I t.N: nrT I on t. vrox. The new M-lnm-f th Urtit, !r,..l of Trn(J(, nti-.r,en! TnMcs ;m.(s t'io Mlnvril p I'utcnient of (he jin;.ii!ntiin of coun-li-" wiili more tl.rn 10,000,000 inliaM. in Is, according to (lie ni"-t recent cen t's : United Kingdom, 2-V persons in 'he E113lii.l1 pcj unrc mile upon nn nver :i;e; Itiily, Cl'.'i ; I'iniicc, ISO; Prm-sia. 170- Austria, 155; S"r;iin (nnd Balearic J:. at.U,) NJ; Turk.y. 10; Vi ileJ States. 11; Uimsia, 2; Hnpsia in Kn ipe, ;J ; Brazil 3. The population of ii'c eil.t uIhivh r.nr.ied flutes of tlic 'M World exceeds l7'J,hO,000, A llcclusf. The iYlroit Tt-iliiii- fjivr-s rin account i f i.n n!'i t'jscilu man nanied "JrCownn. n farmer, living near Ctnlpli, Canada Vest, who lust liia nil ire family by sick ness and turn Middctily disappeared. The feqnel is as follows; lUuinj; the .-priii;; Slid rally summer in tlie ' r-eiliboriii" town of (iireiiGeld, in (his county, tlie rrsid ii!s ha very frrjiiiTtly observed wiili curiosity a nvn, wildly and fcatitily dressed, wan. Wu.p in an aimless way thvonsrli tlie woous, aim npparct.ty livii l; Mie life of a rccliue. It was r.s-cc:-t:.iued, that Lis hnlitation was a hut of young eaplin;.s and bough, furnished with no comforts, and his couch a bed of h avc. Uow lie lived, wa vw'fcr'y unliinvvi. there being no utensils of any kind in bis hut for the preparation of food, an J it is not known how life was supported during his seclusion. Wis whole eon-j J ir , . uul-i was peneciiy iwnrilMve, Ins otiiy wish brir.L' apparently to I.e. left alone Villi bis thoughts. The inhabitants rc. fpeeted bis desires, it beinpr evident that t-nmo great calamity r.i-i.-t have caused this abandonment of the haunts of men. Py decrees the ifory of the recluse spread through the suiroundin? conn- ..1 ... . . .1. . , ., "ii i"u in v.hiil- 10 nn; cars oi tlie friends of Jleflowan. They deemed it possible that in the J ennit nii'bt be found tin ir unfortu a.o fiiv,nu. and at once visited Crecu d. where their hopes wove fully reali 'if, rnd under flieir care bo was or Thursday removed to ,-i comfortable boiue cear bis old farm. Ho manifests no vi ilent emotions, neither butred or rn;.'er toward any one, but. a settled gloom and vacancy of mind, which, it s feared, are indications of as hopeless .nsatiity as that manifested by violent jelious. His misfortune had been a ter. Tible one, but in the luture he will at least have the caro and kind watchful ness of intimate and old friends. bill?" Mr. Choate replied that as he had spent no time ho would charge him nothing. The Captain was very indig nant, "That ain't tlie way we do busi ness down our way. I can niTord to pay yon well, and I will." He drew a dollar from his pocket, and pushing it toward ihe great nttorncyfaid : "ivjuire you tad a lug tiling for me, and I will pay you well for it. Here is a dollar ; tain t r cent ton much !' Not Jiacl. -One cf our "down ea't" active young men, not a hundred miles from Huston, was master of a small craft, u-ually em ployed in the coasting business. It so happened, on a certain time, that our hero was run into by a steamer, and so serious was the collision that not only was the craft badly crippled, but its worthy master almost came to an un timely end. He was not far from poit when the putnstrnphc took place, so has tening to the city, he demanded of the steamboat company damages which they refused to pay. His r.,-e knew no bounds. lie would have justice. Slatt ing up town he inquire i f,r the best lawyer in the city. He was directed to Uioate & Hell. Finding tln fl!aoo tltf strodo in cud asked if '-Squire Choate was in." He received a reply that Mr. Choate was in, but was engaged inside, and at l he same time services were offered by '.no of the lawyers in tlie outer office. "-No, ! said he, "I don't want any un .!.. T - . I is.i.'ppera. i came nere, niw want 1 sue S'juire Choate." In a short time he was told, he could see Mr. Choate. I'roeeeding to Mr Choale's room, he ' flered hisl.n-e hau l to the great law yer, with the remark.