mi i r -. 1 in ' ! :M. ;1 C 1 .Y . ...... . ,.t . V '. 1 i t' A! (:'': : in f::::! t- '!.: h .in v!..:v : T an : ; . h- v: 1, : i I !V- The io 1 "A : r; A i-1 : i i'f 1 i ; a in J i:.,:. .mi, II ViiV 1.1 :i ti ll 1 .1 !;: ? V IV '..'. ijii. :u-'w ; i ...loi ;.v. ; j;::'. "d r.-. o'tV-: :',,!. : : .. I .i'. (aa :v ).ii,.i '( iii-.iiicl.M Vi!, 1';,- i:!l io i I...;!- i 1 i i .' : ; t :! :;.-. '1 !.' ! J ci.::.:.. ':;:!;-.. :.".J ' .1 0.' ''.'. 01 C. i;u f:ci I- .7 it J! :aa-': to rco J'.o t i u j i : I . i . . i . i . . ; . .- . i - ; . . ; tl . . Lot hi or l.oj. !y-J . . . 1..1.C3 1.1.!,;- j i.ay, in i..-i iAitaV'.io lo I i!:0 j loe,iJo::t, Cv.yi. ur.i C-.-v. V'ly ! Jv.n't you c .0:0 ( ;;t t:;a s.IiOvt your j band, and bv: H-.b tr f.,!i." ri;:-1 turo fay-i " ii3 c:;a caa serve tv.o u:aij- j tC7Tho I'lAiiocrar-y aro every d j;ain:r.; acco.-li!ii to their rasik. I.cl 1 apparcr.t parpo' cr-ci": -.eiely i.r for t'.ic ilio work fro on. J.-t every man re- j pcnaral p: i : but tub i..:.:A; '... ''';;:.' Ta:i:.l:r that in fupporlia;: I'J ! r.STr.r. J may bsvc end iad:ed did bava :lj in"u tr.r:n:ii bo fi!VA',os!i Prc'iidcnr Joiia. j cues ::i cxciiipg ti'.cli'::s 1 t yf-A -t .n, s::J J a :.-a!ii LLw at iba ca.a j j0 ibi; viid : i t,:. It iAoac! v.bat KuaJirti.! ,n ' i :y i..e i.E'arcl I'C.un.r.iA' i) .itj.i .:j ii,eiii?;,n. wa; en i.iviy CjiA-aiiA'a t.y ,n.'.n-o,d 1,17 fir 'n,f t-riibr-. ou r LaiA-vl i.un vai cen::ir.cu- nioiig wit!; a Lavn. allaebcd to tl erti'. 1 -. l'.t ddrnt b::i veiled tiu - Col;rado ;:;!, mil tliUi sf.uelebed a 'I .ml lb;:. . .:!...; a UKAt unjust ptoeo i- f legisiiotitn, p with no oibcr oljec t tiiaa to increase tbo radical majoiiiy in Centres?. Moat cf the radical yrc3 bavc given an r.dui - tionr.l bnv.l over tiii.i veto ; b-at tbo Krie IK'f.atch lai.bcs the foI!ovinS trutbful c'-uuncnts : Tur. Vrro or th;j Coujkaho ln.t.. A3 we expected and hoped, tb.e Pro.-.i. cbwit bus vetoed tbo bid tree ling the r, 1 1 n. 1 r-- territmy of fodorado 1:110 n btalo. iii.; reasons are tlioso we urged in favor cf tbo veto ; tiie i n-'afdieacy of pepu'.. liuu, tb.o migratory and uiisottlca toaui- tioa ot its people, ucl tho Uyi-A'.y to other .Vut.'.v (V.ci'.aio, r.3 a i lata I would, wi.b her la-, than thirty tiiaa,- ciifi population, lo entitled toarepvo- r.-ntativo and t vo t-'tnatovs, wb'do the lilS'i! Ttr II 1 CIO ': in.l.iu 1 V w Tbo di.serpaucy .;too largo. mat object of ibis move ii entirely pjriy an political, and we cori'idcntly i-speut tl. veto v. ill be E'jA-taiecd. A N (.'111.12 Acr. hike an o.a.i : in ib.: dci-ert was that pleasing incident which is recorded in tbo Columbin (Jli.is.) hi. J.-:.; as having taken placo in that siiy on ihc 'd(ith of April, on the oct-a.-ion of decorating tbo jxravca of tbo Confdor ntc dead with Cowers, when the wine ladies doeoviiied the graves of tbo JVd oral dead who bad fallen kj far from bor.e ninona' a bo- tiio people. 