;, i)ei'0',i it .it cd i I'Nc!:, tkk i ,v; i'.KI!!;:-: dii'N' 1 i I I-:: ,1 i n fays si" m:m a i; y (!..'.d opuii-d yc' i' ! iy :it - i ' d.:v.l ::t CI A v::r in Ki:n re n r.- .-rrir:- !:; Mo. Full jell :,,V, . s I.i i'-' it ftiii:t .'-:iy tliut the i'r:'. iiii:s vvj it il U.h Is in, vl.h i.- ;i vi !u n:t r.. i incut i ! hi !. it;, 11 UK' : it !) t'a- ! mi in ,.io !..i' ;c, "War P-cpui'lU'cut il'.c h ve:s in tho Ml- --i-: i; the l.:i;::-0 1. v.-; A (1ua.lah.uj e i hearty r cynlih. : 1 ' I n'.icd ir'iaii s vc ! 1 i ' ii'ir hvMeinns e;,u -I.' :i- l'itve to llic i u!:V :i ;v Maiie Cahinte, v.l.i :; In j r.i- -trait .1 l.y a toriii.d ). it ;.; : ; the.: a u-.v c- was lu- -:i'h to li-lit :i ! i . .'1 I , I : i o - :; 1:;.;1 Ucn v.! fi '0 n t u .i t'u' i ' it c.l Siaies ret. iv!:)- ; Up, V ii!- r 11" the !!: Fy. whieli the nrvj s.iV.-r 'i . a I about nmUiriiij: a o : ii :i v .;: is r.nd tlu-n j-rccec lo murder an 1 pilhie.-. Tie ia the ad'.iir w.r-3 tur.vtrl iroi,- The Mo0ilcn::v:; rr? : tlic v : 1 1 c-r li:is i t.'i !'.'. ! i . i: card wor to 1. in .1.': I on iv,' r.vA , 1,. 1 i. ,- '..K'l li'.U Hi U...I roaic in h.-vo lu-Liw .. i-i ( ,v.t:1 La'.e I'rcvi- 1 h, fi.ur miles doi'.-o ; a'.-o tar.. 11 .hti:ii, in A)!;; :li (.10 c-re.-v.i-. C :;!-ai: , the 1-t ' July, it : eon ih'iitly aiilh'ii.aiid th:-t ;o liv.r Will ;.o vi,:. 1:1 - will !,i . . 1 . ! . ...... sit !,o Grand l.ovro. .uor'itiz 1 ti!: - ",Ve-t r.aion llun;;e c i :.va- '.i)g further flaw cT v'atei- scs, t..u" sti p u;.n:j tho :i'v ia indatod section of tlio Ft.i'.e. A lvie.s f.-o!ii tho t'.iy of Mcxk'i Stale that the Liberals baldly avow their sentiments, in view of tin expected withdrawal of tho fuivlgnei-.s. 'J'he va. t-iu.t chair of M-ixlinl!ia: U a priz) at which foil- chiefs, ii.ci a'.readv ca tin'' imp-it' : -log Juarc, aro rut. and l iiaing ,1-sis uigo that :i,t yet r.t ii'e so c,i:..iieii. :,-o in :s -Iv.inco glance-. Tho llii; -ri.i the maitrr i;f cvr.eM ;.: '' tlel, bat th Jaaii-ti r that Maxiini'.'.aii will lf cf tho Vr.u.di. T!. .t t ireparati ;', ; on gt at r .re iiiaMii;; for the i,i i'.l.ilt with ab itu-jtirati.it) i-i the rrpKi.'aC Thon i'enia'is was iii".ea e::c -i'. i i .N'e'.v V 1 ! o.'i ! or, !av. M , ha'!, '.' a l'itz-.'crul 1, v::at '.s IJroilu'i'huo I, ariiv.- ! -t ite,l that Maj....-:i! I'aiicl t-.t-s Ar:".'.l. States I.-', ii'.-: Alt of til- i'aii.io ,.;,i the h a.t a. id a of ll: Third V, a:,l l" ::"!-.-'. ; p..:!i!.,:). v'. Vermont were tin: mini nieis w i tO till! ilos l-.-ii urns in li Gen. ra's .S'.vccney and Mali n were aire d nation me. 'ing is pi ru'.v eveliin ' at I i ear an t I 'ul.eiel A public in dig. r..-e 1 I'-r t-)-i:v.r. 1 ,V,,-ia.-e. J..:. ),r:tl.-!i ('" l'.l'a. r iv. m rverv rart of the State w hav: - 1 tho most cheering new ; of tho deter: nation on tho part of the I 'cm. )e racy tu jnrry the loeal an I ;!t i!o chctlaos thli coming fall. Clymer '"-ih.i aro being formed everywh. '. hose kk-.i who were ti be f.nu. I 1:1 the fro I iaahs with MeClellan in Vn- '.ul.i, an 1 -ii'T. man in (learg.a, are now 1 1 1 0 seen a citizens wlio kue-.v thai tho only salva tion of oar country is in tho ntt.vde. feat an 1 di.