The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 20, 1866, Image 2

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    Jk tlj t'i,1i Wan
rjf L itsi)Ay, ' ,svTrs kmIuT
IiiIIN a. ll.M.L, KMTOlt A I'Rdl'KIKTOR.
J. r. Moonr, r'tiii.isiira.
ron oovKnxon,
1 1 1 i:st j : a ci ,yj n : 1 1,
or y.niu county.
fok I'UOTIIonotauy, $::.
11 EO. A. RATIIP.UX, of Deuzingcr.
ron. associate jrixiKs.
E. 0. SCIIUI.TZH, of St. Mary's.
JESSE KYI.Ell, of Fox.
l.OUIS YOREMEU.of St. Marj's.
1?. J. JONES, of Hcucz. ttc.
GKO. YVALMSLEY, of St. Mary's.
The Ifaclical Meeting.
Tlic Courthouse was comfortably fill,
dl on last Friday evening to hear John
W. Forney and other Union (?) Ecpub
liuan speakers, as announced iu the bills.
"Wc say it to the credit of tlie people of
liidgway, that they turn out pretty pen
crally to hear both sides, and wo are not
giug to find fault with this meeting
because the crowd was largely up
of Democrats, more especially when we
remember that if all the Radicals iu the
county were present, it wouldn't bo a
tremendous demonstration, by any
jioans. Rut we must acknowledge our
selves somewhat disappointed iu the
fcize of the meeting. The people had
been invited to " conic and hear the
truth " from the mouth ot the Jfmiom
llc John W. Forney. The announce
ment of Mr. Forney's appearance iu so
uncharacteristic a character was to our
minds the promise of so curious a novel
ty, as to command a general outpouring
cf (he people. We expected this, and
can only account for our disappointment
mi the assumption that tho people did
not believe the bill would be performed.
The first speaker was a Mr. Fitkius,
from New Orleans, and having once
b,u a. JuJo AJvuttttu uuuer General
Eutler, our Radical friends dignify him
with the title of Judge. He made no
argument, but gave us his history of tho
New Orleans riot. lie saw it all. He
naw every circumstance which gave it
horror and would set off a narrative, lie
saw the threatening of tho storm. He
saw the first and tho last exhibitions of
its fury. He saw every blow that was
:;ivcn, every stab that was made, every
i-hol that was fired by tho Thug police
man from those that felled the martyrs,
Dr. Dostie and Gov. Hahn, to those
more insignificant that onded the career
of the little nigger in the hands of the
newsboys. He was everywhere, saw
everything, and miraculous as it may
ccm, came out without even the smell
of fire upon Lis garments. We must
believe Judge ritkins, and must believe
that he is ubiquitous and has a charmed
life. Mr 1'itkins is in favor of ncro
Mr. Forney followed Mr. Ritkins in a
brief speech, which was intended we
suppose as a reply to IJig'.er's speech of
i he night before. We infer this from
his freijuent use of Governor Eigler's
name. He did not pretend to answer
Iiigler's argument on the great issue be
fore the people, but tried to offset it by
a recital of alleged wrongs by Riglor
and his friends in the past. lie ex
pressed himself unequivocally in favor
of Negro SufTiMgc. He declared that
'he South had better accept tho terms
Congress was willing to impose upon
them, else the people of the North, ex
asperated by Mr. Johnson's perfidy, and
this new ingratitude of the South, would
inaugurate another war against them
that would bo a war of extermination
and desolation, and would be fought
under the plan proposed by I'aisun
Mr. Forney is a very pleasant speak,
er. II is speech on this occasion was
not lengthy, and his friends contend
that it was no', up to I.ii usual excellence,
We think this is probably so.
The concern was wound up with an
address from our own Souther. Mr.
Smthcr'n effort was to pome extent per.
v.idcd by his characteristic humor, uud
we Mipposo it Was his happy faculty of
.vi.u.-iug that suggested that L iliouU
i pluuicnt Mr. Foruc.y, us Han. Kice
f..d supplemented Gov. B'gler; but Mr.
