ion work. r.gilh shtrt hand bill, 60 copies or less t2M Quarter cbcet band bill, GO eopica or less 1111 BUCCl BRUU-bUL nil flfkfllfta tt lnta Full sheet hand-Llll. r.n it,!m r 1... 1,00. 1 BLANKS. Tor anv QitantitT under fire nuires. SI.. 60 prr quire ; on nil amounts over I hut a reasonable reduction will b made. TERMS OP PAPEH. $1.60 per year In advance $2,00 If paid within the year, and $2,60 if not paid with in tbat lime. NOTICE. Hercitfier tho Pat Oflico will be losed every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed nt C T- M. L. LUTHER, P. M. BF.Thc Commissioners of Elk coun ty will meet at tbeir office in Ridgway on the FIRST MONDAY of August, 1866. By order. J. K. P. HALL, Clerk. (rWe propose tho 20th of August, a the time, and Ridgway as the place, for holding the Democratic Congress, lonal Conference. What do our Demo cratic exchanges say ? - ' ' a m - C7Ono day this week we were hon. ored with a visit from Gould, of the Cameron Press. Gould has a fine.look log Democratic countenance, and is a gentleman in every sense of the word. , fcS-The Pio Nic of the Sabbath School on next Wednesday promises to be & idendid affair. Let everr one . . . . the children have a holiday. B3&.W. P Jeuks, Esq., of Brookville Pa., has received tho Democratic nomi nation for Assembly in the Jefferson and Clarion district. He will certainly be elected, as the district is a Democratic one. 6. Judge Gillis, with his son Lieu tenant Henry Gillis, U. S. N., paid our ton n flying visit on Tues'lay last. The Judge looks as though he would live a hundred years, although ho is now near eighty. in Egg.By a letter in the Erie Dispatch of yesterday we see that our townsman Henry Souther, Esq., declines becom ing a candidate for Congress. He pays in his letter that Erie county is entitled to tbe candidate, and we judgo that be is disgusted with Scoficld's course to to ,cure the nomination. 84. We have received the first num ber of a new paper just (started at Wil- msport, Pa., called the Union Rtpub. in Mr. D. S. Dunham is the edi and the paper is in the interest of resident Johnson's policy, and we feel ,swed that Dunham will make it just that it should bo. t&The following counts nnrl din ripj ticket was nominated at the recent irimary election in Clearfield county. Assembly T. J. McCullough. Associate Judges James Cleary, Maj.'Jacob Wilbelra. Commissioner Henry Stone. There was no candidate presented for !ongress. Notice. At a meeting of the Demo- I jratic County Committee held on the . treningof the 4th of July 1866, it was ordered that the Democrat! o Primary lieetiogs for election of Delegates to the ICounty Convention, be held at the us- liil places ot holding elections on Sat- day tho 11th day of August uext, at Ik p. m. The County Conveu. assemble at the Court Houso adgway on Monday, 13th day of lugost next, at 4 o'clock r. m. By I Jer of tho Cotnmittco. nvn nrnwivcnv m..- JtLANcuoLV Accident. On Sun- i last a party of nine nersons. com. I oeed of soven girls and two young men Ld been visiting some friends in tho liitfltrv ana on their return home con ned to take a ridu ia the ooul cars to the Boston Coul Company's xney biartea tuo cars from the of the incline, which is very steep, wunoui talcing any precautionary ia for chocktner its recd. It k W 4 - " vu v, idly to tho bottom, whero it enme in itaot witn tuo switch which threw it the track. One of tho young mcu niett Autono Inendlo was thrown inat a board, the end of which atrL ob him io tho abdomao, loro opeu his ntrai i. no uvea in groat aconv until uesdsy morning wheu death relieved ioof bis sufferings. Mary Smith ro. rtd severe injury m the back. Maw manca naa one rib broken. Mary IXLiuUtlv iuiurnd in tl.A l,n,l ,nA iat many persons visited tho accident (.hnwl nPtn. .i. . ' I Ufl tjvu u Li rtiniiArnf .,..... jU,.