' TIliRSDA J', -1' 1"v"''' n us 11. 1IH.I.. r.nrrcn t i iun-l:tr l nil. '. r. Mcinlti:, im-it f. I ;-II I 11 . 1 nil i:n I.IIN'MI. 1 1 IKSTK1? (M,YM VAX, OF l'.KUKS COUNTY. I.V. c. w. e.w.ley, tJ.M-l to till' lb ll'-t lit Ml ill 11" lilt' in i.rr: ! p;i i en l liiiTCi'Vn r.'.rv. ,c. GliO. A J5AT1I! I N, - l'l. -.i nH A:': i'i 1 A i 1. .: i. Inil.s. '.. C SCIIUi.TZi:. of St.. M ,)KSSK KYI. Kit, !' IVs. run coi : ! m:. i'i'- Eons voi.i.M i'.ii. 1 1 ;-t. Mi. Full .n'l'ii.'H. j .ion in. i r it.Mc? f'l N'i'Y ;;. walms i: v I V '. ' i . .1 !- 'TT'.- ."' h'lti!iU !;: '.a i'ci'.r she M'lci-r'.ii'u'i "I :i f'dji-, .".iii'in Will hi- 1 i.'.toncM. A ('olIVl 111 loll i.l !!!.' niddect ti.cn l the coun'ry, Noi-Hi :md f'outli, rising above the trainim I. of .:sr. ly, burying 'he 1 i 1 : of the i Tt.t , and uniting in one grand effort in luvor of constitutional liberty. 1'i-r six Ycui -,, run1 .t'djili; liail been i si ranged six .weary years i.i' blood and Mi'l'din ii: which 1 1 it ro had been no nulional cv'i. volitions. Put tin: slollu has cia-l-d. tlio clouds have broken ihe day i-'-'i 1 1 j Out llio brighl--r tin: nimo.'piicro but I !iO clearer. n o !:avo Wet ira.u a- Oil (...'.111. b li in soun d." I ;i vur- lii'ol'iici.-, :i? (diil'lioti "t :; . en try, under tile same old ll.nr v :i htiipc c;n as; ! or a t-tar i It is the nu.-ii'uiui!- l.M-;;isi.I t.. cr atrkiti-iii, u i:i, ie ;l.,iiim-; caicir. The riii!ai!eli!'ia '. 'nnvcl iuoi Wiinnt 'lie result id ally maeliiiiery k l.ul im I'Hity. Tiie JtcpuLiiean; as a ( laly w re I'l'jiiised lit it for fear it mi;:!it in. jure tlicir orpani.atiiiii. 'The Uoi.io oratio party was npjiored to it, lor fear they mi;d't bo swallowed up l.y it. l'.ut ilarmcd iy tlio danger in v.iiieb a revo lulionary (.'niire.-.s bad ibice.I the coun. try, patriotism tiiuinihed ovi.r parly, and knit tojretlitr the ton.-ervative. lu'.n of the nation with books of steel. Teiu oerats and jtcpublkain.i eo.apin r.ie;i their prejudices, unite i:i liannooions cfTort lo savo the nation. 'J'ho Major Goner. nils of tbo Union armies and (ho ofli ecis of tbc late rebel armies jo'iuk:; i:i ;iio raud rally around tbc old Hag. Tli ore i.s oilo feature much prated about by ibo radicals, wbieh wo count one ol tlio greatest proofs of its success, itnl the best as.-uraliee of iU 00! 10-,-u'ts ; that is, that tbo eonveution con tained oflieeis ol the rebel armies, reb. cl fjovtroors aiid cun;;ie. snien. Wo are .lad ol it it was a iaiibi'ul ri'i'itsc:!. tulion of tbo youibeni peop.le it is evidence of their do.iie to accept the 10 sultd of too war in uo j.1 fa'ub. Mark it as a conclu.-ivo pn'ool against tbo ladi ..als, that in the addia is and resolutions which were adopted by toe convention, with unbounded eiit!.'.. iasi.i and with out a ULwcbtm voice, il k expro. sly de clared that the war has oeUied now and forever, that no state has a lit:bt lo ;,e. cede, that the I'uli.u is iudi.-ai.Iublo, iliat blaveiy shall i.evir iiuin exist in ihisi hind, that it is a tluiy rcciMnized by tlio people 1 the South to ii:a!.e huitablo provi.-.ion lor liio eomfort and happiiic. s of tbo freediiioii, that the li bel debt i.- invalid and i.nivooi.iz' d, that the national faith is i!e'iod to tbc payment of ibo national dell and that i ho people, should ho I i,i ..it .fu! re,, iiiembiaiiee the. valiant sw'Jiers and Miilol.i v.ho.-e jiliiv.i i inaintiiined the U riitorial i ol the Union. Here wo litiM: ihe bri ed ae ,uic.,i c ue id' the. in all that We have a lie ie.-ult of the war. Afu ad and Unlei-er. 'uiitherii j.eople il lo i.-k a . the r oiieli coiiees. ions lei indiavor to keeji Up the prejudice.-, and iiniiii'i' iiics i neiidireii by i!.e i ar, and fan lo ;,tiil hi;;bcl' liuliiOJ the 'elines ol hietionai baie, i.j ,oi;C liiau a lolly it k a eiime. Cr'iiU; lnNAl. CoM KIIUNCK. It !.