- '-JIow aro ye S.p.irc ! I've got a big case fr ye-" fir. Chouto found that ho bud an orig inal e'hiracfer ti deal with, and listened to his complaint. Mr. Choate wrote a i. iter nod told him to take it to the com pany. Hut our friend objected. "X0 that won't do; just slay a writ on to urn. Yes, writo uui a letter, and they'll put .tir property out of their hands. 'J hut's the way too lawyer's do down borne. Hut urn through." -After seme persn i.-ion on the part of 3Ir. Choate. our fiieud reluctantly took be letter and departed for the other I arty. When they saw the letter, writ- n hi ti,M) unintelligible crow's tracks, v 'h tint unlriue L'iiaiuro of rti.fi.o Hite Ni.ur-or, liilly." One day a gentleman my two boys going along one of (be streets of a great city. They yro barefooted. Thei'' clothes were tagged and dirty, find tied together by pieces of string. One of the boys was perfectly happy over a half-withered bunch of flowers which he had j list picked up in the street. "I say, Hilly," said he to his com pauions, "wasn't somebody very good to drop these 'ere posies where I could find them and they are so pooty and nice! Look sharp, Hilly, niebby you'll did something bimebv.'' Presently the gentleman heard the """J oieu i'gaiu saMDg, - Uil . J'.i.iy, Hilly, if here ain't most half a peach, iud (ain't much dirty neither; 'cause you han't found nothio,' you may bite first " Hilly was going to take a very little taste of it, when his companion said. 1 Hite bigger, Hilly; mebby we'll find another 'lore long." What a noble heart that boy had in spite of his rags and dirt 1 lie was "do i njr ;ood." There was nobody for him (o be kind lobutliis companion in poverty the poor ragged boy at. his side. Hut he was showing him all the kindness in his power when ho said: '-Hite bin ire r, Hilly." There was nothing greedy, nothing scllish about, the boy. His conduct shows us bow even a poor, rag ged beggar.boy can do good, by showing kindeess. "Hite bigger, Hilly; mebby we'll uwl another 'fore long." AVho can he.p admiring the noble licrrt of that poor boy ! I would rather have that boy's kind aud generous spirit than have a merchant's crown without it." "Hite bigger, Hilly." Think of these words if you .-.re ever tempted to be un. kind or sc ilish to your companions. J.)11 ai tempt a l. Uollry. On Saturday evening, soon after ! o'clock, as Mr. and Mrs. James H. Weeks, of Vaphaok, L. 1 , were silling .IIk i'tiii 'viuVvaj,:. iouv (i. iiM.t.. rniTfot i-BoraiKTiiit. j. r. MomtK, ri'iii.isiivn. Till-: KLKCTIQJ The election has come and gone. The republicans claim that tho Slate has gone in their favo,. At this writing (Wednesday evening) appearances seem to point decidedly in that direction, si. (hough tho Pernor ts have made heavy gams in Philadelphia and Allegheny. '1 ho Jlepublicans. however, claim that tho gains for them in the interior of the State will overbalance their loss in the former cities. The llcrubhcan maiori- ity Jui- .Mr. Lincoln in 1804 in Philadeb phia was ll,7t)0. The latest news we have received from thcro givo Geary a majority of but 4,rS:j, showing a fallin- Off in.their majority of 0,070. Allegheny gives Geary O.oOO. He publican loss 2,505. Lancaster county gives Geary 5,800. hepubliean loss 2.' 