The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, August 16, 1866, Image 3
XtH H Coqiftg Utooes;!.. SJOB WORK. -bta sheet hand blU, $0 espies or lit Quarter sheet haed bill, 60 eopiee or lees SS.M) nif sheet hand-bin, 60 eopiee er less fi.00 Full sheet Wld-tm, 60 WtS T lMi ,00. BLAKI8. F of My quantity uader ft quires, 11, 60 per quire ; on ell amounts ever that reasonable reduction will bt mad. . TERMS OP PArER. SI, AO per year In advance $2,00 If paid within the year, tod $2,60 If net paid with Id that time. NOTICE. Hereafter the Pott Otlee will be closed every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to Id o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at 6 M. L. LUTHER, P. M. Oar thanks are due to Had. 0. W. Stbcfitld for valuable puhlia doeo. BMBtS. 93r A Social Hop took place at tbe Hyde House last evening about fifteen couple being present. Everything went 08 as merrily a marriage bell. aWThe Viryinia State Journal is the title of a paper published at A lei aodria, Ve by B. W. Oillie, formerly of thin place. Promoted Henry Gillis, U. S. N., a ton ut Judge Oillis, hai been promo ted to a captaincy for gallant and meri. torioni terrice. MsTOwing to tbe fact of tbe editor being absent, and tbe sickness of our hand, tbe Adtocate comet ont one day cehind time. We will try and be up to time next week, however. teaTSee advertisement of Jerome Powell in tbia week's issue. He keeps on band a large atock of goods which he will sell ai cheap as can be got any where. . vHon. Heister Clymer the Demo cratic candidate for Governor, is going to be at St. Mary's on tLe 10th of Sep tember next to address bis fellow eiti xeos. Let there be a general turn out. RFjuWithin tbe next two weeks we intend to send out bills to those who ' owe ns for subscription, advertising and job work, except those with whom we have yearly contracts. Therefore, those owing us had better get their wallets ready. Gkt lttADT. The township Clubs should choose Marshals, and make ar rangements ior sending delegations to join the grand procession at the Mass Meeting at St. Mary's on the 10th of September. Have preparations all made and start early. Will be sunt to any person desiring it from now until aftr the election for 4 eutits. Send in your clubs iromedi ately Every Democrat should have a opy. J F.MOORE. Pub. Another Hdmbvo. A townsman received, yesterday, by mail from New York, six certificates in some bogus jew elry concern. The tickets read a fol lows ; " This ticket entitles tbe holder to one chance in the New York Mer chants' and Manufacturers' Distribution when the money ia remitted to us. or paid to an authorized agent. Shares one dollar, eaeh. J. L. M'Clellan, Secretary ; J. D. Miller, President." Attached to the ticket isaeoupon. upon which are these words : " Notice. If the number of this coupon corresponds with the cumber of the ticket, return the ticket with the money, and retain coupon for reference." This is a fraud, as several persons have already been duoed by tbe concern. We warn all patties to look out for swindlers 0' the kind. AND TRI CONSTITUTION. DEMOCRATIC Mass Meeting AT ST. MARY'S, Monday Evening Btpt. lOfA, HON. HIESTER CLTUEE Will positively be present, with ether dis tinguished leaker. COME ONE! COMEALLM JF 8HURTE. Heraeee Maker, Bidg . way, ilk county, Pa. Shop ia the 2nd wry of J V ouk's Btors. (July 26, ly. JW. UAILEY. Snrgeoa Dentist, Saint . Mary's, Elk county, PanasyWania, of. Jem his professional aarvieae to the eitiseas f klk eouotyOSM apposite Coyae Ms Veaa Hsve. (July Ji, M-l f tsa?j..j.j?!.s 00. PROSPECTUS '00 OF ' "THE AGE," ra orar m ocratio sajxt jotrurix or miAsxuEu. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND GREAT INDUCEMENTS 1 Union, . Restoration, and" Coitsn TIUNAL LlBCRTV 1 The Publisher of The Age respect fully call attention to the laily and Weekly issues of their popular journal The Dailt Aoi contains the la TEST tNTELMOCNCE f ROM AM PARTI or THE world, with articles on Gov ernmcnt, Politics, Trade. Finance, and all the current questions of the day Local Intelligence, Market Reports, ate., . PRINTED & PUBLISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted) BY WELSH ROBB TERM. To Citv Subscriber F.TflflTli'KV ' . ' i a per week, ptjable to the earn era - To Mail Subscribers, $9 per annum ; $4 50 for six months ; $2.25 for three months ; for any less time at the rate of one aouar per month. THE WEEKLY AGE, Publlabrd 1 very Saturday. AT 430, CHESTNUT STREET. PHILA. TEhMS : One Copy, obc year $ 2 00 Sis months 1 00 Three months n To I LUBs : Five copies, one year, $9 00; Ten copies, $17 5J; Twenty copies, aov.uu. The Moner must in all casei accompany the order no mime will lie entered upon tbe book until the RiilwcriptioD i paid. MaYAdverti-erocnts inserted at mod erate rates. D"l!uine3s letters should be ad dressed to THE AGE, 430 ChDStnut Street, Philadelphia. X AEGE CA PAt'ITY OREJT Bi.-.v JLj and unequalled peed, simplicity and vuu,piccurFB u, uptiaiion, are qualities pe culiar to the Nonpareil Washing Ma- It is a squeezing machine constructed on t'ictW mechanical nriniMttltw and ika . r - -- j . hv 1 no via- perienoe derived from fire years extenire use m ivmuien, aoieisana punnc institutions proves it te be of lasting value to the pur chaser The. mannar of operating the Nonpareil, by roiary motion acting on a crank s'laft with balance wheel.) which meM the plungers alternately, is the sunpVtft. least laborious and moet iowerfu' that can he de vised for the purpose, and accomplice the work with the greatest rapidity ar.d the ltt possible 'abor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from 'he statement that it is geared to gire sii strokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred itr kes a minute Safety to the fabric washed is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen ean work the ma. ehine, and do a week's washing for a ftmily of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly without assistance from band rubbing Pond for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is aeeured. OAKI,KY&KETlNO, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 26,'66-ly CARVER HOVSr., Warren, Pa.. Hull Hall, Proprietors. eug!)'6B-y ALPINE HOU.R, St. Mary's Pa.. Her. man Erett, Proprietor. eog9'66 TrERSEY HOTEL. Centreville, Elk joun jy y. ra., t;. 11. tiyait, tr. augH bo HO. MoCONNELL. House. Sign "and a Ornamental I'Vintei. All orders promptly attended 10 with neatness aud despatch. Inquire at this office, or of the subscriber at Kane Station. auglWbly. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Tbe partnership heretofore existing between tbe undersigned is this day dis solved by mutual eonsent. W. P. WILLIAMS, II (). McOJXNELL. August 1st, '66 3t. OLIVER A BACON. Manufacturers and wholesale Retail Dealers in F1"0. Feed and Grain, CANAL MILLS. ERIE. PA. Orders solioiud and promptly ailed at mar ket rat s. augp-tii-e'l ly Fruit Trces&Sliv.iiHr..,r TUK CXDEilSlGNliD, AOLNT KwK f'roHt s Genesee Valley A'ursery. will be tu Kidgway on and after August 13th. ' 6 for the purpose of taking orders tor Fruit Trets and Shrubbery of all kinds and vari ties. Ha has dona a large busiuess in War ren county, and given the best of satisfac tion. Oaders le't with; the postmasters at Biagaay and 8u Mary's will receive atteu- JOSEPU ttN.vtir. W4v;, Aux 9 Ik FURNITURE ! 