,1()U WORK. Kiplith sheet hand bill, 60 oopics or less $2,r0 Quarter elicct handbill, 60 copies or loss H;,lf sheet handbill, 60 copies or lcs ."..00 l ull pliecl hand-bill, fiO copies or less iQ r.n BLANKS. For nnv ipinVit ity under five quires, 51,- f.O per quire ; on nil omoiiiils over mai rensonnlile reduction will '" made. TERMS OF PAPER. Sl.r.O per year in advance !?2,nt f 1"' within the year, mid $2,50 if not paulwiih in that time. N o t r C K . Unrooflcr llio Post Office will le clcck. On Suinlft-v f will be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at 0 l. . ,. u.Tiii;i;, i . in. NOTICE. The Commissioners ol Elk County, will inert at their office hi lliiljiway on FRIDAY, September 7th, J SCO. By order J. K. P. HALE, Cl'k. &SThe meeting at St Mary's will commence, at 4 o'clock on the after noon of the 10th. This will give a large number of t crsons an opportunity of 1 going and returning on the same day CtsTThe 3d of September promises to be a big day at Erie. Hesidcs Presi dent Johnson and Cabinet btopping there for an hour, they arc to have a Democratic Mass Meeting, at which lion. Wester Clyuier will be present 3?" The President and Cabinet, were euthu.-iastrcally welcomed at Philad-ol-phia l!Y TIIK l'KOl'l.K ou the day before yesterday. The Meeting at St. Maky's. We arc informed that ample prcpara. tions have bceu made by the citizens of St. Mary's for the meeting on the 10th of next month. A committee of ar rangements have boon appointed, con sisting of lion. E. C. Schult7( George M'cis, James Coyne, Charles Luhr, and Dr. W. J. I'.lakcly K. C. Sehullze, as Chairman, and Dr. BlaVcly. as Sccreta. ry. Sub. committees have been appoint ed to take charge of all the different roads leading into St. Mary's. The St Mary's Brass band will be in attendance. The Vigilance Committers of tin several townships arc expected to arouse ithcir people, and secure a good attcn. dance. Let us have a rood meeting. ' Shooting Affhay. One day week tome persons were creating a last dis- turbancc in the hotel of Mr. Bi.-!er, in latcd with them aud desired them to desist ; but they only became more un. ruly, when be drew a revolver and shot one of them (Barney Braniff) in the arm. Ilislcr then left and came to Eidgway to take the train for Cony. thinking lie had killed Braniff, but was arrested here and taken back to Centre ville. Ail three of the parties were bound over to Court. Their names arc W. II. Busier, Barney Braniff' and "Judge" Andrews. Mit. Epitoii : I find by reducing 15,72 miles to inches, cubing t lie num. ber of inches and subtracting that, cube from the number of pigeons given, iu the question, thus . . 1 , it Ki.tM II ). not I, ( 100, ( )0C , 00; I, fit 1(1. (00, (it 10 lll,lS4,725,2ST.oi;2,:!til,lir.,oso,i)(iO There willliolo.274,712,127,0.',K,Sl 7,120,000 pigeons left to be disposed of at a cent a dozen, which would amount to Slliti, 815,5.VJ,51 1,108,100. The interest on that amount for one second of time would amount to S24 4 . 1 7 1 ,( 02,7 8 0, 1 . That I think would relieve 1'nele Sain so that he might dispense with stamps nn Tn.nrinrp rfrfificntrs. and the number of pigeons leu would make i t , l u 570,115,408,000 rations, enough to last II . I. - . ' , t 1 C . . an me nigs as long as oiiiuner aim oic. vens ought to live to deal thctn out. . It is possible there may be some mis. takes in footiii" the above up : if any near the left it would increase or dimin ish the pit wonderfully. If any one has a desire to look over and point out miftakes 1 would be glad to have them do so. w. AND THE ,v CONSTITUTION. DEMOCRATIC Mass Meeting !i AT .ST. MARV'S, Monday Evening Sept. Kith, HON. HIESTER CLYMER Will positively be. present, with other dis- linpuihLcd Bpeukers. UOME COME 0 N E ! ALL!! j . i .Tli-. ClyHur'a ttppotntinenls. A notice from