tvoiii;j j)0i'cen1i'. joiM.rso. , c 1. 1 VTI til! AND THE CONST1T U T ION. DEMOCRATIC Mass -Meet in i3 AT ST. MAUY'S, xHomlay Errning Sep!. IOi, HON. IIIESTER CLYMEIi Will po-i1 ivoly be present, wilh olhcr ilis- ti-lHshcd Pl'lMlkl'VS. COlI f 7) N E ! ALL!! pKATII W (iKOKCE (111, US. M r. (.! illis whose death is described in the following article, which we clip from the 'in'- A'''' Jiiirr Eci-iiltc, prin tod at Aii.-iin ill thc Htulc of Nevada, was formerly a resilient of tlii.s place and is well and favorably remembered by many of our citizen, lie was tlio yon of Funs i"l illis. one of the earliest and most reflected settlers of tins country, with whom eur readers have been made familiar through the History of Elk County. N"tf.s or tiik I'i.asiikl I'autv. In the course of an hour's conversation with ('.overnnr Ulasdol, at the house of Mr. Slauson, last evening, and while his numerous friends were calling aud chatting, we gathered a Jew discursive incidents of the trip from Silver Peak to Pahran.-igat, and thence to Austin via Indian Springs. Wo have already mentioned the death of a member oi the party, named C illis, from Virginia City, lie died in Ash valley, wiueii tin- .-riMgosa river flows, and not in Death Valley, as previously stated. Ash valley embra ees a beautiful tract of land, well water ed, and covered with a rich growth of nutritious grass. This had Leci: happi ly choj-cn as the principal camp oi the party, from which small sijuads would explore lor a practicable route towards Pahrariagat, while their jaded animals were being recruited. G illis was one of a party of three men employed in this service, and after traveling several days, and their supply of water having been exhausted, they searched for a fresh supply. At the time the general camp was selected, certain signals had been agreed upon ; for iuiitanr-n, nn ovplio'ing party returning to the main camp, were to light a fire and keep it burning, and if it were seen at the general camp, it was to be answered by three fires, placed about 100 feet apart, aud lighted simul taneously, and alter the lapse of a few minutes, three pistol shots were also to be fired. Two of the party had gone down into a ravine, where they hoped to find water, leaving G illis behind with the pick and shovel, to join them when signaled. They found no water, and alter three quarters of an hour, they returned to where they had lett G illis, who was gone They went to their camp, but he was not there, and not re. turning, they concluded he had set out for the maiu camp. In a day or two they returned there, and learned that G illis had neither come i'l nor been beard from. One evening before their return, the occupants of the camp saw a' ' fire suddenly ilath up on the summit of a bill about nine miles distant. They concluded it was an absent party, and immediately nuswered by the agreed signals. Light days from that evening about midway of the hill upon which the fire had been sceu and the principal camp, and ou the direct course for the latter place, a party found the body of Gilhs, reclining in the sand wall Ins head upon a sare bush his features as placid as if he slept. lie was der.d Excessive futiguo had induced his death from disease of the heart, to which, it finnears, he had been subject, Ihe fire seen ou the distant hill was explain cd ; it was the signal of (i illis, who ob serving it answered, had luado direct .y for the camp, until disease arrested his steps, and he lay down to die. Ho had been ubscut teu days, aud had died on the evening ol the second Jav. MtEttitit:t 1 We observe that insidious attempts arc being made to poiso:i the minds of Democrats and others against Clyuier, by attaching to him a suspicion of taking tides iu a question of local interest in this county. iote, that tho very men who are industriously endeavoring to impress you with tho idea that Clyiuer f i.i committed in favor of tho removal of ' the county scat, aio the most bitter rad ie'i!,, men who under any circumstances would be bdJ will bo opposed to hi election. The charge is not true. Mr Clyuier is running on a uatioual issue an 1 would not stoo-o to meddle iu .so in Bba-tieant a matter as tho location of a ooun'v seat. Beware- of theso prcteu dad champions of your local interests TkfY are niakin? capital for tho J fO 4 radial ticket. Snuru their fubrica tluriv. C-j"()ur county can boa-st of cue "'" which but few other couuticJ t1- Jute cau of Luviug Cuym IU 0U1' Lcuuty Trtiaury. t'oiiffress. There