM'tfed ' '-'! f.'U.C of the
tho h
1 tie
Id .j.r Iii'-, r-.
el vers !i.i.
v I r
; eed th.-ni ill a boiit,
very !e.
iilt the no :
vruuid I ci' too.ehed iho va'.?r tli
i n but waves ot
niouiiiiMi ut w.iii r w uieh
1 ail were wash, d
1 . I1..I.. I V. . I- ..In viw
nlov. i tconru u iiii' t "" "
al:..v( the wave", mid then an on
orevi'iitcd thorn Irmn ittstin-
ir'iil.i:vi it t all. i hoy ni.sioii-iy
'v. jfcl.e 1 tho oor 1, M.d tried t pue, by
its nuielu r or nlower m-ivei'i'Mit, 1 1 -- iutc
ct' liim who wan uiiTol'.irg it,
Soi!ie:i!.-b the cord was unroliin-:
mi'idlv: 'Oh, what a brave f How 1
ti.fv sa.d ; sc! how iiiii kly ho miiiis !''
I'.nifs tho unrollinu nl tun -
;i r t,
of i e .
hoiii ;
m-. '
ni i edsuddoijlv; "roor boy.
l.e has been diownc l or
t li-t tho leeks
.i. ly la.-'ed inoro than an
I ".li of string conlitri'?'! to be
. at iiioijiid periods. At
i'l j ed cloiviy over the vessel,
full ns if slu-kencd. They
; . ..lies inn-. ' (! iiiuc.1i dilli
lhif'iiL,li l ho furf on the
,s it i. tho !. )y of tho. poor
in : is tossiup backwards
. is iu this way," taid some of
mi s.iO cnris
r.iy. Tho shi'
all this ti ne w. iillin.; fa-;: I sto.iJ by
s itro: loitelies, i.ileii.'ii!:'.' to hold r,:i to
t'iein aleii il'.i several uvm.'U, wh i:
i we siiij r.i- l a heavy :e:t lov.vorj u! lue
j wh ' c:i the st i: board side, and
went down. In .iu i-i'te.'.t th-J S -a s-.vcj-t
iiie c.Cir in iiiO . t nr. il l i. ., no t e -.v.
lied loe - ,it J twenty 'ivo ! i t. 1
iliottiit. i lo. u I :.:.. to th. -v.; i'
I I'jfiU'l i;iy-ell' in t!:e midst i f the v. reel;
of the vi-taeJ. .-uu-.u'.nde 1 ly f!..;i! U-:
si'ars and diiftwood. Mm an ! women
Were il latlinr all iibou', ci'in.iii' !o every
Ihin; they eo.ild lay lo Id of. All shiv.ts
lor aid were drowned by. tile fury of the
liuvrieane. 1 ;.jt hold of a ; : ".ee of the
iVazmeiKS uf ihe saloon, tiion wliieli I
pulled myself, but was thrown oil"
mid aaiu by the violence of the wave., in
each new ill'j.t to re.itlii my p witiou,
laceraiinp my hands and limbs on tho
nails and .splinters in tho jnocfs of the
wrick. In this way 1 clung to life lor
two or three hours.
Vi' hilu drifting about in this way I
coul 1 sec the whole of tho wreck as it
lay before me. I saw tho himictino
deck, two hundred l'eet dlonr, crowded
with human Loin'", herded tojrotli-
i.ene (.f these were Mtnndin and
he h.i
ait -r.i
nir:r .'
the i
the i.
to th.
Jt S-i '"
i.'i a'
,:. ;-,in was iV ' plv prieved thai
1 s i r-iitted the f'.ild to make iim
i : : hi, i).)!w'.'ii.-tui.diiis 'bo fb'f
.-:!., im in shicl ihov wera. nil
... Miiid to be thinking more of
v '.in tlictmeivi s.
hi i v .'pa violent pull civcu
e ml This was soon followed by
i' in by a thii'd. It was the
a. -T"i d upon to tell them that Jao.
ha.t 'endied the f.hor.j. A shout.
was licard on the ship, 'i hoy
has'tmed ut fasten a Strom; vov.O to toe
roid, which was iirawn on si. arc as fust
they ei old let it nut, and was firmly
fas-em d hv pnnic of the paople who had
. ... .... i t
come t i Ho help it tuo lillio caiuu.uoy
F,V e:-:r
wrrcl.-i !
found '
lo:v: ; fie
'hi vc- .
