: huh ao upper room in h smuli house '; . very old t-tteet. The 8ti.:r.) that i .1 up to it were 60 dark that as they : mailed she had to take him by the : .1 to guide him up; but the room ; it wan bright enough when they cn edit, lor its two high windows looked . .he tunsct. A clean and j ure room, -. . liaie enongh of furniture, hut with , ict fresh uir entering it through t hj -11 pauef, und u scent of flowers come : .; from pott ol mignonette uyon the r .!. A small, shrunk, Hickly-lo-.'king -r.unnwas si t ng in iiu old armchair t (o to the litibt, and Chiistino went i :'tly to her side ami kiv-od her. Jd mere, this it- moiiMeur, who has ;ime to tftc you, " she s-tid, quickly. And tl.cu'he c.-.me foiwurd and took .':( thin ha id into ' l-.in. It was a deii :ite. white, worn face, " Not like Chris .ine's, " he thought tiut.il the spoke, ,.i.d be suddenly caught upon her lips -., hat vrca like the ."ijiug shadow of Clnis ine's Fimle. I or st ttl'icrwaidf; when many years lu-d pufKcd. Trunk Liston soine;i'.uee tried to recall and hi iug to life aaiu tlie Lours ll.i.t he Mih?tijueiilly pissed with in the rioiu. How wiruthey scut? M'hM had ho done? What had they ; 'Ved ol ? What hud been the charm dint had made the,-e three so umikc ".u all outwaid circumstances us they v. .To dr.w to each oilier? J lo could : tver tell, Could never breathe life a c ':n into the dead at-hes of thn.se hours, 'j .-cntv years altet war.!s, CuiiM he have f:unc and spout hours et.c i -Ly with two j i,or untaught woniei Mjiiieii w ho (.mid not read nor wine, wou never )..icw nor dicampt of the lieighth or .' j-th cif anything in lhi. j-n at wnild, vhose universe was almost bounded by lour square walls el the menu ha!-i-.. ion where they dwelt cou id h,, ,hVe I :-.-.cd hours each day with such as tln.su. found his blurt gr.w knitted 10 ,'f.i iti? lie could not. I tit he did ,,f i. nre. in the old, dead das.f his early ; Mil and hope, when he taw a biother . a sister in every kind face lie louked . ;i. and wlien the pure high heart gnz e,l lunh on all the wurlii tlj luii-h the light of his own trn.ti-ti.i-in-; u-s sunshine. ' D-iy after day, and even we; !; alter week passed ou. and lie ie...uiierl sti.l ;n llouen. lie had meant when he ':, !i home to visit some thit-e or our of I n Norman or Bretaigne O.wiis, but lie V.n 1 let hi heart pet wedded to this u'; 'A city by the Seine, and l,e could not !, .ivo it till his hollidny w as ended. It -.-i.'.led him to stay with voice that be c.,ulJnot resist; it spread its silent beau, ty nut before him, discovering to liini lay by day some new unexpected loveli i'-; it gave him its old gray walls to study, the records of its Li'u.n cue nod it- decay ; it gave him iis old heart to disinter, and it gave him Christine.. Perhaps the kept him more than all be-li-le; perhaps the one human interest v.-as deeper than all that could attach itself to sculptured so. tins; hut he, at !..nwt if it w:it en ir.,st..ii.ftfl!i)' i-on'(.iuua uf it. lie did not seek to weigh the s, parafe intercs-s apart ; he ou'y knew that she was to him,, that she remained 'o bitn through his wholo lite, one in seperable portion of Rouen, und of that .summer's holiday. It was a perfect holiday, even although each day til! almost sunset he work ed nw.'.y bravely all those fketchesof his those sketches which were h ilf right, because the feeling in him fur every thing around him wis so deep and so tiuc, and yet whic'i in their exeeu. tiou were nearly always so imma ture and feeble, except when here and there some niui;icn:ary inspiration -rave to the haul a sudden strength. It wouid have been no holiday to him at all if he had been compelled to lay his pen;il down. Such work as lie did here was the be.