'i'bis tender, kindly, C'iiri.itiaii act cannot fait to touch tbo 'heart of every one at tbo North who has a friend or relative bur ied on the battlefields of the t-'uiitii. It kindles a spark of hope that we may at some future time, become, in bcait, one people. Yt'c have ono Clod, one bin. gnae, one Government ; and nay we not hope that wo shall beeomn indeed cue people? fc'tif'a expressions of gen tle pity and charity aro very gr.ttefid and pleasant to bear of. May (lod ble. s the kind hearted ladies of Columbus, who forgot uot, in paying tribute to the memory of their owu loved and lost, that lv.-ing mothers, and sisters, ami daugh icrs in the North mourn also for tu.'r love! aies, who arc lying in lonely i-iuv.'s far away among Btrangers. . r'77vV MONTH!-0 V? J s " M in't'l I'"'" "-i 'r.tirtl'j nrw artvl ', ii I 'mil. A.I'lrcM O. T. 0A11KV, Cily i .Al loig. Uijaeford, Me, my 17 C6-1y. ?,- a ii-Ai' j am v iAa;:'. v ay a: i.) lib; - on 1. 1 t CVr am --. II V,. i i.; , a iH1'.; I 'i. 1 v.hicb i.ro : ' i a A A ' :i t.;e i i:.t:. ! bind- v .. ;;. . i :. v. '. . li il s 0 U-j 1. : t. : ; c. ' l.i- . :sy 1 !.'. r. :..v .1 '.'.!'. .' 1. " I ' t i'::r bo r;.; :; (.r by f: a viiior if f..-e iy : y. 10.1 i.i!or;a ia1. :, .c.-' in Uu: c:iii.':.tio!.:- 1 1 f i 1 e.v".'r.ri'.v.i.'. i . ait ihi tstintr". a c i.i'ibb:'. ubcre " ;bc:'C v.:.r ia- vo v.:o:a ; " i:s cid fi::A.l.;t 1:0 ib-ubt be ti:cvcafiv.r n:ct v;;h cl-:-li-uct;o::3 i. b'..- io.i.ary baliis ful'y t.-;r..sl t) a li.rrj vv.l n l.a'.i luiics ! iici !.LvT. iJ f1v.c;ruk'r..' rci.cr u.j.-.ct to cr ut t;..s ;i.u.-:03 to a miai :n v.-b-.'.iu tbo- wo'.da c;Al a l iter, J:viaT M ".1. could Ic c.'iaj :tluc:.bef,i:,ci;:.c,.!y cr uoia ttber !.uti:. v.bi.o roc.:-::: aai,..' ai... - P VC. fO I brae- , ; totiAio cl A ;ea:i c.nuacici . ..n. ! Jio:a w.t but a " f.ia:i--r w;.e:i no j ci.ib:n.tcl tr. aa 1 h: f-et vrr.:-. tbo s-ttilor ; if Kcnli'.c'iy. ; r.A-:-.; v,-t i.-rxvant t :be:a 1 --.i 1, . . .'.... v-.r ... r;;r.ark; aelv.aiiy ceca 'r.' j t o j-reniK-cs. ra.d bw. to v bat i be ; , . ;,.-,( ofadveinave bo'.d.A'i.'m : .:.;v.ba; ' l!r.011 iv,3 hmxa:': 1. . ; be i;.;vii.d : 1 Ali..ut Ihz tiuis '-' JobiA-':A c:.".t, a 1 ..c,un;, y,.tn ty tbo s..a.a2 ff (:.:irk Crcc.r x,ii !.;s ucv.ly ivedd-.J v. lib. ! ia.b'acd with the taric pirit of wild c,'.VC3!aro rn'vcd, and bo'. It a tmall : .J,' t.-: .Lj SiVja.i 'i0-:s. The 1 , ....... f"0"t r art v. as 1.1 'A t ;o' aa ;i.i a 1 c..-on 1'-"L 1 x vas L .- (, , j oi low i:iati:re to ti.t.v, t..e ra . s.. ; I cown to p.ci'.ar.s -i t.r "t feet fieia the j rroa;ll r.t i,e back part cf the dwe',:i:j;A. S,,. !lftn p.,.k cf the , 1 ... ,.,-r. car.', br.neu c: t:.a Ci....ea U.u a spot tuo eye 1 e-d vert upon Thirty ycaia a'0 it vv: -: - ''". ' ' 1;.; iumaics i.aa ten cr." To fOAAn ii.is lit.io faAiiiy. L.'.tf, V.Xuld H; ' ii considered 1'. their Grat bor;; : ibe howling of 1''. -altoiubinea course with 1. ut U-w rf :'. .. lib:, they w:at through l be. u . . . clvcumstanc a is wovlliy id in.