JiK til; CiMin'iii jM'OjuIc. .IOU VOUK. r.ii:1ilh plircl hand bill, ,riO copies or Ice $2.1.0 Quarter sheet handbill, uO copies or U" ? SH.r.O Half sheet lmnil-ViUl, M coiiics S.Vnii 1 loss lcSS 5.0(1 Full sheet hand-bill, fiO copi RLANKS. For tiny quantity mulcr five quires, Sl, f0 per quire ,- on nil Amounts over Hint a reasonable reduction will bo made. 1 T.RMS OK PAPER. Sl.fiO per year in advance S?2.00 if pnid within tlic your, and !?2,5U if not paid wilh in thai tine. CSsTOur Conticville , friends r.flor preat inducements fur the coming fourth. From tlio programme, wc pup pose they arc determined to suit nil classes. Thitfk of liorso-tariny; and Sabbath School Celebrations nil at once. Ybo couhln't enjoy themselves. tPTwThe advertisement of Dr. New boh), V.fi . of Irvine, ,Va., lor the sale of Trvine Ttivn Iiots was received too late for this issue It will appear in our nest. CeN'TRF.VIT.T.F. Spohtixo Cl.l'H. Tn pursuance of a previous call, a meeting was held at Ocrg's Hotel, Juno 2d, for the purpose of organizing a Sporting Club. On motion, Dr. Vi W. Shaw was elected President and Win- M'Cau ley Secretary. The chair stated the object of the meeting, after which the following officers were elected : J. MeCauley, President, Michael Cerg, Vice Presidcut, P. W. Hays, Treasurer and Dr. W. W. Shaw, Secretary. The Finn of eighty dollars has been raised to bo distributed iu premiums and the first annual race will come off at Centre ville, on the 4th of July text. There will be five prizes, two for trotting 823 and $10 ; two for running $15 and 810 and a prize of 810 for the best footman. For further particulars see handbills. This will be a fine opportunity for some nf our hoseuen to try their fine horses. AVe understand a Sunday school cele bration is in contemplation for the same day in the afternoon. VeXIiEIIS Of' MKKCI I AN DISK V as appraised and classified by Win. MeCuuley, duly appointed appraiser of mercantile taxes in and for the county of Elk, for the year A. D. ISUG. sx. mary's bohouoii. Name. Class. License. Veis Brothers, 13 $10 00 AVuis Brothers, Liquor John Krug, I t Coynes k M'Vcau, 13 Coyne it M'Vcan, Liquor James Coyne, l-l l-red'k Rudolph, 11 Frcd'k P.udulj h, Liquor Chas, Luhr &. Co., 11 ' Cha. II. Volk, Brewer .1. W'inufeldcr, do Kdwarl Babel, do Michael Ilontz, do Charles llaut, do Oeo. AVitmau, do i. lleiutenach, Clothiers Christo & Burke, 11 J. Wiihclm 13 J. Willielm, Liquor Pieganee Kun!., 1 1 J1EXEZETTE TOWNSHIP, Name. Clas. Erasmus Morcy, 1 1 ii. k D. B. Winslow, U Edward Fletcher, 1 1 VOX TCAVNSini'. Name. Class. Fred Scheeuing, 1-1 do Liquor Jos. Koch & Son, 14 isampson Short, 1 1 Sarah Oyster, 1 1 Frank Ilontz, Biowcr Hyde fitted, 13 Jas. McCloskey, 14 do Liquor JO.XES TOV.N:-iIIlI Xume. Class. A. II. Goodrich, 11 RIDtiWAY T0W.NSI1I1' Name. Class. ii5 00 7 00 10 00 25 00 7 00 7 00 25 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 1 5 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 25 CO 7 00 License. 7 00 7 00 7 00 License. 7 00 25 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 25 00 License. 7 00 License. J. S. Hyde, Jerome Powell, BordwclliK: Mcssciioot, Healy & Dill, J. V. Ilouck, Mrs. E. O. Clements, I hereby certify the 14 7 00 13 10 0U It 7 00' 11 7 00 It 7 00 11 7 00 above to bo a true list of tho Venders of Mcrchan. disc iu Elk county for tho year 18'JO, as appraised and classified by me. An apptul will bo held nt tho Court House iu llidgway, on Tuesday tho third day of July L';GG. WM. McCAULE Mercantile- Appraiser. May-arOO-tdn. WANTED, AQENTS-875"toli00 PER MONTH for ge!emcn, ".rid 35 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce tho Celebrated Common Senso Family Sewing Machine, improv ed and perfected. It will horn, foil, fctitch, (juilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only 820, making tho elastic look tditch, and fully war. ranted for three- years. Wo pay the ubovo wages, or a commission, Irom which twice that amount can bo made. Address wilh fcJamp, or call on C. BOWERS it CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South l'IFTII