Hon. Wm, A. Wallace, riiairtnnn of the State Contrnl Committee, informs us Hint Hon. HiesterClymcr, Demo cratic candidate for Governor, has made np ointmcnts to speak as follows . Newcastle. Saturday, September 1. l'.iie, Monday, .September". McadviUe, Tuesday, .September J. Franklin. Wo.lncsdny, .September 6. Clarion. Thursday, September 0. Titusville. Friday cvenin(r. Sept. 7. Warren. Saturday, Sept. S. ST. MAKY'S, (Elk County), Monday evening. Sept. 10. Empoi iutn, (Cameron County), Tuesday, Sept. 11. Lock Haven, Wednesday, Sept. 12. Arrangements wilt be. made to give our distinguished candidate nil appropriate ro ceptioti upon his visit to St. MAiy's. Meiui time, let I lie people in nil parts of the coun ty prepare to turn out, and give him a irdial greeting. The l'eople's Candidate for Congress. Cor,. Dan Bice: . Dear Sik. We, the undersigned citizens of (1 hard and Eric County, in view of the patriotic services rendered the Government, and the many thou sands of hard earned dollars you have exnended to sustain and carry on the war against rebellion ; having proved yourself the true friend and supporter of Andrew Johnson and his Aduinustra tion in their efforts to restore the Union, and having confidence in your integrity and ability to discharge the duties of Bepresciitativc of the llHh District in Congress, we therefore request that you allow your name to be usrd as the Peo ple's Candidate for that office lit the ensuing election. Geo. Senyard, 10. J. Kenyon, J. (iullifovd, J. Martin. W. L. Traut, Win. Pbitt. 11. I'lCiiham, James I'.vawlcy, Heiirv Pall, It. C. Eiv, A. M. Osburn, ("has. F. Giant, I.nuis Y eager, S. D. Ci...kett, .1 dill Brechl, llira'.n Daggett, .!. W. At water, K. lewel. K. W. Chirk. William Tyler, G. S. GulN'ord, J.din Hav, Jr., J. I.. Halt, G. W. Stints, A. Martin, John II. Ciulliford, A. U. Ely, E. K. Smith, Frank McCreary, Wm. II. Edson, F. M. Coats, John Robertson, 1. Olin, John Kesscl, E. S. Helknap, W. I). Webber, II. I,. Carr, W. D. Martin, J. T .Simmons, A. White, S. F. Mason, I, , I!. Chevalier, .las. L. Thayer, S. 1'. Williams, Geo. C. Martin. C. W. Noycs, I). Nnson, Msxon Godf-',y, II. Kittclbei .r, Jr. Mich'lSchuinaltcr, Jr. Heinrich Kittclbergcr, Hubert ("aider, L. I). Hart, J. M. Murphy, J. Bender. Hol.t. Wilcox, ,t. E. l'ettihone, A. Stinie, James Callnn, C. L. Phelps. Ar.TONA, Pa., June 2ith 18G0. TO TIIK ClTIfcENS OF GlRARU AND I'u 1 County, Pkx.n'a. Your letter, pi oposing to run nic lor Congress, is received. I would indeed be. insensible to the commonest impulses of Immunity were I not filled with the warmest scntimcntol gratitude for the friendly expressions and personal re. gard that your letter contains, sigucd as it is by Republicans and Democrats, whom I kuow to be staunch supporters of the ( lovcrnmeut, aud many who have risked their lives for the preservation of the I : moil, fcucu distinguished con. sideration overcomes every natural ob jeetion I may have for political honors, consequently I do accept of your kind invitation to allow my name to be ucd, but with t lie understanding that I am not to be the standard. bearer of cither political party ( Republicans- or Demo crats) but if nominated it must be by a People's Convention, as I belong to the people. They are my friends and pa trims, and in justice to them, composed as they are of all shades of political opinions, 1 must continue to live in their esteem, and labor to promote their hup piue.