.7. Irvwrll V C.011!11111 THE LARGEST STOK OF 55k w ' u THE MOSTDESTF.AFJE ASSORT MENT. njTIir. UNDF.USKiNr.P i -ficrs lo the? pub !l lie lit his (MMi:iiimiiiMi Sales booms in l.'.l '!.v, the Inrcc-t iiinl 1-et gciu'riil ns crir.'cii't -,l Merchandise that cm lie louud ;.l anv Store between ' WlLI.lAMr.'FOr.T AND F.I'.iF, end nt more liivniiiMi' f i tlinn can bp born: lit nt either nt' ll.. v.inls. His tlotk cutnt.r'.scs a splendid variety of III XT?, DELANKS, SIIEKTIXGS, D11FSS GOOFS, CLOTHS, READY MAI'.'.: CLOTHING, WOTS AXD SHOES, TJX WAKE, HARDWARE, CROOK Ell Y, STONE WA! r, GROCERIES u- PROVISIONS M'., J'C fs...Tl;o -r.-prt;!..v. I 'mil' fill for I 111' very '' i r.ti f in v.-ii'i;:'' t!ui !nr cxli'iidc-i to his ei'iih"b!.ment I'.v tin- ( i'i ''in4 ff l''.!l; nnd RilU.miii?c.tiii,:'i'. '"'- :n r-!"'! reioive a coiiirauan-e .. .V . I.I , Aug.-PV.'.i'i.-ly. -yyj "anted, AGENT.-3 75 to $-2) l'F.I! MONTH for g'cutl nii'ti r.ml ' '') to .-7-i I'i'.' i.i.'iio-. " crywlicre, l .i introduce! l'ii (Vb'hrn'rd Common S.n-e l':it':;!y SVrr.mr M i' l.'nc iin j.tfiv- ! niiii pc'lei-tel. It hem, fell, m''cii. rjii'.lt, bind, l.iv.iil rr.id enibrnii'er i oautilullv. Price inly m-akin:; ;lo (Initio Wk v,if;''i, ami fully war. i intol fur thve" year. Wo y:y the ,.' ivo. w.ii'O-', (V a ciiiiitni--ii.il. from vliidi twice that niu-i'.tnt can he r.'.a lo. A J tiro-j wiih stamp, or call on C. HOW ER 3 & CO.. Sa1.-iiv.om?. No. 255 Smith FIFTH SM.-i't. Vliiliiilc'i.hia, Fa. .Ml loiter.1 a;: vvi vod protnttilv. wi!i circulars and ttvii'.-. May-'il'Oii-l v. "VIE SILVEit SKI FT. moiie duuai-.i.e, momf. fl.v '.no, Mor.i: ck.ut.i-'cl : And will 'Jcp itisclnp" (in.l rct.-on itstdiic.' bei'cr than nay (iil.cr Skirt. Thi-- new find i.-i'-'nl -tv!r of UI:-t il'nt- -itc-1 Miirch 7, 1 .. I 'vi award, o l.y I ho ;.wr iic-rifiii lir;'i:.ic Pair, hold in New Vork, October. 1 ''.". a l,r;i n ; ilii lti.rlio-t Tioiaoiiii over givt-n f.r ;i llnnp Skirt. Tin. Steel Sur'VT :i"i' 'roun 1 wii'i fine vV'o.l -VM'n in y.l i''.' ( f ' '.' t mi rnv.'riior .v1!'--1! ii,i,l tof .'.r i'i- lii' one -'"iU'il. an I I no wiiov -;ni i.nv i" w-; i, - i v.nuuui iiijury or ft ir in" ru-i zoo 1 as n"',v. na v.-'.'.l bo n. The Combination Silver SMrt I'M- invi'inM en m'.'m rv ,c'kirl l!ir H'lv'!ti"iir( - ' I bolt'Ull llO'l'. ll"" i 'i . i i 1 1 'lio nrilina i.iir S''vrr Skirt .'ir n - t hi -o n il In llio Silvw v'k:r'. i'io ' o-"i -ii'r of wliioli mmiot V"i',' o'T. w'li'o !,i.' -.r ono .."vi-rel with tn'l"n. No 'it ' b-iv'ncr once ivuvil rmp f.f n'tr .-';''' '. " " . ivi'liio.' to wo ir unv otiifr. n-i ill v' v boof- nf all jliir kiii'l- nro ji'itin in'in'.' l mm 1 '..li'oo.l. ri'lio bo-il noil rfi'iN ay. i ! in Ibcir oon-triicti.-in. titiil. fr.mi i' ' .'"mbniiy nn l ucnluis.t tlo'y are ilc - liti.' ' t-i 1 ci.ntc ft I'm vtn'i! 1-1; ivt . M.mafasturo l My by li- Silver Skirt r,n;l "iro Twanu f actu ikr V. i -r.pany , o'j mi.'. IJARTLAY ST. XFAV YO'liT. T. S. SiT.tinv, Sup't. :'i!i-iy I'FIO'i't KIIIATI II C. z. Co si, t. .' '.':.: j "t !u. co., XIan4Juotuio-3 of " ''?; v'.i'o Kitcrials, W :,., :i ...ii .:.-i.-iil. :m, lit; lAiiiV.w, x. V. in noiiiio.a ... our inii i iii-'.iii'si 01 1 l'l!