IIkJPH Comity iWnocjii. .ion wouK. " iVel.tli slxel hnnd bill, 60 conies or le l iner glieol hand bill, 50 copies or loss 'tft'f sheet Tiand bill, 60 copie-j or lo?s $'.on Fill' sheet ImnJ bill, 60 copies or less $P.OO. M.ANKS. . For any quantity nndrr five quire. ?1, 6" per quire , on nil amounts over t lint n reasonable reduction will he mnde. TERMS OF r.APKH. $ l.fiO per year in ni'vnnce i?i.00 if rnid wi'l'n ihe year, nnd $2,60 if not paid with in flint lime. N'OT I c E . Yrrpffpr the Post Offiee will he ebwed every evenine: 8 o'clork. On Sundav it will be kept nren from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail rinsnd nt 6 r- M. L. LTTTJIKR. P. M. A yet we have not seen that Base Hall Club formed in Rnljjway. What is the mutter? Is there not en. terprise enough nmnng the young men to have one ? Who'll move 7 Incendiarism. On Saturday night of June 30th, the house of Alfred Pear rh!i of Jay township, was destroyed by fire, supposed to bo the work of nu in cendiiiry. Loss probably $2000. egyNeijihbor Messenger has broke f round for his Dew bouse, to be built alongside of the old Fountain llo'ise. There is certainly no better sitr lor building in Ridgway than the on3 sc. lected by Mr. Messenger. l&'Ati Improvement. Mr. Hen. ry Thomas has his new building com pleted, and it gives quite an improved appearance to that end of town. If you want to get any thing in tlie Fur niture line, you caDnot do better thun to call on him. I A s will be seen in another vol. umn. Dan Rice has consented to the use of bin name as a candidate for Con press. If Dan makes as good a Con gressman, and pleases the pcop'e as well as he does with his show, we think there will be no trouble to elect him 4erni after term. f7The youtic mens' Democratic Clynier Club will meet in Messenger's Hall on Saturday evening next. A punctual attendance is required. By order JNO. G. HALL, President. Notice. At u meeting of the Demo erotic County Committee held on the iv, oint: of the 4th of July 18(1(3, it wan or.ieri-d that the Democratic Primary lui.'orings for election of Delegates to the County Convention, be held at the us Bid places ot holding elections on Sat urday the 11th day of August next, at 2 oVlock P. M. Tho County Conven. thro will assemble at the Court House in Uidgway on Monday, 13th day of August nest, at 4 o'clock r. m. By order of the Committee. GEO. DICKINSON, Chairman. Complimentary. The thanks of the Court and members of the Bar of Elk county are hereby Uudcrtd to the Commissioners of the teuiiury for the cleanly and improved niMiner iu which they have fitted up the Court Room, thereby adding great, ly to the co.ufort of the Coutt, the Bar. aod those having business to transact in the Court, and it is ordered that a copy of these resolutions Ve made out by the Cietk and baDded to the County Com. IKyiM-iouers. HWy W. Williams, Charles Mead, K V. Schultze, Juo. G. Hall, llemrv Souiher, A. Willis, C B Curtis. W. P. Jenks, Geo. A. ftathbun, Drp'y Pro. J. A. Malune, Sheriff. Independence Uxy. It seems that this anniversary was felubrated at places in ditterent manners tucirling as the weather admitted. la Philadelphia it was said to have been the warmest day there for years : In (larrishurg there was some ruin in the forenonu, enough to put a damper on the exercises f.jr the duy ; farther up np the river there was more ruin The Lewisbuighcrg had a fine celebration ut Longstown, where were Bbseuiblei all the resident soldiers of the lute war. At home the constant rain prevented any out door exercises. At Centreville preparation had been tuado to celebrate the day in regular old V irginia siyle Horse and footracing, jumping, catch ng a shaved hog, climbing a greased pole etc : but our neighbor there, disliking the appearance of the weuthc, claimed the right of secession and expect to have their fourth on the 28th of this month At Benezette provisions were made for a pie nio in the grove, but the rain drove all into the laree room over the store of Mr, D. B. Wiuslow, where waa spent fleaaaat afternooa. THE L.tTUST rlS. Wo have advices Iroiu Eur.ipo t' June 27lli. which tiiv that a great hut tlo was fouuht on that day between the Austrian. and Prussians, ut Puclo'o, in Bohemia. The Austrian's were victo rious This