f .ion work. Eighth sheet hand hill, 50 copies or loop j-2.no Quarter dieet handbill, 50 epries or lc.s $8..ri(l Half sheet band-bill, f)0 copies or lets S5.00 Full sheet handbill, f.O copies or less $8,00. PLANKS. For nny quantity nmh"- Tire quires, f.fl per quire : on nil amounts over that b reasonable reduction will bp mmlp. trnvsoF Tri'rt. $l.f,n per vear In a-'vinep $?.nn If r-tiid within Hip year, and ?'-',r,0 if not paid with in that time. N n t i r. v. . Hereafter lh 'wt Office ,v'" olosoil rvrry cvcnitiL' nt S o'clock. On cB,ir it will lip kriit open from 8 to in vi,.rl A. M. V rW-Pil nt 0 r. ji. L. luthir. p M. fl'e call the attention of our readers to the advevt'-rcinent. in another column, of the Iivcoming County Mutual Insu ranco Company. The A pent for the Company in this County is Mr. James Blnkeiy of Pt, Marys, our County rni. perintendent. Vic feci confident that the public will not regret patronizing this Coin any, and also that Mr. R!:il;c ly would not net lor it had bo not first assured himself of iU stability and re liability. S About 10 ocloek on Wednesday nipht. Oft. 3d, ISfit). a fire ocenred at St. Mary's in the buildinp occupied by Messrs. ITcvcly k Bros., as a Grocery r.nd Provision Store near the depot, and in a liillc over two hours the whole of Iheir larjje stock, as well as the t uiliinr was a mass of ruins. Iu a few minutes after the fire commenced (which was occasioned by the bimtiuft of a kero lioe lamp,) the (lenso v-'.un.e of smoke coming: out of the building was so great as to entirely prevent the sivinr of a single article, not even th.i money cn liaud or tho books. Mr. Frank '.Vols, who ui'Oi) the first alum had rushed in. to the huiluiniz was with some difficulty extricated, ihe door which had closed on him bad to be burst '-p-ii in order to pet him out. Mr. Tl.-vely Pi-., was badly burned . -ib nit the hands and mists. TJy tho great exertions of (he citizens who were aroused from their beds and Soon on the spot, the neighboring build. in:s were saved, ahbouh on fire scv. oral times. Valuable as-ishinc.i w.-ts randered by the employees ci f the rail road who brought up a locomotive. The water in the tank and boiler was hauled to those around and plentifully thrown upon the adjoining buildings. Had it been a windy nitibt such as w.i have bad frequently during the past sumnier there is no calculating how much valuable roperty might have been destroyed. ,'e understand the Messrs. lievely had i insuranco on the stock of S,00J. No insurance on tho building. Mr. Kmtok: Your hist i-i:m of I'.'.k county iu commenting upon the prayer of r.u Irishman lost in the woods. (An. VOCATE, Fept- 0.) i'.'.U'tar.les the. utility of tho maxim tin filter ii'ti' cn-piitnn . The Irishman's prayer is open to ei iti. ciiin for other rea.'ons than that it was iddrtssed to a creature instead of Ciol ; but I do not propose, to criticise either the prayer or your historian's ecmnv.'iits upon i:. 