I'he i:
(he coii'
troin ibf
iriC d"- i
did iv
bt avto .
sum ot i
tbe -r
jnice.l ii
;. vi
.f this lot o n. nny ot tho shir
'lors reached the bl.oifi, and
as to save tho others. Not
all had safely landed they saw
,e cabin liov was lonu; ill from
oii-ncos of his lati-uo, and
oruisos In ' 1 n-ceiv-ed by be
I against rucks. Dut be
Mid tha' : 1 jr, in reward of his
hi., mother received u yearly
i.: ney which piaced her above
r of want, l.ittlo .lac.ues io
o ! -iiviiip suffered lor her, and at
.' i ne in having saved so many
i : felt that ho hud bcea abun
1 1 .rallied.
soine sitting, hclpies-i and despairing
I now drifted near a life boat, keel up,
lor which I ahsiid"neJ my piece of wreck
and swam. Odi.'rs were cituiug to it,
whom 1 a.-si.-ted to ri-hl it. 'A'lieii
succeeded in petting in with the oihers
I reeo-n'zed tho purser, Mr. Allen.
There vcie now tin of ut, but after
this in: were fix-fj'iuiilly u; .-'.!,. each
tiiiie lo. in-; or.o or more of cur uu.nbi'i,
again adding t.) tlieni by iiekin,' up oth
ers. Helpless to manage the boat, which
was tilled with water Mill u'lfiin;: tit the
ir.'.rey of the -oa, wo passed and i.'jias'.
ed tho wreck during the day. Toward;!
evening we lost. ;i.;ht if it. Wo had
been sitting in water ud day lou r, ami
vlien night coiio on v.e bewail to (. i!
,i ... . 1 t . i i.i...... V .. . ... . . i i
ino v.uai o. ii.."i ano va.... lml . ..i.. j
neither. Just afi.:r darl; 1 picked "p .1
tuitiip. of which v.o taidi took a bit,-,
aio! this wa- all v.e ale u.::i:ig (lie day.
We were i:j'-vso dry (but iii:e i!:a;.k
much iiinburnc1 while in the open boat,
and liiirirg our im-ago home tho skin
peeled oil our luces mid hunds 1 am
still lame, and soro, but will be all right
in a lew days. Onu, of tho passengers
oii .board the livening .ytar, w.H (liiptaiu
(.rscph 1'. Robinson, of i-!oil,a leave
and puliaot inaU. lie Was ono nl tlie
euolest men on board tho wreck, and la.
bored manfully I Have tl o ship and to
calm tho (ears ol the woiue -. and fright
ened men I lo struggled hard lor his
life, but was (.truck by a piece of the
floating wieelc ami went down.
The women on board the ship behav
cd nobly during the terrible seencs ol
tho 'tempest, yielding a ready compliance
to all cndeis ;;ii en iheni. There were
til m ;t forty pr.;s!i' uti s on boaid the siiip,
but they had behaved with great pro
priety from the liist. There were but
two or three exceptions lo this, ami they
were not. pariionhiily had. Most of tho
women had bern nliligtd to remain in
their room or in tho saloons, previous
to t'lo storm, owing to tho rough weath
er. Many of them were fea-.-iok, a-,
indeed, were many of the men. One ol
the p io-o i lutes, v. ho was the proprietress
of an floruit lunise. of ill fame in Now
Oiit"iu. had a beani ii'ul nair of iioiiic-
ou hoard imd line new carriage. 'I hr y j
we:e ail anxious to Work when danger J
appeared, and some of tbvin di 1 good
(h'ptiilo Kohinsoii. reWrred to in the
statement, ol Mr. Ham, was a member
i f tho linn of JJonve i; llobinson, and
was rei liming to New Orleans, where
his 1-. ,(? had a branch store. Onptaiu
llobiiison was a son of Kev. J. 1. Uol).
ii'.soii, a well-k'U'jwii Kp:enpal clergy
mini in lloston. The capiaiu was one of
the earliest volunteers in the la'o war,
and was connected with the l'otoniac ar
my through all its vicissitudes. He was
detached trom tho regiment in .which
he enlisted and attached to the United
.States engineer corps. In all tlic bloody
battles wherein hs had fakon part lie. es
caped with hardly a scratch. His des
tiny proved to have been to escape the
perils of the battle field and meet a wa
tery grave.
Among the passengers' on the ill fated
(steamship whose immos did not appear
in tho published list. wero ' Lieut. W. 1
Dixon, of the lith United -States' caval
ry, who ri'aduated tit the United Slates
military ueadi-niy at Wt I'oint, in June
lust ; also Wylde Harding, ot the late
(Jonlederate privateer nh'p Shenandoah.