- ,,v,wW lw ruueve meirsuf ring. Vr. Ilartuian was promptly the ground. r ' '-'.J NEWS SUMMAltY. Tha new English ruinibtrv has been appointed. Speed, the Attorney-General has given up his portfolio to the President, who promptly accepted it, and appoint. cd Hon. Henry J. Stauberry, of Ohio, in Iiis stead. Postmaster General Dcnnlson Kent in his resignation one day hist week to the President, which was promptly nc. ccpted. It is said that .Stanton, Speed and HarUin will soon follow suit. Hon. A. W. Randall has been appointed as successor to Dcnnison. The stone that marked tho grave of a little son of Jefferson Davis, who died nt Richmond during the war, has been carried off probably by one of the loyal Southerners " who intends to be a delegate to tho canine convention of Botta, Underwood, Hamilton & Co. The President has returned to Congress without his signature tho bill extending the powers of tho Frecdmcn'a Bureau. His objections are that the bill is a violation of tho Constitution and inconsistent with the welfare of the country. His objections throughout are mainly the same as those he gave for vetoing a similar measure some moths ago. When the bill was return ed to Congress it was passed over his veto. The War News from Europe are important, but tho dispatches are so miserably jumbled that it is impos&iblo to make a correct summary. Tlu. latest advices give tho report of a naval battle on Lake Garda in Silesia, between the Austrians and Prussians, ia which the Austrians were defeated. Gitchin, an Austrian city, has been captured by the Prussians, and the Aus trian army under General Bencdck, to tally routed. There can be no doubt that Den. nison, Speed, Harlau and Stanton havo delayed their resignations at tho instance of the Disuniooists, in order to help the Disunion cause as much as they could clandestinely. It is cunently reported that Harlan, the preachor, (!) if uot others of those truckling Cabinet officers, has been in the habit of advising the secret Disunion caucuses of all that transpired in Cabinet Councils and un der official observation. Had they been honorable men they would havo vacated long ago. The Disunion amendment holds out a bribe to the Southern people to make the necroes voters, and Hvos to Congress power to enforce "equality of ngois oy appropriate legislation." Between the two. nepro stiffi-aon ami equality are bound to follow. Nothing oui me political cieteat ot tin Iluuip faction can avert those disgraceful re. suits. &$'joiijtsojr, cxivrjEt AND THE CONSTITUTION. There will be a State Convention of all honorably discharged soldiers and seamen who are io favor of the policy of President Johnson and theelection of Clymer, held at Harrinburg, "on the 1st Day of August Next. Each county will bo entitled to seven delegates. The above call is signed by hun dreds of brave soldiers whoso names wo have not room to print. Announcements. WE are authoiized to aunounce the Dame of Dr. C. R. Eaulet as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Demoeratio Nominating Convention. July-5'C6.-tf. WE are authorized to announce the name of Geo. A. Ratiiuun as a caudidato for tho office of Prmlinnninrv &o , subject to tho decision of tho Deiu. ouruuo county t;ooventiou. Juno 7th 'GO-tf. WE are authorized to annouuoo tho nomo of Newton Lounsbeby as a caudidato for tho nffinn mti,r, otary &c, bubjeot to the dooWon of tLo Demoeratio county Convention. J una an UU-U. WE ure authorized to announce the name of Lotus Voli.mi u cuudidutc for the nffioe ol County Com. mibsiionor. subiect to the dpnixinn nf tk. Demoeratio county Convection. juiy-is uu -tr. TXE are authorized to auuouxce tho V name of Geo. D. Messenger us a caumuatc for Assooiuto Judgo, subject to tho decision of tho Demoeratio couuty Convention. July.12-C6.-tf. WK are authorized to onnounoo the name ol Jesse Kvler ns a can. didato for Associate Judge, subject to to ho deepen of the Democratic eoun ty Convention. july-iy'GO.-tf. BY tho curnebt solicitation of manv of mylr.eudsofSt. Mary'a. Ben. zingcr township and tho county in ,,cu era , I have yielded to their earned wish and offer myself to the citizens of Llk county. as a candidate for the offico of Assooiuto Judge, subject howove- to the aotion of the Dcniooratio county Convontiuu. J Ju'j-ID 60.-tl'. 