T n ... . . umronroF ELK CPU N T Y . By A North wrrtra Pennsylvania. COMMUNISM. Probably no smiiou ol lYnnsylvani baa brcn the theatre id" i' ' iu eots id ilio doctrines o " J'i-ui if-r sm ' m Cut j tuunim, mure that) iu L!k. M icu aud Potter couniiit". Purine the dron-li from 1S-'5 to 1345. a nisr-ion m i in d in .nvail ver fxiuns'vclv in I'liwf i f (.Vuiunitjiii-vN ' ra the j.hi'i ot I-"' in i r. Tlint, a- in ' I'uioti tlicrs ;s sii-iTi-: li." " hy run con I ration ot IuIimi-. mi ;t!tp i-iipwut. opumtili under lix.'tl in'm in regard t jcrsoeal cxpriidinin . litne t r hil.'nr time for reoirti'n n the ii.:ie to make merry, ond tin1 lime Ibr rvri v individu I niovrn cnt ; to 1m- .,;ii:di d uliJ govern cJ by tlms-c M il CimI I. -r tlii! put-pop aided by a vn ce tli. ii i vn. mid thai by a unit' nu m ti "I cewii my, capita) Would incirti'O. tl.r 1 't aueiMy he more Rtrieilv o'-m nr I .-ud coiiM-uuent- Jy etery Out nt-i- wi u ti .est I '.'iso ii ! :ie united ''mlei n ii ; e i. nl only rich i. i- ol u i'arudifO m pjvrerlul infl'i- i i UCh tlPH as r V, but thu c 1 1 j II ! curth. 'I he iliili'";ilii'i bid pupils i lie sii.- . f.f sticks ' w lion f ii- ' ;ord, wa rcssardc-l nap evident tliit -n tint easily be 1-r. n thesis was their t.-i.lli 1'uurier clreth:: li f i I uli'i i 11 list rut ed ti :i nl tUe " I'UtidU i d together by ii u S.iii.iuoii. 1 1 ii .i 'em Ho eiul I ui-d nu this hypo in ill-1 d-ieirine.s ol -1 1 1 miI. ii led. The more important ami f rectii a re mits of (his I henry wrr- overlooked. They did tut t-ei-iu to ihiiik, much less to rcxliz;?. low eiis ly the cuJ thai bound the .tiek could tie severed, and that a fetnsltt clip ttfthe se,sor.i or pen knife, would MMiter this st. n ir t h . and h!! its elements I power relate iuto playthings lor an inlaiit. lloruce Greeh y. the editor of the Tri. lur.r, was ami is a pro1.fi; in idea, and bis paper having a wide cin-ul.ituiu. had a powerful influence in oruanizinir (such Ccruiiiiiiiitifs. lie appealed infatuated villi the Foiiiierite thioiv. as well as with Spirituali-ni. Willi lloraee the iufliieiiees of the Fret. chimin were t'(inil to the Hocialt'us ol the Miss Fuses, lie i !e i 1 thu eause of ci'ch with equal iu nliutry. That his editiiiials ha 1 peat fleet ou the minds of many, aii-l led to i iture mischief, uo uLervini? the Mines since he wr-jfc uu the subject cau '.vllbt. The. traveler on bis way from Kids' v.ay to Pmethpurt iu M'Kenti county, by the Mile.-bur' ic .Suiethport Turnpike will discover upon his ri.dit a lari fluster of loir. houses, now i:i a ftato of decay, but symmetrically anao-jed, and b.iilt upon elevated rmmd they stand 4-ui iu lu! 1 relief. That km TcuLouia. H was quita a laic community, ui;d qiially zealous were 1 1 it. iiiliabitmits. 'i hey commence;! under, w hat to them, ere favorable auspices. Coii.siderable c -pital was invested by those who at the time could not eonvnieuMy quit lh!ir o'l.l home to enjoy this Arcadian beauty. A laryre store nl iroods was set up, labor uas divided into farmers, mechanics, arti.-am and oveis.