Ho was the husbmd nl I'.elle Unyd,
wlio is ii iw in New York city.
f pvuiMni-iiivlri
I IK .lib; t'Oijiiiti 'ilOoociik.
s in, and nro to bo tried on tho lolh wing
Wednesday, if thsOrand Jury find trtio
bills (lgains.t them.
The lla'uuinre 1'iilice Commission
eas have w'ecly determiiiod to appear by
e.otiisid I cfore tloverner f-'wan, but have
liniwsi ly iiuiiii dthe jiosition that he
has no jurisdiction in tho care. Tho
glaring ineondsteney of such a course
clearly indicates tho weakness of the re
cusant officials, and hhows how little
oniiliJeneo (hey have themselves in the
attitude they have taken. Hovenior
Swann is determined to do his whole
duty in the premises, ami in a low days
WO will have a pe ie. fnl solution of this
vexed cpn stien. In the meantime, let
our Rild'eal Irion Is keep cool, und the
cause of justice will bo unimpeded.
There was n great excitement in
.Wow York on Thursday evening over a
report that tho llev. Henry 'Ward Headi
er had been iassinated. It subsc-
rj'w.ioy turned out to be unfounded.
- -Temporary sheds are being erected
lor iho sioliius of the Kto fire at Quebec.
There is much s'lilering in prospect
and private individuals arc contributing
lareclv to urovido the necessaries of life
for the Mifforeis, mid sevcial soup kitch
ens have been established. Another
nii.i, named Det'oo, bus died from injn
riea received. An appeal has been made
to the people of England and Tranee
for aid.
Gold lias been discovered on the
M&ryland and Virginia sides of the Po.
tomao, just above Georgetown. Several
companies have already been formed, or
are now organizing, to develop the torri
tor7. Tho indications extend for about
six miles on cither side of the river.
-A dispatch from Annapolis states
that the investigation of tho charges
agi.iust the 5aUimore Police Comniis
rioners, commenced there at 11 o'clock
on ihe 2Gth im-t. A larg'o number of
witnesses were iircsent. The counsel of
the Commissioners appeared and an
nounced that tnoy cime to pirticipate in
a oross examination of Ihe witnesses
but diil not withdraw their plea against
llu jurisdiction ol the Governor to pass
final judgment on the ease. Mr. Schley,
for the petitioner"', objected to tho Com-n.!.-'
-'oners' counsid participating in t lie
investigation unless they withdrew their
plea iig iins! th" jurisdiction of tho f!ov-
(I UK do
WI1KAT, per bunlicl..
DltlKD Al'l'LKS
lirTTKK per pound...
t.A HI)
F.GU8 per dozen
1 iro wat, Oct. 2.', 18GC.
i.nrn, per uo $n oo ir oo
36 00
, .100
, 1 f.O
l :
1 2r)
4 ot)
3 oo
KRIK, . I'A.
FI.OUU per tibl
r.t .K r
AV t ! I I I-: MS!! J bbl...
AVI1K.AT per bushel..
lXKIS per dui'cn
I. A I! I) per nounil
Oct. L'5, 1800.
, $ 8 50 to 1 1 00
3.1 00 to .". GO
oJ 00 to 23 00
J 25 to f oO
10 00 lo 12 oil
2 f.O to 2 75
1 75 to 2 00
23 io 25
21lo 25
Kilo 17
L.J to -)
WA NTl',1), AGENTS ST.") to $200
PER MONTH for centlcmen
and $.15 to STo for ladic?, everywhere,
to introduce, tho Celebrated Common
Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv
ed and rjc.lectcd. It will hem, foil,
srlch, fjiult, bind, braid ana cmbroiaer
beautifully. I'rico only 820, making
the elastic lock stitch, and fully war.
ranted for three years. We pay the
nbr.vo waces. or a commission, Ironi
which twice that amount can be made,
Address with stamp, or call on C.
150WKRS k CO., Salesrooms, No. 255
South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
All letters answered promptly, with
circulars and terms. May-Jl Ou-ly
-- - - -1 '-i !j. . n
Oiip. F.ptin of Crm, Jforrcsonc of
litem 0 ,n,(f thcollur( Vr(lr old; one
ycnr old marc ; iw Z,,. ohlmarefj
iu , yrur vt'i. roil! ; onr yearling
cult ; one utrl iniy colt, and one mare
ra'ivolril fur rtaftUr or hariir:r crd
( annul he brill in the rowx 'y.
J lie ("loin is to (jc m.lil on tlic prc
lr.iscs will In I wo wcZ s, at pi n ate rale, and
il nol fold by lint tune will l:o folojlotbo
liiftlirsl bifldir at public outcry.