1. Clinton county gives Clveier C50. Pemocratie s;'.n 050. Cumberland couniy gives Clyiaei-GOO. Pemocratie loss 150. Liiuui county gives Geary G55. He. i m .Mililm county, seven district snow a Pemocratie gain of 125. Plair county gives Geary 8G0. lie publican loss 07. Chester count v circs Geary 2,400 iieiuoocan loss y!i, 12 I. K C O U N T Y . By a Noj'iwctn Pcnneylvauiaa. FORMATION OF HIJC COUNTY. As (he enterprising settlements lroni tho north were tending into this part of reuiipylvania, the county scats of'Jcf. ferson, M'Kcan and Clearfield were so dblant, and as beloro observed. Hid way was a Central point, forty miles from each county court, including War. ren also, a new county was demanded to meet the growing requirements of (he settlers, aud during the years from 1335 to 1SG2, replications were annually made to tho Legislature for a new coun. ty from ofl tho counties tibove named. There was of ccuif e much discussion rs to tho lines, aud how much off each coun ty. Many of tho citizens in tho boun daries of tho couuty proposed, were tim. id and fearful of heavy taxation for the organization and that "county orders" tnen quite a circulating medium, would fall to 50 per cent, off their face. Ou the other side it was argued that as the county buildings were to be erected by private subscription, (ho county man agemcnt being more concentrated and "under the direction of those who then lived so far from tho centre of business m their several counties, the new coun ty affairs would bo more more economic, ally administered. It would naturally be observed that business as well as patronage, as also the (ttfibursemeuti of nil public moneys, w ere, and always will likely remain in tho Crawford county gives Geary 1000 hands and under control of tbo-.o at K -publican loss 050. ' near (ho county seat. v. eiionee 1 -NUrtll.HllT.ton COlinfV l-ilN f'irn,, .1 ........ ,. 1 ratio loss "IS uL-.nui.su-aicu mis, ami it was soon ap- ..ncui mat u was tnc unanimous des re S.O00. Pcmoc Dauphin county gives Gear Republican loss, 'lja. -Von I or had 1,100- of the citizens within the district lo iomerv countv niv,- ru..-, irumze a new nran'r ,.t .r ' ' ' I'emiK-ratKi Kain 20. conrso. tr,a ,!!.... I .t. , ... i i . -v nn-';n u il l iu amoinoi) J- rank un couniv mv, -.-! ' u '"" of t in IT I.I. . . i in a small fiout room of their house, gintlo knock was heard at the dour of the raiitiin couniv fives C.rrr Republican gain. P.ll. ' 1 t"c "-'wavites expected and would Pucks county gives Clynier GOO. m'Ae (1,llt l!il!o,v' s'lould be the county Penmcratic loss, 200. " scat an admission always granted ; aud Venango county give? Geary GOO. in addition, the prompt offer (o erect the Pemocratie loss, lit). invitations to persons interested to Perry county gives Geary 270. Tie- '? t!ie sa," !n ot,,er ral's of the de publican gain, 310. signed new county. At everv s,i., J- bano couuty Rives Geary 1,800. to Legislature during those years of application the bill would pass cno urauc'i or tho other, and .. Re- licpublican caiu. 200 JCrie couniy trives Geary 3,300. i'uuncan gun, ill. The above rcpirts are compared with the veto of lsH. Thus f'u- iu the State, as far as we have heard, the Re- nun tiou of new counties was not as common a at tho present, as among judges smd lawyers there was ahvajs opposition. narrow entry adjacent. Mis. Wetks called tho intention o" her b;;s band to it. who aro.-e mi l ndvoip,. ! i,. ope-i too i! -.r, but having been in a siiirht do.-e. and ivt at once teeing fleai ly, lie ml nut go directly toward ir, which Mrs. Weeks observing, she went hcr.-elf and opened the do.ir. and as she did so, two men. witn fo-,s Al. guised, o-e.-se.l through iho entrance; nt the .-utile time she saw two others f land ing outsiee. One of (hh former pre. routed a j.i.-tcl toward her, with a threat cuing '-hush 1" while the other entered il, , , .... i . ... in.. .-ouo.;.looill ;iiju ailllC'l III.-, plsio! t Mr. W. with '-yrtur money or your life." The word- bad l,- r(v been uttered ir. V. eeks, now I .oroio.-! TI ' ' publican maj .rity is about 7,000 below fc , U8 CWt Wcro their majoiityi.