T jon work. Eighth sheet hand bill, 60 copies or less Quarter sheet handbill, CO copies or lcs $3.0 Half slicct hand-bill, 50 copies or less $6.00 Full sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or less $9,00. BLANKS. For any quantity under five quires. $1, 60 per quire .- on nil amounts over that reasonable reduction will bp made. TERMS OF TAPER. Sl.fiO per year in advance $2,00 if paid within the year, and $2,50 if not paid with in that time. - tsrJoii.rstKV, fxr.wi: AND tut; CONSTITUTION. DEMOCRATIC Mass Meeting AT ST. MARY'S, Jtlonday Evening Sip', lO;. HON. HIESTEIt CLYMEIt Will positively be present, with other dis tinguished speakers. COMEDO NE ! COME ALL!! NOTICK. Hereafter tho Post Office will be closet! every cvenin? at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 nVhiplr A. M. Mail Closed at 0 !' M. L. LUTHER, P. M. NOTICE. The Commissioners oi Klk County, will meet at their omco in Ridgway on FRIDAY, September 7tli, 18G0. By order J. K.P.IIALL.Ci'k. 83rThe meeting at St. Mary's will commence at 4 o'clock on the after noon of tho 10th. This will give a large number of persons an opportunity of going and returning on the same day. I Back to Riduway. Our youn friend Levis has discovered that he can abide in Ridgway, and has purchased the interest of J. F. Shurtz in tho har ncHS-making business. He would be listppy to wait upon all who may favor him with their patronage. 'Picture Frames. There is noth looks better than a good picture with a handsome frame. Mr. Thomas has an 'extensive assortment at his Furniture Store on tho corner of Main & Depot Streets. Give him a call. Democratic Conoressinat, Con ference. Tho delegates to this body from Cameron, Elk, Forrest, Jefferson and M'Kcan, thinking that yesterday was the day agreed upon, assembled at this place, and after electing officers ag. reed to adjourn over to the 13th inst. NOTICE. All honorably discharged soldiers who intend " to votethe way they shot," arc requested to meet at Yolk's Hotel in St. Mary's at 1 o'clock A. M., on the day of tho Democratic meeting, to assist in giving onr distinguished candidate an appropriate reception. By order, C. II. Yor.K, late Maj. Stth. F. Weis, late sergeant 74th. Notice. The Committees of Yigi lance arc requested to act as Commit, tees of Arrangements in their respective townships for the Mass Meeting at St. Mary's on the 10th of September next, and to co operate generally with tho Committee of Arrangements of the Lor. tmh of St. Mary's, o which lion. E. Schultze is chairman, and Dr. W.J. Blakely, Secretary, in all matters per taining to said meeting. JOHN G. HALL, Chairman Dcm. Co. Com. Republican Concessional Con-l-eh ence. Pursuant to previous notice this body met in tho Hyde House yes. terday afternoon. Hon. John Patton of Clearfield, was elected chairman. I'p on tho first ballot Mr. Soofiell was nominated for Congress. Resolutions expressive of the enso of the Conven. lion were passed, after which they ad journed to meet in tho Court House in the evening to hear an address from Mr.Seofkld. Id the evening, quite a number of pcrsous assembled in tho Court House. Mr. Scofield's speech occupied about au hour and a half. Wo supposo our Re publican friends were cousidcrsbly en. lightened by it. BfiyWe see by tho Tidioatc Chroni. ele, that its editor, Ed. Stevens, has a gaiu plunged into matrimony, regard less of what tho Tidioute ladies, old and younjr, may say Well, Stevens is only fulfilling his destiny, and we're glad to sec him face the music like a man. CtjTKv. Henry Ward Beccher, in n recent litter, which wc shall give in lull next week, takes a position which deserves tho careful consideration ot ev ery innn who has the wtlliro of tho freedmcn nt heart. Mr. Beccher iias devoted his life to tho anti-slavery cause, and has ever becu a shining light among Republicans. To that portion of them who are honest in their anxiety to have the negro protected from vio. lence, and do not use him only as a hob. by, this letter affords food for reflection. lie contends that immediate restoration of the Southern States brings with it law and order, and is demanded by the interests of the freedmcn. Thnt exclu sion from representation necessarily and naturally produces irritation, discontent and disquiet, which