joh wnnir ttguth sheet band bill, 60 oopte or kss $ At'' ,heet hind bm 60 cp"im i 6"f hand-bill, 60 copies or lest $8FW ,hMt hantlbi11' t0 eol''os o' 'ess BLANKS. a ny 1uanlltT undr qulrei, $1,. 0 per quire ; on all amounts over that a reasonable reduotion will be made. TERMS OF PAPER, f 1.60 per year In advance $2,00 if paid within the year, and $2,60 if not paid with in that time. NOTICE. Hereafter the Tost Offieo will be closed every eveninz at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 o clock A. M. Mail Closed at 0 P- M. L.'LUTHER, p. M. Befc,Godey'8 Lady's Book for July is on our table. As usual, it is exceptions ble, in both reading and style. k.Tho ladies of St. Mary's com. mtneed holding a Fair for the benefit of the Church yesterday. Success to their undertaking. tAMe.sre. Cowan, of the Senate, and SchoGcld of the House, will please accept our thanks for valuable docu. rnents. UflWe learn that Henry Souther, Esq., has consented to the use of his name as candidate for Congressional honors in the coming campaign. KfA Grand Democratic Rally of the eastern and central counties of Pennsyl vania is to come off at Reading on the 3d of July. -Dr. Stebbins, Dentist, of Brook- vill be in our place during court week. All persons having anything to do in his lino should give him a call. gft.The young man of Ilidgway are requested to meet in the Court House on Tuesday evening next, for the purpose of "orminga Young Men's Democratic Johnson.Clymer Union Club. By or der. MANY. m m QTlf you want Fire Works such as spinning-wheels, Roman candles, sky rockets, etc., to celebrate the coming an niversary of our Independence, go to Bordwell & Messenger's, where you can get them thcapcr than the cheapest. Apoloot. We owe an apology toJDr. Bailey, of St. Mary's lor insertiug his card in such a careless manner. The advertisement was written by the com positor, and not by the Doctor, as one would suppose on reading it. BSsCol. Moore, ol the Hyde House is going to give a ball on the " ga-lorious Fourth;" if the Colonel gives as much attention to his guests on the occasion of a ball as he does at other times we pre. diet a pleasant time for those invited. .Can't we have a Base Ball Club in Ridgway ? In most of our exchang es we see that they are forming clubs; in every place where there id young men enough to have one. Then, let us have a club; we have plenty of matcml in Ilidgway. Who'll commence? (&-" Jupiter ! what a hot day!" was the almost universal exclamation of everybody during the warm weather of this week. Many, however, got cooled off by going to Bordwell & Messenger's Drug Store and procuring a glass of ICY COLD AND SPARKLING MINER AL WATER. Fatal Affray. On the 21st inst., after the exhibition of Dan. Rice's Bhow at Wilcox, some three or four railroad employees made an attack on Elijah Darrell, the engineer of the grav el train locomotive, and he, in fenoe, knocked two of them down imme diately, and then knocked down a third and jumped upon his chest, bursting the blood vessels, and causing death in about thirty minutes. From what we could learn of the affair, Darrel) acted purely in self defenco, and it is due to him to 6ay that he has the reputation of being a sober, orderly and well disnnsed man. He gave himself up immediately alter to the Justice, who let him go on his own recognizance to appear when ca'.led on. An inquest was held over the body and the verdict was " that James Car. tor came to his death at the hands of Elijah Darrell." Cool Larceny. About daylight on Friday morning as Dan Rice's Circus train was passing through Centreville, it drove up to a man lying near the road, the whole train stopped and the drivers dismounted to know what chanoe there was for chango, but they found the chap bad been a supplicant at the throne of King Aloohol and the Mon. arch delighted with his greenback sub ject, toon had him richly snoozing in the arms of Bacchus aod Morpheus. Seeing him ao happily situated they very nieoly divested him of his boots and hat and almost obtained his pocket book cotaining $200 or $300 when tho attention of the citizens caused them to to relinquish their work. Our provincial friend must keep his eyes open when Rice comes round, whether St. Mary's or Centreville whis key was the cause, Dan will get tho