-.cjinlitnre i i tho trait iro'is Slcvens Geary chipa?, anl l:i the le.-ior- tile .- iition t j j.-rjv ei- of that party w:ucn t.ii- lie 1 the country tar, vear.s with the Co. ' ovh ina; c"ghty : bea. u as con light. Let every Democrat cauva'.ev that he has a country to save ; let him go to tvork cirnetly, and if liis ncigbbj.' be a Hepubliean, reason with him, argue the issues of the campaign an 1 cor.Vtft him to your way of thiu..ir. ; tor, a.ter a.o j good, so'.wd, Democratie arg'imu.t the most powerful c-ihii that a loi:n ciat can have. In every t e.ru -hip, let there bo a club forme 1, scad for d jeu 'iients and circulate than. If this is done, ard done, well, no Democrat need trouble thenr-clvcs about the result; vre have a ciiil'nbto who is an honor to tho parly; a men of spot less integrity, and a man who e act:, will not cause tho eheek of any l'eun--y'vanian to tinge with thame. Then let us elect I! 1 .is.Tiet Ct.VM:::t, it can bo done if the party is thoroughly ore'tnizcl. Therefore, g to woik, let the watchword bo OKGAN1ZJI, and ill will yet be well. If these disu.-iionis's, un ler tho lead .; Sunnier, Stevens, Gi-ry k Co., get I a upper hau l of -ur tioblo and i:Hii ... ' : 1're iloat in the reoiisylvania lice- I. Hi i 4 --, ... I... ever l i 1 1.1 t.i icWl 1 1 I.i il A'.ni pr, ovity ninl '.v r.v.v f l-,i-!i :"y ::i.i 1 that (Viv.r. s: ., :r. ted njii'ii Ir..! tunco 'in; :i!.-; :. -'iilili.ili c.-tu'ili.-lnii:; l.e;."ru thr ll-.-'l-.'.l. ('! I'lliull, !ltj(! I i m: he.i p-i. i iruut an ill' e;a h;H I'.r.-M-.l.j. ! o, l t 1 mi : :i 1 II .VI, 1 WV.IU HI M.lll.i ,d r.i;; r 'i .v ' I -.v.- 1 :.!. (':, 1 .il- i.i' pob- i !,,- .',!:.!, i :i! the hi, III I ) lilC illS'lll .111' il lie i ! in j ueup; 7 ,.'1 ill'..' '. ..;-.;.... flu- .1' ! let I. 3 v.;; ', ' . ', .iii In ,..!l,y ii.ti'i' iisi 1 Jr.; !.!'.-. in tin !i t!..y il-.ini:.:!!.', Mill ic'.ivc w In n t'lry t-.n:,-tlieir c ii in iii.-'. ! i' ;, !rd t'uj oi'is. pi) r.i 1 1 .'' ' !'o j-' . !!l".ii.'0 tlio c: V'U ilf 1'iciv Tii':t frr.-l r.--ly. Tl. i: l j ir; i so' t, ca is ni,.ri!ii::ir ;i; '.m. i's v, .;.-, t!i,.y li:,vi.' il- I-,-! .- :-.'.-l .v.- -.v -.y t!'. ir .-lI.i ki.-s in ; :!; i-l' .:i r.n 1 j'l tico. .f;s;c ol' i!ic i'ro. i .lout's i' irnt tii.;lio j.;-;ti-Ff, ::!Cft II..-K';-,.u"2 in tlio i'u!,':ic la'ml i 1 ill tlio . s.tiu )'.. r,-;l in.lir- oft'.i-ir Lw iiv, f r tl. o v i -v :i lliat it va iv,;s a K :'0;: i:c c,.ih.1;i ! !!. Tins ni:w rc-: l:-vr; v.iitcl in !!. ra au-1 p ifirnt . i r.o t..o ,.. ::r v, nt-a loir tiini s-liouM 'I'! ..t li -'.r !,:;.: -ri'.'v itii-fcsi , : to :::;.l :.c-t. .",v i" !.:.-. :mi 1 v.o mv if the 1c .'o-.i it 1 1 teach tho a ma- I 1 sT-'.' ui :' li'i t-:t in Use .'c;. tso I po.wi.-r uor;: ! tint i v vc to l.c a whole, moo iiiij fevcic In. ii .,'( lu'.i.io lie;!. :;..krs j 0110. I'l.o suh:,:';.'. ivc fuliowo: of'J'had--.it in 1 do;'.-: ;Jtovci-.s will loai'u that there is a law li',;h'.'r than h;s hi wn, a stinir shar ;.tr than l.-s la,lj. Thoy will ho tairrht a it-it: Ti they have f.:r"t!i-ii or ignored, ;I,,lt ;V0 Fcrvati':j rathe pcnplc 1 nf.t tht ir masters, mid that the res- tovv.'