'GO. PROSPECTUS 'GG. OF " THE AGE," TITS ONLY DEMOCRATIC DAILY JOURNAL 1H PHILADELPHIA. GRET IMPROVEMENTS AND (J BEAT INDUCEMENTS ! Union, Rkstoratiox, and Consti tionaIj LniEnir ! The Publishers of TiJR Aoe respeot fully call attention to the Daily und Weekly issues of their popular journal. The Daily Age contaius hie ia. TEST INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL TARTS of THE world, with articles on Gov eminent, Polities, Trade. Pinanco, and all tho current questions of tho uny j Local Intelligence, Market Reports, &o., &e. PRINTED & PUBLISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted) BY WELSH & ROBB. T EtUIS. To City Subscribers, EIGHTEEN CENTS per week, psyable to the carri ers. To Mail Subscribers, ?9 per annum ; $4.50 for six months; $2.25 for three months ; for ony less time at tho rate of ono dollar per month. TH K WEEKLY AG E, Published Cvery Saturday, AT 430, CHESTNUT STREET, THILA. TERMS : One Copy, one year $ 2 00 Six months 1 00 Three months CO To Cluiis : Fivo copies, one year, $9 00 ; Ten copies, 817 50 ; Twenty copies, ?30.00. sr The Honey must in all cases accompany the order. no names will be entered upon the books uutil the subscription is paid. S&" Advertisements inserted ot- mod. erate rates. fiSp3Busiu033 letters bhould bo ad. dressed to THE AGE, 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. W.f.'TKO. SUMOptr tt at. AGENTS wanted, ladies and gentlemen, in every County in the United States, to sell the Ink Powders of the American Ink Company. Tho powder sells for forty cents per package, r.nd will make iuk enough to fill fifty bottles of the size usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gross of it a day, and clenr 827.60. The ink can bo mado from the powder in three minutes iu common boiling water. It is a perfect black iuk, the best in tho world. It flows easily, does not corrode tho pen a particle, never gums up, is not injured by freezing, and its color will last forever. Every family iu America will buy it, as a package will last a family for years, and iuk eau bo made in small quautities as wanted. With each gross we send a thousaud circulars with testimonials from clcrgymou, law. yers, teachers, merchants,'' commercial colleges, editors, &o., aud tho ogeut's name ou the bills Ouly ono person will be made agent for a county. Tho first ouo sendiugSoO for a grots of the powder will receive it by return express together with ono thousand oiroulura and tho right to sell in the county ho or stio designates, it othei scud lor the saaio county, tho money will bo returned to them frco of ctpeuve. To make sure, ouo bud better dosignato several coun ties, either of which he or the will take. Send for trade list and eiroulurs if you daro run tho risk of waiting, or soud the inouey for a gross. Letters addressed to tho Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the bauks, or the express agents of this city, will show that tho busiuess ia hon. orebly and squarely conducted. An Ink Powder will bo sent by umil to any address, froo of charge, on receipt of forty cents. Address, writing vour name, town, oounty aud State distinctly, AMERICAN INK COMPANY, Manchester. N. II. THOMAS W. LANE, Clerk for tho Co., uud Spcciul Agent. WANTED, AGENTS 875 to 8200 PER MONTH for L-oikkmpn and 835 to 875 for ladies, overywhere, to introduoo tho Celebrated Common Senso Family Sewing Machino, improv ed und perlected. It will hem, fell, t!tch, rjitilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price ouly 820, making in elastic lock sulci), uuu tuny war. ranted for three veurs. Wo nno I he , . . r J . atovo wagon, or a commisMon, from wniea iwico mat utuouut can be made. Addreoa with utamp, or call on C. BOWERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South 1TFTII Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All letters answered jirouiptly, with circulars nd torusj. May-oTW-ly. M I'll LIC SALE Of Unclaimed Freight. mnF. rnn.ADti.rniA 4 eme k. n. (renn'n It. It. Co. Li-sact.) will .ffr at l'ublic "-'ale, on Wpdnosdny the l'irt Dfiv of Augnti. 1800, bflwcm tlie hours of 10 A. M. and 7 P. M., the following dscribnl ar. tiolrs. now at lliepvrral stations on tl.d'. i E- R- 11- lcii!iitod, iinlc! ownn-s or confiigntcs cluiia nn.l py fipbt nn j .li.iru- on or bfiro the i1y"of sil. The simo will lie sold nt Kidgwny Station, noenrding toiherrovisionof n Act of AsscmMv, ap proved JteoiMiiW, 14ih. 6',ri, vMfh pro. vidrstlmt if owners or consignees fnt'!topny frriftlit and rxpcn-ipx r.n such articles with in SIXTY Uy nftir Ocmnnd been maJo or nnti?e pivon. tho sumo may bo sold Io pny frcielit. Ao. KAnk.' O. Ilnmor. Kmc, TAk Oo , Vt. 1 box Tool? a;! 