i.t the corner of the dirt; littlo street, in a'-wet December night, came back to me, and I saw tuj policeman ooco lllOTC. " It la you," I aad, " and you have raved my child fioin such -an awful tfcath." " And what -'did you save th and tnine from ?" he said, with tears in his eyes. " Starvation, ruin, utter degra tion. I ebould have been a felon, aod my dear ones paupers this night, but for you. I have not paid the debt ; I never can ji but when 'I heard that it was lyour child that lay at the top of that turning building, I prayed that I might .ve it, and I know God heard me." "And then he told me what had brought him to the neighborhood ou that night of all others in the year. " I had lost all, for I was not insured, but he was prosperous and stood by Die like a brother; nursed me through toy illness, and loaned me money for a new star in life. So that in a little while things grew bright again, and here I am, you see, as comfortable as most people" ".And the policeman 1 " I asked. "TTin Wir is as white as my own now,'" said the old man. ' And my daughter, the little one he saved that might, is married to his son." Many years ago the rich men of Massachusetts stole negroes from Afri. ca, sold them to the South and made vast nutne oi money. The descendants of those-men arc now carrying the de. cendants of those same "negroes back to Massachusetts, and are also- making large sums of money out of the venture, because they are glutting the labor .market and bringing down waccs. -tOn the 7th inst., Ben Wade, of 'Ohio, introduced a joint resolution in the Rump Senate, guaranteeing the Mexican loan of fifty million dollars, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. The Disunion speculators arc determined to bleed the Treasury iu some way or other before their faction goes by the board. EW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &c., would nesp&stfully inform he-citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that .lcihitS:goiie into the Grocery business, and -will open on or about the middle of May. Ho keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, JOBACCOKS, SEGARS. WHISKEY "by the barrel or quart, and everything connected with a erst class grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent i) can afford to sell CHEAPER than CHEAPEST. I invite everybody call ami satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY. "May 3d, 'OG. 6in. T1 REMINGTON & u n . -r r. nA? t iviTPAfTrRERS OF ro. i.. "p;n.a Musket and Carbines lor the United Stales Service. Also nrwm iviii BELT UEVOLVKuS, repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolving r,:X.. dHi- .-.I aunt Vim barrels, and ean ...limes, mue ' " -- . , . i ...,,ioinl,l hv aim dealers and the trade t enerall. , . , . , In these days of housebreaking and rob 1 dry. every .house, store, bank, and othce, thould be surf'1 "i,h vrT)n REMING TO-N'S REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail tVcmaelves of the late improvements in Piatdk, and Buperio workmanship and form, will find all combind in the New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description -uf our arms will be furnished upon applica- ' I0E.' REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion. N. April 6th 18t.ti.-ly TTT ALITABLE LOTS FOR SALE. V The uudersigned has laid out a vu i T,nn hU around adjoining the Ridg. f- ti.i tr. h called ELK.. The lots nre 60 feet front by 100 feet deep front inwonla tlin railroad. .n. .ITnrilifl first lot sold. $100. Foi h second lot sold, $110. For the third i-. ....i.i ion nnii so on increasing in : au lulu ba snlri. ' VQ- First purchasers get the choice lo ts t the cheapest rales. T...t,.rs will ha registered in the or- der-of their application. Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid at the .time of the application. - a i:..,Un. Via nD.la tfk Jtilin JTTJ f T. 1 ' ug un. - KJ. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, Pa J. S. HYDE. Ridgway. iuar,29'C6-tf. TVTOriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT from the 4th inst. until the 14th of July next we will be in lirooltville, at the office of Dr. Hunt, prepared to settle with ill-persons having unsettled accounts with A. S. Rhines dee'd of Warsaw township, Jefferson eounty ra. 11. 