credit Announcements. T7E are authorized to announce the f name of Geo. A. Ratihicn ns a candidate for the office of Prothonotary &o , subject to the decision of the Dem. ocratio county Convention. June 7th 'C6-tf. WE are authorized to announce the name of Newton LoitnsBery as a candidate for the office of Prothon otary &c, subject to tho decision of tho .ueniocratio county Convention. Juno 7th '66-tf. SHERIFFS SALES. DY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Yen I ) ditioni Esjionas, issued out of tho Uourt ot Uoramon Pleas of Elk county, ana to me directed, there will bo expos ed to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court II ouse in Ridgway on Monday, the 2ud day ot July, J 80b, tho following des cribed real estate to wit : All that cetain tract of land situate in Spring Creek township, south of the Clarion river, known as the Lynn settle tneol, bounded and described as follows Beginning at its northeast corner a hem lock, thence south along warrant No. 2054 on hundred and eighty perches to a hemlock, thence west eighty perches to a post, thence north thirty-four degs. west two hundred and fifteen perches by ;amuel mird warrant to a hemlock thence east two hundred perches to place ot beginning, containing one bun. dred and fifty acres, with about three acres improved, and an old log house and log barn thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas Lynn. ALSO All that certain tract or par eel of land situated in the town of Ridg way, Elk county, Pennsylvania, known as town lots Nos. ninety-nine (99), and one hundred (100) on John J. Ride- way's plan of said town, bouuded on the north by Centre street, on the cast b town lot No. 98, on the south by ao a ley, and on the east by Mill street, con taining hall an acre (J), more or less uGon which is erected a two story frame dwelling-house and a woodshed, all ira proved. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of A. II Head and Adaline Head. J AS. A. M ALONE, St'ff. Sheriff's Office, Ridgway. Pa. D ENTISTRYl Preserve Your Teeth 1 DR. J. W. DAILY would respect fully announce to the citizens of Rider, way and vicinity that he will be at bis looms at the Hyde House, the last week in June and will stay four weeks. All wishing their teeth repaired will do well by giving bim a call as ho is pre pared to put up teeth in tho most ap proved style. June-7'60-tf. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch t Scratch T Scratch I WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cub th Itch ik 48 Hocbs Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, uiHL,UL,Air,s, ana all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 60 cents. For sale by nil druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, lioston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part oi me Lnueu states. ( june-7 oo-ly. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. to H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Hanuiactnrert of Faotograpbio Material!, Wholesale and Retail, GOi BROADWAY, N. V. In ftflilir inn in aiip main Vn?nnsa PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Headquarters for the following, vii. STERESCOPHS & STERESCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, uroups, btatuary, eto. STERESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photograph 10 history of the great contest. STERESCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern Or the 8terescope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 00 varieties from 60 cents to $00 each. Our A LBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, to., eto. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata. logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 26 per cent of the amount with their order. frThe prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to ( june-I4'H6 -ly. 1 EXECUTORS NOTICE WHEREAS, j Letters Testamentary upon the ectate of Simon Ernst late of St. Mary's, Elk coun ty deo'd, have been granted to the subscri bers. All persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for set mcnt to JOHN WEGIMBH and JOHN .HMIDT.Executors. may.lO'66-bw BLACKSMITHING ! H. S. BELNAP desires in Inform the nlti tens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has leased J. 8. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on nun street, ana nas employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any thinff from a huckle tn an annhnr. Particular attention given to the shoeing ot Dorses, ah l ask is a tair trial. May 17'CG-ly. Court Proclamation. "T7HEREAS, HON. R. G. WHITE IV President nud Charles Mead and E. C. SCHuitze, Associate Judges ot the lourt ol Common 1'leas, and Jus tices of tho Court of Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court, and Court of Over and Terminer, and General Jail Delive- 1111 ... ry oi tiiK county, by their preoepw to me airectea, nave ordered a Court of Common fleas, a Court of Quarter Ses eions, Orphans' Court, and Court of Oy cr and Terminer and Opnnral .Tail l)liv ery, to be holden at Ilidgway, in and il j ft tit . ior mo county oi turn on the FIRST MONDAY IN JULY 1868. being tho 2nd day of the month and to continue ono wees. Notice is hereby riven to the Coroner. Justices of th Peace and Constables of the county of jik, mat. mey are Dy tneso precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said, day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions and other remembrances, to do those things whioh their offices ap. pertain to be done, and that all Justices oi saia county maice returns of all tae recognizances entered into before them to tho Clerk of the court as per Act of Assemoiy, passed May 8th 1804. And those who are bound bv their reermni o- zans to prosecute tho prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Elk, and to be then and there to prose cute against them as shall be just. J. A. MALONE, Sheriff. May-17't6. LIST OF CAUSES SET DOWN for trial at July Term, 1866, of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, commencing j uiy za, X8oo. Crowell vs. Benezette twp o uar craw ci. ux. vs. Hyde & Cummings vs. Clark vs. Bryant & Euwcr vs. Earl et. ux BryantA Euwer UU1 ct. al. Taylor Hays et. al. Sorg Kaub. Horton et. al. Rhines Wilson Same Mvers vs. vs. vs. vs. Millingcr Loesch Ely Dilworth vs. Hunt et. al. Ad's. vs. Same vs. Benzinger et. al. vs. Kemmerer vs. Urenoer vs. Irwin vs. Eichenger et. al. Thomas et. al. Short. GEO. A. RATH BUN, Deputy Prothonotary. f 1ST OF GRAND JURORS Drawn Li tor July Term, 1866. Fox Alben Ellin Henry B. Shons. R. T. Kvler Tin ran a Little, Jos. It. Taylor, P. W. Hays, John m:ii ' ' a. i'l uiur. SpRI.NO CREEK. Hiram f!rmnn Benzinger. Joseph B. Warner, Francis Cassady, Jacob Wist. Benezette J. W. Winslow, Julius J ones. Ridoway. F. G. Dickinson, J. S Ilvde. G. G. Messenger. Jay. Jacob A. Spangler, A. E. won. J ones. Ira Westcott. St. Mary's. Philip Fisher, John Walker, C. K. Sexton, John Krug. LIST OF TR4.VERSE JURORS Drawn for July Term 1866. FOX. J. W. Roo-nra V. Wm. Taylor, Sr. Thomas Gross, Rees' man Meredith. T fl n..i.. T , v, w, vjowi, VCIUU1U B. Tavlor. Lawrence Mnhnn. DFRINQ UREEK. Da via Q. M'NauI. TI.r-.-A- T- iir . v ' luarxin rernn, vvm. U. Hunt. Benzinger. T,nui (11 r... w vttl VBOCI Emight, Jacob Haines, Georee Kerner. Auiuu xiauer, oiepnen ttenry, i rancis Keller, Baptist Bush. Ridgway. John Smut. ITirm s Belnap. JAY. Samuel Vashinilnr. A rmil Turley. Jones. John March, M. Weidert. ST. Marv'8. Chnrl M I. Ill-It .lAAAAk w . .WW UUMI - UUOCJJU Wilhelm, Xavier Haberbush, Joseph Windfelder, John Sosenheimor, Benezette. John Z. Lindemuth, Andrew Overturf. D. B. Winslow. Mila Dent. Highland. Levi Ellithnmp w Stubbs. r "vroncE is hereby given that i irominetn met. until the 14th of July next we will be in Brookville, at the offinA ftf Dr. Hunt. nivniMil t all persons having unsettled accounts with A. 8. Rhines deo'd of Warsaw township, Jetferson county Pa. K. B. HUNT, Adm'r. CAROLINE RHINES, Adm'x. June-7'60-8w. T OVE AND MATRIMONY. Ladies and ccntlemAh. if nn to marry, address the undersigned, who will send vou. without monev and with. out price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and spee. dily, irrespective of age, wealth, or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and it you wish to marry. I will cheerfully assist vou. All httem strictly confidential. The desired in formation sent by return mail, and no reward asked. Addiess SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenpoint, Kings Co., N. Y, AT THE New Stoni of WEtS bit O Til 11 8 at St. Mary's, Elk County Pcnn sylvaa Successors to George Whs. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stook of SPJtlA'Q SUMMER SILKS, MORIN(ES, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and Ggured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, White goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. JjADIE'S & C HILDREN'S Millinery Goods ; such as BONNETS, DATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, d-c. GL 0 VES & nOSIER Y. GENTS furnishing goods of every description, CL 0 THS, CA SSIMERES &c, d c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of FLOUR, PORK, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, tVHALE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. SOAP OF ALL K1XDS. In short, we have everything needed for lauiuj use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de soription. Confectionary, Brush csof all kinds. A lull assort-" ment of Stationery, Wall Pa. per, Paper Curtains, Beau tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. WE BUY OUR STOCK directly from thn MiiniifoA,,.rA.nj .-ewua auu fore we can afford to sell cheaper than Ann Atnan AafAklLt.. a r 1 1 "UJ coiauiivuiuem ID JMK COUDlJ. THE PUBLIC are respectfully in vited to call and exaimnn nnr stook and prices I Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to hav nn of the most complete stocks aod the finest STORE in the county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in the county, Was B ROTIIEKS. Rt. Mary's, March 10th '!. HIE VIROIN OOLD MINING COM PANY OF OOI,OllATn. 12fif. Orii- nillnterests" $100 each, ot which 1250 are reserved for Working Capital. Subporibers elect their own Officers, and themselves manage the affairs of the Com pany , eaoh subscriber being eligible as one of its officers. THE PHPQinrvT is to be cliosen from among the Roard of iireciurs. THE DIRECTORS are to be selected by the subscribers from among themselves, at the first meeting for orf;nnization. THE SECRETARY AND TREASURER is to be a subscriber aud selected by the Directors. BANKERS. Tho Central Nntionnl Bank, Philadelphia. SOLICITORS. Theodore Cuylcr. Esq., Robert D. Coxe, Esq. Americans are proverbial fo.- tha avidity and commendablo seal With which t hey participate in enterprises having for their object the development of onr national re sources. At one time " Railroads "nt another " Coal" then "Copper" or "Iron," snd more recently "Oil" have been the all absorbing topics. In alt these several be recollected, those who first took hold of mem mr.ue money : some larger amounts than others, according to their investments. Mi hi tiff onerntinns in tho fi1.1 ..f rin... do and elsewhere note mainly engross the jiuuuo niicnnon. uonsiuering that several such companies huvo been already organ ised that they are now at wrk that the reports from their mines aro highly fnvor eble that it is known that nt. the present time there Mo the way from the ledges of Nevada and Colorado "numerous "bars of silver ' und hvirka nf r.M " : " " vtu, . . 1 .3 believed that the enthusiasm Already mani. lestea on tne suoject will, in a little time, be so grently increased on the receipt and exhibit of those " ret able companies will spring up, whose tlock. using ubbbu ni ino men greatly in'latcd prices of ledges, will necessarily bo less do sirable than that now to bo had thereby Civin? tO thoSe Wlin nmil tlinnianli.aa occasion now presented, of securing " ori ginal interests," an opportunity of thfn disposing or the large amount of stock each holder receives, at a handsomo S'lvnncd. AYith these nreliminnrv rnmBflra ka i j . w u i , t lowing Pbosfkctgs is respectfully presen ted. The nroncrtv nf tlm Cn to be organiied By the sale of these " ori eiunl interests." cnnniaia nf tlm f..nn; Ledges, nil situated within a radius of five . .' 