ywv cash (iuOiKia moke. .TAMES MpCIjOSKEV, Dealer in tln ot tit would ret pect folly inlorm ' fsr t-it.xt-ii dl Kersey and vicinity, that !.' li is into iilio Grocery busine??, itnl w ill open on or iilmut tho middle I' May. He kc'ie.0!iiitna:itly on hand n cxtcns'.vo stock of ':?, flour, HUG AIM, TOHACOOES, .flHGAKS. WIIISKKY )! thn barrel or quart, and everything i i.c ctc J with u first class Grocery M. ro. I will sell for CASH mid cnn?eU.nt .vau nlTurd losell CHEAPER than I'll EAl'EST. I invite everybody :i!l:il)d satisfy thetnsclvr.i. JAMES McCLOSKEY. May oJ, 'Oli. Cm. rix: rix:: tix::: STOVES : STOVES ! ! STOVES !!! ' John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLES ILE & RKT.Uf. DEALERS. ST. MARY S, V.Y. Kfeps constantly on hand and for sale, : larre ami well selc-ck:.! rt-x-k of TIN' WWW-,, .STOVES &c. Vo have I'voryt'lvwi" generally kept in a Tin Shop. ur Stock of STOVES consist in part of A N'T I IH'.ST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO J HON GATE k WHEAT SI1KAVSTI VES. STOVEPIPE ran be had at our i hop either riveted dr "'roved. ! Si oitinii am k.kikixc. done on ln-t notice ami at reasonable rates. J unu 1 lt'i(1-1r. REMINGTON k SONS, MANUFACTURERS OP Revolver, Ritlcs, Muskets and Carbines, for ihe United States Service. Also rorKKT AM) JIKI.T REVOLVERS, K I'eutinjr Pistols, RitleCnncs, Revolving ttilli-". Riile and Shot f?n bitTel. and pun .:n:itrmls sfl'.l l.iy gun dealers and lie trade jfvi'i'iiilly. i. in ilii'C liivs nf lionsi-lip'nking nnd mlv li(-t)! I ho unjijio'l W m it -i ii ' !il:l V'. t'liOll - 111 V 'ti;. u. I 'V t! -if ' ' -v ' - "i M !;n.i '.,1 li - ! '"A!" I iia- la I jltU, I t-rs .' I.'O 0 .1 I'lll'ijIl lSl' - . ! i hIpl' (II tltii litj'l' I ' p'tre'lit ' i! -Hi' of the ii. Hum Aji iic iliims wiK iia;!, Ls.., i:il.nv ly ove ' iintdo' io J. S. IIVDI ITCH ! ' Serai. !i ! r . V.i'iiij-'- ITCI! : IT' Mi ' A- . lix.-t I I. . Will I ' ' , . 'P fit' JiO-l;lJ.fN t( ;l" V l,;'l" I l'. ' jllMG-7'ti'i-ly. ' in.ACKSMI'LTIIXfi! If. . IIELNAP desires to inform tl.o eiti. icin'if R'nly,way ii'id viriniiy t h tit lm lias J. S. Hyde's HUelisinilli Shop on ..nil street, and has employed (rood work r . :i wlio will be ever ready to mako uny- i" fi-oiu a buckle to un anchor. P.tiiicu!:tr ntienliun given to tins shoeing I horse:.. All I ask is a fair trial. Mjy 17'0ij-ly. -ll'IEELER& WILSON'S SEW. VV I N'G MACHINES. Tho under pipuud having been appointed Sole Agent l"r iho aiilo of Wheeler & Wilson's Sowing M idlines for Elk county. He keeps an ui-Hortttieol conatantly na hand. Machines holj at Philadelphia and New York prices Asy parties desiroua of obtaiuiag them ca-address J. K. WIHTMOllE. March Ot.'Ofi-ly. at Ridgway, Pa. "VTrICE 18 HEREBY GIVES TIHT 1 from the ih inst. until the Hth of ily next We will be in Rrookvillp, at the Mice of Dr. Hunt, prepared to aetlla with M persons having uiiHeitled aucounts with S. Rhines duo'd of Warsaw township, JcrTeTson county I'a. R. 8. HUNT, Adm'r. CAROLINE RUI.NES, Adm'j. .'i.i:i 7 ';-.'Jw. HAA MONTI I ! A gents V M wiiniu.1 fur tU tKtirdi yew articles. ;n i out. Address O. T. GARF.Y, City i'!Mir.r. Dr-Meford, Me. may l7 