8. HUNT, Adtn'r. CAROLINE RHINES, Adm'x, .lune-7'66-3w. 4 ,'iAAAMnNTHf-AOENIS TS.7 Iwanted for tiz mlirely new articlet, nut. out. Address O. T. GAREY, Voiding. Hiddeford, M. rney H'6 City - 1v, U 0 STORE 'RORDWELL& MESSENGER, DKALEtie IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, LAMP OIL, r.4INTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSRE-S, DYE.STUFFS, CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, 'ONLY, INSTRUMENTS Si IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BO RD WELL & MESSENGER, RIDG WAY, PA. O U T Z ClLlBitID Hqtsb an! Galtlo This preparation, long aud favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre ventive of all dis eases inoident to this animal, such as LCNO FE-VER, GfcANDERS, YELLOW WA TER, HEAVES, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, Ac. Its use improves the wind, increases the appetite -givea a smooth and glossy skin and transforms the miserable skeleton Into a fine-looking and spirited Dorse. To keepers of Cows this preparation is Invaluable. It Increases the quantity and improves the quality ei me mux. u nas been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty .per cent, and make the butter firm add sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens weir n 1 a e , an mikes, them thriva In all diseases of 8 wine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, sic, tliis article acts as a specific. y putting rrom one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for tL .TBEFABED I AT THIIB wnnt.F.stiK DRte and medicine depot. Ho. 116 Franklin St.. Baltimore, Md. For Halo by DruKKisU and Storekeepers through out the United States. Sold at .Manufactures prices, by Bordwell& Messenger Ridgway, Agents for Kl county. A. GENTS WANTED TO TAHt ORDERS fot Uie best eclling book now publisu- Thrilling Stories of th Oreat Rebellion. rnninrisinu heroic advenhires nd hair breadth escapes or soldiers, Dconrs, cpiea and Refugees ; during exploits or binug glers. Guerillas, Desperadoes and Others Tales of Loval and Disloyal women : Sto riesofthe Negro. &c, with incidents of Fun and Merriment in Camp and rielu Bv Lieutenant Colonel S. Greene, Ute of the United States Army. Handsomely 11 limtrated with engravings on steel and in nil riolors. Send for circulars and see the liberal terms offered. flHAS. S. GREENE & CO., Publishers No. 134 S. Third St., Philadelphia, TIT 1USKERS ! WHISKERS ! I Dr. L. ). MUMTKZ Vorrolia, tn greatest stimulator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest tace or chin; never known to fail ; sample for trial sent free to any one desirous ot testing its merits. Ad rlresa. Uebveh k f!o., 78 Nassau St New York. fjune 2S'9 -3m much faster. NEW ARRANGEMENT! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE FREDERICK SCIKENING, CENTREVILLE, ELK CO., PA. NEW GOODS DAILY A R R I V 1 N 'G THE PEVP-LE AWAKE TO THEIR INTEREST I As manifested by the daily throng of customers exchanging ''Green Backs" for goods. All the Domestic Cotton Goods are high. Customers one and all exclaim. aiOW CHEAP YOUR DRESS GOODS ARE My stock consists of .DRY GOODS, ROCERIES, 'II ATS & CAPS, HOOTS 4 SHOES CLOTHING, CROCKERY, JIN WARE, HARDWARE, OILS PAINTS, PUTTY, NAILS, GLASS, WOODEN WARE, PORK, FLOUR, FISH, SALT. 3t is useless for me to attempt, -to Jgive a full list of the stock, but invite one and all, to drop in and ee -for themselves. BUTTER, BSCS, POTATOES, GRAIN, HIDES, CAlFSKINS and all country produce taken at market price, for goods. FREDERICK SCHENINO, tgrAvi.tl, ,iuo l-t'(i5.)y GREA T EXCITEMENT Is kept up by the DAILV ARRIVAL' OF NEW GOODS AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap ThRfrti Store 'Where he has on hand and for sale MEN A BOY'S CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, 1 LADIES & GENTS TCKN'milia I "GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, LADIES' & GENTS' BHAWLS, SONTAGS, BftEAflFAST SHAWLS, NUBIAS, COMFORTERS, 'SCARFS, HOODS 4c. ALSO HATS if CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, A verv laree and well selected STOCK of the best made, and warranted in every --respect ALSO G ROCERIES, dDFFIE, SUGAR, TEA RICE, FLOUR, SALT, T0KK FISH &c ALSO-OyFECriONAR-T AND YANKEE V&liG$9 IN GREATCSUANTW-IES AND QUALITIES TOBACCO AND SEOAJtS X)T THE BEET QUAXITY t&l sy, to one and all, that my stock is full and complote, and will be sold at small profits. Give me a call before jrurch&.tng else- where. FREDERICK RUDOLPH iX. Mary's, Nov. 2ft'firM. RIDQWAY, PENNA. WHDLESALE & RETAIL 'DEALER, IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, riAuii, (JIlOCERIEfi, QUfJENSWARE, FEED IIARDWAT.E, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, B ( I 'dCTS WU I ilfl'Cl S TO E "IE S AMONG THE Most Complete AND -BEST APPOINTED TN T H E COUNTRY AND THE PLACES TO GET lood Bargains I CALL& SEE! March S0A,18fi-1y. i i ) . AJ'.m BUSINESS CARDS. TOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg tf way, Elk county Ta. mar.ariu 17. j u i i. .i . it i . i k ii i v a irnrnnv itr V w CIOUTHEU AND WILLIS Attorneys i i.nsv. Kinirwav K.iir t, attend to all crofessional ruminaaa r...t , f.v.Ur, ly. imar-zz'tttj-ly. -r-v n t a nncnwcu m . ill. a. o. .w uretim 1 nysi. J ctnn. Late of Warren county Pi., m promptly answer an proiessional calls by night or day. Residence one door ea.it of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.22'GG-ly. TPVR. W. D. HARTMAN, 8t. MSry's, Elk j ) county. Pa. Late of the Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to all) canes of surgical nature. mar-22'fiC .ly. D1.W. JAMES BLAKELY Phyeioiaa and Sargeon.St. l.