1 am willing to learn from any one, and wish to bo corrected of any errors in regard to so important a matter as th-itof prayer- Hut before I lav aside opinions and habits, I wish to be convinced thi't they are erroneous, or nt bast that there is something bet ter. And I uow write merely to make an inquiry ; one which must be answer ed before I can consent to offer prayers to tho Virgin Mother of our Lord, or tfl'er them tliroiih hrr intrrcrmou to tho Savior himself. I suppose that those who "pray to tho Virgin Mary" and oilier Paiiits, would say that they only intend by this to ask litem to intrr. nede form, just as we atk Christian friends on earth to " pray for us-" t. Put 1 ; Kef r i Put before I ak dcpiricd s lints to pray me, I wish to know uhrihr,- tin i ma my rfii''tt. If they cannot, it , I be absurd to ask them. If the v,oU"'ie l'au! were yet iu the flesh, I Cfk him to pray for mo. Rut wlt evidence is ibero that he woull .r sui-h a request fVom mo now? Jf there is any evidence I would bo very glad to know it. If there id any i i Je of communicating with the faithful of past ages, I would not bo averse to ask n ' prayers of that valiant soldier of the cross, who did not use to fight like a I man beating ihc air. I believe we i...iy pray to Jesus Christ, he Son of the Virgin Mary, becaui-e fue is also the Son ol God ; divine, as well 1'3 human ; omniscient and ouuii- pieiut, as well us able to sympathise wth human infirmity; and He wili tardy bear U3. Bui where, in tho Li bio or out cf it, is there any evidence that merely human beings who have departed this life arc gifted with om niscience; or that they havo any such knowledge of our words and thoughts as would make it woith while to ask them to pray for us? I do not de'iy that there may ho evi. denee of (his ; but I havo never seen any, and ask for information. KVAXGHLTST. olllti 12414 ::2ti OOOt.'OjlltKKK) OOIIIIII(llIHMI IO-,111 HI (II MI(MI 2:!'i I M ) l( II I ! I X X K ) 27-r2;UMI(M!(liKK) ):!2ii7:l,;(!ODO (i()(i(i() 2il8(;!UO(IO,i ;::i(i7iiiooiio 7:!.'!."i!(HMH!0 OlHKIO IHMKM) OtMHKI '2!H7'MI(l(Ml(MMIOO :i(i::ii tioooo oi kkhi 2:!2 IMMICO ll(KK)l) IMMKIO 22A1 (iOM7 2f()l (MltiOU O0000 0OO0II (KKKHI'tlOOiiO OOMO'J.IKKIIK) (i(IIIOO(KK)(K) 21:!o 0K(lllOi;(IOI) ."lt!7IO(HIOo!t0000 4.ri'2(ij(M0(00..()0() 4"il!u(HKMI;0. KMO 4220 H()OIIO:0;)000 '214" '.10000 fCl'.'ot.'OOO r.722!OOf.K!0 4120 o:ino 02 (loooo: ll-.lli-OI il.llll SO74'0OitOO 2I770H( 2Ui7(l'!(Mi(l 177 001 ioo .l";l)(MlO 844S'tl'l(i(lO 0"2:u: 00') ::."i;!i.(Hi(iii(i 171S()(i0::O 2ii'.l:t:oo(i(o I"' 7ot::!o!fiii(i., M'.iii Oooool., 001 1 cooooj., SOUS Of moo ., ., . ...I I 11', IIUCOO 14, i.I-i (!0( 100 I IS' I 1111000 4 c.so'oo. oo 0"i4:) 000001.. 1710'(100!K'.. i:ii;KiMi(KH) Olio (KKK'O!.. 21I.!-". iilo,Xlj.. l'.St (10O0O;.. l;l"2,oo(Mo'.. H-Ui ,00000 1 ."id") 4 -.70 i;os!i ooooo 00000 ooooo VJ77 DOOlH) 14' i2 'ooonn-., 8",00 (HiOOO'.... JAijnrity for Lincoln ('.(.iTT). Tim above table includes the Sol diers' Vole. T. Powell'.- Column. THE LARGEST .STOIC 01- $v ft S KrJ umii' KmS II THE MOST PI'S I!! A3U.K S0I1T MKNT. rtvw. t"Nn:;i;siGNr.i) oirers to tii ruii- lie at Ioh ronoiiodioiis Sales linoiys in Idiljrwny, tli larosi mid liost gpnoral n soi ii.u-nt ol'.Merclmndi.-e that can bo found at ?ry Piore between WILMAMMI'OIIT AND EniE, and at more favoialilo priees than ean be bou;rht nt either of these points. His Htotk c-omprises a pplendid variety of I'RTXTS, DKLAXKS, SHKKTIXIIF, hllKfiS GOODS, 0 LOTUS, rkaijv madi: clotiiincj, HOOTS and .shoes, tixwaiie, iiaiidware, chock eiivt, stone ware, ci:c::,j:rii;s& pro visioxs &o., C'.'l'ho i.ropi-itO.r, lliniikful for the very jiciioi-i.tn .nii-onage thus far extended to his ct:i!,lisninMit l,y the tit i.ens of F!k and adjoining (..unities, hopes to merit and receive u continuance of tho same. J. I'OWJ-LL, AllT.