exhibits itself in riots and in tho cruel and lawless acts of violent men. That tho existence of the negro clement among them being the apparent cause of their exclusion from participation in the government, upon this clement falls tho weight of these disorders. Wc give his own words : 2. It is f-mrcd, with mure reason, that the restoration of the South to her full indcpcndecc will be doterimental to tho freedmcn. The sooner wo dismiss from our minds the idea that t lie freedmcn can be classified, and sepei-atcd from the white population , and nursed and do. frniti'd by themselves, the better it will le lor them and us. Tho negro is part and parcel of Southern society. He cannot be prosperous while it is unpros. pered. Its evils will rt bound upon him. Its happiness ami rcinvigoration cannot be kept from 1. is participation The restoration of tho South to amicable relations with the Norlh, the rcorganiza. tion of its industry, the rcinspiration of enterprise and thrift, will all redound to the Irccdnien s bcnelit. iSothintr is so dangerous, to tho fruedmcn as an unset tied state of society in tho South. On him comes all the spite, and anger, and caprice, and revenge, lie will be made the scapegoat of lawless and heartless men. Unless wo turn tho Government iuto a vast military machine, there can not be armies enough to protect the freedinen while Southern society remain insurrectionary. If Southern society is calmed, settled, and occupied and sooth ed with new nopes and prosperous in dustries, no armies will be needed. Ri ots will subside, lawless hangers on will be driven off or better governed, and a way will be gradually opened up to the freedman, though educated and a way will be gradually opened up to the freed man, through education . and industry, to full citizenship, with all its honors and duties. .T. Powell's Column. THE LARGEST STOCK OF 3 THE MOST DESIRABLE 4SS0RT MENT. rMHIi UNPEESIfiNEN offers to the pub a lie at his roiriiioilious bales ttoonis in Ilidgway, the largest and best general sortr.ient of Merchandise tliut can be found ut any Store between WII.LIAMSI'ORV AND Kit IE, and at more favorable prices than can be bought ul cither nf them points. His slock comprises a splendid variety of PRINTS, DELINKS, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE groceries pro visions AC, iC. ty-The proprietor, thankful for tho very generous patronage thus far extended to his establishment by the citizens of K'.k and adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive A continuance of the same. J. POWELL, Aug.-lu'UO.-ly. UTION --All persons m e here j by cautioned not to buyer deal for a note drawn :n favor of William lioyd for $ 35,00, us 1 have not received value for said note, and I will not pay it. "tigaiWt A. S, HILL. IXTUA BOUNTY. li lMi'UKT.VNT Tit .SOLDIERS! ily a recent act of Congress, all soldiers who served three years, or those who were discharged by reason of wounds leeeived in service, and the WIDOW, MINOR CHILDBEN OH PABENTS of any such soldiers who died in the service of the I'nited .Stales, or of disease or wounds contracted while in the service, are entitled to an additional bounty of $100. liy giving this manor your immediate at ientiun, and citl'iug on or writing to the on dcrsigned, these claim will secure prompt utieutiou. JOHN G. HALL, uugoUtf. Ilidgway , I'a, TOR WORK of all kinds and des J crip ipOon doue at this office. The People' Candidate for Congress. Cot,. Dan Rice : Dkah Sin. Wc, the undersigned Wizens of Girard and Eric County, in view of tho patriotic services rendered tho Government, and tho many thou sands of hard earned dollars you have expended to sustain and carry on the war ngainst rebellion : having proved yourself tho true friend and supporter of Andrew Johnson and bis Administra. tion in their efforts to restore the Union, and having confidence in your integrity and ability lo discharge the duties of Representative of the lOlh District in ('impress we therefore request that you allow votir name to bo used as the Poo- pic's Catididato for that office nt the ensuitr; election. tion. Penynrd, John It. Oullirord, A. (i. Ely, E. K. Smith, Frank Mct'reary, Win. II. Edson, F. M. Coats. John ltobertson, 1. Olin. John Kesel. E. S. Helknnp, W. !. Webber, II. L. Care, W. 