6ilY. E. K II U S T O R F. . DOR OWE I.LA 31 ESS EN ( i K R, DEALEKH 1.1 prugi', medicines, LA Ml' OIL, 1MINTS, I.E AT, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER S OIL, PERFUM ER1ES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, KYE.ST-LTFS, CON FECT I ON Kill KS, KAIS1NS, 'JlTRONf WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY AIITICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS i VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRDCAGES, TOBACCO & SKGARS. PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO Til E DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, III DG WAY, PA. FOUTZ'S CILKDRATEO Horse anfl Cattle Powflers. This nrrrnrntion. BDutrn, Kill titiT outily n'lttvigoralo brukon down anl low spirit d horn?, Iy BtrciiRthtninif ri;J cleaninf tl.o Ftutnach aotl inlc tiitt-s. li is a but pre ventive f all dia fB incident to thii animal, such as Ll.; tfcVEU, OLA.NL'tP.a, r. 1 1 iiu n i - 5(5 r- TKK. IIKAVKR. T K M V V. It , K VKUS, Fttr.VOKK I.'iSS 4tV A ITK TITK AND VITAL KKlii;V,ic. In .use iinprovcii thu w i n tl , incrtai s the Kitpttite Bivca a smooth aim jrlowy skiu mm transfurnn the inistrablu kkvlcton Into a flne-Iooking and piriud To keepers of Cows thi prpparatiou ii invaluable. It increase thu quautity auil iinpruves t)ie quality oi inc milk, it has bHro pi-ovt-n ly ac tual experiment to vktfrl Increase the quan- w " m"K 1111(1 i'fJI cream twenty iH.r Duner iirra ana .vi$f&J un Hpjietite, luospn i intir niae. nna ' mukin thciu thrive m'j:!i faster. la all diaic of Swiuc, such us Coughs, Vlccri ia th Lun?,, Liver, ac, thii articlo mitt as a ipcciAc. Dy putting from one-lialf a p.ijK.'r to a papor in a barrel of nwill tho above d iHeade will be eradicated vr entirely prevented. If Riven in time, a certain preveutive and euro for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 6 Fapera for tL FUEPAHED BY -V. FOUTZ UIIO., AT THEIR WlinLF-SUE DRIU AM) MEDITINE DEFOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Kur SaNj ty llruiUta and Storekeeper! titrough out tli': Lulled biuu. Snlii ai Manufactures firiees, by 1 lord well k Mcscugcr Ridgway, Agents i'or Elk ciiuiity. AO : N TS W A X T I '. 1 1 TO T A K E ( R I V. R S foi the lest selling bobk now pnblish- cd, Thrilling Stories of the Great Rebellion. Comprising heroic adventures and liair- bieadili excapes ot holiliers, Scouts, Spies and Retugeex; daring exploits of Smug glers, (iuerilliis, Ilefpevadnes and others ; Tales of Loyal and Iisloyal women: Sto ries of the Negro, kc, with ineidenls of Fun and Merriment in 'ainp awl Field, liy Lieutenant Colonel 8. Oree. I.ue of the United Stales Army. Handsomely il lustrated with engravings on steel and in oil colore. Send fur circulars and see the liberal terms offered. CHAH. S. GREENE & CO., Publi-bera No. IB J 8. Third St., Philadelphia. yyII8KitS! WHISKERS! ! Dr. L. O. M0NTEJ5' Corrotfa, the t'reatekt st iumlaior in tho world, will force Whiskers or Mustache tojrrowon thusiiiouthiit i'jee or chin; novtr known to fail ; sample for trial sent free to any ono desirous of testing its njoritH. .Ad dress, Reeves & Co., 78 Nassau' St., New