-l.; (iii.-ly. 1? XT II A HOUXTY -- l.y a reecnt net Ml',,,,;.,. KMilll.s who served three years, m Hiu.-o who were discharged by reason of wounds received ill service, and tho WIDOW, MIHOU CHILD3EN OB PAKEKTS of any such soldiers who died in tin- tewice of the United .Stales, or of disease or wounds contracted while in Ihc service, are entitled to an additional bounty of $100. liy giving ll.is uiuttoryoiir immediate at. teuiiou, and cal'ing on or writing to the on. del-big ned, these cmim-i w ill Bucui t) prompt tteution. JOHN O. HAM., ug30if. ltidgwuy, l'a. Adum -I I Allpphcny A nnslrong l'pnvcr "-'!7 Itcilfi.rJ -W' lierW; f'710 l'.lair W l'.rn.lfoi-J ,;!-'!"' V.nvU f,):;c, Hill lev "-il't (Vnliria 1 t Cainernn Carlion 1 7li I (Vntrp r!i"Mpr 1 7 So Ciarinn PI ll CIcm-f.cM 1rl'i Clinton MiutY Colmnhia 1!"4, Crnwfnnl r'Hl Cr.nihcrlnn-i D.oipliin MM rVlaWai-c :".0 4 l'.lk 3 i; Frio nun Fayette u'J-.! Forest 8" Franklin SSUl! Fulton f,!i I'M Huntingdon -"321 Iiolirmri tl'JC .letrersou Juiisntii 1-1:57 I.ancanter l-1sfi'.i Lawrence Jtt0w I.i'li.ition S78H I.elii.li K'.MIS I'luernc 7iUi I.v,-,miing S-101 M'Kt-nr. 7('7 Moieer 4-?-'0 Mitllin Ml- M..tirop ;" Ioufp:ninevy fiS7- Montour 1 J :?0 Northampton "720 No!-ll:iuiil,prlaii,.. -"H Perry 4ih; l'liil.nlelplun 50707 Tike 200 Fotlpr VV.IO Selitivlliill TS.'iI SiidiT '7,'sS Sonipiet H',70 ol'ivan V,l't'. r-'usquvlintiiia 420:! 'I'iojr.i Kiprj Fnioii lOl-'i Vi-nango "840 War.pii 2.r,.l Washington 4!i-"l Wayne 274 Woslmovolaml ... 4fi.',o Wvnming 1"."7 Vwk.r.r. f,-.f,s E. 11KMINQTOX& SON'S, IANIIKA(,'TCRI-:i!3 OF I1cvo1vpv, l'.iflps, Miiskcls nnd Carbine?, for the 1'iiiie.l Slates Service. Aleo FOCIvFT AND 11KI.T RFVOM-KItS, ricpoatins Fislols, RiMerane, lipvolvin, Hilled, It i 11 o nnd Shot f.'nn barrels, and pun materinlspold by gun dealers nnd tho trade genera 11 y. In theso days of ho'if-ebrealiine nnd-tob- l.ilry. every Iiouro, .store, bank, nnd o(licp, phoulil l.p snrpiip with one of REMINGTON'S REVO L V ERS. T'artiesdpsiriniT to avail M-emselves nf thf laic unprovrmonls in l'istolit, nnd supprio workniatislnii and form, will find alleotnbini in llio iew lictninj'ton Uevolvers. Circulars eonlaiiiinj; euls nnd (lof-eriplion ii our arms win lie lurmslieil upon npplica ii.ii. SINGLE HARREfi SHOT-GUN Now l-i1(oi'n. Ijiht, Convfitiiont nml Cheap. Manufactured by tho undersigned, and fold, tthohisalo nnd retail. A liberal discount to dealers. 11. UKMlXflTOX & SONS, Ilion. N. . April r.lh ISOti.-ly T 1ST OF JUIIOKS DHAWA' FOR NO- 1 j VK.MWF.Il. nnvND denons. Jr:u:;r,i j . AUDIT )l)CT, J:mCZ Overturf, Wallace 11. Johnson, Uunj Johnson. Jintziiifjrr Tn. Michael Sawler. lor T. Jneob McCtiulcy, John Noll, IIc7.ekiah Ilorton, John A. TJrad- lcy, l.s-aao ilorton, John 'Wonder! y J 1 Tji. A. W.Gray, Joseph Rob- ison. Jioi'-s Tp. John Kramer. lii.ljiray 7. Win. C. Ilcaly, J. K. W Intmore, Isatlianiel Cuiuminirs E. Derby. V'. Jf'irj's Burn. Charles Wei Michael Rniner, Henry rochtman, J, Xj-riiKj