Jte tt( County fldbocqte. JOB WOKK. Eirbth sheet hand MIL 60 eoftlei or less Quarter sheet kand-bllL CO copies or less 8.C0 11 mi idhi Handbill. bO conies or its $5.00 Fulltkeet hand-bill, CO eoplei or fess $8,00. BLANKS. Tot any quantity under fire quires, $1, CO per qnlro ,- on all amounts over that a reasonable reduction will bo made. TERMS OF PAPER. $1,60 per year in advance $2,00 If raid within the year, and $2,60 if not paid with in that time, NOf ICE. Hereafter tbo Tost OfEeo will bo loscd every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday t will be kept open irora o to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at G J- M. L. LUTHER, P. M. jej-Dr. Earley, will plopse accept our hffQh for a copy of tho " General Laws casscd by tlio Legislature of tbo State if Pennsylvania." M&'Vtt bave received tbo seven teentb annual announcement of tbc Female Medical College of Pcnn&ylva. nia. The institution, it we aro to jndge by tbe number of students, is an excel, lout one. M&" Lieutenant-General WinflVld Feo t died at West Point on Wednes day last at 11.05 o'clock, ne was sur rounded at death by many friends, tal tbe officers and professors of tbe milita. ry academy. The Court Housit. Tbe Court House is now undergoing some repairs, which are badly needed. Williams Si McConnell are tho workmen engage and tbey bave made the Court room look better than if new by a late proctu called Calcimining. ij for trial at July Term, 18G6, of tbo Court of Common Pleat of Elk county, commencing July 2d, 18G6. Crowell vs. Bpnezette twp. Biiartraw et. rjx. vs. IIyde& Cumtnings vs. Clark vs. Bryant & Eawer vs. Myers vs. Millioger vs. Loesch vs. Ely vs. Dilworth vs. Hunt ct. al. Ad's. vs. Same vs. Benzinper ct. al. vs. Kemmerer vs. Brenner Irwin SOMETHING NEWI T fcarl ct. ux. Bryanti Euwer Oillet. al. Taylor Hays t. al. Sorg Raub. Horton ct. al. llhiocs Wilson Samo Eichcnger ct. al. Nulf Thomas ct. at. Short. GEO. A. RATH BUN, Deputy Prothonotary. RIDGWAY, PENNA. AT TnE vs. vs. New Stoic of WEIS BROTHERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pcnnsylvaina St Mart's. We were struck upon a recent visit to St. Mary's, by the un mistakeable evidences of its prosperity. Wherever you turn you are greeted with tho sound of the hammers of ma. sons and carpentors engaged in tbe erection of new buildings. Not only so, but the hotels and stores were crowded even at this dullest season of tbe year. We were pleased to find that those business men who advertise we.ro re ceiving tbe patronage tbey deserve. jtlT Henry Warner, Esq., whose mathematical query as to our pigeons is yet unanswered, propounds a new ques tion. Ho seems to think that our state. v " to o- tercd ightbe a trifle exaggerated and that tbe odd 770 may be thrown off without much violenco to tho truth His question as now presented is " Al lowing each pigeon to occupy one cubio inch, of what length must be the side of a cubical pit to contain 1,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000, pigeons J Where is the schoolmaster? Firhs. A dcitructive fire occurred iu Oil City on tho 26th instant. Sev enty-fivo stores, eight hotels, forty dwellings, a church and a seminary were destroyed. One hundred and seventy-five families aro rendered homo lees. The loss is estimated at $1,000, 000, on which there was insurance for only about $100,000. Tho portion of the city on the east side of Oil Creek was entirely consumed. On the 25th instant, the eastern end of tis old Harrisbure bridge was des troyed by fire. This bridge was pro iected in 1811. and tbo first toll taken in 1816. Tha original cost of the bridge was $192,000. The store and boardioe house of Wright & Prycr were consumed by fire on the night of the 24th inst, Supposed to be the work of an incen diary. On last Thursday about noon the house of Isaao Keefer. at Wilcox, this county, was totally destroyed. The fire ia supposed to have been originated by children playing with matches. T 1ST OF GRAND JURORS Drawn 1 1 1 tor July lerm, ISub. Fox Albcn Ellingcr, Joseph Koch, Henry B. Shons, R. T. Kyler, Horace Little, Jos. R. Taylor, P. W. Hays, John A. Miller. Spring Creek. Hiram Carman. Benzinqer. Joseph B. Warner, trancis Uassady, Jacob V ist. Benezettb. J. W. WiDslow, Julius Jones. RlDQWAY. F. G. Dickinson. J. S. f Hyde, G. G. Messenger. Jay. Jacob A. Spangler, A. E. lolf. Jones. Ira Westcott. Sr. Mary's. Philip Fisher, John Walker, C. R. Sexton, John Krug. LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS Drawn for July Term 1866. Fox. J. W. Rogers, Enos nays, Wm. Taylor, Sr. Thomas Gross, Rees man Meredith, D. C. Oyster, Jerome B. Taylor, Lawrence Mohan. Spring Creek. David G. M'Naul, Martin i'ernn, V m. (J. Hunt. Benzinqer. Louis Geis, Casper Emigbt, Jacob Haines, George Kcrner, Anton Bauer, Stephen Henry, Francis Keller, Baptist Hush. Kidqway. John bmuts, Hiram S. Belnap. Jay. - bauiuel v asbinder, Armel Turley. Jones. John March, M. Weidert. St. Mar's. Charles Luhr, Joseph Wilhelra, Xavicr Ilabcrbush. Joseph Windfeldcr,' John Sosenlicimer, Benezette. John Z. Lindemuth, Andrew Overtuif, D. B. Winslow, Miles Dent. Highland.