S "M her fell as fur short of the inimita
ble Pan a. Furury did c(' Uhhr. Mr
Souther unuib.ili.tcd Gov. Diglcr in one
sentence," He ought to go to school."
Wc had always considered that it was
an honor to Gov. Riglcr that ho was n
silf made man, that doppito the want of
Fchoohng in his youth, ho had, through
sell euMuro and untiring energy, risen
to almost tho highest position that can
lie attained by an American citizen.
We do think that it was tho unkindest
cut of all for a man of such vast learn
ing and polished diction as Mr. Souther
to crush Gov. Riglcr by a contrast of
cdueation. Mr. Souther expressed his
entire willingness to tako his chances
with the nigger, the Dutchman and the
Irishman, without distinction. It has
been suggested to us, that whilo his
willingness to go in with tho ni-cr may
be from love, yet as to the Irishman and
Dutchman it is from compulsion, he
having been a prominent and active
member of the great .but now defunct
Know-nothing paity. Notwithstandin
it is but a short time since Mr. Souther
through the columns of tho Erie Dis-
p;t, h proved to the satisfaction of him.
self and of the people generally that
Mr. .seoheid was a political trickster and
deliberate falsifier, he contended that
his election was a necessity. Verily the
virtue of the 1'adical party must bo at
a low ebb when their necessities compel
tliem to offer such candidates. With
singular inconsistency he contended that
?..r. Scofield's election would In. m .
that there was no amusement in it," and
yet frantically appealed to every one of
the handful of his supporters in tho
county to be sure to bo at tho polls.
On the whole the meeting was a good
thing, because the speakers admitted
what has heretofore required an argu
ment to prove, to.wit : That they arc
heart and hand in favor of Negro Suf
frage. Voters! the real issue before you is :
Shall we require of the Southern States
that they shall allow the negroes to vote
before we readmit them into tho Union?
Fonder it !
XiriJu' T1- Scolt by tho pas-age 0f numerous schemes
En,E)'sept. ioth, i';i"rrurr b'l,"vl:,or",o,,a sums
Hon. Wm. L. Scott W " fro"' ,)lc Pubho -oasury for
1 ho undersigned citizens of Erio city cinoiuiijcnt ot corporations, classes.
ana county respectfully request you to individuals. Never beloro in the
ue a candidate lor the BulTi,,cs of the history of this Government has there
.,.. ... . u i s 1 1 1 c & lor congress at been witnessed anything like tho cx
the eniiiiiiT rlcntinn J o ,mu -x
We have entire confidence in vour in- t.rava-a,1C0 0,1(1 to nAa tho lcgisla.
tegrity, capacity and patriotism, and we uo" ot Ul Ii,ft J(,ar'
entertain uo doubt that in the event of 1' 13 nt to be denied that to maintain
your election you will bo found always tho public credit, and to be ablo to meet
nl: tho principle,. Merest of our vast
- j ii, me import
ant business and commend-il ;..,,... ni
yonr constituents. ul10" this reckless waste of the public
1 our eltorts to aid tho Government money,
in its recent great ptiuglo ngainst In conclusion, permit mo to say that
our most hearty iipprobation. nn,l I.bvp nCtI0U of "lcn ol pocs, I consider
secured for you the attachment and con- n,yfie" the candidato cf tho people, and
naenco ol your neighbors aud fellow sl'all look to them for support,
w"us- ... I a'" very respectfully,
.. ...v, (-..mijujf undressed, moreover,
with tho conviction that the present
time calls for a direct expression of the
People through the ballot box, untraui-
meiieu oy caucus or Convention nom
inations, and frnn fi
, ........ imv, 'ill lljitll UIIU I C t f T
managing, and improper influences that a ccc,'c't Commitfeo of Inquisitors
too often control such modo of slectinr J 0 rrovu"t "'Q? discussion.