1 . ..J- C . , r . n . , ujiivo ui vyvuinu uiv, iyOtoraao. TRAIL CREEK niSTUTPT Mammoth Lode r inn r...i Never Fail Lcde.f 0f 200 feet' Vanderbilt Lode.J 0f 200 feet, Union Lode. r nn r Old Ophir Lode, of 100 feet! TRAIL RUN DISTRICT. Holman Lode, 0f 200 feet, BANNER DISTRICT. St. Louis Lode, 0f 100 feet, Pensacola Lode, of 100 feet. UPPER FALL RIVER DISTRICT. Abe Lincoln Lode, 0f 200 feet, Washoe I.ode, 0f 200 fet, Minnie, or " Louisa " Lodo, of 200 feet, Riddlo Lode, J 0f 200 feet, This Lode is very well developed, with vein of ore 4 feet in width ; ore brospects well. f There is one hWO. nn iMa t.a.ia nn rnA deep and 50 feet long, and the crevice is 8 IKMV 1U WIUlll. iThisLodeis well developed, and con sidered one of the best in the district ; thero is a shaft on it fiO foct in depth with a vein of sulpherets four fjet in width. Assays uiuub ui viiis ore prove it to be very rich. U mis is an A. I. Lode, and has a shaft of 75 feet in depth vein of ore three feet in width and of good quality. Ore taken irom unsi.oae yieldtd $108 per cord in goia. & Th:s is renllv iMctieaf T ni a:.. covered in the district ; it is well developed, irm ihboii irom mis i,oae vieiued un n. n u .J . e (i.oi-A - " "us ui ?ouu per cora. jjBiug a loiai oi zuuu icet or nearly a half a mile in length horizontally, of rich Qold-Droducins- tertiln f .,:,:..i depth, together with all the dips, spurs and tuuusoau me metals, ores, gold, silver and other motiil bearing quartz, rock, and earth therein, and all the rights, priv ileges and franchises thereto incident, ap pendant and aDnurtennnneil nr H, i. usually bad or enjoyed, under and subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of tho uuueu oiaies. The titles to all of which claims have been examined by a member of tho Bar, resident in uiuruuo. His opinion is as follows This is to certify that I have carofully examined the titles to the foregoing lodes w. auu uui auiianeu iuai they are THOMAS MASON. Atfv at W The space of a Circular is too limited to s ",1,"" opinions oi numerous distinguish ed cituena and aminea mis district ; the following extracts cum iiivioiu, ana mat or t'rofesHor Ed. ward N. Kent in particular, of the Non York U. S Assay Office is directly in point. Our late lumented President Mr. coin during an interview with Speaker iuua, immure io me niuaen wealth of Col oradj. Navada. &o ..said " I have very large as leid of the ntinera wcttim ui our nauon .-1 hpiiava it;..iiu inexhaustible." ThS Hon. J. P tTr,al,o C.I r .v - - - - r..v , ciui v ui ine Interior: in the OMrial Kenm-t ,oo..i congress, dated December 6th, 1804, refer - u . ..ivovuicu III ring io mo men present condition of our n estern Territories anva htu. - -, j - - uw wcai'ii embedded in the rocks of that extensive re gion is actually inexhaustible, and it will furnish in future vear. ln,lirowl . pal purt of our means of liquidating the debt contracted by the Government for the overthrow of the Great Rebellion." The Hon. II. P. Rennett ,ii- :.. , B.tVHip 1 It Congress from Colorado, in a speech before iuo jiuiiBB oi ucpreseniuiivcs said Juda ins from what I know nf ilie i,n,i....i i resources of this country j from what I am ui prnciii;! miners who are well ia formed uoori this Knhii-el I .l l to day before this House and before this Coun'ry, to be placed upon thoreeords and read of all men that within .i .:. - - j i a miia, and by the year 1869, the gold fields of Col- urnuo lerruory will prouueo JfuO.OOO.OOO annually .- and even then Itu full - of mineral wealth in gold alone remain not wnoiiy ueveiopeu. i speak irom the united testimony of many practical miners who have spent many vears in the mini.. f California, when I say : that the pold. bearing region of Colorado is far triore ex tensive. Quite aa ineihnuutililo ..j .i . gold-bearing quarti of a much richer ouali- Professor Edward N. Kent, of thm N.. York Assay Office, says .' As to the extent nf ) .l.l .. Colorado, I am not prepared to give an esti. mate, as I found enough to fully employ my tims within a radius of five miles of Central City, tr location of ih hn i .j i bui.s other tlcehnss ef vhwm, 1 hsve no T heaitfltion In snying. tbnt f btli'V th'm ! hi the riehctt ever ditcwrrci. Willi v rj on pi (si and the Pacific Knilrond, oV'rmli. i destined in my opinion, toiial or mjj " California and AnstIl.i, arid beconu' E! Dorado of tti WrtrlU." The opinion entertained by h'.se abrnail ftf claims in I Iris dislriot, is l.'Ch by ih following extract EngliBlt Chpitnlisls bnve purclmrc! t' ' ', COO if the Cblorado mining litnds, Sr'l 'I- -'r agents nnd employees arc now rn run" id develop the same, the ciaiuis are tulu;! pally in Rupsell and Trail dislrictc. nd 4. recent pnrchase hs been the Scatnn 1. .c of 1000 feet for which they paid 100.000, An idea of thu value of