is the second buttle in which the Austrian were victorious since the commencement of hostilities. from Cuba we have news of a serious revolt against tho Spanish government. Cuba. Chili, Peru, Bolivia and Ecvimi. dor have formed an alliance tifrce Cu Kit from the Spanish yoke. Hopes lire also entertained ol help from 'the United Stat is. The market price of gold in New Yoik yesterday was 81 48. Gen. Mavis ot the Ihtylcstown Dcmnrrat fays : " The Johnson. Clymcr Soldier's State Convention promises to be tho latest and most enthusiastic ever held in the State, and its example will exercise n large p-fluenco through out the couulrv." We have no doubt of it. J) I I 0 . On Juirn 7 tli. Airs June 1 1 outer of Fox township., aged 8'J years, G months and 2 days. Announcements. I f TE are antliinizud to niniounco the Y name of Da. C. II. Eaklet as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Demooritio Nominating Convention. July-5'Gli.-tf. VV1 E are authorized to announce the name of Geo A. Patiibun ns it Cindidatc for the ffico of Prothonotary fits , t ulj" ct to the ilecision of the Deiu. ocratic county Convention. Juno 7th G't-tf. are authorized to announce the ime of Newton Lounsbkky as u candidate fur the office ot I'rothou otary &c , subject, to the derision ol the Den ocratic county Conveutiuu. June 7th j(i-tt. E are authorized to announce the name f J.nfis Vm.LMKit as a candidate for ti e office ol County Com inifsioner, subject to the decision ot the Democratic county Conveutiou. July 12'Gti-tr-.' WE are authorized to annnuxce the name of (!ki. I). M kshknoku as a candidate for Associate Judge, subject to the decision of the Democratic county Convention. July-12 G(i-tf. ADJOUKSUD SALE OF Unseated Lands. rpilEUH WILL I.K AN adjourned sale of Unseiited bands held in the Court llniiso in Kidgwny, on the 1st Monday in August. 0AMKS COYNE, Tieus'. July I2-GG.-tds. T H E U E "WILL BEA PIC NIC Of THE RIUGVt AV SABUATII SCHOOL On WEDNESDAY the 25th of July. A general invitation is extended. CHAS. MEAD, Sup't. AND THE CONSTITUTION. GHAND DEMOCRATIC MASS CONVENTION OF TflE EASTERN AND CENTRAL COUNTIES OF rtNNSYLVANIA. A GRAND MASS CONVENTION nf the friends of JOHNSON. CLYMER and the CONSTITUTION, will be held On WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of July, 18tifi. All who (ire in favor of the immediate res toration of the Union in Ut orijinal purity. AT. w'io hef'eve thnt The Constitution of the United Slates is the Supreme Law of the Lind. All men everywhere who are opposed to committing the de-'tiniei of 3d MILLIONS OF WHITE MEN to 8 )0 0(0 NEOKO VO. TEU5; all who are oppuaed to NEGRO LEGISLATORS. NEGRO JUDO El AN U NEMRO JUI'.OilS IN l'ENNSYLVANIA, and espccinl'y thnsellR WE MEN who per iled Lite and Limb to defend nnd uphold 1 1)0 Government of t heir Fat tiers, and nut to create a new nation in hich the NEGRO is to he our 8h:U' uud political equal, are iu Tiled to hi t end. TlieCrisiit of our Country's Desliry is it pn UK. The u I nut Andrew Johusou telln ynu that the traitors Tlnddeus Steven" and Churleii Sumner, are trying to ue-'trov our Hy stem of Gnveinmeu ; the Government that Washiuaiiin and Ji tfersnn gve us. the best Government the world ever hhw ; and to establish in iib place a (Jonmlvlited Jl-npnt mm, controlled by New Englaiid fanatiei.m ' C'iMjOI.IDATION til AS liA.NUKItoUtt A8 SKCKh8l(IN." Ai'ft'flV Jii'iltson. The most diMingiiishfd llcmocratic and Co iseivaiive Kinieaiuen of ihe cuuuiry will De pirs ill mid RildrcsD the ( onveiilion. The l'reuli;ni and the Union members of the I'abmei have been invited. Excursion licken will be issued on all the railruadn.' By order of the Democratic State Central Commit lee. . J. D DAVIS. Chairman, Democratic Standing Com. of llei bs Co. WM. ROSENTHAL. Prceidont. Democraiio Cily Club of Reading. OA AA MONTH J-AOENTS fJ t ' " wamed tor tn entirely new articLt, tu t tut. Address O. T. GAREY. Citv ) Buildmg, Biddelord, Me. may-17'ed-lT. tin Freight. Of Unclaimed rri'TE rinr.ADF.i.riiiA k erie k. u. (I'rnn'a R. R Co. Lcam-i.) will nlTiT Hi Public ale, on Weduefibiv the first Day of Aiijust. ipiin. bniwron the hours n! 10 A M. and 7 V. M.. the follnwins lUsr-ribod nr- liclrs. now at the psveral slaiions on the I'. $ K H. R. as des'tfiiale t. unle nwnern or consignees clim and pay freight and jhnrg es on or rwfnre the d ly nf nlj. The ("lime will bo sold nt llidgwty Station, according to the pr v (i.nnsot an Act nf Assembly, ap proved Deci'inhnr, Hth. 18'i;!. which tiro- videsthnt if owners orcon-i(rnp;- fn'l to pi y Tr-eipht nt d e upenfes on cucli arlicli s w th in SI ATI 1.1V niter demnnd lias been made or notice given, tho same may be sold to pay freight. Ac. Kir I . iinmer. Kane, tin Co., r. 1 hot Tools and 1 Stove. RnmwAT. D Thnyler, Ridcwny, Elk Co., ra . 