-i that year. held, and more (ravel, occupying There is very littlo doiiht lo.t d,t mnrc '' t,lc'r t;'"e, and the hitter sun. tho Statu has gone Republican by from P0S'DJ it would cut vp (heir bu-i 10,OUO (o l.,,0, (. We will give the of. noss-bv striking so much off the!,. nw" fie returns nevt. M-nL- couuty. Thus it was a more easv mat- Tho Kloctioniii KlkCo. Iter 10 W" tlicn than (o pass i.lk county gives Clvmer 500 maiori. " 1""OBal 10 C0lljccture that ty. ) lus is a small gain over tho Vote Wa3 no money !t-" of lki'i-l. At the session of tlm ru.i....' ,,. , ... I , " '-'IIUIU in Jll'll'W.IV tOWIlsllIM fn It ,..:...:i I in nm-m M 1CO .1,. I mi - , i "uyuiuy I B ilJ J i ne oiii r usset ercat- ary, and five lor SeoHoM .n-.,, St. Mary's borough gives 202 maiori- 1 f , . 7 ( r-i,ui ty for Clynier. J eJ for Jullc,;l! J""T the rest winlcr, for G He nzinger town.h for Corner. 'lb -24 majority r.nd now commence 1 as uim d exertions to inllueuce the location of ihe ie active !.'., . l i . . - - - o;w.o.-, ,,p, Iu majorify for dy "e-it oj justice. One might be led to , ...... ,,,ruy ,r .-,(!0U- suppose that a .1 lll'Q f.'ilPui I . T . T . .t n S : '? ' ltl ",r- habitants. I ' " lUWIISIlip, 'gli.V when aroused, s-.rar.L' t..w:i:d ll,o f..ll... ,.,,.1 with one baud seized tho arm which held the pistol and dmrled its aim, while he grappled Liu with ihe other as there were so few in. No centres of business e- or - -!', . ...1.1'JlltV 1 .. ... ii.r I .,. i r. c. r- i , cenr iinnn nivi,.., . .. i t, .... ..nij nun i lor cicoileld. 1 ' ""S'"" naiois. m- naiiiiy a Thus far we have not heard anythiii" bPot cleared off suirleiently hro for a from Jay, Heuezetto and Highland court house, jail and vard tfoit as tb". iin.-t the vail 'ib'j'.V tbrou.j'i M rs. V,-, rid the of i. ties i .....l. : 1 1. . . . , n-juomg 1 1 eiii.-v, tlu-onj-ii out ol the door thev both uoutoa (o.-rjr of all having acquaint. . nee v.jt.h the court wh'cn In appeared j-s i opponent they quickly settled v. oh the Cap!a;n on his own (crins. Our frieridi was uilghtly pleased, and b i K'ltitude to Choate knew no bounds. - nshiog into tho gentleman's office, hfl ,."d, uiaat eagerly: ".Squire, yer got ''"; forked. riht over; what' ycr naiiil, lorcmg lum a; window, driving his latto. 'Jhe outcry brought in from ano:!,er room a T", i ..;is, v, Ciks Ulrica; to o the horn. In the meantime Mr. Week ,' assailant, still Ibu.ij clutched by him, strug-lel toward r.nd succeeded in h w!l-. O.wl i went with a rush, to avoid uhieli l!io il, "in-i.-J j'iui:iU- titely rctr.ated, aud in doing so over threw a large box of earth and standing one side, which happening to fall in the wy, tripped the heels of the fellow. who fell over it backward, with Mr. Weeks ou top of him. The fall disen gaged the parties, when the fellow snraiiL' to his C ut i..l i , i .....i , "-' wuii tnc c; tiers, leaving a lar '0 upon tho ground. The whole affair occupied less time than it takes to tell it, and had it not been for the resolute courage undactivi- oi .nr. necks, who is almost 70 years of age, wo might havo had to re. port what has lately become too lie quent nn occurrence a bold and suo. cess. ul robbery, or something still more serious, instead of this unsuccessful ut. tempt A. Y. Tiim-n'. VLJZr!X - '""7 "oM KWgway citizens, ai,j"0., ,)v , j OIl.'Kl.lll iownsh .... i -i i i fit I'.IK UOWtl Ut ). in,, I,- I..- 'I.. .. nier. and 550 (r Ke., ' J ' v ,r,,m J0I R",'w..y, K.-l. had 2llw. ' anrt'CJ expense of erecting (ho buil- ir .ilortou Pcto tho nrniiiinnni lilin.ru. ,;: , I i n"i giounu also witn CO a neve-. s coun- failing sorim? attneliiwl il,..i il 1 1 tr,. .1 .: , . . - . c , ....;IU nuu.Li ,, i l ' aiiu wlio .-rcited a no opposition to fixing tho county seat very favorable impression wherever lie at that place. Not so -as the t,v went, ,s charged with an over issue of stream that creeps or rather revel.;,; ie bonds ol the London, Chatham and throueh tl o - .WW..... nun it.