1). Martin, I',. J. Kenyon, (iulliford, T. Martin, W. L. Traut, Win. Piatt, 11. r.etihani. James l'rawlcy, Henrv Hall, 1!. ('.' Eiy. A. M. Osbnvn, ( has. P. Grant, Louis Y eager, 1. Cookott, J. T Simmons, A. White, S. F. M.Kon. L. P. Chevalier, Jas. L. Thayer, S. T. Williams, (ieo. 0. Martin. C. W. Noycs, D. Nason. Mi? son Godfrey. II. Kiltelhergcr. Jr. Mich'l Schuinaker, Jr. Ileinrioh Kitlelbcrgcr, Ilobcrt. Caldcr, L. D. Hart, J. M. Murphy, J. Header. J ihn l'recht. Hiram Daggett, J. W. Atwater, E. Jewel, E. W. Clark, William Tvler, (1. S. llulH'ord, John llav, Jr., .1. L. Hart, G. W. Stines, . Martin, ibibt. Wilcox, E. I'cttihonc, A. Stone, James Callaa, C. L. Phclns, Altoona, Pa., June 2fith 1860. To the Citizens of Girard and Erie County, Penn'a. Your letter, proposing to run mo for Congress, is received. 1 would indeed be inscusible to the commonest impulses of humanity were I not filled with tho warmest sentimcntof gratitude for the fnuti'llv expressions and personal ro, gaid that your letter contains, signed a9 it is by Republicans and Democrats, whom I know to bo staunch supporters of the Government, and many who have risked their lives for tho preservation of the Union. Such distinguished con sideration overcomes every natural ob jectioti I may have for political honors, consequently I do accept of your kind invitutioo to allow my name to bo used, out with tne understanding that l am not to bo tho standard-bearer of cither political party (Republicans or Demo crats) but if nominated it must be by a People's Convention, as I belong to the people. They are my friends and pa. irons, and in justice to them, composed as they aro of all shades of political opiuions, I must continue to live in their esteem, and labor to promoto their hap. piucss and interests which has been the height of my ambition fur twenty. five years. Respectfully, Yours, July,I2-tf. Dan Rice. NEWS DEPOT AND PKHIOmCAI, S T 0 11 15 . DAILY & WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at rjM 1 1: J)OOK gTOltE I N ST. MARY'S. B. Anv work, either' American or Europen, Religious, Scientific!, Phil osophical, Historical, Set., will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Book or Stationery lino twt in Store, will bo sent for by mail urn! be received in a few days uftitr or Bering. juii. 14-ly. HOMKTIIINO NKW! HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. T Ulli taiSSCKIUEK WOC LI) U In spect fully inform the citizens of Elk county that ho has just started in the nbovo business in Kidgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. CHAINING, l'APEIt HANGING AND CALC1.M INING DONE OX SHOUT NOTICi: AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left nt tliis Olliee or at tho Eunkiug House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-lTTifl-ly. ISTRAY,-1'"" lo the premises J otitic subscriber in Spring Creek town ship on the tilh of July last, h SOUUELL MAKE, with one whilo hm.l foot. The owner is reiiuosted lo come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed ef as tltc law directs. D I R H X I LSON, Aiig.-l(j'0t'..-3t. Portland, Elk Co., I'a. Dissolution oFiTviTTxiirslfi 1'T--The partnership heretofore existing between tho iinlersjjied is this dsy dis solved by mutual consent. W. P. WILLTAMS, II. O. Mct O.N'NELL. August 1st, 'Itti ot. TETTEifsTEST AMEATA It You l"lu7e7. J 'are of John Kolhonhoefer, late of the borough of .Si. Mary's, decease 1. having been grained lo the undersigned, ul! persoiU indebted to, or liuving claims against b.iid eotut me refjuesled to cull and settle. T. ROTHEMIOI'IIEIL Uttl.Ot. EsCfUtlir AT THE New Stoit; of weis Ei ci o r ii i: II s iit St. Mary's, Klk County Pennsylvania Successors to George Weis. Offer for sale, nt wholesale ami retail, n well selected stock of .S7'A7.Y(; SI MML'Il 3 3 'v,- j j Wi w i SILK',?; Monixacs, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and 6gured Alpacas. A largo assortment of Prints, White goodsof every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Vhirting in great variety. L ame's & Children's Millinery Goods ; such as BONNETS, HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, cf-c. GL O VES .0 HOSIER V. GENTS uvnishiiitj ijijods nf every ilusrrijttion, CL 0 THS, C. I SS1MERES iCc, Lc GROCERIES AND PROYISIONS. A large slock of FLOUR, 1MKK, SCO A It, TEA, forrr.r., srni:s, UTCE, SALT, LAI'.D, lll., WIIA1.E OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. .