2 hnrrels Whinkcy. V W Huvs. Ridirwnv. Elk Co.. V. . 1 bundle ft Itoh A I. Rhines. Ri lgway, Elk Co.. Ta.. B boxps Machinery. M Rest, Uitlgwa, Elk Co., Ia., 1 Shinale Machine. St. MAtv's. S Karuos.& Co., 1 box Mer chandize. Jacob Pchnnes. J barrel Whieker. T E Carson. 1 Ox Yoke and Chain. 1 chest Tools. 1 Handspike, 1 bag Rags. .1 wieinan. 1 lacKngc. V Hartmnn. 1 box Scales. J Fenton. 1 bundle C Hoops. W R Schultz, 1 box Scnles. A. J. C.SSTT, Ass't. Gen'l. Sup't. July iSTO.-tds. FURNITURE ! 'PHE UNDERSIGNED T A KES pleanure iu nnnntineinir to the citi zens of Ridgway nnd adjoining towns, that he ha just opened a Furniture Shop in Ridgway, nntl is prepan d in Bell all Muds of furniture At the lowest prices. Ilia slock consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS & MATTRESSES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIES, SOFAS, LOUNGES, TETE A TETES. BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut, Mahogany and lilack Walnut and every thing usu'illy found in a firel class country Ware Rouiu, PICTURE FRAMES of nil sizes, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, lllaca Walnut and fli't MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hmid. nnd mude to order, of every kind a- d description. flense V. LU anil examine my stock he. fore purchasing elsewhere, for I hope by stricl intention lo business, and keeping nil tho market demands iu inv line, in merit the patronage of the public. Warerooms on the corner of Ma n and Depot sh eets. 11ENUY JI. THOMAS. May-17'CC-ly, ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch, t Scratch I Scratch t WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure thk Itch in 48 Hours Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CHILBLAINS, and nil ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price Gi) cents, nr sale by nil druggists. Bv sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER. Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will he for warded hv mail, free ot postage, to nny part of the United ataies. ( june-7'ti-ly. D ENTISTKY! Preserve Your Teeth ! Dlt. J. V. DAILY would respect fully announce to the sitizena of Ki'lt; w ty and vicinity that he will he at his looms at the Hyde House, the lust week in June and will stay four weeks AH wishing their teeth repaired will do well by ".iviog him a call as he is pre pared to put up teeth in the most ap proved stylo. June-7'66-tf. BLACKSMITHING I IT. S. BELNAP desires to inform tho citi. zens of Ridgwny and vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, and lins employed go d work men who will be ever ready to mnke any thing from n buckle lo an anchor. Particular Btteniion given to the shoeing of horses All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'00-Iy. W MSk'EllS ! WHISKERS ! ! Dr. L. O. MON'TEZ' CrroHn, the greatest stimulator in tho world, will fnrce Whiskers or Mustaches to prow on iliesiniHitlie.-t I'.ice of chin; never known to fail ; sample fur trial i-eut free to any one desirous of testing its merits. Ad dress. Ukkves & Co , 78 Nassau St , New York. juno-28'GG.-3m. WIIKELUR & V ICON'S SKW. ING MACHINES The under signed having been tip pointed Sole Agent for the sale of V heeler k Vt ilpnn s Sewing Mtchinos tor Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold nt. Philadelphia and New Ynr!: prices Any iMiriies desirous nf obtaining then ca" address J. K. VYHIT.VOIIE. March 9t-'C0-Iy. at Ridgway, Pa. IOST. )u llie 8d 'instant, in the j borough of St. Mary's, a POCKET liuOK containing several bunk notes, nnd a promissory note tor $',18 '2, without interest, and endorsed on the same for $-". given by T B. Cobb, of Elk county, d"ted July inJ, 18H(1, and payable on the let of October, I8lili. to be paid to W.R. Uiley. or o-der. July 5. 