Jhf 11; Comiil! B?MCq1i. JOB WO UK. Fights sheet haird bill, fii copies or less Quarter sheet h-md-bill, CO copies or less .(.-( HiifsiieothnmlV.il, 60 copies or lc?s f:..oi Full sheet bond-bill, f.O copies or less !?.. BLANKS. For spy quantity under fire quires, $1. CO per quire ; on ull amounts over that fi reasonable reduction will lie made. TERMS OF PAPER. Sl.r.O per year in advance $2.00 ifpaid -ithin the year, and $2,00 if not paid wiih in that time. N O t'i C E. Hereafter tho Post Office will 1e clorcXcvi rv evening at S o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open fro1" 8 to 10 o'clui'k A. M. Mail Closed at 6 ! M. I,. LUTHER, P. M. tr a.N'J LL), AGENTS 875 to 8200 1 MONTH for cent p.n.en tnd SS5 to 875 lor bo-lies, everywhere, t introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv ed Htii perfected. It will hem. fell, prtili. quilt, bind, braid nud embroider bcnitifully. J'rice only 820, making tie elastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted fur three years. Wo pay the cl f.vn wages, or a cuuiuii.ss.iou, from which twice that amount can be made. .Address with stump, or call on C DOWERS CO.. Salesrooms. No 255 fr-v.th FlbTH Street, I'li-ladflphiii. Pa All letters answered promptly, with clteu'.ais and terms. May ol'OG-ly. rsMIE SILVER SKIRT. X MORE PUP. ABLE, MORS ELA-TIC, MORE GRACEFUL! A will keep its sl.apc and retain its place btf.tr tlinn 'anv oil cr Skirt. Ti f v,fr tis new and beatiful style of Skirt (Pat 1 Marcj 7, l?li,. ) wasawardul lv the (ire u American Institute Fair, held iu New it, October, ISO ), a SILVER MEDAL, 7. ihe Highest Premium ever giveu for , .j s!: :vt. '.it: Steel Springs are wound with fine .."J wire in place cf a cottuti coveting :i 'Mil not wear oil' or hi-coiiic smied. ti:- v iuhf kit'i riny Vo wnhid wiiii'iut i r fear of rusting, and w.U be : i I.j liOW. v.;-. tin. I ):.':' The Combination Silver SV iit F,i: invention combines with the nnlina ry S.irt tin advantages or our Silvi r M-.ii t t'ir b fi-m hoops are tlie sime as th.ise us J in tin) pi'.ver Skirt, the covering "I which enti'o ' weir oil', while the upper one- am cj'. .1 ,v.:!i cotton. No titJy having iu.ee worn oi of our Skirts, will bo wilting to v -iy othf. an the lower li'i.;sof nil . . ... I . :. : ..... l ... i i "1 .'.i.'. ; i.'.ia ni t ?"ji.ii injuitu iiii't ;ii.c(mi. ieit mnteeials arc u-c t in their oon str'.ef."ii, and, (ram their durability mid nti. i'i s they are destined to become a Favorite Mcii-t. M.viuf ictured solely by tnc .oil v cr Skirt and Wire Mann fuctuiing Company. SO nuil C2. RR'L.Y ST. NEW YOKK. P. 3. SrEHET, Pup't. Arg tnli ly PHOTOGRAPHIC. T & H. T. ANTHONY &. CO., ' Tiiaulacturers of Photographic Materials, Wii.ile.sate una m-iaii. fO. 1JROAUW AY. N. Y. ; r. lditiuti to our nuiiii nsiucs of pi-.'VOOr'.APII.C MATLI'I.'.LS wo are 11.' i.; ,n:i i t i-i fur the ioi! iwin,.-. v?.. i:'i':'.LCuPE.S& STERESOPlC VIE'.V Of A -.: riean and Fereipn Cities and Land t'c.i; s, Ground, tut v , etc. STERESCOPPJ VIEWS OF THE WAR, V'Otn nepatives tr.ndc in the various enm. j us und f"i i.'iiiip a complete Piiotugruph . ic i ;s;iry ol'the gieat eentest. STERESCOPIC VIEWS OX GLASS, Adnptid fur l it'.er ti e 'aj-ic Lantern or ths Si'.resci pe. Our ('maluue will he tent le a-.y nilivss on i eceipl ot Stat:ip. PliOTOGiSAPHlO ALIil'MS. V'iMiiaiiiiiiicl lire mine larnly than any n ; 1 . ' I h(iu-p, utinut. 