is no longer any doubt ns to who will be the radical candidate for Congress in this district.. Glenni W. Schiiliuld evidently has secured the nomination in his party, for us it is enough to know, that his record is bla.'k as the blackest, nnd that no conscrva. tivo man can honestly support him. We believe ho cm be beaten nnd we know he oii"ht to be beaten. We be lieve that the Democrats and Cotisc'rva- five Republicans uuited are n majority 111 the district. Y 0 Know that as against Schofield the numbers would be swelled by hundreds of even radical liepublieans who despise cholieId as an unprincipled trickster. He is un popular 111 Jmio county. lie is even more unpopular at home. In our own county his conduct on the county seat question is fresh in the memories of our people. Let the conservative men move against him. A Union Conven. turn was held 111 Philadelphia, last week with glorious results. V hy can we not 111 the same spirit, hold a v ongrcssion- ttl Conference, and redeem this district from radical representation. Let it, bo done. !,T,rTJ-dTV.;'.-iJ 1 I1EELEI! & WILSON'S SEW. Y 1NG MACHINES. The under signed having liccn appointed S'ole Agent for 1 1 1 0 sale of V heeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines lor Kill county, lie keeps an ns'-ori liient c1.11si.mtly mi hand. Machines sold nl rhiladolphU und New Yovli prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them la': address J. K. V. IHTMOKK, March '.; !'-ly. at Khlgway, Ta. .1.' F. Mll'IlTZ, Harness Maker, Hidg- vav. Uk county, I'a. Shop in the "nd storvol'JV Youk s St ore. (inly i, y. T W- 15AILKV. Surireon Dentist, Paint f P Marv's, I'd!; roiim v. IVnnsvlvania, of fers his professional : urvieos to I he cilizens nt I.ik county Ulkce opposite t ovne.v .Vc Venn's Store: (July -.','li'j-l y V, LAXKS, 11AXDB1LLS, POS TICUS, BILL HEADS d-- :, (10111 at ih Adi-.eod: Ofikc on short at rtas'inable terms. wlica and AMOXTII! VGENTS v.iiiiltd tor sue ex.' if co new arlieus, iid out. Address O. T. GAREV, City building, Did leford, Mfi. niny 1 'eti-ly. ERSEY IIO 1 EL, Ccntrcvillc, Elk voun ly, l'a., (.'. I!. Hyatt, IV. angO'Od T AElii: CATACITY, ("iUKAT tjireintU 1 j and unequalled speed, simplicity aud completeness ol operation, are qualities pe. euhar to the Nonpareil Washing Ma chine. It is a squeezing machine constructed on trictly mechanical principle:!, and Iho ex perience derived li'oi'i five years extensive use 111 leiuilies, hotels and public institutions proves it to be ol lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by roinry moiion iictin nn a crankshaft with balance wheel,) which moves tin plungers iilternutely, is the simplest, least laborious) nud most powerlul that caubede- viseil lor the purpose, and necimipltsncs t lie woi-1; with the crrcatest raiuuny and tho leat possible labor. J up great vpced with whie'i this ninchino performs wni i; will bo understood from he statement that it is reared to give six strokes ol the piungers fur one turn ol the han-lle, or, v. lieu worlie .1 leisurely, about lour huu- lrc 1 sirckes a minute Safety to the fabric washed is insure.! ly the entire absence of rubbing. A til l or boy of fifteen can vork the ma chine, and d'j a week's washing for a family ot six or ei'Iit persons m two 10 three hours; and ii may lie relied on to the Uiihing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing end for free 1 lo.'-cripl 1 vc Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of talc is secured. OAKLEY e: KEATIXO, lbi-1, Water St., N. V. July -fi.'ufi-ly I'lLVER SKIRT. JlUllE DURABLE, MURE EL.UT1C, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its shape an I retain iis place belter than uny o'.Ler bl.iri. This new and I-.': Hi fill si !e of .Lirl. ( Pal eme-1 March 7, 1 lo. ) was awardid jUv the Mimic Fair, held m New (ii-cal American In Vork, October, 11. oj, a SILVE11 2IEDAL, boill'! Iho Hi: bt l'reiiiiuiu ever given for a llooii Shiil '1'he rtcil Siiiings arc wound villi fine vlated wile in place ef a coiiou covering- thicli v. ill not wear oil' or become toiled, nn I llie v. hole skin may be wo-he-1 wiihoitt injury or fear of ru.-ting, utid will be as 500 X as aow. The Combination Silver Skirt Thi invention combine? wilh Iho iirdina- ly Skirt tho advantages or our Silver Skirt ; too boiiom hooiix nru the same as those us ed in the Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear nil, while the miner ones urh covered witli cotton. No lady having once rn,! ,0!1 u,u' i1'13-, wiubf fining to wear liny other, as the lower lumps ot all other kinds are soon injured and soiked. Tho best muteiials u're used iu their con- slruction, una, lroin their durabihly and UCLll UIS9 iiivjr uiu U13UUIU 10 It.UllltJ u Eavoi-ito Skirt. Manufactured solely by tho Silver Skirt and Wiro Manu facturing Company, M and '!