-s mid interests which has bceu t!ic height of my ambition for twenty. five years. ltespcctfully, lours, July,12-tf. Dan Rick. NEWS DEPOT AND PKUIODICAL STORE DAIIA' .0 WJiUKIA' PAPKRS will be for sale hereafter, , regularly at QTOlli: rjI 1 1: JJOOK I N ST. MARY'S. N. 1J. Anv work, cither American or Kuropcn, llcligious, Scientific, Phil osnphieal, Historical, &c., will bo pro cured on application as above. Any article in the I5ook or Stationery line not in Store, will be scut for by mail and be received in a few days ajter or dering, juu. H-ly. T KTTKKSTE.STAME.VTAlty on Dices j lute ot .lohn Knllienhocl'er, lute of the hiiroujih of .St. Mary's, deceased, having heen planted lo the undersigned, ull persons indebted to, or having claims npiiiust said estate are requested to call nnd settle. T. ROTIIKNIIOKL-ER. iingfl.fit. Kxecutrix JOR i'KIXTING NEATLY, CHEAPLY & Executed at the EXPEDITIOUSLY Advocate Office. AT TIIK New Sloii; of Hi:iS R It O T II 12 It S at St. Mary's, lilk County Pennsylvania Successors to George Wtls. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stotkof SVR1.XG' SL'MMCli Md.. aid i4 Vi oil ''Mitx' Jftu'' I' N silks, Monixaes, POPLINS, DEL A LYES, MO HA IPS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A lurge assortment of Prints, White goods 4of every description. Flannels of all kinds, uinuham, lickinus ami blurting in great variety. Ladik's & Children's Millinery Goods ; such as POXXETS, pats, caps, iiinroxs,dc G LOVES & HOSIERY. (r.vi o Jurntsltiiij goods y every dcscrqittoH, CL O TPS, CA SSIMEPES d-c, f r GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A large stock of FLOUH, POUR, SL'OAR, TEA, COFFEE, sncus KICK, SALT, LA 111), OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. SOAr OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for family use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every do seription. Confectionary, Drush. cs of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Heati. tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. VVE1SUY OUR STOCK directly 1 lrom the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment in hlk county. 1MIE PUBLTC vitcd to call arc respectfully in and examine our stock and prices Whether they wish to buy or not, for tec claim to have one of tho most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in the county Wkis Br ROTHERS ?t. Mary's, March 10tli'60. WARDED A GOLD MEDAL! AT THE American Institute Fair! OCTOBER 13, 18G5. direct competition with nil tho leading milkers iu the country. 'PELOUBET O R G A N S AND MELODEONS. C. TELOURET & SON, Manufacturers. Rcspcclfitlly invite the attention of pur chasers, the I rail nnd profession, to tho POLL O WJXG IXSTP PMEXTS Of their manufacture : Pedal 13ao Orguns, Five sizes, Five Octave, one tothrco Banks of Keys, three lo eightelts of Reeds, Prices, 8233 to $U00. School Organs, Nino styles, singlo nnd doublo Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $100 to 10. IMelodcons, Piano'slyle and Porlnhle, Twelve Varie ties, from four to six Octaves, single and double Reed, Rosewood uud Black Walnut Cases. Prices. $li3 to $210. Every instrument is made by competent workmen, lrom the host mat erial, unecrour personal supervision, nnd every modern improvement worthy of the name, is intro duced in them. Among these we would call attention to llio 1 EEMOL.VNTE, which has been so much admired, nnd can be found only iu instruments of our owu munufac ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent profes-ors and organists, we give the following extracts .- " The pedals I conceive lobe unappro.-ich able in their beautiful smooth ijualily." V m. A. King. " It is a grand, goodinsirumctit, nnd does credit to the builder. II. t. rolger, Troy, M-w i ork. "They arc among the finest Instruments manufactured cither in this country or a- broad." Wm. Berg, J. Moscnthal, Aptomas ' lliey have given universal satisfaction. W. E. Hawley, Fou-du hic, Wis. "There is a peculiarly sweet and sy mini thetic tono whivh harmonizes charmingly Willi the voice. Vi. 11. Cooke. " I am particularly planned with the nr rangement of the different registers." Win. H. Biidbury. " No other instrument so nearly ap proaches the organ." The Chorister, N. Y. "This instruinein has a clear superiority over everything yet introduced among us." Independent, N. Y. " The tones and the action arc excellent." Rev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. " The rjiore wo use it the better we liko it." J B Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Bank Organ is really a gem." J W Kinniculi, Boston, Mass. "We have found them excellent in all points constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." 