-ers The Imuis for lubor, catini; and drinkiiiu'. Minikin-.', v. o;-sbip. chit-chat, and for .'oinji to bed. Mere as promptly and aibiiiarily enjoin rd as old Time could dictate. They were a solid bundle ol sticks. By and by it was discovered that in the bundle were sticks unsouaj dry i i rotten, pivin no stieni'th, but di.s ape aiel decav to the others. Uriars JmU hei-u Miti li-'i'iited for .smooth 4ods, jn-fiVfiitiii.tr by tlii'ii sharp points the so iidity requisite and le eess.iiy lor a per. JeU combination, fi iniihrnts j;resv up. and Mjon bt came lou 1 mil deep; one woman objects to lu-r ai'o wane;; ot em. iiH uud M;tp ; auoilier lint her neijih Lot bad a lar..er por'i'ti ol tea than her Keif. As one h m-ekeeper exhibited belter tcoiioiny, better cookery, better tj'.C an J cleaner appsrcl, she was set i3own a prou 1 w.juriu. or one who ob uiued bct'er artiele.s f;v-:n tins store Jeeper. J u i'o'e-iies j'ist up am ma the females not le -s d-d the moa lcj;iil to j;rowl. There w-re Ir-eies iu t:ie liivB." The p irer of er.d ur.ince at la bor, the skill of thu mech niie, the abili. ty to contrive, and tlie iv'tli'.rii.u It in. dustry were ail wilhfl by eueh iudivid Uitl and conipinioii vnli ; he produeU of their assoeiate-i. to eh' with the pie:ision f the yules at th-j lu'ut. The chopper would pau-io iu the uiid.it ol bis blows, tiiut his coll-aj'ie slim d keep up. The mechanic's upiif ed bn'iiiucr would tiot !eaeend for fear bis nail .should be ihove bomu the s lonest. O.nj was lick VniLe.r than he .should be. or that ho was t.n ua.ouiid stick. The querulous, ob ttiiKitoand Irotlin- bidivid ial wou'd an liov becausi: his way, beiuy tiaht, (of 'luise) was not lullmve-l he was a bri i..- m a.id anions the bundle. As within the trooios, the skilful iu.uim.-r, siiiiri Mii.inthly under a clear i L v, di-eover.i i-i i'ue d.. slant boriz ui a iiLiiil eioul, no bijer thin a mills land the huihiner and w-iriiin oi a Madden .crust, he nrdi rs all hands to their Fovei'al p sts. an 1 all the s:.!ls are lower : lor clewed u;i everytliiu ou deckl maid tijrht and fa-t ; the ci r.ili; storm, i.s it approaches, Mtiici'ii.g sirenih by n.'quiaition at. J ace dcraun;; speel ; nveeps pl.-t the hhippod ve-ii-.l, leavi;ij Ji ;r unlunued. Astb j slorui exhibits ihe wisdjiu aul skill of the muster jiilot, id i it Deeesaiy for th.i head ami uias H-r of thes-j " Comuianites " to have ex j eiieuse. A ju lament ol and acjuint jinoe with bum iu nature to enablo biui to uide the several ineoiiiiiuilies that uiust neeessaiily mako up oue ol these combinations. Teutouta was u failure. The cord that bouu i tbooo sticks together bicauae loos ut J, or wu suddenly cut, aad the ?v eral f ntrineDti diperspd fjnion the ppo pie at larce, because iuduatriuutand use ful cititent, 'J In) . udden odrent cod exit of this Comtiiunily bid its tirototy, altho'i;;h under a ditloient ayntcui, itliin hall inilp of 'JVutouia. 'J ba Deulderiiig wood ahd growth id tree of halt a cen tury niiik the hpi.t where wis laid out iu btutitilul loriu the tti of Intanter.' Iijpl it to duly 1 1 folded in the archives ot M Ki ta county. Mr. Cooper m Uirye landowner in thin H?ciion. wiis the muti .itor, it not the founder of thi:i eillo lut'lit. An t!ie 'treetn ero l.iarked out. i he building went tp like tnauie. the -il reuioos oniy f e4vtiishinr! n KnuiHel. ilowi-'ieha jiopulatio'i were to be sus. tinned in ihu tuidst of o;.(.h a wilderness fiiii on'y be Aiicwereil, " that as the chiidi-po of Israel VTere ted on manna and quail.), K) flight the Ins'snt- rues lie ted and Mititained," thato cau be nooth ei answer. Madam humor, who is as oiieo 1'ijzht as wron;, spread a report that the laud title was unsound, and on investigation such wa found to be the fact. Woik suddenly erased and the .