KW CASH GROCERY STORE. D RUG S T O R E NEW ARRANGEMENT! JAM ICS McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Oroccrics &c, would rcppcctfully inform flic citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that I c hns gone into the Grocery business, i i.d will open on or about the middle I'Mny. 1 1 iccps constantly on hand u ixtcnsivc stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY y the barrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER than Ir.o CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to call and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY. May Sd, 'CG. Gin. E RBMINGTON & SONS, Revolvers, 'ltiflcs, Muskets and Carbines, HT.1 'I Al l 1. It I'illO Sot the United Suites Service. Also iwl-pt Avn UF.l.T REVOLVERS, Repeating Pistols, Ritle Canes, Revolving liitles, ltitlc ami Shot f.'un barrels, and gun .nn.prinls sold hv cun dealers aud the trade In these days of housebreaking ami iob-- l.ilrv. rvcrv house, store, nnim, uuu v.uw, should be supplied with one of 15 v. t I Xi TON'S REV OLVLRS. Tal lies desiring to avail tl-cmselvcs of thf :.,,,.,i,i in Pistols, and superio. workmanship and form, will find all combind in il.o Xi.w Uoiiiini'ton llcvolvcrs. Circulars containing cuts and description vi our arms will be furnished upon applica lion. . . , K. REMINGTON & SONS, llion. N. 1. .April olh 18(iii.-ly "TfALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. V The underpinned lias laid out a vil lnrn imnn Ins cround adjoining the Hidg hm in ho called ELK. The lots trc 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front inn invnnU i lie railroad. the first lot sold. $100. Foi nlil. Sill). For tho third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing price as lots arc sold. Hf, First purchasers get tho nl ilip rhpnrpt. rates. choice lot Purchasers will be registered in the or .1..r nf their amilieal ion Ten por cent o t lie. purchase money must be paid at the imp nt' Ilip nnnlication. 8r.Applications will be made to John G. Hall, Lsa.. Kwgway, fa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway. mar,2O-C0-tf. itcit frrcTi ! itch i Mratch I Scratch ! Scratch ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Ci'ue tub Itch is IS Iloins Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, VIMLF.LAINS. and all ERUPTIONS OF I' 1 1 K SKIN. Price 5J cents. For sale by all druggists, liy sending CO cents to WEEKS & rOTTER, Solo Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be for warded by mail, freo of postage, to any part nl'llie United Mates. (junu-7'OO-ly. 1 i l a c Ksirrm ingT" II. S. DELXAP desires to inform the c'ni. yens of Ridgway aud vicinity that he has Ua-cd J. S. Hyde's Itlacksmiih Shop on Mill street, and has empluyed good work mien who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing T hni-ses. All I ask is a fair trial. Mny 17'Clj-ly. NEW SH01 TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES I STOVES STOVES John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. ST. mauy's, r.v. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, ;i largo and well si'locted stock of TIN WARE. STOVES &c. We have . very thmg generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of ANTI DUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can bo had at our I hop cither riveted or proved. SPOUTING AND ItOOFINC, done on :-diort notico and at reasonable rates. .June ll'GG-ly. G PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 409 Jiromhnit, Xrw York. THESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit ! at the orli't Fair, over i lie beat makers from London. Paris, tier, i any, the cities of New York, Philadelphia, i iiltiinorc and Boston ; also the Gold Medal .:it the American Jnslilut,; fur FIVE Bucces .ivo yeans! ! Our Piiinos contain the French Grand Aelion, Harp Pedal, Over ruling Buss, Full lion Frame, and all Mod. rn Improvements. Every instrument icai' Kinttd F1VK vrj. M.ido under the bu. , ci vision, of MR. J. II. GBOVESTEEN, who .ib a practical experience of over thirty, fro years, and is ihe maker of oivr tUvm , ,oimaiU liimio forte. Our facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell tlis Jin Hruntcnts from SKWlo S'-DO cheaper than jinv first rlass piano forte. july-l'J'tiO.-ly. TOP. J crip WOHK of all Linda and des tions done at this office. jjOli PklNTIXG NEATLY, i lILAl'LY & EXPEDITIOUSLY A.CUU.J at tic Advocate Office. BORDWELL& MESSENGER, HEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, LAMP OIL, IMINTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS, CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRONi WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS' VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & 3EGARS, rURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. FOUTZ TV CEL1BRATBD Horse ail Cattle Powders. Thii preparation. ( long aud favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigornte hroken down nnu low-spirltctl horsts, Dy ftrcngthening nnd cleansing the stomach and intei tines. It Is a euro pre ventive or all dia- eaos Incident to thia animal, such aa LUNO rtVtit, LAMJJI13, YKLLOW WA TER, II EAVES, COUGHS, IMS TKMPKR, FE YEKS.FOUXDKR LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL EN'EHUY.