-uii.-o:. They named their lit tie (laughter Clar i.o! afier tl 1 c I cauliful rtreaiii upon tbo iiAirgia of v.bicb slie was born. Only a few years since she resided near Ciu cbmatti. A mairon enjoying the com forts, if not tbo superfluities of life. Should thin bib.!' sketch ever meet her eyes she will perceive that her birlb has long been chronicled in the memories of those she never saw. There are proba. b!y tome lelies of Johnson's sojourn about the jiremi.-es. The little stone that ground the corn for the family meal, vhieh was kept near tho great fiie-phiec mid turned by band, was seen by tbo wilier a few year a;;o. ut very likely tbo spirit of vandalism, which is so prevalent in tbo ago in which wc live, has used it up for the ba;.c purpose of sharpening kulve's or perhaps Ibr a flagging stoiio about the eabiu Jvor. " Jubnsoiibiirg '' L now a ifi.-rys oil I ei" i. ' i U :!.!.. CM' l.op- 'I I - !:!..; their ! i .,. .-.!'. :. Is I I I'iiiht. i n. i e 'iii.iiMib tn ! 1, i !. t.i v. n: 1: . tli : fcrr Irish - i mo',- e il'M I', 'in '.-lii.,,1 his 1...I.-1 I'i.-imim i 1 T t . il, L I: to il!l "I no 1 i i i 1 ... I A' pur leAns '...,:.!!., ,; :i 1 he wi:b: icH ii : llll.'O iboi toior W.T. : .'III '.'n;.'.-; c:iif.'ir i ' in (ill Ir.c li.jil t'n'ii' iMJ i'C'.LliJo (o i:ti'.. u'.'i:r M Ii OT be 'jajMiiv ricb - 1 j f.'xos viiii-b j otr'v.riJ v.-iiii i 1 iy i 0 l.'-ji.l .'oai, I,: Tbo c -o i:. ) t : a very tow , 11 t iwa.'AA'i ci'-cr. ; rnpcrvi.-sors were : "?:t:y tJSC3 for : bjvii-d. Indeed, ', ii'-i-; no r.'-ad j-urn -C3 v; their iiitenty was , tiny had b.ird.-b'js in evci procuring ! (lie nc ecAAiric"! of lif?. bei-idos being ! obliAf d to eu'. tboir own road every li'.AA ii:ey loft tboir cabin, to meet a neii-bb r cr r.ttcr-d a nK oiia. Jut a.3 I cb ;: '.!-. .'vo l ibe 1 vA lioldew wora .A, .. .A .1.,..4'.. A . C'f 10. cca.ii'A ia.c:'c:o. tod.) wbie.i. tbtir biii-ii) J i:;u.:t hi itav.rovcJ ea ! fctl!cJ. i -1" :ra in a ca;:t.tr r.ro pent-rai.y I 1 no :cc!.o'i v:as capitsi more .... 1.-.., (!. I'-rdiT b.r.ivr. r.:c r;al bad; tui r.) 1..:,' cerof-s -saslvo i..c;:Aowon v.v. rrovi.dor. rats 7 ua'.i! a eicavin,. UAilbbv- raided.' and :t be liau'ed cr could be made Then, tbo via "v-i ana v toA ; ay t,mt have boon felt a. 1 onrr I HIACC :-'ai;t oat iro;:i the world, tney weald aro ear an'. b.v.'ile.s lo tuojc v. bo j i' 1 a neve bbia tbo euclosnre ot la tore.-t. ire: taere wa-i ri reainy a c.vAifbil co-pared with these who reii - o ;a 11:00 tiie open prairies ci me so ar- doKl'y ioitjiut i";:. 1 sterni 1.3 it ciuic bowlina c ewcct.ua: or luoamnir. c-bililed il-elf vj'W tbo tops of the lniuh! .-trees, was Kl.iri.tly ielt ly tnos . 1 Li ibelrbase; if then; was tumult alovr, even as the sauud cf tho rushing of '; in;;ib!y waters." All 'Wo.v was com. j'uiAlivcly rp.iiet and trau.'iuil, tb.e SAicrAAh cl the mi jity Wast ot winter was broken by the huiro forest ; Thus, on tb.o whole there was physically wore comfort, than 011 the wide prairies and I T... .1 O i open eouutry oi :1.0101s. anu tesa unuj-cr I t r "i a-. ! -r -'b though . a. . 