CaiKlldate.3. To insult tho Itrr.ivwnntntirr.o r.t .i
We hope to receive an early and fa. pic of Sovereign States by public dis
vorab.e reply, and we remain, eourttsil3. 1
ery respectlully yours, iVc.,
ITenry Ilawle. J. C. 15urfps. A.
i.m;j, w m. l.'urry, V,
Voloi-s .TJp.'hI
V:rf ScvUrfd fated For.
To vest the functions of legislation in
ij. Jjiandcs, J. J'j. J'uyne, E. Yardley,
II. C. Shannon. J. D. Monr.11. 1'. If.
Stephens, 1). Shirk, A. Henderson, J.
Lytic, F. C. Wilson, J. W. Walker, I.
llosenzwicrr, Sr.. C. Mctenlf. TI 1 .Tn.
rccki, T. Jarecki, J. A. Metz, A. Kooa-
To infringe npon tho Keservcd Kiht
of llcgulatimr tho Suffrage in each State.
l-'or additional Negro Soldiers iu the
standing army.
For extravagant schemes ot Public
For giants of Publio Lands to Corpo.
mcr, J. Gcnshelmer. G. Seiter. .T. TU. rntiona nnd Arnnnnnlfna
Knl "r ' r ,y' VA U' For Heavy Taxes on articles of no-
Morton. W. M. ArhnnHo. V V ... CCmty for 1 oor Mon'
sell, E. J. Ullcr. V. W Dfnmnrn TI I or the remission of Taxes to Rich
II. I !iss, P. A. IJeeker. S. If f!l.n-t Corporations bv allowing them to col
,i. v. . Mninnon, li. A. lect it lrom the pconlo
ht. : T 11 ... i
.uomwm, u. jienner. i. u. n mn
t , i , . . . . . . . . '
ItinowAY, Sept. 20, 18G0
FI.nL'R, per bbl $13 00 0 15 00
l''HtK do :5() 00
WIIKAT, per bushel 2 70
HVK l ()
(OltN 1 0
Dltllvb AL'l'LKS i 00
HKANK 3 oo
I'L' I I Lit per pound
't'!K.B Z!!!!Z."".'.".'.,"so
11 1 IS I'.li I'.l,
Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and
for the United Stntoa Service Ale
roricKT and r.rr.T kevot,verr,
Repeating Tislols, Rifle Canes, Rovolvi
' I A I I r. - J .miu vaiiua, ivuvillVin
ii, . u..ui uiiii ijii ii in rrnt
j.uvjo iicr uuzen nr. maierinis soiu ny eun ucaicrs and the trml,.
ElUK, tA., cpt. 20, 18CG.
, rr bbI S 8 GO to
I " H iV
II EK F ""
WHITE F1.SII J bid "
in ill esc unvs oi nnuseiirpnkmir on, l ml.
bdry, every house, store, bank, and office
.'13 01) to 31 50 ! Bl'ouM he supplied Willi ono of
..20 oo to 21 oo itii.niiXuru S IlKVOhVEIlS.
0 2."i In i An I Pftrticfl flcnirinrr in nvnil tlmmiiliTna 11.
ff iii' iT ,, i'"r; 10 0(n 12 GO lato improvements in Pistols, and supeHo
rrtva -"'"to a iO wovkmnnslnp and form, will find all combing
-,.',,o '"V 1 75 ,0 2 on iu 1,10 Ncw Rcniinston Revolvers.
U. IS per dozen. 2Mlo 2"i Circulars conluinintr ctil nnd ,ln.crinlmn
2j of our amis will bo furnished upon applioa-
I. A Rl) per pound 2.'ito
CHEESE ir, to
IH'TTEIt 23 to
17 tion.
Id:!)) ObJl-ii'sdnji!?.
TONN G. HALL, Attorney at Law, lias
opened a law and collection oflieo in St
.Mary s, (IScn.inscr P ()) Otiice in 2nd sto
ry of Mrs Fisher's buildinir. onnositfi Covnn
Mc Venn's store, whero he can be found
during i ho entire forenoon of each day.