()-()(il'..t'!lii- M Tbi' I A I.S wo sire I t ii.. . llca'l'ii.'irli rs lor ll.o fu.nviii, v.. STEHKjjCOl'P.S S l.!L il'IC Viir.Vrf (if Ariicriruii arol I'ori-iii "it ' an 1 J.ini'l i cajics, Ciroisj.s, Stati.-i.-y, do. .tTriiKSGoi'i-j vir.v,:; (ikthp. v.-.n, P i'i. in nr-i'ii cai;fiis and t'.rti x lii.-tury oi" t!.. a . i:i I lie vv.-oii; i (,rini' .1 eo;iiili:io i-i.otoi--ia. -.1 .-Mill ftt. L-1: ii !:.( :oi' if vi'.:v Aduv.lt"! i'-r (''.b'';' lite y.n-a Lsmsorn or the Sioro.i'oi-i'. ;iir('n i'i. ;.i.. v. iii lie sent 10 any U'bl'.v.-:-. oa reeeit I ot ;':-it:oi. I'll; T( vi :i a i 'i ; : " at.:: cms. We inaniif.u-'uro n:ii 1 irs.'ly ilian -.v ':!:. lloll-e, .'I'l'illl '." VU'. i.'l';,.; I'i-.iii T,l I lo "it 1 ' toll. i-.r A l.l.i'.'i li.iv.s I bo :'.'.utiititi oi' 1,1-in-r .-no i l-jr ill l-camy mid 11 .1.' ibiliiy t . smy m b. rs. Ctrl I'lwW3!a;-k3 of Can ova's, Eu.td:a:c3, Aetots, etc., etc. Our f'.il abi'iii! iti.ljiaiTi over FIVE ID )'.'.-'AN I) il.tl'.'i'esii siil-ji el.', including '; i riiK-urms of most ecleliraled Jin- ,. i. u:jf-i, Pi. '.in Sisi'ue.., etc. C.'uta- o,ri. 'S .cut on i..i.ci;a of Huinp. l'l oi oi'ij.li"rs an.toiiiei i orib'r'ng (roods i . u. D., will plesiso remit - pe.' cent oft!, e amount with their order. ' L-iy-Th i prices mid quality or our good., i'i:iu"t fnil to mii.fV. (juue ll'M-ly. ' !iyj. 3 y w '".fin 'l" " RIDGWAY, PENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN , DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, Q U E E NSW A RE, TEED HARDWARE, LUMI1ER AXD SHINGLES, buyers will find s T O 11 E AMOXG THE s Most Complete AXD BEST APP01XTED IX THE C 0 U N T R Y , AXD THE PLACES TO GET Good llas'gains I ft K T T 0 0 1? I u n ij i.j o n Vj : March COlh, l(i(i-lv. j St. yio.vy', F.Ik Con nl y JU3T EECEIVED COO I'.EADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPEllS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY ROOKS. .LY ASSOirf.MKXT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Plank books, Time hook-', Puwi books, and School books will always bo on band. Purchasing our Pooks, Paper, Envelope.-i &.c. direct from the Manufactti'-cr. fir cash, we are enabled to sell at the ame rates that they can be purchased in ANV OF Till: LAUGI CITIES, 10 per cent allowed on all purchases of ten dollars and iii,vurjH. V.'. J. LL. KELY. .Innerrii'l-'y. A (; E X T W A X T E ! ;.' ' o 1 ii 1 IT0W READY- I C.mii.leln in T'.VO VOLUMES, aho iu ONI'". It ii fi'liiiltb.'.! to Ij. th;! t'li'i.st I .),.'.-.-, , ) ';"?; -.11.-1 ('(.'. hU Jlis- I r .i . i. i r: i. i. : . -..n .. . l nil u in uu. t i L n ti i. 111- . , . , A te-te.l by the enormoiH f-ule of 2C0- I 0D0 volumes, and a largo portion of the country stul uueanvassed. Wt: are obliged to ruti our presses niht and day to enable us to supply our Afcnis. .Men of cbar;ic'er and ability, who de- -ire a luetativc einplojiitent, will Cud tins a rare opportuntly. 11. ij iriee of the work in oj- i:iiirmc " f"f, (com pared with our Histories) as to bri-j; it within the rcueh of all cbiti.-es. J'or lull particulars send for circular. Address . .li.iiri.iiii firf.lirJiiiig Com'y. lis Asylum Street, II. unToiti, Conn. 14 VYIPIKE SEiWNU MACHINE CO. I'r'iitrtn il Ojici, GDI llrodauaji, X, Y, CHEAT IMFltOVEMEXT iu Sewing Ma-liiit.