1'OU v.iriei u'S Irnm ',) t 'l'H to S oil eacli. (ttir A I. HUMS have the repiutition of tieiiijr Kiiperiur in beuuty an I ii .;v.;Hty to any oihei s. Cui-i irio;ourar.l. c Generals, Statesmen, Kotow, etc., etc. On." Catalogue eiul.i iice- ecr FIVE '' II' . i'SA.N U (lillViont HihjiM'ts, including ye; . 'ueiiiins of the must ceiel.inie J Lit. pi . i- ugs, Patniinpi, Mi'ui'K, etc. Gala. !.:. Kent on receipt ol'H imp. l':.; ioriipheis and others ordering goods C O I'., will plettac veiuit -5 per teut.uf tlie biiioo'it with their order. K.i';'The prices and ip'.uliiy of our poods ti Hint fail to taiii-fy. Jjune ly. Y7XTHA HOrXTY.- J. j IMlOlil'A.M' It .v.l.t'il.l!.V: t . aiecent acl ot Conjit e s. nil su;dieis vt.o M rved three ycuiH, or 'ho-e wlm im iu rl:.- i::i ; ed by leuun of wotu.dn l eeeived iu tei vice, and i ho Vir.0'.V, MINOR CHILDREN OS PAEEK7S of niiy meh Holdieis who died in the mr ieo ot ti e t inted .Suites, or tif di.ca-e or wuinds contu.i. ed wniie in the service, aie entitled to an a iditioiiiil homily of .rlO;l. Pv giving this mailer yuiir inuiiedliite at. tent! i. and citl'iuj; on or r,un;; in the inn dei-'r.c l, llieic ciailns will beeuie rouipt ll,,lii.ii. JOHN i. II ALL, H'f'0-t. ltitlway. I'n. J; I I'J EilA TK.S'TA M FA TA 1! Y oa li.ees j l ite (! .icon liiiti.eiiiioiiei, n.ie oi t tie oun of M. .Mai) M, lueeiifel, Iuiviii); V. i ri hi unted lo fhe uiniersijrocd. all eiBi-ns in ili ' cu to, or Jiurmc cn his :i:.nioi kuid ei 'uie are requested iu call uud eetne. T. UOTHKNUOKI KIJ. 0Ur'9-2l. Extcutrx B LAXKH. 1IANDBILLH, I'OS- '1LRS, BILL Uh ADS dc, done at 4k Aflnrtuii O Aire on khtjrt natii ttntl -j i ( rwwM term. . I V id 'm tu.M '.M '(uij li niDOWAT, FENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will fliui S TORES AMONG THE Most Complete AM) BEST ArPOIXTED IN THE C 0 U N T R Y , AND THE PLACES TO GET Jood Bargains ! C A L L& SEE! March 29th, 1 SfiG-1 v. BOOK STORE. St. Mary's, Elk County. JUST RECEIVED 000 DEADLE'S DIME NOVELS 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 2.30 GERMAN STORY ROOKS. ,1Ar A SSOIi TMEXT OF ALL kinds t ( Stationary, Ehir.k books, Time books, Fays bonks, and School books will always ha on hand. I'urcliasinp our Dunks, Paper, Envelopes &e. direct lioui tl.o Manu-facturors for cash, we are enabloil to soil at the muio rates that they can be purchased in ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed on all purchases of ten dollars in:d upwards. W. J. RLA KELY. .lunell'CG-Ty. A G E N T S V A X T Ii D .1. t. i3:4nM:vs ; s t o E v or 7 ; ir a j; , NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLI'.MES also iu ONE. It is admitted lo ho tUci most i ?!.( nti, ji':jiiil'r, und luUuiIJi' II is. t:uy ot tint lletii'llioti, which is iully at tot d by t'.iu cnortiioti.s hule ot 200 000 volumes, and u larj-e portion ol the country still uiicanva.-.-ed. arc (Lliied to run our presses ni(.'ht and day to enable us to supply our Agents. Men of charae'er and ability, who de sire a luciative employment, will find this a rare opportunity. 'lint price o( the wmk in ow ruhnna m an -,tc, (compared with our Histories) as to I. ring it within the. reach of till classes. For lull particulars send lor circular. Ad Ires .liuoftrru 1'HhHshtnsr Com'y. 1 Ak ! n hi Sireet, II akitokii, Cons, E MPJKE SEA 1X0 MACHINE CO. J'liiieijuif Offif, Cl! Jroirlwny, X. J. C It EAT IMPROVEMENT in SewinK Ma chir.es. Empire Simula. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It U thus rendered noise less in action. Its motion being ull positive, it is not liable 'o gel ovl of order. It is llie best Family Machine! Notice is called to our jew and lu.proved Manufacturing Ma chine, forl.ii imatid l!oot and Shop Fitters. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be Kiven. No Consignments made, ii r EMPIRE 6EHINO MAC11LNE CO. Jul-JVi,l7., . REMINGTON k SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets nnd Carbines, for the United Stnles Service. Also I'OrKKT AND ItFI.T REVOIA'KRS, Repeating Pistols. Rifle Canes, Revolvinfr lliflps. Rifle nnd Shot dun barrels, nnd pun materials gold by gun dealers nnd the trade general! . In these days of housebreaking and lob bdry. every house, store, bank, and office, should be supplied with one of R EM 1 NGTON'S H EVOLVERS. Tart ies desiring to nvail t'-etnselves of thf Inte improvements in Pistols, and snperin. workmanship nnd form, will find allcoiubind in the New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. SINGLE BARREL SHOT-GUN. New Pattern. Light, Convenient and Cheap. Manufactured by the undersigned, and sold, wholesale nnd retail. A liberal discount to dealers. E. REMINGTON & SOXS, Uion. X. 1 . April 6th 18G0.-1y LIST OF JUROR.? PR AW A' FOR NO VEMRER. orvkd dcnoRS. B'nezctt Tp. Abner Ober, Tames Overturf, Wallace II. Johnson, lienj. Johnson. Brnzinrrr Tp. Michael Sawlor. For Tp. Jscob MeCnuley, John Nolf, llezekiah Horton, John A. Brad ley, Tsnac Horton. John Wonderly' J y Tp. A. V. Gray, Joseph Rob ison. ,Timrs Tp. John Kramer.' l!il;iwi Tp Win. C. Healy, J. K. Whittnore, Nathaniel Cuinmings, E. Derby. SV. Ifnvys Bnro. Charles M'eis, Michael Bruncr, Henry Fochttnan, J, Alios Spruny Crr;h Tp John J. Robin son, G. W. Rhines. TRAVERSE JURORS. Bwzf.tt Tp. H. R. Wilson, John Murray, If. I). Derrv, Edward Fletcher. Brnzinrjrr Tp. Herman Koch. 0. Rittcr, Adam Je.-bergcr, Alloys Bucli. ert. Fox Tp. C. R. Emley, E. Hyatt, J. Mosier. G. Conner, C. A. Wilcox, W. J Leahy, John Myers, Jacob L. Taylor, Adelphus Kyler. Jiiy Tp. Francis J. Spanglcr, Vine Dennison, John Hess. Junes Tp. John Weidert, Michael Dill. R'uhjjxnii Tp. T?a:io Horton, Jr., D. J. Cook. John Kcnln.cfar, J. V. Honk.' Chss. McVean. Isaac StepheDson, T. U. Cobb, Jerome Powell. SV. Mary' Bnro. Adolph Fotht man, W. J." Blakely, Mnthin Wellen. dorf, Goo. Weis. , kprinff Crrrk, Tp. R. P. Saltstnan, Patrick MeCrcady. COAX, C'KE AND TTS7 CLAY 11 All of superior quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. Day-Orders by mail promptly attend ed to. scptl6,'G0-tf CM aAAPER YEAR! V want Agents eveiywhore to sell ouriMrnnvEn 920 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salai'y or large commissions paid. ThcOM.T midline sold in the United .States for less than SIO. which are fulla licrnsed hj ITaut, Wheeler ,y Wilton. G rover j- Inker, Singer Co., anil liaeheHer. All other cheap ma chines are in fringement!! and the teller or titer are rrUnbU to arrett, line and imprisonment. Illustrated c;reulars sentr. Address, or call upon S iaw Clark, at Riddeford, Maine, or Chioogo, 111. may-17'6G-ly N O T I C E . Tnmes Pry or", vs. ( In Com. Tleas of Elk R. S. Welton&S County. No. 15. July Term Geo. R. Welton 18C0, domestic atta'ehmenl Nutiee is hereby given that the under signed residing at St. Marys Aenlinger Tp.. F!k Co.. Pa., have been appointed Trustees of the above defendants under the ahnve Domestic Attachment. All persons indebt ed to said defendants, or bo'ding property belonging to them, are hereby required to pan and deliver a'l such sums of money nnd propeito duo and helonging to such defen. dants lo such tiustees ; nud all creditors of said defendants arc de-ired to present their respective accounts nr demands. " .1 A ME.? COYNE, CH