Street, Philadelphia, Pa, All letters answered promptly, with circulars und terms. May-Ul'G'o-ly. "MOTtCK. All persons indebted To tho undersigned will svo costs by calling and settling the same before (ho fust of July next, as my books will bo placed iu tho hands of a proper person ior collcctiou. (iKO. WEIS, I'd. Mary's, May dl,ti')-3t. HI IK HI WW SAI.KS. 1YY VIRTUE I ) tJiti'viii 7-.i ))( of sundry writs of I'm. innias, issued out ol the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, there will bo expos ed fo PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House iu Ilidtrwav on Monday, the 2nd day of July, 1 SGfl, the following des. cribod real estate to wit : All that cetaiu tract of land situate in Spring Creek township, south of the Clarion river, known as the Lynn settle ment, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at its northeast corner a hetn. lock, thence south along warrant No. 205 1 on hundred and eighty perches to a. hemlock, thence west eighty perches to a post, thenco north thirty-four degs. west two hundred and filteen porches by Samuel Bnird warrant to a hemlock, thence east two hundred perches to place of beginning, containing ono hun. dred and fifty acres, with about three acres improved, and an old log houso and lo barn thereon erected. Seized, taken in elocution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas Lynn. ALSO All that certain tract or par cel of land situated in the town of Ridg way, Elk county, Pennsylvania, known as town lots Nos. ninety-nine (519"), and one hundred (100) on John J. Uidg way's plan of f.aid town, bouuded on the north by Centre street, on tho cast by town lot No. i'S, on the south by an al lev, nnd on the east by Mill street, con tabling half an acre (J), more or less, uGon which is erected a two story frame dwelling house and a woodshed, all mi proved. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of A. II Head r.n.l Adaline Head. JAS. A. M ALONE, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office. Ridgway, Pa. iT. s. tax.' ai'pi:als7 C. S. Assi.ssoit's OrriCB, l'.Mh Dist. Pa. 1 Cilice, Curwensvillc, Clearfield Co., l'a. NOTICE is hereby given that assessment lists, valuations and t the enu mentions made and taken within the assessment district composed of Elk county by the assistant assessor, under the laws ol tho Luited States, will re main open to all persons concerned for examination lor the space ot ten davs from the fourth day of June A. D. lSlitl at tho office of John C. Luther, Assis. t.uit Assessor, oi Division at llidgway ni the said county of Elk. And, at the .same place, tho under signed assessor of this Collection Dis trict, will at.teud on tho fourteenth day of Juno 1S60, to receive, hear, and de. termiue all appeals relative to any erro neous or excessive valuations or enu. liberations by the assistant assessor. In regard to appeals, the law provides, " That the question to be determined by " the assessor, on an appeal respecting " the valuation or enumeration of prop. " crty, or objects liable to duty or taxa. " tion, shall bo, whether the valuation " complained of be or be not in a justre " Intiou or proportion to other valuations il in tho sanio assessment district, and " whether tho enumeration bo or bo uot " correct. And all appeals to the asses. " sor as aforesaid, .shall be made in wri " ting, and shall specify tho particular "cause, matter, or thing respecting " which a decision is requested ; and " shall, moreover, stato tho ground or ' principle of inequality or error com " plained of." DANIEL LIVINGSTON, Assessor of the 19th. Col'n Diat May-24'(JG-tda. FIT UN ITU RE t rpiIH UNDERSIGNED T A K E S J pleasure iu announcing to the citi zens of llidgway and adjoining towns, that he has just opened a Furniture Shop in Kidgway, and is prepared to sell all kinds of furniture at Ihe lowest prices. His stock consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SPRIXO BED'S & MATTRESSES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs of all kinds, 15 Alii' CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, I.OI