'PnK UNDERSIGNED TAKES I pleasure in announcing to tba citi- sens of Ridgway and adjoining towns, that he has just opened a Furniture Shop lo Ridgway, and is prepared o sell all kinds 01 mmiture at the lowest prices. JJis stock consists la part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLX3, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS MATTRESSES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs ef all kinds, BABT CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, TETE A TIT18, BEDROOM niT of Caeetaut. Mahogany and Black Walaut and every thing usually femad ia a arst ciane country vtare Heesi. PICTURE FRAMES of all sites, aad of Makegeay, Reteweod, uiki n imui aaa uui MADE TO ORDER- ALSO COFFINS kept en hand, aad saade to order, of every kind and deecriatioa. Please CALL and examine ay etock be. fore Durehasin elsewhara tn T 1. nu w. strict attention to business, and keeping all the market demands in my line, to merit the catronaea of tbe nnMia. trir..i.i en the corner ef Ki-i and Depot streets. Ui.tal H. TtlUHAS. May-17'66-Iy, W AOim waataa, laAia. mA raUeaB, in every County in the United States, to sell tbe Ink Powders of the American Ink Company. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fill fifty bottles of the site usually retailed at tea cents per bottle. A suisrt agent can sell a gross or it a day, and clear -'7.ot. Tbe ink can be made from the powder ia three minutes it common boilinj; water. It is a perfect black ink, the best in the world. It flows easily, does not corrode the pen a particle, never gums up, is not injured by freetiog, and its color will last forever. Kvcry family ia America will buy it, as a package will last a family for years, and ink can te made in small quantities as wanted. With each gross we send a thousand circulars with testimonials from olerjrvmen. law. yers, teachers, merchants, commercial collegf, editors, Ac, aud the agent's name on tne Dills Uoly one person will be made agent for a county. The first one sendiug!30 for a groi of the powiler will receive it by return einress together with one thousand circulars and the right to fell in the county he or t-ne designate.", it othert, send for tbe sa.ue county, the tuouev will be returned in tnetu tree of expense, lo make lure. one had better designate several couu- tiesteither of which he orfhe will take Send ior trade list and circulars if vou dare run the risk of waiting, or send the mutiny lor a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or the eipress agents of this city, will show that the business u boo. on b!y and squarely oonducted. An Ink I' iwder will be sent by mail to any addis. free of charge, oa receipt of ropy cents. Address, writing vour name, town. count v pni Mate distinctly. ajuiui;ax ink company. Manchester, N. II. THOMAS W. LANE. Clerk for the Co., and Special Agent. UT ANTED, AJ KNTS 175 to 1200 PER MONTH for gentlemen and $35 to $75 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Pense Family Sewinir Machine, imnrnv- ed and perfected. It will bam. fall svtch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider oeautituiiy. rnce only WM. making the clastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay the a Dove wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or 'call on C. BOWERS &. CO.. Salesroom. V 2.V1 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. Pa. All letters answered nromnilv. with circulars and terms. (Mey-31'66-ly. JEKOSENE AN DOAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS. GLUE, ruia, uil cans, 4e., . All the cooking for a Hgr family may be done with asjr Kerosene Oil, or Gas, tof with less trouble, and at Met" less expense, than by any Star other fuel. Each Article manufactured by thl a Com that is pany is guarameed to perform all claimed for it. Sead for Circular. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 20ft Piakl Stbht, N. Y. July-19'66.-ly. J1MPIRE BEATING MACHINE CO. Vineyoi OJJic, 616 BrtJuay, JIT. J. GREAT IMPROVEMENT ia Sewing Me- chices. Empire Bbuttla. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It is thus rendered noise less in action. Its motion being all positive. it is not liable o get evt of order It is the best Family Machine! Notice is called to our j wand Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, for tailors and Boot and Shoe Filters. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be given. No Consignments made. t UMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. Jvlf-irwaviy. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL S T 0 I? . DAILY Se WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at rIlE JJOOK gTORE I N ST. MARY'S. N. B.Anv work, either American or Europen, Religious, Scientific. Phil osopbical, Historical, to., will be pro cured en application as above. Any nrtiolf. ia the Book or Stationery line not ia Stors, will be sent for by mail and bs received ia a few days alwr or-ring- jun. 14-ly. PHOTOGRAPHIC. b. . x. t. urrxoinr oV CO., XaauUenrert ei Pheteraphie Materials, Wholesale and Ketail, 60. BROADWAY. N. V. Ia addition to our main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATEItIAI.8 we are Headquarters for the following, vs. 8TERESCOPES k STERESCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Faraivn Pitio. nl t scapes, Groups, Statuary, etc. STERESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From .,!... : .i. : faigns and forming a complete Photograph c history of the great contest. STERESCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adanted far eithat tha V.;m t..l. th a S taresenna. Our Pat atn VII Jwi)l Ka aan te any address oa receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufaetura mora t.rv.T iv,. antf other house, about J 00 variefies from CO ceatc to $50 each. Our A LB CMS Lave the refutation of bain ailm.rint in anl durability to any others. Card faeiegrapas ef werals, Statesmen, Acters, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVK THOUSAND different suhiccts. inclu l nc reproductinos of the most cutohrated Kn gravmgs, ratnlmgs. Hla'urs. etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photorraphers and others orderinr C. O. D., will please remit -!5 per oent of the amount with their order. sBTThe prices and quality of our roods cannot fail to satihfy. (june M'i6-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Mary's, Elk County. JTJ3T R33172D 600 BEADLE' DIME NOVELS 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY BOOKS. AN ASSORTMENT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Blaok ImhiLs, Time books, Pass books, and School books ill always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes Ac. direct from the Manufacturers for cash,, we are enabled to sell at the same rates that they can be purchased in ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed on all purchases of ten dollars and upwards. W. J. BLAKELV. June-146-' y. GENTS WANTED 'a. T. IICADLEY'ft HISTORY OF 7 HE WAR, NOW READY Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be tho most nUretting, pitpul.r, and valuable His tory of the Rebellion, which is iullv at tested by the enormous pule of 200 000 volumes, and a large portiou ol the country still uncanvaiwed. We are obliged to run our prewies night and day to enable as to supply our Agents. Men of character and ability, who de sire a luct stive employment, will find this a rare opportunity. 1 be price of the work in on- volume it to low, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all classes. For full particulars send tor circular. Address tmeriean FnbH$Mnr Com'y. 19 abaiuui fleet, IIaktfokd, Conn. JOB WORK of all kind and des. criptiens done at tbia office. JOB PRINTING CHEAPLY 4 NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY Eaecated ai th Advocats Office. at Tns New iStOiV. Of WEH DROTOIRI at St. Marys, S.k County Peansyrftnia SOCCEHBOES TO GlOKOI WlIS. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well seleoted stock of SPRIXO SUMHB& Ww SILKS, JtORIX(ES, POPLINS, DELAINE S, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas A large asaortiucnt of Prints, White goods ef every .Jcscriptl-.u. flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting ia great variety. I .adie's & Children' Millinery Goods ; suob as BONNETS, HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, Ac GL O VES & HOSIER T. GESTS furm'shiny good of every description, CL O THS, CA SSI MERES dx., etc -i.i i ; usGJi.nn:r and provisions i A i-rgi stock of FLOUR, PORK, EUOAR, TEA, COFFEE. SPICES, RICE. SALT, i v;.d, WHILE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for lantity tue. Cedar and WilhiW Ware of every de scription. Ctit'ectitit.ary. Brush, esol all kiud-.. A full assort, ment of Stationery, Wall Pa- per, Paper .'artains, Bean, tiful O.I V, ,h Window . Shades A very large . assort meut of Srgars and Tobacco. IITK BUY OUR STOtK directly " from the Msnulaoturur and there fore we cuu affonj to cheaper than .... ...k... ... .1..: .t . tiiL auy uincr esHiuiiiiiniaui ID Ala OOUQiy 'J'HE P(TRF sr respectfully in t vitcn tu , i ana eistnine our Mi ok and prices 1 Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have one of the niwt complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and esn sell for less profit, than any other bouse in the county. i::. Brothers, 8k Mary's, March lOth'M. W ARUiat A Cui.i) IL'iALI AT TUff Amcxfcrn Irttitnle Flir! OCTOBER 19, Ia t'hect ctn retitiMi with nil tl.e?cndirg trains In tie ict.nUy. 'PELOUBET " ORGANS AND MELODEONS C. PEL0UBET & SON, Manufaelurers. Respectfully invite the attention of pur. ehaaers, the trade and profession, to the POLL O WING INSTR UMENTS Of their manufacture Podal;Baso Organs, Five sites, FiveOctaye. one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight.eclts of llui-di, Prices, $235 to $000. - School Organs, Nine styles, single and double lie J, Resewe-jdsnd Blank Walnut coses, Prices, $130 to $210. Molodoons, FUno ilvlaand Pnrl.V.1. T.i. .. .. , -- "" line- Ues, from four- to six Octaves, eingl . n,l double Reed, ltosewood and Biacic Wilout Cases. Prices, $AS to $240. Every inHtrumeut is made by competent 'orkmen. ffam the haar mni;,i . . , . . .-- w. ibi, uueer our Dersonitl suDervisioa. n.l ACA... i r - j uiuuL-ni irnDf-ivement wnrthv nfil.o ,..,, : . : - i. uitro auced in them. Among these we would cull "'" t.c-uJi,i.TrJ, wUioli 1ms been so much admifed, and caa be found only in instruments of our oru manufac ture. From &fflOBr the fliLtin. t . , o "--."5 luoumuumts i?I eminent profes-ors and organists, we give " The Dedals I ennn.i'r.iA ' . - w is uimi'uruiicil- able in their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. King. "It is a granl. good! isirnment, and docs JUJ habuilder."H. C. Folger, Troy, mADUrGlured irht- in'tKi av..a "'-fn- Berg, J. Mosentaal. Aptoma ""'7B1Tu universal satistuct ion." " 1 Hawley, Fon du lao. Wis. " There is a peculiarly sweet and sympa. thatie tone which harmonizes chariulnitlr with tbe voice." W. H;Cooke. " I am Dartioularl'nUf...H ;!, tk. ... rangsment of the different registers." Wm. vi auuury, proaohes the organ." The Chorister, S. Y. "This inatrum.n. It.. . .iu- : :. ever everything yet introduced among us." ' Th ones aad the action are excellent." Rev. W. 8. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. " T ic more we una it ih. 1..11.. 1:1 . t. J B Haeue. Hnit.nn v..t "The two Bank (I...- i. .. ' W Kinnicuti, Boston, Mass. " Wa hava fftnnl . K 11 . -ub in vAvciivufc iu nit pointa ennstitu'in a good instrument." "It looks and a.uin.1. a n Nation, Troy. New York. most perrect toned Melodeon I ei'or saw." Quy F Noth. " They fall back on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and r 1.1 we must say that in all their respects they are weU worthy of praise." Musical pio neer. AwarEvery instrument t. rn1t -. . - 1 aad boxed and shipped in New York City CircuUriL Cat. m.n.i P-;a T;.- p.. sent oc application to C PJELOUBET&SON", UCOOMFIBLO, N. J. Or J M Peltca, 841, Broadway, New Ynr't Cetfrad Meyer, 72, Arch Street, Pbilad . Brainard A Son, Cleveland, Obio: J v Tncker A Co. Jackson, Miohlgaa i Weri Gerard, Cinciaattl. Ohio ; Joel II s, U.kiU ILL iau.