TMs will not interfere with his oflice nt
Ridgw3', which will continue as heroi
and where ho will be iu person eneh after.
noon. rMnn'Hrttftl v
- i j
New Pattn-nn
Liuht, Convenient nnd c.i,n
sold, wholesalo and retail. A liberal
discount to dealers.
B. REMINGTON & SONS. Ilion. N. .
April Gth ISCO.-ly
cnuvn ilttnAns
wanted. n r;
A NY person having ono GOOD WORK- OvwtmV W II TI T , ' 'c
J. IJG OX for sale nay find a purchaser "vcrturf, A allaco II. Johnson, Rcnj.
by inquiring of (he undersigned. A "near" Johnson.
Jtmr.tnrcr J j. Michael Sawler.
For. Tii. Jacob McCaulcv. John
Nolf, Ilezekiah Ilorton, John A. Rrad
ley, Tsaac Ilorton, John Wondcrly
Joy jj. A. VV. Gray, Joseph Rob-
ox, oi-'ht years old. cirth five feet ten Innlioo
or iiiercaDouts preterred.
Hcpouo at. T. R. COBB.
For an annual tax of Eleven Millions
V. heubcrt, F. f!. alther. F. V airner, nil- o . n v
E. Sehlnudeeker, Adam Liebel, C iel. f 1 li:irS t0 SurPort tho
hart, 1'- B. lloccckcr, II. S. Jones, E. For Test 0;lt,l!''
F. Christian. For Military Rule in time of Peace.
A Calumny Nailed.
The stale slander that Mr. Ciymer op
posed the amendment to tho Constitu
tion giving soldiers in the field the
right to vote, vras reiterated at the Rad
ical Negro Suflraufo meetiii" iu this
place by John W. Forney. Had it
1 1 n .
ul-um iiny icss iniornieu perscn wo
should have been disposed to draw I1.,
veil of charity over him and supposed
bun to have been mi.-,tiikon, but Mr
1 i ., .
' miui uuuer, and lrom lam it
was a deliberate falsehood. Mr. Civ.
mer, iu Ins speech at St. Mary's, so cf.
P....I ....!!.. .,.....1.1... i .. ...
'"""'.i Bijni:iuiiuii iuui story tnat no
jiersj!-. who l.rai-J luni wiil ever think
ci repeatiiiu- it.
An amendment requires the approval
of two Mipre.--.sivc Legislatures, besides
a sulduL-ion to tho p,vv,le. At the
first pL-s.-ion at v.l.iih tho anini'lment
was proposed, Mr. (.'lyiner toiii! or il.
At the second session a difieuiiy arce
in the Senate as to the Speaker: hip. It
had been the cu.stuui. ever since the es
tablishment of this body, at the clos.-) of
each session, to choose a Speaker ad in.
ti i-i:,i, to hoi. I until the assembling of
the next Renatc. The Fenaie ee;i.-:!s
of thirty three members, elected tor three
years, of whom eleven, or one thiid tho
whole number, arc chanired every vear.
I'fouiho asseu.l.!iiif of each K-nate,
il.Lrefjro, eleven new Senators present
th::ir ewlontials and tiike iheir wats.
IuiR'.tdiatolv after tin.-, it ,.vi.r boon
Emn, Sept. 1.3, 18 GO.
To JTam Pnrlr, Allen A. Crni,, John
Vcinnis, h.J. it than, V 11.,
J. C. Jjitrffrss. V. Hramfes aud
others : .
ForNegro Equality.
For Negro Suffrage.
lVhat he folcd Against.
Against State Representation.
Against the Restoration of the Habeas
o:u t proe
the en
cf.iejr:i (Jf the Senate,
spiak (f, Mr. 1'iini.
the Sprnkrv ud
of vac-itin;; his sent t
a new
and a.- ..aiiid to bo tlic speaker
52.-l.rii.- T!, . '! ... .. .... 1
-i.j i -,il itl.ll.- I' I IU ji'JL j
a u .irj.-iii.ui, mid
:.i:.i:.e.l unorganized imtil tho
Speaker bv the bodv in
new Senators
) i he eii cliou of
At the lime we
,V (Kepuiiiican.)