SUES, TETE A TETES, BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut, Mahogany and Black Walnut and every thing usually found in a first class country Waro Boom. riCTURE FRAMES of alf sir.os, and of Muhogany, Rosewood, lilaok a:nut ami Uilt MADE TO OKDER. ALSO COFFINS kept ou hand, and made to order, of every kind and description, l'kase CALL uud examine my stock bo, foro purchasing elsewhere, fur I hope by strict attention to liusiiicsy, and keeping all tho market demands in my line, to merit the pntroniiiro of tho public. For tho pres cnt I occupy tho Methodist Parsonage for "nro Kooms. J1UMIY il. THOMAS. May-17'UC-ly, VTOTICE is hereby given that the Xi loiiowiug accounts have been filed in my ollico aud will be presented at tha uest term of tho Orphan's Court of Elk county lor cotihrniatiou. 1. Final account of W. A. I31y Admin trutor of David Hullcr deo'd. 2. Final nooount of Adulph F'ochtniau 4...:..: - ,e a t.'... . , i .luuiuu.Tuiuui ji i, i.uniz uec a. GEO. A. BATH BUN. Deputy Register, May-iilOii-dt. AAAMONTlI ! AGENTS wuuled for tit tKiirely new articUi, j.ut out. Address . T. OARKY. City Building, UiddeiOKl, Mo. pimjf li tO-Jy T.I ST OF CAUSKS SKT DOWN J j for trial at July Term, 1S00, of the Court of Common Picas of Elk county, commencing July 2d, IMiu. Crowoll vs. Bouczeftc twp, Miartraw ct. ux. vs. H v d e & C u m m i ngs vs. Earl ct. ux Bryankt Euwcr Gillct. al. Taylor Hays ct. al. Sorg Kaub. Ilorton ct. al. Bhiues Wilson Hark VS. Jryant & Euwcr vs. Mvors vs. Millinger vs. Locsch vs. Ely vs. Dilwnrth vs. Hunt ct. al. Ad's. vs. Same vs. Samo Eichengcr ct. Nulf Thomas ct. al Short. Bcnzingcr ct. al. vs. al. Kemniercr vs. Brenner vs. Irwin vs. GEO. A. 11AT11BUN, Deputy Prothonotary. T 1ST OF CUAND JCllOHS Drawn lj for July Term, 18tit. box Albcn El linger, Joscp.i Koch, Henry B. Shons, 11. T. Kyler, Horace Little, Jos. B. Taylor, P. W. Hays, John A. Miller. Spring CitEDK. Hiram Carman. Benzincier. Joseph B. Warner, Francis Cassady, Jacob Wist. Benezette. J. W. Winslow, Julius Jones. BiDfiW'AY. F. G. Dickinson, J. S. Hyde, G. G. Messenger. Jay. Jacob A. Spanjrlcr, A. E Goff. Jones. Ira Wcstcott. St. Mary's. Philip Fisher, John Walker, C. 11. Sexton, John Krug. T 1ST OF TltAVERSK JUUOBS I Drawn for July Term 18GG. Fox. J. W. Bogers, Enos IIa3-s Wm. Taylor, Sr. Thomas Gross, Bees- man Meredith, D. C. Oyster, Jerome B. Taylor, Lawrence Mohan. Spring Creek. David G. M'Xaul Martin Benin, Win. G. Hunt. IJENZINIIKK. liOUli beis-, Clipper Einight, Jacob Haines, George Kcrner, Anton Bauer, Stephen Ilonry, Francis Keller, Baptist Bush. Bido way. John Smuts, Hirain S. Beluap. Jay. Samuel Vasbiudcr, Armcl Turlcy. Jones. John March, M. Woidert. St. Mary's. Charles Luhr, Joseph Wiihclm, Xavicr Ilabcrbush, Joseph Windfcldcr, John Soscnheimer, Benezette. John Z. Lindemuth, Andrew Ovcrturf, D. B. Winslow, Miles Dent. IIiqiiland. Levi Ellithorpc, Wm. Stubbs. VALUABLE LOTS FOR. SALE. The nudersigncd has laid out a vil lage upon liia ground adjoining tho ltidg. way liepot, to bo called ELK. The lots are CO t'ect front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot. sold, $100. Fot tho second lot sold, $110. For tho third lot sold, $120 and bo on increasing in price as lots aro sold. Eliot purchasers get the choice lo Is al the cheapest rates. Purchasers will bo registered in tho or der of thoir application Ten percent of tho purchase money must be paid at tho time of the application. Applications will be. made to John Hall, fcsq., Ilulgway, Pa. J. S. IIVDE Rhlgway, mar,20'GG-tf. REMINGTON & SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF Revolvers. Rifles, Muskets and Laruincs; for tho United States Service. Also POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, llevoiving Rifles, Rifle and Shot Gun barrels, and gun materials sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these days ot nouseoreaiung mm bdrv. every house, store, nana, aim uiutc. should be supplied wun one oi REMINGTON'S KPiVUJiVna Parties desirinir to avail themselves of th late improvements in Pistols, and sinierio. workmanship and form, will find all combinil in the Sew Reminirtnn Revolvers. Circulars conlaiuing cuts and description of our arm3 will be furnished upon applica tion. E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ihon. N. 1. April 5lh 18(i6.