AS. LUMR, sept M.Cr.. ' C. 11. VOLK. Court Proclamation- XV7HEUEAS.H0.N. K. G. WHITE Pres- ident and Charles Mun and E. C Sfiiri.Tzr. Associate . lodges of the Court of Comiiiiin Pleas, and .Iiistices of the Court of Quarter Sessions nnd Orphans' Court, nnd Court of Oyer and Termini r. and (leneral Jnil Delivery of Elk enunty, by their pre eepls to me directed, have ordered a Court of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Ses sions, Orphans' Conn, and Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, lo be hidden at Ridgway, iu and fur the county of E'k on the FIRST MONDAY IX NOV. 18GG, being the full daj of I he month and to con. linue one week. NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justice of the Peace and Constables of the county of Elk, that they ere by these precepts commanded to be then und there iu their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisition md other re membrances, to do those things which their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county r-ake returns of all the recognizances entered into before them totheClerk of the court as per Act of As sembly, passed May 8th 1804. And those who are bound by their recognlzans to pros ecule the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of said county of Elk, and to be then and ihere to prosecute against them as shall be tub J. A. Ml LONE, Blteri E. QUR STARCH GLOSS, Is he only article used by first oto hotels Laundries, and thousands' of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the Iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much lime and labon Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, oonssquantly will not wear out so ioou It makes eld 'linen look like ncW. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best In the world. It is soluble in hard ns well as soft water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, and) most convenient form of nny offered to the public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes-. Agents wanted everywhere, to rhoni wo offer ex traordinnry inducements, Address, NEW YORK STARCH1 GLOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., Xew York. JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at Law, has opened a law and collection offico in St Mary s, ( Reniingcr P ()). Offioe in 2nd sto ry of Mrs Fisher's building, opposite Coyne t McVcnn's store, where he-can be found during the entire forenoon of each day. This will not. interfere with his office at Ridgwny, which will continue ns heretofore, and where he will be in person each after noon. scp20'GG1y M nS. M. E McXALLV'S Mill Sfrcr-t, M. Man Elk county, fa. Ladies can rely pu ettitij; the' Latest Style of Trimming as she pets z. monthly snpply from the eastern Cities. " GIVE HER A ALL. pcp20'GG 3t. I EST OF CAUSE."? ST. T DOWN FO.? Vo J vain her Term. 18GH, commencing on the first .Monday of said ionth. Bryant & Euer vs Taylor. Myers vs Hays et. al. Millingnr vs Sory cl. al. Leash vs Rauh et. nl. Davidson vs Carnan. Benner vs Thomas et. al. Moments vs Arneret. al. McKinytiw vs Ellis et. al. Selle vs Benzintrer school district. Keinmrrer vu MeCnuley et. al. GEORGE A. RATH BUN, Deputy Prothonotary. J. GURNEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, 707, BKOADWAY, N. Y. IN addition to our Photographic Art Gab lery, ettub'i.shed in 18-iO. wo have fur tlie last Five years had advantages su perior to any other estnblishment in oh. tuininjf sittings from life, of all the Prominent Celebrities of the day in Card portraits, and