-t refreshment, his dearest rest. With tie ver-tuding delight he drew all c'.iy ; and every evening he passed with Christine. Sometimes tbty spent the. whole of those; evenings up in the poor gairet in the narrow street; but more olteii she would carry her basket and her earnings home, and they would wonder.fu out of the town together, southward across the river, or out to the open country, north and west, or eastward, away upon the bills. They would sit in woods and fields, playing sometimes like children gathering flowers and filling the hollow of their hands with water lrom the hill stream. She could sing prettily, and she would teach her many Fieneh songs to him, singing ihr;n again aud a. gaiu,till be learnt l e!i, air and words. And then he would tmk to her. He was full of dream- au 1 hopes about bis 'ite, and of love lor a hundred things. Jiving aud d ad, that she had never beard, aud of enthusiasm aud revereuee aid laitli; and of all these he talked to her. lie would spend hours so, p.,uring out bis boyish bcait; how hail of till he said to tier must, in her ignorance, be like a dead language to her he lcirgut that ; she listened and mpai hized With him, aud that was all he a.-ked. They hpent six weeks so. At the end of that time they parted. The la.-t hours that they spent wiih one another were ou a bright, soft Sunday evening. They took their lu-.t walk eastward by the river, and theu up on the risiii' 2rumul to the ninrmt of Mouut St. Catherine, aud theie sit down ou the hilltop, with the lair city liug at their feet. " 0 Christine, I shall never see it all gain, perhaps? " he suU, when be bad sat gaiiut at it tor a luui; time. They had come here together and bad spent other evenings go before now ; the hill, the town, the river, the tall lathedral towers agaiost the summer icy, had all become familliarto the boys yu8 that were to see them now no more "Pernios ycu will oome hera again ;.dt Eunday, when I shall be hundreds of nn'cs away. Christine," he said "I w d Jer it all this will seem like a dream then?" 'It will not cecru like a drenm to me," she answered, si f.ly. " Yi u will have other thin;; to do: you will be at home tueii, with the people that jou love about you J but shall have nothing to el, monsieur, but to sit ttill aud thiuk id till this liu.c. " S-he always culled him " monsieur," eveu still. He asked her loug ago to call him by his name, but she had nev er done it. "1 have rover been so happy in nil my lile," he Fiii.l presently; he had thruwu bin. sell down on the glass, and laid his head upon her knees ; he was looking at the old town, not at her. "if 1 lived for a hundred years I never should foi get these weeks. 11 ever 1 have a hol iday again, shall I Come, back, Christi. lc V " I should be plad if you come back." She was bending down a little, not touching hinins he lay, but only looking at him with the lashes low over her eyes. "It I come back next summer I doo't think I could, but supposing that I diit should we have all our old walks over again? Do you know, Christine, say we never enjoy the same thing twice in the same way. But I don't believe that If 1 were to come back again next year, why should we not be just the same again us we are now ? " " l'eriiaps we change when wc do not know it, " she said. " We need never chance in some things, " he auswered, hastily. "I dou't know whether you mean to forpct tue, Christine ; but, I shall remember you to the last hour I live.. ' Monsieur, I shall tint forget you, " she auswered. soltly, altera moMcnt s silence. "What shall I have to do, when you aie gone, but to remember? W hen I come back here, can 1 foniet how we walked and sat. together ? When I no home to my mother, can I forget how your coming used to make her face bright? It is not those who remain be hind that forget. I do not think y win lorgct us when you go away ; per haps you will think of m often ; but you will think of us you said it truly as if we were parts of a dicai i ; whih ire" with n passionate gesture that he did not see, she clasped her hands, and ut. Jeied the last words with a broken sob : " Monsieur, when ux lose you, we lose our daily bread. " He turned his face around, and look ed up, and saw her eheeks wet with sudden tears. Then, at that sight, half awed and wholly touched, the youth reached up his hands and clasped hers in it,and drew herarin down round his neck. Christ ine, I owe you more than I have given you, a thousaud times, " he cried. And holding her hand still, ho raised it to bis lijjs, and reverently aud und almost pas. ieaately k ssed it. His last night in old liouen ! Long after ho parted from Christiue be was si HI tvoti lei injj uljuut the dd i U old streets, all lying quiet under the solemn summer sk, and going from chii'ch to church that he had loved, to take h;s last fare well of every noble trout aud kingly porch. And