-, iiiooi ri - i..tf arly ter, is suddenlv swo'len ,, ., .i .'. i .. dollars, to postpono fail- shower, and dashes ah,-,., :Le , i ping and tearing ' will, mi:i;y e,,,,,,, fjuen-e, or like il.c.euler in Peirok-im stocks and iifohold leases, visions of j wcntli Iloatin- before his h,. :,:,. ; : English gentleman who visited thi l'ovcr railroa.ls to the extent of in-n half a million uro. o'aek felt bat tarThe President of the Union Paci fic Railroad Company, Eastern division, has colified the IPeerctary of the InterL or tloit nn ...1, lit:.,.... l .i . I nation, ku diil n.-. .... r ., ..i.uiiiuuiii secuon, tne Uttli, ' '"""j i-oiieus oi tnc new oi uventy n.Ues, of (his road is comple- country exaggerate the importance ....i. i.Jl; ii ov e i no nr (..niniiiajinii or thoir I.,..-.:,.. .. I... i . . ' - ...v., .oi-.iiiuil. as llfl nrnnnn c. . I W o. jusuce, "their laud was hi-h ana ary, healthful for a town, the!,- loca tiou was the exact geographical centre stone were plenty and at hand to build tlicj iil. l iom its extreme boundaries from the mouth of Trout Hun on the lis ', i' e n instructed j-; the t-'ecre-ta-y ot Interior to exumiuo this siciion so un io ire uU: port. it in their present re- im ul Tiicrnnnr.f .1.."' 'v.. counsel, had an interview with the t torney Gonrral Ht Viisliin.i .. i :t : . t . , , . . Mll'l II IS i i.vnii r c.i ... m i . . . . .... with the ot liVi'j im ii.!! .i oe postponed I ""S', to Jt.agwaj ; and Jolmsonburg cording to .he lawse . , ,aC; WM,WarJ miJ S wl.o'e dis. Congress. Judge CudenvooJ'so, , t n, .U',,m.l" " " ' beautiful i J?"P. T. Haruuiii is on. a lecturing tour out West. wa. Voung Pumas has made SG000 from the first edition of hi ncw tooL. not sit this mouth. Tho Xavy Department has re-ecn-cil mfoi illation f,-oin the I!;,, n i. o .be ellcct that An.e,k,n in, Z vo not suffered by violence from ei ther party n, Mevico. aud that n 10. 1, war vessels hudppi-edjJl- Tampico. OCrAuthority is giveufbr the eni phuticdciiul ot prevailing reports thai tho 1 resident rs about to modify his policy regarding tho constitutional am enment. He will, however, it is believ" t-d, propose to Congress, at its approach" ing session an anieudment Ik 19 t II A osseutial elcmeuts r.f thn t..,.,A... although in loss objectionable form. ' ueations. and mm nn.l ..11 ... commissioners as men of judgment who would, as a matter of course select theirs for the seat of justice, '-rco-tuncs in embryo were ready to spring up iuto ... n..u uiagunuje by tne salo of town lots; tho commissioners to fix (ho couuty sire, anJ to perform other duties in tho organization of tho county until tho proper officer could bo elected by tho people were Timothy Ives of Pot ter, Jas. v. Guthrie of Clarion, and Z. II. Eddy of Warren. They received invititlous from several parts of (he eo'in'y accompanied with offers of lan I suffieicLi in quantity for ul the public buildings. Tho most tangible offer made outside Ridgway towards this ob ject, was by Matthew McQuoin Esq., who held by article one hundred acres at tho forks of tho road leading to Hrandy Camp, now so universally known as tho Hoot Jack " four miles cast of Ridgway. Jfc offered all tho land (tho county paying up the article) above named, and would give a years' work toward the erection of the public build-ices. It is just however to state that Ron. beu Win&low Esq , agreed to rrouii.se that in case tho commissioners would fix upon bis place at the mouth of Trout Run, the cxpetifo of (ho buildings would bo provined f.,r. Gibson town, ship, in Clearfield couuty, was from its isolated position in regard to iVs seat of justice very generously set off to Elk. Tho township was very great in length, extending along the valley of Hcnnctt's Hranch to the Pinnenialioning. Its elongation in (hat direction did indeed detract from Ridgway is n geological centre, onan cast and