some' claims 1 10 i feet each,' may be formed whert thir fV considered that it often occurs that thoT yield millions of dollars, and have in several instinccs been sold for $5,000 per fool: Mr. Fields, from 33$ feet of the Bobtail Lode hns taken out already over S20(1.00fi in gold, and $206,000 has been offered and refused for 83$ feet of this same lode, cqust to $800,000 for a claim of oao hundred feet. As tho purchase of either of the nbovt lodes would reqtiiro moro money than th maiorllv nf neranna have at pnmminit It hns been determined to consolidate them. and to divido them into Twelve Hundred an-l Fifiv. ORIGINAL SHARES which will cost the subscribers hereto ftK m-vnnri) uni r.ina v k f n thus allording the man of limited means, si well as the capila'ist, an opportunity to e. cure an interest in thii region of pracli. calty inexhaustible " wealth. as an are aware, lue usual plan adopted for the development of such a property is i.l form a company and issue certificates nf stock. The plan here proposed may ho considered preliminary to tho formation nf two or more Companies on these propertied; which arc subject tJ no royalty, leases .r mortgages. DUNCAN M. MITCHESON, A. S. tor. Fourth & Wolnut St;. Philadelphia REFERENCES. His Excellency, I His Excellency. ANBHMW G. CBBTIN, MARCUS L. WART), Governor of Penn'a I Governor of N.J HOTI. EI.T 8T.TTTU ITTOW MI k ynmiann Eec. of Statcof Penn'a.Scc. of Slot o of N. J liU. .MU1UON McMICHAEL, Mavor of Philadnlnhia Geo. M. Troutman, Pres't Central Nation, f Bank. Phiadeluhia. Geo. K. Zeigler, Pres't National Bank Commerce, Philadelphia. Robert P. King, of King & Baird of Phil; delphin. Benjamin Orne, of J. F. & E. B. Orne, Phil ndelphia. Edmund A. Soudor, of E. A. Soudcr, & Co., Philadelphia. L. Montgomery Bond, of Bond Diddle; Philadelphia. Jolih Welsh, of S. & W. Welsh, Philadelphia gfcjyld sending subscriptions, give name and address plainly. In order that it may M vuiiwn cmeieu m tne ouoscripiion l')OK, from which receipts aro issued, and fronl which Notices will be made out for the first meeting for organijation. may-86C.-0w 7"ENDERS OF MERCIIAXDTSB V ast finnrnianil nnil nlnaaifie Vitt Wm - 11 ,L- MSJ 1U. McCauley, duly appointed apjraiscr o. lueruuuuie tuxes in ana ior tne county of Elk, for tho yeai A. D. 18GG. ST. MARY s Bououan. Name. Class. Weis lirothcrs, 13 Weis Brothers, Liquor John Krug, H Coyno & M'Vean, 13 Coyne & M'Vean, Liquor James Coyno, 14 Frcd'k lludolph, H I'rcd'k lludolph, Liquor Chas. Luhr & Co., 14 Chas. H. Vdlk, lirewer J. Windfelder, do Edward Habcl, do Michael Hontz, do Charles Ilaut, do Geo. Wituiau. do License. 810 0 ir 00 7 00 10 00 25 00 7 00 7 00 .i 00 7 00 13 0) 15 09 15 00 15 0 15 00 15 0O 7 0') 7 00 10 00 25 CO 7 0) G. Ileintcnach, Clothiers Lhnsto & Burke, J. Wilhelm J. Wilhelm, Liquor Retrance Kuntij 14 13 n UENtZETTK TOWNSUlt1 Name Class. License i 7 00 7 00 7 00 Erasmus Moroy, 14 14 14 It. & D. B. Winslow, Ldward rletchcr, rox towssuip. Nmc. Class License. 7 00 25 bO 7 (Jj 7M if Oct 15 00 10 00 7 00 25 00 License; 7 06 Fred Schoooing, do Liquor Jos. Koch & Son, Sampson Short, Sarah Oyster, Frank Hontz, Brewer Hyde & Reed, Jas. McCloskey, 14 14 14 14 13 14 do Liqitoi 30'eb Tow.vsmr. Nanic. A. II. Goodrich, Class. 14 RIDQWAT TOWNSHIP. Name. Class. License J. S. Hyde, 14 7 00 Jerome Powell, Bordwell & Messenger, 13 14 14 14 10 00 7 0') 7 00 7 00 Ilealy & Dill, J. V. Houck. Mrs. E. O. Clcmenlfl. 14 7 00 x uereuy uunuv ine, an free tn ho T 1 I .. . . 1 , . true list of tha Vcndets hf frh.n dise in Elk county for tho year 18GJ, as appraised and classified by nic. An appeal will be held at the Court House id Ridurwav. on Tiles. lav tlm third day of July 1S00. WW. McUAULKY, . Mercantile Appraiser. May-31'66-tda. 1T7 HEELER & WILSON'S SEW- 1 IUMACHINE.S.-Tbe ,,rlr signod having been appointed 66l Agent wi mo Buie cr nneeier k Wilson s Sewing Machines for Elk ennntv. tl v.n. assortment constantly on hand. Machiues sold at Philadelphia and New York prices. Any parties dosirous of obtaining thenr c&" address J. K. wuitmouu March Ot.'ee-ly. at Ridgway, P. JOB PRINTING NEAT..1T, CHEAPLY & RVPTCnrtTfYi'si"! :W Exeeu'ted at tha Advocate OftW QOfiA MONTH I-A UMTv tipOKJ wanted for tit tUrtly , artieUt. jut out. Address O. T. GAKKV t'ii lMMdtng. Pldleford, Ms. j; ,J0,, '