.iMii oi tii.s 1:0:1 with the right. unimpaired, and the oftill the States fraiu h'. cs ol tho white man prc.-crvod la'ae't as a heiita-je 'or whi'o men's chil urea, is mi (dj;-ct of !:!:;hrr cntictrn to tho . L-.Tl VC-V th e liiaiiit.-n anee and pri-r.eu- ,n of thclila- T?o r uh'.ican j :.rty. V.'c arj happy that the ,-!:estion of negro equality has been put by tho Had. iaals in s-j eoinp.'.et and tangible a -shape that r.o man, anywhere-, who becomes a candidate f ,r oilieo ca;i postpone or avoid It. I he g -c.i eligibility under v.h'ih the Vim cratle party has hiihcr- t i lal r.r: l h h :on to hull their eppo :). I a'.hv; the !:! e-::n. 1 the ::0 IV. public., da-e-1 e:.: ii v: r or ot-.tr.r in r-t if. On tho ors-hle to ig 1 that It ha. , f the 1 i'e: :.( t ica! ;:, a r- rt , H.-t !!' . ; tl,o iiard '.V ( Veil tho .1. r, ta iilo;.-'.l e' 1, 1. a -, 1: 1 : i: ho has no 1:1st b.'lTa'.V ol ' w:-ie a letter oi . 1 0 ,' n 11 : . lie -ae it' en. or c Tho pee 1 .n . ;.u :!. vt: :.v iii ', e.: Oi' gi t O'Ke ,' :ii ..I i'eeho il, -li :::. eon tie anniher him to or a. n tl yv.i ! 1, Oi' tin ,7,-y-"' '- 1' :-,l o tob.'.i lea if they sua ballot'boxe nee'M v. le ei:;er. 1 i.e ratified, 1 iil.i.i our e veil as tl..: I G 'gl.i and Mi ,i. s'inpi. and will vis.. t i sub efii-e ale to ta el-... the Ir 1 :he 1,1 :eh . We I ,i i.Siite 1st V,. peesel:'.,. SliiV. I' l,e 1 m (. ,,'.,;; 'e- ,-,:s ta !:el;i us Tl: ' Now Ln.: X i'-r 1 'id ' .1 nlatlm ta the land . :.. il.eir vJ. S a.'h, w ii..n of imue tl f, r by cv . 1 1 ! '..--j .' : at all U thi a lap r i.e. il. His aivocaey i.i' ihem, y vote in Cc.i.gre:-.! of which ihey can deprive tho Stales in which negroes cuifllt'i'.o a majority or a can. si lerahlo pnilien of the peonh', their ow n a-een-.leney wiil be proportionately cael g hciied. a he relfi.dine s of their claia. r for impai tha sitiTrago" is too trans-', aunt la hear comment. Ve have no daiibt of the dcter uin i. Jan of the pt'ojhj if I'eiiii.-ylvai'i.i to pr' -ivo this government as a white iiiMiV government . illestor (Tyna-r has spoken tlio miiot oi t.ie great ma.-ses on that .sul jeet' uioic than once, cleaily and i liypicnil J'o! iunately he now .itand.s as tlio :e..rc-:eii!a'.ivo u:an in this Com lnoi. wealth of the 1 "nclples which he has alwas advocate 1. lie sputi.s the base atti li v ts of Radical politicians to put a piiee on tho Union, which must be paid in tiib'ite to them, bef,,r,! they will consent to its restoration. He be- I llevcs that tho war was f.n'.dit for some thing better than tho enf lanchi.seinint oi negroes, una mat ins own race are amply competent to lc.-'ore and jerpe 1 1 . i Iv.1 out tlui liclp Hi" tlio Al'iiciiii iliti-'ili'i't, v.iifo, nr vote. Iii- i'l'iiii.,11.1 iiro luTiiro till" j.'i' II', iiml l.c is wilii i i it I" Htllll'.l it fill ly tiu in. Ho will Stan, I in ul imt I iii 'i ''(' .1.--. M'VJ2i'-;.'.V. .Tii U'.o Fci fi'U (Yiriiii.-i m o ilia ii'ly lalnrin:r r.rr Lis r;M.i,r.ii;i;ili.m. 'I'll' r.' arc n'.lici' cainliilati s in tlio ll.-M lalmr. in;; to ilrlVat. liini, a'lioii- win. in aro Mi' I ( 'v.n:';.. cl' i ii ;o, ai'.l Mr. Hniillicr l !"