- now settled thai Ihe I'enioerulie Con cessional Ci nlcieiice will luces iu Ibis idci on Tuesday, the -lib ibiy of h'ep o mber. Mi st of our heiitoeratiu ex. . banjos in the dutrict favor the Kehe 'ioii ol that day. fsa" 1'resideid Johnson Tins declared - !e paper blockade ! Maxiiniliuu at port of Matiimorns, as not to be cn- f 1 to respect l.y United K tides vts- ; L K ( M ) I N T Y . J'y ii Hortuwwtorn rcimsvlvauia.i. i.Aiu.v mtti.kmknt ok iiiikiway ami vinsin ivin'i ini i:i. It was n t'iiiicnl period in financial alTois. 'I'I. i' I'll! (s-i-iiilJy v:i: I'.r 1 1 1 i.( til i'i' (he ).i -In of the .'lute by ii.i' Not, l-SU'' 1.1 ?-'' ' , ' ' I'I " I.CllCl '' v. loch v.. "! ! :''v," l a M. to ehcii. itin ;' lii.'Kirn: l'lll in fact, as v.-otild i'l'l"'"' Us I i I ;i section, l"i' I In' real ..-hi ; :: 1 1 ! -j: Hi.; r!i::i !ur i 1 III.' I . S. 1 a.iiK. A " ..!lii.-:.l i-:: t liicm-y in. !!,:i i.iii! Mr. UilH:' l-i vntu far tl:n Mil, (all.'.- i! i vi I" iiy Unvrviiur ! ' n( (! ) , wliii-h : i'.-ui-i d Ii- i.;i. -.vi-' I'V a Iwu-tliird veil- ill t!i'' ll'.'i-i'. A -liii-t i .arty do- IllllWIallnll fullitV.i'il, !' l!U i'.llll.S VIM f 1 ,,.., im wciv (In! Iiiii-i.s, until viirly I hp . ..r Lad ';) .-'.!. '!, and llio t.ruMKtv im -d ul v "I i'n .':-urv' laaiiil'. ti'd l.v rriii i ii !!'!. YV ii :i 1 1 c r crri.i'H or ci.rnif.'ii'li.' may l:a.vc ri-!cil in (liar- a Til! r I'XltinliiiLt inc i :iai.cr, li- uic ts;- l ',it U I. is liy ilii; ji.-i it,.-.. ot i :i v :!!:: -:.'. E : M , rlill l,M;'. :;:,y, (ui v.l wo v.-ii'-! d-riv ' ma'iy a'lant.'.;:r:-. 'j'l.i- .;, !;) 'Mi) f.irtln: War. nai 'c Hi'l.Mva.y t :;i niiil.o ciialili'd ii li.i'.aa;;' r.i l.ial.o tho r. ad, vhkdi lias l.i'i n i-.i i::ij il' ii'. f"i- li.u t.'iiiilry. liid-ivay rw'iwl "''! Jnwards Iit-r s.-1i.h.1 li'iti o l.ui!diii-. I'.'.ddi'i licr idi.nro ,.f i!;o ai-.tm-.l f ; i (!,;!; fV-.m ll l.ank fit:..!. V!.o Mil. "i ;.;..:! Ly tin; 1 ank t tin: I'tiiil-i'iy l Kric itoad, arid lu;r t.ar- til ii.ali'iii in tl o c .' nrvcys are well in "ri'ani.alhin and l liiiciiiIm led inde'd li bank fr.rni:-'iod iK'ai'iy i.ll tliat was o'j.iTidod Jiii'ii;; tlio two lii' -t years' cs l !.r:-,;i(ii:s at'd r ;r ( s. Tl:e fidii iil.li'iii.-j I'i vddc.ii ri'fo.ivnrc I:as Im en made v.-ii built in 1 ! I, and tin' .'.el, nil en lied in tlio wintort.f iIifi. fair iiiiu.i'i r i f t ii.bai iiant " v us. I'.very inei.iber A. r. Ho v.i ied lor t!i. win n in or in;,. os, cm- " I,!:!'. i'. v.? a .,:', Mt:l:.t etlt I. i iin: : ,-iii !: -.'I .,U.'.. :.aV tbo f il V.'llill:', V '1 u : v :. s a " ,11 in; lil".' i, tit. (ho i ; 1 wi ikiiian at :i ccilar eon. ' hwii v, i ie at i ii;M be .-.-el: . iil.i.'iit i-U."- :.t. I t or uiv.-iu:. i.l.'v !. Ik-io "f All i'' .V.' i'a. Li ii:bt hi.r can.'.;'. y bad j'.iiit louud to eaeb lae'.i;." the candies, and in a.l ut i.icj ma le ol : potato. . n: her teachers in i e id have adorned the proles. :!:d ; the eoi'.-c.',i!i'iieo was MtCl.'tii, 0: thiir ::ea!l 'i'bi re .e ion that vot! si'.n in any ' i in'! i i nvr ui.-; .:' ki. in llio ,'ta'e ; rudiments but. ll seiiojl.'i net only v m l not i x- ;l 0 tlio ill's t P'i:;'T;.phy, imiuai', arnlimetie ;r.u t.a branches ta'.c.'l !. a.el ivmc'i can ; i. l ii!i...-opliy were J Many ;:row!l up men ie,.t to the value ol il niti.-.t i;o; b. inle'. r.'i. however, thai all who ; re-";.!e 1 t!. en. .-i !.,-.- a- leacln r. were oiii.ldied for tin; po'-iiioii, i;..r W:i ii i .::!y 'tie!. :..! u d " iii t he "liter vwl I 1 that a:-:. lie nits were duly ixaiioneda to I in.'.r '.iii eiiioiils. At that j ,'i i'nl, ibis i tin u ol l eunsyiv.iiiia was uu.-u.- peeled of h iving le oil of t .'aebofs i j u ili ili.'d bi oii 1 the Alphiib.'t, or words of tuo to four syllables. Thus .-.mie, lioiu mmivt.s f j'.oo.l l i llio KottU'-iiieut in ti -.. ail-;- the ' yonn i'b ;i hoiv to shoo!," oi hom a A. i. ((.' desii e to i'el lid of manual f-Noieiso, ol:. n li.und tlieir way ii.Lj i ''.'ii n - 1 a ii in .'