18U6. .. R. 1(1 LEY. TaNK 8. HANDBILLS, POS- TIS, BILL HEADS dc, tlone at the Athoi-ote Office on thort notice and at reatottobU tcmu. run lic 'GG. PROSPECTUS GG. OF i6 THE AGE," THE ONLY DEaOCBATIC DAILY JOURNAL IN I'HILADSirillA. GREAT IMPIIOVEMEN'TS AND GREAT INDUCEMENTS 1 Union, Rkstohatkiv. and Consti- TIONA L I.IBEItTV 1 The Pulilisliprs of The Ahe respe! fully call nttentinn to the Dailv nnd Weekly issues of their popular journal. Tiik Daily-Aor oontnin thk m TKST INTELLKIKNCR FltnM ALL PA UTS OF THK WoKMJ. with nrlifli S nit Gov I'Ti'tin'ti'. I'olitics. Tr.nle. I'itinnee, am! n'l the enrrent (upstions nf tho dnv : li'ieal IntflligcuOe, Market Reports fcc., A:c T'RIN FED & PUBLISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted) BY AY ELS II & 110 SB. To City Sulisfr'l.ero. EIGHTEEN' CENTS J er wick, pi'uh'e to the carri ers. To Mail Pn'iscrhors 30 wr annum : 84 5'Mor six iiioiitbs; '2.?0 lor tbrt-e months ; for nnv less time at the rate of one dollar per month. THE WEEKLY . AGE, Published rvory Sat ui day, AT 130, CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILA. TERMS: One Copv. one year S 2 00 Six months 1 (X Three Tionihs 00 To Ci.ubs : Five cor,ins. one vear. 89 00: Ten copies, S17 50; Twenty copies, 830.00. tkt" Tho Monev mtist in all cases accompany the order no nnint's will l eniiTi'd upon the bot'ks until the subscription is pnid. B5s?Advcrtienicnts inserted at mod. erate rates. 8SRuiuess letters bhould be ad dressed to THE AGE, 430 Chostnut Street, Philadelphia. W.-f.fTKW. OO nrV efl'i. AGEKT3 wanted, ladies and gentlemen, in every County in the United States, to sell the ItiV Powders oT the American r ii k Coiupuiiy. The powder sells lor foity cents per package, and will make ink enonoh to fill fifty bottles of the size usually i t tailed at ten cents per bottle. A mi art njrent can sell a irross of it a day, and clear 827 6 V The ink can he made from the powdef in three ininu'es ii. common boiling waer. It is a perf' et. black !nk. the best in the world. It flows easily, does not corrode the ppn ii particle, never yunis up. is not injured by fieeziii";. and i s color will luft forever. Kveiy family in Ameriei will buy it, us n paeknue w'll last a Ininily for years, and ink can te made in filial! quantities hs wnnteil. With each oro&s we fend u thousand cirou'ais with tcsrimonials from clergymen, law yers, teachel-s. hie'clian's. eoiiitnercial colleges, editor. &o., and the rint V niiMie on the bills Only "no person will be made UL'etit for a county. The fiist one si nd;ni;!t30 fi r n rnts of the powd'-r will reeeive it hv return expivss tojjeiher with one thou-wiid circulars and tbe riht to sell in the county ho or kIio desiouates. It others i-end for the sa.ne county, the money will be returned to them free u expene. 'J o ina'ie surn, one hud better desij;tiato several conn ties, either of which he or i-lui will take. Send lor trade list ami 'ireulais if ynu dare run the rik of waiting, or send the money for a jiross. Liners addressed to the Mayor Postmaster, colliers of the banks, or the express noent of this city, will show that the business U lion, orubly and sq'firelv cou.lucfed. An Ink Powder will be sent by mail to any address, free ot charge, oil receipt of forty cents. Address; writins! your name, town. Countv nnd State distinctly. AMERICAN INK COMPANY Manchi'stor, N. II. THOMAS W. LANK. Clerk for the Co., and Speciul Ajient TVTJTICE 13 IIERI BY GIVEN TIIT 1 from tlie 4tli iust. until the 14th of July next we will be in Urookville, at the office nf Dr. Hunt, prepared to settle with all persons having unsettled accounts with A. 8. Rhines due'd of Warsaw township, Jefferson county l'a. 1!. N. HUNT, Adm'r. CAROLINE RHINES, Adm'x. Jun-7'C6-3w. JOB PRINTING NEATLY, CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at lha Advocaii Office. PIIOTOnUAPIIIC. E & H. T, ANTHONY So CO., MinJaturen of PhotojrapMo Materials, WuoleMlo and Retail, CO, 131!0 AD'.VAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of riloToattAP IIC MATEHIALS wo arc Meadipini'ters for the following, v. STiJULSCOrES & STEHKSCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreinn Cities and Land--capss, Groups, Sifttuary, etc, STEHESCOriO