!. Tiu) Mm' lias strongly did, u:;;c.l l cin- vai (i, Mil, uly i,". ravi.v o Mr. Si'". lii'l,!. Lat iicvoillu li iris:;rs Ms claims. Tliaf i:ii-i r says liiv.t lm. C. 15. Curtis will i-upi 'i.'t liim. Ifthn .'.htU boliovps what it says, it is lalkini; witliouc li.L-'iit. Tlicro is no IVmopiat. in tlio wliolo dis-(ric-l I hat will win a-aiiist Mr. Pi'ofiold with a p-cato!' roli:h than Col. Curtis. As llii' nattrr now f lands, Mr. ScuficM i lias tlio iiisiiio tr.i.'ic lor '.no nomination, j Tlio i i-iii.'l;,al iihji-ftion to DijCam;) is that hrhas till rccontly horn nlk-mncntr, ; n:id tlir: 1 ,ro his own parly laehs confi- do'i"o in him a' (hoy d in John V. tloavy. (Ton. (lo'iry is loslnr trrfntxl r-vrry day lirranso ho has onco hcen a I)e,,,.;C....i. lloiip-r.i'lo lonmcMts worn oiio;. popular, hocaii-e of tlio lr dishonor. aMo fouro toward tliolr party, hut that tiuio has j!ono hy. It is tiuo that Mr. n.-1 1 wn'i rrm n Tir.,:rr,i l,r,t (lion (iji.y f;;y l10 v;ss ,)CV, r n!lh!n-j enough to ii jure them. Therefore ho is the most available man. There is no way except for these old IVmoeratiii whorl horses to conio hack to their first loves They had a stormy time passing over the politieal Jordan. Perhaps they will find fairer skies and a brighter sun on (his side. Judge Seo fudd started early, arid succeeded in picliing up a few crumbs of comfort, lie h.as placed himself on the record as a radical disunionist, and therefore the disuuiniiists wiil stick by him till tho coi:-.-.e.rvativcs teach him that his place is not in Congress. These radicals must bo voted out and conservatives voted in before the Union can bo restored. Let the disunioriists nominate Mr. Sco. field. Then let tho conservatives nom inate a good man that will defeat him. 1 he Nineteenth District should do this Tfsho is loyal she will do this. "We believe she is loyal. At this lime wo do not proposo to dc.'i.natc the ms:i to oppose Mr, Sco fi.'.J. Two wcil.. , since we opposed the nou'in v.'nn of Col. C. H. Curtis, bceuu.se vc believed that even if ho were a sup. porter of Mr. Johnson, (which wo at that time doubted) he could not receive that ent.husia-tio support necessary fron Ic.::ocral Yv'o have since learned that ho ,"-,' su; port Mr. Johnson, and will welkin the c. nsnvativo harness. Xi V; lihe'e.---, this fact does not change our convictions as to 'jeang a camli. date. The man t 1 defeat Mr. Scofield 1.111-t he a Democrat, W'o do not be lieve in a crigiomeratio:), except, per haps, fir patent medicines. There they have all kinds ol' medicines for all dis. ea-a s, put up in one bottle. Hut the swalh wers of it often die. W'c want a sojuaiv-iood Do niocrat 0:1 the course. In such a man the people will have confi. dence. !!'. " -. Ce,'i'j.-js;ei!,'it.'; foi Yi j)iKv:ik. lltiii'Jll AiiVOC.vi'K I) urS''r: W observe that names aro being an nounced in the .l''.''.''i-'c as candidates for office at the coming fall election, suhi..-1. to tho deci.