!'!.!., i, ; t .-.!i'i,v tbeni.e! tliate." i eaeuei s ilien wiil A' ik -e i-oo Yoik i-iiiili c as a One ' '.lie r.iou-.oit i-p-v '0 oil! , one i ,10 ..cr 1; t.ll:il..,.,y, o towii.-hip, i .nit of a le-u-i i'hs, ll'!'l idi ;' the b!:. .1! 'I. .., 1 in that Jar f 1., il'l I'lTil Ml I- r diii-i'.;' the luii: ilii.iiiU i !.!. i l k-1 hie! elided lor w MliliiiilT 1.1 li for k- ! ;! n; heLii i.eai'y v cli-.n e'o i in tiuir I- tie: Mt'u of : ll'-'i l iie o! l' I ; t- dl-: -, h i i,: -ion io (OMO1., i', ie . : that s!i t:i -i-.s !, i.lt! ::;.l tie: e.,.y. :! .it t's i a ei 1 1 : : ii-n ot ,a .. i- t! d 1 ;.!.; d I'lli !' i .1.1 i ,'i l, ii an v, li 1 1 v.l :eia liy - e. ,ed hi ,;n.t! a- a ...;. I . U-iei! o ;. . ;ie 1....1 tin.- i.i i,ii ' !',., iiim as I j ' l...-,v uielor tiie canopy ' ho ;:ot there 'i fur it was a eui-Mni and a lido that no Mran'ir e.nild j ns.i that way, in!') or throe, .di l!id;.,way, without fully ciilij'.hteiiiii;; this ci(iens, womeij and children, iu to his lntMl.i.".-, iioia v.hciieo be eanie ; where bo was liOiii, ; wlu-ther be was of ' '.'or m.d honest pareiiis,' or neer L-or:i tit all, at alll'" bin ... uui-t be und:.r S!ii.m1 ainl il ho maiiiieo to blip tl:io;i'n tbo lovvii, wkhout inipaniii ail this inii'iinati'in, ho vih a t down as Kiiue e-il;u--"j not worthy o!' notice. This youne; man Was kindly received, tbo v tints i-i' the disliiet were candidly inside known, and that they would cheer fully i: ii t roi'iptly set liim up in the M'bool, j'.rovided be bore ttu examination, lie vus evidently embarrassed at the ,'i;;re;c.-.tii.n ol u.niriii (,'on was lut av, are that buo'u a piuCiduie wu.i reii'air e l in I'enn. jlvaiiia, altiioiiU be kuew it was the i-ai-e in Yolk .State, lie ob s via ed that ho "had bceu hajin mid barvestinp-, mul bad not been atloudim; to hi.-, books lor a while; he would like to have the cianilnatioii postponed a lew days, so that Ire cuuld bru.di hiia. self up a little." This modc4 refpucH. could ne t be refused. Tho.se frontleuian-l- liircctoi'b and csamiueiii lully apptc ciati d the ordeal teachers had to Ue Jer- no, rii'l iinswt-r in"--i i-ns niijiroiii) :u tlial were likely in send their wit.s woul- iratlieniif; ; iiii;slii.n.'i to iuz.le, (jnus, tions to aniiiiy, Ui'sliini.i in ipellin in ! lni.s ko iriiiii.nnceU to bo unnittl li;iiili:, cr MtK's'iuns in tenirraiiliy t'o rnfiimf that the examined lnses his itinleistaiiniii!; entirely in his iitteiiiits to reenlleet, wliero iiiermaius tiro tumid, where diililiins disf.lav theii' varinui 1iih, or in ,lial. latitude the, Ilollentnts reside. So tliey enniditded to fiive ihe. ynmi man a chance for a low days to ,leiaie fur exiiininiitiun. " t-'cheul eemmonecd '' next day ; a few call- I'i'iini Ihe director. convinced llicin tlial it '.vnu'd he firej er t :ivc i ho leaehcr a linuial exaininatinn, as well :;s a furinal liisniis.sal. Jlu ;i'iear ed in school so ilclioiont in the liist i n diiiienis. sn far I e'iind tin: selmlars, mid so I'liicli cf a laii; liin i-tnek aiiiniis.' iheni, that the idea of his tutru'in Was absurd. Ac .'urdinly ho was cxuinineJ, aiio mi proloumlly ignorant was ho loomi in nil that pertained to a school toucher, hisrejiction was immediate. .To the inquiry " how came you to offer your-i-ell as a teM-ber, wln n you cimuot write a single senteiiec, nor spell tlio words that compose it '( " bo imswercd that he " had bei ii three months at tbo Acade my in Alfred N. Y., and his teacher there told him that iic did not think him (lualilied to bear examination iu ";. jSVff'e, but he could tako a school iu 1 Ytmsylvatiia, and would answer tin re. J lie youno man, who came ptunilci s, was lurni: bed with money for expenses home, with tbo admonition thai bis advisers who had