-, DAUC'LAY ST. NEW YOKK. 1. Ii. fi-Auv, i-Uip'l. Aug 'Jth. ly (Hi W W J '..: j -J, ,,J "j AT THE New StOBO of 1TKIS UROTIIER1 at St. Mary's, Elk County Pcnncylvania Successors to (Jeorok Wei. Offer for pale, at wholesale and retail, a Well selected etockof SfUXU SUMMER 'huJ '4U..J KM h-HJ'i:J ''-"H1 SILKS, Al 01! IX OSS, rorrjxs, DELA1XES, M01IA IRS, l'lain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, Whito good.i;'of every description. Flannels of all kiuds, Ciiiiuhaui, TieLins and S'hirtinc in great variety. f;ADIE'S & (jHILDIlEN'S Millinery Goods ; such as BOXXETS, 11 A TS. CA 1 'S, E IBB OXS, d- GLOVES & HOSIERY. GEXTS furnkhiivj goods of every description. CL 0 TJIS, CA SS I MERES dc, dr. GHOOEPJES AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of FLO UK, I'ORK, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SHCXS HICK, SALT, LAUD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETUOLKLI.M CANDLES. SOAP OF ALL KIN US. Iu short, wu have everything needed for ! a ii nly use. Cedar aud Willow Ware of every de scription. Courectioiniry, !rush. cs ol all kinds. A full assort uieut ul vStationery, Wall Pa ier, I'aper Curtains, I'eau. til'ul Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ol Se-ars and ToLaeeo. w E1UIY Oi il STOCK directly from tin! Manufacturer and there fore we cau altord to Fell cheaper than any oilier cstabii-shiuout iu Elk county. HHIE PUP.LIC are respectfully iu .1 vitcd to call nud examine our stock and prices ! Vt'helhcr they wish to buy or not, for wo claim to have one , t t.01111,ll!lo (;tocks llDll tho . ,,,,,,,,,. V, , i finest MOLL in the county and can sell for less profit, than any other house I m the COUUty, PiOTUERS '6l. Maiy'.;, March liiU'Cd. NEWS DEPOT AND PKllIoniCAI, STORE. DAILY ,fc WEEICliY PAPEP.S will bo for gale hereafter, regularly at JIOOK gTOHU I N MARYS. I ST. N. D. Any Work, cither American or Europen, ltoligious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &c., will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Uouk or Stationery line not in Store, will be scut lor by mail and be received iu a few days alter or- ering. jlln- 1-1-1 J'- 1'IIOTOOli API IIO. E. &, H..T.'ANTH0NY.&.;C0., Manufacturers of Thotogiapliic Katcrialu, AVhnlesale nnd Hetail, fit), EEOADWAY, N. Y. In ndiliiion lo our main business of rilOTOGKAl'HIU MATERIALS wo are Headquarters for thc.fullowing, viz. STEEE.SCOPES & STEUEPCOI'IC VIEWS Of American nnd Foreign Cilic3 and Land scapes, Groups, .Statuary, etc. STEUESCOriC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives niado in the various cam paigns and forming a complete l'hotograph. io history of the great contest. STERESCOI'IC VIEWS OX GLASS, Adapted for cither tho Magic Lantern or the Sterescope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. rilOTOGRArillC ALBUMS. We manufacture nioro largely than any other house, about I'OO varieties from oil cents lo 6-30 each. Our ALliUMS have tho reputaiion of being superior iu beauty aud durability to any ethers. Car?. Photorrrapbs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Cataloguo embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions ot tho most celebrated En gruvings, Fainting, Statues, etc. Cula loenes sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. J)., will please remit per cent of tho amount with their onler. fc: iy' The prices and ijunlily of our goods cannot fad to sain ly. (juuo 11 ou-ly. BOOK STOKE. St. Mai-y, Elk County JUST RCEIVED (i'.iO UEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HAMPERS NOVELS. 