&c. Its use improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives a s moo in anaj p lossy ikin and transforms theJ miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and spirited uotse. To keepers of Cows this preparation is invaluable. It inert' aits the uuuntity aud improves the Quality oi ine mtiK. it nas been proven by ac tual experiment to increase tne quan tity of milk and cream twenty per ocnt. and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens a meir nia. ana ; make them thriva mucli faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, t'loers io the Lungs, Liver, fcc, this articlu Acts as a fjicciAc. By putting from r one-hull a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases ill be eradicated or entirely prevented. If (riven in time, a certain preventive and cure for (lie nog inoiera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or S Papers for $L w4 PEEPABED SX AT THEIR WHOLESALE niU AM) MF.DIC1NB DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St.. Baltimore. Md. ror sale by llruiritisu and ctoreaeeiwra through out the LDitea btates. Sold at Mauufacture.s prices, ly Uordwell & Messenger Ridgway, Agents lir hlk county. A GENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS foi the best selling book now publish- cd, Thrilling Stones ol me Great Kecemon Comprising heroic adventures and hair breadth escapes of Soldiers, Scouts, Spies nnd Refugees ; unring exploits ot .Minig. elers. Guerillas, Desperadoes and others j Tales of Loval and Disloyal women : Sto ries of the Necro. &c, with incidents of Fun nnd Merriment in Cnmp nnd Field. lly Lieutenant Colonel S. Greene, lute of the United Mates Army, jiuuusomeiy il lustrated with engravings ou steel and in nil e.rilnl'S. Send for circulars and see the liberal iprinA fin"erid. ('HAS. K. GREENE & CO., Publishers fo. 1S4 S. Third St., Philadelphia. WJHJSL'ERS WHISKERS!! l J Dr. L. O. MONTTEZ CorroUa, the irreatebt .stimulator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin; never known to lail ; sample Tor trial bcul free to auy one desirous of testing its merits. Ad- drc;8, Reeves & Co , 78 Nassau St., Xew Yolk. riunc-2S 0U.-3u lllll TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE NEW STORE OP FREDERICK SCH&NING, CENTREVILLE, ELK CO., TX. NEW GOODS DAILY ARRIVING THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO THEIR INTEREST! As manifested by the daily throng of customers cxchane;n; "Green Backs" for goods. All the Domestic Cotton Goods arc high Customers one and all exclaim. HOW CHEAP YOUR DRESS GOODS ARE My stock consists of MtY GOODS, R0CER1ES, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & fciHOKS, CLOTHING, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, HARDWARE, OILS .J- TAINTS, PUTTV, NAILS, GLASS, UOOUEN WARE, PORK, FLOUR, FISH, SALT. ins useless lor me to attempt, Io give a full list of (he slock, but invito one and all, to drop in and see for themselves. BUTTER, EGGS, POTATOES, GRAIN, HIDES, CALFSKINS aud all country produce taken at market price, for goods. FREDERICK SCIKENLNC, CcutrcviUe, Jeun lt'G5-ly. ORE A T EXCITEMENT Is kept up by the DAILY ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store Where he lias on hand and for sale MEN & BOY'S CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, LADIES &. GENTS FURNISHIG GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, LADIEg' & GENTS' SHAWLS, SONTAGS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ALSO HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, NUBIAS, COMFORTERS, SCARFS, HOODS &o ALSO GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, very large aud well selected STOCK of the best made, aud warranted ia every respect RICE, FLOUR, SALT, PORK, FISH &c ALSO CONFECTIONARY AND VANKEE NOTIONS IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND QUALITIES TOBACCO AND SKGARS OF THE REST QUALITY Bay 1 say, to one and all, (hat my sloe is full and complete, and will bo sold a small profits. Give me a call before purchasing else where. FREDERICK RUDOLriH St. Mary s, Nor. SS'66-1. RIDGWAY, PENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STORE AMONG THE S Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY AND THE PLACES TO GET GSoocl Bargains n ALL& SEE March 29th,18GC-ly. BOOK STORE. St. MaryV, Elk County JUST RCEIVED GOO BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY BOOKS. AN ASSORTMENT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Blank books, Time books, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes &c. direct from the Manufacturers for cash, we are enabled to sell at tho samo rates that they can be purchased iu ANYr OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed on all purchases of ten dollars and upwards. W. J. BLAKELY. Juiie-ll'OG-Iy. A GENTS WANTED J. T. IIEADLEY'S HISTORY OF IHE WAR. NOW READY. Compete in TWO VOLUMES, also iu U.h. It is admitted to bo tho most .uteriKtimi, imtml ir, uud'taluabln His tory of tho Rebellion, which is fully at tested by tho enormous sale of 200. 