1 K'ov-. UinnwAY. D Thaylor, Kidwny. Elk Co., Pa , 2 barrels WliiKc P W Hay. Ilidgtray. Mk Ca . !' . 1 bundle H Iron. A L Kbities, Uidgway, Elk Co., Pa., C boxes Machinery. M P.cst, liidgwa, Klk Co., Pa.. 1 Sliinglf Machine. St. Maby's. S Kamp Co., 1 bos Mer chandize. Jacob Ps'.un , 1 barrel Whiskey. T K Carbon, 1 Ox V0ke and Chain. 1 chest Tools. 1 Handspike, 1 bag Riga. J Wicman. 1 Packngo. P llartman. 1 box Sia1p.. .T Kenton, 1 bundle C Hoops. W It Scliultz, 1 box Scale. A. J. CASSATT. Ass t. Clen'l. Sup't. July 12T.ij.-tdi. F U li N I T U I I K 1 1MIE UNDEHSIGNEO T K K S ileasure in announcing to the eiti ien of Hidgiray and ftdjoining towns, that he has ,iuH opened a Furniture Shoo in P.idjrway, and is prepared to sell all kind of furniture at the lowest prices. His stock consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS & MATTRESSES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Caac seat Chairs of ail kindu, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, TETE A TETES. BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut. Mahogany and Black Walnut and every thing usuilly found iu a first class country are Kcoci. PICTURE FRAMES of ail siies, and f,f Mahogany, Rosewood, Black Walnut and Cult MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, and made to order, of every kiud nnd description. CALL und exnruiuo my stock be. foro purchasing elsewhere, lor 1 hope by strict attention lo busiucas, and keeping all the market demands in my line, to merit tho patronage of the public Wareroouis oa the corner of Ma n aud Perot streets. I1E.NUY 11. THOMAS. Miy-17'CC-ly, "newhopT tix: tix:: tix::: stoves ! stoves ! i stoves !!! John Sosenheimer & Co., WIIOLUS VLE i: RETAIL DEALERS. bt. mary'b, pa. Keeps constantly on hand and for sain, a large and well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES &o. c have everything generally kept io a Tin Shop. Our "Stock of STOV KS consists in part of ANTIDCST PAKLOK& COOKING STOVES, ALSO IIION GATE & WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can bo had at our bhop either riveted or groved. Sl'OUm'G AND ROOKINO, donO OD short notice unci at. reasouablo rates. Juno 14'G-ly. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch t Scratch t Sir U h I WHEATON'S OINTMENT Witt Ciuk Tits Itch in 48 Hoens Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Prico 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. P-v sending CO cn!s to WEEKS & POTTER, Solo Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the Uuitcd states. (June-7'C8-iy. I3LACKSMITHING ! II. S. BELNAP desires to Inform the citi. tent of Kidgway and vicinity that he hag leased J. 8. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop ou Mill street, and has employed good work men who will bo ever ready to urnke any thing from a buckle to an anolior. Particular attention given to tho shooing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'CO-ly. WHEELER k WILS'OM'S SEW. ING MACHINES. Tho under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machine tor Elk county. He keep an assortment constantly on hand. Machiuei sold at Philadelphia aud New York prices Auy parties desirous of obtaining thtn OU" address J. K. WH1TMOKF, March Ol-'CO ly. at Ridgwoy, Pa. ' OST. (,u the iSdlnsiaut. iu tho J borough Of St. Mary's, a POCKET BOOK eoutaiuing several bank notes, uud a lbiiG, to be paid tu W. Riley, or odr. July o, RU'i v. II LILLY. promissory note iorB ua, without iuierott, and endorsed on the same for $25, given by T Ji. Cobb, of Elk couuty, dnied July uj, lAlitl, aud tisyable on the 1st of October. i; PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. & H. T.;AHTHoinrxco., Uaanlaorareri of Photographic XaterUla, Wliolitsaln and Ketnil, CO. BROADWAY. N. Y. In addition to onr main buitneM of PHOTOimAPIIlC MATERIALS we are Headiiuarters for the following, vis. STERESCOPES & STEUESCOPIO VIEWS Of American and Toreign Cities tnl Laud &CApcs, Uroups, Statunry, etc. STCRE3COPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From nepative made- in tho various cam paigns