-ly Court Proclamation. 117 IlEltEAS, HON. It. G. WHIT VV President aud Charles Mead and E. C. Schultze, Associate Judges of the Court oi Common Pleas, and Jus tices of tho Couit of Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer aud Terminer, and General Jail Delive ry of Elk county, by their precepts to mo directed, liave ordered a Uourt ot Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Ses sions, Orphans' Court, and Court of Oy er aud Terminer aud Geueral Jail Deliv ery, to be holden at ltidprway, in and for the county of Elk on the FIRST MONDAY IN JULY 1866. being tho 2nd day of tho mouth and to continue ono week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Ptnco and Constables of the county of Elk, that they aro by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of maid, day, witu their rolls, records and inquisitions and other remembrances, to do those things wnien their oinces ap. pertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all the 'rcoognizances entered into before them to tho Clerk of the court as per Act ot Assembly, passed May 8th 1864. And thoso who are bound by their recogni lans to nrosecute the prisoners that are or shall be iu tho jail of said county of Elk, and to be then and there to prose cuto against them as snail be just. J. A. MALONE, A'AenJ. My-17't3C. E. 'wil 'Iiil 'iui! ''.ml 'Li w AT THE New Stoic of W l!IS ItRO T II B It S at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to Gkor.uk Wr.is. Offer for Palo, nt wholesale and rntail, n Well selected stock uf Sl'IUXO SUM.VEJi Silks. Molina's. Poplins, Pclaincs, Mohairs Coburgs, l'lain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints While floods of every do script ion. Flannels of all kinds, tting ham. Tickings & Shirting in great, vaii ciy. Ladies & Children's Millinery Goods ; such as Tiotihells, Hats litis ltililions, Dress itnil lionuct trimming of every description. Oloves and Hosiery, Ppi-inc anJ Summ- lialinorals. (ients furnishiiiK (loods of every description, Cloths, ( assiincrcs, Tweeds, .Satlinclts ot all kinds, Hals Cups and Clothing of better quality than any establishment in the county. Oil cloths, Glass Ware and Lamps, Hoots and Shoos, a largo assortment at alow figure. In Hard, wave, our st ock is com plote. Wo have Van. kec Notions, Hoop Skirts, nnd Mir. rors in great variety. GHOCEFJES AND PllOVISIONS. A large stock of FLOUR, rORK, SUGAR, TEA, COT r EE, S PICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, wc have everything needed for family use. Cedar aud Willow Ware of every dc ECription. Confectionary, Brush. es of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment ot Segurs and Tobacco. EPUY OUR STOCK directly Irom the Manufacturer and there fore we can till'ord to sell cheaper than auy other establishment in Elk county. rpiIE PUBLIC aro respectfully in- I viteil to call and examine our stook and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for wc claim to have one of tho most conipleto stocks and tho fiucst STOltK iu the county and can sell for less profit, than any other houso in tho county. HOTIIKKS. St. Mary's, March 10th 'GG. HOUSE SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. T pHE SfHSCRtUEUS WOULD It U- lipcct fully infcirm the clu.ciis ul r.m enunty lliat tliey linvc just i'lnrtcd ill the iihovo DilHlliess in liuijjwuy, mm ie -i i.' dont Hint tlioy can plensc all wlininny i'uvur them with their custom. U RAIN ISO, r.VrKR H ANGINA A ;D CAbClMlNlNU DONK ON SIlOIll NOT It: K AMI IN J lit: most fushidnnlilo nnd improved uiannev mid k!vK Orders IcO at tins Othno nv at Ihe rinttUinff House of Soiithev, Willis & Souilier will be promptly attended to. II. O. MctJONNT.Lli. Miiv-17'Cii ly. :AI! we every here J)l,'JvV W""1 Agents toscll our iMriiovr.ii S-0 Sewinj Muchines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sictit