-c i tiers left Lvt.uiti r. Its appropriate name is led upon the record, but oth erwise will cease to be remembered when this irneration has passed awny. Who does not remember Die Bull, ihe prince of fiddlers. He had made a outline by scraping Cat gu,, and bcinr a man of liberal ideas, conceived the idea of ami liuratinj; the condiiieti of his eounti vmen, fnedesand Norwegians, by liiUiidinjf a colony upon the Communist ssteui in Potter county lie had been made the victim ofnomc land speculator, who bad induced him to purchase a lare tract in a dense w il iferness, and ot course heavily tuubeicd. I'o settle this tract, his poor countrymen were ready t'j unite, as thev were to be employed and fed by their pal run, until they had cleared farms and could mis taiii thenitelves. It required a larire amount ol funds to co'ouize, and as these pe qile had laive appetites, ir was diffi cult to transport provisions sufficient for their sustenance. These settlers, who iu iinaiiiMtion, saw turkeys and chick pds in abundance, roast pijrs running; round with carving knife and fork stuck iu i heir backs, iu reality only saw " salt L'ruli and hard tack,-' and not enough of that. Dn Die Bull's tiist visit ulter their coloniz ation, he tound them clamoious, il not threatening. His replies to tlieir wants were such as any sensible man would make, " Ho was no butcher, and could not supply beef, nor had he a hennery to supply theui with thickens and etrsrs." The upshot of the affair was, "To your tents, oh, Swedes aud Norwegians, all of you, and provide lor yourselvts." They did so. This visit of Die Bull to his colony was chronicled in the papers, and auius iiio so to those who were lully inform ed of the facts. He was represented as beiusi received mi l feasted t?j by his jirutiy e, an i of bis " playini; to them ou his fiddle, tlieir national uirs and ballads, until they wept tears ol joy." Oie Hull spent his fortune, which he had only to repair by a return to his for iner concerts. Due other scheme was about this time in projriiw. which ineiil attention, if not. laudation. Had it been simply a Yankee eti! rorisc. ii would scarcely have been remembered to this day so proli fic are those inquisitive, meddling etl. tcrpriiini; p-niuscs, whose numer ms schemes leacli every part ol tin- country, whether forest or prairie but this of which we relate v.as if German origin Yic'or lcllaiii, well educated, and very much ol a eiitleuiuii, conceive! an idea of eo! oiii. ttion in EH; county at what is now called New Fi iu lei's, oil the i , .i . . ii - i . i cast tiraucn oi ine v. nil i ui. uo mt me year ll'5-S. To obtain his people, he made a contract witil thu iSu';iaii ov- citiiueut lor a certain uunibei' of laiuiliiM. thea under support from the public funds. Tho jtipulatcJ pries per h.-ad he was to have or did receive, is to the writer unknown ai the bargainer has always maintained an obstinate reticence on the sulj' ct, bo uiu-ti however is i:ni i, that he K-i3 U' t o;i!y to reliev.; that a veru;n 'til from lurt'ier tax on their aec iu ;t, but he also agreed with these p yb: th it they were to -.voik lor biui a ceriiti nuiu bcr of years, be f.nin 1 foo i an 1 clothing and at the end of said term wore to have somo twenty or t wenty live acres oi land iu lee simple, for tlu li-.m -lit of - tliem aclvi'U, their heirs and assigns forever " Mr Uv-ll im had hiji'c ui'.i'iii i.i his s-ul th i:i c:;; ei ienee i:i binine-s life in thu i'ore-ls ol 1 ii. c muly as their woik could u t bo rendered productive for many years, of course his fuuds uium rapidly diminish. IVriuNsiou was readily c ran ted to their Ml tinj themselves out and as I hey were at) industrious set of people, and becoming versed iu o'ir laiinaixe, their services v;ero in nre.it dent an la monr t'a j lui.n -is an I luiiibcniien tl.ro' out the co-miry. 