pnd f.M-ming a complete Photoj;rtph ic history of the great nonUsU STKltEf t.'OPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted fur either tho Magio Lantern or lha Stert-mvipc. Onr Catalogue will be cent lo any address ou rccuipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Wo manufacture more larger than any other home, about i'tX) variofios from 60 cents to f OOevh. Our ALBUM3 havo the reputation of being mipcrior In beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statssmeo, Acton, el e., eta Otir Cntaloptie embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of tho most celebrated En gravings, Puiutiugs, Statues, etc. Oata h;rues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordcriutrfeoods C. O. P., will please remit "5 per ceul of the amount with their order. CfaSThe prices and quality of our goods rannot fail to Batii-fy. (juuo 14'0G-ly. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL S T ORE. DAILY ,fr WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at THE BOOK gTORK I N ST. MARY'S. Anv work, either American or Europcn, Religious, Scientific!, Phil osophiual, Historical, &c, will be pro cured on application as above. Any article iu tho Hook or Stationery Hue not in Store, will bo sout for by mail and bo received iu a few days alter or dcing. jun. 11-ly. BOOK STORE? St. Mary's, Elk County. JUST RECEIVED GOO BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY BOOKS. .1AT ASSORT3IEXT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Blank books, Tiuie books, Pass books, and School books will always bo on hand. rurchasiu' our Book9, Paper, Envolopcs io. direot from tho Manufacturers for oaish, we aro enabled to soil at tho satuo rates that they can bo purchased in ANY OP THE LARGE CITIES, 10 por cent allowed ou all purohancs of too. dollars uud upwards. W.J.BLAKELY. Junol4'(50-ly. OENT S-Wi.NI inr J. T. IIEADIXY'g HISTORY OF THl' WAR, NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be tho moil titrresting, ntyul r, and talualtc Ilia tory of tho Rebellion, which is fully at tested by tho enormous ealo of 200 000 volumes, and a largo portion of tho country Hill uncanvasscd. Wo aro obliged to run our presses night nnd day to enable us to supply our Agents. Men of chnraotorand ability, who do sire a luctativo emplovmont, will find this a rare opportunity. The price of the work in on volumt is to low, (compared with our Histories) as to brine it within tho reach nf all classes. For full particulars scud lor circular. Address .fmrrtraii JPublithlnr Com'ff. 14tAvluiu Street,, toss. JOB WORK of all kinds aud des. O criptkms dene at this office. JOB PRINTING CIIEATLY3; NEATLY, , , EXPEDITIOUSLY Liecotea at tlo Apvocati Other. at thi; New Sto;) of WEIS D It OTHERS at St. Mary's, Klk Cc nty Tenor rlv; SCCCE5SORS TO GSORQJS Vtl3. Offer for sale, at wholesale and rta!!, a well selected stock of SrJHA'Q SCXJtEX SILKS, M OR IX CSS, POPLIXS, DLLAIXES, MOHAIRS, Plain, aud Qgurcd Alpacaa. A larg assortment of Priote, White goods of ovory tlcsoiiption. Flaunols of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings aud SLivtiug ia great variety. Ladie's & Children's Millinery Goods ; such as BOXXETS, It A TS. CA PS, IUIW OXS, Xe GL O YES & HOSIER V. " GEXTS furnishing goods of every dcicrijtiun, CL O TIIS, CA SSIMERES c.t -5. GROGtUIKS AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of IXOl'K, ronK, Sl'QAR, TEA. corrze, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, T.-HALE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. SOAP OP ALL KWDiJ. In short, we have everything needed fop family uso. Cedar and Willow Waro of every de fccription. Confectionary, Brush, csof all kinds. A full assort moiit of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ot Segnrs and Tobacco. BUY OUR STOCK directly T from tho Manufacturer and there fore wo can alford to sell cheaper than any other establish meet iu Elk county. WIE PUBLIC an reapectfuKj in. . 1 vited to call and examine our StOok and Drices ! WhAlhnr than iy)i to buy or not, for we claim to hve one of the most oomplote stocks and tho finest STORE io tho county snd caa sell for less profit, than acy ether Louso in the countv. roth ?t. Marry Mik- i?,VW.