on trial. Warranted five years. Above pulary or lurn conniussions paid. The only machines sold m Ihe t idled Stales lor less than S II), which are fnlhi .vij.w . Jmre, it lirrler ,y II ttxon, Ororrr ,y Hulcr, Sinyr Sr Co., ami llarhelJi'r. All other cheap ma chines arc iiifrinyrmrnl and the x.7Ar or wrr nro rtlinblf to arrest, fine, ami imprisonment. llluslrateu croulars sent tree. Adaress,' or call upon Shaw & Clark, at. l'iddel'ord, Maine, or Chicogo, 111. niay-17'f'iii-ly. OB PIUNTING 9 NATI.Y. CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at the Advocate Office. HTjAC1CSMITITI.XCI- ! II. 8. TtKLNAP desires fo inform the eili. zona of Ridgway and vicinity that he has leased .1. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, nnd lias employed good work men who will he ever ready to make any tiling troni a buckle fo an anchor. Particular intention given to Hie shoeing of horses. All 1 ask is a fair trial. May 17'C0-ly. 1 MIK VIRGIN GOLD MINING COM PANY OF COLORADO, 1'ioU "Origi nal interests" Sll each, of which 1250 arc reserved for Working Capital. Subscribers elect their own Olhccrs, nnd themselves manage the all'airs of tho Com pany ; each subscriber being eligible as one of its ollkers. THE PRESIDENT is to be chosen from among the Board of Directors. THE DIRECTORS arc to he selected by the subscribers from among themselves, at the first meeting for organization. THIS SHCUKTMU AND TKKASl-liKlv is to be a subscriber und selected by the Directors. BANKERS. Tho Central National Bank, Philadelphia. SOLICITOUS. Theodore Cuylcr. Esq., Robert D. Coxe, Esq. Americans aro proverbial fo. tho avidity and commendable zeal with which they participate in enterprises having for their object tho development of our national re sources. At one timo " Railroads " at another " t;oat then "Copper" or "Iron,-' and more recently "Oil" have boon tho all absorbing topics. In all these Beveral enterprises, as will bo recollected, those who fir.it took hold of them made money : some larger amounts Hum others, according to their investments. Mining operations in the holds of Colora do nnd elsewhere noic mainly engross the public attention. Considering that several such companies have been already organ izedthat they are now at work that the reports from their mines arc highly favor- eble that it is known that at the present time there arc on the way from tho ledges of Nevada and Colorado numerous "bars of silver" and "bricks of gold," it is believed that the enthusiasm already niani. festeu on the subject will, in a utile timo. bo so greatly increased on the receipt and exhibit of these " returns," that, innumer able companies will spring up, w hose stock. being nased at tlic then greatly inflated prices of ledges, will necessarily be less de sirable than that uow to no had thereby giving to those who avail themselves of the occasion now presented, of securing "ori ginal interests, an opportunity of then. disposing of the large amount of slock each holder receives, nt a handsome advance. With theso preliminary remarks the fol lowing Pitosi-ECTis is respectfully prcseu ted. The properly of the Company proposed to be organized by the sale of tliejo " ori ginal interests," consists of the following Ledges, all situated within a radius of live miles of Central City, Colorado. TRAIL CHEEK DISTRICT. Mammoth Lode, of 100 feet, Never Fail Lode.f of l!00 feet, Vande.rbilt Lode.J of 201) feet, Union Lodo, of 200 feet, Old Ophir Lode, of 100 feel, TRAIL RUN DISTRICT. Holman LodcJ of 200 feet, iSAN.NEIl DISTRICT. St. Louis Lo4', of 10,1 feet, l'eusacola Lodo, of 100 feet, UPPER FALL HIVE u DISTRICT Abo Lincoln Lode, of 200 feet, Washoe I.ode, of 200 f-ict Minnio, or ' Louisa " Lodo, of 200 feet, Riddle Lode," of 200 feet, This Lodo is very well developed, with vein ot ore 4 feet in width : ore prospects wen. t There is one shaft ou this Lode 20 feet deep and DO feotloug, and tho crevico is 8 loot in width. t This Lodo is well developed, and con sidercd one of tho best in the district ; there is a Shalt ou it 0 teet in dcpili with