1 -: easily obtained. Jacob iude.wuy of Philadelphia, one ot the largest proprie tors and whoso wealth wan commensu rate, after duo exploration determined' upon opening out bis lands, and fust commenced that system of improvement, and employment of labor which may be considered as the "entering wedge" which has exposed to view tho forest and mineral products of this hitherto secluded, unknown spot of earth. Mr. llidgway was the owner of a large body of laud in McKeau county, tho ccutro of which was about thirty miles from tbo York state line, also another large body of lands in Jefferson (now Elk) county"), the centre of which was near Montmorency, sis miles nurlb-east of llidgway. To comineuco and carry out bis improvements in KcKeau was not bo difficult as in Jefferson. The former location was only eight miles from the i..l" Co'lniy .hi i F.u..riH-ii:j l:ii Ih-cii i;m:u d t- f.ilili-iiifiifj In I 1 tin f.iur miles oi' Lis , and , it!. in ! i or w .km! ion Oil !!::.! t'.!' a l.ii! .M i it:!.- I r. ay fi'k'v,'"! i,i'..,a l'io'.u. i i. i ii . ! ! ( s. !!0'. . 1 iio-.vii IIS l 1- i i!' o. !vii. -, V. J t-vMon .li I 111- - A r: 10 '' ,.! civ.! ol: 1 i ! I "illy l!'i .'!' io.l'l !v; 1 T :'( iv. I ..fl.l:i!. f!V-K. Me:.! luiir li uiJrc 1 fiM-l fil'ly fi'.'t ii ;.-t I!i ).:w;iV. J ii liu; : li ' I ;.!.! on t! b'"1 val .:rO ! - am, i ... llii.-. v. : . i' 1 1 : -A qu'lv'.T Ij'.i'. li! avjuicJ to i It vo i it ;:iy v. iitn a iau r..oi;ii ; . i b .1 fl!iil l i'ijuiro J tiu. I 1 ';il"'.v a.i cxc;i'..-lvc i i- r ;'i r. ui Ir;.'. !!';' :.o 1 ' a li'iioaka in i.i:i 1 ; ' vv:-li;.!i i.i !,.' ." ; "1 !h.'''3 tiro b'L";:ioii. !:v.:!fwh:it :!:iiu:r ., -'nr.ih-c '.oiul : .'v f-i:ou-.l liavu culci i: '.:.t Fctl'.uwrt.'s . U'-zt f.r hnil.by ia' i:i!.;.t I v csp-0;;:; roia ;.MW ;l ': 1!:! p "-.Oi wo:, t A.aiuu- enbiliiir.,? il: cly c'.ai..io:-il. Afiii a a b' rvtV.y bid to 1 vir.tida 1 V. II. V r v i - - una- M'V.C ih: ; f'.-.-i.-! ..(.a m.-'.-oor-jl to i'i ci .'All but afunwardii foaad Ib.at by t.-.:i;.oj tiie i fir. t, tiu'.i waj bis!. As it :-Ilcrwarb proved, Mr. lid r.ay't laau-i were uncecijiicl by iodi viJual enter; l-jrc. expert WKc-cn v i:.i a i ;i bi..h. J ,..;.-ii .! ji 10a r!r:vi, uecan.uiow UvMliiu,, aW c:T them. It rrcintre. pcpulc to fcUle a ce.intry, r.ud tbe .reate. t freedoiu of cb.ciej mast be left to the pioneer. Tb.o pnperiuteudence of tbo work on Ibtubrv Pill v.:a c,: C!ed !i E. I v., 1 1 r. 5r. . 1 f caw. iiiL'o C' ..1! i (oii.a a yoo.i I'.aa. lie ' ... . J...U k. cr:-vji : up 1 1 f..' c a.". : i.bijttay, ii i'i.i: . i -'...bia, Arse w;; 1.: : a.iiA 1 1 1 ;.:.: lio !:.! a .r in ; io ap'. .1. 1'Ua : ' . . 1.! J..':n C":aa.'. .n ci:':.. n i f ia'.i :'. . : bi :. . ii'A e 5 1'e.iai.i.'' v Mo.llilAO . i y i'ir. ii.;. a and ai.d ..; ".nee .0 ...ier ,10: her tii e '.a .