- Levi Ellithorpe, Wm. Stubbs. Suookssors to George Ws. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of SPRING SUMMER 9 Silks, Morincrs, Poplins, Delaines, Mohairs toburgs, Plain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints White Goods of every de scription. Flannels of all kinds, Ging ham, Tickings & Shirting in great vail-ty. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, . QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER H0USB SIGH to ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. HUB SUBSCRIBERS W O 0 I. D It E- spoctfully inform tho oiiiions of Elk county that they have just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that they can please all who may favor them with their custom, GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALClMININO DONE ON SHORf NOTICE AND IN THE most fashionable and Improved manner and style. Ureters left at this Office or at the Banking House or Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. Y. WILLIAMS, B. O. McCONNELL. May-17'66-ly. r((rh:Ll YJiAltl we tp-ljtWv want Agents everywhere to sell ouriMPBovm $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Bent on trial, n arrohted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. TheosLT machines sold in the United States for less than $40. which are fully licensed by Iluwe, Wheeler ft Wilson, Orover ft Baker, fXngcr ft Co., and Bachelder. All other (ill pun ma. (chines are infringementt and the teller or user are reliable to arrett, fine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddcfojd, Maine, or Chioogo, 111. f may-17'66-ly.- JOB PRINTING CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Exeouted t tbo Advocate Office. NEATLY, SHINGLES, AND Buyers will find jADIES & c HILDRENS VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The uudersigncd has laid out a vil. lage upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be called ELK. The lots are w teet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold. S100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. BQ, t irsi purcnasers get tne cboice to Is at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application. Ten per cent of tho purchase money must bo paid at tho time of the application. imApplications will ber'macie to John G. Hull, Esq., Ridgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, mar,29'60-tf. Millinery Goods ; such as Bonnctts, Hats Caps, Ribbons, Dress and Bonnet trimming oi every description. GloveB and Hosiery, Spring and Summ- Balmorals, Gents furnishiBjr Goods of I every description, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, iattinetts of all kinds, Hats Caps and Clothing of better quality than any establishment in tbe countv. Oil cloths, Glass Ware and Lamps, Boots and Shoes, a large assortment ata low figure. In Hard ware, our stock is com plete. We havo Yan. kee Notions, Hoop Skirts, and Mir. rors in great variety. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. fff STORES AMONG TnE REMINGTON & SONS, THE MARKETS. Ridgway, May 81, 1866. FLOUR, per bbl $13 00 14 00 PORK do 34 00 WHEAT, per bushel 2 70 RYE 1 00 CORN 1 10 OATS 65 BUCKWHEAT 1 25 DRIED APPLES 4 00 BEAN'S -3 00 BUTTER per pound 40 . -30 reace MANUFACTURERS OF Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and carmnes, for the United States service, aiso POCKET AND BELT HEVUL,VEKB, Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolving Ritles, Kino and csnoi uun uarrem, m Buu materials sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these days of housebreaking and rob bdry, every house, store, bank, and office, should be suppneu wnn ono ui REMINGTON'S kkvuJjVmvo. Parties desirint; to avail themselves of thf late improvements in Pistols, and Bupeno. workmanship anaiorm, win uuusuiuuiii in the New Remington Revolvers. Circulars oontaiuing cuts ana description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. . E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion. K. I. AprU 5th 186.