a vein of sulpherels four foot in width. Assays made ot tins ore prove it lo be very rich (This is an A. I. Lodo, nnd has a shaft of 5 feet, in depth vein of ore three, feet in width and ot good quality. Ore taken from this Lodo yieldtd $100 per cord in goui. 1 h-.s is really the rwhest Lodo vet dis covered iu Ihe district ; it is well developed, aim oro inKtm irom tins Lode yielded up wards ot j-miu per cor-l. lleinsr a total of 2000 feet or nearly half a mile iu length horizontally, of rich Gold-produuing territory, of unlimited depth, together with all the dips, spurs and angles, and also all the metals, ores, gold silver and other metal bearing quartz, rock oml eartn tncroin, ana an me rights, priv- ileees ami lraiicinses tncreto incident, nn pendant nnd nppurtenanccd, or therewith usually nan or enjoyed, under ami subject to tho jurisdiction of the (iovcruiucut ot the United Stales." The titles to ail of which claims have been examined by a member of the Rar, rcsidcut in Colorado. His opiuion is as follows This is to certify that I have carefully examined the titles to the foregoing lodes or ledges, and am MtisScd that they are perfect. THOMAS MASON, Alfy at Law. Central City, Colorado. is loo liniiled Id vons distinv'ii h-ii-l'i'e who live i -itm ex v:i'- i r i i t.icssiii- id- five I he opinions im i""" 1 mlir.ens and men ul iiniiiied I his disl vicl ; lie tehile therein, mid that ward N. Kent in inn liriil.ir. i'i ihe r.ev York I'. S Ass.i v ( Ihii; is On v,-i v ill pn'nl. Our late hmiciilu! I'l .-?:! m -M1'. Lin- C'llii iliiiing nn iii!p'v;i-v vlli s-" r Coll'nx, relative In tlio hidden wealth 'ii to', oi'iitl.i, .Naiftl-i, .e . s id - I have ery large M leid if the m: ' ' wraith ol nur nation 1 Ml'eve i 'rA' ' 1,1 inexhaustible." The Hun. J. P. tipsier, to 'rotary "I ''! Interior, in the lfi' ia' Report presenu-I hi Congress, daled December fiili. ISM, reler l ine to the then present condition f uv Wei-lern Territories, says . "The well' If embedded in the rocks iil'lhnt extensive re giun is actually iiicxliaiislil'le. ati'l u win furnish in future years, nulirccMy a princi pal part of our "menus of liquidating I lie debt eotili in-led by the f)uvnnimei:l lor tho overthrow of the (Ileal Rebellion, The Hun. II. P. Uenuett, delegate in Congress from Colorado, in a speech before the House of Representatives said Ju-lg ing IVuiii what I know of the undeveloped resources of lliis country ; from what I am told by practical miners who are well in I'oi-iiie'l upon this subject, 1 do say here to day before this House and before thU t'oun'ry, lo be placed upon the records find read of all men that w ithin liveyenrs' liiiio' and by the year lSlid, the gold fields of Col orado Territory will produce S?-VI,0(J0,0lHT annually and even then its full resources of mineral wealth in gold alone remain nut wholly developed. 1 speak from the united icsti:nony ol many practical miners wlnr have spent many years in tire mines ol California, when 1 say : that the gold bearing region of Culorinlo is fsr mure ex tensive, quite r.s Inexhaustible, and Ihe giild-bcnring quartz of it much richer quali ty than in California." Professor J-Mwaid N. Kent, of the New York Assay Otliee, says: "As to the extent of Ihe gold mines of Colorado. I am not prepared to give an est i mate, as I found enough to fully employ my time within a radius of five miles of Central City, Il e location of ihe above Ledges, but as to the richness of tiikm, I have no Ir.'sUntlon iu saying, that 1 belierr tlinn tc bt t!ic. rienst en r tliycnrer.'il. With science, capital and t lie Pacific Railroad, Colorado in destined iu my opinion, torival or supercede California and Australia, and become tliu El Dorado of the World." The opinion entertained by those nbro id of claims in this district, is shown by llu following extract English capitalists have purchased C'iOir, COO tf the Colorado mining lands, and their agents and employees are now r ran' lo develop Ihe same. The claims are prin -i. pally in Russell and Trail districts, and n. recent purchase has been the Seaton L-i-le of 1000 feet, for which ihey paid CIOH.IMIO. An id .'a of the valuo of some claims (l'-' feet each' may be formed when tlio fact m considered that it often occurs that they yield millions of dollars, and have in several instances been sold for 2fi,IH0 per foot. Mr. Fields, from oJi1 feet, of the P.ol.iail Lodo has taken out, already over !?2ni.