3 B Saxton, Troy, New York. " The most perfect toned Melodeon I crcr saw." Guy F No-th. " They fall back on such substantial mer its us superiority of workmanship, beauty of toue and reasonableness of priee. And We must sny that in all their respects they arc well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. JtoyEvory instrument is fully warranted, and boxed and shipped iu Now York City Without Clinrge. Circulars. Culs, nnd Trico Lists, Jo., sent oc application to 0 rELOUBET & SON, JkOOMFIEhD, N. J. Or J M Telton, 811, Broadway, New York ; Conrad Meyer, 722, Arch Street, Philad'a ; 5 Brainard & Son, Cleveland, Ohio; J A Tucker & Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner 6 Gerard, Cinciuulli, Ohio; Joel II Snow, Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENTS. July 2f,C0-ly PUllNITUltE ! HMIE UNDERSIGNED TAKES L pleasure in announcing to tho citi zens of Hidgway nnd adjoining towns, that ho has just opened a Furniture Shop in RidRWay, nnd is prepared to sell all kinds of furniture at the lowest prices. His stock consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TARLES, BEDSTEADS, SPRING REDS & MATTRESSES. BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs of all kinds, VRY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, TETR A TKTES, LOUNGES, BEDROOM SUITS of ChWimilv Mahogany ami lihtck Walnut nnd every thine usually found in a first class country Ware Room. PICTURE FRAMES if a'.I si, ami of Mahogany, Rosewood,- Black Walnut nnd Gilt MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on bund, and nindo to order, of every kind and description. Vlcnso CA LL and examine my stock be. fore purchasing elsewhere, for 1 hope by strict n 1 1 on I ion to business, and keeping nil tho market demands Jn ny litre, to merit the patronage of the puldic. Warcrooms on the corner of Main nnd Depot streets. HENRY II. THOMAS. May-17'G0-ly, -1T7VM rrJl. '27.0 per daif. y y AGENTS Wanted, ladies and gentlemen, in every County in the United States, to sell the Iuk Powders of the American Ink Company. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fill City bottles of the size usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gross of it a day, and clear 827. GO. The ink can be made from the powder in three minutes in common boiling water. It is a perfect black ink, the best in the world. It flows easily, does not corrode the pen a particle, never gums up, is not injured by irecziug, and its color will last forever. Every family in America will buy it, as a package will last a family for years, nnd ink can be made in small quantities as wanted. ith each gross we send a thousand circulars with testimonials from clergymen, law. vers, teachers, me'chauts, couimereial college:, editors, Arc., aud the agents name on the bills. Only one person will be made agent for a county. The first one scndiugSSO fur a gros of the powder will receive it by return express together with one thousand circulars and the right to sell iu tho county he or she designates. If others good for the same county, tho money Will be returned to them free of expense. To make sure, one had better designato several coun ties, either of which ho or tho will take. Send for trade list and circulars if you dare run the risk of waiting, or send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or