York. juno-litS'ttO. Lfui, life ir NEW ARRANGEMENT! TREMENDOUS WISH TO THE NEW STORE OP Frederick scim:xixo tntr.kvji.ij:, elk co.. r. N EW GOODS D A I L Y A R R I V T N Ci THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO THEIR INTERE3T! As manifested by the daily throng of customers exchanging "Green Backs" for jroou!). All the Domestic Cottou Goods arc high. Customers one tuid all exclaim. HOW CHEAP VOI R DRESS GOODS ARE Sly stock consists of DRYGvrons, ROCL'KIES, HAT,-: ,v IV AT i : Slioi:: CLOTHIXt!. CROCKI-itV. TIN -i II A Kb W Alii', Oil, ,v PAINTS, I'UTfi NAILS. GLASS, voodi:n FLOUR, FISH. It is useless for to to attempt, io give a full list of ihe stock, but invite one nnd all, to drop in and sec for theiufi !vs BETTER, POTATOES, GRAIN, HIDES, CALFSKINS and all country produce taken ul market price, for goods. FREDERICK SCIKESINO. CtMroiiKc, Juno l:l'6S-y, & it . am: a r ex-cite mfxt T kept up liy fhe DAILY ARRTVALW VH'W OOon3 AT FRED"ERICK lJIMOLI'IFS Cheap Cash Store, M"bene JicJ.ai an liatv! !tmi ,-or Slj, HEN BOY'S t'liii'ic, DRY GOODS, LADIES & GEXTS FTRMSHIfs ffOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS. LADIES' k GENTS' SIIATVLS, SOXTAGS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, XURUS "O-- i r.!' S t.T i ' ilt'TTO1 IN GREAT QUAXTUNF? a:;t v-'.ii.iTiEs TOBACCO AND SEGARS OP THE BEST QUALITY 1, !.at my stock '' -c sold at t I n ' ! fr". t. Bill ill . . Give ui where . I t. niiciinjj clsc- rREDEKICK K art. Marv , Nov. jfe'tiC v. 'I. I'll W mi u M I ia w 0 "i llfl)GWAY, PENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMRER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find itxmss, STOB'ES AMONG TUB Most Comple'e A'ft BEST APPOINTED 1-V THE COUNTRY, (IE PLACES TO GET Jood Il.rffains ! .' LL& SEE! . HUSINKSS CARDS. J TORN G. HALL, Attorney i law. Ri',11 wiy. Elk county P. nmr-22 00 y T Ar R,E,,J- BLAKELY. Attorney "a ' S0XTf0T " 'w' nA V- . -'""' "-6-7 r. u. Elh coiwtr. Pa. . mr 2'001 rmvTiivn tvn - 4 . i... "ii,i.io At orncTRj intend to oil profegsional biminens prompTl Tin .1 a Itnonwri r ir. .rIT.'- f cian. Lute of Wurron Mwni.. t. .. promptly answer all professional cail's bv, night or day. Resilience one door east f :.l r it t r v inc line i i-mui-uvu UI Jiun. J, Li. UI1I18 Mar.22T.6-ly. DR. W. B. TtARTMAN. St. lary Elk county, P. Late ef 1he A.-my of IL, Potnmac. Particular attention given to all caaes of surgical nature. inar-22'ttG-ly. TR- W. JAMES BTiAKELY Pbyaid .ana ourgcon, St. Hary'i, Ellc county - r-22'6Cly. DK. W. W. BIIAWPrcticcs McdTcine and Surgery, CentreYfDc. Elk county mar t2'6 ly. DR. A. 8. HILL Kersey. Elk cormt, Pa. V ill promptly answer allprnfessinanl calls by night or day. mnr-22 6C-ly. BR. EDEN J. RU8S. Physician and uA geon. St. Mary's Elk county P. June-2rfi8-ly. HYDE HOUSE. W. v7M0ORETropri etor. Ridgway, Elkconnty Pa. Mar-22'66-ly. QT. MART'S HOTEL, B. E. WeUcdor W- ProPrietor. 8t. Mary'a. Elk county Pa. This house ia new and fitted up with cspe cial care for the convenience and comfort of guests, at moderate ratea. Pree Hack, to and from the Depot. Good (tabling at. 