000 volumes, and a luro portion of the country still uncauvasscd. e are obliged to run our presses niyht and day to cuablo us to supply our Agents. Men of character and ability, who de sire a luciativo employment, will liud this a rare opportunity. Tho price of tho work in oh volume is so low, (compared with our Histories) as to briug it within the roach of all classes. For lull particulars send lor circular, Address tlmcrtean i'urilishiner Com'ii. 1 I w 4 ...1 L. . J no i:j nnu ftircci, Hartford, Conn. Fruit Trees & Shrubbery. rpilE UNDERSIGNED, AGENT FOR J 1 rost s bencsee Valley A urserv, will be in Ridgway ou and after Augustl.lth. 'Oil, forthe purpose of taking ordeis'lor Fruit Trees and Shrubbery of all kinds nnd vari ties. Ho has done a largo business in War ren county, und given the best of satisfac tion. Oadcrs left with the postmasters at Ridgway nnd St. Mary's will receive attention- JOSEPH BENNETT. KidtiWHjr, Aug 9. It. if ii 'i mi iinTfT' "i1 mi i 186(i 18f,l nillLADELPIIIA & ERIE RA JL ROAD. This ercat lino travrO tho Northern nnd Northwest counties-' Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, Lake Eric. It has been leased by tho Frnnaulo via isau itona company t nnu is opcr; cd by them . Its entire length wns opened for pas. sender nna ircignt 1usincss, UctoW 17th, 18(U. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAIN'S AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Eric Mail Train 3 39 p. t,,, Erie Express Train 10 30 p.m. Jjcavc Westward. Erie Mail Train Erie Express Train 30 24 p.m. a. mj J ithoi i 1 assenjier cars run thrnno-li wn change both ways between Philadelphia NEW YORK CONNECTTOV Leave New York at D.00 a. m., Arrive at Eric 0.15 a. ni. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. in., arrive at New York 3.40 p. m. Eleoent Sleeping Cars on Exnrn Trains both ways between Willianisport nnu jjaiumorc, ana Willianisport and Philadelphia. ror information resncctin" Passenirer busiucss apply at tho S. E. corner 30th and Market Sts. And for Freight business of the Com- pany's Agents: a. IS. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J . W . Itcynolds Lne. W. lirowu, Agent N. O. R. R. tiniore. II. II. Houston. Gen' I. Freinht A,,' l. PhiPn II. W. G WINNER, Gcn'l. Ticket Ant. Phil a. Alfred. L. Tyler, General Supl Wms't. rpiIE SILVER SKIRT. JL MORE DURABLE. MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its shape and re nin i(s place uener man nny ott er Skirt. This new nnd beatiful slvle of Skirt frt. entcd March 7, 18115.) was awarded bv the Great American Institute Fair, held in New York, October, 18U5, a SILVER MEDAL, being the Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs are wound with fine plated wire in place of a cntir.n covering which win not wear on or become soileu, and tho whole skirt may be woshed without injury or fear of rusting, and will be as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the ordins ry fckirt the advantages orour Silver Skirt ilvcr Skirt .s those us-J igof whic sr ones anS" mo oot torn lioopsaro the samo as eu in tlio silver Skirt, the covering cannot wear oil. Willie the upper covered with cotton. No ladv havinir onc worn ono of our Skirts, will bo willing to wear nny other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds nre soon injured and Boileed. The best ninteeinls are used in their con. struction, and, from their durability and ueatness they are destined to become a Favorite Skirt. Manufactured solely by tlio Silver Skirt aad Wire Manu facturing Company, 30 and 32, BARCLAY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. Si-KRnv. SudH. Auir Oth-lv PIIOTOOllAPIIIC. E. 6o H. T. ABTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, Wholesale and Retail, CO, BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition Io our main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Headquarters for the following, viz. STERESCOPES & STERESCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, elc. STERESCOriC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives niado in Ihe various cam paigns and forming a complete Photograph ic history of tho great contest. STERESCOriC VIEWS OX GLASS, Adapted for cither Ihe Mneic Lnnlern or tho Slerescopo. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufaciuro iunro larcelv llinn nnv other house, about :"0l varieties from 50 cents to $')() each. Our A LliU.MS have I he reputation of being superior iu beauty airrf durability to auy others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., eta Our Ciilaloinio embraces i.vr vivr THOUSAND ditlerent subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, statUCSi e0. lognes sent on receipt of slump. Photographers ami others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit Jo per cunt of tka amount with their order. BfejjrThe prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to salibfy. (juno H'liG-ly. JJL.lAA'tf, HAXDJUhLS, POS- TERS, HILL HEADS ifc, ,foM ut the Aih ocote Office on h, t notice u at reatonnlle tt rm. f O q A a jkF o NiTTiAo k h 7 faJtVwanted for tit atUrchinrw irfr'. Mist out. Address II. T. G AitEY, J' Viildinj, Liddeford, Me. may 17'CGtI'- 0