"'-'.!, i:i-.rer;d
the clertion of
peukir, h :i:a'i:e.l in the chair,
u: liio
this v.'.r;
Sen.;t3 i
election of a
...l : .. l ... . .
which iiecuou me eleven
I ad a !.!: lit to participate ; that until or
ian;.ed they were in no condition to do
any business, and therefore they on', that
.r mud opposed anything and everything
which was introduced.
In this condition of affairs, the lie
publicans knowing that tho lcni..erat..
could not vote lor it without ncknovl.
edgiuu' that the Senate was urbanized,
introduced tho amendment to the Cun
..i ;. ;.... r... .i
.THU...JII, mi uiu .,,, ,ou ui mnkin
litical capital out of the lcfu il
I he
Democrat.; to vote for it. Mr. Clytuer
would not vote lor it, beeauso to tlo so
would be to endorse the usurpation of
Mr. Feuney, he would not vote against
it because ho knew they wanted to make
political capital out of it, so he did not
vote at all. After some fifty or tixty
days of procrastination the "Senato did
legitimately urgauizo by the election ol
a Speaker. Then Mr. Ciymer asU.J
tlio piivilego of recording his vote in
favor of the amendment aud Jiej itb
In ini 4S, uule i sUS' i hinirhe ju it ilriji:
lie never voted ugainst it. Uo voted
tor it in 11).'!. would have voted for it
in IStil, but the It piihlit nits n-iittldii'l
hi him.
Gentlemen Your letter requesting Corpus.
mo to bo a candidato for Conrcs has Against tho resolution to honor Grant
D I . , . t . .-. .
been several days held under advise- p" ?la,n? '"u0", . ,r
mcnt, with a strong luclination to de- t 1
cline the proffered honor, owing to a do- Against the Equalization of Bounties
cided reluctanco on my part to enter to Soldiers and Sailors.
upon the arena of political strife, where Against tho Constitution.
I have had little experience., a'nd where Against tho Union.
I cannot but feel that I must contend, L;3 fipcech at thi;J
at great disadvantage, against an ablo the 11th inst., Mr. Scoficld attempted
opponent, well skilled and long prnc- to CK).,n away thc niatter o( lis voting
ticed in all the machiuery of party tac- g5f000 cstra pay to Limsolf 1Ie d;J
A7nc Hundred and Fovlu-Threee.
a convention of Conservative Republic- Dolhirs ... receiveil .,,,,
ans, held nt Ridgway oi, the 18th inst., for hvo tr!ps from Wan.on ((J -.
ton. Tho people ate anxious to have
representing thc principal counties in
tho 10th Congressional Distrist, I was
unanimously placed in nomination ; and
further, that nt the Democratic Con.
vention, assembled at thc same place on
thc same day, I received a unanimous
vote of all the delegates, I feel that un.
der Mich unusual circumstances I ought
not to refuse your request, nor to de.
this niatter explained, and wo hope to
have it done before thc election. Won't
he explain ?
tCX. Justice, they say is blind : how
then is she to discover that one man is
whito and another colored. X. Y.
Trih unc
Yes. but she is not devoid of the
cline the j.roilercd nomniuTions ; and nl- sense of smelling,
thoucfh diffident of niv own abilities.
and distrust'iiur tho wisdom of tho choice .. . A.C?P u I'cloro 1110 PC0Pj tliat
tlic Abolition Congress, passed a bill
-wncn ,iils unexpectedly latien upon conform- the riKht of snfl.airc on the
mo, l accept tl.o position of standard- Negroes of the District of Columbia, by
tlicir lull party vote, under strict party
drill. All the Democrats voted against
it. Kacp this C 0 1 1 S l autly belore tho
people don't allow tho Abolitionists to
(Joul'O if. iorco it unon them, thev
bearer in the contest, and should I be
t ljcted. I will, so far as iu me lies, en.
dcavor to do no discredit to your parti,
ality. As to my opinions, I tako it for
granted that they are well kuowu to can't deny it
you. 1 have no concealment? to make
of cither my past or present position.