tho express agents of this city, will show that the business is lion, orably and squarely conducted. An Ink Powder will be sent by mail to any address, free of charge, on receipt of forty cents. Address, writing your uame, town, county and State distinctly, AMERICAN INK CUM PAX Manchester, X. II. THOMAS W. EANE, Clerk for the Co., and Special Agent. W"ANTliI AJ ENTS $75 to 8200 PER MONTH for gentlemen and 835 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense lamily Sewing Machine, improv ed and perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and cmbroktcr beautifully. Prico only 820, making tnc elastic iock stitcn, ami lully war. ranted for three years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from i.- i. . .t--. . , , which twice mat amount can dc made. Address with stamp, or call on C ROWERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South 1'TETII Street, Philadelphia, IV All letters answered promptly, . with circulars and terms. May-31'CG-ly K EROSENE AND OAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS. GLUE POTS, OIL CANS, &c, &e. 5?" All the cooking for a "&n CtiT family may be done with Sia B Kerosene Oil, ot lias, -Qa r with less trouble, and at "XriH s2" less expense, than by any x&i SlT other fuel. ra Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guiuauiccn 10 periorm all Hull is claimed for it. J'ayScnd for Circular, -fl LlPEPAL DISCOUNT TO TRADE. THE KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 200 Peahl Street, X. Y. July-PJ'OG.-ly. E 7IMF1RE SEiYlNQ MACHINE CO. Principal Ojltct, CIS Eroattira;, X. V. GREAT IMPROVEMENT iu Sewing Ma chines. Empire Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It is llms rendered noise less in notion. Its motion being all positive it is not liable to get ovt of order. It is the best Family Machine! Notice is called lo our jew and Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, for tailors ainl Boot and Slion Fitters. Ageuls wanted, to whom a liberul discount will be given. No ConsigDmciiU made, u p EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. Ju!y-19'06.-ly. m;siNi-:ss cakds. J OHN O. II ALL, Attorney at la way, Elk county Pn. mnr-ll "i-nr. i.. V AL'RIK .1. BLAkl-LY. Attorney and J ' oiuifciior ni taw, nnu u, js Conmiis' iostier. Ridgwny P. O. Elk Poliftfy. Pn. lhiar-2'CIJ-Iy. SOUTHER A NlTwTl.I.I s"V 1 1 ot tieys" h Law, Ridgwny, Elk comity wil tut end to nil professional business prompt ; 'y- marl.'2'iili-ly. DR. .1. S. ROlTiiWELL ETcTticThysi ciiin. Late of Warren counly IV, til promptly answer nil professional call!) by night or dny. Residence one door east of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.2JG(l-ly. DR. W. li. I A RT M A N, St . M nrtr's El it county, Pn. Late of the AftnV or lh Pot nmnc. Parlicitlnr attcutiou given to n if cases of surgical nature. niar-'liU-ly. OH. W. JAMES BLAKELY" lii7siciai and Surgeon, St. Msry's, Elk coint I'n. mar-l!2"tiO ly. D Pa. R. W. W. SHAW Practices Mcdicins nnd Surgery, Centreville, Elk cmmiy mar-l'2-CGly. TR . A. S. HILL Kersey, Elk county Pa. .1 Will promptly answer allprofessionnf culls by night or day. mnr-22'liO-ly. OH. E11EN j. RUS- l'liysicinn nnd Sur geon, St. Mary's Elk county Pn. Junc-'-r60-l jr. HYDE HOUSlCM. V. MOORE Propri etor. Ridgwny, Elk county Pa. .Uur-liU'oii-ly. KERSEY HOTEL, Centreville, Elk conn ty, Pa.,C. 11. Hyatt, Pr. nngH'tir, C1AIIVER HOUSE, Warren, Fa.. Hull & Hull, Proprietors. ai(g'J'ti0-ly ALPINE HOUSE, Si. Mary's Pa., Ilcr nian Krctz, Proprietor. rngll'Uli T F SHURTZ, Harness Maker, Ridg wny. 1.1 k county, ra. Miop in f lie -ud story of.) V Vouk's Store. (.July 20, ly. ST. MAHY'S HOTEL, 1!. E. Wellcndor Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk county Ta'. This house is new and fitted up with espe', cirtl care for the