-f 4 ' 1 1 1! y Pa. mar-22'66 ly. V t V W EII1W P.lin.a ltt.4S.!.. I J and Surgery. Centreville, Elk cnunty Pa. mar-22'CO ly. Dn. A. 8. HILL Kersey. Elk county Pa. Win promptly answer allcrofesMonal calls by nigrit or day. mar-22'66-ly. ijune- EBEN J. RUSS. Physician and Bur- geon, m. Mary s tilt county ra. JJune-21'6-lv. HYDE HOUSE, M. V. MOORE Propria ertfrr. Ridgway, Elk eounty Pa. ."Mar-artio-ly. ST. MARY'S HOTEL, B. E. Wellendor Proprietor, fit. Mary's, Elk county Pa Tliis bouse is new and fitted up with ejpe. ctal care for the convenience and comfort of guests,-at -moderale rates. Free Hack, t and from tie Depot. Good stabling at. tached. I mar-22'66 ly. T7XCHANGE II0TEL, Ridgway, Elk Fi county Pa., David Thayer Proprietor. This house is pleasantly situated on the1 'hank of the ClArien. in the lower and of 'ha La - - ! , ... atanhnir. and the nrnnrietor will anava 1 o r- 1 I MalMa In ..ndii. II.A . . V h d ...!. 1 . . . v. vim ant and agreeable. mar-Ti 66-ly. WASHINGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa., Edward Babel Pro. hprietor This house is new and fitted up with especial care for the convenienoa of guests, uood stabling attached. Mar-2966-ly. kORDWELL AND MESSENGER Dtup gists. Dealers in Drugs and Chemiealt aint8,'Ousand Varnish. Perfumery Toili et articles "and Stationary, Ridgway, Ktk county Pa. (mar-22'66-1. CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer . in Laeer Beer, opposite the Railtval Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-2Z'lH-ly. H1 "ENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in ail kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds ud Mattresses, Picture Frames and Coffiua, Ridgway Pa. Ware Rooms on the corn if of Main and Depot St' a. may-17'66-ly. PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MARY'S. Elk county Pa. Edward MBride, keeps constantly oa hand -and for sale, Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware -and Jewelry ot all description. tptiKepairine neatly executed, and dost -eoshvrt notice and reasonablo terms. Mar 29'66-ly. TOB PRINTING, such as Cards, Poster! tf Hand Bills, Bill Heads Sc., done the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short not and at reasonable prices. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL I ROAD. This gr i great line ne traverse.. it counties of I of Erie, ot I r 9 . - m the Northern ana Nerthwest Pentmlvenia to the city Lake 'Br ie. It has been leased by the Penntvha via Hail Road Company, and is open' ed'by them. Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freight business, Uctober 17th, 1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS 3 ( AT RIDGWAY. Leave 'Eastward. Erie Mail Train 3 Erie ExprenTriln 10 39 p. m. SO p.ffl Leave Wetlward. Erie Mail Train 1 Erie Express Train 3 Jin tv tn. 2-a change both ways between Philtj? and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arri' at Erie 9.16 a.m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. tn., arrive at N York 3.40 p. m. Eleoent Sleepinq Cabs on Expre Trains'botb ways between Williamspoi' and Baltimore, and Williamsport aca) Philadelphia. 4? or mtormation respectine Passeng business apply at the S. IS. corner oU and Market ots. And for Fnij'ht business of the C ptvny s Agents: b. o. Hinnston, Jr. Cor. 13th Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. w. Beynolds Erie. W. Brown, Agent N. 0. R. R. R tiruore. 11. H. HtHrsTot, Gen'l. Freight Ag't. H. W. G WINNER, Gtn'l. Ticket Agt. PhiTe Alfred. L. Tyler, General Supt Wnu'i. $1,500' iPER YEAR! " want AMniii A..hn .11 .uii nil.- .Hi.ur.i-rn k.ii m a.i. . . . . . Th... naw bi.rf. f T .1 1 r . iuioiu" ,ur. uutisr idi uDDer icp IMllil. rill iriAI. nsnnntal ... 1 K.- than SUII whih ar t.,11.. I.. nattier dr nuton. i;rnn n "'jTingemenit ana tne Mtller or e are reliable to arrett, fine and impriionmtt ...uo.i.icu tircuiars seniree". Adaresa, I eall upon Shaw & Clark, at Iiil(tfori Main, or Cbioogo. Ill may-17'01-1' 1-S66 186