I wa3 the ardent friend and admirer
of tho late Stephen A, Douglas. I sup-
ported him politically whilst ' ho lived,
and I revere his memory aud bis princi.
pies, now, that ho is dead. In thc re
cent great struggle of thc nation against
armed rebellion, I did what I could to
sustain tho country, the Union, and the
Constitution. On thc srreat (incstmn of
the day, how bhall tho unity of th
a tea uo and soonest restored? it
toy opinion that the war being now
Sfete fct fabii$ 1 J Jo"rs Jolm Kramer.
Mill Street, St.MiinflFUcconnti, Pa. VW. C.IIealy, J. K.
Ladies can rely on gettin- the' ' hitmore, Nathaniel Cummings, E.
Lat est Stylo of Trimming
as sue gets & monthly supply from tho
eastern uities.
sep20'G(3 St.
tit, Mar; s Bnro. Charles Weis.
Michael Rruner, llcnry Fochtman. J.
n it
Spring Crerfc Tp. John J. Robin
son, (jr. V . lllnncs.
Benezett Tp.U. R. Wilson. John
Murray, EL D. Dcrry, Edward Fletcher.
JJenziiiocr Tp. Ilerman Koch. C.
Hitter, Adam Jcsbcrgcr, Alloys Ruch.
Fox Tp.G. R. Emlcv. E. Ilvatt. J.
Mosicr. U. Conner. C. A. Wilcox. W.
J. Leahy, John Myers, Jacob L. Taylor,
Adelphus Kylcr.
Jny Tp. Francis J. Spanglcr, Vino
Dennison, John Hess.
Jones Ti). John "Wcidert. Michael
liulaaimi Ti. Isaao Ilorton. Jr.. T)
J. GUILNEY & SON, J. Cook, John Kcmmerer. J. V. Houk.
PHOTOGKAPHIC ARTiSTS JUas- Wcvean, Isaao Stephcuson, T. B
707. liltnATiWAV v v ' Cobb, Jerome Powell.
. I .C nr. . . i.t .
-w-w ,i.i;,: . ,.. ,. . . . jutirix uoro. iaoiDll roetit-
JL lery, established in 18-10. we hove for ? o' A IS'akcIy) Mathias WelleD.
the last bivo years had advantages su- uorl' U00' nels-
pcrior to any other establishment ob-1 , Xpi(f Creek, Tp. R. P. Saltsman,
tuning siuings :rom lite, or all tho ""wv--i'-''Ki'uy.
l roimuent Lelcbiitios of tho dav in
i , .
vm po. nans, ami nro now puulistiing a
uuuiuuuu ui over
American and Foroiirn. nlso a I.-irtm list
of copies of Works of Art and Enrav
insrs. Catalogues sent on rwnlni. nflnl in
--- wv.
oiainp. oraer lor one dozen pie.
T -st of causes si: r jjown fo,? a-0.
Ij vomher Term, M)(i, commencing on
mo ur.-iL.uununy ot saw montli.
Rryant & Eucr vs Taylor.
Myers vs Hays ct. al.
Millingar vs Sorg et. al.
J-eash vs Rauh ct. al.
Davidson vs Caruan.
Eeuncr vs Thomas ct. al.
Clements vs Amor ct. al.
McKiuyow vs Ellis ct. nl.
Scllc vs Eenzinger school district.
Keinmercr vs McCaulc-y ct. nl.
Deputy Prothouotary.
All of superior (juulity, for sale by the
Tannerdale Coal Company,
fct. Mary's, Elk County, Pa.
JESyOrders by mail promptly attend-
tures fiom our Catalogue will be. fillrd Ul' I K AAPETl VI.' AIM w.
at 1 80, and sent by mail free. Single 'P-IvUU Wllut Agents everywhere
pictures 23 cents each, copies of en. to sel1 our improved $20 Sewing Machines,
graving 13 cents each. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed!