long after even that final walk wus ended, he stood at liis own window, leaning on his balcony, and looking down up:ui the river that flow, ed silently beneath the stars; dreaming some dreams, the lne'inory of which all coloi.id by the glorious illusions of his youth remained with him thr.ugh af ter years, till both bovhoud and vouth hud fled. ile went away very early in i'ue morn ing. The dilieuee iu which he was to leave began its journey at six o'clock, Mod by a quarter to six Christine and he were standing in the court yard whence it was lo start. They stood apart from the other pas.ergers, away from the con fusion and the jostling of the people, very quiet, hand in hand. They we.c together for about ten min utes, but there was something (luting those minutes iu the throats of both ot them that almost choked their Words. " Chrii tiue, 1 will come back again," be said to her, two or th-ee limes. Once ho looked in her face, and said, ' Don't forget me 1 " A nd the poor girl's lips quivered as he spoke, with a look that he never alioi wards lurgut. He stood clasping her hand in his un til he heard his name culled, and the summons given him to take his place. Then he turned round and rooked into her face, und said half audibly. "Christine?"' " Mousiem," she answered, with a wild, sudden sob. She threw bet arms about his neck. By uiie passiouate impulse they kissed each other; and with that first and last embrace they parted, aud never met more The old uiau has told this story, stand ing in the shadow ot the church. 'And did you never see her again, grandfather ? " "Never, my boy. It was a dozen ot years bcloie I cumo here again, and she was gone then, I could never discov er when or where ; she might have been somewhere iu the town, but I could not find her. The traces that the poor leave behind them soon pass away." ' But she may be alive and here yet; she may be beru now ? " " Ay, 1're I, sho may. She may be in here, not fifty feet away from us, tell. uer beads at tins moment amongst the old woman kneeling Hut if I knew that blu on the floor, was, do you thiuk I woull go iu and try lo tiudher ?" Ho shook bis head, and smiled, half sadly. We cannot p-U life iuto deud booes, Fred," he said, " uoi throw a bridge across from youth to old age. If 1 f m&d hor now, do you think we should rush into each other's arms? Nay, uiy lad, the girl and boy we have been talking of died aud were buried fifty years ago. " ELECTION RETURNS FOR 180C OFFICIAL, VOTE OF ELK COUNTY. Names of 51 Z' (tRudidntes k the oflict-B for which they we running. liovniKoit. Clymer (Heart CONOHKM. Seott Scfwjirld ASSEMBLY. Hunt Sir Knv Ass'te Judges Si'titillze Kvler Stc-id ritllTUON ot'y. Ilalhliiin roMMISrlONKR Vollmer AOl.tTOR. Jones Sl'KVF.Von. Walinslcv tMCi 14 4 30 87 OS 22 212. 150 7U 20 101. AO 7 00 (18:2.10.242 4'30 87174 25 214 70O;3O792tl 07 2;u;!2 io ... 4 '. '10 p. 00 T.oo.solso 213 7 215 r2 12 Pii ...!...... 0siO .37 (14 22(1 114 i 22!) oHl 17 EM.-, 43jl4 r,4 18 240 88 4j40' 7ic.;i or 200 00,38 12 (15 2M0i2:iR 11.87 f8 24 214 1(1 4,23:; ,2:1k I-1 ! 0o 231239 lOO 234,230 ...... 4 U17 4 ill 7 05 21 0(1,24 100 213 4 Si 00 24,213 ELIXJTKKYS OP lSGl-tSGti. Tn the following table will be found either tho total voto or majorities ofTi. cially of all but fifteen counties. Gea ry's majority will be about 15.000. Adams 12012 31)101 201O 3120 Allegheny MM 12414 20571 12?05 Armstrong 8 MO 3211 00000 00000 Heaver 3237 2304 00000 00000 Bedford 2330 2752 1501 2885 Berks 0710 13207 7121 13287 Blair 3202 2tl80 3520 2705 Bradford 0805 31107 350(1 00000 Bucks 0430 7335 0805 7309 Bailor 8475 2047 350 003110 Cambria 2244 3080 2013 3205 Cameron 325 232 70 00000 Carbon 1 721 2251 1000 2339 Centre 2817 3300 3004 3505 Chester 1780 2833 8500 0221 Clarion 8110 5087 OO000 1087 Clearfield 1510 2801,00000 1130 Clinton 1000 2135 000001 025 Columbia 1914 3 HIT 00000 1018 Crawford 6441 4520 1745 00000 Cumberland 3004 4304 4030 4507 Dauphin 5444 4220 5001 4301 Delaware 3004 2145 3015 2202 Elk 348 835 370 010 Frio 001 1 8722 3280 00000 rnvette 8221 4120 00O00 790 Fo'rcHt. 85 62 30 00000 Franklin 3802 3821 4200 4100 Fulton 001 900 00000 280 Oreen 1583 3074 1000 3230 Huntingdon 3321 2477 ' 000 00000 Indiana' 432C 2197 2200 00000 Jefferson 1820 1877 103 00000 Juniata 1437 1753 00000 208 Lancaster U400 8448; 14502 8502 Luwrenee 3408 1380 2150 00000 Lebanon 3780 2770 1408 00000 Lohigh 80O8 5020 00000 1572 Luzeine 7045 10045 8580 12202 Lycoming 3401 4207 3871 4448 M-Kc.ir. 707 052 107 00000 Mercer 4220 3509 000 00000 Milton 1043 1718 1725 1835 Monroe (185 2008 00000 1094 Montgomery G872 7913 7285 8341 Montour 1180 1496 1130 1523 Northampton 3720 0044 00000 3011 Northumberland.. 