wott line t v... i . . .i iiisiow, a man strong in argu ment, with known hup administrative powers, dealt heavy blows against Ridg way os the seat of Justice. His fore sight predicted that at some future day another county must ucccssaiily be mau3 tnat would take cut Gibson town ship Irom Elk, and tho remaining strip of land on tho southern part of Mo. Kcan, and Trout Hun bo the most cligi. ble place for tho capital, with tho com fortable assuranoo to the Ridgway men, that they being successful in legislating a new county into existence, they could change too lines by taking tho balance of Jefferson county, lying north of the tonih line of Elk, now composing a pait of Forest, which would then make Ridgway a mere central geological position. This kind and wise suggestion did not fully satisfy the Ridgway men, they " couldn't s-e it;" saw no reason why their whole programme of county line now established by jears of efforf, uiouttbo changed in order to mike county seats for tho future ; and the commissioners probably took the same view; locating the scat of justice at Ridgway and laid out the site for publie buildings. They also regarded it as their duly to secure (ho subscriptions for the ereotiou of (ho public building, as a, tnc title to tho ground. As to inn these proposals were addressed thev bore tho only competent authority t'o -P At... i.-uioico incir Jultiilnients; under this couviction of their duty they entered into a contract with Edward Derby Esq mi uiu L'reenon nr i m f..... ir . ,w v-vuib nous whose plans and specifications wen eeptcd, as tho best proposed. I Ins action on the part of the Com tnissioners was violently opposed bv Mr Wiuslow nnd his son. in-law, H. Hush i clrifcen, Lsq., "counsellor m law causing much discussion and warm feel ing. The sequel proved that the Com ""-' aeieu rignt. it is proper to mention, without further allusion to the records, (hat this opnosition of llr w:..f... .. . . . '- - - - .....mow am ma confederates to the pce,h era ion of the. puhlk lulldo.js "o'.u.i ny ueiay give opportunity to ap- I'O "Jr a now commission from tho Legislature and Courts by (ho election of the county commissioners at (he ncx( lull to choosing such as would keep ev erything in abayanco " till eomethin: shoul.l (urn up" (0 tho advantage of Trout Run at the fall and first election lor county officers. The commissioners chosen were Wm. Reuben Winslow, John Hrooks and Chaunccy Urockway U- Prothonotary, W. J. ) Andrews and for Sheriff, Eusebias Kiucaid. Up on casting lots for the term of office for commissi. lts, Win. Urockway drew for three years, Mr. Hrooks for two years and Mr Winslow for ono year. iio omce ot commissioner gave Mr. "luslow an opportunity for mischief, and every delay that could be invented gainst the completion of the public buildings, by withholding funds aud otherwise, was his refort until the courts had to bo applied to; but iu the cua .Mr Wiuslow had to acknowled" Himself beaten. His kind action and good humor under defeat was an atone ment for tho obstinacy and pertinacious manner he bud conducted the fight. As a "living dog w belter than a dead lion," so is a picturo from tho 1i,-;.. l,l. .1 .. . if os.. in ihuu ono irora the dead. Mr. Wiuslow, though so universally knLn iu this part of Pennsylvania, deserves moie man a passing notice. (TO UK CONTINUED.) r ,TCKnIRMniocit. nt the rcsidun-e of Alex, lnyliooilm Spring Creek tn.. on Ct' 4,,,'''y J. K. Ilhi.morc, in mi .m 1',,0""- Mackabee, CVc'k ti!"'7 - Mcdl0Ck' bolh of SPriu Wii.i.iAMs-On the 8th instant, Horn W dangl.ter cf WMIitim and Lucimv WitUams aged 11 months- ' Wood On the , inst., nt T.ont Jack l.mnion Aloiuo, Ihe son of William nnd Catharine A. Wood, aged five months and twenty three days, " lie still our pelfish hearls, bo still, Nor wish him back again ; We know it. is oik Father's will. And this shnll soothe our pain." THEMAUKETS. RinnvvAY, gept. 27, 1800.