told him to come into I Yiinsylviuiia, had wronired him, and that it would b more reputa ble for him to chop I'ltx than to chop l-ijii'. Ki,I;;way was tl.erealter .seldom troiii.leil With .such applicants. This circumstance has been dwelt up. on more lengthily than perhaps is ne cessary ; but when taking into consid oration, the iminirtanco ot conJuotius the public, sebaols iu the country tbo e. ire; illness that should bo exercised in the employ mi nt ot t achers, lo whom i aio entrusted the early education of ihe children, it is worthy of comment. There is no time in life when correct impri.-smn.-j as to lanua'C, spelliii, readine;, pronunciation, k:., than iu the f.ist steps of cuuentiou. Error.s in spcliiiiL', line. uitli accent in proiiuticia. ti.ei, a drawling m. inner of reading in .he pupil's first itdvint into school, will clin-j; to them iu after life, mid is seldom entirely era. Heated alter years ot study and application iu the hkdior institu tions of learnine;. .Sine.; the establishment of the Com mon School Sysleiu " in Pennsylvania, the law provides fur, and if strictly ad hered to, prevents iu a ;rcat measure, the employment of incompetent teachers. The icbool law of i'ennsylvaiibi has been so often amended since its first es tablishment, that its Jirst f'ouudera can hardly recognize tlicir parentage. Our Common Schools have become in faet,kc sdioufc, founded upon a sys tem ol taxation and direction that ex. cnipts all volition, judgment, or active participation by the parer.ts of the chil dren. It may be urged that as this is a fiee country, the ribt of i-u(Tra;o cu. joyed by every man in the selection of school directum is in tlieir hands, aud they are not under the necessity of elec tiiiLr such olikcrs as will disregard their their duties, lint cxpeaietico in con st int! demonstrating the fact that the ollico ol director of Common Schools is more often sought after, and election, cored for, for the purpn.-.o ol giving jiat ronage t ) some t ;aeher, to the location and stylo of a tiehoollioui e in close prox imity to their property orafiieud's con. venii nee, than to the necessity aud ad. vantages d sehook in a public puint of view. Toils wo are as likely to choose uiKjua.iliod directors as previously to .-elect uniUalitiod teachers. An apathy is engendered mining parents by shifting all the responsibilities upon the diroc. tors; an article cheaply procured k ul ways CncaoU valued, lino too rdivitt proprietor of many children, whoso ed neat ion is lolly provided for by too laws of the Stale, (fcirins it uiiuteussary to bestow any attention upon a subject so fraught Viith eou.-equ.Mice to bis ofl- spi ne'. J o j'laco a man in a situation ti lies Iroin bun u:l actiou iu public tt lairs, takes fioiii him the responsibility as J.iil.er lo ins cliililren iu ineir viiura. i'c.i, be toon relapses into Ciirele.-siicss in the mailer, and finally into indilfer- ence. Hut let it bo uii'lerstoo l that there is something lirrt for him to jitiu, however small the amount may be, and bo becomes iiitlici'iiu t'ru.l ho i.s a person, and will .,' as having a rijt to ouestion nml critie'so the oucctors. urn! the tostchcis of his children. It's not the wealthy tax. payer, nor tbo poll tieian who raise tbo jm eater number of Lhil'ii'cii. Sin?u it has become uufa-b ionablu and Motbusian to resir a family ofkpring, its duties have been left to the poorer and i.