.tilt Cowty tlOloc:jk. 6h work. Eighth iticct hand bill, CO copies or less or less Half ehoct hand bill, 60 copies or Icjs BLANKS. Vor any quantity under five quires. $1,. 40 per quire ; on all nmounts over that a reajonnblo reduction will be mnde. TEH MS OF PAPKR. tl,50 per year in mlvaiice $2,00 if paid within the year, and $2,50 if not paid with in that time. NOTIfiE. Hereafter the Post Office, will be imed every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to JO o'clock A. M. Mail Closed nt 6 P- M. L. LUTHER, p. m. (?7 Read the new advertisements in this tfKae. They will tepay perusal. l,See Advertisement of Joho F, Churls, which will be found in anoth olutnn. lt,The Commissioners of Elk conn f will meet at their offico in Uidgway w :he FIRST MONDAY of August, 1866. By order. J. K. P. HALL, Clerk. BS.Tbe Young Men's Union Clab of Ridgway will meet at their Club Room this Thursday evening. Every mem ber ifl requested to be preseDt. JNO. 0. HALL, President. Railroad Accident. Od Monday Tcning last James McGraw. of St. Ma Tj's, had his arm severely iniured while coupling cars. Loss of the arm may jtt oo the result. $.'i'be new hotel built bv Josnnh Wiodteldcrin St. Mary's was one day us wceK christened with tho very sp. pmpriate nsue of Alpine Houbk. ;.M ij Herman Kretx, formerly of Read. ; ing, is to do the honors of the establish ' raeot. j Casualty. A few days ago, John Dickerson, while chopping logs for MessrB. Hyde & Reed on Mead Run jiad his leg almost severed at the knee i joint rendering amputation in the pir.km of the surgeon first called in evitable Dr. Shaw was called, under . , -whose care the limb doubtlessly will be restored. 'r 8uThe meeting at Reading was one , ml the largest ever held in the State 1t 50,000 persons being present. ,peeche8 were made by Hon. Ilcistcr .Clymcr, non. G. H. Pendleton, of Ohio., Hon. Win. A. Wallace. Hon. Itichard Vaux and others. The De mocracy seem to be determined to rout the disunionists, and if they continue lie same enthusiasm which was mani fjstcd at Reading on the 18th inst.. here will not be s corporal's guard of i Republicans after the October election. v;l ' , .Notice. At a meeting of the Demo cratic County Committee held on the warning of the 4th of July 1868, it was dered that the Democratic Primary eetingsfor election of Delegates to the County Convention, be held at the ns W places ot holding elections on Sat fday the 11th day of August next, at , JP oVloek p. m. The County Conven. lion will assemble at the Court House is Ridgway on Monday, 13th day of . August next, at 4 o'clook p. m. By 'order of the Committee. GEO. DICKINSON, Chairman. Q.The Pic-Nio of tho Rid 7WAV uwuuui yesicruay was a decided , , ... . weic uenverea oy .T ftrl f (If m l .t. ' . . - , l c - 1 Duucuua-uucuu ana ran, nuns. ,jq. The remarks of , .. v v .iiui uui mic auj were ItFtened to with marked attention. To th inofn.inaV.!., -..J e ai . i . ....,.,. cuuvaruo vi iiie jaaies .'--young and old the meed of praise l ibouldbe awarded. Nothing ocoured to mar the pleasures of the day, and at a seasonable hour all dispersed, feeling - that they had spent tho day profitably fcnd pleasantly. CONQnE66IONaL CONFRINCE.Th t Erie Observer suggests tho last Monday ia August or the first Monday in Sep ' tember, as the time for the meeting of the Democratic Congressional Confer ees. Ridgway was fixed by the last Couferenoe as the place of holdiug the meeting. ' Tho tinio suggested by the Observer is thought by some of tho coun. ties to be too late: but we believe it quite noon enough, and tho Democrats of Warren county coincide. Warren. ta.Oo Saturday last the family florae of th late President Lincoln was ld at pnblio auction in Chioago. He as bid by the owner at 65-UG0 be fog the highest sum offered. Tte aiii al was 18 years old. Truly Lincoln ock if .) b B.rket .V. t&rjoii.rso.r, cisivtnn AND THE CONSTITUTION. There will be a State Convention of all honorubty discharged soldiers and scanien a ho are in favor of the policy a of President Johnson and theelcction of Clymcr, held at Harrisburg, on the 1st day of Aueust Next. Each county will be entitled to seven delegates. The above call is sitrned bv hun dreds of brave soldiers whose names we have not room to print. The People Candidate for