VIEWS OF THE WAR, From nnjatives made in tliernrious ctm oMons find fnrtiiinfr Complete I'hotogripli o history ofthogicat contest. STERESCOPICVIEW3 ON GLASS, dipted for either llie Mnfrin I.nnlcrn or he vtcreimpo. Our C'Haloffuo will be Sent n any address on recuipt of Stamp. lTIOTOGRAPIIIC ALBUMS. We nmnufneture more largely than any it her lioii-e. tUioui i'110 variefies from 00 ...uis to $tj eacii. Our A LBUM3 have the reMiin lion ot ieing superior in beauty and iui-abil.ly tu uuy utliers. Card Faotograp'n of Generals, Statesmen, Actors etc., etc. t Our Catalogue emhraces over FIVE TITOI'SWI) differnnt sntjecl'. inoluding feprndiu'tions of iho most ce'oltrated En .rr.iviop". Pa tilings. Stn'ue3 elo. Cata' 'ocfnc sent on receipt nf sinmp. P'ii'o 'rnplipr- and others ordering froods V, O D . will please remit. 'Jo per cent of the nnniii' w'ththo'r order. f5?Tlii prices nnd quality of our (mods 'tnniiiit fail to snti fy. (jutte 14'tG-1y. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL STORE. DAILY di WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at rjpHE JJOOK gTORE I N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Anv work, cither American or Europen, Reli-ious, Scientific, Phil osophiual, Historical, &c, will bo pro cured on application as above. Any article in tho Book or Stationery line not in Store, will bo seut for by mail anu be received in a few days ultiir or drrina. jun. 14-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Mary's, Elk County. JUST RECEIVED 600 BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY BOOKS. 4 AT ASSORTMENT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Blaok books, Time books, I'ass books, and School books will always bs on hand. Purchasing our Books, Pjprr, Envelopes &a. direct from tho Manufacturers for easb, we are enabled to sell at the same rates lli.it they can be purchased in ANY OF THU LA ItiSU CITIKS, Id per cent nil wed on all purchases of ten dollars aud upwards. Y. J. BLAKELY. June H'fiG-'y. A O E N T S W A N .TED J T. HHiDLKY'S IIISTOkY OF HIE WAR, NOW READY. Complete iu TWO VOLUMES, also in ONK. It is admitted to be tho most ndrestlrtij, ptpul'r, und vauuble His tory of the Rebellion, which is iullv at tested by the enormous sale ol 200 000 ninnies, and a larpj poi tiou ol the (-tniiitrv still uncauvassed. We are oLIied to run our presses uii:lit and day to enable us to supply our Afieins. iMen of charae'erand ability, who de sire a luciative employment, will Cud this a rare opportunity. The price of the work in ow volume in so low, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all classes. For full particulars send for circular. Address fmirlcan 1'ubliattlng Com'y. 14H Asylum Street, Hartford, Conm. JOB VVORK of all kinds uJ de. criptieos don at thi offie. 15 " 'C AT TIIE New Stoio of WEIS nnOTUERg at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Suocit330a3 to Georqe Weis. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a wed selected stockof SPRIA'Q SUMMER mJ SILKS, JUORINCES, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A largi assortment of Prints, White goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds Gingham, Tickings and Shirting ia great variety. Ladie's & CniLDHENS Millinery Goods; suoh as BONNETS HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, d-c. GL O VES dj HOSIERY". GENTS furnishing good of everf description, CL O THS, CA SSIMERES dec, fo GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A largo stock of FLOUR, PORE, 6U0AR, TEA, COFFEE, 6PICES EICE, SAxr, LARD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. B0AP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed fof t'umil? mo. Ced ar and Willow Ware of every do scription. Confectiorary, Brush, es oi all kindi. A full as-ort-tujiit of Stationery. Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ot Segara and Tobacco. yEBUY OUR STOCK directly J from the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to sell cheaper thari any other establishment in Elk county. TUIE PUBLIC are respectfully In- vited to call and examine oui stock and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and caa sell fur less profit, than any other ho and ia the couuty. WeIS BOOTEE iid St. Mary's, Mareb. lOib '63