-;...,.'Ai.7i (,lnl class, who are not likely to engro.s the man. agementol schools by ollieial director ship, even it well qualilled lor tbo posi tion. There, i.s nothing iu the history of lUdgway in in early days, of to much importance as its school arrange ments ; ol its success iu later times the writer s knowledge is lnsuhjcieut to pruko or detract. l)tu attention was pall to preaching oi me ijo-y.ci, ana ier otio Year I lie preneher and tutor were combined, and regular preaching and SunJay school organization were tlio buuday work Methoditt circuit preachers, at atated intervals, held divine service, and an oecasioual Ecnuon by Mr. Alyworth; who was a very able preacher was rc garded as an intellectual treat. There were some queer ppeciuicus of orthodoxy would cumo Hitting alunir, whooo duo trints wire as uuiutelligiblo to their hearers n ineti'.iliysie:t to the Scotch man. Uaptists, who could preach on the " harp of a thousand tilings" the yn'i ii of jui t mi u made perfect. Hut there was one zealous, old local preach er, or hunter bo might bo called, who w ill long bo rembered. l'aiier Ilowley " foniewherc in the woods in the vicinity of Iiidway and would occasionally make his up. pcarat'ce. either tor n supply of provi sions or to s"ll his martin or muskrat skins iiivarkbly seleeiing bis quarters with Ju!"-o Dickinson, to the great an. nova n:j ' f Ids worthy lady, and bo would " preach " whenever there was a vacancy in the j'pit find tiny ono to attend and li-teii. It may well be. nip. posed ; that due i-eri'iiism-ss was not al ways manifested by bin younger audi ence. Whenever lie wished lo impms upon his hearers ti c iiniiii dials ueeef.-i- sity of repeiitencc and turn fi-eni tbo evil of their ways tin 1 seek refuge at the throne ol grii'-e, it wan in the! ern- l-hatio 1-mguaL'e Tieeuliar to bimicif " put to the laurel ye buggers ye." To those in any wkc acquainted with forest idiom, no language can convey a more earnest admonition to tinner to "flee the wrath lo C"i::e." to i f, contimt.d. Nkw MAitiiKT C.n. Wo tiro plenn. cd to inform our reader.! that Messrs, Jlvcry & MeCullough, of Jlankburg arc now luniiing a car over the P. & K. road, every Wednesday mid Saturday loaded wilh the choicest fruit and vege tables the nun hot affords. JtCy-Wc are this weok forced to omit the publication of some important mat tor, among which is an " Addrens to the Democrats of hlk County, and a com inuiiication on the iigeon subject. 7Jr. Cfiiitty'a vlpiyoiiiZmenls. A notice from llou. Win. A. Wi'llace, Cii.iinnaii of the State (,'ciitrnl Ci.ininii lee', informs us Unit lion, lliestcr Ciyiucr, l-'enio-cr.-itic can. lhiiitc fur Governor, lias male np- poiiitmc'iils lo sjiciili us follows ; Neiic.i'.lle, Sni unlay, l-uptoniher 1. laic, Mumliiy, ,Vc,il caiher S. MciMlvillo, Tuesitay, i'efit..-li;!)C("l. I'nuik'iii, Wc lnosjay, ,S'i'iteinhcr 5. Chuioii. 1 lnu-S'lay, AVptetnlinr !. 'J'il nsvillo. Frid.ij tveniiu'. .S'ept. 7. V.'ai'ieii, .S'liturila v, .S'upt. H. KT. MAUV.S, (Elk County), MonJiy cvoiiiiip;, .Sept. lo. l.ini.iiiiiiin, (Cauicron CountyJ, iucsday, .Sept. II. Local J I uven, iVcuncsilay, Sept. 12. Ai-rnngi'inpiits will Vie-made to sivo our ilisliii;;uislieil eainliilale nn appropriate re ception upon his visit to .Vi. Mary's. Mean time, let the people in all purls ol Ilie coun ty ineiiaic to tiuu out, and give liiui a coriliiil greeting. The l'coilc's Candidate for Col. Das Hjce : Deau Sik. We, the undersigned citizens of Girard and Erie County, iu view of the patriotic services rendered the Government, and tho many thou sands of hard earned dollars you have expended to sustain and earry on the war against rebellion ; having proved yourself the truo friend and supporter ot Andrew Johnson nnd ma Adminislra. tion iu their efforts to restore tho Uniou, and having confidence iu your integrity and ability to discharge the duties ot lioprcscntativc of the l'Jtli District in Congress, we therefore request that you allow your name to bo used as the Peo ple's Candidate for that ofliec at the cuhuing election. (co. Scnyard, 1'. J. Kenyoii, J. Oulliford, .1. Miirtiu, W. L. Ti uu t, W'm. ri.