Con errs s. Col. Dan Rirr Dkati Slit. We, the undersigned citizens orijiirard and Erie County, in view of the patriotic services rendered .11 . . me uovernment, ana the many thou sands of hard earned dollars you have expended to sustaio and carry on the Wur nirnintifc rehnllinn bncinr h.nrl -r- - r h t"1"1" yourself the true friend and supporter of Andrew Jolinsonand his Adininistra. tion in their efforts to restore the Union, and hnving confidence in your integrity and ability to discharge tho duties of Representative of the 19th District in Congress, we therefore request that you allow your name to be used as the Peo- tt 1 . A .a. pie s ianaiiiato lor that orace at the ensuing election. flco. Penyard, John II . Gullifortl, K. J. Kenyon, A. 0. Ely, J. Gulliford, K. K. Smith, J. Martin, Frank MeCrearr, W. L. Traut. Wm ir im Wm. Tlatt. p. t Cr,.,. ' H. Bcnhnra. John Robertson, James Rrawley, D. Olin, Henry Hall, John Kessel, B. C. Ely, E. 8. Belknap, A. M. Osborn. W. I) W.hh- Chao. II. Grant, II. I,. Carr. Louis Yeuger, W. D. Martin, 8. 1). Cookctt. J. T Sirnmnn. Jahn Brcoht, A. White, Hiram Dngcett, 8 F. Mason, J. W. Atwater, L. B. Chevalier, E. lewel, Jas. I,. Thayer, E. W. Clark. 8. T. William.. William Tyler, Geo. C. Martin, G. S. Gull:ford, C. W. Noyes, John Hav. Jr.. D. Nason J. L. Hart, Mrxon Godfrey. G. W. Stines, II. Kiltelberger, Jr. A. Martin. MiririPrliiimnki.1. Tr Robt. Wilcox, Heinrich Kittelberger, J. E. Pettihone, Robert Calder, A. Stone. 1.. D. Hart James Callan, J. M. Murphy, C. L. Phelps, J. Bender. Altoona, Pa., June 26th 1860. To the Citizens or Gieard akd Erik County, Penn'a. Your letter, rtonosing to run me for Congress, is received. I would indeed be insensible to the commonest impulses of humanity were I not filled with the warmest sentimentol tratitude for the friendly expressions and personal re. gard that your letter coutains, signed as it is by Republicans and Democrats, whom I know to be staunch supporters of the Government, and many who have risked their lives for the preservation of" the Union. Such distinguished con sideration overcomes every oatural ob jection I may hav for political honors, consequently I do accept of your kind invitation to allow my name to be used, but with the understanding that I am not to be the standard-bearer of either political party (Republicans or Demo crats) but if nominated it must be by a People's Convention, as I belong to the people. They are my friends and pa. trons, and io justice to them. coraDosed os they are of all shades of political opinions, I must continue to live in their esteem, and labor to promote their hap. incss ana interests which has been the tight of my ambition for tweoty.five years. Respectfully, Yours, July,12-tf. Dan Rice. Announcements. WE arc authorized to announce the name of Dr. C. R. Rart.tt as candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision oi me Democratic JNonnnsting Couyention. f"Julv-5'66.-tf. WE are authorized to announce the name of Geo. A. Rathhhv a candidate for the office of Prothnnotnrw &c , subject to the decision of the Dem. . . n .. ucrauc county convention. June 7th 'tm-tt. WE are authorized to announce the namo of Newton LniiNRmrnv as a candidate for the office of Protlmn. otary &c, subject to the decision of the uetsocratio county Convention. June th bo-tt. WE are authorized to announoe the name of Louis Vollmer as a candidate for the office of County Com. missioucr, subject to the decision of the Democratic county Convention. July-IZ bo -tf. WE are authorized to annouxce the name of Geo. D. Messenger as a candidate for Associate J udpe. subject to the decision of the Democratic county Convention. July-12'66.-tf. WE are authorized to announce the name of Jksse Kyler as a can. didate for Associate Judge, subject to to the decision of the Democratic coun. ty Convention. july-19'66.-tf. BY the earnest solicitation of many of my frieuds of St. Mary's. Een xioger township and the county in gen. eral, I have yielded to their earnest wish and offer myself to the citizens of Elk county. as a candidate for the office of Associate Judge, subjeot howeve to the action oi the Democratic county Convention. E. C. SCHULTZE. J-ly-19'M-tf. EROSENE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AN'D COFFEE BOILERS, GLt'E liia ..ri ....... . " t S&t All tho conkincr f,i C? family miv ho dnn WK -cm 8$- Kerosene Oil, or Gas, with less trouble, and at -a loss expense, than by any -a other fuel. -a Each Article manufactured by this Com rany in puaramoccl to perform all that is claiiueii tor it. Jfoa-Send fur Circular. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP nEATER CO., 206 Pearl Street, N. Y. July-19'GG.-ly. E MPIEE BE iV Ilid MACHINE CO. Principal Office, 61 C liroadway. A I. GREAT IMPROVEMENT in Kewln-Xf. chines. Empire Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It is thus rendered noise less in action. Its motion being all positive, it is not. liable to get ovt of order. It is the best Family Machine 1 Notice is called to our .ibw and Imnrnvpcl Mnnnrnitiirin xf chine, for Uilnrs and Boot and Shoe Fitters. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount win oe given. iSo Consignments made, u p EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO Ju1f-19'G.-1v. 'OG. PltOSPECTUS 'GG. OF "THE AGE," THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC DAILY JOURNAL TS PHILADELPHIA. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND GREAT INDUCEMENTS ! Union, Restoration, and Consxi- tional Liberty I The Publishers of Tus Aoe respect- tuiiy can attention to the Daily and Weekly issues of their popular journal. The Daily Age contains Tns la. TE6T INTELLIGENCE PROM ALL PARTS OP the world, with articles on Gov ernment, Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the current questions of the day ; Local Intelligence, Market Reports. &c, Ac. PRINTED &, PUBLISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted) BY WELSH k ROBB. TERMS. To City Subscribers. Kir.IITKKV CENTS per week, payable to the carri- ers. To Mail Subscribers. 89 nnr nnnnm . $4. 50 for six months j $2.25 for three months ; for any less time at the rate of one dollar per month. THE WEEKLY AGE, 1'ublistaed Every Saturday, AT 430, CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILA. TERMS : One Copy, one year $ 2 00 Six montliB l 00 Three months 60 To Clubs : Five conies, one vear. 9 00; Ten copies, 817 50: Tweoty copies, $30.00. IVThfi MflnAT mnaf in all cases accompany the order. no names will bo eutered upon the books until the subscription is paid. (WAavertisements inserted at mod. erate rates. ItS Business letters should he ad dressed to THE AOE, 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. SOMETHING NEW ! HOUSE SIGN &, ORNAMENTAL PADTTINO. fllHB SUBSCRIBERS WOULD R E- 1 spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that they have just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feci confi dent that they oan please all who may favor ,i . . v .i . . . . . . . . . .. UJCUl WIIU UiBir CUBIOLD. UivAINIPiU, PAPER HANGING AND CAI.mfTMfvn DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE moat fashionable and improved manner mil style. Orders left at this Office or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. V. WILLIAMS, U. O. McCONNELL. May-17'C6-ly. TOST. 0" the 3d instant, in th, J borough of St. Mary's, a POCKET liUUK containing several bank notes, and a promistiorv note forS'JH 23. without inioro... and endorsed ou tLe same lor $2i, given bv Tl r 1 1 li. a r . i . ... . J i. ii. uuuo, oi cut couuiy, aatea July 2nd 10;'.ft 1 . wi. ... .t. , . ' ",,ui " jjfttui uu mo i ul oi uctober 1806, to be paid to W. It. Riley, or ordor ' T i r. iciiit . u uiy u, i ooo. 11. BI LE Y. JLANKS, HANDBILLS, POS- fu BILL 'BEADS &c, don, at , , . J' ' wiift una ot rmtonible trmt, . K M'VHLIC SALE Of Unclaimofl Ficight. rpiIF. PHILADKLHUA & ERIE It. U. L (l'nn'a R. R. Co. Lessee.) will offor at Public Sale, on Wednesday the First Day of August, 1800, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 7 P. M., the following described ar tides, now at the several stations on the P. K. R. R. as designated, unless owners or consignees claim and pay freight and charg es on or before the day of sale. Tho same will be sold at Ridgway Station, according to the provisions of an Act of Assembly, ap. proved December, 14th, 18G:i, which pro. vide that itf ewners oreoniiignees fail to pny freight nnd expenses on such articles with in SIXTY days after demand has been made or notice given, the same may be sold to pay freight, &c. Kak. C. Hamer, Kane, Elk Co., P. 1 box Tools aud 1 Stove. RmowAV. D Thayler, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.. 