'J-jO GERMAN STOllY EOOKS. AX A SSOR 'I'M EXT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Elank books, Time books, Pass books, and School books ill always bo ou hand. Purchasing our Dooks, I'aper, Envelopes &.C. direct from the Manufacturers for cash, wo ire enabled to cell at the same rates that they can be purchased in ANY OF THE LA11GE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed on all purchases of teu dollars and umvards. W. J. 15LAKELY. June-1 ITii5-!y. E N T S W A N T E D .S. T. FBSMIrM:i'.S J 1 1 S T O R Y O F '1 11 E VA R , NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLCM KS, also ia ONE. Jt is admitted to be tho :i:ost hi ten -'''".') jiojitif u; and i-iilunlih'. His tory ol" tho ltebellion, which is i'ully at tested by the enormous sale of 20Q 000 volumes, aud a laro portion of the country still uneanvassed. We arc- obliged to run our presses iiI.Li.lit and day to enable us to supply our Ajrcuta. Men of character and ability, who de sire a luciaiivo employment, will find this a rare opportunity. Tho price ot the work in oho (-ultimo is li'ir, (compared with our Histories) as to briti;; it within tho reach of all classes. l'or lull particulars Kcud lor circular. Address ittiuriean I'ublit-Jtius, Com'i. 11S Asylum Street, IIautfuud, Conn. 1-Vu it Trees & Shrubbery rpilE CNDEKSHiNLU, AGENT FOR J frost's Oeneseo Valley A'ursery, will be iu Kidgway onandiil'te August,! :Jih. 'Oti, fur tho purpose of taking orders for Fruit Trees anu Mirunucry oi an Kinus nun vnri ties. Ho 1ms done a large business iu War ren county, und given the best of satisfuc tiou. Oaders left wilh tho postmasters a! Uidgway and St. Mary s will receive alien lion. JOSEI'II KENNETT. HidJway, Aug O il. WAHDKD A GOLD MEDAL I AT THH American Institute Fair! OCTOBER IS, 13C5. In direct competition Willi nil tholcadlng nuikers in the country. 'j'ln.oumcT (.) It G A N S AND Il ELODEONS. C. TELOUBET & SON, Manufacturers. Respectfully invite tho attention of pur chasers, the trad and i-rofession, to the FOLL 0 WJXG JXS TR VMLXTS Of their manufacture ; Pedal 33aso Organs?, Five sizes, I'ivcOcfavo, one toihreo Banks of Keys, three to eightacttu of Kccdy, Prices, to 0Ut). School Organs, Nino styles, single and double Heed, Rosewood and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $210. Meloclcons, riano'ftjle and I'ortublo, Twelve Varie ties, Irom four to six Octaves, suiglj and double Heed, Uosewood and Dhick Walnut Ctics. l'riccs, i"io-j lo 4JJ0. Every inslruinenl is nia le 1-y competent workmen, from t ho best material, tin cor our personal supervision, nud every modern improvement worthy nt the name, is intro- luced in them. Among these wo would call attention to tho TEKMOLANTE, which has been so much admired, and cau bo found only in instruments of our own manufac ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent professors and organists, wsgivo the lollowing extracts : ' The pedals I conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful, smooth quality." win. .1.'. 11 is a graiiii, goouiiisii uiiirnt, nnu iioos credit to the builder." H. C. Folgcr, Troy, New Vork. "They are among tho finestjjP-'ruuieiils manufactured either in (his country or a- broad." Wm. lterg, J. Mosenthal, Aptouius ' They have given universal satisfaction." W. E. llawley,, Wis. " There is a peculiarly sweet und sympa. thetio lono which charmlng'y with the voice." W. II. Cooke. " I am particularly ploased wilh iho nr. rangenieul of the dilforcut registers." Wm. II. ISr-ulbury. " No other instrument so nearly ap proaches tho organ." The Chorisler, X. V. 'This iuslriiiiiciu has a clear superiority over every 1 hing yet introduced amoug us." Independent, N. V. "The tones and the action are excellent." Itev. Vi'. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New Vork. ' Tho aioro wo use it the belter wo like it." 1 1! Hague, Hudson, New Vork. "The two liank Organ is really a gem." J W Kinnicuti, Huston, Mass. "Wo have found them excellent in till point constituting a guod instrument." J O Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." S 11 fusion, Tmy, New York. "Tho most perfect toned Melodeotl I eier saw." Guy F No"lli. " They tall back on such suhslanlial mer its as superiority of workmanship, liemily of tono and reasonableness of price. Au'l wo must say that iu nil their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical l'io ueer. Every instrument is fully warrautel, and boj'cd and shipped in New Vork City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, aud Trice Lisls, .jo., cent on application lo CPEL0UBET&S0N, IkOOMI'IEI.D, N. J. Or J M rclton, 811, Hrondway, New York ; Conrad Meyer, Arch Street, l'hilad'a ; 5 liruinard & Son, Cleveland, Ohio ; J A Tucker ,t Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Wcruer 6 Gerard, Cincinalti, Ohio ; Joel 11 Snow, Mobile, Alabama, W1IOLU3ALE AGENTS. July Utj.Oti-ly A FUUNITUltE 1 rpiIE UNDESIGNED T A K ft JL pleasuro in annminciii"- (o (he citi zens of Ridgwuy and ndjoininR towns, Hint ho has just opened a Furniiuro Shop irt Ridgwny, nnd is prepared to CM all