-ly Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, HON. R. G. WU1TJS President and Charles Mead and E. C. Schultze, Associate Judges of the Court ol Common Pleas, and Jus tices of the Court of Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delive ry of Elk county, by their precepts to . "! a. 1 mo directed, nave oracrea a ,uu ui Common I'leas, a Court of Quarter Ses sions, Orphans' Court, and Court of Oy er and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, to be holdcn at Ridgway, in and for tho county of Elk on the FIRST MONDAY IN JULY 18G6. being the 2nd day of tbe month and to continue one week. .Notice is nereoy ot tbe A large stock of FLOUR, PORK, SUGAR, TEA, COffEE, SPICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, Oil., WnAUJ OIL, i-. PETROLEUM CANDLES. i - SOAP OF ALL KINDS. Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE In short, we have everything needed for tannly uso. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, es of all kinds. A full assort- ' meut of Stationery, Wall Pa- -per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. COUNTRY BLACKSMITHING ! H. 8. BELNAP desires to inform the eiti. xens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hvdo's Blacksmith Shon on Mill street, and has employed eood work men who will bo evor ready to make any- tning from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention eiven to tha-.ahoeins of horses. All I ask Is a fair trial. May 17'66-ly. THE VIRGIN GOLD MINING COM PANY OF COLORADO, 1250 "Origi nal interests " $100 each, of which 250 are reserved for Working Capital. Subscribers elect their own OCBoers, and themselves manage the affairs of the Com pany ; each subscriber being eligible aBjOne of its officers. THE PRESIDENT is to be chosen from among the Board of Directors. THE DIRECTORS are to be selected by the subscribers from among tliemBclves, at the first meeting for organization. THE SECRETARY AND TREASURER is to be a subscriber and selected by the Directors. BANKERS. The Centra! National Bank, Philadelphia. SOLICITORS. Theodore Cuyler. Esq., Robert D. Coxe, Esq. Americans are proverbial for the avidity and oommendablo seal with which tbey participate in enterprises having for their object the development of our national re sources. At one time " Railroads " at another " Coal "then " Copper " or "Iron," and more recently "Oil" have been the all-absorbing topics. In all these several enterprises, as will be recollected, those who first took hold of thorn made money ; some larger amounts than others, according to their investments. Mining operations in the fields of Colora do and elsewhere now mainly engross the public attention. Considering that several such oompanies have been already organ ized that they are now at work that the reports from their mines are highly favor ablethat it is known that at tbe present time there are on the way from the ledges of Nevada and Colorado numerous " bars of silver" and "bricks of gold," it is believed that the enthusiasm already mani. fested on the subject will, in a little time, be so greatly increased on the receipt and exhibit of these " returns," that innumer able companies will spring up, whose stock, being based at the then greatly inflated prices of ledges, will necessarily be less de sirable man uiat now to be bad thereby giving to those who avail themselves of tbe occasion now presented, of securing " ori ginal interests," an opportunity of then disposing of tbe large amount of stock each holder receives, at a handsome advance. With these preliminary remarks the fol lowing PaosraoTCS is respectfully presen ted. The property of the Company proposed to be organiiod by the sale of these " ori ginal interests," consists of the following Ledges, all situated within a radius of five miles of Central Citv, Colorado. TRAIL CREEK DISTRICT. Mammoth Lode, of 100 feet, Never Fail Lode.f of 200 feet, Vanderbilt Lode, J of 200 feet, Union Lode, of 200 feet, Old Ophir Lode, of 100 feet, TRAIL RUN DISTRICT. Bolmaa Lode, l of 200 feet, BANNER DISTRICT. St. Louis Lodo, of 100 feet, Pensaeola Lode, of 100 feet, UPPER FALL RIVER DISTRICT. Abe Lincoln Lode, of 200 feet, Washoe Lode, of 200 feet, Minnie, or Louisa" Lode, of 200 feet, Riddle Lode, of 200, feet, AND THE PLACES TO GET 17EBUY 0UR STOCK directly v trora the Manuiacturer and there- v i ii i i iuic wc utunuuiu iu ecu cuuuuer luaui v -w-m any other establishment to Elk eounty. 4jiOO(l IftXriTcllIlS . ' triven to the Coroner. Justices LARD -3o reace ana uonsiaDius oi mo cuuui; CHEESE 80 Elk. that thev are bv these precepts - , .) i - " . . - ... -. ... mackerel commanded to be then and there in ineir WHITE FISH ' EGGS per doxen -...25 Erie, Pa., May 31, 1860. FLOUR per bbl $11 60 to 14 00 PORK " 80 50 to VI OU BEE f 18 00 to 20 00 WHITE FISH bbl - Wto to MAPKF.RF.I. .. 