Oct '!, at. 4M(IS FOX,
Fox (p., Kilt cciintj-.
TO "c7.)NH I JM irF I V K s .
rilIK Advertiser, having been restoro'l
to lienltli in a Tew weeks, by a very
simple remedy, nfler liavinjr MifTcrcd fever-
nl years Willi a severe lung ;t ie c 1 1 1 1 fk ruu
tlinl dread disease, f'oiisiimption is nnx
ious t o mnke known to liis fellow sufferer
(lie means of euro.
To nil who desire it, lie will Feud a copy
of I lip prescription used, (free of ehirt;o;,
with Hie ilneetior.s for prepnrmpr llic same,
wliieli they will find n irnro Cure for Con
Kumplion, Asibinn, ltronebits. &o. The i n-
ly object, of tlie nilvcrltscr in tending the
ricciiptnin, is lo benefit tlic ntilicled. and
spread infornialinn wliieli be coi.ecives to
be invaluable ; and bo hopes evi ry huflcrers
will try his remedy, us it ill cost them
notlnii.i;, ami niny prove a blesrin.
laiiies wiflnng Ihe prescription, ysal
please address
jikv. i iio.akua. wii.m;.,
AVillinmsbnre. Kinps County, New York.
Oct. 25lli i';;itn-iv.
And will keep its shape and relnin its place
better than nny blurt.
j. nix o. iiai.i.. r.iiiion a riuii'iuiiToii.
j. i. jii.ouc, I'eiu.inU'.a.
r:.r Wrtt liof the Evening Slur
of the r
gives '1
riLle s..
" T-.
S-V.ll-l 11
N.-.W ;
Oi O
U, Harris, one of the j.assenger-j
.". filed steam, ''.io, llvaing Star,
' .: !o!J. nving M.iii'iu:iit of tli; ter-
... ,1 .' I - , IT. ....
mg ana toss ci Kic. lis sajS :
inn;r Mar. a)'. in:ipp.
se.i waier, whit.i made tl. m v. iy n i
tv. tuuii::i4 uf the '.tli was ,'y
e . . ,1.1 . 1 i , ...,l I !,n ,r .' . , n
l : M . f. I "J V l.i'i .Kf I ll l li ...M
u'li el I
At d:'.;,!i.;l:t we r
l!.o wrecked, who wa
of the e lion, :,nd !i.:'
lo L-uide Li.-. cialV
and put s..i!.ij ol th
which v. o up. et our
the w .iter out of ;t.
The douth which hasbetu
pa-ipo 1 by -the (V.irid'an au'liorities upon
two Fuiian pi'ls v,.'jis, has uwakened
rent nuere-t m tiic-ir i-eUalt tluvutiout
the c-'iuKrv. Oo'J ol them, llio Xv.ev.
rl.Iobu .'lc.Uahon, is a ('atho'iio prie.ii,
1 . . . i i ..i: l .
(i-atiiigo;i a p'cee j who, c is allegeil, was simpiy uiiu
::!'v i.h which hr l.U duties &s a spiritual adviser when
ul a
onsi Io
, after
This new and beatiful style of Skirt (rat
ru'od March 7, 18fi5,) wiisawnriUd by the
('rent American Institute Fair, held in New
York, October, lKtio, a
bcinj the Highest Premium ever given for
a Hoop Skirt.
The Steel Springs are wound with fine
plated wire in place of a cotton covering
wliieli will lint wear off or become soiled,
nnd the whole skirt may be woslied without
injury or 1'enr or rusting, and will be ns
jno 1 as new.
The Combination Silver Skirt
This invention combines with the oriliiui
ry Skirt Mie aiivni'tapes or our Silver Skirt
tiie bottom hoops i-i' 'lie stmo as those us
ed in tho Silv.-r i:lii-l . tlie cn-erin? of which
cannot weir elf, winiclln' upper ones art-.r.i-(.i-i.rl
will. ...ill.. ii p.ilv h-i'-iic once
tt.e co'.in- 'l ol i.oni'ii'sio.iers io ,..,,,. nno 0r (llir Skn-i. will w willirg to
If . inr.,..,1 weiiv nnv other, m i n- lo-.ver hoops ut all
'I'he Govcrito; oeeiued to permit
, i
s.iLisnt:tit it no. ctp.
Extensive Manufacturers ond importers of
80LI0 AND Melt nr.
si r.v 1-211 WAI1K,
Ameuioan, Mxar.isH and Swiss
Cased by Ourselves,
- And every description of
Fancy floons avu Yankee Notions,
Especially adapted anu designed fur South
ern mid Western Trndo.