'I'lvy so hi found that the sicu ler iirovision of food furnished was but a juii'i" apology I r thu Rood fare they jut Wiien ihey " hire J out, b sides coo l and wai m beds. They also discovered tlut they couli earu enoui;li iu thr"0 or fjur months to purchase as much land as was to be allotted them for years of service under Mr. IVHam : eonse pii-iilly they left him, and uo doubt to bis meat relief. They ncttlud in aud ubo.it. Hik county, and now comprise some of our best aud most uselul oiti- This little ad.iir simply ahows that un der duo form of overuuicnt, such lare tiolds for enterprise, and such a demand for labor, it is useless to attempt a serf dotn, as it miht bo called, under auy circuuvitaoeea whatever. Ihe same re bulta will follow " ('ommuoiatu" eiccpt iu rare iobtauces where the people are beld by an influence superior to what may bo termed a moral centripetal force, or the object if gain. There must bp a religion sentiment, an curly training, a faith in ther teacher aud nuido, that overcomes and sets at naught all moral eiamples, save that ol fify to their vrdrr ami its requirements TO BE CONTINUED. JLJLVTMfKVS OF 1NC11S6U. OFFICIAL. Tn the Following table will be found the fetal official vote cast for Governor ou the Oth instant, with the exception of l'iko county, the Democratic tnajori. tv of which, is reported at 724. 3 iuii Allegheny -IrmHirong llenver Bedford Itei'kH Ulair Itradt'iird Bucks ftuiler Cumin in Camerun I'arhon t'en I re Chirin Chester Clearfield Clinton Columbia , Crawford , Cumberland ..... Dauphin Delaware , Klk Erie f'syetle , Forest Franklin Kulton 'reen Ilnaiiiig.liin Imliiina leti'vrsoa Juniata Lnneasier Lawrence Lebanon I.eliigli Luzerne Lycoming M'Ker. . : M erccr Mitlltn Monroe Moutgiimery Montour Northampton Non humberlaiid., furry f'liiliuleljiliin I'ike Putter Schuylkill .-n.vder Somersot fullivati Sus.uelnitiiia 'J'iuga , Union , Venango , W a i re ii Washington Wayne Westmoreland ... Wyoming York 2(112 3016: 2!ll) 8120 21M9 1241 t!20r.71 12S!5 8620 3211 8758 8078 8237 28U4 8310 2385 2H3I1 2752 25!1 2885 11710 I82fl'ii 7121 13288 8-.'5: 2ti8'i 8520 27(18 08H-) 3o07 7135 30!ll 43fi 7835 0805! 7UI 3475 25147 854 4, 85iij 2244 8036 2tU-t 32'.i5 325 232 874! 803 1721 2251 KOI 283f 2817 33!!') 8mi 3565 1780 2833 177ti 28 3 8)40 5087 8500 0.'21 1516 2S01 1'50 2780 1600 213") 1754 2337 1014 8167 1965 8583 filtl 4520 6714 4960 8004 4361 4030 4576 5444 422U 5001 43ol 8664 2145 3615 2262 848 8351 876 016 6011 3722 7237 3051 8221 4126 3660 4359 85 62 10n 76 3862 3821 4200 4II'6 I 601 9"6 775 1055 ! 1583 3 i74 1600 3230 3321 2477 ' 8248 2230 432( 2107 445t 2100 1820 1877 2015 1012 143? 1753 1616 1814 1400 8148 14592 859J 8408 1380 8560 1410 87801 2770 4194 2000 39081 6920 4159 5731 7045 10015 8733 12;!37 3401 4207 3871 4448 707 652 877 714 4220 8569 4416 8757 1613 1718i 1725 1835 085 2608 705 2699 6872 79431 7285 8341 1130 1400 1130 1523 8720 6944 8850 0870 2915 3008. 8381 6810 2406 2446 2581 2400 55797 44H32 54205 48817 260 118 00000 724 1300 080 1310 (520 7851 9540 8793 10514 2788 1719. 8 6 1750 17! 10(38 170 1S2J 860 660 43o 7:1 4203 2055 14.19 2'j81 4083 1584 470i Jti.H ! 