2015 3008 00000 408 Perrv...... 2400 2140 2581 2405 Philadelphia 55707 44032 51205 48817 Pike 200 1180 00000 000 Potter 1800 080 720 00000 Pehuvlhill 7851 p.VIO 8703 10514 Snyder 2788 1719 3002 1759 Somerset 1070 1308 1812 1320 Sullivan 800 000 00000 350 Susquehanna 4203 2055 1447 00O00 Tioga 4083 1584 3000 O000O Union 1045 1352 1091 1287 Vcnnngo 3840 8341 910 0(1000 Warren 2541 1505 1115 00000 Washington 4051 4579 400 00000 Wavne 2274 8080 00000,1200 Westmoreland ... 4050 5077 0040 01 13 Wyoming 1337 1402 00000 150 York 5508 8500,00100 2884 TOTAL 210215 204373 Congressional Election. The following is the vote for Con. grcssman in this district as near as wo have been able to ascertain : Counties. Sen. miij. Seolt ninj. Erie 8040 Warren,, 1100 Cameron, 70 Forest, SO 51'Kean, 11") ' Jefferson, 42 Clearfield, . 1200 Elk, 570 4.297 1,770 1,770 Sco. inaj. 2,572 Tho offijial fiirures may alter the above, pet haps 100 either way. For Assembly. Col. Hunt will have about 1750 majority. liealrucilve M'ires. At -1 o'clock on the morning of the 14th a destructive fire was discovered in tho suburbs of Quebec in Cauada The fire cousumed 2.500 bouses, and rendered homeless 18,000 people. The loss in real estate is estimated at 3 000, 000. On tho same day a large broke out in Ottowa, Canada West, by which many houses were burned, and many people made homeless. On the same day a Cre occurred ot Ashland, Schuylkill couuty, which destroyed a whole square in the centre of the business portion of the town. The loss is very heavy. A planing mill, carpenter shop, aud two or three frame dwelling.bouses were destroyed in Kt. Louis, Missouri, on the 15th instant. MAJORITIES. .010 Majority for Clymer, Majority for Scott, Majority for Hunt, Sclniltze ovor Mead C10 070 f)93 .370 .030 .350 i .0 10 .353 .870 .800 .407 484 Kylcr over Mead, Democrats in nntnnn, Republicans in Italic. .412 ,.022 1 "6i.ii ,.6i6' ..01 8 "Tlio lnrgest vote polled was on e'nngresenian, which was 1204 an -ncreasfi since 1804 of 80 rotes. Dcm, gain since 1804 03 votes. Jlie 11,' Gcho!; ftJlxvqli. TUUItSDA y, O l , ISM, 18(50. JOHN U. II.U.L, EDITOR It FROrRlETOB. J. F. MOORE, PUBMSUKR. THE ELECTION . Well, " we have met the enemy, and we are theirs " at least so far as the State is concerned, how it was nccom plished, we will not argue ; that we have been defeated, fair or loul, is en ough for us to know. We wish to have ns little political matter in onr paper as possible, eiow that the election is over, yet wo cannot iclrain from congratulating the Democ racy of " Little Elk " on the splendid victory achieved by them on the 9th inst. They have the proud conscious ness of knowing thai, thy did all they could to prevent the dirj results which will surely follow the triumph of the Radicals. Let no Democrat be discouraged. There will yet be work to do. Your party has been defeated, but it does not tollow that it will be extinct, iu our mind, it is but a triumph of might over rifiht. IJe steadfast, for " Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, " The eternal years of God are hers." Then, fellow Democrats, take courage, and when tho time comes, up and at them again, as you did on last Tuesday a week. M. Ixkasaxt. The weather for the past ton dnyr. lias been exceedingly pleasant for the time of year in this re gion ; however wo deserve it, to pay up lor the bad weather of the two previous months. lMrn.ovi.sa. Onr town during the past summer has improved greatly in the number of new buildings in eompar ison with other years. What is most encouraging is the fact that those which have been put up and are io process of erection are neat and substantial. Change. A change in the proprie torship of the Uydo House took place on the 20th ultimo. Mrs. Clements has again takeu charge, and anything we could say would add nothing to her well known popularity as a landlady. ClIF.AVEtt Tit av Evku. Powell is still receiving Now