-iouof the Democratic County Convention. Now we do not refer personally to the persons whose names are thus announ ce 1 and wo do not expect this commu nication can in tho loa.it affect either or any ol them w, candidates, but we think that we, w'uh all other Democrats have a right t i know what we are to under stand by .'abject to the decision of tho Democratic Convention. If it is simply to get tho deci-ion cf said Convention, as to who shall be the democratic can didates, that is what we have formerly under tood to bo the object of such con vention; but if it uioaus those wishing c.fec may t; at tho nomination if they ran, dv. vide smoothly in on tho .i'.rength ... 1 i . . f . 1 i oi too liemociauc rarty, out it tuey lau in this, that they construo the deci -ion to bo that they shall run for tho ouiee stiil, ami hy uniting what demo, j crat 10 voles they can through local or other causes with the opposition, and thus defeat not only the candidate- they r.re in honor bound to support, but the paity they lol'ess to act with, if that is the only object of a convention would it not bo better to lnako no Humiliation for cotiuly officers so that all may huvo a lair chance befoio the people? In short, if candidates aro not bound hy the ao. tioti of a convention, and tho voters pay no respect to them, what is the uso of holding them 1 llepeetfully, TKMOCItlTUS. I i:i,'i- I ;io i.i. la jMii. liiiirmi: It ivon mo firciit plcisitro to know that our I '0111001 alio Icadois aro trying lo oprn a way f, r us to moot uur oi l JVii nd.) at tlio l'allot Uox, with a ilotrriniiiatiioi to sustain our pifsont Cliiof Ma:;i!iMlo in his rcstora tii.ii p'dioy. God praut wo miy soon h ivo a Con;.;n': s tisscmbloJ that will pot a ppocdy r:id to the t,ii'iii'il and sliilo now cxisiiiiL; hotwrcn him and our iinvont Cioi:'i'o.-s : and that it can 000' 111 iro l o 'aid hy all tiaiiol S that wo me tho most happy, jri.sp:r.iU3 and united p.or.plo on earth is tlio in st !ir do.al d:siro of your old friond an l a:-so. ciatc. D. K. II. riTs: .'i:n's sa.is. hilias Howo, tho invi ntor and pat. ni too or tho cowing lriachino noedlo, has doelarod his purpose not to apply for an e::!enMon of hiss patent, on the pvound that he has made a million and a half dollars on it already, which ho regards as fortune enough for ono man. The Hoard of Trado of Albany, X. Y., has adopted a resolution recommend ing the abolition of the hu: hoi, and the adoption of tho cental or hundred pounds as tho standard weight. The Cleveland Hoard of Trade has also ad opted a similar recommendation. Two fatal cases of cholera have oc curred in New York city. One was an infant, tho oilier a stranger, who had boon two days in the city. At quaran t;nc thero had been two new cases and ono ueatu. 1'rofes. o:" Ag ssiz is delivering a courso of lectures before tho Imperial family and tlio Hrazillian magnate?, res pecting his discoveries in his recent tour up the Amazon. Late advices report that there had been several cases of cholera in Jamai ca, but the disease was not spreading. A larger number of cases continued to occur in Guadaloupe. Last week the Treasury Depart ment printed .110,500 in fractional currency, of which amount 134,0U0 were shipped (0 national baDks and pri. vato individuals. Dr. Maddox, of Hichniond, charg ed with shooting W. II. Vernon, has been Cued $.300, and committed to jail for sis months. Large