1045 1352 1901 1287 8840 3341 4409 8V.I2 2511 1505 2C87 1572 4951 1579 4077 4712 2274 1 3980 2357 28S3 4650 6077 5040; CI 13 li!a". 1402 1408 1490 6568 85u0 f'800 878- incols 20 )"5 M.uohitt roit L 1U'l Ah: For GaAnv For Clymku .3-'G991 2b9850 Majority for (Ikahv 17135 Congressional Mttllou. The following is a table of the official majorities for Congressman iu this dis iriet at the recent electioa : Counties. &co. maj. Scott maj. Krie. 304,0 W arrcn, f'amcron, Forest, M'Kcan, Jcflerson, CIe..ifield, i:ik, 1100 70 30 m 1118 577 1,725 4u'97 1725 2,572 5C0. mnj. Fall of a Gitis.vr Man. r. m i-.- down Cbe8tiiut arreut, St. Louis, i.m il,n last week, writes a corresponded' . I w striuk by the appearance ol an o-! :e i. past sisty, who wore a ihrea I . ' hhiny with coi s ant wear, mid ton' hat was bruised and s-cdy. ll.s Ii bent towards the catth. ui.d hi v was a (ottering bluitH i. til Il whiskey and old as:e. He ree'. d - .1 I: 11. the.. t:t 111 I oue side of the i aveun lit to tl e - mid at last brought up against a on too comer, when a vhuiil' lonkiuu I afer coiniiiir alonr, saluted him w h ' llulioa, Jim! Come and lake a dr cli J " The old mail's eyes brlvhteu ed, and arm in arm he sauntered aloiiy to the nearest grocery with his compan ion. Five years u;;o that man whs .James Green, United States Senator from Missouri, and iu the days ol Kan sas and liccompton matters be was, nogi to Htepben A Doiiulas, the ablest delta ter in ConjiroE. 15ut the war broke out, Mr. Greeu was sent to the rebel Congress, aoou lost his property, his po bitiou an 1 his character, and no he is a poor drunkard, and earns barely a pit tauce ot a living as a calaboose aJiystcr. Contkm PTIRLE More than tweufy men have been discharged from the Lo chiel Iron Workf, simply because they voted for Hiester Clyuier. This is con- temptible business a poor man has no right to an opinion but must, be the tool of others if he desires to earn bis daily bread. The " Old Wipehaffo. however, is mean enough to do any thiug. Patriot ami Unin. lion. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts has publicly professed religion in a Coo. gregatiooal church o ponton. . NEW ARRANGEMENT! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO TI1K NEW STORE OP FREDERICK SCIKEXLXG, CENTKKVILLE, ELK CO., NEW OOOD3 D i I L Y A R 11 I VINO THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO THEIR INTEREST I As manifested bj the daily throng cf customers exchanging "Green Bucks" for goods. All the Domestic Cotton Goods are high. Customers oue and all exclaim. HOW CHEAP Y0CR 4 DRESS GOODS A t. My etock consists of iuy GOODS, ROCERIES, nATS ii c.rs, BiOTS i suor.s, CLOTHING. CROCKERY, T1S WAKE, HARDWARE, OILS & TAINTS, Tl'TTY, NAILS. CLASS, WOODEN WARE. lOllN. FLOUR, FISH, SALT. Ii is useless for roc lo attempt, tu giT a full lisi of iJ.ttock, but invite one aud an, to drop in and see for tlieniaeWei. WITTER, EU0 1, POTATOES, GRAIN, HIDES, CALFSKIN! and all country produce taken at market price, for goods. FREDERICK SCHCENINO. CenUrerUl, Jam .lat'&-lf . UUU 8TU1U. bordwell:& messenger, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, 1MINTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE.STUFFS CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGAR3, rt'RE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE ' DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. l'.ORDWELL & MESSENGER, RTDGWAY. PA. FOUTZ'S CELEBIUTID Horse mi Cattle Peite 2- This preparation. known, will tltur- OiiK'ily r'invigoiate brokvn-down and low-gpiriud liorres, by strenptlietilng and cleansing the Btomach and InWa lines It tn sure pre reutive of a!l dia cas incident to this Animal, men ai LUXO FEVLK, GLAMJERS, IELLUW A- TKR, IIEAVKS, C(UT till 9. IMS TEMPER. KE VERS. FOVXPKR I.