-ot, It. l'.enliam, James lliawley, Henry Hull, li. ('. Kiy, A. M . Osborn, (.'bus. 15. Grant, Louis Vender, S. 1). t'uDkclt, J jhn Ilrielit, llhiim l-iangelt, ,1. W. At water, .. Jewel, K. W. Clark, Wi'.liaai Tyler, (i. K. (Julhford, Jolia Hay, Jr., J. I.. II art, (I. V,'. Si in-jf, A . Martin, , Hubt. Wilcox, J. li. l'cltibone, A. Si ono, James Callun, U. L. l'helps, John If. Gulliford, A. 11. V.ly, K. K. Sin i ill. Frank McCre-ary, V'm. It. Kdson, V. M. Coals, John Hobcrlson, . (Ilin, John Ivossel, II. S. lielkiiiip, W. I). Webber, K. I,. Tarr, W. 11. Miirlin, J. T S i i ii in on p , A. V lo lo, S. F. Mason, J.. 11. (-'hevulier, J.is. I,. Thayer, S. T. Williams, Oeo. 0. M .ii-l iu, C W. Noycs, 1). Nasou, Mi-xon Godfrey, 11. Kiilclbei'iiei-, Jr. Mieli'lScliitniiiker, Jr. lluiuricii Kitlelberjer, Hobert l.'aMe-r, I,. 1). Hart, J. M. Murphy, J. lieu lor. AbTooN.v, Pa., Juno 2f.th 1SGG. To Tiiti Citizens op Giuaru and Eiuk Count v, I'e.sn'a. Your letter, pioposiug to run mo for Congress, is received. I would indeed be insensible to the commonest impulses of humanity were I uot tilled with the warmest ,' entiiuentof gratitude for the friendly expressions aud personal ro. gard that your letter oon tains, signed as it is by republicans and democrats, whom I know to bo staunch supporters of tho Government, and many who have ri.-ked their lives lbr the preservation of the Lniou. hueh distinguished con sideration overcomes every natural oh je'etion I may havo for political honors, consei'icutly 1 do accept ot your kind invitation to allow my name to bo used, but with the understanding that I am not to be tho standard-bearer of cither political party (Republicans or Demo crats) but if nominated it must ba by a People's Convention, as I belong to tho people. 1 hey are my trietds aud pa. Irons, aud iu iustico to them, composed as they are of all shades of political opinions, I must conliuue to live in their esteem, and labor to promote tlieir hap piuess and interests which has been the height ol my ambition lor twcuty.uvc years. lloapectlully, lours, July.l i-lf. Dan Ru e. .T. PowoU'it Column. STOCK OF t Tin MOST DKMIHVULK ASSORT MlkNT. rB1l!R UXIiEuSKJNKIj offers to tfic puli- i I io nt Ins eojoniomous hales llnoms in fii.ljy.vuy, the lainest iiii'lhest genenil as sort I.. cut ol Mircliaiiilisu that can be louuu at "any fc'torc between wii.biAMrunr anu r.uiK, ainl nt more' I'avornlile prices than can bo boiieht at eilhc-r of these jininls. Ilis slook comprises a aplciiilid variety or P11INT3, DE LANES, SHEETINGS, DltESS GOODH, CLOTHS, ItEADY MADE CLOTHING, E00T3 AND SHOES, TINWARE, HAllDWAlli:, CUOCKEUY, STONEWARE, OR 0 CER1E8 & PR 0 VISIONS &C, &C. r-Tlic proprietor, thankful for tho cry generous patronage thus fur extended to his establishment by the citizens of K!k and adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance ol the bmic. J. TOWELI,, Aug.-lC'CR.-ly. T7STHAY.--Came to tho premises lj of the subscriber in Spring Creek town- hfcip nn llio ith of July last, a SOURKLL MAliK, with one while lonu loot, mo owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay cimrges and take licr away, otherwise she will be disposed of as the law directs. DO II WIN Vtll.SON, Aug.-IG'CO.-St. Portland, tilt Co., Tn. "s'OMETIIINGr" NEWT rui. HOUSE, SIGN &, ORNAMENTAL PAUtTINO. rruiE sunscRiiiEU would he I tpcctfully inform the citizens of Klk county that lio has ju-Jf started in the above business in llidgw. aud tcel conn denttli.it lie can plcasfflLl who may favor him with their custom. M1RA1NIN0, l'Al'KIl IIAMUNO AN1CALCI MINING DONE ON. SHORT N0T1I.: AND IN THE most fashionable and im Ived manner nnd style. Orders left at thiljhco or at Hie Jiiinking House ot BoutheiWVillis boullicr will be proinplly attended lo. . W. I'.lW 1L.L.1AMS, May-17'CO-ly. TVlSSOLUTlON OF l'AHTNEitSHlI'. lJ The partnership heretofore existing between tlio undersigned is this day dis solved by mutual consent. W. P. WILLIAMS, II. O. McCONNELL. August 1st, TiG-3t. WLIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and f Wholesale lletail Deulcrs in lloiir, Feed and Oram CANAL MILLS, ERIE, l'A. Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar- kctratss. aug iiili-ou-ly TT 0. McCONNJ'LL, House, SiKn nn.i IT Oriiaiiicnliil I'ainlcr. All orders promptly attended to with neatness nud despatch. Imports nt Ibis oRice, or of the subscriber at Kano hlation, nugoobly. ZIAltVER IIOU.SE, Wnien, I'n., Hull & J Hall, l'ropnotors. aug'J'GO-y ALl'INE HOUSE, St. Mary's Ta He man Kiel., Proprietor. r.ug'J'CG Iler- T KTT E 1!.S T ES T A M EiVTA R Y on tliees. I j late of John Kotheiihoefcr, bite of the borough of Kt. Mary's, dccenscil, having been granted lo the uudcrsisnicd, nil person indebted lo, or having chinas ngainst said estate are requested lo call and settle. T. JtOTHENHOKFEH. nutrH.Gt. Esccutris 0 EN ERA L ELECTION I' il O C L, . Jf . T I .V TJLTiSUANT to an Act of the Gen era! Assembly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act Itc luting to the Elections ol tho Common wealth," approved the 2d day of July A. J)., 1 K.J.I, I, JAS. A. MALONK High Sheriff of tho Cousty of Elk Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and givo notice to the Electors of the County of Elk, that a GENERAL ELECTION, will be held in said coun ty of Elk on the SECOND TUESDAY, Oth day of October, 18Gf, at which time tbo following oflicera aro to bo elected : Ouo person for Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Otic person for Congress, to represent tho counties ot Cameron, (Jloarlield Elk, Eric, Forest, Jefferson, M'Kcan and arrcn. One person for Assembly, to represent tho counties ot (Jlcarlicld, Elk and l'orest, in tho IIouso of lteprcsenta lives at llarmsburg. One person for Protiionotary, &o., of Elk county. Two persons for Associate Judges of hlk county. Ouo person for County Commissioner of j-.ik county. Quo person lor County Auditor of Eik county. Ono person for County Surveyor of Elk county. And the qualified electors of tho coun ty of Elk, will hold their elections in tbo several districts, as follows : Lic-uciictto township, ut the house of 1 hoaiua Ovcrturl. lJenTiiiif-cr township, at Fchool house "N't. 1, near tho Elk creek Lridg-3. Pox township, r.t the Grave Yard H'llOolllOUEO. Highland township, at the house of Le vi Ellithorpn. Hidirwav ti'wnsbin. nt il.n p.,.i it t,. ' -. . 1 '. .""' "oe-. r5i. iwarys oorougn, at the house of Ignatius uarner. S'priiig Creek towiihhip, nt tho house of (S'tockdale, Downer & Co. Jay township, at tho house of Alfred 1'earsnl. Jones township, nt tho fschool.housc in ilcos. 1. also make known and givo notice. as in and by the 13th pection ot tho aforesaid act, I am' directed, " that every person, excepting Justices of ho euco, who shall hold any office or np- pointincut to profit er trust under the lovoruiueut ol the L tntcd Mates or of thin .State, or any city or incorporated District, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, n subordinate officer, or agent, who is or shall bo employed un .i. . .1 - 1 . i . i. . 1 uei me icgisiuiivc, juiiiciary, or execu tive department of this State, or United States, or any city or incorporated dis. tnct : ami also, tint every member ot Congress, and tho State Legislature. and the select or common council of any cuy, commissioners ot any incorporated iiistnctf, is by Jaw lucapablo ot holding or exercising at the same time, the of. ficc or appointment ot Judge, Inspec. tor, or Clerk of any election of this toiuiiioiiwcaltli, and that no inspector, or judge, or other officer of any such election shall be cligiblo to any office then to bo voted lor. Al.