trains of emigrants, mostly farmers and laborers, are reported to be arriving in Colorado Territory daily. Last Saturday was observed by tho Chailestonians as the anuivetsary of the battlo of Scecssiotivillc, in honor of tho Confo leratc dead. Hon. Jas. Humphrey, member cf Congress from Hrooklyn, N. Y., died iu that city on Saruid. y last. I Daw Iltiii uur a Moment. She woro a handsome crinolino the day when fust we met, and she scudded like a schooner with a cloud of canvass set; as she swept along tho pavement with a grandeur fit to kill, I saw her but a moment, yet motbitiks I see her si ill. The wind was on a bender, and as saucy as a witch, and it played tho very dickens with tho dust, dimity and sich ; tho gaiters wero delicious which her feet wero made to CI! I saw her but a moment, yet methiuks I aeo her still, Hho scooted rouud tho corner, and streaming out behind, her crinoliuo aud calico wero romping in tho wind ; to have kept thorn in position would have bafilod twice her sk ill I saw her but a moment, yet methiuks I see her still I shut my eyes tremendous 1 did not want to see, a display of pretty an kles when it wasn't meant for mo; and until I lose my senses I am sure I ncv. cr will I saw her but a moment, yet methiriks I sco her still. E2Arteuius Ward thus describes his peiils at sea : "Doth etared us in tho face. Hut wo had rather the ad vantage of Doth. While- Deth stared us in tho face thar was about seventy of us staring Deth into tho face. Tho ; , spect was'ut pleasing to us. I don't kuow how Deth liked it." C'-2fMr. Ancona, (Democrat), mem ber of Congress for " Alt Berks" dis trict in this State, offered a resolution in the House, instructing tho Committee on l'oreign Affairs to report a bill to change the neutrality laws so as not to require the interference of the Federal Govirnmcut iu ca--c of another invasion of Canada by tho Fenians. Tlio resolu tion, after somo modification was Guaily referred to tho committee. . -BTEf Trey ff gMTTM titntrul Len ta Cuss Died at his residence iu Detroit Mich igan, oa tho 17th inst, in tho 8 1th year oi' his age. He was born iu Eseter N. II. and was a soldier iu tho war of 1K12. Ho has, at vaiious times held important positions of public trust, and his name has ever been identified with the Democratic party, aud tho prispsri, l ty rf thco'intry. Announcements. WH tiro authorized to announce the iianio ofGiifi. A. 1'ATtltiUN as 11 candid ito for tho olliee of 1'rothonotaiy vV,c , suliji'it to tho decision of the Leui. ocratio county Convention. Juno T t ii '(iitf. WH aro authorized to announce tho naiuo of Ni'.-.VToV I.ot'NHVKiiY as a candidate for the flico of l'rothon olary iV.e., subject to the decision of the Democratic county Convention. Juno Tlh '(li)-tl'. Ii '.I-,) ilOiv riisciiKi'1.-!. I'.l'.IiN .I. r.l'.-'S, Pli v; i.-in :i :iinlSi:i ei, 11. St. Mary's !;!'