Circulnrn and toll descriptive Price Lit
sciit free. Agents wnnted everywhere. Ad.
ilrc-s SALISBURY. l!RO. & Co.
&1 Dovrnnee slrct,
oct.2o. 'GOly. ProvidtucB, R. I.
X AT LAKE CITY, 1.1k Ccinty. Pn.
On Tuesday, November 13ih, lfiCd, there
will bo exposed lo sale the fnllnwing :
1 sett of nincksiniih Tools, oonplete ; 1
pelt cf Carpenter Tools; ( hains, Rubles.
ltufting 1 oolH of all kinds ,- l.e IsleA .s nt-.l
Iieddii.g: Two Rnrrels Molasses, Groceries,
J'.ob-Sleds, Erg. Sleds, Stoves ; 1 yo!;e of Ox.
en, nnu viirious oilier Articles ion nomerocs
to lncntion. Snip to commence at 10 o'clock,
n. in. of said Any. Five months credit will
be given for nil sums over ten dollars. Ap
proved Hocuvitv required. It. H. HUNT,
Oct. Ifilh, lRCC-lt. Adm'rs.
OlhC( 1 Oil, (bind ynaliiy. by tho
, hnrrcl, At til) veins per guilon. by
octll tf J. PO'iVEl.f..
11' vou want Vr- 1"'-1'- - 1V
Ayer's ci'lobrutt',1 iMediein?-!, pure, e.a!L
upon iho only nutlioviied ni out in Ridg
wav. c'el. 1 1 -tf .1. POWELL.
tol by the
riKiseut oiliia.s.
The United S'::.'.-. roveruinaut, tnro
.. .i , I. .us . . ""- j .Seornlarv ire ward has written a letter to
W e t leu u ' -1 in a I J . . , -
uain, and I'.-U eouipnratively c-i.mtortublo. S.r 1-. V. A. 1-ruce, tno u.-uisa muus.
but st'.il siiifiiii::: for the" v:a::t if f-n-l ; tcr ut Washington, asking that justice
and w
a: or.
il e tneii Y'J,X-
out ol p.eurs ol the wivck, au-.I mri.lo
t.ii'..; or.l f the covering' of tho life pro.
seivu '. Wo thou beaded e;nt north east.
At uV.".'.c v,-e IL-ll iu with the IhirJ
er.miii'i the wittie-ses. lie an-.ninee if, in theci nseof the investiya.
t. '.i the innocence or j.".i'!t uf the Coin
nii ;.-ioi:er.s .-ihou! I iippc ir, h-1 woul 1 act
instantly, eve:', iu the uii lt of the pro
ceedings. Tlie Miiw..';'kie ,V ;i .'o.' .v,s tint
on Tiiday of hist week a ;irl in the i in
ploy of tho' Wisconsin Taper Com any.
v'.ilo en.n,.'e l in n'i.rlinpr ra.uf, found j
ul,, ut Sl.'.loO in .Seven Thirty b' nds
and ureet. bucks iu an old kiripsaeic
,hicli hud been purcha-ed lilonj; with
setae other r-i;s Sho comir.uniratod
i New i oik, r-i ;.t. tor
ins. On tho mottling of the
; ibtr it boLoin t bh.vf pretty
i enuliin'cii until the luoruin
of the .ji.1. when ii blew '. perfect burn.
catie. At this t ok1 v. ' '. eie 1SH miles
eabt ot iyber Inland. A iter weathering j
the for fourleeii hours, bho fouu.
dere.l at daylight on the morniii.t; of ti e
od, woo J7-") souls on b iard, ou'y six.
teen ol whom were saved. About o o
clock on the inoruin of the U'd it beuan
to blow very hard. I stood in the dom
u ay of v. hut was called the ' socitil hall.'
'hicli i-a little saloon at the head of
'be hi ti if way leading to the nmin saloon.
This sal. ion was filled wiili ladies at this
iiiie. At li o'clock tho vo.-sel conitneue-
d to .ihip such heavy seas that the floor
of the l.:ri was covered with walcr, and
made it vory disagreeable for the ladies
io ice there. Atll:-0 o'clock nil
i:ainl" f railed on deck to bail water
r,n' o'. . tM'jiuo room, the seas Inning
wished viu over the voscl and into
;hon ' io A party of men went for.
..aid .in 1 i-uoceed- I in ticitin the wa.
tei all of id there.