'ched. mar-22'CCly. I7XCHANGE HOTEL, Kidgway, E li county Pa., David Thayer Proprietr Tliin tin.,., t- 1 T. ... 1 im vurwn, m me lower sind ot VuW town, is wellpiyrriacd with house room and etaWrng, and the proprietor win spare no pains to render the stay of his gneRls pleas ant and agreeable. mar.22'Gti-ly. WASHINQTOnIioUSE, SMaT7 Elk county Pa., Edward Babel Pro' pneter. This house is new awd fitted up with especial care for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-29' GO ly. TORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drn Mj gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals. I'-aaata. Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil. CtTtrc!rca and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. marJ2'C0-ly. CIL OLK, Manufacturer and Dealer .in Lngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Dcpet, 4SL Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22OS-!ly. HENRY II. THOMAS, DeaVr in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Mat tresses. Picture Frames and Coffinn, itidpway Pa. Ware Rooms on tho corner of Main and Depot St. may-17'OtJ-ly. PR ACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH. MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk county l a. Edward McBride, keeps constan lly on haud an.I for sale. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware and Jewelry of all descriptions. r & vAwutcu, aiid U0D9 on ahort notice anU reasonablo terms . no. . uar j uu-Jj. TOIt PniVTrvn i . v, bueuh varus, i osier!" Hand Itilla Ittll ll...lo r. . .1 . iae AuiutAis OfFICE on shert i.etieo uuu at reasonaoie prices. 1866 1866 PHILADELPHIA k ERIE KAIL i?n .n Tki. 1 1: (jicai. uuu iravcraes the Northern and Northwest counties of i 1 ... . . . x unnsyivania to tne city ol trie, en Iake Erie. It has been leasnil Ltr L J m. "If i a,f Road Company, and is opera- AI (til ikAn. Itaentirft Unotliw-ia seogcr and freight business, October 17th, 1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS ai niuu wax. Erio Mail Train 4 or, t, . V U. IU. hno Lxprees Traiu 10 30 p. ru Leave Wet I ward. Erio Mail Train 1 30 p tn Erie Express Train 8 24 a. m Pa&senpar abn rnn it. i. . -w .uiuufjn WllllOUl cbango both ways between Philadelphia and Erio. r NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Erie 9.15 a. in. Leave Erio at 1.55 p. m., arrive at New York 3.40 p. tn. Is' W Vi-1BUM Cf nn,.. "I . vno uumDrfM 1 rains both vivn hnfn7AA. tir:n?. uiiLiir.ni iiiMKi'in .. a n o i.' ud Baltimore, and Williamsport'aad For inlormation respecting Fasseneer busiuess bddIv at iU .u v - ... .. and Market Sts. na jor trht business of tho Com pany'g Apents: nr t. elUfe7ton' Jr- Cor- 13th aod Market Sts. Philadelphia. T nr i 1 1 w. r. . iveynoms Jinc. W.Brown. Aecnt V. n t t u.i timore. " " 'UB'- H. II. IIOTI8TO!, Gen'l VX t J. ri ... ILW.GW.NNER, ' Alfred. L. Tiler, General Sitpl Wnu't. o seti onriMPRov.n $ 0 Sewing Machine, three new kinds. Under and 7. i Sent on trial. Worr.nted five yea A' ukn nrr Above achV.7;fdin.h.CT HAjhtr j- HiW Grovtr n., 'J0"'1 Co. , and Bachtldtr. 4U St W -1 ' Illustrated circular.' Ctj '"figment. call uron Shaw . A.r' or ill m 1 Tl ti? - S Marh L'Oth, l?6C-ly.