10 00tol2 60 WHEAT per bushel 2 60 to 2 60 BEANS 1 76 o 2 00 EGGS Bar dozen 20 to 22 LARD per pound 24 to CHEESE 22 to BUTTER 40to SrThe price of gold in New York proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said, day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions and other remembrances, to do those things which their ofliccs ap. pertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all tbe recognizances entered into before tbem to tho Clerk of the court as per Act ot Assembly, passed May 8th 1864. And those who aro bound by their recogni. tans to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall bo in the jail of said county of Elk, and to be then and there to proso. cute against tbem as shall bo just. J. A. MALONE, Sheriff. Maf-17'M. rpnE PUBLIC I vited to call Etook and prices 1 are respectfully in- and examine our Whether they wish to buy or not, tor wo claim to liavo one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in the county. Weis B CALL& SEE ! ROTIIERS. St. Miry's, Mttta 10th 'iA- Mere ZO.fc.lM-!?'. This Lode is very well developed, with vein of ore 4 feet in width ; ore prospects well. f There is one shaft on this Lode 20 feet deep and 50 feet long, and the orovioe is 8 feet in width. X This Lode is well developed, and con sidered one of the best in the distriot ; there is a shaft on it 60 feet in depth with a vein of sulpherets four foet in width. Assays made of this ore prove it to be very rich. This is an A. I. Lode, and has shaft of 76 feet in depth vein of ore three feet in width and of good quality. Ore taken from this Lode yielded $106 per eord in gold. This is really tho richest Lode yet diSi eovered in the district ; it is well developed, and ore taken from this Lode yielded up. wards of $800 per cord. " Being a total or zuuu reel or nearly a half a mile in length horiiontally, of rich Gold-producing territory, of unlimited depth, together with all the dips, spurs and angles, and alBO all the metals, ores, gold, silver and other metal -bearing quvta, rock, and earth therein, and all the rights, priv ileges and franchises thereto incident, ap pendant and appurtcnanoed, or therewith usually bad or enjoyed, under and subject to tbe jurisdiction or tne uovernment of tne United States." The titles to all of which claims have been examined by a member of the Bar, resident in Colorado. His opinion is as follows This is to oertify that I have carefully examined the titles to the foregoing lodes or ledges, and am satisfied that tbey are perfect. THOMS MASON, Att'y at Law. Ctl Citr, Onlera'!. The pj-ncn of a circular is too lituiti-d tf givo opin'otn of numerous distinpnin'i ed cit'r-.-t.s .'ion of science who have atnincd llm di.ilricl ; this fallowing cxtrnn 1 relate thereto, iidu tlat of Prol'cisor re ward N. Kent, in pnrt;cu!ar, of tho New York U. S, Assay OGiccis directly in polo. Our lata lamented President Mr. Lin coln during an interview with 8peakr Colfax, relative to the hidden wealth of Col orado, Navada, &o said " I have very large ideas of tbe rti'-.ir-l wealth of our nation ; I believe it praK V : Inexhaustible." The Hon. J. V. Upsher, Secretary o? t'irf Interior, in tho OJieia' Report presented to Congress, dated December Cth, 1864, refer ring to the then present condition of our Western Territories, says. "The weal'.h embedded in the rocks of that extensive re gion is actually inexhaustible, and it will furnish in future years, indirectly a princi pal part of our means of liquidating tbe debt contracted by the Government for tb overthrow of the Great Rebellion." The Hon. H. P. Bcnuott, deleft id Congress from Colorado, In a speech before the House of Representatives enid.--'; Judg ing from what I know of tho undeveloped resources of this country j from what I am told by praotical miners who are well in formed upon this Bubjeot, I do sny bor to-day before this House and boforo this Country, to be placed upon the reoords and readof all men tliut within fivcycars' (Lno, and by the year 1860, tbe gold fit-Ida of Col orado Territory will produce $30,000,000 aunually ,- and even then its full resources of mineral wealth in gold alone remain not wholly developed. I speak from tha united testimony of many praotical miners who have spent many years in the mines of California, when I say :-that the gold bearing region of Colorado is far tnoro ex tensive, quite as inexhaustible, and the gold-bearing quartz of a much riohor quali ty than in California." Professor Edward N. Kent, ot tbe 5sw York Assay Oilice, says .