We I. .-! souiotr- bierit'n the French
uien hi tlpcru tio "' , in couseiiienee
of o iOt bein' aloe to understand
.EnfTi However, ihey did their best.
ind wi d willingly when they under
:iMid v, it to do. At 2 o'clock the
men wire all tired with hard work, and
, us the wiit.r cou .i. '' t to Kui a npou us,
e :ivi- oii all ;n ;.. The water at
il,'- nine wus six i t -b .' iu th; hold,
iii the ; hip was i iiio about in the
ti:- pcf' "o a Icit. mo waves breaking
. v.T lo'i . i ouick sueri ssinn. linwevcr,
i done that p.m'd ba done, and as
jarkne-i nine o i-iot-t of tho passcn
.-era vci.'. below. At ti o'elock next
iiyn.iri t '.'iit on dick, and the si-jht
hat ih.-re met uiy y.-uo can ne'ver bo
. . rabed liooi my ineinorv. At dayliixht,
ii li.( kii.;.' uroiind. 1 found the itliip,
nro euouirh, a total wreck, and the
:At on to tii ike t?. nl Hileiit heart
v. il )
f.O I'!
i ii.;:; t.u::i i.l un.
1 1 e i'
tho f I...
i I.
tin.l I
IM'I, o.i
clock, I
et'i.i.i than
ii the .V.h,
the -
we f:
;ian I ai li J1 lo-i wi:-ii-.
for Liverpool,
i e w-; l i"ii i',i
t l.l :
; u jab
.; b ..its
: a inove n
!:..r. At
:,1 in wi h tho
fivia iJali::-;,
;. i ' ' H' ou
i j
s- i
1 Ol I
i' ir
'll:l. ''.
for re; T
tin Wari i i
uil iu Ihc'.r p.
even ul t'.'.-jir
we v.-re lbi:;;i
woman, about eighteen ye:iv.s ol n c,
c:ui"!it holJ with us and eluntr cn for
several hours. She he'd ou while wa
capsized three times, but kept growing
weaker. At last wo wero turned over
a'aiu, and she was lust. We all got vo
ry much exliaused and could scarcely
hold on to the boat; Mr. Allen became
very weak, and would have beeu lost but
for assistance given him. Wo were all
bruised more or less, aud the suit water
mule our wounds very painful.
Captain Kuapp did his duty faith'
fully throughout, doina all iu his power
to save bis ship, aud when he found
there was no hope, contribute 1 much to
preserving order am ooir tho pasjeners
loilciev,-. .lie fl.iatcd for cotuj .tiiuo,
hut whib c'.lti ;ioi to one ot the life
boa's he was sir; ck on tho h 'ad by a
n'cee of timber an I killed. Oaoilfar
rival at Savannah, the pu.-si-r. Mr. Alien,
dil everything that Wari in l.ii power to
make us coinlortaolu. We ha 1 lot cv
eryihiii, ;.:;d cvtu the cal.c ViO liud
on were ruined by our loii expofcurc iu
the water. 'ow suits were n'vt'n us
and pnHsairo to New York Keeurcd for ui
on the propeller Yiruo. Ou board this
latei vssel ws received cvory attention
t.v i v;: M I m .... in ten;r,. red with incver, auu
j 1 -
the oeutcuco ol thei3 two tuea will not
be carried iuto cxecutiuti.
Toronto, C. If. 0;!Ur2t'i. From
! all parts of the provinces, cli-o.itches
I cer.iiujr, deuiaadlr.g that no uercy
bl.ould bo blicwii to the Feuiaus f
c lo ! t'u'.ll y. It is doMLtiul it tho tyiowa can
'.ten i do I evidence strong enough to convince
''! j the j aty that tho Rev. I.umsdeu was io
) o"' i ,.,...-. 1 -Mi (tie i-nid.-rs l.isl
ao Luui,.ti..i ......
The toreati ma.Ij by the Fenian in
Mew York to aven.,-0 the deaih of these
in -n, '1 exvicuted, iu ;;.'ei'- it j ry t) the
"iris i.ieis.
I'otill-ms tin to hi ei.c-.ilated im-.iie-d!
i'i-ly 'i'id se it t ) the (iovernor-tjen-tral,
to be foi -warded to the Homo JiV
crausont, io havj the ic-it-'iito' commut
ed to iuipri- iii'nent.
Three piisone-.s wei3 ariainrd to
day nnd pleaded not guilty. Their
names are I'.ivea vv naicr. l atrieii Nor
ton and Dauiel Drutnr.iond. The coun
sel lor the America a citizens, Mr. Ken
uett Mclvcnzie, iufoimod the Court
that ho was not ready, nnd asked per.
misiion to poctponc the trials until
Wcdocsday uext. Tho coudsc! for the
Crown, Mr J. II. Cameron, n greed to
her good fortune to two of her oomp-in-ioas,
and fdured the money with them.