N. R. Wo also desire to call attention l"n 'V"11' "'"'ranted fiveyeurs. Above
lnthn,l.i. i r . ""ry r mrgo commissions pa d. Theomv
)o tho advantage we have for rcproduc- machines sold in the United States for less
imr. Or COnVinsr. od D.irrnormntmna IllmnSlll f.,li..i: j, w.aa
Alnbrotypcs, Card Pictures. &e.. of dn Wheeler A- Wilunn, (Jrover .5- Maker.
ceased relatives aud friends, cnlarn-in" 't anii Jarleller. All other cheap ma.
....... ,r ui nun mo teller or user
them to any gizo, and Cnishin
atcr Colors, or India
nid of ten talented artists.
111 till. I .... . -
Water Colors, or Tn.lm Tt Tl ' '? '" "e. ""Ponmcnt.
, ----- , ....... vi.
iiuisiraicu eireulars Rent free. A.l,lru -
v4.Tiiiij v.'ti 17. hi (iu ii iiinrfl i '-"v, vi 'iiiv:uii. in. i mnv. i TT.f! 1
r.v n ... i . ..i ..t. V. . " J
end lor a cataloirue. Tlio fr.nlrt
nn!irtJ - 1:1 1 .1: , i
aL u iiuuiai uiscounc. uallorv
On the 22nd of Julv last, near Juliet.
Will county, Illinois, Hon. X. ,S. Rrock-
way, aged about (53 years, from injuries
received from tho kick of a huise the
day previous.
Thc deceased was ono of the pioneers
cf Elk county, having emigrated with
his parents from OtsegD county, N. Y.,
about the year S2i, and settled in
what is now Jay township, where he re
sided ou thc same farm until he remov
ed to Illinois in thc piirincr of 103.
lion. V. S. Ei'ockwnv lins hnnn lonnr
ended, the rebellion having been fip- and fvoiaL!y known in this county as
pressed, tho curso of s.avery iorever 0110 of her most s,ihstt;,,l ,1 ri;..;.l
blotted out, nnd all resistance to the cit;acilS Llivil)q sett,C(1 hc b hs
Goyernineut having ceased, it is only ymuh when tho count wns almMt ftn
right and proper that all war measures unbroken wilderness. 1,n litnmllv m
should terminate, and that for the sake up with tho C0UIltV) nnJ by L;3 unfalter.
of tho welfare and perpetuity fulelity and iutegriiy, became one of its
aud for tho financial stability and credit idmg c;tijicos. Iy hifJ ti)0rou h
of the nation, there ought to be as soon knowledge of tho wants and interests ol
as practicable a restoration of the sev- the county, and his unswerving devotion
oral States to their proper position in in-l,.i ;.i.j.M. i. ...
... i w .. j uo. mm nui, iiu was en-
tho .National Union. To this end I am ablcd to wield an indue,, , 1,;.
in favor of tl.o adini.-siou of Represen- neighbors which but few men could do.
tativcs in Congress, from tho States Uo-was not only an honest aud upri-ht
lalel.v iu rebellion, provided that only citizen, but an exemplary Christian,
huch shall bo admitted as are loyal to having been a consistent member of the
ii.,- uc.uiucH, H1.u wnoarc ablo to RaptL-t Church for near fiftv ,,
take tho prescribed oath. Whcn Dr. Rroekwav left Kik eon,,f
I am in favor of retrenchment and she lost ono of her best citizens. n,l in
reform in the expenditures of tho Cov- his death thc church and tho world lost
cinmeut. Tho legislation of tho last ono of whom it may be truly said "ho
sc.ision of Congre was characterized did not live iu vain. W 1!