CW.,k Tp John J. Robin- Jon, O. . Rhtncs. TRAVKRSK JURORS. Jirn.r.rtf Tp.W. R. Wilson, John Murray. II. D. Perry. Edward Fletcher. Jni;,,,r;cr Tn. Herman Koch. (!. Hitter, Adam Jobcrcr, Alloys Rueh crt. For Tp.C. R. Etnley, E. Ilya'.t. J. i.iosier. if. Conner, C. A. Wiloos, W. J Leahy, John Mvcrs, Jacob L. Tavlor, iiut'ipuu.s iwior, 7'- Francis J. Spaoaler, Vine 1-enniKou, .lotin I loss. .hmts J'ik John WciJert. Miclimd T! 11 J Jill. Jhj.iwy Tp. Isaac Norton, Jr.. T J. Cook, John Keinnicrer. J. V. Honk Chas. McVcan. Isaao Stcjihcnson, T. 1 Cobb, Jerome Powell. SV. Afnry'' P.,,rf A.b.lnb Forbt man, . J. Rlakclv, Matbias Wellcn. ilorl, (.Jen. u eis. .Sprin.f Crrrk. Ti. 11. P. Saltsinan. i atrici; i'.lewready. COAL, CE3 AITD FT27 CLAY 1 1 All of superior quality, lor sale by the Tanaerdale Coal Company, M. diary's, Elk County, Pa. BSy"Ordcrs by mail promptly attend ed to. rscntl(i.'(io-tl tnJl l')f want- Agents eveiywhere to sell ourntrnnrrn $20 Sewing Maehines. Three new kind-. Under and upper feed. Pent on trial. Warrnnled five years. Above Biliary orluvpra commissions paid. Tho unit machines sold in the United Ptales for less than ? t(, rhich are fnll-i lienwd hi Jfnu-t, HVHT ,j- II ,ton. (irorer .J- fi.ilcr, Sint.'r V Co., t:nl IlachilJer. All other eh pan mil. chines are infnn-n:nnfii nnd the mllcr or vxrr are rrlinlih In arret, fnr. nnd impr'nhnimn. Illustrated circulars sent frrr. Address, or call upon Slaw k Clark, nt lliddelnrd Maine, or Uhicogo, 111. rmny-17'(i(i-lv N O T I C K . J" amo! I ryor", vs. f Tu Com. T!pns nf TIL- It. S. M'ellon& 1 Uountr. n l.V .lnlv T..,rn 0o. n. V.'elton 18li(i, (lomestie nttiiohment Notice is hereby civen that Iho und"i-- sje-ne.l residing at Si. Marys .'enlingoi-Tp.. Elk Co., I'a., have been appointed Trusli-os of Hip nbovn dei'en buds under Ihe nhnvn Domestie Attnehment. All nersons indebt ed lo said defendants, or holding properly Iielonpiiic to them, nre hereby re(iuired to pin nnd deliver all such sums of money nnd riopei to dim and helnnrmi!' to such (icl'en- il nnls to such trustees ,- and all creditors of said defendants are de-iirod lo present their respective accounts ar demands. .1 M K.VCOVXE, OH AS. I.UIIlt, sept l LCii. C. II. Vol.K. Court Trcclaination- "tTfllERKAS.lION. Ii. 0.. WHITE Pres Y V ident nnd Ciiaiii.i.s Mkaii and K. r Seili LT.r. Associate .fudges of tho Court of Connnon Pleas, and Justices of the Court of Quarter Sessions nnd Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer nnd Terminer, nnd (ienei iil Jail Delivery of Elk county, by their pre ccj.ls to me directed, havo ordered a Court ot Common Pleas, n Court of Quarter Ses sions, Orphans' Court, nnd Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and tieiiernl Jail Delivery, to l.o lioiden at ltidgway, in and for Ihe couutv of Elk on Ihe FIRST MONDAY IX NOV, ISCfi, being the ilh day of Ihp month and to con. tiuiie one week. NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peaeo and 'onstables of the county of Elk, thai they lire by these precepts commanded lo be then and there iu their proper persons, ut 111 o'clock, n. in., of sitid day, wiih their rolls, rccoids nnd iuiui.siiions ml other ro niembriinces, todo those things which Iheir oilices appertain lobe done, and