They attempted to keep it secret, but
ibo p'.:rcl'.ajj of e.ime fexpetisivo nrlielo
of diess a routed smpi :io,i ind led to
an i,.ve-j-.:.',i'i vi an 1 recovery ! over
CDOO by tir: S.w.u my.
lli-'lt.' 7,10
i .iirs ;:. o. ci.
j Nov l,::ai
1 1 1
i,.e v.o wi
t! ip' an 1 c.v.v did
r I ) r.'.'.cv.' '. .r -.Villi..:,
ivn di -t-oiiifort. While
, a you-.iij
liidawiiy. P,"im.
mknvs, I'i i c-1 revs.
rtTli W f'f)'.-l on- ti lie
jot iio.'Cs i f 1 1 i' t 1. cr.l.i-r in Illdirv.-ny.
I ii'ion, i lo li "eh o! i icii.bcr, i. lil I lilt I M'LE
I COW. iiiif.nt '.I or 10 ye-ivd o'd. The i.v. ner
l.l reiiu sum lo ei ni" iin-wiirn, prove irui?i
iv. pay (.1 u'.pi s a lid take i.V'.iy, oi sl.c
will l.i- i'omhim d uf iisliio br.v diieeis.
r.i.!o-i..v, lev Lf .1- I'. IWIIMIN.N".
oliicr kimis arc soon injured aim -oinii"i
The best ninieciuls in o in t-J in lii.'ir r.m-tti-Kclinn.
and. liicir durability and
iieatne-s they arc destined to bccoine a
I'avorile Iviit.
?M:iiiiif:R-lured suli'ly by tne
Silver f.kirt Rnd Wire F?.nu
1'acturing Ccmpany.
:,0 and HAIlC'IiAV ?T.
T. n: Kin'-., up t. -Mie VI li ir
T.. II. T. J.TH0KT U- CD ,
iroautactuicrs of rto'otr-aphio Katcriols,
Viju lo-iile una bi tail,
TO. i:i;(i.vDAV, N. V.
In n l Iii ion in our main business ol
ri!uTM(!It.l'!!IC M ATI-; it I VI. S we are
tie objutii-'io-s lur the tolloiving, vz.
M'i;;lK.SCni'r.S X STKl'.l St'Ol-.r VIKV.'S
Of A ..icriciii m.'l J'oreiijii Cities and I..-ind-HC':pi'-,
l.i i-o.s, .Soi: uii, y. etc.
.Mi::tt3.'!i't; vn:ws omit: v. ah,
F i-oiii ru.'.'il ives omdo in liie var'.eriS eii'.i.
pai(fiis find tovir.i'i ooinplvto I'liotog -fii'i .
ic l.istory ol l he gietii contest. vihvvs on (j',
Adupti'd fur eiihcr the Mutfic'o-.-n or
ll.c S. it. -ii. .ie. ('nil ('lOnl.i.i'ie vi'.l be sent
u any u'lilress on rei-cipl ol .Nia.ep.
JL of l ei a. you iiii save m
orl 11 If.
I of Salt. I'louv.
OllCV bv blivilli
.1. rowtbL.
G1roTrii!S of all lvindrs.
cluaiicr tl.iin can bo buiigl.t at Krio,
nl whrilosiit.f or i eiail, by
oci. ii-tr. j. I'O'.vr.r.:..
AC1 Al X.S i' lo.-s or 1 A M At! K by VI HE.
rj"VIK Tycomin (Iniinty Muled Insur
J nnee i.',i"i)iii,y nt ?.Iurcej'. I' i . con
I 'lines lo liiM.ri' against I,os or D.iui.o.'i: by
I'iro on all liin h ef Mei-i-.lo(iidie. rublio
nnd private Luil-iii1;; i. cillicr in town or
county. A lo c.n Mill. I'.niueiics. li.irn".
sioeKs of (train, o , m the lowest posslblo
rates, consislcni with safely to Iho Insurer
and Insured. Tho Lycmiin County. Mu
iiial lio-iiraueo ('uiiiiiiiy iuv.ies no invest ii
gntioii as In iis stability. Its ct'.niiil
amounts lo
Tho--n.-Miriiir to cvin-y ono (0' iii pr.tre.
Hint their los.?s will l-e -roni; tly iii'.J sn-is
t w loi ity paid. Its luituncuieiil has iilw.1
bee. i j iiiibnt, ns its existcu.i of twuniy.
six wars fully deiiHiiiKli-'itcs
.iami;s i:f,ak::ly.