- 'As to the extent of the gold mines of Colorado, I am not prepared to give an esti mate, as I found enough to fully employ my time within a r&dius of five iniks of Central City, the location of the abovo Ledges, but os to tho richness of them, I have no hesitation in saying, that I believe then to be the richest ever discovered. With soionee, capital and thePacifio Railroad, Colorado is destiued in my opinion, to rival or supercede California and Australia, and become th El Dorado of tho World." The opinion entertained by those obroad of claims in this district, is shown by tha following extracts Euglish capitalists have purchased G00. 000 of the Colorado mining lands, and their ogents and employees are now en rout to develop the samo. The claims aro princi. pally in Russell and Trail districts, and a recent purchase has been the ScatonLode of 1000 feet for which they paid 100,000. An idja of tho value of some claims (100 foet each) may be formed when tho fact i considered that it often occurs that they yield millions of dollars, and havo in several instances boon sold for $25,000 per foot. Mr. Fields, from 831 feet of tho Bobtail Lodo has taken out already over $200,000 in gold, and $2GG,000 has been offered and refused for 83 J feet of this samo lodo, equal to $800,000 for a claim of one hundred feet As the purchase of either of the abova lodes would require more monoy than th majority of persons have at command, it has been determined to consolidate them, and to divide thorn into Twelve Hundred an 1 Fifty. ORIGINAL SHARES which will oost tbe subscribers hereto OHB HUNDRED DOLLARS EAOU. thus affording the man of limited moans, a well as the capitalist, an opportunity to oure an interest in thin region of "praoti oally inexhaustible" wealth. As all arc aware, tho usual plan adopted for the development of such a property is to form a company and issue cortificates of stook. The plan boro proposed may bu considered preliminary to the formation of two or mora Companies on theso properties, which are subjeot to no royalty, leases or mortgages. The Subscribers can then upon this rolid and substantial basis, eloct officers from among themselves, each subscriber being eligible to the position of an officer of tbo Company-. In order that handsome returns may b speodily roalizcd, those subscriptions are based upon the proposition that the subsorl bers immdiately on receipt of the Deeds (now ready for delivery, and which my b examined at tbe Office of the understood before subscribing,) may lease their lands on heavy royalties, or at once organiio Companies in the usual way for which tUcra is an amplo basis. To aecommodote those of moderate means, theBB " interests " are put at $109 nch, in order to get the lis-1 fiikd at once, nn-.l to prevent any delay in the orgauiiati-.-a of tho Company. Considering the numerous valuabla "Ledges" which constitute tbe 6a('.ifthis enterprise the fair and equitable fenturei the low prices at which ' interests" iu it ore offerod, and that each interest, cutitles the holder to his pro rata sbaro of stock it all the Companies that, may be organ upon them also recollecting that iu all, there aro only 1000 iuterests lobe sold, and it would only require ono hundred gentle men each to take ten ($1000) to absorb tbo wholo, it is presumed that it is hardly neces sary to suggest to those desiring to tecum one or more of these original interests, to at once send in their subscriptions. Checks or Drafts should bo drawn to tht order of the undereigned, whose endorse, ment will be a receipt, in addition to thai one that will be promptly sent on .receiving them. United Slates 6-20's 10-40's 7-30's and other Government Bonds token at par. and ony premium or accrued interest thereon allowed. Bonds may be sent by registered wail or by express. The books ore now open. Subscription reoeived by DUNCAN M. MITCHESON, Jf. E. cor. Fwrth Si Walnut Su. PhtladelpLU REFERENCED. His Excellency, ANDREW O. CUBTIH, Governor of I'onn'a His Excellonnv, 2ABCS8 L. WARD. Governor of N. J HON. ELI SUPER, 1H0N.W.8. J0HF30 See. of State of Peuu' a. I Sec. of State of N. J BOy. MORTON MoMICUAEL, Mayor of Philadelphia. Geo. M. Troutman, Pres't Central National Bank, Phiodelphia. Geo. K. Zeigler, Pres't National Bank, Commerce, Philadelphia. Robert P. King, of King & Boird of PhiTl- dolphia. Benjamin Orne, of J. P. & E. D. Orn- Ph i ; adelpbia. Edmund 'A. Bonder, of B. A. Soudar,- A Co., Philadelphia. L. Montgomery Bond, of Bond ft Pi IP. Philadelphia. John Welsh, of S. & W. Welsh, PhiladelpVt ftrln aeuding subooriplionB, giva atmi and address (jmj, in ordor tbal it may l oorreotly entored iu tiie euuscription itniii from which receipts are issued, ni l ri i which Notices "ill be made out for ih !"'. mi( fcr mgcq'ia'iia. mir SH-V $iTooe4y was 81 37 J.