convenience and comfort of guests, at moderate rates. Free Hack, to and from tile Depot. Good st:iMing nt Inched. mar-22'i()-ly. E5 "EXCHANGE HOTEL, Ridgwny, Elk county Pa., David Tlniycr Proprietor. Jlns hnti.se is pleasantly siluuteit an the bank of the Clarion, in llio lower end of the town, is well provided with house room and stnbling, and tho proprietor will spare nor painsto render lite stay of his guests pleas ant nnd agreeable. mar-22'UU-ly. VSI1INGTON HOUSE, Si. Mary's, Elk county Pa., Edward Babel Pro. pricior J his house is new and titled up with especial care for tho conveuieuce ol guo'ts. Good stabling attached. Mar-20'tili ly. OR DWELL AND MESSENGER Drue- gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chondritis. Paints. Oils nnd Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary, Ridgwny. Elk. county Pa. mar-22'iiil-ly. CH. 4 in VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealoi' id Lngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa, Mar-22'Gd-ly. HENRY H. THOMAS, Healer in nil kinds of Furniture, Spring Bods and Mattresses, Picture Frames nnd Collins, Ridgwny Pn. Wnrc Rooms on the corner of Main nnd Depot St's. may-17'tiU-ly. PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk county l'a. Edward Mcl'.ride, keeps constantly ou hand and for sale. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware and Jewelry ot all descriptions. Cgrsl!ipriii ing neatly executed, nnd dona on flirnt notice and reasonable terms. Mar 2'.l'tjt).ly. J Oil PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, Is &c, di the ADVOCATE OFF1C on short noticn and nt reasonable prices. HO. McCONNEI.L, House, Sign nnl 4 Ornamental Painter. All ordors promptly ait ended to with neatness nud despatch. Itniuirc at this office, or of the subscriber at Kane Station. nugOOOly: W. BAILEY, Sure-con Dentist, Saint Mary's, Elk county, Pennsylvania, of fers his professional services to the citizens of Elk county (j:iicc opposite Coyne & Mc. Venn's Store: (July 2'J,'tiG-l y OLIVER & BACON, Manufacturers nnd Wholesale .y Retail Dealers iu Flour, l-'ocxl. mid (Train, CA XA L MILLS, ERIE, PA. Orders solicited aud promptly filled at mar ket rat js. aug 'JtU-GO-Iy P1 )t)JJ Wlll,t Agents cverywheru to sell our impi:ivi:ii $20 Sewing Machine.?. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted live years. Above salary or largo comniisions p'iid. The ovt. r iiiachincs sold in the United States for lest than $ 10, which are full, Iterated Ay Itw, Wheeler ,j- Wilson, (Jrove.r $ llaker, Sinjer V Co., ami Jlaeltel'L r. All other cheap ma chines are infriir.-iitents and the teller or user arc rcli..!ile to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars tvnxfree. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicogo, 111, mny-17'M-ly WII EELEll k, "WILSON'SSEWI INtJ MACHINES. Tho under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing M idlines forF.!lt counly. Ho keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New York prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining then cn address J. K. WHltMORE, March lU-'Gd-ly. ul Ridgwny, T. aoMirritiNG NEW ! House, sign &, ornamental PAiirriNt). T MIK SUBSCRIll K It w (i it r. n it p.. spectfully inform the cilijous of Elk county that he has just started' in the nbovo business iu Ridgwny, and feel confi dent, that he can please nil who may favor him with their custom. ORAININO, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMIXIVfl DONE fix SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner aid style. Orders left nt tliis Oltioe or at Ilia Bunking House of Souther, Willis & SoutUcp will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-I7Ti(i-ly. OfjAA MONTI I ! A o E NTS JlmM t"i- tn e audit ne iv arlieUt H- . out . Address O. T. GAKEY, City building, Biddeford, Mc. may 17'tij-i