Agent for Klk county, ut St. Mnry"s.
iho poslponemcbt, and tho trials of the
other prisoners wero then postponed by
his Lordship uutil cexl Wcduesday at
10 o'clock.
Fours are csprcised by a majority of
the people that the l-'eutaug may csoupe
bolore the day of their execution through
the uil of" their fiienh from tho other
side, laoio me uuw in toe cny over
Uve iiuudied Irish Americans, apparent
ly out of emplo)uieut and waitiuj to do
Eoiuet'.iiug, which, it is said, is to aid
the prisoners confiued in the old jail by
overpowering their guard and then es
capin to the United States,
i The 1'eiiian prisouein at Cornwall are
Suves Time,
Save Money,
Saves Lubor,
Suves Clothes,
Saves Women,
It it used by cutting Into small shavings
and dissolving in hot wr ter, then soak the
clothes five to ten minutes, auu ainticuauu
rubbing will make thorn as cl-3ftn as hours
of hard machine rubbing would do, with or
dinary soap, and the most uolicnte fabric
receive no injury. Wo can refer lo thous.
ondt of families who are using it, and who
could not be persuaded to do without
Sold by all Leading Grocers
llirovjlwut tlie iHah;
novl'diu wa
fiiof o;;it Ai iin: Ai.i'.i :.
in. iii'itHei uie iouio lai-jrcly llnm nny
olln-r liiiitso, H'loiit 100 varieties froni .Ml
cents M .'wOent.-l!. Oiu' .M.ItL'MS have the
it million ol'bi niR eieiiur in beauty mid
liuiabiluy luan.v oiiii'ih.
Caul P'l rtojianae cf Gouoi uls, Sta'cs-nnr., Actors,
etc., etc.
I (hir Cat;iloj:ue embraces over UVfc
J TIIOL'SAND different subjects, including
reproductions of Ibe most oeienrnieu Mi-
gravmgs, l aintings, olatucs, etc. cata
logues sent on receipt of stamp.
riiotozrapliors aud others orucrinir gooas
C. O. D.. will please remit 5 per ccut of tho
niouul with their order.
EfcjirTlie prices and quality of our poods
eauuot fail to saln-fy. ( juue 14'110-ly.
from the oGleer. We wer tl! rrrv ' be indicted on Monday f. r Uih trua
the Avdocute fjjjlfe on short notire and
ut ra'itb'r trrm.
Jiy a recent set ol Congress, all soldiers
who served three years, or lliouc who were
discharged by reason of wouuds received iu
service, and lbs
of sny such soldiers who died in the service
of the United Stales, or of disease or wounds
contracted while in Ihe service. ar entitlod
io nn aauuionat bounty of fjio'l.
iy giving tins nmliervour unmediate at
Iciiliou, and cul'iiipt on or writinr to lhs mo
dersigned, thene claims will secure prompt
iiiemiuii. JUII.M U. HALL,
ftug'IOif. llidgway, Vo.
TtVie mhscriher hefts leave to 'innouncc to
ilia (iliicns of and iidjoining eoun.
lies that he has paicliased the harness shop
lately occupied by John Suonz, and t hut bo
is prepared to do all kindd of work in a suit
able style,
.S--I DHL ES r.Ull) A A A i. S S
kept constantly on hiind nl prices lo slot
the limes. Oivo nio u call shop in l lie f ec
ond story of ll-mk's building.
oel My. V. IA; IS.
H.Olr SAM''.!!
Tw) Steam lii.gima
tN-iiich bore mill 10-iudi slroke, with Kaiu
shafts nnd lino shafts., se.
Also. FOt'lt evlinder boilers thirty f.ct
long and of sullioiciil power to drive ti n
twoenginos. Any one uosirotis ol purchas.
inn Stoiru .Machinery will find it tolhcira.i.
vantage lo call upon the subscriber at Puil
land Mills. IIIHAM (JAlt.M AN,
llidgway, Vn. Oct. lth titn.
S T 0 R E ,
will be for sale hereafter, regularly a
The Book Stoiu:
1 N
rno t.ivt
. The undersigned will let
his House, Ham, stabling, &o., situation
Centre street in
ST. MAlirSELK CO., rA.
and formerly Known as the Washington
otel, far the term of .three or five years.
For further particulars, adJros
net. 25 2t. Bctuinpw P. O. P.
N. C Anv work, cither America!
or Europcn, Religious, Scientific, Phil
osophioal, Historical, kc.t will be pro-J
cured on application as above. Any
article in the Book or Stationery Hue
not in Store, will bo neut for by Bail
and be rooetvc j iu a feT dav 1tor OT'
derinj. jnn. i i 1.