(; n) in gold, and $2fili,t)OiJ has been oU'ered and refused for 3:1 J feet of (his same lode, equal to iWlti.UlK) for a claim of one hundred I'-vt. As the purchase of either of the above lodes would require more money than Iho majority of persons have at command, it has been determined to consolidate them, and to divide them iuto Twelve Hundred air) I'ty. ORIGINAL SHARES' which will cost tho subscribers hereto OSK llt SDr.r.l) IIOt.LAUS KAI'll. thus affording the man of limited mean:!, a-i' well as Ihe capita 1st, an opportunity to sc. euro an interest in tin- region of 'practi cally inexhaustible" wealth. As allure aware, the usual plan adopted fur the development of such a properly is to form a conipnny and issue cerlillen.'es of stock. The plan here proposed t,iay b-i considered j'reliminuri; to the formal hm of two or more t ompamcs on these properi ijs,. which arc subject to uo royally, leases or mortgages. The Subscribers can then upon this solid and substantial basis, elect ollicers Iro n among themselves, each subscriber beiii1; eligible to the position of au oilicer ot tho Company. In order that handsome returns may bo speedily realized, these subscription an based upon Ihe proposition that the suhwri bers immdiately on receipt of the Hr-ls (now ready for delivery, and which t,i ly bo examined at the OllieJj Ot the uniK i sigm-.l before subscribing.) illy lwe their Lin-Is on heavy royalties, or at once ocrinizo Companies in the usual way for which there is an ample basis. To acoomiiiodale those of moderate menu, these " liiieresls " aic put nt $ln i l a.-'i, iu order to gel the list tilled at once, und t i prevent any delay iu the org inizaiicu ufiho Company. Considering the numerous valuable " Ledges" which constitute the i:i.ifi his enterprise the fair ni.d equitable foal ores the low prices at which " interests" in it are ottered, and that, each interest entities the holder to hisio refit share of stuck in all Ihe Companies that, may be organized upon them also recollecting that iu nil. there are only KlnO interc.-ls lobe su'd an I it would only require one hundred g?nl le mon each to take leu (SH'IKI) lo abs-'.rb llic whole, it is presumed that it is hardly neces sary to suggest, to (hose desiring to serum one or more of Ihese original inlerests, lo al once send in their subscriptions. Checks or Drafts should bo drawn to lhY order of I lie undersigned, whoso endorse, moot will be a receipt, in addition lo th one that will be promptly scut ou receivin them. United Slates fi-20's 10-10's 7-;'..Vs an 1 other Government Uonds taken at par, and any premium or accrued interest thereon allowed. Pond3 may be sent by registered mail or by express. The hooks aro now open. Subscription received by DUNCAN M. MITCIIESON. jV. L'. cor. Fourth k Walnut '.. 1 inladi tpiiia, REFERENCES. 1 1 i m Excellency, ANDREW O. CUJTIN, tiovcruor of l'euu'a His Excel!, -iii-v, KA3CUS L. 7AiU, Oovcriipr of N. J nON. ELI SLEFEB, I RON. V7. S J031N3J Sec. ot Slaleol I'enn'a Sec. urst.-ue uf v 1 HON. MORTON McM It'll V KL, Mayor of I'hiladclp'hin Geo. M. Troiilman, l'rea't Central Nation if Rank, l'liia.ielpliia. Geo. K. Zjigler, IVcs't National Commerce, I'hiladelplii-r. R-ibert P. King, of King ii Bainl of Plii'a- dclphiu. Benjamin Orne, of J. V. & E. 15. Orne l',i. adelphin. ' Edimiiid A. Souder, of E. A. Staler ,t '-, Philadoljihia. ' ' t. Montgomery Bond, of Road Ri'e Philadelphiii. ' John Welsh, ofS. & V. Welhh, Phil;.,!,.!.,',:, ri'jylu scu-liug subscription,, Ium , aud address ph,l,, iu o-d;r t,'-,u ii milv ,1(y correctly cuiered in Iho Subscrii,t , j; ( iVoiii wiiich recv-ipis iirs msi ;m f f..,' which Noiicng will he made out for the fn'-l luewiua for orjaaitio. mny-jf oii.-j; The spurn of rt r'li' i'.ii