Goods; and not withstanding the heavy demand, is still abelo to su:-p'y it. B-SrOur coi respondent, " Mr'Pirra" will readily preee.ivo that we bad not room for his well. writ ten, but somewhat lengthy communication this week. It will appear next week. . . . I . Died. At "Camp iu tho Wilder ness," on Pepfember 2(5th, Michael Lung, aged over 00 years. II is re mains were intcired in the cemetery at Iienezette. Mr. Long bad long been knowu as the master hunter and trapper of this wild cat, couufry A correspondent will cn defvor to give us a sketch of his life at a future period. Off hie Track. W'e learn that this morning's exf ress passcn-rcr train ran off the track somewhere iu tho vicinity of St. Mary's. There was no ono hurt se riously we believe. Cfc3The History of Elk County is this week published on our fourth page. m m m - fifaA part of this week's issue of our paper iii printed on brown paper. This wo wore forced to do through disap pointment in getting our regular supply. T'at was challenged to fight a duel, but declined on tbo plea, that ho did net nltdi to leave his ould mother an orphan. What belongs to yourself, aud is nsed by every one uioru than yonrseU t Your name. A man advertised for a competent person to undertake tho alo of a new medicine, and adds that it will be prof itable to tho undertaker. T HE MARKETS. 'ill no way, Oct 18, I860. FI.OVR, por bbl $11 00 15 00 PORK do 30 00 WHEAT, per bushel 3 00 UYK 1 50 CO UN 1 25 OATH 05 BUCKWHEAT 1 25 DRIED APPLES 4 00 BEANS 3 00 BUTTER per pound 30 LARD.. 30 CHEESE 30 MACKKREL 12 WHITE FISH 10 EGGS per dorm 30 Erie, I'a., Oct. 1,8 18G6. $ 8 50 to 14 00 33 00 to 85 50 22 00 to 23 00 0 25 to 0 50 10 OOtol2 50 2 OOto 2 75 1 75 to 2 00 23 to 25 24 to 25 lOto 17 23 to 25 FLOIiK per bbl POHK BF.F F WI1ITK F1S1I J bbl.... MACKEREL WHEAT per bushel.... BEANS EGOS per dozen LA RD nor pound CHEESE BUTTER X AT LAKE CITY, Hk County, Tn. On Tuesday, November 13th, 1800, there will be exposed to sale the following : 1 sett of Blacksmith Tools, complete 1 sett cf Csrpenter Tools; Chains, Cables, Rafting Tools of all kinds .- Bedsteads nnd Bedditig; Two Bnrrels Molasses, Groceries, Bob-Sleds, Log. Sleds, Stoves ; 1 yoke of Ox. en, nnd various other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o"olock a. in. of said day. Five months credit will be given for nil sums over ten dollars. Ap proved security required. R. S. HUNT, C. RIIlNEs, Oct. ISih, 1800-4t. Adin'rs. R (Mined Oil, Good Quality, by the barrel, at 60 cents per gallon, by octHtf J.POWELL. If VOIT wantr- Jano'e or Dr. Ayer's celebrated Medicines, pure, call upon ihe only authorized agent in Uidg wny. oct. 11-tf J POWELL. If yoil want a 'oa(1 of Salt. Flour, or Feed, von can save inonev by buying of oct 11 tf. J. POWELL. Groceries? of all Kinds? cheaper than can be bought at Eric, at wholesale or retail, by oct. li-tr. j. run Lb, NSURANOE AGAIN S I loss or MM AGE by FIRE. 1THE T.ycoming County Mutual Insur ance Company at Xluneey. Pa., con tinucs (o Insure against Loss or Dnmage by Fire on all kindB cf Merchandise. Public and private buildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, stocks of Grain, &e., at the lowcRt possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company invites an mvestii gntion as to its stability. Its capital amounts to $2,800,000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and sntis fnetori'y paid. Its management has always neen prudent, ns its existen:o ot twenty six years fully demonstrates. JAMES BLAKELY, Agent for Elk county, nt St. Mary's. r GOOD vVEirS! r rrVie subscriber begs leave to announce to I ihe citizens of Elk nnd adjoining conn. ties that he has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Smutz, and that he ih prepared to do all kinds ot work in a suit, nhle style. SA D1LES.BR!DLES,I1A US ESS kept constantly on hand at pricey to suit (lie times, (live me a call shop in the sec ond story of Ilouk's building, ocll-ly. 0. LEVIS. T7011 SALE!! X? Twj Steam Engines b inch bore nnd 10-inch stroke, witn nam shafts and line shnfts, 6'c. Also. 1'ilL'lt cylinder boilers thirty feet i.ing aim oi Eunicicni power to urive tlie two engines. Any one desirous of purchas ing Steim Machinery will lind it to their ad. vantage lo call Upon the subscriber at Porti land Mills. Hilt AM CARMAN, Ridgway, Pa. oct. 4th-3m. soviet iiinx'1s:evT" HOUSE, SIGN it, ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. 