ate now publishing a Catalogue of over 2 5 0 0 SUBJECTS, American and Foreign, also a large list of copies of Works of Art and Eiisrrav. injs. Catalogue sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for one dozen pic. tures fiom our Catalogue will be filled at 81 80. nnd tent by uiuil free. Sinule pictures 25 cents each, copies of en. graviufjs 15 cents each. - . N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reproduc ing, or copying, old Daguerreotypes, Ambrofypes, Card Pictures, &c, of de. ceased relatives and friends, enlarging thorn to any eizo. and finishing in Oil, Water Colors, or India Ink, with the aid ol ten ta!enled artists. Patties desiring copies, should there, fore correspond with us direct. Send for a catalogue. The trade supplied nt a liberal discount. Gallery open for free inspection, and strangers visiting tho city will find our Gallery one ol the most agreeable places where, in to while nway an hour. J GUKNEY & SON, scp-20 Crr.. 707, Broadwuy, N. Y IIRTU'S, ; ' MUSIC .STORE, . ' 5G3, Broadway, N. Y. Thaddeus Firth, successor to Firth, Son & Co Mnsio Publisher, Manufac turer and Importer of MUSICAL TNSRI MENTS, PIANO FOKTES, MELODEONS, CABINET ORGAN'S, And every description of MI'SjCAL J rNI'f F. Sole New York Agency for the olebr;ifed Gilmorn ri Co's Band Instru. nients. Our B"id department is under the personal supervision ot Mr. 1). L. Downing Wholesale and Retail Depot for the ilflWfeiiilcJ 3iiif Coiitinc Ofjjqr, which challenges comparison as the most effective Instrument yet offered to tho public. New and Choice Musio published i!aily. Catalogues and price lists of In. struments fui nUhed on application. Btauljattst Music from all the lead, ing publishers in America. Any piece of Music, or Music Book, sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of retail price. Orders by mail for Music or Instru ments receiee prompt at.d careful atten tion. All f oods warranted to prove as represented at FIRTH'S MUSIC STORE, scp20 ly 5roadwaf, N. Y. rnilE art of JIQ DANCING nd P.ANJO J PLAYING taught by O. W. BROWN, liulgway, I'a. BtuRooms at Mrs. Bur. rough's, on Centre street. a eepll tf HI. OVERIIOLTZER. , MERCHANT TAILOR, ltidgway. Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citiicns of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepa.ed lo make to order aa well as it can be done anywhere anything in the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. tjakCloihs. Cassimers, Vesting! and Trimmings of the hi est and most approved Styles kept constantly on hand, which will be lold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP. EST. fa-aa AT THE New Stoxo of ir cis nn other h at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania SCt'CESSORS TO GkORGK WeI6. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected slock of Sl'JtLVG SUMMKR 'S3 a ''If3 'S! 'CS 3 SILKS, MORIX(ES POPLLVS, ULLAGES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A lnrgo assortment of Prints, Whito goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and .S'hirting in great variety. Ladie's & Children's Millinery Goods ; such as BOXXETS, HA TS. CA PS, RIBB OXS, Ac. GL 0 VES HOSIER Y. GEXTS furnishiny goods of every description, CL O TIIS, CA SSIMERES dr., ctr. GROERIES AND PROVISIONS. A largo stock of FLOUR,. PORK, BUGAR,. TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM INDIES. SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for tauiilv ue. Ced ar and Willow Ware of every dc scription. Confectionary, Brush, esofall kinds. A