that all Justices of said count v n-ake returns of nil the recognizances entered iulo before them to the Clei k of Ihe court s per Act of A.: uoii. lily, passed May Hi h ISO. And those who arc nound hv llieir reeo2ii;zans to pros ecute the prisoners that are or tdiall be iu the Juil of said county of Elk, and lobe then uud there to prosecute ugainst them at be imc J. A. MALOXE, Sheriff. UK OTAUCII GI.OSR, Is the only article nseil by first rlass hotels i.nuiKines, nnd thousands of families. It (rives a lir.aiitiful polish, making tho iron pnss rmoothly over t'm elolli, savins much inneaiid lalior. (loods done up with it keep c.iiiii niucii longer, cnnrr(tirntly will not wenr out bo soon. It makes old 'linen look iikc new. Oini IMPERIAL P.LUE is the host In the world. II is soluble in nurd ns well ns soft water. It is put up in Ihc enfepi., neatest, nnd most convenient form or nny o.Tc-p.d (, Hie public. It i warraiited not to streak Ihp clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to r liom we oiler cr- i.aoiiiinary iinliicenients, Address, NEW VORK .STARCH (il-OSS CO. No. 18 fulton St., New York. IIAI.E, Allorney t 1 has .yciini n law nml rolleclion oilice in i?t Miiry's, ( nenzinp-er P Ol Ollie,. i.. "...l Di. '7,?' 118 building. oiipositcCovne S-M(!eaU's slurp, ul.prn 1.- (luring the eritirp forenoon or each day This will not interfere with his ofiieoat ltidgway, which will continue ns heretofore, mid where ho will be in person each nTler. I10"n- L'T'-''l'tjly IU M. E Mc-NA ELY'S ti)oi)io.:iMc ?tfihir:i-i at? 5 ,i Wijlijisict M.il Strrcf, ,S'. Mu is ..- comity, Pa. Ladies can rely on 'cltin tho Latest Sfyloof Trimming a.s sho pets a monthly supply from the eastern Cities. OIVE HER A ALL. S3p20'(i(J St. T I.fT OK OA USES SK T DOWN FOT .Vo J J vamber Term, 180(1, commencing on the first Jonila y .rsaid month. Rryant & Eucrvs Taylor. Myers vs lljys ct. al. Millinpar ts Sorjr el. al. Lea. h vs Rauli rt. nl. Davidson vs Can inn. Renner vs Thomas et. ul. Clements vs Arnerct. al. Mc-Kinyoty vs Ellis ct. al. Kftllc vs Rcnzinirer school district. Ktinincrer vs MffCnnlrv .t .1 C.EORGE A. RAtllRUN, Deputy l'rothonotary. J. GURNEY&SOX, PHOTO GHAPHIC AUTiSTS, 707, DUOADWAV. X. Y. N addition to our Phoiotrranliic Art (!! lery, esi.-ib'ished in 1810j we ha v f'nr ttie List 1-ive years bad advantaces su perior to nny other est iblishment in oh- tainiu; siitinas from life, of all the I r " tnent (Jeltbiities of the dav in ii ... j ..... .. , . .. . i am porirnits, anu are now publishing CataldL'tie of over 1 ;") 0 0 S II Ii J E C T S . vmciiean and I'oroii'n, alo a larire list ol copies nf Works of Art uud Entrrav. i.-i,!-m. ( at.ilopiie.s pent on receipt of oitiinp. jn order lor one dozen pic tures l-oin our Cutulogue will be filled nt S 1 iO, ond sont by mail fr,.i-. Rin..l(-' pictures 25 cents each, copies of en. graving i.i cents each. N. 15. We also desire to call attentioi to tho advantage we havo for reproduc ing. Or COriVlllir. (I ll O.io-iinrrnnlvni.a iiibrotypes. Card Pieturf.s, kc, of de! cased relatives and friends, cnlarsino- tli'Mii to any t'..o. and linisiiinir in Oil Water Colors, or India Ink. with the aid ol ten talented artists. Parties desiiin- conies, should thero fore rorrusiiond with us direct. N'lid for a catalogue. Tho trado supplied at a liberal dicjunt. Gallery open for free inspection, and strangers visiting tho city will find our O.'hVry one oi ino most agreeable places where, in to while away an hour. J. GURNIiY & SOX, scp 20 Go-.. 