-s. Einiiire Fhiiltle. Crauk Motion S. v, ir.g Maebiiie. It is thus rendered noiso- less in aeiion. Its moiion being ull positive, j it is no: liable lo get cvt of order. It is the ! best Family Mstchine ', Nmice is railed to our .lewand Impruveil Miinutiie uring Ma- i clone, l'ort.ii rsiuul liooi and Shoo litter, Agents wauttd, lo whom a liberal discount will be given. No Consignments mit'lc. n p KM PIKE KEWINU MACHINE CO. Jul-l'JXC.-ly. N EW CASH GROCERY STORE. JA5IES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &c, would respectfully inform tlio citizens of Jvcrscy and vicinity, that lie litis pone into tlio Grocery business, and will open on or tibout the middle of May. He keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, TOBACCO ES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. I invito everybody to call and satisfy tneniselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY. May 3d, 'GO. Cm. K KHOSF.XE and gas stoves.' TEA AND COFFER T.OIU2RS. CI.UE, I'OTS, OIL b'ANS, &c, &c. tfiff" All tlio cooking for a E'H family may be done with "a k?" Kerosene Oil. or Gas, &.;.J" with less trouble, and at "tsSfl ty less expense, than by any -&a other fuel. Eueli Article liinmifaclurcd by Ibis Com. jinny is guaranteed to perform all that is cluimed fur it. '27'.Send for 0ivonliir.'"5jfl UBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER Co!, 200 I'kaut, Strttet, N. Y. July-lO'tiG.-Jy. DISSOLUTION OF l'AKTNERSIIIl'. Tli c piirtnorsliip heretofore existing between the .inilersgncd is this day dis solved by mutual consent. W. P. WILLIAMS, II. O. McWNNELL. Aujrust 1st, 'CO St. T7"ALITARLELOTS FOR sale" V The undersigned has laid out a vil. l;ie upon his ground adjoining the F.idg way Depot, to bo culled ELK. The lots are GO feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, 100. Foi tlio second lot sold, $110. For the third lot eold, Sl-0 and so ou increasing in price ns lots are sold. ' fifaW First purchasers get the choiea lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will lie registered in the or der of their application, 'fen percent of the purchase money must bo paid at the time of the application. lffaApplieations will be made lo John G. Hall, Esfi., Uidgway, l'a. J. S. HYDE. r.idgway, mar,2!)'CG-tf. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratrh I Scraleh ! Scratch t WJJEEATON'S OINTMENT Wn.i, Oi ju: tiik Itch is 13 Ilovns Also cures SALT UliEUM. ULCEUS. CIIILllLAINS, nnd all EKITTIONS OF TI1E SKIN. Price fit) cents, 'or salo by nil ilrutiirists. l.v bonding 00 cents lo AV LICKS & POTT Kit, Solo Agents, 170 Wiisliingtosi street, lloslon, it will bo for warded by mail, frco of postage, to any part of (lie United .slates. (junc-T'lili-ly. 1 1 1 , A C KSM l T 1 1 1 NG ! II. S. liELNAP desires lo inform the citi. zens of Uidgway and vicinity tliat he has leased J. S. Hyde's lilacksmilh Shop on Mill street, nnd has employed good work men who will be ever ready lo make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to tho shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair triul. May 17'C(i-ly. " NEW SHOP.