i.ivm l i vur
open for free inspection, and stnnmri-s f ' vs- fu
ftmes l'ryor
Com. IMons of Kik
v.s.tmg the city will find our Oallery JL ' w.irt),lv,T,NQ- Jul T,rm
('no of the most agreeable places where. v , , , ' do,"estlc altl''cnt
in fit tt - i 1 -Notice is hereby civen tlmi m.
sepu nr.. 1 0 , , Rroadway, N. Y.
sipneil residing at St. M.u-ys Vicnlinger Tp..
tilt to., Tii., hnve been ann..iiitn,l T.,ui.
of tho above defendants under tho above
Domestic Attachment. All persons indebt
ed to said defendants, or holding property
belonging to then., are hereby required to
paa and deliver all such sums of money an 1
propeito due and belonging to such delen
dams to such trustees . ,...,1 n ,i:..
said defendants are deilreil to present their
respective accounts ar demands.
(HAS. I.IJIirt
sept ll.CC. c. JI. VOLK.
Court Proclamation-
USE. yIIKIti:.YS,lION. K. a. W HITE rres
for the 1,It,lt and (Jiiaui.fs Mkau nnd K; C.
d fnst.-,, f,,!"l'LT1!'V, A'suciateJudgesof the Court of
oiuinon rieas, and Justices of the I'mnt f
i't'-S, 1. road way, N. Y.
Thaddeus Firth, successor to Firth
Rim & Co. Music 1'ublisher, Manufac
turer and Importer of
iiuu mery ues3iiption of
fcole JNew lork Agency i
eelebrated Oilmoro& Cos Rand
mni.t- ti. r i j . . 1 u'""
he 1 "72 Zl 1 "Ur fcerSessions and Orphans' Court!" and
lW-nin.r 1 m iUr U- U- T uyer V"1 Terminer, and General
Vvi i . . winery oi K county, l.y their pre.
holesale nnd Retail Depot for thc co.r(t,1 t0 ",e d"'0CI:'l. have ordered a Court
ilni-Iliflll.'A A- .Co"""0,., l'k'.!ll- a Col,l t nt yr'er See-
. ' , vwii.h v.ii)l, oio'is, v.rpiiuns' Court, and Court of Oyer
.....v... tiiuiiuiigcs comparison as thc r "UJU"miier aim ueneral Jail Uelivery, tu
most effective Instrument ei offered to ? j!,'!Il,0U at KiJS"'V. ia and for tho county
tlio public. " u" 1,10
New and Choice Musio ni,i:ui,.i ms MO.VDAV IV NOV. mo,
daily. Catalotrucs and M ice lists nf Tn hein3 ,u0 Cl1' ,laX of 11,0 mon,h ""'l con.
..., ....,. i . 1 .. . 1 JU- tiniie one week. NOTICE is hert-bv
.7 1, 7.1 U, aI,l'llCa,lu- o the Coroner, Justices of tho Peace and
. wu wumo iroui ail the lead. Constables of tho county of Elk, that they
ing publishers in America. Any "re lheso precejits eommnnded to be
picco of Musio, or Music Hook sent bv "ien "u'' tlicr0 "",ir froper persons, at
mail, post-raid on rcnoinf ,J -i ' IU o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their
a , i usi uiu, on leceipt of retail price. rols. recordd and inquisitions nd mIip
uruers ny mail for Musio or Iustru
merits receive prompt and careful atten
tion. All roods warranted to prove as
represented at
0jji(ii5roa(lway( N y.
rnilE art of .1Q UAXCINtl end IIANJO
.1 l'LAYING taught by 0. W. HKOVVN,
Uulgway, 1-a. a.liooius at Mrs. llur.
l ough's, ou Centre si reel. sepl l lf
rolls, recordd and iuouisitions tnd other r-
nieuibrances, to do thoso things which their
ullices aiiiierlaiu ! bo done, and that H
Justices of said county irako returns of all
the recognizances entered into before them
to the Clerk of tho court as per Act of As
sembly, passed May St h liftii. And those
who are bound by their recognuans to pros
ecu.e the prisoners that are or shall bo in
i. A. MALONF Sheriff.