707, Rroadway, X. Y FR1 TIES MU.S'IC 5TOI! E, ;fio, llt-.iadivay, X. Y. Thaddens Einh, successor to 1'irth Son , Co Mnsio Publisher, Manufac- iiirer and Importer of MUSI CAE 1XSMU' MEXTS, 1 1ANO FORTES, MEI.ODEOXS, CABINET ORGAN'S. And everv des.'i-intioti of MCSl CAL J!-;i!ANMM-;. Sole Xew York Al'ciicv for tl.n eel.hiaied GiIuiore& Cos Dund instru menln. Our IJ-md denartmeiit iri limine the personal suricrvision ot Mr. 1) I. Dovuin? Wliolcs ilo and Retail Depot for the Miii'tailljD ,-?i!W'ii CcikiK which eliallen.'es eoiunariso'ii as the mo-it effective Instrument yet offered to the public. New and Choice Music published daily. Catalogues nnd price lists of In. strumcntr- fund-died on ntitilieation. .Latist Music from nil tho lead ins; publishers iu America. Any piece of Music, or Music Rook, scut by mail, post paid, on receipt of retail price. Orders by mail for Music or Instru ment-, receive prompt and careful atten tion. All poods wuiTuntod to prove, as represented at ITilTH S MUSIC STORE, sep20.1y 5 rend way, X. Y. 1!IE art ofVICi UANCIXO i-nd EAN JO I'LAYING tniiiiht bv fi. W. T.ltoiVM lu.Jjrwny, I'a. B..;ti.ltooius at Mrs. Eur. lough's, on Centre street. sepl-Etf II.1 OYEEIIOI.TZER. MEltCUANT TAILOR. ltidgway, i:ik Co., Pa. 'llio subscriber desires respectfully to in form (lie citizens ot' ltidgway and Ticinity that he is prepa. ed lo make lo order an well s il cau bo done any where, anything in the line of his bu-iness. AH he asks in a fair trial. Good fits pilar unieed. nrft.C'lolhs. Cussimers, 'elings and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be mild CHEATER THAN THE CHEAT-ES1'- augKO.y O AT THE r ins ti ii otii i:ns at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania SuCfiKSWRS TO GeOROE Vi'EIS. Offer for snip, nl wholesale and retail, a well sclcclcd stock of Sl'ltlXG XVMMKJi fj -at' SILKS, M011XKS, POI'LIXS, DL'LAIXPS, MOirMXX. , Plain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, White goods, of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and .S'hirtins in great variety. La o n DIE'S UlULDREX'.S' Millinery Goods ; such as JWXXJTS, HATS. CAPS, i:iHBOXS,r. GLOYES& HOSIERY. GEXTS fa, ninliiiiy goods of ctcrii ilncrlf.tlon, CL 0 THS, CA SSI. MERES Ac, ,f GROERIES AXD PROVISION'S. A large stouk of FLO UK, rOEK, SUGAR. TEA. COITEE, RE ICES, EICE, SALT, LAUD, OIL, WHALE OIL PETROLEUM AM J. IP. SOAP OK ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed fo family use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Rru.di. esofall kinds. A fuil assort incut of Stationery, Wall Pa per, l'iiper Curtains, lienu. tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment nt Segars and Tobacco. VS7-ERUY OUR STOCK directly ' from tho Manufacturer and them. fore, wo can afford to soil eheaner than any other establishment in Elk county. 