-'cs of eatioaed, '. yiii:. : . r .ol.T, ti'fiy 1: . .: ."f w.d'A i I- Ik. 1 , . A-- yot: 1 ;:r.: .i.in:.;..-. v. b i :Aitiv: ar j .... ed. : !,' 1 r,-;.t..-.rt.' . i.i.s outiay r.i j?t;p roveitt. ! Mr. fobAT.ve ba.5 '...' .t ufica.-ar.- re. :-.Iy t ,:..' I,.,' .i, 1 ; k, J;:i , J 1.11.1 lll-'lll 111U .ll, I iic;i: 1 1.1 1 too aA.Ais. 1 'oi the si-rJeiaeo'. 1 '...!:.; a: i' this po; ; 1,1 .1 - f vlvani 1. Vi- . U na-.'- ixt3 Hill Sitlkui:.: bead ay. ?dt. bjf atioiitinu to county. Ho 1a. wh-ei';d bis he. more diFicult 1; io n.-;e li' AiAcr i;b: full :t tnrueJ ire-poo. Will 11. Ilidgwa; hi 1 ho..? . : s I . j i. .Ibrson i i -orved, . was a 1 the aet Oi l;:" lClni ii i aaian IC'AV 'l"C aloirlrp. :V .m Po ai'es f. ..; It V. : ker lii 1 -.. . fwenty- .0 . p's, thro' iikracis. '.east, :' liUecn e and b. ' iSI'.'V; V: . :. xi'. ; -i .-.ivy lio.bived v ' ttclilC'.tt t A t..i! :. n, 11 ibsl..o.e ', 1: At . and il was, as it were, an iliimita '.: iitulo iu every rther'dircct'.cu. 'iv. . gent to carry out the owner's de. l.a. reu-t posiessa rare, and wo may .;:, : rtraorIinar! qualifications and re. snu.oea. Q'hero could to no one at hand lo advise, much less to encourage. This was iu tbo year 1 322. Hut tho saga cious mind of Mr. llidgway soon discov. crcd tho propter man fer the purpose. This was James L. Gillis. Ho was a young man full of life, courage and hope, lie married a niece of Mr. llidgway aud was ready to enter npon tho duties of bis euterpiisc. Tho judgment aud discrimination of Mr. llidgway was fully exemplified in this selection, as subsequent events will show. As Mr. OilliH may bo consider ed tho pioneer settler cf llidgway, and particularly identified with all that per taius to tho improvement, not only in tho vicinity of llidgway, but over a wide spread region of northwestern Pennsyl vania, and as his agency throughout will frequently apncur upon the record ; it is proper to give tho reader a touch of his earlier history. TO BE fONWNUEP. i rlt': : .". : .1j rr;.t . 7k. 'i'Un vcvuluil ;.i in Illinois liavo la !".'. n ''nil f.r a ftata ('oaventiou tu i-.:. . t (''irin-ricll in tko month ul An-, '.-f. 'J lir: c.;I! j-vrcc' j lrom tiio :-Hi:iittcC of the I'adip.-iK', mil i; 0 lan;ii3t.3 : ' T!iu pfmblion:i o vi:k ..-iit filiiiois w'r.o arc in favrr i' ki'-t!l t',M:; i;': Ollt Ol l!'0 !l'l!i.J C'f 'ii;i.-v'.""i, c.ii.l if a -;:; im; ni.il main t iioT t!;o iiu'.t ( i' il.i lo.val j-.0(;il.;, '.' r"":.;'i tln'ir jvjirtiAMitativcii in Con. 'o Ht mi,! tii.lonj.vic tho c ji!'li;i'Oi vO.;..H .'lOw l i;i ri!i'.!iiim I t'l u' ; o:':,;i.:i"! to jiavtitiiVita i:i t!io ;: ; .'..iioiit of tie U!!;!f.:ri?Ut,v,v,-ii! iwl I'. i ;' tvnviT.i ton. J liiS i.ianns na . . i t ( i I !',c Hi''ilii....l ;ir: : ul t' '0 .'. i Ni friotnl f tin? 1 '.!(. :i ;. :nis;ra.'l:i :i :'.!'' f.-f I'r'-i'if;it.I..