-o, That in the fourth section of tho act of Assembly entitled "An Act liohiting to J'decttons and for other 1 urposcs," approved April 1G, 1811), it is enacted that tho 15th section, " shall not bo construed as to prevent any Mil itia officer or borough officer from serv ing as Judge, inspector or clerk at any general or special election in this Com monwealth." Also, That in tho Gl section of said act is cnac.od that " every general and special election shall bo opened between tho hours of eight and ten in tho foro- noon, and shall continue without inter. ruption or adjournment, until seven o'clock in tho evening when the polls shall be closed." The general, special, city, incorpora ted districts and township elections, aud all elections, for electors of President and Vico President of tho United States shall be held and conducted by tho In spectors and Judges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks appointed as iu hereinaf ter provided. "No person shall be permitted to rote at any election, as aforesaid, but a white free man of the ago of twenty ono jears or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year, and in tho election district where he offers to voto at least ten days immediately proceed ing such election, and within two years paid a Mate or tJounty tax, which ehall havo been assessed at least ten days bo. fore the election. 15ut a citizen of the United States who have previously been a qualified votci of this S'tato and re. moved therefrom and returned, and who shall havo resided in the election dis trict and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to voto after residing in this state six months. Provided, That the white lrccman, citizens of the United States aro between tho ages of twenty, oue and twenty-two years, and havo ro nided in the election district ten days as aforesaid, shall not have paid taxes. Pursuant to tho provisions contained in the 4th Section of tho Act aforesaid, the Judges of tho aforesaid districts bhall respectively take charge of the certificates or return of elections of their respective districts, and produce them nt a meeting of ouo Judgo from each district, at the Court House in llidgway on the third day alter tho election, bo ing for tho present year, ou FltlDAY, the 112th day of October next, then and there to perform the duties required by law of said J udges , also, whore a Judgo by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken in charge by one of the Iubpcelors or Clerks of the election of said dirtrict, who shall do and perform tho duties required of said Judgo una ble to attend. AN ACT regulating tho mode of vo. ting at all elections, in tho several coun ties of this Commonwealth : Section 1. He it enacted ly the Sen. aQ aud llouxe. of Representnttvet of tho Commonwealth of I'ennsijlvunia in. General Assembly tnct, ami it is hereby enacted ly the. authority of the tamo, That tho qualified voters of tho several counties of this commonwealth, at all general township, borough and special elections, are hereby, hereafter, author, ized and rcnuircd to trntn 1.,, punted or written, severally classified as follows : One ticket shall cmbraco the names of all judges of coutts voted for, and to be labelled, outside, "judi ciary ; " ono ticket shall embrace tho names of all Btato officers voted for, and bo labelled " State ; " ono ticket shall embraco tho names of all county oflicrs voted for, including office of senator, member, and members of assembly, if voted for, and members of congress, if voted for, and be labelled, "county;'" ouo tickc) bIiuII embrace the names of all township officers voted for, and bo labelled, " township ; " one ticket shall embrace tho names of all borough, ofli. ccis voted for, and bo labelled, " bor. ough ; " and each class shall bo deposi ted in separate ballot boxes. Given under my hand at my office, in llidgway, the sixteenth day of Ju"Uat lSGti. J AS. A. M ALONE, ' Sheriff of ElkCouuty. Aug lti'tid. Ue.