1 1 U1H Sl'liSCUIB E R W DULU R E J spccif'ully inform the citizens of Elk county that ho has just started in the nbove business in Ridgwny, and feel confi dent that ho can please all who may favor hiin with their eiiHlom. CHAINING, PAPER HANfilNd AND CAbPl MINING DONE. ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN TIJE most fashionable nnd improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the Bunking House of Suuthor, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'0(i-1y. I.lXECL'TlON'i', SUMMONS, SUBP(E. 2i nas, Warrants, &o., on hand and for sale at this ofuce. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL. s OJL is DAILY & WEEKLY PAPERS will bo for sale hereafter, regularly at The Book Store 1 N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Any work, either American or Europen, Religious, Soientifio, Phil ofiophicuL Historical. &o., will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Hook or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent for by mail and be received in a few days after or dering. IJnrj. 14-ly. .J. Power's Column. THE LARGEST STOCK OP 5 i 5 TLIE MOST DESIRABLE ASSORT 51ENT. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED offers to the pub I lie at his commodious SBles Rooms in Uidgwny, the largest nnd best general as sortment of Merchandise that enn be found at any Store between WILLIAMSPORT AND ERIE, nnd nt more fnvornblo priceB than can be bought at either of these points. ins stock comprises a splendid variety or PRINTS, DELANES, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GR OCERIES A- PR 0 VISIONS &c, &0 B5i.The proprietor, thankful for the very generous patronage thus far extended to his establishment by the citizens of Elk and adjoiuing counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. J. POWELL, Aug.-16-e0.-ly. - F URNITURE I rpilE UNDERSIGNED T A K E S 1 pleasure in announcing to the citi zens of Ridgwny nnd adjoining towns, that he has just opened a Furniture Shop in Ridgwny, and is prepared i sell all kinds of furniture at the lowest prices. His stock consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES! BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS & MATTRESSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, TETE A TETES, LOUNGES, BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut, Mahogany and Black Walnut and every thing usually fouud in a first elass country Ware Room. PICTURE FRAMES of all sizes, nnd of Mahogany, Rosewood, Black Walnut and Gilt MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on Iinml, and made to order, of every kind and description. Please CALL nnd examine my stock bp. fore purchasing elsewhere, for 1 hope by strict nilcntion lo business, and keeping ail the market demands in toy line, to merit the patronage of the public. Wnrerooins ou the, corner of Mam nnd Depot streets. HENRY 11. THOMAS. Mny-17'00-1v, 18GG 1866 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL I ROAD. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erio. on Lake Erie. It has been leased by tho 'enny?va. pi'a Rail Rood company, and is opera ed by them . Its entire length was opened for pi senger nnd freight business, October 17th, 1801. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Erio Mail Train 8 39 p. tn. Erie Express Train 10 30 p. m Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train 1 30 j,. m, Erie Express Train 3 24 a.m. Pusseugcr cars run through without change both ways between Philadelpha aud Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Erie 9.15 a. m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. ni., arrive at New York 3.40 p. in. Ei.ecient Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williumsport ind Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For iutormation respecting Passcngor busiuess apply at tho S. E. coiner 30th and Market Sts. And for Fraight busiuess of tho Com, pany's Agents: S. U. Kiu-cstou, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds Erio. W. Brown, Agent N. 0. R. R. Bal timore. II. II. IIOTTflTOtf, ,t -nr Gen'1 Frc9t Ag't. fhil'a. H. W. GWINNKR, Gm'l. Ticket Aat. Phira. Alfsud. L. Tyler, - Gmt-roi Wmt't.