-!Ij. -ion' v. ill !).: :; liiii;t'J iiii-i l'it C'hvcn. tinn. nor v-'iil a nnas'.m! bo I wyx '2 '- or voe-.tcil liaviii'; a I'.' ... j l; i to i : i i !i m. Tiiff r.ati:! toiiiit !ii(;'i t'lf! riiVulil! i;;ni-.'. ill (Ji;'.:,L .AiC:.:-" lie pre hc.M until ; fter tiui i;cxt Pia-' ilia i iiH-tion, r,-i u'! !lia ariioia; .ii". hi I,, 1 CM V'L'l.t'Oll. i !"' 'i'ba inc'i.oo : ( i'ti ib'.o ;ia iiiirsots onx o;n t'j I r.l,r:o rb-c'l n:o!i tiieavtiM r.i v. i'.l j-.j.;coan.i ii.;;'i.i';:;y i j 5,;c na: .' v. or.10 l;joiiijr a; rcvlu;b: !b-.aa3'l bi-o;r, i.rcraA: 1 !) i. '.' .. K:vy pi-- ' bbvi iho i : i":.ioo, ! a.u.i l)ctTcee.;i tuo r.tiil to cf traaf-'o stiil r.v-y:s the pci.- :! '',, if by fc".i tao.-.Tr: iboy Loop lsob! of tbo rc'tiH of politi''.-.! 1 .-.-cr. i 1 11c ini.au: ci ino coann-j iiuuicdt cc. vention in lilinois is disanioa, and tint Vc d tbc ' 'jct '1C lb1-0 fcboalJ know and rcr.ic:a t.a:., ot j ia Kantackv tbo Democra'.io r-ar!? aJna a woi.iu j jn3 nominated a candidate far t'la lIa-m r hi -.:..' ( of Clerk of Iho Court of Appeal, and r t : oi' and ! aro preparing f r tbo conic; t. The rev ' l ii,'b-.i r.T-.7 r- i'...r,..,i 1,. ;- (I,;. Ki-,.,. . ...v ..... J ... , ,.. . J ... ...... .- i 13 peeking to f.iv.- tbo teed of lkco:iti;at I bclwarn thj ne: ;",er;.::c a:;. I !t-:?j;-v:i- live ctcniont?, u.-i arc wn to ; a;r 1 r.iiv aivi every titiio.' that v.-1:1 brcnk t.".:.') I nion ii::n of tbo fta'o. I down t!v indidal fiil be slartcd bv tiio IbidicaU in nil rarf.-j i f tho com. 1 lnoti'vcabli. and local jealo'.tsics r.nda.ii- nioialici rpp.ea.cu to and stiniu.aleu ly all possible a; :;ia:iees. As in Iltinobs ( in Kc.it aeiiy lb.; rvvl:ioiiry fao ticuisU ar anxious to feed tbo fijsne of disunion and keep the e'tatrs apart. under the pereefnl r.dniin'flralion of wi.e, coiistiititiont 1 laws tbo power and inSneticc of f tich ltieu as aro kaair the radical pariy in Kentucky will vani'-h, and hence t-io country b; iatercs.'ed in the success of the Ikinocstic and Con Bervative organisation at tho eoniiiifr C n'e.st. Tbo Union can ucver bo rein::, ted bv such nicana as (bo rovolutioat.-Ia ! propose. Tliey do not wish or mean :L T Li M 3I AIiKFi . 1 !i(5Vi".Y. May 21, Iaa'J. i-Lorn, rci u.i 51' oo r-h is (' voiui i t WIIIAVT, otr I'n-'ict 1 7( RT. t 00 C0.H.7C 1 10 0. vTc Co ii:c Ky. iii:.T t I-Itir.V) AM'LES 1 (Hi I5EANS 3 fKt ViVJJV.ll per pound 1. AKI) ::.0 riit.r'SS GO MACKKi'.r.i 12 wiirrt: i ii'ii in EGGS per (l'isen A) Enir, Pa., May 21, lGd. FI.OrR per IM 11 W.il! iO rottic : 1 f.lto C2 0 18 Oltot') (.0 8 To 1 J l O J 11 00 to 12 no 2 -tOta 2 .10 1 To to 2 00 20to 22 21 10 21 22 to 21 10 to -SI hue it Y. H1TK FISH i 1.11. ! MACKF.itEL ! v.' I! K AT per l.uihc'.. ; ii::an3 , I'filiS pcrdvpn LAUD per round .... CUKESK BUTTER PHILADELPHIA & EiUE HAIL .1. IIOAP. This great lino traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, ca Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Iciuifii a nu Had Hoal coinpnny, aad is opera cd by them . Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freiirht bu-ice;?, October 17th. 1 SO 4. TIME OP PAJ-SKXG Eli TI1A1N.? AT UIPGWAV. Leave Eissliawl. r.r.e iiau iraiu . ...1 p.m. i.ne express j rain ID oJ ji.m Leave WesticarJ. Erie Mail Train 1 SO p. ru. Erie Express Tniiu S 24 a. m Passenger care run through without change both ways between Philadelphia ana r.rie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New Y'ork at 9.00 a. m., Arrive ot Erie 0.15 a. m. Leave Erio at 1.55 p. in., arrivo at Sew lork 3.1(1 p. m. Elegent Sleepixo Cars on Exnross Trains both ways between Williams-port ana iaitimcre, ana v llhamsport und Philadelphia. For iutorniation rcsncctina Pa.sseD"er tusiuesa apply at the . li. corner SOth and Market Sts. And for Fr2h'ht business of the Com pany's Agents: fc. li. Kinc'ston, Jr. Cor. 13 th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. tl . w . lieynolds Eric. W. llrown, Agent N. C. IL It. Bal timore. 11. n. Houston, Gen' l. Freight Ag't. ridVa. II. YY. GwtNNEK, Gen'l. Ticket Ant. J'htl a. Al.FREP. L. Tri.ER, General Spl m t. .Y VlHIlJi: of sundry Kr-lanl p (h't'uni Efj-uaw, istucd cut i f tho t'i ou t t f C lr.roon Picas cf l',k cuiiDtv, and to 1110 directed, tbsra v. til b cxiip"-'. o;l to 1T!?M'J l.'ALJ'b at the Couit !Icu:-' in r.id;.v:ay en Mc-mlny, the 2nd day of July, 18tH', tbo folicwng dcs. cri'.A' 1 red i'... Ailo to v'it : Ail that retain tract of land situato i'i t'i i in.' Clock township. p-i;i;!i of tbo tla-.b a river, known r.a tho I.ymi Fottlc-l-l -a ', ijo:-',. a! "Aid d.' icribed as foibivr3 : Jb":i:ioiiA; at u imr.'i.cuvt curnora b.nu. ! (!:, ib.. friu'.b ab'.ii'r variant No. ::"')'. on bii'idrc 1 a')-l ci.'bty pf rcbes (tA . ;i lu'hibick, ihcitoa v st eighty perches to a ; i' !, I'ilik"' in:i!'a tbirly-foi.r dcg. vest !'o b-i'i.lio.l nml Jiltccn DCichcsby .-bAKHid il iirJ warrant to a licmloek. tbi:f-a r-::. t two Irandrad )icrtdic to pi.K'o r.f Iio-.;u :.;ir-, oontainin one hut), drcd r nd fitly acre, with nbmt Ihreo rcr ". lAij-rovo 1, pi:tl an ul J lo; bouo r.n 1 bai-ii tiiaraon erected. Soizcd, t itic.i in c'A 'C 'Ai '.n, and to be sold as tbo 1 r .A'.'OiV o 'I'l, onriH Lynn. A:! that certain tract or par- eel Co lan 1 ; latcd 11 til town ol lud i.ty, Pennsylvania, known iwav. ::;: c I as town ji li .,0. ninety-tune (:'..), and J one hund.ed (PJo) on John J. Hid;- way .1 :.!aa ( t raid tr.wn, L&uuucu 011 tno .or:b by (b ii'.r.: f treat, on tbo east by J" ,- 1 lot No. i ( ii the south by an nl 1 y, and t.:; ilia cr-it by Mill street, cor lai: iiia In.'.; an aero ( ), more or less, a;'' a . i.ieii i erected a two story frame dv. ioii: !i ..i e a'.d u woo'.lshcd, all iin i iv vod. ii-ei.cd, taken in execution, ar. i lo bo sold as tbo property of A. 11. ikad and .Valine Head.' .5 AS. A. MALON'tt, Sk'fT. i;beri:T's Oiiico. P.idway, Pa. t r. W. TAX APJEAI,S. U. i!. Acy.sso:i' Orrtcn, 19th Ui;-t. Pa. ('nice-, .-irwoiisvir.i, Clearfield Co., l'a. J "OTICbI is hereby given that tho a.-.i-.