kinds of I'urniliiro ll he lowest prices. His stock consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS. TABLES) BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS & MATTRESSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seal Chairs of all kinds. BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, TETII A TETES, LOUNCES, REnnooM scits of nieslnul, Mahogany and lilack Wnlimi and every thing usually found in a first class country Ware Hoom. riCTUKE FRAMES of all Hies, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, lilack Walnut and Gilt M AVE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, nnd mftdo to order, of every kind and description. l'lea e CALL and examine my elock be. fore purchasing elsewhere, for 1 hope by strict -attention to business, nnd keeping alt Iho market demands in my line, to merit the patronage of the public. WareroomS ou the corner of .Main and Hepot streets. HENRY II. THOMAS. May-1 7'lili-ly, W . f "Ti: S. S ilMOpcr ttay. ACEKTS wanted, ladies and gentlemen, iu every County in tho United States, to sell thu Ink Powders of the American Ink Company. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will mako ink eiiou-h to fill fifty bottles of the size usually retailed at teu cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gross of it a day, end clear $27.i0. The ink can be made from the powdot in three minutes in common boilin-' water. It is a pei Tret black ink, tho best in tho world. It flows easily, doe3 not corrode the pun a particle, never gums up, is not injured by freezing, and its color will last forever. Every family iu America will buy it, as a package will last & lamily for years, and ink can be madd iu small quantities as wanted. With, each p'Oss we scud a thousand circulars with testimonials from clergymen, law. ycrs, teachers, mediants, commercial colleges, editors, &e.t aud tho agent'a name ou the bills. Ouly ono person will be undo agent for a county. Tho first one .scnding8"0 for a gross of the powder will receive it by return cSpress together with one thousand circulars and the right to sell in the county he or die designates. If others send for tho county, the money will be returned to them free of expense. To make sure, one had better designate several coun ties, cither ol' which he or tho will take. Send for trade list and circulars if you dare run the risk of waiting, or scud the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or tho express agents of this city, will show that the business is hou. orably and sipiarely conducted. Au Ink Powder will be sent by mail to any address, free of charge, ou receipt of forty cents. Address, writing your uanie, town, county and ?tatc distinctly, AMElllOAN INK COMPANY, Manchester, N. II. THOMAS W. LANK, Clerk for the Co., and Special Agent. ANTED, AO K NTS 875 to 200 PER MONTH for gentlemen and &15 to 87") for ladies, everywhere, to introduce tho Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv eland perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, ipiilt, bind, braid aud embroider beaifiili'lly. Price only $?-0, making the elastic lock stileli, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay tho above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or call ou C. POWEKS A: CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All letters answered promptly, witli circulars and terms May-ilPOG-ly. K EttOJiENE ANU GAS STOVES. TEA A'l COFFEE liOlLEUS, GLUE; l'OTS, OIL CANS, &c, Slo. tr'S" All the cooking for a "3 " family may be done with "t3a C-tt' Koriiseuc Oil, or Gas, Yjia Jt-if" with less trouble, nnd at -a . E-.J less expense, than by any a Cvj" other fuel. -a Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perforin all that is claimed for it. friySeud for Circular. ( LWERAL D1SCOUXT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP IIEATEIl CO., 2i.Hi Pearl Stueet, N. V. July-l'J'tiO.-ly. J.UriUE SE.VIXU MACHINECo! ' Principal OJice, C15 Crcajieay, X. Y. CHEAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing Ma. Empire .Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It is thus rendered noise less in action, lis motion being all positive, it is not liable lo get ovt of order. It is the best Family Machine! Notice is oalled o' our .iew and Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, for Milors nnd liool and SIiob Fitters. Agents wanted, lo wliom a liberal discount will ho given. No Consignments made u r KMl'IKIi HEWING MACUINI CO. Julj-ly'CC.-ly.