--K1.0UM, per l.M $11 r,o .-, of) I'okk do (0 WHIvAT, per bushel a ri hvk CORN , J,-' oath Jiiji i il -,.v 1 or , DUII'I) Al'l'LKS '.Z j v ijeax-"- ".r:.'.:::i w l.( T ri.lt per pound n,. L.1!D o0 CffKI-SC ort MAf'JvKK L i wiiitk nan "V.V.V.!!!Ih DGG.S per dozen ;5o Run-, Pa., ept. 27, 1SG0. FI.Ol-T. per bbl S 8o0tol4PO l'ORK UCF F WHITE FISH I bbl... MArKEIij:,.. WIIKAT per bushel... ukaxs ECifi.S per dozen uui per pmiiKi 24to 25 CHEESE ,t0 i- ISUTTEU 23 to 25 ...'!.'! 00 to .tool) ..'22 00 to 23 00 .. !) 23 to 0 SO ..10 00 to 12 50 .. 2 CO to 2 7.' .. 1 7.3 to 2 00 3 to 25 RPfinetl Oil, Goodyuality.'by'th'o barrel, at Ol) cents per prallon. bv oc'll-tf J. POWELL. If, YOU want f"' Jnnoe or Dr. Ayer s celebrated Medicines pure, call upon the only authorized agent in Kid way. oct. 11-tf J. I'OWELL. VOU Want load of Suit. Floor, or 1-ecd, you can save monev bv bnyinjr oct. 11 tf. J. 1'OWEI.L. Grains ofnll Kinds, cliciji er than can be boualit ut Erie, nt wiiolesale or retail, by OCT. j i-it. J. rOWELb. JSC ao AG A L3 T loss or P AM AUK by FIR 11. milE Lycoming County Mutual Jnsur JL onco Company nt .Muncey. Ph., coil Ihiucs lo Insure against Loss or Damaa by iro en all kind.i ef Merclmndise. Public and private buildings, cither in town or comity. Also on Mills, lanupri.rx, Jlirns. stocks of Grain, Ac , at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming Couniy. Mu tual Insuraneo Company invites an investii gniion as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 83.800.nnn! Tliusnswn-Hig to every one of its patron that thou-losses will be promptly nnd satis, factorily paid. Its management has always been prudent, as its existciuo of twenty, six years fully demonstrates. JAMES 15 LA KELT, Ag'-nt for Elk county, at St. Mary's. a oTiiTJ'Kn'si " Tlie subscriber hefts leave to announce to tho citizens of Elk nnd adjoining coun ties that he has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Smutz, nnd that lie is prepared to do all kin.Ii nf...i- : - able style, SA DOLE S, D liiDL ES. II A RXESS ept constantly on hand the times. Give me n enl1vl,.,r, i..'.i. .... ondslory of Il iuk's buildinir. octl-ly. COXSTANTIXE LEVIS. l Tin Stfim r.,; inch bore and Hl-injli stroke, with auiu shafts and line shnlis. .v. Also, FOl' It cvlinder liniW. 11,1.1. . King and of sii'llieietit power to di-vo the two engines. Any one desirous of niiivhnc. lngbtc.i u Murhiiierv- will rind il lo ,l.;r .i vimlngn to call upon Iho subs.-i ,!,..,-ai Port! '.i.iniH. II I HAM CAUMAX, Itidgwny, Ta. oct. 4tli Uui. SOJIET1IING NEW! HOUSE, SIGN &, 02NAMXNTAL PAINTHfO S'Jili SP15SCK1II U It WOULD UK X spec! fully inform the ciiizcns of Flk county that he has just started in the nliove business in r.iiliruii m.l r..i , . .. L-iniii- h nt lh.it he can please nil who may favor mm with their custom. GSMMMJ mv!':K "AXGIN! AM) CALCIMIXINT. UONK ON SHOUT NOTICE AVU iv tm most fs burnable and improved manner and ii i ,,'.'Il'rs 1011 "lis offioe r at the I'tinking House of Souther, Willis & Souther ... r jii uiiijuiy utteniteit to. XI W. P. WILLIAMS, Mny-17 C(i-ly. IXE.-lTIOXi', SUMMONS, li im, &c.. on hand n.i , salo nt this otliee. m.uing company in Northern Louisiana .truck a solid block of pure, 'gl-ng thirty-tLroe tons. Other ar8Irgellofkwore found at a dis tance of eleven feet below the surface of the ground. NEWS DEPOT AN PWIIODIWL1 s j: o ii ii PAILY ,C- WEUKLY PAPERS ' willle for sale lierea."ter, regularly at I he Book Store 1 N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Any work, cither American or Luropcn, Religious, Scientific, Phil-osophic-al, Uislorical, &o., will be pro cured on application as above. Any aclaiu tho Book or Stationery liD, not m Store, will bo gPi. i. i... . ! and be received in . few j. uter or dering. juo. 14 ly.