-SOAP OF ALL HINT'S. In short, we have cvorythieg needed for family use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Rrush. es of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Rcau. tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment of Segara and Tobacco. E RUYT OUR STOCK directly from the Manufacturer and there fore wc can afford to sell cheaper than auy other establishment iu Elk county. 1MIK PURLIC are respectfully in vited to call and examine our stook and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for wo claim to have one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and ecn sell for less propt, than any other house iu the county. Weis 3ko'j KOTllElifi ' lO.V.J. WARDED A GOLD MEDAL! AT THE American Institute Fair! OCTOBER 19; W,i. Ill dirvct competition with all the'.cuding inakeis in the country. I'Ei.OUllET R G A N S AND MKLODEOKS. C. PELOUBET & SOX, -k Manufacturers. Respectfully invito the attenlion of pur. chasers, the trad and profession, to the FO LL 0 WING INS Tit CM E NTS Of their manufacture : Pedal I Jatsc Oiy;aris, Five sir.o(t, FiveOelave. one lollirce Hanks of Keys, three to cight setts of Kccds, Pi-iocs, SJ35 to $U(M. School Oi-jaiis, Niuo styles, single and double Reed, iioscwoou nun union walnut cases, Prices, f l;i0to$21(). Molodoons, Piano stjle and Portable, Twelve Varie ties, from tour to six Octaves. singU and double Reed, Rosewood and Elacl; Walnut Cases. Price". $';.") to SJJl). Every instrument is made by competent workmen, from the best material, unecroiir personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy of the inline, is intro duced in them. Among these we would call atten:ion to the 1 El'.MoLANTK, which has been so much admired, and tau be found only in instruments of our own manufac ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent proles-ors and organists, we give the following extracts : ' The pedals I conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. Kir, S. " It is a grand, good iush-unicnt. and docs credit to the builder." II. C. Folger, Troy, Sew York. "They are among the finest Instruments manufactured cither in this country or a broad." Wm. lierg, J. Mosenthal. Aptomas ' They have given universal satisfaction." W. E. Hawley, Fon-du lac, Wis. " There k a peculiarly sweet and syrtipa. thetUs one which harmonizes ohirmlnj'y with the voice." W. II. Cooke. ' 1 am particularly pUascd with the sr. rangemetit of (he diilerent registers." Vm. II. Bradbury. " No other instrument co neailv en proac'ies the organ." The Chorister," X. Y. "This insli-umen. has a dear superiority etet eterything vet introduced among in." independent, X. Y. "The tones and the action are exec'l -nt." - '.'.ev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. " The noro we use it the better we lil.e it." J B Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Bank Organ is really a gem." J W KinuicuU,- Boston, Mass. ; We have found them excellent in all pointj constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. ' It looks and sounds splendidly." SB Anion, Troy, New York. "The must perfect toued Mclodcort I ci-er saw." Guy F No-lh. " They fall hack on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beamy of ton aud reasonableness of price. And we must ay that iu all lit ii- respects they are well worthy of praise. " Musical Pio i.et.r. S'ZyEvery instrument is fully warranted, and bored and shipped iu New orkCiiy without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Trice Lists, Jc, sent or. application to C PEtOtfBET & SON, LvLoou?u:Lt, N. J, Or J M PclK.i,, Pi , Broadway, New York lonrad Meyer, Arch Street, Fhiliid'a : 8 llruinai-d & Bon, Cleveland, Ohio ; J A Tucker. Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Wevuer Oerard. I'incimilli. Ohio ; Joel II Snow Mobile. Alaham i. WHOLL.