2 barrels Whiskey. P W Hays, Uidgway, Elk Co., Pa., 1 bundle II Iron. A L Rhines, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta., 6 boxes Machinery. M Best, Ridgwa, Elk Co., Pa.. 1 Shingle Machine. St. Mart's.-S Karug 1 Co., 1 box Mer chandize. Jacob Schnnes, j barrel Wliinkey. T E Carson. 1 Ox Yoke and Chain. 1 chest Tools, 1 Handspike. 1 bag Rags. J Wicinan. 1 Package. P Hartmnn. 1 box Scales. J Fenton, 1 bundle C Hoops. W R Schultc, 1 box Scale. A. J. C.S3TT, Ass't. Gen'l. Sup't. July 12T.0. -ids. FURNITURE ! npiIE UNDERSIGNED TAKE S 1 pleasure in announcing to the citi zens of Ridgway nnd adjoining towns, that he lia just opened a Furniture Shop in Ridgway, and is prepared to sell all kinds of furniture at the lowest prices. His slock Consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS & MATTRESSES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane scat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, cr.ins. SOFAS. LOUNGES, TETE A TETES. BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut, Mahogany and Black Walnut and every thine usually found in & firt class country Ware Room. PICTURE FRAMES of all sizes, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, uiacK wainut ana unt MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, and mad to order, of every kind and description. Please CALL and examine my stock be. fore Durchaein? eluewhern. fnr 1 him k strict attention to business, and keeping all the market demands in my line, to merit the paironaee of the Dublic. W on the corner of Main and Depot streets. Jiclli li. THOMAS. May-17'G6-ly, WAJtTKn. WtJGOper day. AGENTS wanted, ladies and gentlemen, in every County in the United States, to sell the Ink Powders of the American Ink Company. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fill fifty bottles of the size usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gross of it a day, and clear $27.60. . The ink can be made from the powder in three minutes iu common boiling water. It is a perfect black ink, the best in the world. It flows easily, does not corrode the pen a particle, never pmns up. is not injured by freezing, and is color will last forever. Every family in America will buy it, as a package will last a family for years, and ink can be made in small quantities as wanted. With each gross we send a thousand circulars with testimonials from clergymen, law. yers, teachers, me'ehants, commercial colleges, editors, &c, aud the agent's name on the bills Only one person will be made agent lor a county. The first one sending30 for a gross ol the powder will receive it by return espies together with one thousand circulars aud the right to sell in the county he or she designates. If other send for the saaie county, tho money will be returned to tbem free of expeuse. To make sure, one had better designate several coun ties, either of which he or the will take. Send for trade list and circulars if vuu dare run the risk of waiting, or Fend the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or the express agents of tlm city, will show that the business in liu... orubly and squnrely conducted. An Ink Powder will be sent by until In any address, lree of charge, on receipt ot forty cents. Address, writing vour name, town, county and State distinctly. amjmu;a3 i.nk company, Manchester, N. II. TnO.MAS W. LANE. Clerk for the Co., and Special .Witt WANTED, AOE NTS $75 t$200 PER MONTH for LentlmH.i and $35 to $75 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewini; .Machine, imnmv. ed and perfected. It will hem, fell, stitcn, quut, mod, braid aud embroider beautifully. Price only $20, making tho elastio lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three yeurs. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or call on C. ROWERS & CO.. Sal South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Alt letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms, f May 31'66-ly. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. tu H. T.'ANTHOKT U'CQ., Manufacturers of Photographic .Materials, Wholesale and Retail, M. BROADWAY. N. Y. In nd.Jiiion to our main business of nnniMjHAPllIC MATERIALS we are llcail(uarters for the following, vis. STERESCOPES 4 STERKSC0PIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, eta. STERESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negative made in the various cam' paignn and forming a complete Photograph ic history of the great nonteit. STERESCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lnntern or the Stcrescope. OurCaialngue will bo sent to any actaress on rccoipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about i'00 variefies from M cents to $30 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior iu beauty and durability to auy others. CardPhotographaof Generals, 8tatitn, Attors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated En cravings, Paintings, Statues, eto. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers nnd others ordering goods C. O. D.. will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their order. RWThe prices and quality of our goods cinnnt fail to Hnii fv. tjiuie 14"'i(-1y. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL STORE. lv.. V .& WEEKLY PAPERS ' ' -ie hereuiter, regularly at TiIE BOOK store I N ST. MARY'S. N. B.Aoy work, either American or Europcn, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &c, will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Rook or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent for by mail anJ be received in a few days af:er or Bering. jUD. 14.1y. BOOK STORE. St. Mary's, Elk County. JUST R3EIVED 600 BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY BOOKS. AN ASSORTMENT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Blank books, Time books, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes Ac. direot from the Manufacturers for cash, we are enabled to sell at the same rates that they can be purchased in ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed ou all purchases of ten dollars nnd UDwards. W. J. BLAKELY. lune 14T6-'y. A GENTS WANTED T. HP. AD LEY '8 HISTORY OF IIIE WAR, NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be the most nli retlin;, popul r, and valuable His tDiy of the Rebellion, which is fully at tt'hted by the enormous sale of O.ftlY 000 volumes, and a large portion of the country still uncaovasscd. We are obliged to run our presses niitht aud day to enable us to supply our Agents. Men of character aHd ability, who de sire a luoi stive employment, will find this a ruie opportunity. 'I he price nt the work in on volume i to low, (compared with our Histories) as to briug it within the reach of all clashes. For lull particulars Bend for circular. Address American PubliMhtng Com'y. 148 Asylum Street, IIarttoed, Conk. TOB WORK of all kinds and dot. J criptiena done at this ofnea. -on printing j CHEAPLY & NEATLY, rvnoniiMftttoi y Sieeuttd tt tba Aptooati: Offi? ' new Eooas AT THE New Ston of WEIfJ ItnOTIIKRf at St. Mary's, Slk County Tennsjly Succkssors to Giokoe Wild. Offer for ai ).l...1.anJ ..i.n . i elected stock of SPRIXG SVJlHSJi "Jj SILKS, JfOEINGS, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, White goods of eyery description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting ia gTeat variety. IvADIE'S & c HILDREN'5 Millinery Goods ; itjoh as SONNETS, II ATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, Lc. GL O VES d HOSIER T. GENTS furnishing good of cttry description, CL O TIIS, CA SSIMERES &c, dc. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A Urge stock ct FLOUR, POKE, ECGAR, tIA, corns; tnew, RICE, 6ALT, UED, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. 60AP OP ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for lumily use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de sciiption. Confectionary, Brush, es of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shade. A very large assortment ot Segars aud Tobacco, WEBUY OUR STOCK diractry ' from the Manufacturer and there fore wc cao. afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment io Elk county. THE PUBLIC are respectfully in vited to call and examine our stock and prices I Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and can sell for less profit, than any other houaa in ice county. -- Broth ta Pl M 7 lOtkWt