-incn'. lis!:-, valuations and enu merations mado and taken within tho ; a:1 'i-. -.r.er.t liiVirict composed of Elk j couAity by '.lie a instant assessor, under taa laws 1 1 l.io 1. mted biatcn, will ro niai.i open to ail per;on3 concerned for examination fir the space of ten days ironi tbo fourth day of Juno A. D. 13G0, at tbo ofTiee of John C Luther, Assis. tanl Afses-or, .0 1 Divii-ion at Ilidgway, in i.aeyanl county o! J-.ik An 1, at the s. I'i the sipied assessor ot this Collection Dis iriet, .iil attioul on tiie fourteenth day of June ISCd, to receive, hear, and dc. termiuc all appesbs relative to any erro neous cr excessive valuations or cua. ueratious by the assistant assessor. In regard to appeals, the law provide, " That the question to bo determined by tiie assessor, t;i an appeal respecting 'il.e valuation cr enumeration of prop?, cny, or objects liable to duty cr taaa. ' tb'ii, sltall be, whether the valuation " cempbiiiied ot be or be not in a just ro " h.tioii or proportion toother valualioa.1 "' in tbo saino assessment district, and " w'iicihcr tho enumeration be or be uot " correct. And ail appeals to the asses, 'sorts aforesaid, shall be made in wri ' ting, end shall specify the particular "catiAA, matter, or thing respecting " which a decision is requested ; and '; shall, moreover, state tho ground or " pi ineiple of inequality or error com " piainel of." DANIEL LIVINGSTON, Assessor of the 19th Col'u Hist. May-2 t'Gtj-tda. KETII ! TEETH ! ! i D E N T I S T R Y Prosorvo Your Teeth ! W. M. b'.I AW, Pesires to inform the citizens of llidgway end vicinity, that he w ill be here on the 11th inst., and that he would be happy to do all work entrusted to bis care. Rooms at the residence of Mr. P. T. Drooks niay-10'Gtt-tf. FURNITURE ! rnnn undersigned takes L pleasure in anuouueing to tha citi reas of Iti.lway and adjoining towns, that lie lias just opened a l'urnitura Shop in nidgway, au.l is jirepared to sell U kindj of furniture t tiie lowest prices. Ills stock coQi.-u ia part of coy IOX CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, t;?RI: J IECS & MATTRESSES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane scat Chairs of nil kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CltlBS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, TETE A TETES, BEDROOM SETTS ' of Cheslnut, Mahogany aud Black Walnut and every thins usually fouad ia a first class country Ware Room. riCTURE FRAMES of all siies, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, Bluck Walnut and Gilt MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, and mada to order, of every kind and description. l'lmiso CALL and examine my stock be. fore purchasing elsewhere, for I hope by strict attention to business, and keeping all the market demands in my line, to merit the patronage of the public. For the pres ent 1 occupy tho Methodist Parsonage for Ware Kooms. HL.NKV H. THOMAS. May-IT (jli-ly,