-j.VLE AGENT; Julv ?li 'j " A FURNI TURK ! rMlE UNDERSIGNED T A K E 1 pleasure in announcing to tho oi 1 1 zens or Ei'lwiiy nild ndjoininff towns, thnt ho has ju-t. opened a Kmniiure Shop b Kidgway, and is picpartd lo sell nil l.ind of furiiitiirn at the lowest, prices. His stock consist's in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES EEDS'ri'ADS, STRING HEMS ,t MATTIlEoSEH r.UKEAUS, WASH STAMif, Cane seat Chairs of all kinds, n.M'.Y CHAIRS, CIUBS, SOFAS. LOUNGES, TETB A TETES, HEDROOM SI'lTrt of Cliestm.i, Mahogany and Black Walnut and every thing usually found in a tirst class country Ware. Room. riCTUKE FRAMES .fall shes, and of Mahogany, Rosewood MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFIN'S Vnnl nn l.nn,l .l ...J. to onlcr, of every kind ami description. Please CALL and prnminrf i "J Ul'i foro purchasing elsewhere, for 1 hope by ....vmjuu ,u miriness, arid Keeping all tho market demands in my line, to merit the patronage of the tmhlin. iv.n.. en tlie corner of Main and Depot streets. llt.Mtl 11. THOMAS. May-IT'CG-U', T7-..1TK. 2T,60 per rfo.. AGENTS wanted, ladies and eentlemen. in every County in the United States, to sell the Ink Powders of the American Ink Company. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fill fifty buttles of tin size Usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart tigetit can sell a ross of it a day, and clear S27.f0. The ink can be made from tho powder in three minutes in common boiling water. It is a perfect black ink, the best in the world. It flows easily, doc3 not corrode the pen a particle, ucver gums up, is not injured by freezing, and its color will last forever. Every family in America will buy it, as a package will last a family for ycr.Ts, and ink can lo made' iu Rtuall quantities as wanted. With each gross wc send' a thousand circulars with testimonials from clergymen, law. yers. teachers, nie'chants, comtncrcil college;, editor, etc., and the agent's name on the bills. Only one person will be made agent for a county. The first one sendingS-'iO for a groins of tuc' nowder will receive it hv irf.irn emresi together with one thousand circulars and tho right to sell in the county he or she designates. If other send for tho sa.iic county, the money will be returned to them free of expense. To make sure, one had better desigrtato Several coun ties, cither of which he or the will take, duro for trade list and circulars if you1 Scndrun the risk of waiting, or send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers ol the banks, or the express agents of this city, will show that the business is hon orably and squarely conducted. An Ink l'owder will be scut by mail to any address, free of chari, en receipt of forty cents. Address, writing your name, town, county and State distinctly. AMERICAN INK COMPANY, Manchester, N. . THOMAS W. LANE, Clerk for the Co., and Special Agenl WA N TE1 7 AGENTS $75 to WW' PER MONTH for gentlemen and 35 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv ed and perfected. It .will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only 20, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for throe years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from: which twice that amount can bo made. Address with stamp, or call on ROWERS k CO., Salesrooms. No. 25." Suth FIFTH Street, FhiiaJ?ipl.) Pa. All letters answered, promptly, with' circulars and terms. May-81'ij(3-Iy. ji:nosi:.E and gas stove's. TEA AND COFFEE EOILERS, GI.UI.' POTS, OIL CANS, &e., &r CZ All the cooking for a "533 Cri" family may he done with "twa r-i" Kerosene Oil, or Gas, -Tjft iQf with lew trouble, and- at "TtSa fey less expense, than by any -Ja rij- other find. -yjjj Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perforin all that U claimed for it. -:7'--ul for Circulai-.-I LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE' TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP IIEATEU CO1., 20(3 Pkaiu, Stueet, N. . July-l!)'(50.-ly. Ml'I U E SE VIN'G "'l ACHrN E CO." " IVinriji'il OJtrfi, CIO Dromfwan, X. J". GRKAT IMl'RoVEMENT in Sewing Ma' f!iu:es. Empire Shntlle. Crank Motion' Sewing Machine.- !t is tlinn reiulered noisu less in acliou. Iih motion being all positive, it is uot. tit-Lie lo pel ovt of irdtr. It in tho' best Family Machine! Notice is rnl!-,f ti our .icwnnd Imprared M,'iiiuf:i.oor;iie M uhiu. ff.rMilorsftnd Hoot and Shoe Filler. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal difeoun will be given. No Consignments made u ! EMPIRE SEWIN't MACHINE CO. ' '- "J'tG.-Iy.