fuil assort ment of Stationery, Wall IV per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment ot Scgars and Tobacco. yEBUY OUR STOCK directly from the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment in Elk county. THE PUBLIC are respectfully in vited to call and examine our stock and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and can sell for less profit, thau any other house in the county. Weis B ROTIIERS fit. Mary's, M lfUVA WARDED A GOLD MEDAL I A.I TUX American Institute Fairf OCTOBER 19, 1S65. In direct competition with all the leading makers in the country. 'PELOUBET ORGANS ANL MELODEONS . C. PELOUBET & SOS, Manufacture.. Respectfully invito the attenliou if pur. chasers, the trade and profession, to the POLL O WIXG IXS TR EMEXTS Of their manufacture. Pedal Baso OrgaTasj, Five sizes, Five Octave, one to three Bank of Keys, three to eightjsetts of Reeds, Prices, $235 to $000. School Organs. Nine styles, single and double Reed, Rosewood aud Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $240. Melodeons,- Piano style and Portable, Twelve Varie ties, from four to six Octaves, single and double Reed, Rosewood aud Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $uo to $240. Every instrument is mado by competent workmen, from the best material, uneer our personal supervision, and every modern, improvement worthy of the name, is intro. duued in them. Among these we would call attention to the TF.EMDLANTE, which has been so much adoiirod, and can be found only in instruments of our own manufao ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent profes-ors and organists, we give the following extracts " The pedals I conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful smooth quality " VYiu. A. King. ' " It is a grand, good instrument, and doe credit to the builder." II. C. Folger, Troy New York. " "Tuey are among the finest Instruments manufactured cither In this country or a broa I." Wro. Berg, J. Mosenthal. Aptoma ' They have given universal satisfaction." W. E. Hawley, Fon du lac, Wis. " There is a peculiarly sweet and sympa. thctio tone which harmonizes charmingly with the voice." W. H. Cooke. " I am particularly pleased with the ar rangement of the different registers." ffm, H. Bradbury. "No other instrument' o nearly ap proaches the organ." The Chorister, N. Y. "This instrumen. has clear superiority over everything yet introduced among us." Independent, ?f. T. "The tones and the action are excellent." Rev. W. 8. Leavilt, Hudson, New York. " The 'nore we use it. the better we like it." J B Ilaguo, Hudson, New Y'ork. "The two Batik Organ is really a gem." J W Kiunicutt, Boston, Mass. "We hare fnund ihm oTolUnt i .11 . ... mit points enmwituting a food instrument. " V lin'm. A VOOS. " It looks and sounds splendidly." 3 B Smton, Troy, New York. " The most perfect toned Melodeon I etter saw." Guy F No-th. " They full back on such substantial mer its as euoerioritv of wnrkninntihin. KahiiI of tone and reaeonableuoss of prioe. And we must say mat 111 ail their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer, lVEverv instrumpnf ih fnl'w wii.rBni. t - and bozed and shipped in New York City 11 riuui cum go. Circulars. Cuts, ami Prim T :t. .. sent oc application 10 C.PEL0TJBET&S0N', BcOOMflELD, N, Jt' Or J M Pelt on, 841, Broadway, New Tork r Conrad Meyer. 722, Arch Street. Philad'a ; S Brainard Snn 'i..i.-,ii m.i. r .(i viitu i 10 r Tucker & Co, Jackson, Miohigari t Werner uon.ru, imcinam, riaio; Joel H Snow, Monuflk. Aiaoana, WHOXI4AX8 AwlVT.