'PUB PURLIC are respectfully in- 1 vitcd to call and examine our stock aud priees ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for wo chum to havo onn of tho most completo stocks ami tho finest STORE in tho countv and can sell for less profit, than any other houo in the county. Wu. Br- ROT1IERS St. Mary'n, March lOth'GG. WARDED A (JOLD MEDaL ! AT Tltr American Institute Fair! OCTOUfll 10, IPG.",. Indirect competition with all fhe!e.lins makers in tho country. PKLOURET" O II CANS AND iIELODEONS . C. PELOCHET k SOX,tMunn.'i8t.irfr. Kesppctfully invito the nt fool ion -f pur. chasers, the trade nnd profession, to the FO L L O WIXG IXSTR VM XT& Of their manufacture .- I'odnl Kaso Organs, Five sijes, FivcOctnvc. one tofhreeBank of Keys, three to eijrhr.sctts of Itecl, Trices, Si;!-5 to $i;(X. School Organs, Xino styles, sinplo and doiiV. R,f Eoscwood nnd IStack U'nlnut eases. Trices, 5130 to $J1.. Molodeon?, llanos!; :e and Tollable, Twelve Varie ties from tour - to six OctaTes. si,,?le and Cn" -s C "iCwooJ anJ IJiack W'aluut Trices, Jfi.j 0 S-'iO. Every instrument is made by competent workmen, Iroin the best material, uneer our personal supervision, nnd every modern improvement worthy of Ihe name, is jntro dinted iu them. Among these wo would call attention to the 1 EE.MOLANTE, which has been so much admired, nnd can be found onlv in instruments nf ... rn iriuuui.io- lure. From among Hip flallerinK testimonials of eminent profes-ors and organists, we o.;Tw the following tract a . " The pedals I conceive to be unnpproicV able in their beautiful smooth quality" Win. A. King. 1 J' " It is a grand, good iiisirumont, and doea credit to the bui!dur."ll. C. Fol-cr, Troy. New ork. J' - They are am ing the finest Instruments manufactured cither in this country or a- ri.;"-,"'1"- J' Mo"-nthal. Aptoma v i,ey "avo given universal satisfaction " Enwley, Fon (lu lac, Wis. " Thii-o is a peculiarly sweet and svi.ma. thetio tonn which harmonizes c-UHrii'ilL'-1? wilh the voice."' Yt II. Cooko. " " 1 a'" P 'rtie-il irly pbased with t',o nr. rnngeiiienl. of the ditlerent registcrj." Wm. II. lir-idbiiry. "No other instrument so nearly ap prove ics tho organ." The Chorister, x. f. "Tins inslruincn. has a clear superiority over cvurylhiug yet introduced nmonr us " Independent, N. V. " The tones and the action are eneeileot. ' Kcv. W. S. Lcavitt. Hudson. New Voik. Tho iioro we ii-! it the better v? lit, it." J It Hague, Hudson, New Vork. "The two Eaul; Organ is really a gem " J W Kiiinieutt. lioston. Man " W o havo found tlicin excellent in all po:nt, constituting a good instrumoui ' J C Cou'i, T J Cook. " It looks and soundi splendidlv." S B Saxton, Troy, Now Vork. " The mo.-', perfect lone 1 Molodeon I ceer saw." (juy V Ni,-th. " They fall back on sin substuntial mr. its as supoiiorily of woi kniauship. beauiy of tone and reasonableness of prioo. And we must say that in all Iheir respects Iher aro well worthy of praise." Musical pj0. ijccr. r-S-Every instrument is fully warranted and bored and shipped iu Neir VorkCiiy without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Trioe Listj, -Jo . seut oi: application to C PZL0TJ2ET Zi UtOOMHELD, N. J. Or J M Pclton. 811. Broadway, Nev T..k ; Conrad Meyer, 722, Arch Street, Thila-T ; Erainnrd A Son, Ctvf' P"j- JA Tucker Co. Jackson. Michigan ; Werner A Gerard. Cincinatli. Ohio; Joel H Slow Mobile. 'a.ma, ViIOLE.-iALE AGEST' Jnly26,66-ly A