(3d OF APPE TITE AND VITAL EN'ERUV.&u. Its Uato lupiovea tli wind, Increases the appt-tite- gives ft smooth and plos.-y skin and tran-form the Diiserable skeleton into ft fine-looking n4 spirited lieise. . To keepers of Cows this preparation ! invalnahla. It incrcftaes the quantity and improves the quality oi me mi ik. u i.as been proven hy ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and crenm twenty per cent, and make th butler tVm and sweet. Tn fattening cattle, it gtoes then an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thriro In all diseases of Swine, such us Coughs, Ulcers In the Lunss. Mw. J-,-JrtiW iiivis r j -ijjtr,.; e .i-- Hy putting from iAmyS one-hHlf a miter 4fflM5i?fla-i.V-f-S:. . to a p.iter in a barrel of swltl tlie above d i if a i f will be eradicated or entirely p-evented. If gten In time, caruia provcative and care for tte Hog Cholera. Price 25 Centi ner Pape -. o fi Fapeia for II. PREPARED BY AT TPEIR wno'tsHE nm fi on MrnirtNE prrT. N 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, Bid. For Bute hr IlriifiKiBts aud tilorekecperi through out tht Coiled bulct. ni. .ii juiiliietures price.-, by Itordwell & Mcstieujjir llidgvray, Aleuts for Elk county. i GENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORLERS V fo. I the lest selling book now publish- ed. ThrUling Stoiici of the Great BebeHioa. CoinpriHing heroic adventures and hair hieadth escapes of Soldiers, Si outs. Spies and Kcfugees ; d'irirg exploils of Smuggler-, Guerillas, Desperadoes and oihers j Tate of Loyal bhi Disloyal women: Sto vies of ihe Negro, io., with incident-) .f Fun and Meniinctil in Camp and Field. Hy Lieutenant Colonel S. Gicene, Uo of the United Slates Army. Handsomely il-lii-trnied with engraving-i on ateel aud in oil eoli ia. Send for circulars and see the liberal terms offered. CUAS. S. GREENE & CO., Publishers No. 131 S. Third Si., Philadelphia. WHEELEU k WILSON'S SEW. INft MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agr-nt for the sale of Wheeler ft Wilson's Sewing Machine for i-Mk county. He keep au assortment constantly on hand Machines ioid at Philadelphia and New Yor prioes. Anv pirtiet desirous of obtaining tliemcan address J. K. WII1TMOKE. March Gt.'68-ly. at KiJgway, Pa. JOB WOltK of all kinds aud deT. eriptitxai iaa at this offico. 1) uch taster. KV CASH GROCERY SI OUE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Deafer in Groceries io., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he has Kone into the Grocery business, and will open on or about the tnidd'o of'May. lie keeps constantly on Lund an extensive stock oF TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, T0BACC0ES, SEGARS, WniSKEY by the barrel or quart, and everytbirg connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consrqwnt ly can aflord to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. 1 invite everybody to call and satisfy themselves JAMES McCLOSKLY. May 3d, 'GO. Gin. J-EROSENE AND OAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, OLtJE, l'OTS, OIL CANS, JSC, &o. t&g- All the conking for a "a SeaS' family may be done with "XeiB 8tf Kerosene Oil, nr Gins E3f with less trouble, and at 'Ssl less expense, than by any fiiay" other fuel. Eaeli Article nianufactured by this Com pany in guaranteed to perloriu nil that is cluiuied lor it. Send for Circular. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO TUE TRADE. KEROSENE LAM I' HKATKi CO., 206 Feart. Strelt, N. Y. Tiily-lGG-ly DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The jjartneiKliip licrctolnre existing beiween the iui)rsigned ib thin day dis solved by mutual consent. V. 1'. WILLIAMS, II. O. McC'ONNELL. August 1st, '00 3t. Tf ALITABLE LOTS EOU SALE.- The undersigned has laid out a vil. lape upon his ground ailjoiuing the llid way Depot, to be called KLK. The low are 50 feet front by KM) fect deep front inp towards the railroad. Term? Fort lie first lot Bold, S 1 Oil. Koi Ihe second lot sold, $110. For il.e third lot sold. S12II and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. RQ, First purchasers get Ihe choice )i al the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application ''en pe- em of the pureliaie money must be pail! a' i jo time of thft application. S?Apilieations will be made .'ohn G. Hull, Kjq., KiJgway, Pa. J. S. Hi bC. Ridgway. )iiar,20'6f-tf. I ITCM! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch ! Scratch I Scrrtrt I WHEATOK'S OINTMENT Win. Ceaa tub Itch in 48 Hoi-rs A'sn euro SALT HHI-PM. I IC". CH1I.HLA1NS. and all ERUPT:.;' F I'HE SKIN. Price 50 cenis. "ov ai.- vy ill drucgists. Hv sending '!0 teie io WI-KKS it POTTER. S.le A,.,.t-. I TO Washington street, 15oton, it w I' l f-)i-wnrded by mail, free of postage, invn p.'irt of the United elates. (june-7 ii '-ly. ULACKSMITIIIXO! 11. !. RI:LNAP de-ire.- to in'-, zensof P.idgwny and vioini'y I 1 eised J. S. Hyde's lilao sin ill s'reet. an! lias e:iip!nvi"i . r. lien who will be ever ready t - :;r Ihing from a biuh'e io an ii'icli Pnrticul.tr attention given tn ji of li'iv?in. All I ask is a fair t. i.u. May 17'tiO-ly. ti. a NEW SIK Tlx: tix:.' Tix::: STOVES ! STOVES ! ! S'iOVES !! John Eosenheimcr & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL LI ALLRS. bT. MARY'h, TA. Keeps. cinliiiitly on Ii.-mhI r.i.d f'.r gale, a hiiye and well i-eleeted rl-.ek nl TIN V li- SIOVES e have evf-rvihitiii pnerully kept in a Ti" hop. Our Stuck nl .TOV ES eitii.-'-n u art of AVTIDI'ST I'V'I'.O J A COOKINO STOVES ALSO I HON O TE .V WHEAT SHE A F STi'VE-. STOVE I'll'E can b- bad at simp either riveted or (jritxed. SpotlTIXO A D UOiiVINO. d i,p hhi.rt nuliee and at reasntinl !e - .te? June 1 l'0d-ly. our on G ROVESTEEN & CO., PIANO FORTE MANCFACT URPRst, 400 Eroitriu-ni, Xew York. THESE T1ANOS received he IIiK!.gt A ward of Merit ! at the Hoilifi 'nr, i.rur the best makers from London. Paiis. Gtri many, tlie cities of New York. Plii'.idr.lrd.ia, Baltimore and Hostnn : also thu Gold Medal at tho Americm Intlirule, for FIVE succes sive years!! Our Pianos contain ih French Grand Action. Harp Ped-tl. Ovor strung 1'iasN. Full Iron Frame, and nU Mo I. ern Improvements. Kvcry iiiatriiment u ir Ttinttd FIVI' yrart. Made nn.Hov m. pervision of MF. J. II. OHOVESTE'EK. who ha a praeiical experience of nvi-r th'r'y. five years, and is ihe maker of oi i- t'rm thouitnd pinna furlrr. Our ."M-rif 'ty manufacturing enable us lo st-ll ile-ue strninciiis from SHIOln $200 cheapen tuaa any first ela-s piano forte. July-19'G6.-ly. JOB PRINTING CHEAPLY & NEATLY Er.PEDlTIOl-8L.Y Eietnted t tUe ie-' ocAT Office; I