( caualy l'a. Jiiui'-'Jl 00-y. ((',. PliOSlM-XJTlJS 'C(i. or "Till': AGH," THE OKLT SKMOCI!ATIC DAILY JOURNAL IS r.IILADELPHL. GIIIIAT I.MlMlOVlvMMN'TS AND G HII AT INDUCKMENTS ! Union, Hkstoiiation, and CoxsTt- TID.NAI, LlKKltiy ! Tho I'ublishers of Tine Af)K respect fully call attention to the Daily and Weekly issues of their popular journal. The Daily Auk contains the la. THST IXTLIJiHiE.VCK IT.OM ALL I'AUT.S OF THE world, with articles on Gov ernment, Politics, Trade. Finance, and all the current questions of the uav ; Local Intelligence, Market Kcports, ito., &c. PRINTED & PUBLISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted) BY WELSH & HOBB. TEE13I?. To City Subscribers, EIGHTEEN CENTS per week, payable to tho carri-e-s. To Mail Subscribers, 80 per annum ; l..r0 for six months ; $-.2") for three months ; for any less time at the rate of oue dollar per month. WEFdKTjY AGE, Published F.very Saturday, AT 430, CHESTNUT STREET, TIIILA. TERMS : Ono Copy, one year S 2 00 , 1 00 60 .Six months Three nonihs To Cliids : Five copies, one year, $0 00; Ten copies, 17 50; Twenty copies, $30.00. t&- Tlio Money must in all cases accompany the order. no names will bo entered upon the books until the subscription is paid. CQrAdvcrtiscnients inserted at mod. crate rales. CisJnusinos3 letters should bo ad. dressed to THE AGE, 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. AGENTS wanted, Ladies and gentlemen in every County in tho United States, to sell the Iuk Powders of tlio American Ink Company. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fill fifty bottles of tho size usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gross of it a day, and clear 27.00. The ink can be made from the powder in threo minutes m common boiling water. It is a perfect black ink, tho best in the world. It flows easily, does not corrode the pen a particle, never gums up. is not injured by freezing, and its color will last forever. Every family in America will buy it, as a package will last a family for years, mid ink can lo made in mnall quantities as wanted. With each ;;ri)ss wo scud a thousand circulars with testimonial.) from clergymen, law. vers, teachers, mediants, commercial colleges, editor., &C, and the agent s name ou tlio bills Only one person will be uiaue acnt lor a county. The first one sendingS30 for a gross of the powder will receive it. by return express, together with one thousand circulars and the right to sell in tho county ho or she designates. If others send for the sa.ne county, tho money will bo returned to them froo of expense. To make sure, one had better designate several coun ties, either of which ho or the will take, Send lor trado list aud circulars if you dare run the risk of waiting, or send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or tho express agents ot this city, will show that tho busmess is hon orably and squarely conducted. An Ink Powder will bo scut by mail to auy address, freo of chargo, on receipt of tony cents. Address, writing your name, town county and Dtate distinctly, AMERICAN INK COMPANY. Manchester, N. II inu.MAS V. LANE, Clerk lor the 'Jo., and Special Agent TAISSOLUTION OF CO-PART- U NERSlllP.-Tho Partnership neretoioro existiua between the uuder. signed, is this dissolved by mutual con sent. JAS. B. TIULSE, THOS. KING A. L. VAIL, JOSEPH KING. Kersey, May-12'0G-lt. NEWS DEPOT AMI) PKItTomCAT, S T 0 II ii . DAILY .0 WEEKLY PAPElhS wiil be for sale hereafter, regularly ut JOOK gTOttK I X MARY'S. ST. 