- TIN! TJX!! TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !!: John Sosenlieimcr & Co., vYHOLrSALE & r.F.T.ML DEAI.EPS. ST. mauv'h, r.v. Keojis eonslanlly on band and for sale, a laro ad well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES &c. Wc have everytbino jjeiicrally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES conshts in part of ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE k WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can bo hod at our shop either riveted or '.'roved. SlOUTIM! AND KOOI'IXfi, douO OU short notice and at reasonable rates. ' Juno ll'CG-ly. (' UOVESTEEX 4; CO T PIANO TOKTE MAX U FACT UU E KS, DO Ihnathioi, NfW York. THESE PIANOS received the Ilighes1 A ward of Merit ! at tho Wo rift Fair, over the be.it makers from London, Puris, (ier. many, the cities of New York, Philadelphia, lialtimore and lloslon ; also the Gold Medal at the Amerintn Institute, for FIVE succes sive years! ! Our Pianos contain the French Grand Action, Harp Pedul, Over strung li.iss, Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. em Improvements. Every instrument war rantal 'FA' yearn. Made under tho ftt. pel-vision of JH. J. II. GB0VESTEEN, who has a pnictie.i! experience of over thirty, five years, and is the nniker of over eleven thousand piano fortes. Our facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell these in struments from !?D)0 to $200 cheaper than any first class piano forte. july-l'J'liil.-ly. Youi'TuNTiNa " nj:atly CHEAPLY it EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at the Advocate Office. D 11 U O STORE RORDWELL'4: MESSENGER, HEAf.KRS IN DRUGS; MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, I'-UNTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS, CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS CITRON WATCH ES, J E WELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES TOBACCO & SEGARS, PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. EOItDWELL Si MESSENGER, 'ridgway, ta. FOUTZ'SV CELEBRATES Horss ant Gallle Powflers. This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigoratft broken-down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening nnd cleansing the stomach and intes tines. mW- ventive of all "dU- t-'- " ; eases incident to thin (inimnl, such u LL.NU IbVtK, GLAMIERS, i r. Li i. c. w n A TEH, HEAVES, COtMSHS, HIS T E M l E B , EE VERS, FOU.VHER LOSS OK AITE TITE AXD VITAL ENEHUY.&o. Its use ituproved the wind, increase! tho aiiitotitc-'KiveB a smooth and plossy skin mid transforms the inUurub.le skeleton Into a fine-looking and epirited hurse. To keepers of Cows this Ttrrnnrniinn u inPB.,.nKiA It incieaacs tho quantity and improves tlio quality oi me milk. It lias been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and crenm twenty per cent, and make Um butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it Kives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and make thein thrive much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers In the Lungs, Liver, &c, this artielo acts as a specific. l)y putting from one-iialf a puiier to a paper iu a barrel of swill tho above diseases will he eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain. preventive and cure for tlio Uog Cholera. Price 23 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for 81, PREPARED ST S. V. FOUTZ Ac IMtO., AT THEIR wnnimiE nnro and medicine depot. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by DniKKisu and Storekeepers through out tho United States. Sold at Manufactures prices, by Bordwell oc Messenger Ridgway, Agents for Elk county. A CENTS WANTED TO TAKE OHDEltS foi the best selling booa now puhlith- Thiijluig Stories of the Great Eebellion. Comprising heroic adventures and hair breadth escapes of Soldiers, Scouts, Spies and ltefngees ; daring exploits of Smug' glers, (iiierillas, Desperadoes and olhors j Tales of Loyal and Disloyal women: Sto ries of the Negro, &.C., with incidents of Fun und Merriment in (.'amp und Field. P.y Lieutenant Colonel S. Greene, Into of tho United States Army. Handsomely il lustrated with engravings on steel and in oil colors. Send for circulars und see the liberal terms otlered. CIIAS. S. OUEENE & CO., Publishers ..No. DM S. Third St., Philadelphia. IIEELE1I & WILSON'S SEW. 1NG MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Solo Agent for tho sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sowing Machines for ilk county, lie keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WII1TMOUK. March Ot-'OO-ly. at Ridgway, Pa. J OB WORIC of all kinds and des. criptious dono at this office. NEW ARRANGEMENT! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE NEW STOUE OF FREDERICK & CII LENIN G, CEXTREVILLE, ELK CO., NEW GOODS D A I L Y A R R I VINO T II E P E O I' L E AWAKE TO THEIR INTEREST I As manifested by tho daily throng of customers exchanging "Gruen Backs" for Roods. All tho Domestic Cotton Goods are high. Customers ono and all csclaira. HOW CHEAP YOUR DRESS GOODS AR My stock consist i of DRY GOODS, llOCERIEP, HATS k CArS. BOOTS SHOES, CLOTHING, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, HARDWARE, OILS PAINTS, rUTTY, NAILS, CLASS, WOODEN WARE, PORK, FLO Lit, FISH, SALT. It is useless for rue to attempt, 1o giru a full list of tLt stock, hut invite ouo and all, to drop in and see for themselves. BUTTER, EGG, POTATOES, ORAI.y, HIDES, CALFSKINS uud all country produco taken at murket price, for goods. FREDERICK SCHCEXINQ, fentroville, June Ist'Cj-ly. GXU A T EXCl TEMENT Is kept up by th DAILY ARRIVAL OF NEW OOOD8 AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store; Where he has on hand and for eal SIEN & BOY'S CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, LADIES & GENTS FURMSHIG LADIES DRKSS GOODS, LADIES' t GENTS' SHAWLS, SONTAGfi, BREAKFAST HAWL, ALSO nATS k CAPS, BOOTS & SHOE, NUBIAS, COMFORTERS, SCARFS, HOODS to ALSO- GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, T2A, A very largo and well selected STOCK of who beet made, and wammtod in 0Trjr respect KICi,, LOUR, SALT, . PORK, FISH Se. ALSO CONFECTIONARY AND YANKEE NOTION St IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND QCAHTTIia TOBACCO AND SEGARf OF THE BEST QUALITT fiGTl say, to one and all, that my stooli is full and coinpleto, and will bt sold at small profits. Give we a oall before purohaslnj tUs where. ., FREDERICK RUDOLPH St. Mail's, Nov. ;j'60-l.