'v Anv work, either American or Europen, lleligious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &c., will bo pro cured on application as above. Any article in tho Hook or Stationery lino not in Store, will bo sent for by mail and bo received in a few days after or dering. jun- 11-ly. EOOTrSTORE7 St. MaryV, Klk County. JUST RECEIVED GOO BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY BOOKS. W A SSOIZ TMEXT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Blank books, Timo books, Pass books, and School books will always bo ou hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes &c. direct from tho Manufacturers for cash, wo are enabled to sell at tho samo rates that they can be purchased in ANY OF TflE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed ou all purchases of ten dollars and ud wards. W. J. BLAKELY. Juno 1 t'OG-ly. rl.?!uT,f?tsroT" Sal at L lKWh, I'A. The Subscriber, hav ing laid out a considerable extorrt of ground in Town Lots, on the south sido of tho mouth of the Brokcnstraw Creek, on the Allegheny river, at Irvine, War ren county, Pcnn'a., adjoining the War ren and franklin R. It. Depot, at its junction with the P. & E. It. R will offer them at PUBLTO SALE on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1866. The facility for reaching the Oil Region from Irvine by the Warren v Franklin It. R., (being within two or three hours' travel of Tidioute, West Hickory, Pit hole, Oil City and Franklin) together with the great natural beauty and con veniences of tho site renders this prop, crty very desirable either for business purposes or private residences, inasmuch as it is of easy access to all tho impor. tant oil points and i3 sufficiently remote from the nuisance of closo proximity to oil wells and the danger of fire incident to dwelling in their midst. Tho Phila. delphia & Erio R. R. connects Irvino with tho Last and west by the shortest route from tho oil regions to Philadel phia and New York. TtrtMS of Salu .One-third CAS II, tho remaidcr on time if desired. THOMAS NEWBOLD. Juno-14'OO-tds. NOTICE is hereby given that tho following accounts have been filed in my office and will bo presented at ths next term of the Orphan's Court of Elk county for confirmation. 1. Filial account of W. A. Bly Admin, tratorof David Iluller dco'd. 2. Final account of Adolph Fochtman Administrator of A. Kuntz deo'd. Final account of John Stockman and Anthony Fochtman, Administrators of Lorenz Stockman dee'd. GEO. A. RAT II BUN, Deputy Register. May-3l"GG-4t. THE MARKETS. Ripqwav, June 21, 186G. FI.OCIl, per IU $13 75 14 00 l'OKK do ,82 00 WHEAT, per bushel 2 70 KVK joo PKN 1 10 "ATS 05 ltLCKWHKAT 1 25 1)U1KD Al'l'LLS 4 00 liK ANS '. 300 BUTTER per pound 35 I.AKD SO Clll-KSE 30 M.U'KEKKL 12 WHITE FISH 10 EGUS per duzen 30 Erie, Pa., Judo 21, I860. FLOUR por bbl PORK 1SEE F WHITE FISH J bbl., MACKEREL WHEAT per bushel., BEANS EGOS per dusen LARD per pouud ..... CHEESE BUTTER S 8. 10 to 13 25 i l 60 to 82 00 18 00 to 20 CO 0 25 to 9 60 11 50 to 12 60 2 BO to 2 60 1 75 to 2 Of 20to 22 - 24to 2V 22 to 21 -Ho 26